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लोन मोराटोरियम २८ सितंबर तक बढ़ा
<p><strong>लोन मोराटोरियम मामले को लेकर सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने केंद्र सरकार को ठोस फैसला लेने के लिए २ हफ्ते का समय दिया है। गुरुवार को जस्टिस अशोक भूषण की अध्यक्षता वाली तीन जजों की बेंच ने कहा।</strong></p> <p><strong>कि मोराटोरियम पर फैसला लेने के लिए केंद्र सरकार और आरबीआई को यह अंतिम मौका दिया जा रहा है। साथ ही कोर्ट ने लोन मोराटोरियम को २८ सितंबर तक के लिए बढ़ा दिया है।</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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दिल्ली मेट्रो सेवा आजसे शुरू
<p><strong>देश में कोरोना के तेजी से बढ़ते मामलों के बीच अब देश धीरे धीरे अनलॉक की तरफ बढ़ चुका है। १ सितंबर से अनलॉक ४ की शुरुआत हो चुकी है और इसी के साथ लॉकडाउन के प्रतिबंधों को हटाया जा रहा है। अनलॉक ४ के साथ ही देश में मेट्रो ट्रेन की सर्विस को भी शुरू कर दिया गया है।</strong></p> <p><strong>गुरुवार सुबह सात बजे से दिल्ली मेट्रो रेल कॉर्पोरेशन की तरफ से रेड लाइन, ग्रीन लाइन और वायलेट लाइन की सर्विस को शुरू कर दी गई है। दिल्ली मेट्रो सेवा के शुरू होने से ऑफिस और दूसरे कामकाज के लिए जाने वालों को काफी राहत मिली है।</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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रिया चक्रवर्ती १४ दिन तक जेल में
<p><strong>रिया चक्रवर्ती की मुश्किलें बढ़ गई हैं। रिया की जमानत याचिका खारिज हो गई है। रिया चक्रवर्ती को अब जेल जाना पड़ेगा। रिया को १४ दिन तक जेल में रहना पड़ेगा। २२ सितम्बर तक वह जेल में रहेंगी। ड्रग कनेक्शन मामले में रिया पर शिकंजा कसता ही जा रहा।</strong></p> <p><strong>रिया चक्रवर्ती को बुधवार की सुबह मुंबई की भयखला जेल में ले जाया जाएगा। आज रात और सुबह तक रिया एनसीबी की हवालात में रहेंगी।</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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भारत में हो सकती है PUBG की वापसी
<p><strong>भारत सरकार ने हाल ही में देश में PUBG Mobile पर बैन लगा दिया था। पबजी के अलावा सरकार ने ११७ अन्य चाइनीज ऐप्स पर बैन लगाया था। पबजी मोबाइल भारत में बेहद मशहूर गेम है। अब पबजी मोबाइल गेम के फैंस के लिए खुश खबर है।</strong></p> <p><strong>पबजी मोबाइल की जल्द ही भारत में वापसी हो सकती है। दरअसल पबजी कॉर्पोरेशन ने चीन के टेनसेंट गेम्स से नाता तोड़ने का फैसला किया है।</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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संजय राउत को अहमदाबाद के लोगों से माफी मांगनी चाहिए
<p><strong>भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने रविवार को आरोप लगाया कि शिवसेना नेता संजय राउत। अहमदाबाद की तुलना “छोटा पाकिस्तान” से करने की बात कहकर गुजरात को “बदनाम” कर रहे हैं। इसके लिए उन्हें गुजरात और अहमदाबाद के लोगों से माफी मांगनी चाहिए।</strong></p> <p><strong>मुंबई में राउत ने संवाददाताओं से कहा था कि क्या अभिनेत्री कंगना रनौत में इतना साहस है। कि वह अहमदाबाद की तुलना ‘छोटे पाकिस्तान’ से उसी प्रकार कर सकें। जैसे उन्होंने मुंबई को पाकिस्तान के कब्जे वाला कश्मीर (पीओके) बताया था।</strong></p> <p><strong>सुशांत सिंह राजपूत की मौत के बाद रनौत द्वारा मुंबई को असुरक्षित बताए जाने के बाद। अभिनेत्री और राउत के बीच जुबानी जंग छिड़ी हुई है।</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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६ महीनों बाद खुली हज़रत निज़ामुद्दीन दरगाह
<p>कोरोना महामारी के चलते बीते ६ महीने से सार्वजनिक स्थलों के साथ ही धार्मिक स्थलों को भी बंद रखा गया था। लेकिन, देश में अनलॉक की प्रक्रिया शुरू किए जाने के बाद। अब धार्मिक स्थलों को भी खोले जाने का दौर शुरू हो गया है। ऐसे में बीते ६ महीनों से बंद पड़ी दिल्ली की हज़रत निज़ामुद्दीन</p> <p><br></p> <p>दरगाह भी आज से आम जनता के खोल दी गई है।</p> <p><br></p> <p>महामारी के चलते दरगाह में सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग और मास्क पहनने जैसे तमाम नियमों को लेकर सख्ती बरती जा रही है। दरगाह में सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग और अन्य नियमों का सख्ती से पालन हो सके। इसके लिए हज़रत निज़ामुद्दीन</p> <p><br></p> <p>दरगाह में जगह-जगह पर निशान बना</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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PUBG के कारण २१ साल के ITI छात्र ने की आत्महत्या
<p>भारत ने PUBG समेत चीन के ११८ ऐप्स पर हाल ही में पाबंदी लगाई है। इस बीच ऑनलाइन गेम PUBG नहीं खेल पाने की वजह से २१ साल के ITI छात्र ने पश्चिम बंगाल में आत्महत्या कर ली। पुलिस ने बताया कि ITI छात्र प्रीतम हलदर ने चकदाह थाना-क्षेत्र के पुरबा लालपुर में स्थित अपने घर में आत्महत्या कर ली। उसकी मां ने बताया कि शुक्रवार सुबह नाश्ता करने के बाद प्रीतम अपने कमरे में चला गया था।</p> <p>बार-बार दस्तक देने के बाद भी दरवाज़ा नहीं खोला गया। घरवाले दरवाज़ा तोड़कर कमरे में दाखिल हुए तो पाया कि वह पंखे से लटका हुआ है।’ पुलिस ने कहा कि उसने अप्राकृतिक मौत का मामला दर्ज कर लिया है।</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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विश्व में कोरोना संक्रमितों की संख्या २.६५ करोड़ पार
<p><strong>विश्व में लगातार बढ़ती कोरोना संक्रमितों की संख्या शुक्रवार को २.६५ करोड़ पार कर गई है। जबकि ८.७३ लाख लोग जान गंवा चुके हैं। इस बीच, विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) ने चेताया है कि वायरस से बचने के लिए उसे अगले साल के मध्य तक व्यापक टीकाकरण की कोई उम्मीद नहीं है। इस बीच ब्राजील में कुल संक्रमितों का आंकड़ा ४० लाख पार हो गया है।</strong></p> <p><strong>बता दें कि पूरी दुनिया में फिलहाल कोरोना वैक्सीन को लेकर बहुत तेजी से काम चल रहा है। अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ने देश में एक नवंबर से टीकाकरण की तैयारियों को लेकर तैयार रहने को भी कहा गया है।</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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आखिर क्यों PUBG हुआ भारत में बैन
<p><br></p> <p>जून के आखिरी सप्ताह से भारत सरकार की ओर से चाइनीज और विदेशी ऐप्स को बैन करने का सिलसिला जारी है। इस बार PUBG Mobile पर भी गाज गिरी है। पॉप्युलर मल्टीप्लेयर गेम समेत सरकार ने कुल 118 ऐप्स को बैन कर दिया गया है। सरकार की ओर से कहा गया है कि ये ऐप्स भारत की सुरक्षा, एकता और अखंडता को नुकसान पहुंचा सकते थे।</p> <p><br></p> <p>PUBG Mobile भारत में बैन हो चुका है। लेकिन PUBG डेस्कटॉप या PUBG PC बैन नहीं हुआ है। दरअसल PUBG साउथ कोरियन कंपनी ब्लूहोल का है। लेकिन PUBG Mobile में चीनी कंपनी टेंसेंट का बड़ा स्टेक है। इसलिए डेटा को लेकर ख़तरा बना हुआ था।</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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भारत में कोरोनावायरस संक्रमण तेज़ी से फैला
<p>भारत में कोरोनावायरस संक्रमण के केस लगातार बढ़ते जा रहे हैं। पिछले 24 घंटे में देश में कोरोना के 83 हजार 341 नए केस आए हैं। इसके अलावा 1096 लोगों की मौत हुई है। इसी के साथ भारत में अब तक संक्रमितों की संख्या 39 लाख के पार पहुंच चुकी है, जबकि कोरोना से मरने वालों का आंकड़ा भी 68 हजार से ज्यादा है। परेशान करने वाली बात यह है कि भारत में अब एक्टिव केसों की संख्या 8.31 लाख के करीब आ गई है। हालांकि, ठीक होकर अस्पताल लौटने वाले मरीज भी 30 लाख से ज्यादा हो गए हैं।</p> <p>देश में सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित राज्यों की बात की जाए, तो महाराष्ट्र में हालात काफी खराब हैं।</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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महाराष्ट्र में जिला बंदी हटाई गई
<p><strong>सोमवार को महाराष्ट्र सरकार ने मिशन बिगिन अगेन परिकल्पना के तहत कुछ गतिविधियों को शुरू करने की अनुमति दी है। इसके अनुसार राज्य में 2 सितंबर से जिला अंतर्गत परिवहन अर्थात यात्रियों को निजी बसों और मिनी बसों में सफर करने की अनुमति होगी। इस संबंध में परिवहन आयुक्त मानक संचालन प्रक्रिया एसओपी जारी करेंगे। महाराष्ट्र में सभी सरकारी कार्यालयों में ए और बी ग्रुप अधिकारियों की अब शतप्रतिशत उपस्थिति अनिवार्य रहेगी।</strong></p> <p><strong>राज्य में होटल और लॉज अब सौ प्रतिशत क्षमता के साथ खुल सकेंगे।</strong></p> <p><strong>राज्य में स्कूल, कॉलेज, शिक्षा और कोचिंग संस्थान 30 सितंबर तक बंद रहेंगे। सिनेमा हॉल, स्विमिंग पूल, सिनेमा घर, जिम पर पाबंदी बरकरार रहेगी।</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The United States will cross six million Coronavirus Infection cases
<p><strong>The United States closed to cross six million coronavirus infection cases on Sunday. Nearly a quarter of the earth's total, as countries around the world battle to contain the raging pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>Global coronavirus infections rose past 25 million. As nations tightened restrictions to halt the health emergency that has upended life for most of humanity.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 78512 Coronavirus Infection cases in a single day
<p><strong>India reported 78,512 new novel coronavirus infections on Monday. Slightly fewer than its record set the previous day. When it posted the biggest, single-day tally of infections of any country in the pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>With 971 new deaths, the cumulative toll reached 64,469.</strong></p> <p><strong>The coronavirus infection cases in the country mounted to 3,621,246. Including 7,81,975 active cases, 2,774,802 cured.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection cases crossed 3.4 Million mark
<p>India's coronavirus infection tally crossed 3.4 million mark. As the country registered a single-day hike of 76,472 new cases, said the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Saturday.</p> <p>The cumulative toll due to the virus reached 62,550 with 1,021 new deaths in the last 24 hours.</p> <p>The coronavirus infection case tally stands at 3,463,973 including 7,52,424 active cases and 2,648,999 cured.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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RBI may not extend Moratorium
<p>The RBI is unlikely to extend the moratorium on repayment of bank loans beyond August 31. As an extension could impact the credit behaviour of borrowers. Without resolving the issues being faced by them following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, sources said.</p> <p>The RBI had announced a moratorium on repayment of debt for six months beginning March 1, 2020.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman passed away
<p>American actor Chadwick Boseman, best known for his role in "Black Panther", has died. After a four-year-long secret battle with colon cancer. He was 43 year old.</p> <p>In a statement posted on his official Twitter handle, the actor's family said he was diagnosed with the disease in 2016.</p> <p>Chadwick Boseman passed away at his residence with his wife and family by his side.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Donald Trump said the US conducted most Coronavirus Tests
<p>President Donald Trump has said that the US has conducted the highest number of coronavirus tests. Much more than any other country with India being the second largest.</p> <p>Donald Trump said during his acceptance speech to the Republican National Convention which re-nominated him as the Republican Party's presidential candidate. He said that the US has conducted 40 million more infection tests than the next closest nation which is India.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mahesh Manjrekar got a threat text for 35 Crores
<p><strong>Bollywood filmmaker Mahesh Manjrekar has complained to Mumbai Police. About receiving a threat text demanding Rs 35 crore. From a person claiming to be a member of Abu Salem's gang, an official said on Thursday. An FIR has been registered and transferred to the police's Anti-Extortion Cell, he said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mahesh Manjrekar filed a complaint at Dadar police station two days back. Alleging that an unidentified person, claiming to be a member of the gang of the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts' case convict Abu Salem.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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12 lakh people evacuated in Vande Bharat Mission
<p><strong>Over 12 lakh Indians have evacuated from abroad after the government began the "Vande Bharat" evacuation mission. On May 7 in the notion of the coronavirus pandemic, the Ministry of External Affairs said on Thursday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Anurag Srivastava said Phase 5 of Vande Bharat mission will be completed on August 31.</strong></p> <p><strong>In this phase, around 900 international flights have been operated from 22 different countries. Arriving 23 airports across India, he said at an online media briefing.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 77266 Coronavirus Infection cases in single day
<p><strong>Coronavirus infection cases in India recorded the highest daily jump of 77,266 cases on Friday. Taking its total to 3.39 million, as cases surged across the country, data from the health ministry showed.</strong></p> <p><strong>With the record spike of 77,266 fresh cases, India's coronavirus infection case tally stands at 3,387,501. India has 7,42,023 active cases, 2,583,948 cured. With 61,529 deaths, including 1,057 deaths in the last 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>Meta Description: Coronavirus infection cases in India recorded the highest daily jump of 77,266 cases on Friday. Taking its total to 3.39 million.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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CM Naveen Patnaik approved a package of ₹200 crores for Odisha
<p><strong>Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik on Wednesday approved a special assistance package of ₹200 crores. For the poor and extremely poor families in the State affected due to coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>CM Naveen Patnaik approved the package while surveying the coronavirus situation and its management in the state. With senior government officials and Collectors through Video Conferencing.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Government reduced Stamp duty to 3 percent
<p>The Maharashtra government on Wednesday decided to reduce stamp duty on housing units by 3 percent. Until 31 December to boost the real estate market that has been hit by the pandemic.</p> <p>Real estate developers had been asking for a reduction in stamp duty. Following the lockdown to encourage homebuyers to purchase properties during the pandemic.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sanjiv Singh joined Reliance Industries Ltd
<p>Former Indian Oil Corp (IOC) chairman Sanjiv Singh has joined Reliance Industries Ltd. As group president for billionaire Mukesh Ambani-run firm's oil-to-chemicals business.</p> <p>A communication by Reliance Industries Ltd executive director Hital R Meswani to the company employees said, Sanjiv Singh. He will superannuate from India's largest oil firm on June 30. Will be a member of the oil-to-chemicals(O2C) business leadership team.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pranab Mukherjee continued to be on Ventilator support
<p><strong>There is a slight decline in the health condition of former President Pranab Mukherjee since Tuesday. &nbsp;He goes on with ventilator support, the hospital treating him said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Pranab Mukherjee was admitted to the Army's Research and Referral hospital in Delhi cantonment on August 10.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mukherjee is being treated for respiratory illness, which he developed at the hospital. He was operated for removal of a clot in the brain. Mukherjee had also tested positive for coronavirus infection at the time of his admission.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Earthquake hits West Bengal
<p><strong>An earthquake of magnitude 3.8 struck 30 km southeast of Baharampur today. Informed bythe European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre.</strong></p> <p><strong>Earlier this morning. Tremors with magnitude 4.1 on the Richter scale were also felt in Durgapur , according to the National Centre for Seismology (NCS).</strong></p> <p><strong>There were no immediate reports of any loss of life or damage to property, due to the West Bengal earthquake.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection tally crossed 3.2 Million mark
<p>India's coronavirus tally crossed the 32-lakh mark with 67,151 new cases. While 1,059 deaths in the last 24 hours, according to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.</p> <p>The overall coronavirus infection count reached 3,234,475 including 7,07,267 active cases. While 2,467,759 cured and 59,449 deaths.</p> <p>Maharashtra has 1,66,239 active coronavirus infection cases, the highest in the country.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Government announced new guidelines for Vande Bharat Mission
