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Bytesize Science is an educational, entertaining podcast for young listeners from the American Chemical Society. Listen to intriguing stories for kids of all ages about science, medicine, energy, food and much more!

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Podcast Episode's:
What's That After-Rain Smell Made Of?

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How Do We Know the Half Life of Uranium and Can You Collect Gold Once It's Dissolved in Acid?

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Cow Burps Are Warming the Planet

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What Are Century Eggs?

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TV Forensics: What Do CSIs Actually Do?

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Q and A Vol.1: Nose Blindness, Mouthwash, and Hand Sanitizer--Your Questions Answered

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How to Make the Best Cheap Hot Cocoa Possible

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The Disappearing Spoon, The Rooster and the Bearded Russian

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Do Ketogenic Diets Really Work?

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The Only Video You'll Ever Need to Watch About Gluten

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The Periodic Table Table

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The One Where We Put Stuff in Acid

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Why Do Some People Hate Cilantro?

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How Does Xanax Work?

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How Do Hand Sanitizers Work?

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How Does Glassblowing Work?

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The Only Detox You'll Ever Need

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The Chemistry of Hollywood Blood Baths

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How Do We Know the Age of the Earth?

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How Does Chemotherapy Treat Breast Cancer?

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“Cook” an Egg with No Heat!? (Egg-cellent Weird Science Experiments)

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The 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Cryo-electron microscopy explained

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The dark side of synthetic fleece—Speaking of Chemistry

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Better Pancakes Through Chemistry

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Sushi's Sublime Secrets

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Cassini’s legacy: Titan’s bonkers atmospheric chemistry—Speaking of Chemistry

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What Makes Smartphones Explode?

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The chemicals we leave behind — Speaking of Chemistry

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What Makes Rubber Rubbery?

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The Spacefaring Power of Pee

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The Smell of Durian Explained

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How do some animals glow? — Speaking of Chemistry

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Why Superhydrophobic Materials Never Get Wet

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Fried Chicken’s Deliciousness, Explained

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Dragon's Blood Could Save Your Life

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The Statue of Liberty’s True Colors?

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Why Olive Oil is Awesome

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Are Anti-Aging Creams Legit?

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Chemistry Life Hacks: Food Edition

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How the Nazis invented nerve agents like sarin — Speaking of Chemistry

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Should You Pee on a Jellyfish Sting?

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How GMOs are regulated… or not—Speaking of Chemistry

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When water levitates

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How Is Whiskey Made?

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Why chemists marched for science – Speaking of Chemistry

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What Do Electrolytes Actually Do?

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The weird chemistry threatening priceless paintings — Speaking of Chemistry

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Earth's Little Garbage People?

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The Accidental Discovery of LSD

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How Do We Tell Temperature?

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You’re Cooking Pasta Wrong and Here’s How to Do It Right

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How to make tomatoes taste awesome again — Speaking of Chemistry

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The Chemistry of Redheads

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Is this the Farm of the Future?

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What is catnip, really?

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What’s the Healthiest Way to Cook Your Veggies?

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Do humans have pheromones? — Speaking of Chemistry

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Milk Vs. Dark Chocolate: The Ultimate Showdown

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What is Your Snot Saying?

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The Universe in a Cup of Coffee

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What Might Trump Mean for Chemistry? — Speaking of Chemistry

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The Legal Battle over CRISPR — Speaking of Chemistry

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Does Cough Medicine Really Work?

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How Does Alcohol Get You Drunk?

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The Cold Truth About Fat

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Let's Settle This! How to Care for Cast-Iron

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Are We Running Out of Vanilla? — Speaking of Chemistry

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How to Get Rid of Beer Foam Fast

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Can You Taste Garlic... With Your FEET!? (Weird Food Tricks #2)

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Gum + Chocolate = ????? (Weird Food Tricks #1)

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Can I Still Eat This?

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Did Comets Kickstart Life on Earth? — Speaking of Chemistry

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How to Fry a Thanksgiving Turkey (Without Burning Your House Down) instructions

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What's the Deal with Acne?

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How Bacteria Make It Rain (with Kim Prather) – Speaking of Chemistry Road Trip

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Marathon Chemistry: The Science of Distance Running

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The Scent of Death (and Why It's Important) — Speaking of Chemistry

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How Much Candy Would Kill You?

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Have We Found All The Elements?

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What Happens When You Go Under? How Anesthesia Works

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The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Molecular Machines, Explained

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What Causes PMS?

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How To Bring Stale Chips And Bread Back From The Dead

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Accidental Discoveries That Go Boom

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The Quest To Make Any Molecule: Total Synthesis with Hosea Nelson

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How to Keep Your Phone Battery Charged Longer

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How Sniffing Priceless Art and Artifacts Could Save Them — Speaking of Chemistry

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What If Humans Could Photosynthesize?

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The Science of Spotting Fake Foods – Speaking of Chemistry

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Is It OK To Pee In The Pool?

