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How to Arrive at a Flat Rate For Your Graphic Design Projects
<p>As a beginner or seasoned freelancer, correctly pricing your freelancing work is often challenging. You may need to choose between charging a fixed or hourly price. Other times you may find a client that wants to <a href="https://procommun.com/2023/03/business/negotiation-101-understanding-the-basics-of-effective-negotiation-skills/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer"><strong>negotiate for your service</strong></a>.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/11/business/how-to-arrive-at-a-flat-rate-for-your-graphic-design-projects/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Remote Patient Monitoring In Healthcare
<p>Telemetry enables data sourcing from remote points and transmits it to the equipment that measures and displays vital signs like an electrocardiogram. Patients who are admitted for serious life-threatening conditions need continuous monitoring till they stabilize and are on a life-support machine that supplies oxygen.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/11/wellness/remote-patient-monitoring-in-healthcare/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Top Reasons to Adopt a Subscription Business Model
<p>Running a profitable business is significantly dependent on sales. You need a strategic marketing strategy to convert leads, generate sales and keep more coming your way. Among the most profitable approaches is striving to retain more loyal customers since repeat sales are more productive, which is where the subscription business model comes in. Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/11/business/top-reasons-to-adopt-a-subscription-business-model/"><u><strong>procommun.com</strong></u></a></p>
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How Does A Digital Artist Make Money
<p>As the popularity of <a href="https://procommun.com/web-stories/what-is-the-cost-to-create-an-nft/"><strong>digital art continues to grow</strong></a>, more and more artists are turning to the internet to showcase and sell their work. While there are a number of ways by which digital artists make money, the most common is through online galleries, commissions, and licensing agreements.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/10/finance/how-does-a-digital-artist-make-money/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Everything you need to know about AUGUR (REP) Crypto
<p>Basically, Augur (REP) it is a simple software that gives its users various incentives in order to maintain and enhance a prediction market running on the <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/technology/what-is-ethereum-and-how-is-it-different-from-bitcoin/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"><u><strong>ethereum blockchain</strong></u></a>.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/10/technology/everything-you-need-to-know-about-augur-rep-crypto/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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7 Reasons to Buy a Second Home in 2022
<p>Are you wondering whether buying a second home in 2022 is something you’d call a good investment? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Anyway, it’s no wonder folks have second thoughts about buying a second home this very year since last year was not such a good one for buyers.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/10/finance/7-reasons-to-buy-a-second-home-in-2022/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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5 Ways Your Family Can Save on Medical Expenses | Rayanne Morriss
<p>Most Americans place a high value on their health insurance and related expenses. Unfortunately, the rising cost of healthcare activities, premiums for health insurance and prescription prescriptions, and provider billing errors, can lead to severe financial strains for patients. Fortunately, you may take measures to limit out-of-pocket costs for necessary medical care.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/10/wellness/5-ways-your-family-can-save-on-medical-expenses/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Tips for Those Looking to Get Workers Comp for Their Injury | Hannah Boothe
<p>Injured on the job? Wondering if you’re eligible for workers’ comp benefits? Here are some tips to help you figure out if you qualify and how to go about filing a claim. Remember that each state has its own set of rules and regulations, so be sure to consult with a lawyer in your area for specific guidance.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/10/business/tips-for-those-looking-to-get-workers-comp-for-their-injury/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Humanizing Brands: Conversational Marketing is the Future
<p>Customers are getting smarter these days; they don’t just buy a product instantly. This often happens with brand-new companies that are trying to reach out to a bigger audience.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/10/business/humanizing-brands-conversational-marketing-is-the-future/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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5 Marketing Tips That Will Grow Your Business Brand | Rayanne Morriss
<p>To grow your business brand, you can do a few key things. Here are five tips to help you reach more people and get the word out about your product or service.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/09/business/5-marketing-tips-that-will-grow-your-business-brand/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What to Know if You Are Starting a Hauling Business | Rayanne Morriss
<p>Assuming you already have access to a truck, getting into the hauling industry requires very little initial investment. Start a profitable hauling business with little more than your willingness to put in some hard work and a reliable car. There is a tremendous need for local hauling companies, and with the right technology, your company can have immediate access to well-paying tasks rather than having to go out and get them.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/09/business/what-to-know-if-you-are-starting-a-hauling-business/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How Technology Affects Our Everyday Lives | Frank Holman
<p>Technology’s effect on our lives has altered the way we do things. But how has technology affected our daily lives? It has played an important role in the development of practically all areas, including commerce, education, health, banking, transportation, and entertainment. Whether we are at work, school, the hospital, or at home, the impact of technology on society is immeasurable. High-tech gadgets and appliances have increased the quality and convenience of our lives.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/09/technology/how-technology-affects-our-everyday-lives/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Bridge Loan vs. Private Money Loan: What You Need to Know | Tracie Johnson
<p>Individuals, sole traders, small businesses, and property developers take a bridge loan or private money loan. This can help meet a cash flow or trade surplus over time without causing financial issues.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/09/finance/bridge-loan-vs-private-money-loan-what-you-need-to-know/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How to Optimize Your Bedroom for Better Sleep | Emelia Stephens
<p>As you already know, getting enough sleep is essential for our brains and bodies. A good night’s sleep may help you focus, improve your memory, make better decisions, and boost your mood. So if you need to drink coffee all day long because of restless nights, you should look for the problem. And we can almost bet that your bedroom might be the source of the problem.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/09/wellness/how-to-optimize-your-bedroom-for-better-sleep/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Tips to Start Video Blogging for Your Business
<p>Video content has gained a lot of attention in the last couple of years, and its consumption has grown rapidly. If you also want to dabble in video, then it is high time, as everyone prefers watching video content to articles or user manuals. Blogging or vlogging has become one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website and interact with your audience.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/09/business/tips-to-start-video-blogging-for-your-business/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Best 6 Personal Finance Apps to Consider | Bash Sarmiento
<p>The skills to budget and manage personal finances are proven beneficial to modern living. However, not everyone can manage their finances well. If you are struggling to manage your finances, it is not the end of the world! There are viable solutions available that can help you achieve financial wellness. One effective solution is to use a personal finance app.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/09/finance/best-6-personal-finance-apps-to-consider/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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The 20-Minute Workweek Checklist for Technical SEO | Brandveda
<p>Maintaining a website’s presence depends on various factors in technical SEO. This 20-minute workweek checklist gives a high-level overview of the search presence and the technical errors or issues we make sure to resolve.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/09/business/the-20-minute-workweek-checklist-for-technical-seo/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Understanding the ENJIN Coin (ENJ) Metaverse Token
<p>Enjin (ENJ) Cryptocurrency is a project of Enjin that provides an ecosystem of various interconnected <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/funfair-fun-a-blockchain-based-casino-platform/"><strong>blockchain-based gaming</strong></a> products. The flagship offering of Enjin (ENJ) Cryptocurrency is the Enjin network, a simple social gaming platform through which different users can create clans and websites, chat, and host virtual item stores.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/09/technology/understanding-the-enjin-coin-enj-metaverse-token/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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No-Code Development: What is it and How it Drives Digital Transformation in Finance
<p>As the world advances, with new technologies emerging, the finance industry has also started <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/technology/9-tips-for-embracing-digital-transformation-in-your-business/"><strong>embracing digital transformation</strong></a>. It is a strategy corporations use to integrate digital technologies into all their business operations to improve overall efficiency. However, just like any other holistic approach, there will be some struggles that you may encounter throughout the process.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/08/finance/no-code-development-what-is-it-and-how-it-drives-digital-transformation-in-finance/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What Is Carbon Offsetting and Why Should Every Business Owner Know About It? - Bash Sarmiento