<p>The Indian government on Monday announced Standard Operating Procedures. For travel on Vande Bharat and Air Transport Bubble Flights for inbound and outbound travel. As per the Civil Aviation Ministry's guidelines, the expenditure of travel will have to be borne by the travellers.</p> <p>"At the time of boarding, all travellers have to go through thermal screening. Only asymptomatic travellers will be allowed to board," Indian government added.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Usain Bolt tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>World-record sprinter and eight-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt has tested positive for the coronavirus infection. He is self-isolating at his residence in Jamaica after last week celebrating his 34th birthday with a big party mask-free.</strong></p> <p><strong>Jamaica's health ministry verified late on Monday that Usain Bolt had tested positive for infection. Later he broadcasted a video on social media around midday telling he was waiting to hear back on his results.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Kalyan Jewellers filed sell share for ₹1,750 Crores
<p><strong>Kalyan Jewellers India Ltd, one of the largest gold retailers in the country. On Monday filed the draft prospectus for its initial public offering. That will see the organization and its shareholders sell shares worth ₹1,750 crores.</strong></p> <p><strong>Kalyan Jewellers plans to raise ₹1,000 crores by selling new shares to fund business growth. While its promoter T.S. Kalyanaraman and private equity firm Warburg Pincus, plan to sell shares worth ₹250 crores and ₹500 crores, respectively.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Devotees will require Coronavirus negative report to enter in Vaishno Devi
<p><strong>Devotees who are coming from outside Jammu and Kashmir to visit the Vaishno Devi Shrine. Will now require a coronavirus negative test report.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to Ramesh Kumar, CEO, Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, "All devotees who are coming from outside Jammu and Kashmir for Vaishno Devi Yatra. Will require a valid coronavirus negative test report not more than 48 hours older at the time of arrival. Without any negative test report, they won't be allowed for the yatra," Kumar said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India has a Military option if Diplomatic talks fail
<p>India’s Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat has explicitly stated a military option. To deal with offences by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in Ladakh is on the table. But will be drilled only if talks between the two armies and the diplomatic option are unfruitful.</p> <p>India and China have held numerous rounds of military and diplomatic talks in the last two-and-half months. But no significant headway has been made in resolution of the border row.</p> <p>Last week, India and China held a fresh round of diplomatic talks to settle the border row in Ladakh.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Jharkhand Minister Badal Patralekh tested positive Coronavirus Infection
<p>A year after Article 370 was cancelled and the state of Jammu and Kashmir. While Ladakh was bifurcated into Union Territories, we got a look into the new world order. As Kentucky Fried Chicken opened its first outlet in Srinagar.</p> <p><br></p> <p>While KFC had two outlets in Jammu, this was the first one that opened up in Srinagar.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Srinagar residents cannot keep calm as they get their first-ever KFC outlet.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Srinagar get their first KFC outlet
<p>A year after Article 370 was cancelled and the state of Jammu and Kashmir. While Ladakh was bifurcated into Union Territories, we got a look into the new world order. As Kentucky Fried Chicken opened its first outlet in Srinagar.</p> <p><br></p> <p>While KFC had two outlets in Jammu, this was the first one that opened up in Srinagar.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Srinagar residents cannot keep calm as they get their first-ever KFC outlet.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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World death toll for Coronavirus Infection hits 800000
<p>The world hit an awful coronavirus infection milestone Saturday. With 800,000 confirmed deaths and close to 23 million confirmed cases.</p> <p>That's according to a tally kept by Johns Hopkins University. Governments have been trying to balance public health with economic health due to coronavirus infection.</p> <p>Administrators believe the true numbers are far higher, because of a shortage of testing and reporting.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Joe Biden accepted Presidential Nomination
<p><strong>Joe Biden has officially accepted the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party. Urging the American voters to come together to overcome a "season of darkness" that has cloaked the US for "much too long".</strong></p> <p><strong>Joe Biden, was introduced by a video that went through the former vice president's life, and career. He also highlighted his role as a father, husband and political leader.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection hiked to 2.9 Million
<p>India's coronavirus infection tally zoomed past 29 lakh. A day after it crossed 28 lakh, with a single-day spike of 68,898 infections. While the recoveries have increased to 2,158,946 on Friday. Taking the recovery rate to over 74 per cent, according to the Union Health Ministry data.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The total cases of coronavirus infections mounted to 2,905,823. While the death toll climbed to 54,849 with 983 new fatalities being reported in a span of 24 hours.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Delhi University allows PhD students to enter in Hostel
<p>For those willing to stay under self-quarantine in their rooms for 14 days. The administrations of Delhi University allowed PhD students to return to their hostel rooms in a phased manner. In a memo issued on August 19. Delhi University has asked hostels to give first priority to the senior PhD students followed by other PhD students.</p> <p>For those who left their rooms following the varsity's notification dated March 19.&nbsp; University asked the hostels not to charge mess fees.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Case to cross 3 Million
<p>The highest-ever increase of 69,652 coronavirus infection cases. While 977 deaths were reported in India, in the last 24 hours. The coronavirus tally in the country rises to 2,836,926 including 6,86,395 active cases. With 2,096,665 cured and 53,866 deaths, said, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 58,794 patients were cured in last 24 hours.</p> <p>India scaled a new peak in daily testing as more than 9 lakh coronavirus infection tests. Conducted in the last 24 hours, informed Union Ministry of Health on Thursday.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Kamala Harris accepted the nomination for Vice President
<p>U.S. Senator Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic nomination for vice president on Wednesday. Asking the nation to elect Joe Biden president and accusing Donald Trump of failed leadership. That had cost lives and livelihoods.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The first Black lady and Asian-American on an important U.S. presidential ticket. Kamala Harris outlined her life story as emblematic of the American dream on the third day of the Democratic National Convention.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Brazilian Vice President challenged Leonardo DiCaprio
<p>Brazilian Vice President Hamilton Mourao challenged actor and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio on Wednesday. For an eight-hour hike in the Amazon. Saying he liked to show the Hollywood star the rainforest is not really burning.</p> <p>Brazilian Vice President, who leads President Jair Bolsonaro's task force on fighting deforestation. Took matter with Leonardo DiCaprio reposting an Instagram video from The Guardian newspaper. With pictures of the world's biggest rainforest in flames.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 64500 Coronavirus Infection Case in single day
<p><strong>India recorded over 64,500 coronavirus infection cases and 1,092 deaths in the last 24 hours, government data shows this morning. The country has been reporting the biggest number of cases globally for the last 15 days. With the latest figures, the total coronavirus infection cases in India have risen to 2,767,273. While the casualties are 52,889.</strong></p> <p><strong>Government data shows 2,037,870 have healed. Showing a recovery rate of 73.64 per cent, while the positivity rate is 8.05 per cent. The death rate is 1.91 per cent. India reported the biggest one-day spike in fatalities on Tuesday with 876 deaths.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pranab Mukherjee is in Critical Condition
<p><strong>The health of former president Pranab Mukherjee, in hospital since last week is in critical condition. He has deteriorated with lung infection setting in. A medical bulletin issued by the Army Research and Referral Hospital said on Wednesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The 84-year old was admitted to the facility on 10 August and operated on for a blood clot in the brain.</strong></p> <p><strong>Pranab Mukherjee had tested positive for coronavirus infection last week, a condition that he had made public on Twitter.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Supreme Court approved CBI investigation in Sushant Singh Rajput case
<p><strong>The Supreme Court on Wednesday approved for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe in the Sushant Singh Rajput death case. The court further directed Mumbai Police to hand over all proof collected so far in the case to the CBI. The supreme court said that the FIR registered in Patna was lawful.</strong></p> <p><strong>The judgment was uttered by a single judge bench of Justice Hrishikesh Roy.</strong></p> <p><strong>The order comes on a plea filed by actor Rhea Chakraborty on the transfer of the First Information Report (FIR) filed. On a complaint made against her by Sushant Singh Rajput's father from Patna to Mumbai.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Two powerful Earthquake hits Indonesia
<p><strong>Two powerful and shallow undersea earthquakes shook western Indonesia on Wednesday. Causing panic but no immediate reports of casualties or damage.</strong></p> <p><strong>The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred at a depth of 22 kilometres under the sea. It was centred in Bengkulu province on Sumatra island.</strong></p> <p><strong>A 6.9 magnitude earthquake jolted the area six minutes later, a bit deeper and 13 kilometres from the first. But no tsunami warning was issued for the shallow quakes in Indonesia.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Singapore government gives Indian lenders $670 million
<p>The Singapore government and its investment arms sprinkled in $670 million in ICICI Bank Ltd, HDFC Ltd, and Bandhan Bank Ltd. In the first half of August showed trade filings made by the private sector lenders.</p> <p>Singapore government was the largest individual investor in the qualified institutional placements. Of ICICI Bank and mortgage financier HDFC, investing ₹1,662.7 crores and ₹1,336.9 crores, respectively.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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High alert in Mumbai for Tide Wave
<p><strong>The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted a high tide in Mumbai today. A high alert has been issued to Mumbai for a high tide wave of 4.42 metres. At 11:39 am today after heavy rains and thunderstorms earlier in the day.</strong></p> <p><strong>Meanwhile an orange alert has been issued for Kolhapur and Satara districts. In western Maharashtra and for coastal areas for today and tomorrow.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Lightspeed India raised $275-million fund
<p>Venture capital enterprise Lightspeed India Partners Advisors LLP has raised a $275-million fund. It's third, as it continues to focus on early- and growth-stage opportunities in startups across the consumer Internet and software space.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Lightspeed India Partners III is considerably larger than the $175-million second fund which closed in December 2018. US-based Lightspeed, which is operating in India for 13 years, launched its first dedicated fund for India in 2015.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Director Nishikant Kamat passed away at 50
<p><strong>Director Nishikant Kamat has died in a Hyderabad hospital. Mr Kamat was 50 years old, believed to have been suffering from chronic liver illness. "I will miss you my friend Nishikant Kamat. Rest in peace," tweeted actor Riteish Deshmukh. He starred in Mr Kamat's film Lai Bhaari.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nishikant Kamat was taken to AIG Hospitals in Gachibowli, Hyderabad on July 31. He was treated for jaundice and abdominal distention, news agency ANI reported.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Director Nishikant Kamat is Critical
<p><strong>Director Nishikant Kamat, best known for his films Mumbai Meri Jaan, Drishyam and Madaari, is critical, according to hospital sources. Nishikant Kamat is suffering from chronic liver disease and secondary infections. He was admitted to AIG hospital in Gachibowli, Hyderabad on July 31.</strong></p> <p><strong>Earlier, Kamat's close friend, Marathi actor Jaywant Wadkar had said that the director had passed away.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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PM Modi gave greetings to people on Malayalam New Year
<p>PM Narendra Modi delivered his greetings to people on Monday at the start of the Malayalam calendar's month of Chingam.</p> <p>"As the month of Chingam commences my greetings to everyone, especially my Malayali sisters and brothers. I pray that the coming year brings with success, good health and prosperity for all," he said in a tweet.</p> <p>PM Narendra Modi delivered his greetings to people on Monday at the start of the Malayalam calendar's month of Chingam.</p> <p>"As the month of Chingam commences my greetings to everyone, especially my Malayali sisters and brothers. I pray that the coming year brings with success, good health and prosperity for all," he said in a tweet.</p> <p>PM Modi tweeted the greetings in both English and Malayalam.</p> <p>PM Modi tweeted the greetings in both English and Malayalam.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection death toll crossed 50000
<p>India's coronavirus infection death toll breached the 50,000 mark. As 941 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours, said the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Monday.</p> <p>The number of deaths due to the infection has reached 50,921.</p> <p>As many as 57,982 coronavirus cases were reported in the last 24 hours across the country. Taking India's total coronavirus infection cases to 2,647,664 cases.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ranveer Singh shared his pictures with Mahendra Singh Dhoni
<p><strong>Former India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni on Saturday announced his retirement in an Instagram post. Dhoni posted a video montage with pictures at different points of his career.</strong></p> <p><strong>Ranveer Singh also posted throwback pictures with Mahendra Singh Dhoni as the latter announced his retirement. Ranveer recalled the time he worked as an Assistant Director. While the former Indian skipper was shooting for a commercial in 2007-08 and they met on the ad film sets.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Epic Games sued Apple for removing Fortnite from App Store
<p>Apple Inc on Thursday removed a famous video game "Fortnite" from its App Store. For tainting the company's in-app payment policies. Causing developer Epic Games to file a federal lawsuit challenging the iPhone maker's rules.</p> <p>Apple referred a direct payment feature rolled out on the Fortnite app earlier on Thursday as the violation.</p> <p>Epic Games sued in U.S. court seeking no money from Apple. But rather a requirement that would end many of the company's practices related to the App Store. This is the only way to distribute native software onto most iPhones.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Heavy Rainfall in Mumbai and Raigad District