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How To Make Fish Less Fishy - Chemistry Life Hacks

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The Science of Steroids: Keeping The Olympics Fair

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These tiny satellites could take on NASA’s riskiest missions—Speaking of Chemistry Road Trip

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The World's Most Unavoidable Carcinogen

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How Does Protein Build Muscle?

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The Truth About Wasabi - Speaking of Chemistry

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Fluorescence Is Awesome (Here Is How It Works)

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How To Grow Fluorescent Flowers (Chemistry Life Hacks)

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Is Fluoride in Drinking Water Safe?

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How Do Sparklers Work?

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How to make electronic skin with Stanford's Zhenan Bao

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Maillard: The Most Delicious Chemical Reaction In The World

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Foam Explosion (In Super Slow Motion): Elephant Toothpaste

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What makes blue-green algae dangerous?

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Acetone Dissolves Styrofoam Into Goo

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How Joe DeSimone is Changing 3-D Printing—Speaking of Chemistry Road Trip

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Does Gum Really Stay in Your Stomach for 7 Years?

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Whisky Versus Coffee: Dueling Droplets—Speaking of Chemistry

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Does Homeopathy Work?

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How to Keep Cut Flowers Fresh Longer

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What's The Best Way To Whiten Teeth?

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Why does your hair turn gray? – Speaking of Chemistry

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The Chemistry of Snake Venom

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Coffee Chemistry!

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How Does Toothpaste Work? (AND WHO ARE YOU?!) - Reactions Q and A

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Why does metal rust? - Reactions Q and A

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Why Do Wasps Attack? - Reactions Q and A

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Why Are Synthetic Drugs So Dangerous?

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Chemistry and the Flint Water Crisis

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Why are people allergic to peanuts?

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Why Does Food Make Your Mouth Water?

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How Does Hairspray Work?

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How Does Shampoo Work?

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What Happens If You Stop Using Shampoo?

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Why Does Stepping on a Lego Hurt So Bad?

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The Chemistry of Matches (In Slow Motion)

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You're Cleaning Your Contacts Wrong (Probably)

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Zika, Mosquitoes and How to Not Get Bitten

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How to Make Next Level Nacho Cheese

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How Do Snowflakes Form?

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Why is Chocolate Bad for Dogs?

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Honey is Really Bee Puke

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Nerding out on Star Wars Science

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How To Prevent Hangovers With Science

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Shedding Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder

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LIFE HACK: How to Sharpen Your Knife Without a Sharpener

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LIFE HACK - How to Tell if Your Oven is a Liar

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LIFE HACK - How to Save Spoiled Wine

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Why Are Hot Peppers Hot? (And How Milk Helps)

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The Future of Fake Meat

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Do Vitamin Supplements Really Work?

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How to Survive a Real-Life "Fallout"

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How to Make the Perfect Grilled Cheese Sandwich

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What Happens When You're About to Die?

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What is the Blackest Black?

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The World's Smallest Robots: Rise of the Nanomachines

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How Pee Brought You The Modern World

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How to Cookie with Science

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How Do Deodorants and Antiperspirants Work?

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The Chemistry of Addiction

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Football Helmets: The Last Line of Defense?

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What is a Complete Breakfast?

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How to Stay Awake (Without Caffeine)

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Does Febreze Really Work?

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Why Does Coffee Make You Poop?

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How the Fantastic Four Got Their Powers

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Why are Tattoos Permanent?

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Are invisibility cloaks possible?

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The Chemistry of Wine

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Why Feet Smell (And What to Do About It)

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Why This Town Has Been On Fire For 50 Years

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The Chemistry of Grilling

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Why Do We Love Music?

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Is Aspartame Safe?

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Hormones and Gender Transition

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Why Do Wet Dogs Stink? + Other Canine Chemistry

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Another Reason To Drink In Moderation - Food Myths #3

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Are Frozen Veggies Less Healthy? - Food Myths #2

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No, Your Microwave Isn't Dangerous - Food Myths #1

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Why New York Has the Best Bagels

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How Does Adderall™ Work?

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Why Are Avocados So Awesome?

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The Science of the Avengers

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The Dawn of Chemical Warfare

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Cleaning with Chemistry (Chemistry Life Hacks Vol. 6)

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How Can You See an Atom?

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Game of Thrones Science: Sword Making and Valryrian Steel

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Why Too Much Stress Is Bad For You

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Chemistry Jokes! (Round 2)

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Sugar Vs. High Fructose Corn Syrup - What's the Difference?

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Craft beer chemistry (video)

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The Chemistry of Poison Ivy

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Are E-cigs Safer Than Cigarettes?

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Why is Carbon Monoxide So Deadly? - Get to Know a Molecule

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How Do Jeans Get Blue?

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Mind-Blowing Movie Explosions Explained

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Why Do Roses Smell So Sweet? - GTKAM

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Can Pheromones Get You A Date?

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The Woman Who Saved the U.S. Space Race (And Other Unsung Scientists)

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How Does Moisturizer Work?