<p>Global warming is one of the most pressing issues today. As the world becomes more industrialized, economies are observing a rise in greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions are contributing to climate change, which is a real and present threat to planet Earth. One way that businesses can help mitigate climate change is by <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/articles/technology-articles/carbon-seize-storage-ccs-potential-systems-towards-world-warming-2-technological-innovation/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"><strong>reducing their carbon emissions</strong></a>. This can be done through a practice called carbon offsetting.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/08/business/what-is-carbon-offsetting-and-why-should-every-business-owner-know-about-it/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Essential Tips on Writing a Best-Selling Romance Novel
<p>So, you have finally decided to put your inner story to paper and finally get the romance story out of your system. However, as a newbie romance author, you might be confused about how you can land a best-selling book in your first attempt.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/07/lifestyle/essential-tips-on-writing-a-best-selling-romance-novel/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Everything you need to know about Fantom (FTM) Cryptocurrency
<p>The Fantom (FTM) Cryptocurrency is a DAG or a directed acyclic graph intelligent contract platform that provides the Defi (<a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/bitcoin-cash-bch-a-peer-to-peer-electronic-cash-system/"><strong>decentralized finance</strong></a>) services for the developers to use its bespoke consensus algorithm. With its in-house token, the Fantom Cryptocurrency, it focuses on solving the different problems associated with the innovative contract platforms, precisely transaction speed that the developers claim they have reduced to under two seconds.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/07/technology/everything-you-need-to-know-about-fantom-ftm-cryptocurrency/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How to get started with Data Science? | Nidhi Mahajan
<p>Data science is the hottest career in tech, and it’s a great field to work in if you’re interested in getting into tech. But not everyone can afford to take several years off from their day job to become a data scientist. That’s why there are growing numbers of online programs that specifically teach the skills you’ll need to land a job as a data scientist.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/07/technology/how-to-get-started-with-data-science/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Six Sigma Green Belt Professional Salary: Top Paying Countries and Industries | Nidhi Mahajan
<p>The Six Sigma Green Belt salary can be attractive to many people, but others may wonder what it’s all about. While it’s true that there are many different types of Six Sigma certifications, earning the Green Belt is a great way to show your employer that you have the skills necessary to become an effective manager and leader in any industry.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/07/finance/six-sigma-green-belt-professional-salary-top-paying-countries-and-industries/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What is Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification? | Nidhi Mahajan
<p>Six Sigma is a methodology for process improvement that uses statistical analysis and data-driven decision-making to reduce variability in manufacturing, service, and administrative processes. The Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification is an introductory course that provides participants with a basic understanding of Six Sigma and its related methodologies.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/07/business/what-is-six-sigma-yellow-belt-certification/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How much does a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Professional Make? | Nidhi Mahajan
<p>If you’re looking for a new job and considering certification as part of your career plan, then you might be wondering what the salary of a certified six sigma black belt is. The good news is that it’s comparable to other certifications. But before we dive into the actual numbers, let’s talk about what exactly Six Sigma certification involves.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/07/business/how-much-does-a-certified-six-sigma-black-belt-professional-make/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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The Importance of Kubernetes in Devops | Nidhi Mahajan
<p>Kubernetes has made a huge impact on the way DevOps teams work. It has simplified many tasks and increased reliability in cluster environments. In this course, you’ll learn how to use a variety of kubernetes features such as config files, logs, sidecar containers, labels, and vscode plugins. This will be a great opportunity for anyone interested in getting into development to learn about some useful tools that can help them in their careers!</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/technology/the-importance-of-kubernetes-in-devops/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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PMP Vs MBA: 5 Advantages of PMP over MBA in 2022 | Nidhi Mahajan
<p>For anyone looking to progress in the field of project management, there are several certifications available. But, if you’re only able to get one certification under your belt, then it should be the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Here’s why:</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/business/pmp-vs-mba-5-advantages-of-pmp-over-mba-in-2022/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How Has a PDF Merger Made Marketers’ Tasks Easier? | Emily Hazel
<p>Do you have multiple PDF files that need to be unified into a single document? Whether you are a business owner, marketer, content writer, developer, professor, or a student, merging PDF files into one comprehensive document is a common need for all sectors.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/business/how-has-a-pdf-merger-made-marketers-tasks-easier/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How To Take Advantage Of Big Data In The Shipping Industry? | Bash Sarmiento
<p>The shipping industry handles a whopping 90% of global trade. Thousands of ships sail daily, carrying passengers and cargo to different parts of the world. With this massive transportation system, the industry generates a large volume of data – Big Data. The industry can take advantage of this data in several ways, as outlined in this article.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/technology/how-to-take-advantage-of-big-data-in-the-shipping-industry/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How to Keep Your Customer Data Safe? | Hugo Baker
<p>Now more than ever, businesses must take steps to protect their customer data. While there are various ways to go about this, some tips include using strong encryption and password protection, keeping track of who has access to what data, and regularly reviewing security protocols and employee training.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/technology/how-to-keep-your-customer-data-safe/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Why Have So Many People Move to Nashville In 2022? | Sofia Rose
<p>The pandemic has accelerated relocation plans and readjusted the real estate market or home buying process. <a href="http://propertyfriendstn.com/" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>Homebuyers</strong></a><strong> </strong>still want to call Nashville their hometown. As the country spends more time working from home, people can move away from the city where their employer is based, allowing Nashville to act as a home base office.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/lifestyle/6-major-reasons-why-everyone-is-moving-to-nashville/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Data Engineer V/S Data Scientist: How Are They Different? | Bash Sarmiento
<p>In the modern world, there is a massive amount of data. Tech professionals and scientists collect and analyze this data on a large scale. It contributes to innovative technology and fresh business practices. Two professions that handle data in all forms are data engineers and data scientists.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/technology/data-engineer-v-s-data-scientist-how-are-they-different/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Tight rope walk of Inflation and Growth | Kanad Deshmukh
<p>The land of dreams is getting expensive month by month, week by week, and day by day. This takes us to a time frame of four decades back.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/finance/tight-rope-walk-of-inflation-and-growth/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What is Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Why is it Unique?
<p>Ethereum Classic (ETC) Cryptocurrency is a hard fork of Ethereum (ETH) launched in 2016. The primary function of the Ethereum Classic (ETC) Cryptocurrency is working as an innovative contract network with the ability to host as well as support the different decentralized apps or dApps. The native token of Ethereum Classic (ETC) Cryptocurrency is ETC.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/technology/what-is-ethereum-classic-etc-and-why-is-it-unique/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Top 5 Gifts For Gamer Boyfriend That Are Absolute Must – Haves in 2022 | Sofia Rose
<p>Are you looking for perfect presents to give a gamer boyfriend on his birthday or any other event? I’ve got you covered! I know it’s tricky to choose a gift for a gamer person, especially your boyfriend.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/technology/top-5-gifts-for-gamer-boyfriend-that-are-absolute-must-haves-in-2022/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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The Rise, Fall & Revival of Ayurveda - Bilwa Kulkarni
<p>Ayurveda is India’s traditional science. It is a science of medicine and a whole way of life. The practice of <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/articles/health-articles/9-herbs-rewards-in-ayurveda-wellness/"><strong>Ayurveda</strong></a> enables everyone to follow a healthy lifestyle. It promotes nutritious food and a good lifestyle as a preventive measure to avoid any diseases and the need for medicines. India has been the pioneer in making the world aware of this magnificient creation of theirs.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/wellness/the-rise-fall-and-revival-of-ayurveda/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How Can Machine Learning Replace Traditional Weather Prediction? - Bash Sarmiento
<p>With the rise of technology, more people are turning to <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/articles/technology-articles/a-beginners-tutorial-to-fully-grasp-machine-learning-technological-innovation/"><strong>machine learning</strong></a> (ML) for different applications. One particular area where ML is being used is weather forecasting. While traditional weather prediction methods are widely used nowadays, many areas still need improvement. ML can help weather forecasters improve their predictions by analyzing data from the past and present.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/technology/how-can-machine-learning-replace-traditional-weather-prediction/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Enhancing the Blockchain Economy with QTUM
<p>Qtum (QTUM) Cryptocurrency is a simple decentralized open-source, public blockchain platform. In simple language, the Qtum (QTUM) Cryptocurrency platform is a community project that focuses on connecting the communities of Bitcoin and Ethereum, the blockchain system, and the real world.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/technology/enhancing-the-blockchain-economy-with-qtum/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What is Algorand (ALGO) Cryptocurrency?