<p><strong>Heavy rain battered parts of Mumbai, neighbouring Thane, Palghar and Raigad districts in the last 24 hours. The weather department notified on Thursday. Heavy rain is likely in the Konkan region and some regions of central Maharashtra today, according to the India Meteorological Department.</strong></p> <p><strong>Some areas in Mumbai received 70 mm to 100 mm rainfall in the 24-hour period ending at 8.30 am today, a senior IMD official said. Some areas in Thane saw very heavy rainfall of more than 120 mm. While the rainfall at Matheran in Raigad district reported 161 mm rain during the same period.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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PM Narendra Modi introduced faceless assessment and taxpayers charter
<p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the platform for "Transparent Taxation - Honoring the Honest "via video conferencing today.</strong></p> <p><strong>This platform has big reforms such as faceless assessment, faceless appeal, and taxpayers charter. Faceless assessment and taxpayers charter will come in force from today.</strong></p> <p><strong>Whereas faceless appeal service will be available from September 25, PM Narendra Modi said at the launch.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Zydus Cadila launched cheapest Remdesivir in India
<p><strong>Zydus Cadila today launched the cheapest generic version of Gilead Sciences' antiviral drug remdesivir in India. To treat coronavirus infection following reports of shortages at hospitals in the world's third-worst hit nation.</strong></p> <p><strong>Priced at Rs. 2800 for a 100 mg lyophilized injection, Remdac is the most economical Remdesivir brand in India.</strong></p> <p><strong>Zydus Cadila is the fifth company to launch a copy of the antiviral in India.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 66,999 Coronavirus Infection cases in a single day
<p>India on Thursday enrolled the highest single-day spike of 66,999 cases. While reported 942 deaths in the last 24 hours, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.</p> <p>The nation's coronavirus infection tally touched 2,396,638. Including 6,53,622 active cases, 1,695,982 discharged and 47,033 deaths.</p> <p>Active coronavirus infection cases in Maharashtra stand at 1,47,820, the highest in the nation. Followed by Andhra Pradesh with 90,425 active cases.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Hero MotoCorp Ltd report net profit of ₹82.21 crores
<p><strong>Hero MotoCorp Ltd, the nation’s biggest two-wheeler maker. Is expected to report a slump in its net profit for the June ended quarter due to pandemic-related troubles during the period. Hero MotoCorp is likely to report a net profit of ₹82.21 crores, according to a Bloomberg poll of eight analysts. While revenue from operations is seen at ₹2,755.7 crores.</strong></p> <p><strong>In the corresponding period last year, the company had reported a net profit of ₹1,257.3 crores. As a result of an exceptional gain of ₹737.3 crores.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Urdu poet Rahat Indori passed away
<p><strong>Well-known Urdu poet Rahat Indori, who had tested positive for coronavirus infection, passed away. At an Indore hospital on Tuesday after suffering two heart attacks, said doctors treating him. Rahat Indori was 70 years old.</strong></p> <p><strong>“He suffered two heart attacks today and could not be saved. He was admitted to hospital on Sunday, after testing positive for coronavirus infection. He had 60 per cent pneumonia,” said Dr Vinod Bhandari of Sri Aurobindo Hospital.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 60963 Coronavirus Infection Cases in single day
<h1><strong>India witnessed 60963 Coronavirus Infection Cases in single day</strong></h1> <p><strong>India's coronavirus infection tally reached 2,329,639 today. With 60,963 cases being reported in a day. Recoveries hike to 1,583,490 according to the Union Health Ministry data. The total number of deaths from coronavirus infection hike to 46,091 after 834 deaths were reported in last 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>India has recorded the highest number of recoveries in a single day. With 56,110 coronavirus patients having recovered and discharged yesterday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sanjay Dutt diagnosed with stage 3 Lung Cancer
<p>Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has been diagnosed with stage three lung cancer. The news has left his fans and other Bollywood celebrities in shock. On Tuesday, the actor announced that he is taking a break from films due to his health but did not mention lung cancer.</p> <p>However, reports claimed that the actor was suffering from breathing difficulties and was diagnosed with lung cancer when hospitalized on August 8. According to reports, Sanjay Dutt will fly to the US for treatment soon.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Donald Trump escorted from White House
<p><strong>The U.S. Secret Service abruptly escorted President Donald Trump out of the White House press room. In the middle of a briefing on Monday because of a shooting outside the White House.</strong></p> <p><strong>Donald Trump returned to the media room several minutes later. and He said the person had been shot by law enforcement and taken to the hospital. Trump said he understood the suspect had been armed.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Antonio Banderas tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Antonio Banderas says he has tested positive for coronavirus infection. The actor announced the news on Instagram Monday, also his 60th birthday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Antonio said that he is forced to celebrate his 60th birthday in quarantine due to coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>Further stating that he is fine. Antonio Banderas wrote that he is experiencing nothing more than a sense of tiredness and exhaustion.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Krishna Janmashtami 2020 Date and Celebration
<p><strong>Janmashtami, also called Shri Krishna Janmashtami or Gokulashtami, is a festival which is celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Krishna. The Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated in different parts of the nation as Krishna devotees fascinate themselves in the festive spirit on this day.</strong></p> <p><strong>Yet, it is celebrated with the most fervour in Mathura, as it is said to be the birthplace of Lord Krishna.</strong></p> <p><strong>Janmashtami 2020 will be celebrated on two days, August 11 and 12. This marks the 5,247th birth anniversary of Lord Krishna.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Global Coronavirus Infection Cases surpassed 20 Million
<p><strong>The coronavirus infection marked up another terrible milestone Monday. As the world surpassed 20 million reported cases of coronavirus infection. From the tiny killer that has upended life just about everywhere.</strong></p> <p><strong>The number as of 2215 GMT was 20,002,577 cases. With 733,842 deaths recorded, according to an AFP tally of official sources.</strong></p> <p><strong>In yet another staggering landmark, the death toll is predicted to surpass 750,000 in a matter of days. As the global health crisis that began late last year in China rages on.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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DGCA suspended two senior Executives of AirAsia for Safety Violations
<p><strong>Aviation regulator DGCA has suspended two senior executives of AirAsia India. For a duration of three months over "safety violations", said a senior officer on Tuesday. The suspension was executed a week ago, the official told.</strong></p> <p><strong>In June this year, one of the AirAsia India's ex-pilot, who carries out a YouTube channel called Flying Beast. Claimed violations of safety norms by the low-cost airline.</strong></p> <p><strong>Captain Gaurav Taneja, a famous Youtuber, tweeted on June 14 that he has been suspended by AirAsia India. For standing up for safe operations of an aircraft and its passengers.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Bharti Airtel Ltd launched 4G services in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
<p><strong>Bharti Airtel Ltd on Monday launched ‘Ultra-Fast 4G’ services in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. With the commissioning of the submarine optical cable fibre project. Bharti Airtel has become the first private telecommunication company to roll out high-speed 4G services in the islands.</strong></p> <p><strong>Earlier today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the undersea cable project. That will connect Chennai and Andaman and Nicobar Islands and boost 4G services on the islands.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian hockey player Mandeep Singh tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Indian hockey team forward Mandeep Singh has tested positive for coronavirus infection. Becoming the sixth national player to contract the infection, the Sports Authority of India (SAI) told on Monday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mandeep Singh from Jalandhar is asymptomatic. He is being treated along with the other five players by doctors in Bengaluru. The national camp is due to start on August 20 at the SAI centre.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Gujarat Government increased fine for not wearing Face Mask
<p><strong>The Gujarat government has increased the fine for not wearing a face mask in public places. Gujarat government increased the fine to ₹1,000 from ₹500 announced earlier.</strong></p> <p><strong>People who are spotted without a mask in public places will have to pay ₹1,000 from 11 August.</strong></p> <p><strong>At present, the fine for not wearing masks in public is ₹500 in cities like Ahmedabad and Surat. While it is ₹200 in smaller towns.</strong></p> <p><strong>Meanwhile, the cor tally in Ahmedabad district reached 27,898 on Sunday with the addition of 153 new cases.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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AirAsia India aircraft encountered Bird hit
<p><strong>An AirAsia India aircraft departing for Mumbai on Saturday morning aborted its take-off at Ranchi airport. After encountering a bird hit, said the airline spokesperson.</strong></p> <p><strong>The pilot aborted take-off and the AirAsia India aircraft is currently being inspected. The spokesperson noted, adding that the flight is scheduled to depart once the aircraft is cleared for operations.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 61537 Coronavirus Infection Cases in 24 hours
<p>India's coronavirus tally reached 2,088,611 today, with 61,537 cases being reported in a day. Recoveries rose to 1,378,105 including 48,901 in past 24 hours, according to the Union Health Ministry data. There are 619,088 active cases of coronavirus infection in the country presently. While the recovery rate among coronavirus patients has gone up to 67.62 per cent.</p> <p>This is the ninth consecutive day that coronavirus infection cases have increased by more than 50,000.</p> <p>933 patients succumbed to coronavirus infection in the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 42,518.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Captain Deepak Sathe died in Air India Express aircraft crash
<p>Captain Deepak Sathe, the pilot of the ill-fated Air India Express aircraft. That overshot the runway while landing at Kozhikode airport in Kerala on Friday. Deepak Sathe was a decorated retired India Air Force pilot, ‘Sword of Honour’ awardee and has also served with No.17 Squadron, Golden Arrows. Which was recently recommissioned with the Rafale fighter jet.</p> <p>Seventeen people were killed and several injured when a Dubai-Calicut Air India Express flight. With 191 passengers and crew overshot the runway and fell into a valley, breaking into two portions yesterday evening.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Air India Express flight crashed in Kozhikode airport, 19 dead
<p><strong>An Air India Express flight from Dubai carrying 191 people skidded off a wet runway. While landing at the Kozhikode airport in Kerala on Friday evening.</strong></p> <p><strong>Air India flight crashed into a valley, cracking into two. Leaving 19 people, including the two pilots, dead and several critically wounded.</strong></p> <p><strong>Rescue operations are underway at the site. Several injured passengers have been rushed to nearby hospitals.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 2 Million
<p><strong>India's coronavirus infection tally touched 2,027,075 today, with 62,538 cases being recorded in a day. Recoveries rose to 1,378,105 including 49,769 in past 24 hours, according to the Union Health Ministry data. There are 607,384 active cases of coronavirus infection in the nation presently. While the recovery rate among coronavirus patients has gone up to 67.62 per cent.</strong></p> <p><strong>This is the ninth consecutive day that coronavirus cases have risen by more than 50,000.</strong></p> <p><strong>886 patients died due to coronavirus infection in the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 41,585.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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CBI filed FIR against Rhea Chakraborty and her Family
<p><strong>The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed an FIR against actor Rhea Chakraborty. For abetting the suicide of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. However, the federal probe agency will not be able to investigate the case in Mumbai and in other places in Maharashtra.</strong></p> <p><strong>The FIR filed by the CBI is based on the one registered by Bihar police in Patna. Against Rhea Chakraborty, her parents, her brother Showik apart from two others. For suspected offences of criminal conspiracy, abetment of suicide. Wrongful restraint, wrongful confinement, theft, criminal breach of trust, cheating and criminal intimidation.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Bhojpuri film actress Anupama Pathak committed Suicide
<p><strong>Bhojpuri film actress Anupama Pathak allegedly committed suicide in north Mumbai's Dahisar suburb, police told on Friday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Anupama Pathak was found hanging at her leased flat on Sunday, police said. She was 40 years old.</strong></p> <p><strong>Belonging from the Purnea district in Bihar, she had moved to Mumbai and acted in Bhojpuri films and TV shows.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The fire broke in hospital at Gujarat, 8 people died
<p><strong>Eight people have died after a huge fire broke out at a private hospital. The hospital was for coronavirus patients in Gujarat's Ahmedabad early Thursday morning.</strong></p> <p><strong>As the fire broke out at Shrey Hospital in Ahmedabad's Navrangpura area at around 3 AM. Eight fire engines and 10 ambulances of the fire department were rushed to the site. Five men and three women were admitted to the ICU ward who later died.</strong></p> <p><strong>About 45 patients were admitted to the 50-bed hospital at the time of the accident.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Manoj Sinha to be next lieutenant governor of J&K
<p><strong>President Ram Nath Kovind on Thursday nominated ex-Union minister Manoj Sinha as the next lieutenant governor of Jammu and Kashmir. He will replace Girish Chandra Murmu who resigned on Wednesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sinha has represented the parliamentary constituency of Ghazipur. In eastern Uttar Pradesh thrice in the Lok Sabha.</strong></p> <p><strong>Manoj Sinha has also assisted as junior railways minister.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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RBI may cut repo rate by 25 basis points today
<p><strong>RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das will bring in the central bank's Bi-monthly Monetary Policy address at 12 noon today.</strong></p> <p><strong>Around two-thirds of economists in a Reuters poll foresee the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) today to cut the repo rate by another 25 basis points (bps). To a record low of 3.50 per cent despite some inflationary pressure.</strong></p> <p><strong>The RBI has already reduced the repo rate by a total of 115 basis points since February. On top of the 135 basis points in an easing cycle last year</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection healings hike 51706 in 24 hours
