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From Bias to Balance. The Pendulum Effect is the first podcast to deal with gender issues fom a new and often opposing perspective. We bring you interviews with leading professionals in the broad domain of men`s issues.

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Men's Health Issues: A Special Episode Featuring the Safeway Father's Day Walk/Run for Prostate Cancer of 2009
<p class="MsoNormal">"What we're trying to do at Proste Cancer Canada...is to get people interested in the disease, get men interested in their own health, interested in their own prostate health, at the same time raising funds for research and making it a serious health issue"<br /><br />-Greg Sarney, VP of Development, <a href="http://www.prostatecancer.ca/">Prostate Cancer Canada</a><br /><br /><br />On June 21 Father's Day 2009, Prostate Cancer Canada coordinated walks and runs across the nation in the cities of Halifax, Toronto, Regina, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Kamloops and Victoria BC and London On<br /><br />The Safeway Father's Day Walk/Run for prostate cancer of 2009, sponsored by BOOST, One a day, the running room, and Air Canada, among other admirable companies, was the most successful yet.  Over 6500 walks and runners - including many prostate cancer survivors and their families and friends - tied em up for men, raising over 1 million dollars in aid in the prevention and cure of prostate cancer. <br /><br />What an exciting event to be a part of.<br /> <br />We've talked quite a bit about men's health on the Pendulum Effect but we haven't yet had on a professional representing a major organization dedicated to the advancement of a men's health issue.  So I'm really excited to welcome to the show Greg Sarney, Vice President of <a href="http://www.prostatecancer.ca/">Prostate Cancer Canada</a>. the largest foundation in the country dedicated to all aspects of prostate cancer outreach - public education, fundraising and research. <br /><br />Greg is responsible for engaging Canadians through major giving<br /><br />program and developing partnerships with philanthropically minded companies. He also leads the development of <a href="http://www.prostatecancer.ca/">Prostate Cancer Canada</a>’s annual Movember campaign, where men are encouraged to grow moustaches to raise funds, he manages the foundation's government relations activities and works with their Scientific & Medical Advisory Committee to guide he growth of research program. A graduate of the University of Toronto, Greg previously worked in public relations for Harlequin Enterprises before moving to the not-for-profit sector as Director of Marketing & Communications for Sunnybrook Foundation. The Pendulum Effect hosted a team at the event in Toronto. <br /><br />More information - including photos from each city's walk -can be found at http://www.fathersdayrun.ca/<br /><br /></p> <p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"></p>

Men in Power: Interview with Steve Saltarelli, leader of America's First Male Empowerment Campus Group
<p><span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">"there are a lot of things that just weren't addressed.  For instance rates of suicide of people 20-24... men have a 7 times higher rate of suicide, and that's something that not only most people wouldn't know it, it's not addressed" </span><br />- Steve Saltarelli, leader of Men in Power, University of Chicago<br /><br />With unemployment hitting men significantly worse than women in this economic time, and with the gender gap for bachelor and master degrees strongly skewed now in favour of women, not to mention all the other topics we explore on this show, many are starting to ask whether it isn't time for some male empowerment on campus. and student leaders are beginning  to respond. On a future episode we'll interview a leader from the new Men's collective at Brandon College in Manitoba, Canada which formed earlier in 2009.<br /><br />Today I'm really excited to have on the show Steve Saltarelli.  Steve is a third year University of Chicago student who recently launched a group that is claiming increasing attention called provocatively Men in Power.  Stating at the outset that those seeking a group to advance men at the expense of women are in the wrong place, Men in Power's mission includes:<br /><br />- Addressing and raising awareness of the issues and challenges that contemporary men face in society today<br />- Assisting young men in the community confronting the challenges in their lives and instilling in them a positive view of the role of the male sex<br />- Reducing if not eliminating the existing antagonism of the two sexes through civil discourse<br /><br />Is this terribly exist stuff?  You can learn more about them at <a href="http://www.meninpower.com">www.meninpower.com</a> or find them on facebook by searching under <a href="http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?sid=bc1dd198f636025a08706ef8433cd99f&gid=58101356754&ref=search">Men in Power</a>.  You might also find them covered in the following press over the last couple of months:<br /><br />The chicago maroon<br />The chicago tribune<br />The Chronicle of Higher Education<br />Fox news<br />National public radio<br />Good morning america<br /><br />Contact: meninpowerchicago@gmail.com<br /><br />Maroon:<br /><br />http://www.chicagomaroon.com/2009/3/2/men-in-power<br /><br />http://www.chicagomaroon.com/2009/5/19/mens-advocacy-group-holds-first-meeting-amidst-protest<br /><br />http://www.chicagomaroon.com/2009/5/23/article-slanted-against-men-in-power<br /><br />http://www.chicagomaroon.com/2009/6/2/men-in-power-reflects-larger-rights-movement<br /><br />Trib:<br /><br />http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-u-of-c-mens-groupmay19,0,4707353.story<br /><br />The Chronicle of Higher Education:<br />http://chronicle.com/news/article/6540/male-advocacy-student-group-at-u-of-chicago-stirs-debate<br /><br />FOX News:<br />http://www.foxnews.com/video/index.html?playerId=videolandingpage&streamingFormat=FLASH&referralObject=5421149&referralPlaylistId=search|men%20in%20power<br /><br />Fred Thompson Radio Show: http://fredthompsonshow.com/premiumstream?dispid=312&headerDest=L3BnL2pzcC9tZWRpYS9mbGFzaHdlbGNvbWUuanNwP3BpZD03MTQ3JnBsYXlsaXN0PXRydWUmY2hhcnR0eXBlPWNoYXJ0JmNoYXJ0SUQ9MzEyJnBsYXlsaXN0U2l6ZT01<br /><br />National Public Radio<br />http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=104779051<br /><br />Good Morning America<br />http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=7714313<br /><br /><br /><br /></p>