<p>The Algorand (ALGO) cryptocurrency is a simple autonomous, decentralized blockchain-based network supporting many applications. The Algorand (ALGO) cryptocurrency systems are scalable, efficient, and secure, with all the critical properties for practical applications in the real world.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/06/technology/what-is-algorand-algo-cryptocurrency/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How to Set Up a Crypto Business in Europe? Crypto Company Registration in Lithuania - AdamSmith.lt
<p>Cryptocurrencies have resulted in the creation of new businesses seeking to profit from the sector’s expansion. As a result of the recent surge in cryptocurrency-centric work, several nations have begun to accept cryptocurrencies as a legitimate way of conducting business.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/business/how-to-set-up-a-crypto-business-in-europe-crypto-company-registration-in-lithuania/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Will the Moderna share price ever recover? - Mentor Finance
<p><strong>Moderna</strong> (NASDAQ:MRNA) shares traded for more than $450 last summer. But today the stock is trading at $136 – less than a third of its pandemic peak. The vaccine-maker stock gained massively during the pandemic. Its <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/news/health/china039s-bet-on-homegrown-mrna-vaccines-retains-again-nation/">mRNA vaccine</a> was favoured by governments around the world, including in the US and EU.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/finance/will-the-moderna-share-price-ever-recover/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Are depression and anxiety mental disabilities? – How to Deal with it! - Emma
<p>If you don’t know what depression and anxiety are, you need to read this post. This article will tell you what depression and anxiety are and whether you can call them mental disabilities. You would also find ways to help you deal with stress, anxiety, and depression in simple yet effective ways.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/articles/lifestyle-articles/how-to-deal-with-depression-and-anxiety/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Gilette’s Billion-Dollar Business Case Study
<p>Gilette is one such brand that you have most definitely heard of, either through your parents, your friend circle, or different commercials. Overall, these years, Gilette has become a common household name, with its popularity being all across the demographics. Additionally, Gilette has become a part of the hierarchical journey in the family as it is being passed on from one generation to the other generation and may be in use by the upcoming generations.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/business/gilettes-billion-dollar-business-case-study/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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9 Tips for Embracing Digital Transformation in Your Business
<p>Investing in digitization is a top priority for growing organizations. The issue for these businesses, though, is to understand how to properly use new technology and bring innovation to how they do things.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/technology/9-tips-for-embracing-digital-transformation-in-your-business/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Cosmos (ATOM) An ever-Expanding Ecosystem of dApps
<p>The Cosmos (ATOM) Cryptocurrency is a simple project that solves some of the most complex problems facing the blockchain industry. The cryptocurrency focuses on offering an antinode to slow, unscalable, expensive, and environmentally harmful POW (Proof of work) protocols like those used by other popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin by offering an expansive ecosystem of connected blockchains.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/technology/cosmos-atom-an-ever-expanding-ecosystem-of-dapps/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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All You Need to Know About Ravencoin (RVN)
<p>The <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/videos/crypto-videos/the-hobbyist-miner-live-stream-ft-dj-mines-home-crypto-mining-gpus-ethereum-more-youtube/">Ravencoin (RVN) Cryptocurrency</a> is basically a digital P2P (peer-to-peer) network that focuses on implementing a use case-specific blockchain. It is designed to handle one particular function efficiently: the transfer of assets from one party to another. It is built on a fork of the Bitcoin code and was announced on 31st October 2017. It also released the binaries for mining on 3rd January 2018 with a fair launch, which was named about the famous TV show Game of Thrones.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/technology/all-you-need-to-know-about-ravencoin-rvn/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Amway Case Study: The Most Successful Multi-level Marketing Company
<p>Amway is considered one of the top direct selling businesses worldwide. It was established in 1959 by Richard DeVos and Jay Van Andel in <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/news/health/biden-to-keep-industrial-polluters-accountable-for-harming-very-poor-minority-communities/">Michigan</a>. Amway manufactures and sells products to promote the health and well-being of the people. Amway has been providing career opportunities services as well. In addition, this company has been collaborating with the other business houses to sell their products.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/business/amway-case-study-the-most-successful-multi-level-marketing-company/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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9 Tips for Finding Your Purpose of Life - Daniel Scott
<p>I have spent most of my professional career asking the question: What does life purpose mean and how does one find and fulfill it? I believe you have a life purpose — we all do. Since there is no other individual on the planet exactly like you that has the exact combination of nature and nurture, it seems obvious and logical that you must be capable of providing some value that nobody else is capable of providing.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/business/9-tips-for-finding-your-purpose-of-life/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What Is Monero (XMR) Cryptocurrency?
<p>The Monero (XMR) Cryptocurrency was launched in the year 2014, and its main aim was to simply allow various transactions to take place privately and with anonymity. Even though it is commonly wise that the BTC can conceal a person’s identity, it becomes straightforward to trace the payments back to their original sources as the blockchains are transparent.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/technology/what-is-monero-xmr-cryptocurrency/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Polygon (MATIC): Bringing the world to Ethereum
<p>The Matic Network (MATIC) Cryptocurrency is simply an <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/technology/what-is-ethereum-and-how-is-it-different-from-bitcoin/"><u><strong>ethereum</strong></u></a> token that powers the polygon network, a scaling solution for the ethereum. It focuses on providing cheaper and faster transactions on Ethereum using the layer 2 side chains, which are blockchains that run alongside the Ethereum main chain.&nbsp;</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/technology/polygon-matic-bringing-the-world-to-ethereum/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Meta Case Study: Growth Strategy of Facebook
<p>Facebook is one of the oldest thriving social media networks, it is still a thriving business platform for different businesses willing to boost their brand awareness. With more than 2.38 billion monthly active users, Facebook can be used in numerous ways, including building a business, starting a network, and more.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/business/meta-case-study-growth-strategy-of-facebook/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Celer Network (CELR): Enjoy The Benefits Of A Diverse Multi-blockchain Ecosystem
<p>As exciting as a <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/news/crypto/blockchain-expert-predicts-the-future-of-bitcoin-and-crypto-in-2022-youtube/">blockchain</a>, the Celer Network (CELR) Cryptocurrency can leave much desired with the transaction speeds. The Celer Network (CELR) Cryptocurrency is an intelligent designed layer 2 scaling solution that provides handling of off-chain transactions.</p> <p><strong>Continue reading on </strong><a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/technology/celer-network-celr-enjoy-the-benefits-of-a-diverse-multi-blockchain-ecosystem/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Fetch AI (FET) blockchain-based project aimed at introducing Artificial Intelligence
<p>A FETCH AI (FET) CRYPTOCURRENCY is the native cryptocurrency of Fetch.ai, which is a blockchain-based project aimed at introducing AI (Artificial Intelligence) to the cryptocurrency economy. The main selling point is that its AEAs (Autonomous Economics Agent) are powered by Artificial Intelligence, the automated decentralized finance functions.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/05/technology/fetch-ai-fet-blockchain-based-project-aimed-at-introducing-artificial-intelligence/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Zerodha Case Study: Making Barrier-Free Trading Processes
<p>Zerodha is a company that has made all the trading processes barrier-free. It is the very first discount brokerage company in India. <a href="https://zerodha.com/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Zerodha</a> has established itself in this digital world briefly and can flourish in the market. This company has purely grown on the principle of technology while giving valuable services to the customers.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/business/zerodha-case-study-making-barrier-free-trading-processes/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Tezos (XTZ): A blockchain designed to evolve
<p>The Tezos (XTZ) cryptocurrency is a native cryptocurrency of <a href="https://tezos.com/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Tezos</a>, an open-source innovative contract platform used to issue new digital assets and create decentralized applications or dapps. The Tezos (XTZ) cryptocurrency fuels the platform of tezos and enables the holders to participate in voting on the protocol proposals.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/tezos-xtz-a-blockchain-designed-to-evolve/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Ancient Indian SUPERHUMAN Exercise that can be done at home – Hanuman Dand
<p>Modern gym culture sees human body as a bunch of compartments of muscles. But wars are not fought just by muscles, but blood and guts. Human muscles are ensheathed under fascias – no muscle compartment is constant. Muscles adapt according to the functional requirement. The one who masters adaptation wins.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/wellness/ancient-indian-superhuman-exercise-that-can-be-done-at-home-hanuman-dand/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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IKEA Business Case Study
<p>IKEA is one of the most popular and biggest furniture companies globally. It was founded by a carpenter named Ingvar Kamprad in the year 1943. Today, everyone knows that IKEA offers its products at a meager price without actually compromising the quality of the product. It has invested around 800 crores in India and has more than 9500 products.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/business/ikea-business-case-study/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Yoga 101: All You Need to know about it in 21st Century
<p>Modern Western yoga approaches are not based on any particular belief or religion. However, yoga has its roots in Hinduism and Brahmanism. Yoga was developed primarily by seers and asceticists living in southern India. Foreseeers observed nature, lived near the earth, and studied many aspects of nature, animals, and themselves. By observing and imitating the different attitudes and customs of the animal kingdom, they were able to develop elegance, strength and wisdom.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/wellness/yoga-101-all-you-need-to-know-about-it-in-21st-century/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Stellar Lumens (XLM) An Open Network for Storing and Moving Money
<p>The Stellar (XLM) Cryptocurrency is a simple open network that allows money to be stored and moved; when it was released in July 2014, one of its main aims was to boost the financial inclusion by reaching the world’s unbanked, but soon afterward, its priorities got shifted to helping different financial firms connect with one another through blockchain technology.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/stellar-lumens-xlm-an-open-network-for-storing-and-moving-money/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Chiropractic Weight Loss and Its Effectiveness
<p>Is it possible to lose weight in chiropractic? It may be a new concept for you, but if your weight loss program isn’t working, it’s a good idea to try chiropractic weight loss. Do you know? This may be a ticket to a well-maintained body that fits your body. Experienced chiropractors will learn how to solve your weight problems.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <strong>procommun.com</strong></figure>