<p><strong>India's coronavirus tally reached 1,908,254 today. With 52,779 cases being recorded in a day. Healings hike to 1,282,215 including 51,706 in past 24 hours, according to the Union Health Ministry data.</strong></p> <p><strong>There are 586,244 active cases of coronavirus infection in the country presently. While the recovery rate among coronavirus infection patients has gone up to 66.31 per cent.</strong></p> <p><strong>This is the seventh continuous day that coronavirus cases have increased by more than 50,000.</strong></p> <p><strong>857 patients succumbed to coronavirus infection in the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 39,795.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Beirut explosion killed more than 70 people
<p>A massive explosion rocked Beirut on Tuesday, destroying much of the city's port. Damaging buildings across the capital and sending a giant mushroom cloud into the sky. More than 70 people were killed and 3,000 wounded, with bodies buried in the rubble, officials said.</p> <p>About 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was stored in the Beirut port warehouse that exploded.</p> <p>The blast hit with the force of a 3.5 magnitude earthquake. It was heard and felt as far away as Cyprus more than 200 kilometres across the Mediterranean.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Groundbreaking ceremony of Ram Temple in Ayodhya will be at 12.40 pm
<p>Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath and Union minister Smriti Irani tweeted 'Jai Shree Ram'. As the stage is all set for 'bhumi puja' of a grand Ram temple in Ayodhya. At a spot where devotees believe that Lord Ram was born.</p> <p>The groundbreaking ceremony is said to take place at 12:40 pm, which is the 'muhurta' for the foundation stone laying ceremony.</p> <p>Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with CM Adityanath and 175 people who figure in a select guest list. Seers and politicians will attend the ceremony in Ayodhya.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 1.85 Million
<p><strong>India's coronavirus infection tally reached 1,855,475 today. With 52,050 cases being reported in a day. Healings hike to 1,230,509, including 44,306 in past 24 hours, according to the Union Health Ministry data. There are 586,298 active cases of coronavirus infection in the country presently while the healing rate among infection patients has gone up to 65.76 per cent.</strong></p> <p><strong>This is the sixth continuous day that coronavirus cases have risen by more than 50,000.</strong></p> <p><strong>803 patients succumbed to coronavirus infection in the past 24 hours, taking altogether death toll to 38,938.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Red Alert issued in Mumbai due to Heavy Rainfall
<p><strong>With endless rainfall all through the night people in several parts of Mumbai, today wakened to serious waterlogging. The India Meteorological Dept (IMD) has whistled a red alert. For today and tomorrow for extremely heavy rainfall in Mumbai.</strong></p> <p><strong>With a high tide expected at 12:47 pm, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has issued a red alert. To all concerned departments and also to residents to not go near any beach or low lying areas. Tides waves of around 4.51 meters have been predicted due to the heavy rains.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Dead lizard found in Sambar at Saravana Bhavan Delhi
<p>An FIR has been reported against Saravana Bhavan. A popular South Indian vegetarian restaurant chain. After a consumer allegedly found a dead lizard in his bowl of sambar. At its outlet in Connaught Place, Delhi police said Monday.</p> <p>Pankaj Agarwal, a regular visitor to the restaurant, walked into Saravana Bhavan. With his two friends Saturday night and ordered dosa and sambar. As they were having the dinner, Agarwal found a dead lizard in his bowl of sambar. He captured it on his mobile phone.&nbsp;</p> <p>They registered an FIR against the restaurant under IPC section 269 and 336.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases to cross 2 Million
<p><strong>India's coronavirus infection tally reached 1,803,695 today, with 52,972 cases being reported in a day. Recoveries rose to 1,186,203, including 40,574 in past 24 hours. according to the Union Health Ministry data.</strong></p> <p><strong>There are 579,357 active cases of coronavirus infection in the country presently. While the recovery rate among coronavirus infection patients has gone up to 65.76 per cent.</strong></p> <p><strong>This is the fifth consecutive day that coronavirus cases have increased by more than 50,000.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa tested positive for Coronavirus
<p>Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa has tested positive for coronavirus infection. The Chief Minister announced the news in a tweet.</p> <p><br></p> <p>I have tested positive for coronavirus infection. Whilst I am fine, I am being hospitalised as a precaution on the guidance of doctors. I request those who have come in touch with me recently to be observant and practice self-quarantine,' is what he wrote in a tweet.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ex-AAP leader Tahir Hussain admitted his role in Delhi violence
<p>Suspended Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Tahir Hussain has admitted about his role in the North East Delhi violence. That broke out in February this year and admitted that he has provoked people. To unleash violence, according to an Interrogation Report (IR) by Delhi Police.</p> <p>Tahir Hussain said that he met former JNU student Umar Khalid. At Popular Front of India (PFI) office in Shaheen Bagh on January 8.</p> <p>According to Delhi Police, Tahir Hussain's task was to collect as much as glass bottles, petrol, acid, stones, on the roof of his home.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Home Minister Amit Shah tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p>Union Home Minister Amit Shah has tested positive for coronavirus infection. That has infected more than 17 lakh people in the nation. Sources said he has been admitted to Medanta hospital, located in Haryana's Gurugram near Delhi.</p> <p>In a tweet, the Home Minister said his health was "fine" but he was being hospitalised "on the guidance of doctors".</p> <p>Amit Shah also appealed to all those "who have come in touch with me in the last few days. Please isolate yourself and get your examination done".</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 57117 Coronavirus Infection Cases in a Day
<p>With 57,117 people testing positive for coronavirus infection in a day. India's infection tally neared 17 lakh mark today. While the healings jumped to 1,094,374. The nation's death toll hike to 36,511 with 764 casualties being reported in a day. The fatality from infection currently stands at 2.18 per cent in India as compared to the global average of about 4 per cent.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Total coronavirus infection positive cases stand at 1,695,988 including 565,103 active cases. While 1,094,374 healed and 36,511 deaths, the health ministry said.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Apple iPhone 12 may launch in mid-October
<p><strong>As predicted by some analysts earlier, Apple Inc in the Q3 2020 earnings call. Officially confirmed that the supply of upcoming iPhone 12 smartphones will get delayed by a few weeks. This means the new handsets are most likely not going to hit stores in September end as their predecessors. Unless Apple decides to start with limited units and ramp it up later. iPhone 12 models are likely to arrive in stores sometime after mid-October.</strong></p> <p><strong>New iPhone models typically hit stores in India a week after the US. For Instance, the iPhone 11 models were available in stores in the United States on September 20. While in India they arrived on 27 September.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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<p><strong>Hyderabad resident B Veerababu was left surprised after his electricity bill hiked to over ₹6 lakh. From a monthly normal of about ₹1,000 earlier. A few days ago, he got the electric bill of ₹6.67 lakh for the last four months for his house in Amberpet.</strong></p> <p><strong>He said usually he receives an electricity bill of over ₹800 to ₹1,100 for his house. But for the past three months, the electricity department officers did not come to take the meter reading or nor did they develop any bill.</strong></p> <p><strong>After his tape went viral. Hyderabad electricity department officials reached him and changed the meter to prevent trouble in future.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 1.63 Million
<p><strong>With 55,079 people testing positive for coronavirus in a day. India's coronavirus infection tally over 16 lakh mark today, while the healings jumped to 1,057,805. The country's death toll hike to 35,747 with 779 casualties being recorded in a day. The fatality from infection currently stands at 2.18 per cent in India as compared to the global average of about 4 per cent.</strong></p> <p><strong>Total coronavirus infection positive cases stand at 1,638,871 including 545,318 active cases. While 1,057,805 healed and 35,747 deaths, the health ministry said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases to cross 1.6 Million
<p>With 52,123 people testing positive for coronavirus in a day. India's coronavirus infection tally near 16 lakh mark today, while the healings jumped to 988,029. The country's death toll hike to 34,968 with 775 casualties being recorded in a day. The fatality from infection currently stands at 2.23 per cent in India as the compared global average of about 4 per cent.</p> <p>Total coronavirus infection positive cases stand at 1,583,792 including 528,242 active cases. While 1,020,582 healed and 34,968 deaths, the health ministry said.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pictures of Lord Ram to be displayed on New York's Times Square
<p>Pictures of Lord Ram and 3D portraits of the grand Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Will be flashed across the large billboards in the Times Square. On August 5 to celebrate the temple's groundbreaking ceremony. With organisers illustrating the commemoration as one-of-a-kind and historic event.</p> <p>Well-known community leader and president of the American India Public Affairs Committee Jagdish Sewhani. On Wednesday said that arrangements are being made to celebrate the historic moment in New York on August 5. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is planned to lay the foundation stone for construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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SS Rajamouli tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Baahubali director SS Rajamouli and his family tested positive for the coronavirus infection on Wednesday. The filmmaker shared his coronavirus diagnosis in a tweet. &nbsp;SS Rajamouli indicated that he and his family are isolating at home, as defined by doctors.</strong></p> <p><strong>"My family members and I developed a slight fever a few days ago. It subsided by itself but we got tested nevertheless. The result has shown a mild coronavirus infection positive today. We are at home quarantined as prescribed by the doctors."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Marathi actor Ashutosh Bhakre committed Suicide
<p><strong>Marathi actor Ashutosh Bhakre allegedly deceased by suicide at his home. In Nanded city in Marathwada province, a police official said on Wednesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The incident came to light on Wednesday afternoon when Bhakre was found dead by his parents. At his flat in Ganesh Nagar area of Nanded, the official said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Ashutosh Bhakre was the husband of Marathi actress Mayuri Deshmukh.</strong></p> <p><strong>The reason behind the actor’s doubted suicide is not yet known, the police official said. He was reportedly suffering from depression since the last few days.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 1.53 Million
<p>With 48,513 people testing positive for coronavirus in a day. India's coronavirus infection tally crossed 15 lakh mark today. While the healings jumped to 988,029. The country's death toll hike to 34,193 with 768 casualties being reported in a day. The fatality from infection currently stands at 2.25 per cent in India as compared to the global average of about 4 per cent.</p> <p>Total coronavirus infection positive cases stand at 1,531,669 including 509,447 active cases. While 988,029 healed and 34,193 deaths, the health ministry said.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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First five Rafale Jets will land at Ambala Airbase today
<p>The first five of a batch of French Rafale jets will land at Haryana's Ambala. This afternoon after flying a distance of nearly 7,000 km to join the Indian Air Force fleet.</p> <p>Chief of Air Staff RKS Bhadauria will be at the front in Ambala airbase to acquire the Rafale jets. India's first major accession of fighter jets in over two decades.</p> <p>Security and safety has been tightened near the Ambala airbase, located around 200 km from the border with Pakistan.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Anjali Bhabi quits Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah
<p><strong>Now, there is another bad news for Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah fans as the latest reports claim that. Taarak</strong></p> <p><strong>Mehta's wife, Anjali Bhabhi played by actress Neha Mehta has also quit the show.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the latest reports, after Dayaben aka Disha Vakani. Taarak Mehta's wife, Anjali Bhabhi played by actress Neha Mehta has also quit the show.</strong></p> <p><strong>Where everyone's favorite actress Disha Vakani, who played the most popular role on TV of Dayaben. Left show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, fans were disheartened.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sanjay Dutt celebrates his 61st Birthday
<p>Actor Sanjay Dutt celebrates his 61st birthday on Wednesday. Like last year, it will also be marked with a big movie announcement.</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p>Talking about picking Sanjay for the role, actor Yash had said that he was always the first choice.</p> <p>The makers of his highly anticipated film KGF 2 will reportedly reveal his look from the movie. Something fans have been eagerly waiting for long.</p> <p>Sanjay Dutt reportedly plays the villain, Adheera, in KGF 2.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Edtech startup Toppr raised funding of ₹350 Crores
<p><strong>Edtech startup Toppr has raised ₹350 crores in a Series D funding session led by global venture firm Foundation Holdings. Other long-time allies including Kaizen Private Equity also took part in the session.</strong></p> <p><strong>Zishaan Hayath, Toppr CEO and co-founder, had told previously that the company was in talks. With new investors to raise capital to launch two new platforms for Coding and Schools.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases to cross 1.5 Million
<p><strong>According to reports, 47,704 patients tested positive for coronavirus in a day. India's coronavirus infection tally near 15 lakh mark today, while the healings hiked to 952,743. The country's death toll rose to 33,425 with 654 casualties being reported in a day. The fatality from infection currently stands at 2.28 per cent in India as correlated to the global average of about 4 per cent.</strong></p> <p><strong>Total coronavirus infection positive cases stand at 1,483,157 including 496,988 active cases. 952,744 cured and 33,425 deaths, the health ministry said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Global death toll due to Coronavirus Infection passed 650000
<p><strong>Administrators around the world reintroduced a raft of regulations Monday. From beach closures to quarantine norms to try to tamp down coronavirus infection hotspots. As the official global death toll passed 650,000.</strong></p> <p><strong>European countries trying to rectify the financial destruction caused by the earlier lockdowns. Strived to balance keeping the lifeline of tourism open while guarding against new flare-ups of coronavirus infection.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Google decided Work from Home till June 2021