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Chemistry Life Hacks for Winter Survival (CLH Vol. 5)

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Transforming Medicine and Tricking the Nazis: George de Hevesy

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How Does Salt Melt Ice?

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The Chemistry of Champagne

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Do Carrots Help You See Better?

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Baking Soda Life Hacks (Vol. 4)

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How Much Water Can Kill You

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What Happens When You Eat Too Much

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The Chemistry of Cats

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Accidental Discoveries That Changed The World

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Why We Are Made of "Star Stuff"

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What Happens to Your Body When You Die?

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Why Do Things Taste Sweet?

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The Chemistry of Pizza

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Why Does Toothpaste Make Orange Juice Taste Bad?

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Why Do Beers Get Skunked (And How to Stop It)

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Why do leaves change color?

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What's in your iPhone?

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4 Awesome Chemistry Life Hacks (Vol. 3)

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Debunking the Megalodon Myth (featuring Sam Kean)

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Is MSG Bad for You?

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Is it OK to Pee in the Ocean?

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Salt, Diamonds and DNA: 5 Surprising Facts About Crystals

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How do rockets work?

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Why Do Dogs Smell Each Other's Butts?

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How does Tylenol work? The truth is, we don't know...

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4 Science Secrets About Money

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World Cup Chemistry

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The Chemistry of Fireworks

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Carl Djerassi - You Wash Your Shirt Like A Chemist

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#Sexychem: 4 Ways Chemistry Transformed Sex - Reactions

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Ice Cream Science

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What causes garlic breath?

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How Thomas Edison Changed The World

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Why Does Bacon Smell So Good?

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Chemistry Life Hacks Vol. 2

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What causes morning sickness?

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Mother's Day Science: Amazing Facts about Pregnancy

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Raychelle Burks on Poisons, Medicine, and Communicating Science

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Inside the Game of Thrones Poison, the Strangler

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Cannabis Chemistry

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The Science of Caffeine: The World's Most Popular Drug

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Why Do We Get Allergies?

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Here Are a Bunch of Chemistry Jokes

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Zombie Apocalypse Survival Chemistry: Death Cologne

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How Breathalyzers Work

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The Chemistry of Sriracha: Hot Sauce Science

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How is Artificial Snow Made?

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The Chemistry of Love: The Scent of love

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The Chemistry of Love: Valentine’s Day Science from ACS Reactions

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Five Black Chemists Who Changed the World

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Reactions - Chemistry Life Hacks (Vol. 1)

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Bytesize Science - The Direct Methanol Fuel Cell

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Bytesize Science - Could the "methanol economy" power the post-fossil fuel era?

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Bytesize Science - 5 Tips for a Better Thanksgiving through Chemistry

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Bytesize Science - The case of SM, the fearless woman

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Bytesize Science - The Chemistry of Fear

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Bytesize Science - The Chemistry of Natural Dyes

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‪Bytesize Science -‬ Chemistry of Breaking Bad: Precursors and a 30 gallon drum of methylamine

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‪Bytesize Science -‬ Getting the Chemistry Right on Breaking Bad

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‪Bytesize Science -‬The colorful chemistry of lobster shells

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‪Bytesize Science -‬ ‪Electrifying Wastewater - Using Microbial Fuel Cells to Generate Electricity‬

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‪Bytesize Science -‬ ‪The chemistry of the corpse flower's stink‬

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‪ Everyday Chemistry ‬v‪ideo contest -‬ ‪Fast caramelized onions‬

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‪ Bytesize Science - Inside the Mind of an Alchemist - Featuring Larry Principe‬

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‪ Bytesize Science - Why does asparagus make your pee smell funny?‬

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‪ Bytesize Science - How Does Toothpaste Make Orange Juice Taste Bad? ‬

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‪ ChemMatters: How NASA keeps tabs on air pollution from space‬

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‪ Bytesize‬ ‪Science‬: ‪The Chemistry of Egg Dyeing‬

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‪ Bytesize‬ ‪Science‬: ‪The Chemistry of Alcohol and Hangovers‬

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‪ Bytesize‬ ‪Science‬: ‪Why Cats Can't Taste Sweets‬

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‪ Bytesize‬ ‪Science‬: ‪Five "sweet" facts about the chemistry of chocolate‬

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‪ Bytesize‬ ‪Science‬: ‪The Chemistry of Snowflakes‬

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‪ ChemMatters: The Science Behind Calories and Nutrition Facts Labels‬

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‪ Bytesize Science‬ - ‪A Brief History of Photography: Innovations in Chemistry‬

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‪ Bytesize Science‬ - ‪Super-Small "Microsubmarines" Could Help Clean Up Oil Spills‬

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‪ Bytesize Science‬ - ‪Nanotechnology Today‬: ‪Fuel Cells, Buckyballs and Carbon Nanotubes‬

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ChemMatters Video Episode 10 - ChemMatters - Graphene: The Next Wonder Material?