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USD Coin (USDC) digital currency backed by USD assets
<p>The USD Coin (USDC) cryptocurrency is a simple digital currency fully backed by U.S. dollar assets. The USD Coin (USDC) cryptocurrency can be defined as a tokenized U.S. dollar with the value of around one USDC Coin pegged as 1:1 to the value of one dollar.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/finance/usd-coin-usdc-digital-currency-backed-by-usd-assets/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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3 Steps For Long Lasting Weight Loss
<p>Like most things in life, losing weight (a lot of weight) boils down to conscious effort, discipline, determination, and perseverance. Losing 10, 20, 50, or 100 pounds or more comes back to what you do daily. If you do what you’re supposed to do (eat right + exercise) day in a day out, you will eventually lose all the weight you want.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/wellness/3-steps-for-long-lasting-weight-loss/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Bitcoin Cash (BCH): a peer-to-peer electronic cash system
<p>The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Cryptocurrency is a simple peer-to-peer electronic cash system that focuses on becoming sound global money with micro fees, fast payments, privacy, and high transaction capacity (big blocks).</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/bitcoin-cash-bch-a-peer-to-peer-electronic-cash-system/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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The Top 10 Weight Loss Secrets
<p>For many, weight loss seems like a tricky thing. Maybe you’ve tried things in the past…diets, workouts, pills, creams, ANYTHING to help get the weight off, but it seems like no matter how hard you try, it either doesn’t come off at all, or it comes right back on. Why do you think that is?</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/wellness/the-top-10-weight-loss-secrets/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Coca-Cola Marketing Case Study
<p>Coca-Cola owns a product portfolio of more than 3500 products. The average daily servings of Coca-Cola are 1.9 billion people, and it is present in more than 200 countries worldwide.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/business/coca-cola-marketing-case-study/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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All you need to know about the True USD (TUSD) Cryptocurrency
<p>True USD (TUSD) Cryptocurrency was introduced in 2018 and was designed to be a transparent, simple, and reliable stable coin. Therefore, for this reason, it does not use any special algorithm or a hidden bank account and is crystal clear in all of its policies.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/all-you-need-to-know-about-the-true-usd-tusd-cryptocurrency/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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All you need to know about Quarkchain (QKC)
<p>The QuarkChain Token (QKC) Cryptocurrency is a simple high chain capacity peer-to-peer transactional system consisting of a two-layered blockchain- the first one is the elastic sharding blockchains known as shards sitting as the first layer and a root blockchain, performing the function of confirming the blocks from the shards and posing as the second layer.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/all-you-need-to-know-about-quarkchain-qkc/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Theta Token: Blockchain based network for Video Streaming
<p>Theta (THETA) cryptocurrency is a simple blockchain-powered network that is built for the purpose of video streaming. It was launched in March 2019. The mainnet of Theta (THETA) cryptocurrency operates as a primary decentralized network where different users share the bandwidth and the computing sources on a P2P (Peer to Peer) basis.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/theta-token-blockchain-based-network-for-video-streaming/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Crypto Market Trends & Recovery Projections in 2022
<p>The global&nbsp;<a href="https://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/5505342/global-cryptocurrency-market-report-2021-covid?utm_source=CI&amp;utm_medium=PressRelease&amp;utm_code=fn8pvl&amp;utm_campaign=1642707+-+Global+Cryptocurrency+Market+Report+2021-2025+%26+2030%3a+Transparency+in+Financial+Payments+are+Expected+to+Propel+the+Growth+of+the+Market&amp;utm_exec=chdo54prd" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">crypto&nbsp;</a>market will hit $2.73 billion worth by 2025? The year 2021 was great for&nbsp;cryptocurrency&nbsp;trading. While many understood the crypto market to be among a comparatively small community of investors, it has become a household name. Therefore, as an investor, you cannot help but jump into the bandwagon of opportunities presented by&nbsp;cryptocurrency.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/finance/crypto-market-trends-recovery-projections-in-2022/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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FunFair (FUN): A Blockchain based Casino Platform
<p>The FunFair (FUN) Crypto token is an asset that is developed specifically for the online gaming and gambling industry. The FunFair (FUN) Crypto token also combines the Ethereum blockchain’s qualities and a cutting edge tech stack, making the FunFair Crypto token a powerful and valuable resource for different players, platforms as well as developers alike.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/funfair-fun-a-blockchain-based-casino-platform/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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All you need to know about the Status Network Token (SNT)
<p>The Status Network (SNT) crypto is a project that lets you use the Ethereum network seamlessly. It also offers a platform where all the decentralized mobile apps, also known as dApps, can run to maximize the use of blockchain. The Status Network (SNT) crypto is the cryptocurrency used by the Status blockchain. This project was initiated by Status Research and Development GmbH in Zug, Switzerland.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/all-you-need-to-know-about-the-status-network-token-snt/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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IOS Token (IOST) An ultra-fast decentralized blockchain network
<p>The IOS Token (IOST) is an ultra-fast, fully-fledged, decentralized blockchain network and ecosystem with its nodes and wallets. It is also based on the next-generation consensus protocol dubbed ‘proof of believability.’</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/ios-token-iost-an-ultra-fast-decentralized-blockchain-network/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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Polymath (POLY) is leading the security token revolution
<p>Polymath (POLY) Crypto provides technology to create, issue, and manage specific security tokens on the blockchain. The Polymath (POLY) Crypto spearheaded the creation of a unified standard for security tokens on Ethereum, ERC 1400, and more than 200 tokens have been deployed using the ethereum based solution of Polymath (POLY) Crypto.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/polymath-poly-is-leading-the-security-token-revolution/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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OMG Network (OMG): First production-grade layer-2 ethereum scaling solution
<p>The OMISEGO (OMG) CRYPTO Network, also known as OmiseGo, is a value transfer network for Ethereum and any ERC-20 token. It describes itself as the very first production-grade layer-2 ethereum scaling solution. It aims to let people move money and various digital values on the blockchain cheaper, faster, and without compromising security.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/omg-network-omg-first-production-grade-layer-2-ethereum-scaling-solution/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What is ICON (ICX) Crypto Network?
<p>An ICON (ICX) network is simply a layer one blockchain from the famous South Korea. The declared vision of this crypto is to build an interoperable blockchain network that bridges autonomous online communities and some real-world enterprises. The ICON network focuses on delivering real-world utility by advancing hyperconnectivity through the promotion of frictionless value exchanges.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/what-is-icon-icx-crypto-network/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Build a Next level blockchain solution with NULS
<p>NULS is like a proof of credit blockchain platform that enables smart contracts. It focuses on becoming a customizable blockchain infrastructure using sidechains. It is also compatible with various blockchains due to its cross-chain consensus.</p> <p>Continue reading on<strong> </strong><a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/build-a-next-level-blockchain-solution-with-nuls/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Request Network (REQ): A protocol for creating and requesting payments
<p>The Request Network (REQ) crypto is a utility token of the request network that operates on the Ethereum protocol. It serves as a decentralized payment system that allows different users to receive or send money securely and seamlessly.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/04/technology/request-network-req-a-protocol-for-creating-and-requesting-payments/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Building Decentralized Exchanges with 0x Protocol (ZRX)
<p>0x Protocol (ZRX) is an open protocol designed for decentralized exchange on the blockchain. This protocol has been developed with the help of smart contracts and enables the developers to operate a simple decentralized business to trade the ERC20 tokens effortlessly.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/technology/building-decentralized-exchanges-with-0x-protocol-zrx/" target="_blank"><u><strong>procommun.com</strong></u></a></p>
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Basic Attention Token (BAT): Blockchain Based Digital Advertising
<p>Basic Attention Token (BAT) is built on the ethereum blockchain. It is a utility token that different digital marketers use to pay for various ads on the Brave browser, a privacy-focused competitor of Mozilla’s Firefox and Google’s chrome. Users who wish to see the ads can join a program that will pay them in BAT for viewing them. Furthermore, these ads are served up by Brave from trusted partners, and the browsing history of a user or his preferences are never made available publicly.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/technology/basic-attention-token-bat-blockchain-based-digital-advertising/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Nucleus Vision (NCASH): Largest Decentralized Private Communication Networks
<p>Nucleus Vision (NCASH) is simply a data-driven platform from the retail market, and it aims to improve the retail shopping with the help of blockchain and IoT-based technology, by making customer data accessible. It is a platform where the customers get Nucleus Vision (NCASH) tokens as a loyalty reward for answering different questions, and the owners of the retail shops can use the utilities of the Nucleus Vision with NCASH. These tokens are basically the ERC20 tokens on the ethereum blockchain.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/technology/nucleus-vision-ncash-largest-decentralized-private-communication-networks/" target="_blank"><u><strong>procommun.com</strong></u></a></p>
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Best Altcoins to invest and watch out in 2022
<p>An altcoin is a cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin. The term originally referred to the cryptocurrencies on the market other than Bitcoin, but now it often refers to any cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/finance/best-altcoins-to-invest-and-watch-out-in-2022/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Create user-friendly dApps more easily with Zilliqa (ZIL)
<p>Zilliqa (ZIL) is a simple cryptocurrency that aims to use sharding to solve the scalability issues facing several blockchains. Sharding, in simple words, is the process of dividing the mining network into smaller pieces or shards that process transactions in parallel.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/technology/create-user-friendly-dapps-more-easily-with-zilliqa-zil/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What is EOS Crypto and how does it work?
<p>EOS.IO is a simple blockchain protocol that is based on the cryptocurrency EOS. It is an innovative contract platform that claims to eliminate transaction fees and conduct millions of transactions every second. It is undoubtedly a highly performant open-source blockchain platform built to support and operate compliant, safe, and predictable digital infrastructures.</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/technology/what-is-eos-crypto-and-how-does-it-work/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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What sets Ripple (XRP) apart from others?