<p>Google has decided that most of its 200,000 workers and employees should work from home through next June. A sobering review of the epidemic's potential staying strength from the organization. Giving answers to the world's most trusted Internet search engine.</p> <p>The remote-work order issued Monday by Google CEO Sundar Pichai also influences other companies owned by Google's corporate parent, Alphabet. It marks a six-month extension of Google's prior plan to keep most of its departments closed through the rest of this year.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 1.4 million mark
<p>With 49,931 patients testing positive for coronavirus in a day. India's coronavirus infection tally bridged 14 lakh mark today, while the healings jumped to 9,17,568. The nation's death toll hike to 32,771 with 708 casualties being reported in a day. The fatality from infection currently takes at 2.3 per cent in India as correlated to the global average of about 4 per cent.</p> <p>Total coronavirus infection positive cases stand at 1,435,453. Including 4,85,114 active cases, 9,17,568 cured and 32,771 deaths, the health ministry said.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Movie Theatres likely to reopen in August
<p>The ministry of home affairs is likely to permit the reopening of movie theatres. In the latest set of policies to be published as part of Unlock 3.0 in August.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Media and entertainment industry specialists told the ministry of information and broadcasting has written to MHA. To consider reopening of movie theatres that have been closed in India since the middle of March due to lockdown.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Bitcoin surpassed $10,000
<p><strong>After many weeks of trading in thin ranges. Bitcoin surpassed $10,000 on Sunday for the first time since early June.</strong></p> <p><strong>In growth to undergoing pricing blows due to the financial fallout from the coronavirus outbreak. Bitcoin moved through its third so-called halving on May 11.</strong></p> <p><strong>The "halving" has influenced the supply side of bitcoin and increased the time needed for miners to find their break-even point.</strong></p> <p><strong>On Sunday, the bitcoin hit highs of $10,200.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Bitcoin surpassed $10,000
<p>Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday wished Maharashtra chief minister and Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thackeray on his birthday. Praying for his long and healthy life.</p> <p>Thackeray was born in 1960. Maharashtra chief minister turned 60 today</p> <p>"Best wishes to Maharashtra CM Shri Uddhav Thackeray Ji on his birthday. I pray for Uddhav Ji's long and healthy life," the prime minister tweeted.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 48916 Coronavirus Infection cases in one day
<p><strong>Fresh coronavirus cases in India hike 48,916 in the past 24 hours. Dragging the total coronavirus infection tally over 1.3 million marks today. While the total digit of healings crossed 8.49 lakh, according to the Union Health Ministry data.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll due to the infection hike to 31,358 with 757 fatalities reported in one day.</strong></p> <p><strong>The data updated today showed that the total digit of coronavirus infection cases stands at 1,336,861.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Obesity can increase the risk of death from Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>If you are obese then you could be at risen risk of serious illness or even death. From coronavirus infection, according to the latest statement by Public Health England (PHE).</strong></p> <p><strong>PHE told data indicated that for people with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30-35. Risk of death from coronavirus infection risen by 40 per cent, and it increased by 90 per cent. For those with a BMI over 40 related to those of a healthy weight.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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UP Health Minister Jai Pratap Singh tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Uttar Pradesh Health Minister Jai Pratap Singh announced on Friday that he has tested positive for coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>His family members were also tested for the infection and their reports are awaited.</strong></p> <p><strong>Inquired of whether he was suffering from coronavirus infection. Jai Pratap Singh told PTI on Friday, "Yes. Yesterday evening itself happened, and the reports have come." The minister said that presently, he is in Lucknow.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mike Tyson return to the Boxing Ring
<p><strong>Retired world heavyweight fighter Mike Tyson will make a much-anticipated return to the boxing ring. When he stands against four-time world champion Roy Jones Jr. in an event bout on September 12. Triller, the virtual social media and music forum, told on Thursday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mike Tyson was once named the ‘worst man on the planet’. He was one of the most outstanding boxers of all time. He smashed PPV records.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases to cross 1.3 Million mark
<p>Fresh coronavirus cases in India hike 49,310 in the past 24 hours. Dragging the total coronavirus infection tally near 1.3 million marks today. While the total digit of healings crossed 8.17 lakh, according to the Union Health Ministry data. The death toll due to the infection hike to 30,601 with 740 casualties recorded in one day.</p> <p>The data updated today indicated that the total number of coronavirus infection cases stands at 1,287,945.</p> <p>There are 4,40,135 active cases in the nation, while 8,17,208 people have healed and one person has migrated.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Premier League will begin on September 19
<p><strong>The Indian Premier League (IPL) will begin on September 19 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). With the final scheduled on November 8, sources in the BCCI said news agency PTI on July 23.</strong></p> <p><strong>While the Indian Premier League governing council will address next week to chalk out the final factors and ratify the schedule. It is believed that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has informally expressed the franchises about the proposal, the PTI report indicates.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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10-day Lockdown imposed in Bhopal
<p><strong>In the trail of the spike in coronavirus infection cases. A 10-day complete lockdown will be imposed in Madhya Pradesh's capital Bhopal effective on 24 July. The movement of people will be prohibited in Bhopal during the 10-day lockdown till 2 August. People will need e-passes for movement.</strong></p> <p><strong>Meanwhile, some regions of Bhopal are under lockdown from Tuesday midnight to July 24, district officials told.</strong></p> <p><strong>As per the Union Health Ministry, Madhya Pradesh has a tally of 24,095 coronavirus infection cases.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Police reported 2 lakh cases related to Lockdown Violations
<p><strong>The Maharashtra police have reported at least two lakh cases. Relating to violations referring to coronavirus lockdown and booked 31,424 since March. However, 89 personnel, including seven officers have died due to the deadly virus to date.</strong></p> <p><strong>In the procedure of executing the watertight lockdown. The Maharashtra police suffered several casualties and at least 1,583 persons are still undergoing medication at various hospitals.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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United States reported 63967 fresh Coronavirus Cases in 24 hours
<p><strong>The United States on Wednesday reported 63,967 fresh coronavirus cases. In the previous 24 hours, Johns Hopkins University recorded in its real-time tally.</strong></p> <p><strong>That gave rise to the total number of coronavirus cases in the world's hardest-hit nation to 3,955,860, the Baltimore-based university told at 8:30 pm.</strong></p> <p><strong>Another 1,059 deaths were reported, taking the United States total casualties to 142,942</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases crossed 12 lakh
<p><strong>Fresh coronavirus cases in India hikes to 45,720 in the past 24 hours. Dragging the total coronavirus tally in India over 12 lakh mark today. While the total digit of recoveries crossed 7.82 lakh, according to the Union Health Ministry data. The death toll due to the disease hike to 29,861 with 1,129 casualties recorded in one day.</strong></p> <p><strong>The data updated today showed that the total digit of coronavirus cases stands at 1,238,635.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Air India cutoff monthly salaries upto 50 percent
<p><strong>Air India has cutoff monthly salaries of its employees who have a monthly gross salary of more than Rs 25,000. By up to 50 per cent, according to an inside order of the corporation.</strong></p> <p><strong>The order, proposed July 22, said basic salary and allowances correlated to it. Like industrial dearness allowance (IDA) and house rent allowance (HRA) will remain untouched. However, for “general category officers”, all other allowances except the previous ones. That would be reduced by 50 per cent, said Air India.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Assam Flood death toll hikes to 87
<h1><br></h1> <p><strong>Assam continues to be saturated with the death toll from floods in the state increasing to 87 on Tuesday. Flooding in the neighbouring state of Meghalaya’s West Garo Hills region has declared the lives of five people in the past week alone.</strong></p> <p><strong>On July 15, four kids drowned in flood in Tikrikilla village. Followed by an 18-year-old girl in Demdema village the next day. The Assam government has declared a compensation of Rs 4 lakh each to the families of the deceased.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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WADA suspended India's National Dope Testing Laboratory
<p><strong>India's National Dope Testing Laboratory (NDTL) has been suspended for an additional period of up to six months. For not fulfilling international norms, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has told.</strong></p> <p><strong>The New Delhi-based NDTL had formerly been suspended in August. Following a WADA site visit, restricting it from carrying out anti-doping tests. Including all analyses of urine and blood specimens.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases to cross 12 lakh
<p>Fresh coronavirus infection cases in India hikes 37,724 in the past 24 hours. Dragging the total coronavirus tally in India near 12 lakh mark today. While the total digit of recoveries crossed 7.53 lakh, according to the Union Health Ministry data. The death toll due to the disease hike to 28,732 with 648 casualties recorded in one day.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The data updated today indicated that the total digit of coronavirus infection cases stands at 1,192,915.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Amarnath Yatra cancelled due to Coronavirus Pandemic
<p><strong>The Amarnath yatra has been cancelled this year in the notion of the coronavirus pandemic. An official spokesman of the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB) carried an emergency video conference on Tuesday. They concluded to cancel the yatra “in the larger public interest”.</strong></p> <p><strong>The previous year, Amarnath Yatra was called off mid-season. Days before the Centre dumped &nbsp;Article-370 and bifurcated Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Madhya Pradesh governor Lalji Tandon passed away
<p><strong>Madhya Pradesh Governor Lalji Tandon expired on Tuesday, his son Ashutosh tweeted.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Father is no more," Ashutosh &nbsp;Tandon, a cabinet minister in Uttar Pradesh government tweeted in Hindi.</strong></p> <p><strong>The situation of Lalji Tandon, who was admitted to a private hospital in Lucknow, was serious.</strong></p> <p><strong>Tandon was admitted to the hospital on June 11 with breathing difficulties, the problem in urination and fever.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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First, five Rafale Jets to arrive in India
<p><strong>The first batch of five Indian Air Force (IAF) Rafale Jets is possible to come in India by end July 2020.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Rafale Jets will be introduced at Air Force Station Ambala on 29 July subject to weather. The final inauguration ceremony will take place in the second half of August.</strong></p> <p><strong>IAF aircrew and ground staff have undergone detailed training on the aircraft. Including its highly advanced weapons systems and are fully operational now. Post appearance, efforts will focus on operationalisation of the aircraft at the earliest.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Marks and Spencer to cut 950 Store Jobs
<p><strong>The Marks and Spencer told 950 store supervision and head office jobs were at danger. Because it needed to stimulate its restructuring.</strong></p> <p><strong>A spokesperson told the move showed "an important step" in it becoming a "stronger, leaner" company.</strong></p> <p><strong>Marks and Spencer were already going through a transformation that included cutting costs and shutting some stores.</strong></p> <p><strong>The firm said that because of the pandemic, those criteria would be accelerated. Under a programme called Never The Same Again. Marks and Spencer said it now wanted to "make three years' progress in one".</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Institute of Technology Madras raised ₹113 crores of Funds
<p><strong>The Indian Institute of Technology Madras has generated a sum of ₹113 crores during the 2019-20 economic year. From its alumni and corporate associates via CSR. Alleging it to be the highest amount generated in an economic year by an educational institution in India.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to administrators, the digits of 2019-20, present a crucial growth in fundraising by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, from ₹4 crores during 2010-11.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Bharat Bond ETF collect ₹10,992 crores
<p><strong>The second tranche of Bharat Bond ETF collected ₹10,992 crores. The ETF was started on July 14 and shut on July 17 with a base issue size of ₹3,000 crores. A green-shoe option of ₹12,000 crores, taking the full size to ₹15,000 crores.</strong></p> <p><strong>Bharat Bond ETF stood oversubscribed by over three times.</strong></p> <p><strong>Edelweiss Mutual Fund's Bharat Bond ETF NFO noticed wide retail participation. It collected over 40,000 applications.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Taapsee and Swara's reaction to Kangana Ranaut's B-grade statement, said Our results have also arrived'
<p>Bollywood is making big revelations related to the mafia and the industry. In an interview, Kangana said that outsiders like Taapsee Pannu and Swara Bhaskar will come and say that only Kangana has a problem with Karan Johar. We like Karan Johar. If you guys like Karan Johar, why are you still a B grade actress?</p> <p>Actors Taapsee Pannu and Swara Bhaskar have tweeted on this. Swara tweeted and wrote, 'Needy outsider, B grade actress. but the better-looking actress and a better actress than Aalia Bhatt and Ananya. Net I think it was a compliment. Thank you, Kangana. I think you are very beautiful, generous and a great actress. You kept shining. '</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sushant Suicide Case Aditya Chopra made many big revelations
<p><strong>During the interrogation of about 4 hours, Aditya Chopra made many important revelations.</strong></p> <p><strong>Aditya told the police that Yash Raj Films paid 30 lakhs for Sushant's first film 'Shuddh Desi Romance' and Rs 1 crore for the second film 'Byomkesh Bakshi'. It is wrong to accuse that Sushant was in depression due to Yash Raj Films about the film 'Pani'.</strong></p> <p><strong>In the year 2015 itself, we released Sushant from this contract. During this time there was no disagreement or resentment between Sushant and us.</strong></p> <p><strong>We had allowed Sushant Singh to do the film 'MS Dhoni' despite the contract. If we could allow Sushant for 'MS Dhoni', then why would we refuse Sushant for Ramleela or Bajirao Mastani. Apart from this, I had no idea about Sushant Singh Rajput being in depression</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 40425 fresh Coronavirus Infection Cases in single day