Matt Campbell - An Interview with a Men's Activist
<span style="font-style: italic;">"If you can show with objective data that your assumptions and perceptions about men vis a vis women is incorrect the average person goes into a trance, into autopilot, they just dismiss it"</span><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br/><br/>Matt Campbell</span> is the Editor of the <a href="http://news.mensactivism.org/" style="font-weight: bold;">Men's Activist News Network</a> (MANN), an ongoing publicly accessible database of news and commentary on men's issues.  He has been involved in men's rights activism since 2001, working with several organizations in efforts to raise awareness.  <br/><br/>Matt also worked with <a href="http://www.trueequality.com " style="font-weight: bold;">True Equality</a> in organizing their 2007 conference in Washington DC on Boys and the Boys Crisis.  The conference featured discussions covering topics like education, fatherhood, circumcision and media bias.  In attendance were such keynote speakers as Christina Hoff Sommers on the discrimination of boys in school, radio personality <a href="http://www.glennsacks.com/blog/">Glenn Sacks</a> addressing the topic "Can Boys and Girls be Raised Without Men:  the Drive to Diminish the Importance of Fathers", and <a href="http://www.menweb.org/spreadingmismcgill.htm">Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young</a> speaking on the topic "Coming of Age as a Villain: What Young Men Need to Know in a Misandric World."  It was a real landmark event in terms of bringing some very rarely heard issues into the spotlight.  You can learn more and get DVDs of the presentations at <a href="http://www.trueequality.com">TrueEquality.com</a>.<br/><br style="font-weight: bold;"/><span style="font-weight: bold;">Additional Links of Interest:</span><br/><br style="font-weight: bold;"/>Primer on Men's Issues:  <a href="http://www.trueequality.com/booklet">Trueequality.com/booklet </a><br/><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Spreading-Misandry-Teaching-Contempt-Popular/dp/0773530991/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1240946333&sr=1-2">Spreading Misandry,</a> by Katherine Young and Paul Nathanson<br/><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Legalizing-Misandry-Systemic-Discrimination-Against/dp/0773528628/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1240946333&sr=1-1">Legalizing Misandry</a>, by Katherine Young and Paul Nathanson<br/><a href="http://www.amazon.com/War-Against-Boys-Misguided-Feminism/dp/0684849569">The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men</a>, by Christina Hoff Sommers<br/><br/><br/><br/>