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Bytesize Science - Chemiluminescence: How Glow Sticks Work

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Bytesize Science - Chemistry On Mars: The Curiosity Rover's Mission to Uncover Martian Habitability

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Bytesize Science - Inside the 44th International Chemistry Olympiad

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Bytesize Science - How Sunless Tanner Works: Tan-In-A-Can Chemistry

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Bytesize Science - Repelling the Rays: The Chemistry of Sunscreen

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Bytesize Science - Without a scratch: Self-healing materials

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Bytesize Science - Healing the voice: Synthetic vocal cords

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Bytesize Science - The Electronic Nose: Sniffing Out the Dangerous Stuff to Keep Our Noses Safe

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Bytesize Science - Beyond the blue bins: The journey of recyclable materials

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Bytesize Science - Getting More Out of the Sun's Rays: Artificial Photosynthesis

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Bytesize Science - The Periodic Table Table Featuring Theo Gray

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ChemMatters Video Episode 9 - Digestion: The Incredible Disassembly Line

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Bytesize Science - Super Bowl Sunday Science: The Chemistry of Cheese

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Bytesize Science - Phytochemicals: Why You Should Eat A Rainbow of Fruits and Veggies

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Bytesize Science - A Bytesize Science Demo: Elephant's Toothpaste

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Bytesize Science - A toast to the chemistry of Champagne

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ChemMatters Video Episode 8: Flavor chemistry - The science behind the taste and smell of food

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Bytesize Science - Thanksgiving Chemistry: Tryptophan

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Bytesize Science Presents A Bytesize Demo: The Briggs-Rauscher Reaction

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Bytesize Science Presents - A Bytesize Demo: Chemiluminescence! A totally awesome glowing chemistry demo

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Bytesize Science Presents: Hard Candy Chemistry!

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Bytesize Science Presents: Candy Corn Chemistry!

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ChemMatters Video Episode 8: The Chemistry of Acne

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ChemMatters Video Episode 7: The Chemistry of Bad Breath

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Bytesize Science Episode 12: Why Do Onions Make You Cry?

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Bytesize Science Episode 11: This Bites! What's the Lowdown On Malaria

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Bytesize Science Presents: The Chemistry of Ice Cream

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Bytesize Science Episode 10: This BITES! What's the Deal With Deet?

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Bytesize Science Presents: How to make cotton candy

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ChemMatters Video - Episode 6: Is that “priceless” painting the real deal or a cheap fake?

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ChemMatters - Episode 5: How Wastewater Goes From Polluted to Pure

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ChemMatters - Episode 4: How Do Microwaves Work?

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ChemMatters - Episode 3: Demystifying Magic Tricks

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Episode 1: Chemistry and Special FX
It’s National Chemistry Week, and we at Bytesize Science are celebrating it by rolling out the red carpet and going Hollywood; All week, we’ll be exploring how chemistry helps create some of the amazing special effects found in blockbuster films <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Justine Angus, thanvannispen, cognito, dobroide, Erdie, theta4, belloq, Connum, mikejedw and batchku.
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Episode 2: Fake Snow
Take fake snow for an example.  One of the paradoxes of fake snow is that it is better than the real thing. According to Richard Rickitt, author of Special Effects: The History and Technique, once snow is trampled, it can’t be restored, so snow shots can be repeated just once or twice, after which a movie crew needs to move to a new location. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Justine Angus, thanvannispen, cognito, dobroide, Erdie, theta4, belloq, Connum, mikejedw and batchku.
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Episode 3: Artificial Skin
Making artificial skin is a big challenge, especially since we as humans are very familiar with how real skin wrinkles and moves, as well as how it looks with its slight translucency and flaws. Anything that is not quite right about artificial skin—such as a visible blend line at its edge—immediately tips us off and destroys the illusion. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Justine Angus, thanvannispen, cognito, dobroide, Erdie, theta4, belloq, Connum, mikejedw and batchku.
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Episode 4: Explosions!
When it comes to explosions, flames, or other similar effects—also called pyrotechnic special effects—the problem is to create an illusion of towering fires and shattering explosions by the safest possible means. Special effects expert Joe Viskocil, who has spent nearly 40 years blowing up miniatures. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Justine Angus, thanvannispen, cognito, dobroide, Erdie, theta4, belloq, Connum, mikejedw and batchku.
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The Chemistry of Sourdough

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The Chemistry of Fireworks

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The Chemistry of Barbecue

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ChemMatters: Episode 2 - Plastics Go Green