<p>Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular, and Ripple XRP has also solidified its position as one of the leading cryptocurrencies in the market. Ripple XRP is considered a cryptocurrency as it is inherently different from all other cryptocurrencies present in the market, such as Ethereum and Bitcoin.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/technology/what-sets-ripple-xrp-apart-from-others/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Cardano (ADA): Blockchain Platform for the Changing World
<p>The Cardano (ADA) currency was launched in 2017 and is billed as a third-generation blockchain, after Bitcoin and Ethereum. The Cardano (ADA) currency aims to compete with Ethereum and other popular decentralized application platforms, saying that it is a more secure, scalable, and efficient alternative.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/technology/cardano-ada-blockchain-platform-for-the-changing-world/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Verge (XVG): Bringing Blockchain into Everyday Life
<p>Verge Currency is a simple decentralized open-source cryptocurrency that offers different levels of private transactions. It is done by obfuscating the users’ IP addresses with Tor and by leveraging the stealth transactions, which makes it difficult to determine the geolocation of its users.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/technology/verge-xvg-bringing-blockchain-into-everyday-life/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Smooth Love Potion: The Axie Infinity Metaverse Token
<p>Smooth Love Potion is nothing complex but a utility token used on the Axie Infinity Ecosystem. Axie Infinity Ecosystem, in simple words, is a Pokemon-inspired universe that is built on Ethereum where any person can earn tokens with the help of their skilled gameplay and contributions to that ecosystem.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/technology/smooth-love-potion-the-axie-infinity-metaverse-token/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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WINkLink: The First Gaming Blockchain Built on TRON!
<p>WINKLINK is a blockchain gaming and social platform where the users will stake across multiple blockchain ecosystems. The decentralized platform already has several popular casino games and competitions. In addition, this platform has a unique gaming ecosystem comprising an innovative token economy, behavioral mining, and other incentive mechanisms intended to make WINKLINK a sticky platform.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/technology/winklink-the-first-gaming-blockchain-built-on-tron/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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The Kashmir Files: A case study from the lens of Seth Godin
<p>The Kashmir Files continue to take the box-office by storm with a worldwide collection of Rs. 150 crore (estimation) and counting, this is what happens when the movie is marketed by the audience. This is the power of the common man. If this is not a box-office success, I don’t know what is!</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/business/the-kashmir-files-a-case-study-from-the-lens-of-seth-godin/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Meta’s 26% Crash & What It Means For The Futures of The Metaverse?
<p>Shares of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp parent&nbsp;Meta&nbsp;took a plunge following its fourth-quarter and full-year earnings over a month ago. Dropping over 26%, the company set a rather unpleasant record&nbsp;wiping out $230 billion in market valuation, the&nbsp;biggest loss in history&nbsp;for a US company within a single day.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/business/metas-26-crash-what-it-means-for-the-futures-of-the-metaverse/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How To Project Confidence Like Jessica Pearson?
<p>“When you work with tigers, they will take a swipe at you once in a while. I like working with tigers. Of course, when they get out of hand, you have to put them down”. - <strong>Jessica Pearson</strong></p> <p>Continue reading on<strong> </strong><a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/business/how-to-project-confidence-like-jessica-pearson/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
<p>Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It is a popular dieting pattern that has been used for weight loss and to improve health<strong>.</strong> The intermittent fasting diet has been around for centuries, but it has gained popularity in recent years. There are many different types of intermittent fasting diets, with some being more restrictive than others.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/wellness/benefits-of-intermittent-fasting-for-weight-loss/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How to Create an Ideal Sleeping Space for a REM Sleep
<p>We have all felt the immediate benefits of a good night’s sleep, right? We feel clearer, more energized, and better able to handle the day-to-day stressors of life. Why does sleep make us feel this way? Quality sleep allows your mind to rest and recharge, allowing it to better process memories, think clearly, and concentrate.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/wellness/how-to-create-an-ideal-sleeping-space-for-a-rem-sleep/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Is yoga best for your brain?
<p>Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India. It is used to maintain physical and mental health. Yoga is a series of poses, or postures, combined with deep breathing exercises.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/wellness/is-yoga-best-for-your-brain/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Web3 Coins & Technology to watch out for in 2022
<p>The web3 ecosystem is still in its early stages, with a lot of room for growth and innovation. This is an opportunity to get into the market early on before it becomes mainstream.</p> <p>Continue reading on<strong> </strong><a href="https://procommun.com/2022/03/finance/web3-coins-technology-to-watch-out-for-in-2022/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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BTT to BTTC and the Future Prediction of Bittorrent
<p>The Blockchain revolution assured investors that their coins would remain private and confidential. Nowadays, it is an asset type that is heavily regulated and, in some cases, has even been adopted as legal cash. <a href="https://www.bittorrent.com/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"><strong>BitTorrent </strong></a>Token (BTT) is a prominent cryptocurrency that has joined the growing digital assets in the Web 3.0 era.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/02/technology/btt-to-bttc-and-the-future-prediction-of-bittorrent/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How to Invest in Coins for the First Time: A Beginner’s Guide
<p>Cryptocurrencies are booming these days, and many investors are hoping to cash in on the trend. Bitcoin and other well-known cryptos, as well as other popular digital currencies, have made a comeback. For centuries, experienced traders have been speculating on Bitcoin, what if you’re new to the scene and want to get involved?</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2022/02/finance/how-to-invest-in-coins-for-the-first-time-a-beginners-guide/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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An Inspiring Journey of the Spice King and MDH Masala
<p>Mahashay Dharam Pal Gulati, the nonagenarian entrepreneur who has over the years become synonymous with his spices brand MDH, or Mahashian Di Hatti, truly embodies the phrase ‘rags-to-riches.’ Having struggled through adversities, and tragic losses, to eventually emerge triumphant in a new India. Mahashay’s story will continue to inspire for ages.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/12/business/an-inspiring-journey-of-the-spice-king-and-mdh-masala/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Recent Updates on Paytm IPO and the Future of the Company
<p>Paytm is headquartered in Noida, India, and is a leading business conglomerate in eCommerce, digital payments, and financial services. Besides offering services like mobile and DTH recharges, utility bill payments, movie, event, and travel ticket bookings, Paytm also facilitates bank account opening through the Paytm Payments Bank. Paytm users can also use the Paytm QR code to pay at grocery stores, retail shops, educational institutions, restaurants, etc. As of 2020,&nbsp;Paytm is a US$16 billion company, with Softbank, SAIF Partners, Berkshire Hathaway, Discovery Capital, Ant Financial, etc., as its investors.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/12/business/recent-updates-on-paytm-ipo-and-the-future-of-the-company/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Connecting All the World’s Distributed Ledgers with Quant
<p>A network and operating program called Quant (QNT) was first officially confirmed in <a href="https://getcrypto.info/quant/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">2018</a>. It is a way for people to use different types of blockchains together. An interoperability solution is exactly what this project aims to provide for blockchain systems. Because it is a plug-and-play solution, and it can be used to bridge the gap between multiple different blockchains and corporate applications without requiring teams to invest in additional infrastructure.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/12/technology/connecting-all-the-worlds-distributed-ledgers-with-quant/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Exploring the Thorswap Ecosystem and Product
<p><strong>THORChain </strong>refers to a self-governing blockchain developed using the Cosmos SDK that operates as a cross-chain DEX (decentralized exchange). It employs an automatic market maker (AMM) model that matches the initial redundancies of Bancor (BNT) or Uniswap, where THORChain’s primary token (RUNE) will be the primary swap pair. This model enables traders to shift between numerous asset funds employing RUNE as a somewhat secluded intermediary. It further rewards LPs (liquidity providers), those that stake or collateral assets on either side of a liquidity pool, with a part of trading charges.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/12/technology/exploring-the-thorswap-ecosystem-and-product/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What is Synthetix and its application in the real world?
<p>Synthetix is a token trading platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. The primary function of the platform is the issuing of synthetic assets. Synthetic assets are tokenized derivatives that mimic the value of another asset. This means that without holding assets such as gold or stock, a person can instead invest in a token representing the value and gain profits by trading in these tokens.</p> <p>Continue reading on <strong>procommun.com</strong></p>
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How the Future of Smart Contracts Will Influence Your Business
<p>Smart contracts&nbsp;are techie legal-ease terms and policies coded within a&nbsp;blockchain&nbsp;software environment, which acts as the mechanism to ensure that the process is fair to everyone involved when it comes down to executing a transaction between parties on a&nbsp;blockchain&nbsp;network. For example,&nbsp;smart contracts&nbsp;automatically make sure that all of your agreed-upon rules, such as time expiration or percentage terms, are met without fail.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/12/business/how-the-future-of-smart-contracts-will-influence-your-business/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Future of Shiba Inu and Its Token Burn Status
<p>Shiba Inu was created by an anonymous individual known only as “Ryoshi” and has subsequently gained&nbsp;<a href="https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/the-future-of-shiba-inu-price-prediction-and-market-expectation" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">12505887.6 percent</a>&nbsp;since its creation in the cryptocurrency market, making it an internet sensation.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/12/finance/future-of-shiba-inu-and-its-token-burn-status/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal – The Road Ahead For Twitter
<p>If Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging&nbsp;social network&nbsp;websites, the lion’s share of the credit goes to Jack Dorsey. With Dorsey resigning from the&nbsp;CEO position for the second time, the position will be filled by the company’s CTO,&nbsp;Parag Agrawal.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/12/business/jack-dorsey-and-parag-agrawal-the-road-ahead-for-twitter/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Powering the Future of Smart Contracts With Chainlink
<p>There is no denying that<strong> </strong>smart contracts&nbsp;have redefined automation in digital business exchanges. Fundamentally,&nbsp;smart contracts&nbsp;are pre-defined rules coded within&nbsp;blockchain-based machines that govern transactional agreements. To put it simply, they assess information and execute the rules automatically when certain conditions are met.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/12/technology/powering-the-future-of-smart-contracts-with-chainlink/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Is Yoga beneficial against Diabetes?