Leo Braudy - War and Masculinity: Forever Entwined?
On today's how I interview Professor Leo Braudy on his book From Chivalry to Terrorism:  Men and the Changing Nature of Masculinity.  <br/><br/>Leo Braudy is among America’s leading cultural historians and film critics. Currently University Professor and Leo S. Bing Chair in English and American Literature at the University of Southern California, he teaches Restoration literature and history, American culture after World War Two, popular culture and critical theory, including the histories of visual style and film genres. His work appears in journals such as<em> American Film</em>, <em>Film Quarterly</em>, <em>Genre</em>, <em>Novel</em>, <em>Partisan Review</em>, and <em>Prose Studies</em>—to name a few.<br/><br/>Leo Braudy has previously taught at Yale, Columbia, and Johns Hopkins.  He has received a Guggenheim Fellowship as well as a senior Scholar Fellowship from teh National Endowment for the Humanities.  He has been a fellow at the Rockefeller Foundation at the Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio, Italy, as well as a writer in residence at the American Academy in Rome.  His book Jean Renoir: The World of His Films was a finalist for the National Book Award.  Another of his books, The Frenzy of Renown:  Fame and Its History, was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award.  He has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Harper's. <br/><br/><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Chivalry-Terrorism-Changing-Nature-Masculinity/dp/0679450351">Buy the book</a><br/><br/><a href="http://leobraudy.com/">Learn more about Professor Leo Braudy</a><br/><br/>Visit the official <a href="http://">Pendulum Effect</a> website<br/>

Ken Wiebe - Suing the Status of Women Canada. Who's defaming who?
On today’s show I interview <span style="font-weight: bold;">Ken Wiebe</span> regarding his suing of the Status of Women Canada.  Ken is from Fathers Canada, a coalition dedicated to working on behalf of fathers and children, advancing fathers’ rights and shared parenting while exposing the corruption and sexism rampant in the family law system.  He was on the show on <a href="http://www.equalismactivism.com/?p=1346">Episode 4</a> to discuss Father's Canada.<br/><p>Today we discuss something quite different.  In 2008 Ken sued the<span style="font-weight: bold;"> Status of women Canada</span> and the authors (Pierrette Bouchard, Isabelle Boily and Marie-Claude Proulx) of a report entitled "School success by gender: A catalyst for the masuclinist discourse" which sought to expose many, many men's rights organizations for supposedly engaging in hate speech towards women.  He sued them for defamation in listing his organization as one guilty of hate mongering and possibly inciting violence against women.  All relevant documents are available on our website.<br/></p> <p>Plus, <span style="font-weight: bold;">news and commentary</span> in the fields of gender and equalism from our regular pundit Mark Overy, aka Argus Eyes, who runs the blog True-Equality.</p> <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Ken Wiebe</span> is a father, a self employed business man and an independent contractor who has been a frequent independent contract consultant for government for approximately 19 years, in computer matters.  He is the spokesman for B.C. Fathers, an unregistered support group for fathers and mothers in regard to access, custody and matrimonial disputes.  He also assists in coordinating the coalition Fathers Canada.  More info on Ken Wiebe and Fathers Canada can be found at <a href="http://www.fathers.ca">www.fathers.ca</a><br/></p> Note that the following documents are available for download on the episode homepage at <a href="http://www.pendulumeffect.com">www.pendulumeffect.com  </a><br/><br/>1.  Report in question, "School success by gender:  A catalyst for the masculinist discourse"<br/><br/>2.  Statement of Claim, in the British Columbia Supreme Court, between Ken Wiebe Plaintiff and Pierrette Bouchard, Isabelle Boily, Marie-Claude Proulx, Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Canada, and the Minister Responsible for the Status of Women Canada Defendants<br/><br/>3.  Judgement from the Supreme Court of British Columbia <br type="_moz"/>