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Earth Day Episode 6: Plants — The Hardcore Cleaning Machines!
Don’t let the Pennycress plant’s wimpy name fool you — this flowery little plant is known as a “hyperaccumulator,” which can suck up toxic amounts of heavy metals and help clean up polluted land. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Justine Angus, thanvannispen, cognito, dobroide, Erdie, theta4, belloq, Connum, mikejedw and batchku.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Earth Day Episode 5: Plants – the Green Machines
Learn all about the plant “machinery” behind photosynthesis, the process of how plants make their own food. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Justine Angus, thanvannispen, cognito, dobroide, Erdie, theta4, belloq, Connum, mikejedw and batchku.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Earth Day Episode 4: Phytoremediation
Plants are amazing cleaning machines, and scientists are using them to pull pollutants right out of the ground using a technique called phytoremediation. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Justine Angus, thanvannispen, cognito, dobroide, Erdie, theta4, belloq, Connum, mikejedw and batchku.
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Earth Day Episode 3: Defensive Plants Make Medicine
A huge amount of plant material is produced every year when plants die or are harvested. In this podcast, we find out how scientists are using all of this plant matter to make useful biofuel. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Justine Angus, thanvannispen, cognito, dobroide, Erdie, theta4, belloq, Connum, mikejedw and batchku.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Earth Day Episode 2: Defensive Plants Make Medicines
A huge amount of plant material is produced every year when plants die or are harvested. In this podcast, we find out how scientists are using all of this plant matter to make useful biofuel. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Yacht; Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by morganTJ, levinj, mikejedw, Halleck, Erdle, sukaton, lonemonk and Heigh-hoo.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Earth Day Episode 1: Plants—The Energy-Capturing Machines
A huge amount of plant material is produced every year when plants die or are harvested. In this podcast, we find out how scientists are using all of this plant matter to make useful biofuel. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Yacht; Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by morganTJ, levinj, mikejedw, Halleck, Erdle, sukaton, lonemonk and Heigh-hoo.
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Bytesize Video Episode 9: How a worm's natural glue could help mend broken bones

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Bytesize Video Episode 8: Taking sharper aim at pesky stomach ulcer bacteria

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Thanksgiving and Chemistry: What's the connection?

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ChemMatters: Episode 1 - Nanotechnology's Big Impact

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Episode 49 – Ninth grade CEO Anshul Samar, the Elementeo Kid
While many kids his age mow lawns or babysit to earn spending money, Anshul Samar tried something different. He invented a game. And not just any game. It’s called Elementeo and it’s all about the chemical elements.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Yacht; Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by morganTJ, levinj, mikejedw, Halleck, Erdle, sukaton, lonemonk and Heigh-hoo.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Episode 48 – Sunshine Science: Green Chemistry and Solar Energy
Did you know that Earth’s greenest and largest source of energy is 93 million miles away? You guessed it. We’re talking about the sun.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Halleck, han1, samplecat and Jamius.
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Episode 47 – Titanium on the Cranium
Titanium doesn’t just have a cool name – its one of the most useful elements out there! It’s what makes your bikefeel so lightweight. It’s in the sunscreen that helps prevent sunburn. It’s even in fireworks – titanium makes them go boom! Find out more about this amazing element in the second podcast in our four-part series celebrating National Chemistry Week.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Justine Angus, thanvannispen, cognito, dobroide, Erdie, theta4, belloq, Connum, mikejedw and batchku.
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Episode 46 – It’s elemental! Everything is in the Atoms Family
To celebrate National Chemistry Week, we’ll be learning about some of the most fascinating elements out there. But first, let’s start with atoms, the tiny building blocks that make up everything in the universe.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin Macleod; Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by acclivity, theta4, Stuart Duffield, Rhumphries, digifishmusic and batchku.
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Bytesize Video Episode 7: A new weapon in the chemical arsenal of Amazonian poison frogs

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Episode 45 – New memory that can hold music and photos for a BILLION years
Scientists have created memory that can hold music, videos and photos for more than one billion years!<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Heigh-hoo, reinsamba, Halleck and suonho.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Bytesize Video Episode 6: Super Buoyant - New material could make a horse float!

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Episode 44 – Tales of the Trojan horse drug and the miracle dogs
Dogs are man’s — and woman’s — best friend. And in many ways, humans are also dog’s best friend. When it comes to fighting cancer, however, humans and dogs turn out be an unbeatable team.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by m12 (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by ronfont, acclivity, NoiseCollector and oyez.
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Episode 43 – Presto! Fast color-changing material may lead to better sunglasses
Find out how color-changing sunglasses work, and how a team of scientists in Japan have figured out a way to make sunglasses work even better.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by DoKashiteru (via ccMixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by zerolagtime, thanvannispen and man.
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Episode 42 – A Colorful New Weapon in the Battle of the Bugs
New weapons in the Battle of the Bugs can be really important for soldiers fighting in areas of the world infested with the most dangerous kinds of bugs. One potential new weapon involves fluorescent feces.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin Macleod (via incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by galeku, Halleck, scarbelly25 and Freqman.
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Episode 41 – Painting superbugs into a corner
Scientists have come up with a unique new paint that literally paints germs into a corner, a corner where they can’t escape.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin Macleod (via incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Percy Duke, thanvannispen and acclivity.
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Bytesize Video Episode 5: Super paper stronger than cast iron

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Bytesize Video Episode 4: New technology brings tiny spaceships closer to lift off