<p>Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot produce or process insulin normally. This leads to high blood sugar levels and can cause a range of serious medical problems.</p> <p>The causes of diabetes are not completely understood, but it is thought to be a combination of genetics and environmental factors, such as diet and activity levels. A person’s age, weight, family history of diabetes, ethnicity, and certain diseases that affect the pancreas or liver also affect the risk of developing diabetes.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/12/wellness/is-yoga-beneficial-against-diabetes/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Decentraland Getting Metaverse to Life
<p>Decentraland&nbsp;is a specialized software that runs on Ethereum, seeking to inspire a network of users. Users of&nbsp;Decentraland&nbsp;can engage in purchasing and selling real estate while exploring and playing games in the&nbsp;virtual world. Evolving, the platform has also implemented several apps and payment systems for peer communication among users.&nbsp;MANA&nbsp;is a type of token that governs operations in&nbsp;Decentraland, facilitating the purchase of LAND (A token that defines ownership of land parcels and digital real estate), virtual goods, and services.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/12/technology/decentraland-getting-metaverse-to-life/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What is Avalanche Smart Contracts Platform?
<p>Due to the differences in market conditions between different regions, financial markets are disparate. The&nbsp;<a href="https://www.avax.network/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Avalanche </a>is a programmable&nbsp;smart contracts&nbsp;platform that brings global financial markets onto one unified platform creating value for all participants by solving the existing fragmentation issue through a fast, scalable system for deploying digital assets across all types of transactions in multiple regions simultaneously. It was recently reported that as of&nbsp;<a href="https://markr.io/#/pools" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">November</a>&nbsp;2021, the&nbsp;<strong>Avalanche</strong>&nbsp;has an astonishing market value of roughly $18B USD.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/technology/what-is-avalanche-smart-contracts-platform/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Sandbox: Its Vision, Game, Tokenomics, Role in Metaverse & More
<p>This year has been revolutionary for the virtual space, with multiple technologies garnering global traction. However, while blockchain and crypto have been brewing quite a buzz already, the year witnessed another viable contender’s emergence – NFTs. Thanks to capable ventures like the&nbsp;Sandbox, NFTs have breached multiple mainstream sectors, including gaming. The<strong> </strong>Sandbox, a Hong Kong-based gaming firm, is a popular title under the belt of Animoca Brands.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/technology/sandbox-its-vision-game-tokenomics-role-in-metaverse-more/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Leap Finance Can Make Your Overseas Studies a Reality
<p>While planning for higher education in a foreign country, students’ biggest obstacle is funding their education and stay. While financial aid and scholarship can help you receive funding, securing its approval is highly uncertain. Here’s where Leap Finance comes into the picture.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/finance/leap-finance-can-make-your-overseas-studies-a-reality/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Future of Crypto in the Metaverse
<p>Metaverse&nbsp;is not a fictional word anymore. Technology is the “next big thing” in the digital age, which can change our daily lives, called the “Metaverse.”&nbsp;Metaverse&nbsp;aims to provide financial services, deliver permission-less identity, and enable fast exchanges. The data needs to be stored and made available to millions. Eventually, it is all about cryptocurrency technology.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/technology/future-of-crypto-in-the-metaverse/" target="_blank"><strong>procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Everything you need to know about Axie Infinity
<p>Axie Infinity is a game that was designed and developed by Axie Infinity Team. It has been battle-tested and balanced so that it can be an exciting and engaging experience for players. The game was initially released on the Ethereum network as an open-source project in April 2018.</p> <p>Continue reading on <strong><a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/technology/everything-you-need-to-know-about-axie-infinity/">procommun.com</a></strong></p>
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Why Yoga is Good for Health?
<p>Yoga is a great way to improve your health. It is an ancient practice that originated in India. Yoga can also help people who are suffering from depression, anxiety, and other chronic pain. There are many other reasons why yoga is so popular today.</p> <p>Continue reading on <strong>procommun.com</strong></p>
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How much caffeine in a day is good for health?
<p>Caffeine is a stimulant drug that is used to keep people awake. It is found in coffee beans, tea leaves, guarana berries, and cocoa beans. The effects of caffeine are dose-dependent. The more caffeine consumed, the stronger the effect of the drug will be on the person’s body.</p> <p>Continue reading on <strong>procommun.com</strong></p>
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Importance of REM Sleep and Dreaming on Health
<p>REM sleep, also known as Rapid Eye Movement, is the phase of deep sleep in which we experience dreams. REM can happen at any time during the night but it usually takes up about 20-25% of the sleeping time. Dreams are most vivid in this phase of sleep and sometimes people can even act out their dreams like they were awake.</p> <p>Continue reading on <strong>procommun.com</strong></p>
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What is Orbital Reef from Blue Origin?
<p>Blue Origin is a company that was founded by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos in 2000. Its purpose is to develop reusable spacecraft and rockets. The company has been developing its own rocket engines and has been working on a new rocket called New Glenn since 2013.</p> <p>Continue reading on https://procommun.com/2021/11/technology/what-is-orbital-reef-from-blue-origin/</p>
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Power Dressing Tips from Harvey Specter
<p>Harvey Specter is one of the main protagonists in the TV show, Suits. He is best known for his impressive courtroom skills and negotiating tactics. In the show, he’s a senior partner at a law firm in Manhattan called Pearson Hardman.</p> <p>Continue reading on <strong>https://procommun.com/2021/11/business/power-dressing-tips-from-harvey-specter/</strong></p>
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Why Tesla is so Expensive?
<p>Tesla Motors is a company that is in the business of producing electric cars and they have been doing this for over a decade now. Their cars are different from other electric cars because they are completely designed with performance in mind. They aim to be the quickest accelerating production car on the planet, and their target is to make zero-emission vehicles that can go around 500 miles or more on a single charge. In addition, all of Tesla’s products are made with high-quality parts and materials that will last for years to come.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/business/why-tesla-is-so-expensive/" target="_blank"><strong>https://procommun.com/2021/11/business/why-tesla-is-so-expensive/</strong></a></p>
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Are work from home jobs more productive?
<p>A work-from-home job is a job that you can do from your home. It can be a permanent or temporary position where you aren’t required to commute to the office. This type of job is ideal for those who have a lot of commitments and responsibilities, such as children or elderly relatives, and don’t have a set schedule for their day.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/lifestyle/are-work-from-home-jobs-more-productive/" target="_blank"><strong>https://procommun.com/2021/11/lifestyle/are-work-from-home-jobs-more-productive/</strong></a></p>
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What is Metaverse and the Future of Facebook?
<p>Facebook has been around for a while now, and many people are starting to question what the future holds for the company. This section will explore how Facebook could evolve in the future and what that means for us. This section will explore what the Metaverse is and how it is different from other virtual reality systems. We’ll also talk about what Facebook has planned for its Oculus Rift platform in the near future.</p> <p>Facebook’s goal is to build an ecosystem of virtual reality content that users can access through their device (phone or computer) without any additional input devices like a gaming console or VR headset. This article is about Facebook’s plans to make virtual reality more mainstream by partnering with companies like Apple to help them make use of its Oculus Rift platform.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/technology/what-is-metaverse-and-the-future-of-facebook/" target="_blank"><strong>https://procommun.com/2021/11/technology/what-is-metaverse-and-the-future-of-facebook/</strong></a></p>
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How to Lose Weight Without Exercise
<p>Losing weight without exercise is possible, but it takes a lot of time and dedication to doing so. It may be difficult because you can’t enjoy eating and drinking what you want.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/wellness/how-to-lose-weight-without-exercise/" target="_blank"><strong>https://procommun.com/2021/11/wellness/how-to-lose-weight-without-exercise/</strong></a></p>
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Can Mental Health Affect Physical Health?
<p>Mental health is a state of emotional and psychological well-being. Good mental health can greatly improve a person’s quality of life, while poor mental health can lead to feelings of sadness, guilt, or shame &amp; anxiety.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/wellness/can-mental-health-affect-physical-health/" target="_blank">https://procommun.com/2021/11/wellness/can-mental-health-affect-physical-health/</a></p>
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3 Best Cryptocurrency Exchange Apps in India
<p>What is Bitcoin, and how can you get it? At the moment, this is a million-dollar question to answer. In recent days, the value of Bitcoin has risen on some days and fallen on others. India isn’t far behind in the cryptocurrency craze that has engulfed the world.</p> <p>Several cryptocurrency exchanges have opened in the country, allowing buyers and sellers to purchase, sell, and trade various cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency exchanges make trading simple by providing features through user-friendly programs or websites.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/business/3-best-cryptocurrency-exchange-apps-in-india/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How will Web 3.0 shape the future of the internet?