John Simpson - Men's Group The Movie...What Lies in the Hearts of Men?
On today's show I interview <span style="font-weight: bold;">John Simpson</span>.  John is one of those unique guests that makes it such a pleasure to host the Pendulum Effect.  He is  an <span style="font-weight: bold;">award winning creative film producer </span>with over twenty years experience working in the performing arts.<br/><br/>John’s film productions have been screened at the Montreal International film festivals, the Palm Springs film festival, Sydney Film Fest, World of Woman Festival, Algarve Film Festival and Tropfest 2004.<br/><br/>Early in 2007 he launched <span style="font-weight: bold;">TITAN VIEW</span> to bring important Australian films to Australian and international audiences.  More information can be found on that venture at <a href="http://www.titanview.com">www.titanview.com</a><br/><br/>John got involved recently with the film The Jammed, which explores human trafficking and illegal prostitution, helping to guarantee the film would be seen by a large public audience.<br/><br/>Turning from a film focusing on the lives of a group of women to one involving a group of men, he is the producer and co creator of the powerful new Australian film “<span style="font-weight: bold;">Men’s Group</span>” that was released in 2008.  The film bears the tagline  <span style="font-weight: bold;">"All around the world men are gathering in groups to talk.  What is going on?"</span><br/><br/>This important film, which we'll discuss with John shortly, received a plethora of awards, including official selection at 2008 film festivals in warsaw, Rotterdam, Copenhagen, Sydney and Melbourne as well as the winner of the prestigious Digispaa best film award.  insidefilm awarded the movie best script, best actor and best film awards.  It was the higest Scoring Australian Feature Film at the 2008 Sydney Film Festival (as voted by the audience)<br/><br/>The Herald sun said about this film "group gives a male community a chance to speak", while infilm.com reported "With an emphasis on interesting characters and heartfelt performances, Men’s Group is a compelling drama that wields an emotional impact very few features this year - or any other year - can match."<br/><br/>You can learn more about the film at <a href="http://www.mensgroupthemovie.com">www.mensgroupthemovie.com</a>.  <br/><br/>

Charles Corry - Legalized Sexism & Domestic Violence Against Men + Why the name Pendulum Effect?
On today's show I interview <span style="font-weight: bold;">Dr. Charles Corry</span>, President of the <span style="font-weight: bold;">Equal Justice Foundation</span> and founder of <span style="font-weight: bold;">Domestic Violence against men in Colorado</span>.  <br/><br/>We also feature <span style="font-weight: bold;">news and commentary</span> in the fields of gender and equalism from our regular pundit <span style="font-weight: bold;">Mark Overley</span>.   Mark discusses the rationale and background behind the term "Pendulum Effect."  <br/><br/>Mark, who runs the blog True-equality.net, is an English men’s rights activist who achieved notoriety by making videos on men’s rights issues for youtube, where he is known as ArgusEyes.     <br/><br/>Dr. Charles Corry is a geophysicist and scientific consultant, as well as the founder of Domestic Violence Against Men in Colorado and President of the Equal Justice Foundation. <br/><br/>Dr. Corry is a fellow of the Geological Society of America and Board Member of the Colorado Springs Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.<br/><br/>He is a former Research Associate for the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, a former associate professor of geophysics at Texas A&M university and the University of Missouri and a veteran of the United States Marine Corps.<br/><br/>Dr. Corry is the author of books, research papers, reports, as well as essays on topics like the evolution of society, courts and civil liberties, censorship and domestic violence.<br/><br/>An individual with a fasincating and varied career, you can learn more about Dr. Charles Corry at his website  <a href="www.corry.ws">www.corry.ws</a><br/><br/>I’ve asked Dr. Corry on the show today to discuss the Equal Justice Foundation and its research, lobbying efforts and services focused on domestic violence, legal sexism, civil liberties, and family law issues.<br/><br/>Learn more:<br/><a href="]http://www.ejfi.org/"><br/>Equal Justice Foundation</a><br/><a href="http://www.dvmen.org/">Domestic Violence Against Men in Colorado</a><br/><br/>