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Episode 40 – New nanogenerator may charge iPods and cell phones with a wave of the hand
A team of scientists have developed technology that produces energy from simple movements. Imagine if all you had to do to charge your iPod or cell phone was to wave your hand stretch your arm or take a walk?<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin Macleod (via incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by kjackson, Halleck, crk365, man, rutgermuller, pushtobreak and trip2000.
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Episode 39 – The buzz on career changes in bees
You’ve probably heard that the U.S. economy isn’t doing so hot. We’re in a recession — a pretty big one at that — and there are many adults out there that have lost their jobs and are facing a big career change. It turns out that these folks might learn a helpful lesson from honey bees.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin Macleod (via incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by thanvannispen and acclivity.
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Episode 38 – Clothing to crow about: Jeans of wheat and feather dresses
Imagine waking up tomorrow and throwing on some clothes made from chicken feathers. It might sound like a strange dream. But in reality, clothing made from feathers, wheat, and other renewable materials could be on store shelves in the future.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin Macleod (via incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by fogma, kjackson, mich3d and UncleSigmund.
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Bytesize Video Episode 3: The secret jungles of ancient France

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Bytesize Video Episode 2: The e-Nose: Scientists try to create an electronic sniffer

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Episode 37 – Catching some rays with the butterfly’s solar panels
Find out what insect has it's own solar panels!<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin Macleod (via incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by fogma, zerolagtime, pushtobreak, dobroide and UncleSigmund.
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Episode 36 – Hold that tissue: Allergy help may be on the way
German chemists have developed a way to tell people with allergies exactly what kind of pollen is in the air, instantly, and how much there is flying around. The test could help people avoid high levels of pollen that trigger allergies.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin Macleod (via incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by Slanesh, HerbertBoland, SFX Bible and fogma.
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Bytesize Video Episode 1: A recipe for the pitcher plant's chemical concoction

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Episode 35 – Chemical Magic in the Mouth
It’s not a pleasant thought, but you’ve got billions of tiny critters living in your mouth. An entire ecosystem of bacteria live in there, and many of them have important roles in chewing and digestion. Now, scientists have found that bacteria in the mouth play a role in creating the distinctive flavors of certain foods.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by admiralbob77 (via ccmixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by koops and zerolagtime.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Episode 34 – A “smart yarn”: clothing with a brain
Sweatpants, blue jeans and T-shirts with a brain? It sounds difficult to imagine, but scientists are now working to make these unusual kinds of clothing a reality.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by M12 (via ccmixter.org); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sound by xythe, halleck, ERH, thecheeseman, simon.rue and jobro.
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A special announcement from the Bytesize Science crew