<p>Starting from static desktop websites to the rise of cloud computing, the web has undergone substantial changes in its core innovation. The internet has embarked upon a revolutionary stride from dialing up a few hours on the internet during a day to always staying connected through repeat notifications from personal apps.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/technology/how-will-web-3-0-shape-the-future-of-the-internet/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Is Yoga Good for Weight Loss?
<p>The idea of combining Yoga and weight loss is not a new concept. It has been around for many years, and many people have used it to achieve their goals. Yoga and weight loss can be combined into one routine to help you lose weight and feel great about yourself.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/wellness/is-yoga-good-for-weight-loss/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Jetson One: A vision to make everyone a pilot
<p>Many of the biggest names in the&nbsp;electric vehicles&nbsp;industry are vying for a spot among the flight pioneers who have been looking to transform the mass transport industry with all-electric flying cars – but a Swedish company has had a different goal in mind. It had looked forward to seeing people everywhere having a personal vehicle for&nbsp;luxury travel.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/technology/jetson-one-a-vision-to-make-everyone-a-pilot/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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5 Post COVID Investment Strategies
<p>COVID-19 changed the way the world looks at a lot of things, one of those being investments. The pandemic negatively impacted many traditional investment options that offered good returns. Job losses, shutting down or downsizing various businesses, impact on the supply chain, etc., made investors rethink their strategies.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/finance/5-post-covid-investment-strategies/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Invest and Grow Your Cryptocurrency Portfolio With CoinDCX
<p>Cryptocurrency is a digital currency system that does not rely on banks to validate transactions, making it potentially resistant to government meddling. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks built on blockchain technology, which depends on distributed ledgers enforced by a varied network of computers rather than actual money that can be carried about and exchanged in the real world.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/11/finance/invest-and-grow-your-cryptocurrency-portfolio-with-coindcx/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Which online learning platform is best in 2021?
<p>Online learning is classes that are not held in a traditional classroom setting and over the internet. A significant benefit of online learning courses is the convenience – students can learn on their own time, at their own pace from the comforts of their homes.</p> <p>Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) is one of the best online learning platforms in 2021. MOOCs are free online courses available for anybody to enroll with a variety of incentives. They also provide a flexible way to learn a new skill or advance one’s career. Millions of people worldwide use MOOCs for various reasons, including career development, changing jobs, college preparations, and more!</p> <figure>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/technology/which-online-learning-platform-is-best-in-2021/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></figure>
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How Much Loan Can I Get on Gold in 2021?
<p>Gold jewelry is not only a valuable possession and investment, but it’s also a clever technique to borrow money. Read on to learn how to get a quick loan with your gold jewelry.</p> <p>Financial difficulties are one such uncertainty that nearly no one can avoid. One of the most acceptable methods to deal with such financially challenging situations is to take out a loan. While gold has long been a popular investment option in India, taking a loan against it adds to its appeal. At the same time, many other sorts of loans are accessible today; a Gold Loan is one of the greatest ways to satisfy your financial needs in a pinch.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/finance/how-much-loan-can-i-get-on-gold-in-2021/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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15 Guidelines to generate More Productive Meeting Outcomes
<p>Meetings can bring together a varied collection of employees to discuss project goals or business improvements. Meetings can provide opportunities, but they might squander members’ time if they are not managed well.</p> <p>We’re amid a social media and information explosion. There are more ways to share knowledge and communicate with others than there have ever been. However, this does not imply that communication efficacy has improved dramatically.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/business/15-guidelines-to-generate-more-productive-meeting-outcomes/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Money View and its Instant Personal Loan for Students
<p>Amidst the online learning craze of India and the world due to the epidemic, demand for an&nbsp;<strong>education loan</strong>&nbsp;is at&nbsp;<a href="https://www.crifhighmark.com/news-events/news/2021/feb-2021/education-loan-demand-hits-new-high-despite-pandemic" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">an all-time high</a>. According to lenders and industry experts, the pandemic has significantly pushed individuals to upgrade their education and skills. Here is where Money View can help by offering individuals loans to cover their immediate financial needs.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/finance/money-view-and-its-instant-personal-loan-for-students/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Online Learning for Introverts: How to Make the Most of Your Educational Experience
<p>Introverts are often misunderstood and stigmatized. Introversion is different than shyness. In short, they’re not being afraid or hating social interactions; it’s about the energy spent in these interactions. Introverts need to recharge, which can be difficult in our society of constant contact. They are often more thoughtful and creative than their extroverted counterparts.</p> <p>Introverts approach new situations with caution, whereas extroverts may see danger as an opportunity for more triumphs. Introverts find it more challenging to speak up in a group setting because they tend to think first than speaking out of turn like their extroverted counterparts can be prone to do.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/work-from-home/online-learning-for-introverts-how-to-make-the-most-of-your-educational-experience/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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SARVA: Where Yoga & Meditation Come Together
<p>The recent coronavirus outbreak has affected not only the lifestyle of many people but also many businesses. While taking care of your overall health is key to fighting back against seasonal viruses, various factors like operating a business during this kind of time do not make it easy. Sarvesh Shashi, the founder of SARVA&nbsp;Yoga&nbsp;Studio and Diva&nbsp;Yoga, is what the urgency of the pandemic needs to speed up the objectives as a&nbsp;startup.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/wellness/sarva-where-yoga-meditation-come-together/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Shiba Inu Price and Can it Outperform the other Cryptocurrencies
<p><strong>Shiba&nbsp;Inu (SHIB)</strong>, an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token, has gained popularity this year, owing to its dog-themed environment, retail investor speculation on its price, and active community. It was established last year by an anonymous person known only as Ryoshi, and the coin’s website describes it as “a decentralized meme token that grew into a lively ecosystem.”</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/finance/shiba-inu-price-and-can-it-outperform-the-other-cryptocurrencies/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Online Learning for Introverts: How to Make the Most of Your Educational Experience
<p>Introverts are people who prefer less social involvement or who need time to “recharge.” Introverts are the most common personality type. You must undoubtedly explore the book ‘Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. ‘</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/work-from-home/online-learning-for-introverts-how-to-make-the-most-of-your-educational-experience/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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OnePlus 9RT is a powerhouse with Snapdragon 888 5G Mobile Platform
<p>OnePlus has updated its smartphone portfolio with the&nbsp;<strong>OnePlus 9RT</strong> <strong>5G</strong>, and though this device is currently available in China, we can expect it to arrive in India soon.</p> <p>The&nbsp;OnePlus 9RT&nbsp;5G’s&nbsp;launch in India may spark healthy competition between itself and the OnePlus 9R&nbsp;5G&nbsp;that launched earlier this year. Both devices come with a similar design but differ significantly when it comes to cameras and processors.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/technology/oneplus-9rt-is-a-powerhouse-with-snapdragon-888-5g-mobile-platform/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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5 Things to Know Before Investing in Altcoin
<p>The&nbsp;<strong>Altcoin</strong>&nbsp;is a portmanteau of the words’ alternative’ and ‘coin.’&nbsp;<strong>Bitcoin</strong>, the original cryptocurrency, should prove profitable in the long run. But alternative cryptocurrencies have been introduced. They are built on blockchain technology – a digital ledger of transactions that have increased efficiency and security for exchanging almost anything with anyone everywhere in seconds!</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/finance/5-things-to-know-before-investing-in-altcoin/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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SpaceX – Elon Musks Dream Company skyrockets to $100 billion
<p>Government agencies used to partner with huge aerospace firms to launch goods into space. That is no longer the case. Startup companies have demonstrated over the last two decades that they can compete with, and in some cases outperform, their larger rivals.</p> <p>SpaceX, the Hawthorne, California-based business that lands its leftover rocket rockets to create sights right out of science fiction, is the best illustration of this.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/business/spacex-elon-musks-dream-company-skyrockets-to-100-billion/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Dota 2 International 2021 Prize Pool crosses $40 Million
<p>Dota revolutionized esports and online gaming from humble beginnings as a mod for the popular game Warcraft 3 to the behemoth of the MOBA genre.</p> <p>Now, one of the largest MOBA tournaments in history, The International, is just days away, earning the attention of the mainstream media and major sports betting outlets.</p> <p>The 10th incarnation of The International is finally here after a two-year wait. This week kicks off Dota 2’s main competition, in which the finest teams from across the world battle for the largest prize pool in esports history.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/technology/dota-2-international-2021-prize-pool-crosses-40-million/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Tata Sons- India’s Largest Conglomerate wins Air India Bidding
<p>The long-awaited process of the Government relinquishing ownership of <strong>Air India</strong> has finally come to an end. The Government has declared that <strong>Tata Sons</strong>, India’s oldest and largest corporation, will be the new owner of the country’s debt-ridden national airline Air India.</p> <p>The conglomerate has had a roller coaster ride in Indian civil aviation history, from the first airmail service flight from Karachi to Bombay in October 1932 with JRD piloting a Puss Moth aircraft to <strong>Ratan Tata</strong> wresting control of Air India 89 years later.</p> <p>Governments have sought unsuccessfully to sell the money-losing airline throughout the years. According to Tuhin Kanta Pandey, secretary of the Government’s Department of Investment and Public Asset Management, Tata Sons presented the winning bid of 180 billion rupees (US$2.4 billion) as the enterprise value of Air India.</p> <p>Continue Reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/business/tata-sons-indias-largest-conglomerate-wins-air-india-bidding/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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UNLEASHED – Special October Apple Event: New Releases and Updates
<p>It has been an amazing year for Apple with the release of the new iOS 15, iPhone 13, iPad Mini, and Apple Watch Series 7. The Apple fans have been waiting for the next big release for the Macbook and Air Pods. Today’s Apple Event has brought some amazing updates to the following 3 Apple Products Line Up and we’re excited to share our views on the same:</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/technology/unleashed-special-october-apple-event-new-releases-and-updates/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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7 Stretches to Strengthen Back While Working From Home
<p>Have you ever tried working from your bed or while reclining on your sofa? You probably assumed you’d be at ease, but we’re willing to bet you left with sore back, neck, and shoulder muscles.</p> <p>Working on a laptop for several hours a day might cause back and neck pain. To make matters worse, many people prefer to work at the kitchen counter or bent over a coffee table rather than at a table or workstation with a chair. All of this leads to excruciating backache!</p> <p>We urge you not to neglect your back and let’s have a look at a few reasons to get a better idea of why your back is so important.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/work-from-home/7-stretches-to-strengthen-back-while-working-from-home/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How can listening to music increase your productivity?