Ken Wiebe - Deadbeat Dads or a Deadbeat Family Law System? + Warren Farrel on Feminism and the Gender Transition Movement
On today’s show I interview <span style="font-weight: bold;">Ken Wiebe</span> of Fathers Canada, a coalition dedicated to working on behalf of fathers and children, advancing fathers' rights and shared parenting while exposing the corruption and sexism rampant in the family law system.<br/>     <br/>We conclude a three part interview with <span style="font-weight: bold;">Dr. Warren Farrell</span>, men’s movement pioneer.  We focus on gender history along with a discussion on historical and contemporary feminism, and the future of the gender transition movement and men's activism.    <br/><br/>Plus, <span style="font-weight: bold;">news and commentary</span> in the fields of gender and equalism from our regular pundit Mark aka Argus Eyes, who runs the blog True-Equality.  <br/><br/><span style="font-weight: bold;">Ken Wiebe</span> is a father, a self employed business man and an independent contractor who has been a frequent independent contract consultant for government for approximately 19 years, in computer matters.  He is the spokesman for B.C. Fathers, an unregistered support group for fathers and mothers in regard to access, custody and matrimonial disputes.  He also assists in coordinating the coalition Fathers Canada.<br/><br/><span style="font-weight: bold;">Dr. Warren Farrell </span>is roundly regarded as a leading figure in the men’s movement, or better, the gender transition movement. His unique background and expertise give him a perfect vantage point from which to address men’s issues. Dr. Farrell has taught gender issues and psychology at several institutes, including Brooklyn College, Georgetown University, American University and the School of Medicine at the University of California at San Diego.<br/><br/>As a young graduate, Dr. Farrell was a major player in the feminist movement, especially in creating men’s groups across the US, then becoming the only man to be elected three times to the Board of Director of the National Organization for Women in New York City. Farrell was featured in media including the New York Times, the Today Show and the Phil Donahue Show, leading to his authorship of the pro-feminist book The Liberated Man.<br/><br/>As we discuss, in the late 80s, Farrell became increasingly convinced that feminism was rather one sided and that men’s issues were being neglected, leading to deep research on a variety of topics long taken for granted, and the publication of his landmark The Myth of Male Power, which touched on a diverse cross section of issues.<br/><br/>Farrell would go on to research each area in great depth, leading to the publication of 5 more books, including “Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say”, a couples communication book to address the rise in divorces, “Father and Child Reunion”, to address the issue of fatherless homes and present the optimal shared parenting solution, “Why Men Earn More” to address the pay gap, and “Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men” which, among other things, called for men’s studies in academia<br _moz_editor_bogus_node="TRUE"/>

Warren Farrell - The Myth of Male Power Part 2
The Myth of Male Power, Part 2, with Dr. Warren Farrell<br/><br/>On today’s show we continue a three part interview with Dr. Warren Farrell, men’s movement leader.  We’ll focus on fathers rights, the boy crisis, violence against men and women and discrimination in the legal system.  First question on the agenda:  do children really need their father<br/><br/>Dr. Warren Farrell is roundly regarded as a leading figure in the men’s movement, or better, the gender transition movement.  His unique background and expertise give him a perfect vantage point from which to address men’s issues.  Dr. Farrell has taught gender issues and psychology at several institutes, including Brooklyn College, Georgetown University, American University and the School of Medicine at the University of California at San Diego.<br/><br/>As a young graduate, Dr. Farrell was a major player in the feminist movement, especially in creating men’s groups across the US, then becoming the only man to be elected three times to the Board of Director of the National Organization for Women in New York City.  Farrell was featured in media including the New York Times, the Today Show and the Phil Donahue Show, leading to his authorship of the pro-feminist book "The Liberated Man".<br/><br/>As we discuss, in the late 80s, Farrell became increasingly convinced that feminism was rather one sided and that men’s issues were being neglected, leading to deep research on a variety of topics long taken for granted, and the publication of his landmark "The Myth of Male Power", which touched on a diverse cross section of issues.<br/><br/>Farrell would go on to research each area in great depth, leading to the publication of 5 more books, including "Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say", a couples communication book to address the rise in divorces, "Father and Child Reunion", to address the issue of fatherless homes and present the optimal shared parenting solution, "Why Men Earn More" to address the pay gap, and "Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men" which, among other things, called for men’s studies in academia.<br/><br/>You can get the latest show by:<br/><br/>* Subscribing <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=301109716">here</a> for free with itunes<br/>* Using this <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePendulumEffect">feedburner link</a> in your browser.<br/><br/>Download <a href="http://cdn4.libsyn.com/pendulumeffect/Pendulum_Effect_Episode3.mp3">mp3 file</a><br/><br/>If you like the show, please leave us a review on itunes.<br/><br/>Links of Interest<br/><a href="http://www.warrenfarrell.com/">Learn about Dr. Warren Farrell and order his books</a>