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Episode 33 – Healthy make-over: Food coloring goes natural
Santa might soon leave candy canes and holiday cookies that are a little duller, but better for your health as food color manufacturers go natural. That’s because food manufacturers worldwide are increasingly turning to more natural colors in an effort to replace brightly-colored yet potentially harmful artificial colorings now used in some foods and beverages.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu noisecollector, kjackson and koops.
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Episode 32 – Tiny, paper-thin speakers pack big punch
Good quality stereo speakers are usually big, bulky and heavy, but people put up with their size to get sound with a BOOM. But now, scientists may have come up with a way to shrink speakers without sacrificing that sonic kick.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu ljudman, jppi, daveincamas and pitx.
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Episode 31 – Speedy Swimsuits
Find out how chemists are speeding up swimmers with high-tech new swimwear. The final episode in our four part celebration of National Chemistry Week.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu and SoundSnap.com include sounds by SFX Bible, Fred Weinberg, Shriek Productions, man, FranciscoPadilla and Radio Mall.
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Episode 30 – Don't Sweat It
Have you ever wondered what happens when we sweat? Or why we even sweat at all? Listen to this episode to find out! Part three of four episodes celebrating National Chemistry Week.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu and SoundSnap.com include sounds by SFXsource, luffy and sagetyrtle.
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Episode 29 – Go for the Gear!
Chemistry has helped improve sports gear dramatically over the years, making your favorite games faster, more exciting and much safer. Part two of four episodes celebrating National Chemistry Week.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu and SoundSnap.com include sounds by Totya, SFX bible, Stuart Duffield, thanvannispen, Justine Angus, UncleSigmund, Shriek Productions, Blastwave FX and SFXsource.
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Episode 28 – Turf Talk
Find out how chemists have improved the stuff below every athlete’s shoes — artificial turf. Part one of four episodes celebrating National Chemistry Week.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sounds by unclesigmund, thanvannispen, Freesound, acclivity, Sruddi1, scarbelly25 and reinsamba.
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Episode 27 – A new cheese to yak about
In a finding that’s sure to get cheese lovers yakking, researchers in Nepal and Canada report that cheese from the milk of yaks, a big, hairy cow-like animal, may be better for you.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sounds by acclivity and koops.
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Episode 26 – Fighting global warming — at the dinner table
Scientists say that eating chicken, fish or vegetables once per week in place of red meat can help the environment.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sounds by mich3d, suonho, kjackson, fogma and acclivity.
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Episode 25 – Munch-o-matic: Scientists develop the artificial mouth
For years, scientists have tried to build an electronic tongue, a robot that could taste and smell food like we do. But before machines learn to taste their food, they first need to learn how to chew it. Scientists recently designed an artificial mouth that mimics the first vital steps of human digestion -- chewing, saliva release and the initial breakdown of food.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sounds by Jamius and Koops.
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Episode 24 – Bacteria Vs Man! Winning the war within YOU
For almost 70 years, doctors have given people antibiotic medicines to help people defeat invading germs, or microbes. But there is a constant tug-of-war between these microscopic monsters and people.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sounds by ljudman, Matt G and UncleSigmund.
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Episode 23 – Digging beneath the Martian surface
Earthlings are about to visit Mars again to search for traces of life. But since we can’t go in person, we are sending another robot spacecraft. Named Phoenix, the vehicle is scheduled to land on Mars on May 25 after a 420 million mile, 9-month voyage from Earth. An article on the Phoenix by Elizabeth K. Wilson appears in the May 25 issue of Chemical & Engineering News, the American Chemical Society's weekly newsmagazine.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sounds by ERH, suonho, DJ Chronos, Sruddi1 and Freqman.
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Episode 22 – Alligator blood puts the bite on germs
Scientists are working on ways of using gator blood to put the bite on germs that make cuts get infected and turn red and puffy with pus and pain.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes sounds by smcameron, hazure, thanvannispen, acclivity and Koops.
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Episode 21 – Electric shocks can help plants boost production of useful chemicals
Now for some shocking news about plants: Scientists in Arizona report that exposing plants to low doses of electricity can boost levels of useful plant chemicals. Their finding could lead to cheaper and faster ways to produce useful plant-based materials such as medicines and pesticides.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes electricity sounds by Halleck, apple crunch by Koops, farm sounds by acclivity, buzzing fly by galeku, laser sound by inferno and applause by SandyRB.
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Episode 20 – The e-Nose: Scientists try to develop an electronic sniffer
For almost 25 years, chemists and other scientists have tried to build an electronic nose that can take a whiff of the air, food or other objects and say whether the odor is nasty or nice.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes factory sounds by kokuya, dog bark by mich3d and electricity sound by Halleck
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Episode 19 – An egg-straordinary discovery to help kids with egg allergy
Have you ever heard someone say they have an allergy to eggs? Thousands of children and adults cannot eat that egg-straordinary food. Thankfully, chemists in Germany and Switzerland now are reporting some good news for the egg-allergic.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes chicken sound by mich3d, cricket sounds by reinsamba, scream sound by cdrk and stomach gurgle by nannygrimshaw.
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Episode 18 – A Recipe for the Pitcher Plant’s Chemical Concoction
For more than 100 years, scientists have tried to discover the full chemical recipe for the pitcher plant’s digestive juices. Now two Japanese scientists have finally figured out this complex cocktail of digestive juices.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes zoo noises by freesound, fly audio by galeku and dobroide, splash by junggle, gurgle by Halion and bubbles by suonho.
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Episode 17 – Rice that 'Snaps, Crackles and Pops' with Protein
Researchers have created a new blend, or hybrid, of rice by mixing a common species with a wild one. The result is high in protein and might help feed millions of poor and malnourished people around the world.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes crowd sounds by Freqman, pop sound by Traveler and applause sounds by SandyRB.
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Episode 16 – New ingredients may keep us screaming for ice cream
Scientists in Wisconsin have discovered an ingredient that prevents the formation of ice crystals that can spoil the smooth, silky texture of ice cream and other frozen foods. The substance, which acts like an antifreeze, is non-toxic and doesn’t change the taste of foods, the researchers say.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes yeah kids sound by Totya, scream by thanvannispen, applause sounds by SandyRB.