<p><strong>India today witnessed a record single-day hike of 40,425 fresh coronavirus infection cases. Dragging its tally to 1,118,043 while the death toll due to the infection hike to 27,497, according to the health ministry data. 681 casualties were recorded in 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>Despite rising fresh coronavirus cases, India's coronavirus infection casualty rate is progressively declining. Presently, at 2.49 per cent, which is one of the lowest in the world, the Union Health Ministry said on Sunday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Saudi Arabia's King Salman admitted to Hospital
<p><strong>Saudi Arabia's 84-year-old leader King Salman bin Abdulaziz has been admitted to King Faisal Specialist Hospital. In the capital, Riyadh for medical inspections, the state news agency reported early on Monday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The king has been suffering for inflammation of the gallbladder.</strong></p> <p><strong>King Salman served more than two-and-a-half years as the Saudi Crown Prince and deputy premier from June 2012 before becoming king.</strong></p> <p><strong>He had also served as the governor of the Riyadh province for more than 50 years.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Infection can affect Central Nervous System
<p><strong>Anxious behaviour or depressed mood in coronavirus infection patients. Probably a sign that the infection affects the central nervous system. This indicates international research led by a University of Cincinnati College of Medicine researcher.</strong></p> <p><strong>These two psychiatric symptoms were most closely related with a loss of smell and taste. Rather than the more serious indicators of the novel coronavirus infection. Such as shortness of breath, cough or fever, according to the research.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Priyanka Chopra celebrates her 38th Birthday
<p>Priyanka Chopra Jonas celebrates her 38th birthday today. She is now an international icon and her long journey as an artist has inspired many.</p> <p>Priyanka Chopra showed her acting debut in 2002 with Tamil film Thamizhan after achieving the Miss World 2000 pageant. In 2003, she made her Hindi film debut with Akshay Kumar starrer Andaaz.</p> <p>Priyanka has starred in more than 50 Bollywood movies. In 2017, she was seen in an opposing role in Dwayne Johnson-starrer Baywatch.</p> <p>Priyanka Chopra wedded Nick Jonas in 2018.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Border of Haridwar-Uttar Pradesh sealed
<p><strong>Border of Haridwar district with connecting state of Uttar Pradesh has been sealed from today till 20th July in perspective of coronavirus cases.</strong></p> <p><strong>“Taking a dip in rivers or bathing at ghats in Haridwar will not be permitted on Somvati Amavasya," said K Raj, SSP Haridwar on Saturday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Yet, if any outsider is found breaking this law. They will have to be quarantined for 14 days.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Defence Minister Rajnath Singh to visit Amarnath Temple
<p>A day after delivering a strong message to China from Lukung. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will visit Amarnath cave temple, Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday.</p> <p>The Defence Minister is on a two-day visit to Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir. Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and Army chief General MM Naravane are also escorting him.</p> <p>On the first day of his visit, the Defence Minister Rajnath Singh joined with the troops in Lukung, Ladakh. Along with Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and Army Chief General MM Naravane, yesterday.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases Hikes
<p>Indicating no signs of a downshift, India reported a hike of 34,884 coronavirus cases. In the last 24 hours, according to the Union ministry of health and family welfare. With 671 fatalities reported in a day. The death toll due to coronavirus infection has hiked to 26,273.</p> <p>The total digit of positive cases now stands at 1,038,716. Including 358,692 active coronavirus cases and 653,751 healed patients, according to government data.</p> <p>This is the seventh continuous day when more than 28,000 cases were reported.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Roshni Nadar becomes new Chairman of HCL
<p><strong>Roshni Nadar Malhotra is the new Chairman of HCL Technologies, the corporation declared in a regulatory filing on Friday. She succeeds her father Shiv Nadar.</strong></p> <p><strong>First, Roshni was the Executive Director and the CEO of HCL Enterprise. She is the only pupil of HCL's founder, Shiv Nadar. In 2019, Roshni was indexed 54th on the Forbes World's 100 Most Powerful Women list.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to IIFL Wealth Hurun India Rich List (2019), Roshni Nadar is the wealthiest woman in India.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sonu Sood gives 25000 face shields for Maharashtra Police
<p>Sonu Sood has given 25,000 face shields. For the police staff in Maharashtra, state Home Minister Anil Deshmukh said on Thursday.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Anil Deshmukh took to Twitter to share the news and appreciate Sonu Sood for his gesture. He shared an image of the two of them posing for the camera by standing two feet apart.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Sonu, who recognized for the national spotlight for his job in helping migrants labourers. To reach their families amid the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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British Airways retired whole fleet of Jumbo Jet
<p><strong>British Airways, the world's biggest operator of Boeing 747, told late Thursday it would retire its whole jumbo jet fleet. With immediate effect due to the slump in travel industry effected by the coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>Global curbs imposed to result the spread of the coronavirus led to a turbulence in airline industry, placing the future of many airline companies in doubt.</strong></p> <p><strong>"It is unlikely our magnificent 'queen of the skies' will ever operate commercial services for British Airways again," the company told in a declaration.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India becomes the third Nation to cross 1 Million Coronavirus Cases mark
<p><strong>With the total digit of coronavirus cases crossing the 1 million-mark, India now becomes the third nation to cross that mark. Chasing behind the US and Brazil now, which have 3.6 million and 2 million cases respectively. According to the data gathered by Johns Hopkins University.</strong></p> <p><strong>As India's coronavirus cases surpass 1 million, the biggest hope to control the pandemic rests. On two indigenous vaccine candidates that will enter human trials this month.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed mark of 1 Million
<p><strong>India's coronavirus infection tally today hit two tragic milestones as the total crossed 10 lakh. While the casualty toll bridged 25,000. The total coronavirus infection cases hikes to 10,03,832. After a record 34,956 fresh infections were noted in the past 24 hours. The casualty toll hike to 25,602, including 687 in the past 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the Union Health Ministry, India has 3,42,473 active coronavirus cases. Which is around a third of the nation's infection score.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Earthquake strikes eastern Papua New Guinea, Tsunami Alert
<p>A strong 6.9-magnitude earthquake strike eastern Papua New Guinea on Friday. Provoking a tsunami threat for coastal regions within 300 kilometres (180 miles).</p> <p><br></p> <p>The US Geological Survey told the quake hit at a depth of 85 kilometres (51 miles) at 12:50 local time (0250 GMT).</p> <p><br></p> <p>There were no precise reports about destruction or fatalities in the area.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre told communities in nearby coastal areas should be on warning for possible "hazardous" waves.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Defence Ministry changed the rules of Pension for Armed Forces
<p><strong>The defence ministry has agreed to allow the invalid pension to armed forces personnel. With less than 10 years of qualifying duty. Invalid pension is implied for those invalided out of duty on account of disability. Which is approved as Neither Attributable to Nor Aggravated (NANA) by military service.</strong></p> <p><strong>"The proposal has been endorsed by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. The advantage of this decision will be usable to those Armed Forces Personnel. Who were in duty on or after 04.01.2019," the defence ministry said in a statement.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra HSC Result will declare Today
<p><strong>Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, MSBSHSE will declare HSC Result 2020 today.</strong></p> <p><strong>The HSC result will be accessible to students at 1 pm on the official site of MSBSHSE along with on mahresult.nic.in, hscresult.mkcl.org.</strong></p> <p><strong>The result can also be reviewed on third party results websites like examresults.net and indiaresults.com.</strong></p> <p><strong>This year around 15.5 lakh students have appeared for the Maharashtra HSC Board Exam 2020 and around 17.65 lakh students have appeared for Class 10 examination.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases to cross 1 Million
<p>India's total coronavirus cases hiked 968876 today. As a record 32695 fresh coronavirus cases were recorded in the last 24 hours. According to the data disclosed by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The casualty toll went up to 24915, including 606 fatalities in the last 24 hours.</p> <p>Out of the total infection cases, 612814 have been healed, while 331146 are presently active. In the past 24 hours, 20783 victims were declared cured, taking India's recovery rate to 63.25 per cent.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's 20572 Coronavirus Infection victims declared cured in Single Day
<p><strong>The digit of new coronavirus infection cases in India hikes a record 29,429 today. Pushing its overall sum to 936181, even as the healing rate further boosted. The death toll ascended to 24309. With 582 people dying to the infection in the past 24 hours, according to Health Ministry's latest data.</strong></p> <p><strong>In the past 24 hours, 20572 victims were declared cured, taking the number of recoveries to 592031. This is the highest ever coronavirus infection patients healed in a single day.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maruti Suzuki India Ltd recalls 1,34,885 units of Baleno and WagonR
<p><strong>Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, the nation’s largest passenger vehicle producer. On Wednesday declared an impulsive recall of 1,34,885 units of popular hatchbacks. Wagon R and Baleno's petrol variant because of a valid defect in the fuel pump.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Maruti Suzuki will examine 56,663 units of WagonR produced between November 15, 2018, and October 15, 2019. While 78,222 units of Baleno, produced between January 8 and November 8, 2019, in the coming weeks.</strong></p> <p><strong>The faulty part will be replaced by the company without additional cost to customers.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sachin Pilot removed from Deputy Chief Minister
<p><strong>After a no-show from Sachin Pilot, the Rajasthan Congress Party has decided to remove him as the Deputy Chief Minister. Sachin Pilot’s two supporters Vishvendra Singh, Ramesh Meena have also been lowered from the Cabinet.</strong></p> <p><strong>Taking strict action against long-time leaders following their negligence to attend the second CLP meeting in Jaipur.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 9 lakh
<p><strong>The sum of new coronavirus cases in India hikes 28,498 today. Lifting its overall tally to 906752, even as the healing rate further boosted. The death toll ascended to 23,727. With 553 people dying to the coronavirus infection in the past 24 hours, according to Health Ministry's latest data.</strong></p> <p><strong>In the past 24 hours, 17,989 victims were declared cured, taking the sum of recoveries to 5,71,459. There are 3,11,565 active cases of the coronavirus infection currently in the nation.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rhea Chakraborty got emotional for Sushant Singh Rajput
<p>Actor Rhea Chakraborty has changed her WhatsApp display image. A month after the loss of her rumoured boyfriend, late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Her recent display image shows the two of them together in joyous times in history.</p> <p>Taking to her Instagram handle, Rhea Chakraborty has been fighting tides of social media hate. The controversy and conspiracies wrote a note of love and memory for her late boyfriend.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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10 Days Lockdown imposed in Raigad District
<p><strong>A full lockdown for 10 days will come into action, in Raigad district from the midnight of July 14.</strong></p> <p><strong>Raigad Guardian Minister Aditi Tatkare, who called a conference of MLAs of all parties on Monday. Said with the boosting coronavirus infection cases. It is essential to crack the chain of virus and hence, the lockdown is important.</strong></p> <p><strong>During the lockdown till July 25. All stores in Raigad district have been asked to stay shut while only home deliveries are enabled. “All the check nakas will be opened again. Those who travel for essential services from the district to other places and come back will need a pass.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases to cross 9 lakh
<p>India added a report 28,701 new cases of coronavirus infection today. Lifting the country's coronavirus total to 8,78,254. The death toll surged to 23174 with 500 patients dying to the infection in a day. According to figures released by the health ministry.</p> <p>There are 301609 active coronavirus cases in the nation.</p> <p>In the last 24 hours, a total of 18850 victims were healed of the coronavirus infection.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Amitabh Bachchan and son Abhishek tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Both Amitabh Bachchan and his son Abhishek were hospitalized to Nanavati hospital on Saturday after testing positive for coronavirus infection. They have gone through rapid antigen testing, Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope said on Saturday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Amitabh Bachchan has been noted to be safe with mild symptoms for coronavirus infection. He is now admitted in the isolation unit according to the Public Relation Officer, Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Brazil crossed 70000 Coronavirus Infection deaths
<p><strong>Brazil overtook 70,000 coronavirus infection casualties on Friday, the health ministry said. However, the digit of daily fatalities seems to be balancing.</strong></p> <p><strong>The ministry said there had been 45,000 fresh coronavirus infections and 1,200 deaths over the last 24 hours. Assuming the totals to 1.8 million cases and 70,400 deaths.</strong></p> <p><strong>Brazil, a nation of 212 million, is the second worst-affected country in the world after the United States.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Infection Cases in India crossed 8 lakh
<p><strong>The coronavirus infection total in India has boosted to 8,20,916. The nation saw a spike of 27,114 in 24 hours which is the biggest in India on record.</strong></p> <p><strong>The fresh cases have bridged the previous record of 26,506 that was reported on Friday. India had breached the 5-lakh tally 14 days ago.</strong></p> <p><strong>The total cases contain 2,83,407 active cases. 5,15,386 coronavirus infection cases have been healed or discharged from the hospital. The total recovery now stands at 62.7 per cent.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Punjab & Sind Bank reported Fraud of Rs 112.42 crore