Warren Farrell - The Myth of Male Power Part 1
<h2>The Myth of Male Power, with Dr. Warren Farrell - Pendulum Effect Episode 2 Available</h2> <span class="date">Friday, January 16, 2009 20:36</span><p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>The Myth of Male Power, Part 1, with Dr. Warren Farrell</strong></span><a href="http://www.equalismactivism.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/farrellpic.jpg"><img width="227" height="235" src="http://www.equalismactivism.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/farrellpic-291x300.jpg" title="farrellpic" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-954"/></a></p> <p>On today’s show I begin a three part interview with Dr. Warren Farrell mens’ movement leader.  Before that, our regular news commentator and pundit Mark defends Denis Prager’s take on the politics of sex in marriage.</p> <p>My conversation with Dr. Warren Farrell ended up being so engrossing that in order to cover all the topics we wished to explore we decided to go long.  The discussion will be released in three parts, on today’s episode 2, episode 3 on January 30 and as one of two interview segments on episode 4.  I hope you enjoy them all.</p> <p>Dr. Warren Farrell is roundly regarded as a leading figure in the men’s movement, or better, the gender transition movement.  His unique background and expertise give him a perfect vantage point from which to address men’s issues.  Dr. Farrell has taught gender issues and psychology at several institutes, including Brooklyn College, Georgetown University, American University and the School of Medicine at the University of California at San Diego.</p> <p>As a young graduate, Dr. Farrell was a major player in the feminist movement, especially in creating men’s groups across the US, then becoming the only man to be elected three times to the Board of Director of the National Organization for Women in New York City.  Farrell was featured in media including the New York Times, the Today Show and the Phil Donahue Show, leading to his authorship of the pro-feminist book <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Liberated-Man-Warren-Farrell/dp/0425136809/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1232152502&sr=1-1">The Liberated Man</a>.</p> <p>As we discuss, in the late 80s, Farrell became increasingly convinced that feminism was rather one sided and that men’s issues were being neglected, leading to deep research on a variety of topics long taken for granted, and the publication of his landmark <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Myth-Male-Power-Warren-Farrell/dp/0425181448/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1232152467&sr=8-1">The Myth of Male Power</a>, which touched on a diverse cross section of issues.</p> <p>Farrell would go on to research each area in great depth, leading to the publication of 5 more books, including “<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Women-Cant-Hear-What-Dont/dp/1585420611/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1232152528&sr=1-1">Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say</a>”, a couples communication book to address the rise in divorces, “<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Father-Child-Reunion-Bring-Children/dp/1585420751/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1232152548&sr=1-1">Father and Child Reunion</a>”, to address the issue of fatherless homes and present the optimal shared parenting solution, “<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Why-Men-Earn-More-Startling/dp/0814472109/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1232152565&sr=1-1">Why Men Earn More</a>” to address the pay gap, and “<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Does-Feminism-Discriminate-Against-Men/dp/019531283X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1232152585&sr=1-1">Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men</a>” which, among other things, called for men’s studies in academia.</p> <p>However, I think at this early stage in the production of the Pendulum Effect, since many of our listeners, perhaps being in a similar position to Dr. Farrell prior to his conversion, shall we say, to a more balanced perspective on gender, might appreciate a sort of broad primer to get a feel for the nature of the issues.  I’ve therefore asked Dr. Farrell on the show today to speak on his groundbreaking book <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Myth-Male-Power-Warren-Farrell/dp/0425181448/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1232152467&sr=8-1">The Myth of Male Power</a>.</p>

Katie Kish - From Feminism to Equalism
Katie Kish is a longtime campus activist for science and secularism and hosts Renegade Radio, a nationally syndicated program dedicated to exploring controversial issues in religion, culture and society from an atheist's point of view.  Katie is the assistant director and field organizer for the Centre for Inquiry Ontario.  She is completing her studies at York University in Toronto in Environmental Studies and Music.  <br/><br/>Katie's views on gender and religion make her a unique member of various important movements and has granted her insights which she has shared on multiple blogs include Eco-chick, Liberal Debutante, The Edger and EqualismActivism.  <br/><br/>On the inaugural episode of The Pendulum Effect Katie shares her experiences transitioning from traditional feminism to a more balanced equalism.  She explains how she went from being the Coordinator of the Women's Collective at the University of Victoria Radio Station and a regular blogger on women's rights to blogging on everything from religion and the environment to health and local politics, with an eye to providing a new and oftentimes opposing point of view.  Katie also explains what she hopes to accomplish with her new blog EqualismActivism.com and why she feels it's so important to rock the boat on issues of gender and diversity.   <br/>

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