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Episode 15 – Celebrating African-American Chemists
Black History Month is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the contributions of African American scientists. So this week, we turn our focus on how their amazing work has improved peoples’ lives throughout history.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes chip crunch by FreqMan, truck backup sound by Corsica_S, gas stove audio by WIM, buzzing fly by dobroide, yeah kids sound by Totya.
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Episode 14 – The mystery of shining fish solved at last!
The bright, reflective shine of fish skin is a source of endless fascination for fishermen and aquarium owners. But what gives these swimmers their striking appearance? <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; Chill by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes coin drop by seejacksurf, wind chimes by acclivity, seagull audio by hazure, harp sound by zerolagtime, underwater sounds by suonho, laser by inferno and gasp by freqman.
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Episode 13 – The secret jungles of ancient France
It seems unlikely, but scientists have discovered evidence that France may have been a hot, wet tropical rainforest 55 million years ago!<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; Sancho Panza gets a Latte and Whimsy Groove by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes needle skip and gasps by Freqman, rainforest ambient sounds by reinsamba and dinosaur roar by acclivity.
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Episode 12 – Germ chat: Learning the language of bacteria
Scientists are beginning to decode the secret chemical language that bacteria use to chat. This discovery could lead to new treatments for bacteria that shrug off existing medicine. Every year, these so-called 'superbugs' make more than 90,000 people in the United States very, very sick.<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; Highlights reel by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes ticking clock sound by acclivity, bell toll by dobroide and party sounds by Freqman.
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Episode 11 – The water strider's amazing belly flop
Scientists in Korea have solved a big mystery about the water strider: How on Earth does this bug manage to leap onto the water without sinking?<br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; Cherry Blossom by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes pool splash by patchen, slap sound by scarbelly25, pained grunt by Sruddi1, underwater sounds by suonho, rowing sounds by hazure, bounce audio by FranciscoPadilla, water drop sound by junggle, camera shutter sound by Heigh-hoo, robot noise by Harri and racecar sound by prosounder.
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Episode 10 – Good news about bad breath
Scientists have discovered a new weapon in the battle against bad breath: chewing gum or mints made with from material found in the bark of the sweet magnolia tree. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; song entitled Plain Loafer by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes ship sound by milo, toilet flush by megamart, toothbrush sound by samplecat, yeah vocals by totya and scream by thanvannispen.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Episode 9 – "Bald" Peanuts
Boiled peanuts: the science of South Carolina’s official snack food. <br><br>Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes boiling sound by Dobroide, “woohoo” vocal by UncleSigmund and “eating chips” sound by FreqMan.
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Episode 8 – Dragon's Blood
Dragon's blood may sound like part of a magic potion that is used to fend off enemies in an epic battle. It actually is a bright red plant sap that has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. <br><br>Intro theme and sound effects by Adam Dylewski; Noble Race by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes dinosaur roar by acclivity, scream sound by cdrk, harp audio by zerolagtime, violin sound by dobroide, balloon inflation and deflation sounds by Halleck, stomach gurgle by nannygrimshaw and toothbrush sound by samplecat.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Episode 7 – Underwater camouflage secrets
Scientists in Massachusetts learn the sneaky secrets of cephalopods, nature's ultimate camouflage artists. <br><br> Intro theme and various sound effects by Adam Dylewski; scheming weasel by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes pool splash sound by patchen, underwater sounds by suonho, squish sound by Jamius and balloon inflation sound by Percy Duke.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Episode 6 - Chocoholic science
Some stomachs simply cannot get enough of one sweet treat; chocolate. Find out why! <br><br> Intro theme by Adam Dylewski; Dvorak Polka by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes kiss sound by roscoetoon, burp sound by jppi_Stu, male scream by thanvannispen, gurgling stomach sound by nannygrimshaw and brute vocal by Xythe.
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Episode 5 - Carbon dioxide vacuum slurps up air pollution
Thanks to a new gadget that gulps pollution right out of the air, scientists may be able to reduce the environmental damage caused by the hundreds of millions of cars worldwide. <br><br> Intro theme and sound effects by Adam Dylewski; Lasting Hope and Space Explorers music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes slurping sound by FranciscoPadilla, car ignition and horn sounds by Han1, single cough sound by zippi1, group cough sounds by Leady, gas stove sound by WIM, water drop sound by junggle, pool splash sound by patchen, brute vocal by Xythe and vacuum sound by tweeterdj.
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Episode 4 - A hair-raising discovery about hairy roots
Sci-fi movies and comic books are not the only place you can find “hair-raising” mutants with super-powers. With the help of some special bacteria, scientists are giving plants mutant roots with abilities that may one day make super-heros turn green with envy. These roots may become biofactories — natural factories that churn out fuels, food flavorings, and even medicine. <br><br> Intro theme and sound effects by Adam Dylewski; The Way Out music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes male scream by thanvannispen, factory sounds by kokuya, car ignition sound by Han1, underwater sounds by suonho and applause sounds by SandyRB.
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Episode 3 - A new spin on used CDs and DVDs
The next time you rip a CD onto that shiny new iPod or cozy up with a DVD movie, give this some thought: Scientists have found a surprising new job for compact discs and players. Those silvery wafers of plastic may be taking a spin in a laboratory near you! <br><br> Intro theme by Adam Dylewski; Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes ripping sound by batchku, music by bebeto, pop sound by anbo, buzzing sound by swuing, record scratch by jungle, laser sound by inferno and wooping vocal by UncleSigmund.
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Episode 2 - Three nutritional cheers for a healthier cassava
Scientists find a way to make a tasty African veggie called cassava more healthy. <br><br> Intro theme and sound effects by Adam Dylewski; “Whimsy Groove” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes crowd sounds by SandyRB.
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Episode 1 - Water pollution threatens Shamu's wild brothers and sisters
Shows at family adventure parks featuring Shamu — an orca or killer whale — have made these gigantic mammals one of the most famous marine animals. Shamu’s wild brothers and sisters, however, face many threats to their survival in the open ocean. <br><br> Intro theme by Adam Dylewski; Creative Commons licensed audio from freesound.iua.upf.edu includes shore sounds by Volivieri, ambient music by Genghis Attenborough, foghorn sound by Kathol and seagull sounds by Hazure.
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