<p><strong>Punjab &amp; Sind Bank on Friday recorded fraud of Rs 112.42 crore in two NPA accounts of Maha Associated Hotels and Edyar Zinc.</strong></p> <p><strong>The bank has recorded the fraud to the RBI and is in the cycle of classifying complaints with the Central Bureau of Investigation, according to regulatory filings.</strong></p> <p><strong>In a different filing, the Punjab &amp; Sind Bank said that the NPA account of Edyar Zinc with outstanding dues of Rs 41.24 crore. Has been announced as fraud and noted to RBI as per regulatory law.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases to cross 8 lakh
<p>Today is the 108th day since India enforced a nationwide lockdown, to prevent the novel coronavirus infection. India has so far reported 7,93,802 cases. Which contains 21,604 casualties.</p> <p>Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi and Gujarat. These states recorded the biggest number of cases. Still, the healing rate is surging and now continues at 61.5 per cent.</p> <p>Globally, there have been over 1.2 crores verified cases of coronavirus infection. More than 5.5 lakh people have deceased so far.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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WHO admitted the possibility of Airborne Transmission of Coronavirus Infection
<p>The World Health Organization (WHO) late on Thursday accepted the chance of airborne transmission. Of the coronavirus infection in a closed, poorly open area. While congested places such as during choir practice, in restaurants or in gyms.</p> <p>This comes a day after it admitted the occurring proof of airborne transmission spread of the coronavirus infection. After an open message by over 200 scientists outlined proof. That indicated floating virus components can contaminate people who breathe them in.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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A gangster from Uttar Pradesh Vikas Dubey killed in Encounter
<p><strong>Uttar Pradesh Gangster Vikas Dubey was killed in an encounter after a highway accident on Friday sunrise. While being carried to Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh from Madhya Pradesh, where he was caught yesterday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The vehicle in which Vikas Dubey was being taken turned over on the road that was slick with rain. He tried to flee after pulling a gun, according to the police. He was shot dead, like three of his associates. Who, according to the police, had also tried to flee from custody.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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United States witnessed more than 60000 Coronavirus Cases in a single day
<p><strong>The United States witnessed more than 60,000 fresh coronavirus cases on Wednesday. The biggest growth ever noted by a nation in a single day, according to a Reuters tally.</strong></p> <p><strong>The United States encounters a miserable summer with record-breaking infections. Many states urged to close parts of the economy again, leaving some employees without compensation.</strong></p> <p><strong>In addition to nearly 10,000 new coronavirus cases in Florida. While Texas noted over 9,500 cases and California recounted more than 8,500 new infections.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uttar Pradesh gangster Vikas Dubey arrested in Ujjain
<p><strong>Uttar Pradesh gangster Vikas Dubey, charged of murdering eight policemen last week. Was arrested from a temple in Madhya Pradesh after an almost week-long hunt involving the police across three states. Vikas Dubey was arrested in Ujjain around the same time two of his sidekicks were killed in separate encounters in Uttar Pradesh. His closest sidekick, Aman Dubey, was killed yesterday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Vikas Dubey was caught around 7 am when he was apparently trying to enter the temple from a back gate. One statement says he was purchasing prayer offerings to take inside the temple. When the shopkeeper recognized him and warned security guards.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Flipkart Group has purchased a minority stake in Arvind Fashions Ltd’s (AFL)
<p><strong>Flipkart Group has purchased a minority stake in Arvind Fashions Ltd’s (AFL) newly created aid Arvind Youth Brands for ₹260 crores. The corporation, which owns denim brand Flying Machine, intends to create the brand online and in India's minor markets.</strong></p> <p><strong>Flipkart Group will influence the brand's popularity that has over the years shifted to India's smaller cities.</strong></p> <p><strong>Arvind Fashions organizes international and local fashion clothing brands in the nation. Such as US Polo Assn., Arrow, GAP, Tommy Hilfiger, Flying Machine, Aeropostale, The Children’s Place and Ed Hardy.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Infection Cases in India to cross 8 lakh
<p>The tally for confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in India has entered 7,67,296. In the last 24 hours, 24,879 fresh cases have added to the aggregate tally. Out of the total number of coronavirus infection cases, 2,69,789 are still active. The casualty toll has also boosted to 21,129. A total of 487 casualties were noted in the past 24 hours.</p> <p>The healings, however, have also increased to 4,76,378. The total healing rate of the nation now stands at 62 per cent. According to data from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2,67,061 tests were performed on Wednesday.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Infection positive man escaped from Isolation facility for shopping
<p><strong>A 32-year-old man, who newly returned from India and tested positive for the deadly coronavirus infection on Wednesday. Will be accused of escaping from a managed isolation facility in Auckland. To go to a supermarket, according to reports.</strong></p> <p><strong>The man, New Zealand's latest new case of coronavirus infection declared on Wednesday. He escaped through a fenced area from an isolation facility about 6.50 pm on Tuesday, the New Zealand Herald reported.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India might have 2.87 lakh Coronavirus Cases every day by winter 2021
<p><strong>According to the researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the terrible of the coronavirus pandemic is far from over. India might glimpse a huge explosion in coronavirus cases in arriving months in shortage of a corona vaccine or drugs.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the survey, India could be the worst-affected nation in the world. With 2.87 lakh coronavirus cases every day by at the end of winter 2021.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases Hiked
<p>India’s total coronavirus cases have risen to 7,42,417. The nation now has 2,64,944 active cases out of the total that has been noted to date. Yesterday, the total breached the 7-lakh mark and even the casualty toll went beyond 20,000. The total number of casualties that have been reported so far has risen to 20,642.</p> <p><br></p> <p>India recorded 22,752 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours. This is the sixth day in a row since the country recorded over 20,000 new cases.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Yogi Adityanath Government banged NSA charges against 88 criminals in Uttar Pradesh
<p>In a huge drive initiated against gangsters in Uttar Pradesh in the past one week. The Yogi Adityanath government has banged strict charges against 88 criminals under the National Security Act (NSA).</p> <p>Uttar Pradesh’s additional chief secretary-cum- principal secretary (home) Awanish Awasthi on Tuesday said the NSA has been summoned. Against 88 people in 67 cases in the past one week.</p> <p>On Wednesday, the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (STF) gunned down a sidekick -- Amar Dubey -- of history-sheeter Vikas Dubey.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro test positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>The Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, has declared live on television he has tested positive for coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>“It came back positive,” a mask-wearing President told a hand-picked group of journalists on Tuesday lunchtime outside his official residence.</strong></p> <p><strong>Jair Bolsonaro has frequently trivialized the epidemic and ignored social distancing. Even as Brazil became the second-worst-hit country after the United States. With more than 65,000 casualties and 1.6m confirmed coronavirus infection cases.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Hearing of Maratha Reservation soon in Supreme Court
<p><strong>The Supreme Court on Tuesday told that the petition challenging Maharashtra's Maratha reservation law will be heard. In a day-to-day hearing and not in a virtual court. A three-judge judiciary of the Supreme Court led by Justice L Nageswara Rao heard the case. Challenging the law granting Maratha reservation in education and employment and said that a provisional order will be approved on July 15.</strong></p> <p><strong>The dates for the hearing will be given next month, the apex court said. &nbsp;Senior lawyer Mukul Rohatgi also endorsed a physical hearing of the case which has political importance in Maharashtra.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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ICICI Bank crossed 1 Million users on WhatsApp Banking
<p><strong>ICICI Bank today declared that it has passed over a milestone of 1 million users on its WhatsApp banking program. ICICI Bank had inaugurated WhatsApp banking assistance three months ago. To enable its retail customers to begin a slew of banking laws. From their home in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Bijith Bhaskar, Head- Digital Channels &amp; Partnership, ICICI Bank said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 7 lakh-mark
<p><strong>India's tally coronavirus infection hike above the 7-lakh mark today. The death toll passed over 20,000 after another spike in cases and casualties in the past 24 hours. Coronavirus cases in India have gone up to 7,19,665, containing 22,252 noted in the past 24 hours. The death toll has climbed to 20,160 with 467 new casualties, according to the health ministry.</strong></p> <p><strong>With this, the country has tallied over 20,000 cases of the coronavirus infection for the fifth day in a line.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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MS Dhoni turns 39 Today
<p><strong>Past India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni celebrates his 39th birthday on Tuesday. In his celestial career, MS Dhoni has left a streak in the world of cricket that will sparkle for years to come. Dhoni has played 90 Tests in which he earned 4,876 runs at an average of 38.09.</strong></p> <p><strong>He has also played 350 ODIs in which he has marked 10,773 runs at an average of 50.57. MS Dhoni, previously known as ‘captain cool’ during his captaincy days. Has also played 98 T20Is for India in which he has scored 1,617 runs at an average of 37.60.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases to cross 7 lakh
<p><strong>The total coronavirus cases in India today rose to 6,97,413 after 24248 new cases were recorded in the past 24 hours. Recoveries jumped to 4,24,432, containing 15,350 patients declared healed in the past 24 hours. According to figures released by the health ministry, currently, there are 2,53,287 active coronavirus cases in the country.</strong></p> <p><strong>So far, there are 1,71,145 more recovered victims than coronavirus active cases. The recovery rate stands at 60.85 per cent.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll from coronavirus has risen to 19,693, including 425 deaths in 24 hours.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ranveer Singh celebrates his 35th Birthday
<p><strong>Ranveer Singh celebrates his birthday under lockdown this year. Meanwhile, his fans have been making the most out of the special day. Not only did they send across their wishes to Ranveer, but also celebrated the actor's birthday themselves.</strong></p> <p><strong>Ranveer Singh, who made his Bollywood debut in 2010 has come a big way in his career. The qualified actor has never shied away from taking up defying roles, in fact, on the negative. He has grown larger to the occasion all the time and won over the audience with his celestial versatile performances.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases to cross 7 lakh
<p><strong>The total coronavirus cases in India today rose to 6,97,413 after 24248 new cases were recorded in the past 24 hours. Recoveries jumped to 4,24,432, containing 15,350 patients declared healed in the past 24 hours. According to figures released by the health ministry, currently, there are 2,53,287 active coronavirus cases in the country.</strong></p> <p><strong>So far, there are 1,71,145 more recovered victims than coronavirus active cases. The recovery rate stands at 60.85 per cent.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll from coronavirus has risen to 19,693, including 425 deaths in 24 hours.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel wrote letter PM Narendra Modi to reopen Gyms
<p><strong>Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel has composed a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to approve of clearance for opening and operating gyms. With the limitation of compliance to SOP.</strong></p> <p><strong>CM Bhupesh Baghel said that gym owners are handling major financial issues. As gyms are closed since March when the coronavirus-induced lockdown was declared.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Action will be taken against Patanjali for misleading people in Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Maharashtra FDA Minister Rajendra Shingne on Friday said that action will be taken against Patanjali. If the organization created disturbance or misled people that Coronil can cure coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>On 23 June, Patanjali had launched 'Coronil and Swasari'. What it claims is the Ayurvedic solution for treating coronavirus infection. Which they said has been shown 100 per cent favourable outcomes during clinical examinations on affected victims, at Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases Hiked
<p><strong>Coronavirus cases in India had a hike to 6,48,315 after 22,771 new cases were reported in a period of 24 hours. This is the highest spike in new positive cases so far. However, the recovery is still above 60 per cent. The death toll has increased to 18,655 in the nation.</strong></p> <p><strong>The existing total of active coronavirus cases now stands at 2,35,433. Out of the total cases, 3,94,227 have recovered from the disease. The recovery rate now stands at 60.8 per cent. According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2,42,383 tests were conducted on Friday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The United States sent two Aircraft Carriers in the South China Sea
<p><strong>The United States has delivered two aircraft carriers into the disputed waters of the South China Sea. To participate in military exercises as Beijing flexes its strength in the area.</strong></p> <p><strong>The US navy verified with ANI that the USS Ronald Reagan and USS Nimitz are performing dual-carrier operations. Exercises in the South China Sea to assist a "free and open Indo-Pacific".</strong></p> <p><strong>The two war carriers along with four warships will contain round-the-clock flights testing the striking ability of carrier-based aircraft. What grabs attention about this move by the United States is that it is rare for major American and Chinese military drills to take place in the same region at the same time.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 20903 coronavirus infection cases in 24 hours