<p>If you’re trying to work from home, you’ve run into a problem: how can you get anything done in such a distracting environment during such turbulent times?</p> <p>Your music library or streaming service might have the answer. Music demonstrates to boost both productivity and cognitive performance, particularly in adults, in addition to providing background noise. A piece can assist people in overcoming anxiety, building motivation, and remaining productive.</p> <p>Continue Reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/work-from-home/how-can-listening-to-music-increase-your-productivity/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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What is Ethereum and how is it different from Bitcoin?
<p>Cryptocurrency is known by a variety of names. You’ve probably heard of Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, among the most prominent cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular as a means of making online payments.</p> <p>When there are over 2,000 different blockchain assets to learn about, it might be overwhelming! Fortunately, understanding these assets, particularly Bitcoin and Ethereum, can be a little easier.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/technology/what-is-ethereum-and-how-is-it-different-from-bitcoin/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Credit Card Holder!! Then CRED App Is Your Next Best Friend
<p>The CRED app has become a household name thanks to its innovative advertisements. Ads featuring Rahul Dravid, Govinda, Jackie Shroff, and Neeraj Chopra have become an instant hit. You might also find their references on various memes online. While you may have loved the ad, do you know what the CRED app is all about?</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/09/finance/credit-card-holder-then-cred-app-is-your-next-best-friend/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Growing your own food is the New Found Hobby
<p>The whole world is cooped up in what feels like a pigeonhole for the whole of 2020 and most of 2021, dealing with the pandemic’s mental, physical, and biological stress. When work from home became the regime, and people stopped going out of their houses, the entire space of each home transformed drastically.</p> <p>There was an upsurge of this newfound sustainable lockdown hobby – which everyone is talking about – growing&nbsp;indoor plants.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/work-from-home/growing-your-own-food-is-the-new-found-hobby/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How to Boost your Happy Brain Chemicals?
<p>Our hormones play an essential role in regulating our moods daily and keeping us happy. While feeling blue and depressed is common for almost everyone, triggering these hormones can help us stay happy and go through our day more productively. But, what are these chemicals? And, how do you activate them? Could you keep reading to know all about them? Known as Happy Chemicals, there are ways in which you can trigger them to gain momentary happiness.</p> <p>Continue reading on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/wellness/how-to-boost-your-happy-brain-chemicals/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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Get Healthy with Chair Yoga
<p>A sedentary lifestyle has almost become synonymous with the busy work schedule that a majority of us have. With increasingly less time to spend on ourselves to meet professional goals, our health is one of the things that suffer the most. While it is easy to talk about how a sedentary lifestyle is bad for us in the long term, most of us have no idea how to move away from it, especially since our busy schedules only become more dynamic.</p> <p>Continue Reading the article on <a href="https://procommun.com/2021/10/wellness/get-healthy-with-chair-yoga/" target="_blank"><strong>Procommun.com</strong></a></p>
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How does Ugaoo create green spaces, Indoor, and Outdoor?
<p>Thanks to social media platforms, plant-based podcasts, and online plant subscription services that have been notorious for promoting the thriving business of indoor plants, people are becoming aware of the benefits of having indoor plants. Till now, Indoor plants were always looked at as decor piece. But now people are also exploring the other benefits of having indoor plants.</p>
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Why is the world getting obsessed with Bitcoin?
<p>Almost everyone is infected with Bitcoin fever. <a href="https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/08/bitcoin-btc-price-hits-41k-up-40percent-so-far-in-2021.html">Beginning in January 2021, this coin reaches a new peak. The price of this cryptocurrency was about $42,000 at the time</a>. However, this did not signal the end of the digital currency’s rise in value.</p> <p>Despite its volatility, Bitcoin’s price has risen over time. As a result, institutional investors and financial organizations are taking notice of this digital money. Experts believe that if Bitcoin’s market capitalization continues to rise, it will eventually compete with gold.</p>
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How to grow Low maintenance indoor plants
<p>The whole world is cooped up in what feels like a pigeonhole for the whole of 2020 and most of 2021, dealing with the pandemic’s mental, physical, and biological stress. When work from home became the regime, and people stopped going out of their houses, the entire space of each home transformed drastically.</p> <p>There was an upsurge of this newfound sustainable lockdown hobby – which everyone is talking about – growing&nbsp;<strong>indoor plants</strong>.</p>
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5 Things to Consider While Diversifying Your Wealth
<p>The market is unpredictable and forever fluctuating. We should not forget the relevance of a well-diversified&nbsp;<strong>investment&nbsp;</strong>which is a life savior in any market condition.</p> <p>A diversified portfolio relates to not putting all your eggs in one basket – this is the central concept of diversified investments. This is a big piece of advice for the youth who have just begun earning.</p>
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Apna: A Billion-Dollar Startup Unicorn Within Two Years
<p><a href="https://apna.co/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"><strong>Apna</strong></a>&nbsp;(named after the rap song Apna Time Aayega from India’s Oscars submission Gully Boy) is a&nbsp;<strong>billion-dollar startup</strong>&nbsp;based in Bengaluru, launched in 2019 by former Apple executive Nirmit Parikh. This startup is still in its early stages and is yet to generate any income.</p>
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Credit Card EMI or Uni Pay 1/3rd
<p>Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) services have increased in popularity in recent years and are ready to become a popular mode of financing. Experts claim that demand for BNPL has been accelerating in India for the past three to four years. Further, COVID-19 has boosted its demand. BNPL has now established itself as a more comfortable payment option, reducing borrowers’ financial stress by providing no-cost EMIs.</p> <p>Uni Cards, which recently secured $18.5 million in financing, has launched its&nbsp;<a href="https://www.uni.cards/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"><strong>Uni Pay</strong> <strong>1/3rd card</strong></a>. The product aims to enhance the customer experience in the&nbsp;<strong>credit card</strong>&nbsp;business.&nbsp;<strong>Uni Pay 1/3rd card</strong>&nbsp;is not a&nbsp;<strong>credit card</strong>, even though it functions similarly to a conventional&nbsp;<strong>credit card&nbsp;</strong>on the surface.</p>
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Ways to Destress and Relax While Working from Home
<p>The new normal of self-isolating due to the COVID-19 pandemic has exponentially transformed the way we work. A majority of people across the globe are now working from home, dispensing with the actualities of balancing home obligations with work duties and not possessing a definite line between the two.</p> <p>This blend of&nbsp;<strong>work from home</strong>&nbsp;and self-isolating is the perfect place for stress to foster. While working from home can unquestionably be appealing, working from home can lead to notable and unprecedented challenges.</p>
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Top 10 Tools to Know If You Work From Home
<p>Working from home has more or less become the norm for many. With many businesses realizing that&nbsp;<strong>work from home</strong>&nbsp;is more cost-effective and productive, they have given up offices and shifted entirely to a remote workforce.&nbsp;However, this comes with its own set of challenges. With the workforce distributed around the country or even the world, employees need tools that will smoothen the process and reduce the distance among themselves. For example, here are the top 10 tools that should be present in the arsenal of those who&nbsp;<strong>work from home</strong>.</p>
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