<p>India tallied the biggest single-day hike of 20,903 coronavirus infection cases in the past 24 hours. Dragging the tally to 6,25,544 as per the data released by the Union Health Ministry. The death toll from coronavirus infection rose to 18,213, including 379 fatalities in 24 hours. Maharashtra has reported the highest digit of cases, followed by Tamil, Delhi, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Rajasthan.</p> <p>As per the Health Ministry, Maharashtra has a total of 1,86,626 cases containing 8,178 fatalities</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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PM Modi visits Nimu forward post
<p><strong>PM Modi is currently at one of the forward locations in Nimu. He arrived there early on Friday, authorities said. He is interacting with personnel of the Army, Air Force and ITBP. Located at 11,000 feet, this is among the tough landscapes, surrounded by the Zanskar range and on the banks of the Indus. PM Modi is expected to visit the second forward area of Thiksey to address the troops after which he will return to Delhi.</strong></p> <p><strong>ANI sources, on Thursday, had noted that CDS Rawat will be instructed by the 14 Corps officials. The Prime Minister may meet soldiers wounded in the clash with the Chinese PLA as well, authorities said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reliance Jio launched video conferencing service JioMeet App
<p>Reliance Jio today officially started its JioMeet video conferencing service on Google Play Store and App Store.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The JioMeet app, which has been on some of the users' phones in a beta version for over a month now. According to media reports, has now been rolled out with a strong release today on Android and iPhones' application stores.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Veteran Bollywood Choreographer Saroj Khan Passed Away
<p><strong>National Award-winning choreographer Saroj Khan passed away in Mumbai today. Veteran Bollywood choreographer Saroj Khan died of cardiac arrest this morning. She was 71. She had been hospitalized for the last few days on complaints of difficulty in breathing, irrelevant to coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>Saroj Khan, who choreographed more than 2,000 songs containing chartbusters in the 1980s and 90s in Bollywood.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Section 144 imposed across Mumbai
<p><strong>In the perspective of the coronavirus pandemic, Mumbai's Deputy Police Commissioner Pranaya Ashok, on July 1, issued prohibitory orders in the city under Section 144.</strong></p> <p><strong>The order restricts presence or movement of one or more individuals in public places or gathering of any sort anywhere due to coronavirus pandemic. Including religious places subject to specific conditions. It will remain in place till July 15.</strong></p> <p><strong>However, the movement of persons for non-essential exercises such as shops, markets, barbershops, spas and outdoor physical activities. Among others, shall be permitted within "nearby/neighbourhood areas" only, the order reads.</strong></p> <p><strong>Long-distance travel for the non-essential purpose will not be permitted due to section 144.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uddhav Thackeray prayed Lord Vitthal to free Nation and Maharashtra from Coronavirus
<p><strong>Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday performed the 'maha pooja' of Lord Vitthal and Goddess Rukmini. At the temple city of Pandharpur in Solapur district on the occasion of 'Ashadhi Ekadashi'.</strong></p> <p><strong>As per the ritual, the CM Uddhav Thackeray performed the pooja with his wife Rashmi Thackeray. At the temple of Lord Vitthal at 2.30 am, and pleaded to God to make Maharashtra and the nation free of coronavirus and to grant peace and happiness to farmers in the state.</strong></p> <p><strong>Meat Description: Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday performed the 'maha pooja' of Lord Vitthal and Goddess Rukmini and prayed to God to make Maharashtra and the country free of coronavirus.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Infection Cases count of Mumbai crossed 77000
<p><strong>A total of 903 new coronavirus infection cases and 36 deaths reported in Mumbai on Tuesday, according to Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).</strong></p> <p><strong>"The total number of coronavirus infection cases has reached 77,197 in the city," said BMC adding, "625 patients discharged on Tuesday."</strong></p> <p><strong>At present, there are 28,473 active coronavirus cases and 44,170 patients recovered from the virus. The city has reported 4,554 fatalities as of June 30.</strong></p> <p><strong>On Tuesday, BMC had revised the total number of coronavirus containment zones in Mumbai to 750.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases to cross 6 lakh
<p><strong>As India entered 'Unlock-2' from today with more relaxations in lockdown curbs. The country today reported 18,653 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours, taking the total to 5,85,493. The death toll hikes to 17,400 today after 507 new deaths. It was the eighth day in a row that over 15,000 cases have been reported daily in the country.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the health ministry's figures, the number of active coronavirus cases takes at 2,20,114, while 3,47,978 people have recovered. The healing rate has improved to 59.43 per cent while the gap between healed and active patients has widened to 1.27 lakh.</strong></p> <p><strong>Meta Description: The country today reported 18,653 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours, taking the tally to 5,85,493. The death toll rose to 17,400 today after 507 new fatalities.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mumbai's famous Lalbaugcha Raja decided not to hold any Festivities
<p>Mumbai's popular Lalbaugcha Raja Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal has chosen not to hold any festivities this year in the view of ongoing coronavirus pandemic.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Lalbaugcha Raja is among the most famous and most visited Ganesh idols in the city. It is also known for fulfilling the wishes of the people.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Every year, to take darshan at Lalbaugcha Raja. People from across the nation stand in a queue for hours to get a glimpse at the idol.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Global Death Toll from Coronavirus Infection surpassed Half Million
<p><strong>The death toll from coronavirus infection surpassed half a million people on Sunday. According to a Reuters tally, a grim milestone for the global pandemic that seems to be resurgent in some countries. Even as other regions are still grappling with the first wave.</strong></p> <p><strong>The respiratory illness caused by the new coronavirus infection has been particularly dangerous for the elderly. Although other adults and children are also among the 501,000 fatalities and 10.1 million reported cases.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Delhi Government to setup a Plasma Bank
<p><strong>The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) led Delhi government on Monday announced setting up of a plasma bank for the treatment of coronavirus patients. Delhi was one of the first states to have given a go-ahead for plasma therapy in April.</strong></p> <p><strong>The plasma bank will be set up at Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS). This will be made available for government and private hospitals after getting a doctor’s recommendation.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Iran issued Arrest Warrant against US President Donald Trump
<p>Iran has issued an arrest warrant and asked Interpol for help in detaining US President Donald Trump. Dozens of others it believes carried out the drone strike that killed a top Iranian general in Baghdad.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Tehran prosecutor Ali Alqasimehr said on Monday that Donald Trump, along with more than 30 others. Iran accuses of involvement in the January 3 attack that killed General Qassem Soleimani. "Murder and terrorism charges", the semi-official ISNA news agency reported.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mumbai Police seized more than 16000 Vehicles in 24 Hours
<p>Mumbai Police is acting tough with all the rule-breakers in the city and suburb. On Sunday (June 28), it had seized 7,075 vehicles saying. “Over 7,000 citizens violated the rules of phase-wise unlocking by taking their vehicles out for non-official/ non-medical motive /non-emergency reasons on 28 June. We hope that Mumbaikars will join hands with us by respecting the norms and ensure that the city unlocks responsibly.”</p> <p>But 24 hours later things didn’t change much through Mumbai Police went numerous steps ahead. As per data on Monday (June 29), Mumbai Police seized 16,291 vehicles.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Chinese Apps TikTok and Helo disappeared from Google Play and App Store
<p><strong>Apple and Google seem to be responding to the government’s ban of 59 Chinese apps yesterday. Bytedance owned apps -- TikTok and Helo -- have disappeared from the App Store and Google Play. They could have delisted themselves voluntarily too, and not all apps in the government’s list have been taken off yet. Popular apps like AliBaba Group’s UC Browser and UC News, Bigo Technologies’ Likee, Xiaomi’s Mi community, Tencent owned WeChat, and e-commerce platforms Club Factory and Shein can still be found on the platforms. They could have delisted themselves voluntarily too, and not all apps in the government’s list have been taken off yet.</strong></p> <p><strong>Popular Chinese apps like AliBaba Group’s UC Browser and UC News, Bigo Technologies’ Likee, Xiaomi’s Mi community, Tencent owned WeChat, and e-commerce platforms Club Factory and Shein can still be found on the platforms.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Railways cancelled tickets till 12 August
<p>Indian Railways after deciding to cancel all the regular passenger train services till 12 August. This has now started to the process of refund for the cancelled tickets.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In a tweet, Railway Ministry has tweeted that due to 'Advance Reservation Period' which is 120 days. Many travellers have booked their tickets in advance till 12 August.</p> <p><br></p> <p>However due to the nationwide lockdown which was imposed on March 25 to tackle coronavirus pandemic. Indian Railways have already refunded the amount of cancelled tickets booked in the regular trains to the passengers till 30 June.</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Hizbul Mujahideen commander Masood killed in an encounter
<p><strong>With the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Masood Bhat in an encounter in South Kashmir. The Doda district has become militancy free, police said on Monday.</strong></p> <p><strong>In a joint operation in the Khulchohar area of Anantnag district by the police and the Army on Monday, a total of three terrorists was killed. These included two Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists, including one district commander, and one Hizbul Mujahideen commander of the name Masood Bhat.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Patients to cross mark of 5.5 lakh
<p><strong>The number of coronavirus infection patients in India increased by 19,459 in past 24 hours. Taking the tally to 5,48,318, according data released by the Union Health Ministry today morning. The data showed 380 persons succumbed to the covid-19 in the last 24 hours as the toll increased to 16,475. The number of active cases stands at 2,10,120, while 3,21,722 people have recovered. The recovery rate stands at 58.67 percent.</strong></p> <p><strong>During the last 24 hours, a total of 12,010 coronavirus infection patients have been cured.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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CM Uddhav Thackeray said restrictions will continue after June 30
<p><strong>Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray on Sunday ruled out lifting the lockdown. In the state which continues to witness a huge surge in coronavirus infections. The state remains the worst-hit by the coronavirus pandemic with a total of 1,64,626 cases till date. Ten major cities including Mumbai continue to be in red zones. Seeing the spike in coronavirus infection cases. Cities like Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Palwar may further need to tighten lockdown measures, according to government officials.</strong></p> <p><strong>In a televised address, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray made it clear that the restrictions will continue even after June 30 as the crisis is not yet over.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Gold Prices in India sets a Record
<p><strong>Gold prices in India hovered near record highs today, tracking firm global rates. On MCX, August gold futures were up about 0.3 percent to ₹48,450 per 10 gram. Silver rates also edged higher with futures on MCX rising 0.5 percent to ₹48,600 per kg. Last week, gold prices in India had hit a record high of ₹48,589 per 10 gram. In the previous session, gold had gained 0.8 percent while silver 0.6 percent.</strong></p> <p><strong>In global markets gold prices continued their rally, edging closer to a eight-year high. As surging coronavirus cases across the world dented optimism about a quick global recovery.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pakistan to Reopen Kartarpur Sahib Corridor
<p><strong>Pakistan's foreign minister has on Saturday announced that it is planning to reopen Kartarpur Sahib Corridor. Taking to Twitter, Pakistan's foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said. That it has conveyed its readiness to reopen the Kartarpur corridor for Sikh pilgrims from June 29. Which also marks the death anniversary of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh.</strong></p> <p><strong>In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Pakistan had shut Kartarpur Corridor for an indefinite period from March 16.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pakistan International Airlines grounding 262 Pilots
<p>Pakistan International Airlines is grounding 262 airline pilots suspected of dodging their exams. Following inquiries into their qualifications. The aviation minister said on Friday in a move that has caused global concern.</p> <p>The action was prompted by the preliminary report on an airliner crash in Karachi last month. Which found that the pilots had failed to follow standard procedures and disregarded alarms.</p> <p>Ninety-seven people were killed in that crash and the airline in question. State-run Pakistan International Airlines, said on Thursday it would ground pilots with "dubious" licences.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 500000
<p>Coronavirus infection cases in the country have breached the 5 lakh-mark after India registered 18,552 new cases in the last 24 hours. The new cases have crossed the previous record of 17,296 that was registered on Friday. The total number of people in India who tested positive for coronavirus infection has reached 5,08,953.</p> <p>The current total includes 1,97,387 active cases. 2,95,881 coronavirus cases have been cured or discharged from the hospital. The total recovery now stands at 58.13 percent. The death tally has also increased to 15,685.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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BAJAJ Auto's Aurangabad plant shuts
<p><strong>India’s largest two-wheeler and three-wheeler manufacturer Bajaj Auto’s Aurangabad manufacturing facility. Has been reportedly shut down after 79 employees tested positive for coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>After a month-long shutdown, Bajaj Auto had reopened its plant at Aurangabad in Maharashtra on April 22. Due to the fear of coronavirus infection the company was also working with a limited workforce. The Aurangabad plant handles a bulk of the exports of motorcycles and three-wheelers for the company.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Death toll hiked to 92 due Thunderstorms in Bihar
<p><strong>Thunderstorms and lightning have wrought havoc in Bihar over the past two days. Claiming 92 lives, leaving many injured and causing widespread damage to property, the state disaster management department said .</strong></p> <p><strong>According to a statement put out by the department. The deaths in lightning and thunderstorms happened in 24 districts of the state. With Gopalganj accounting for the maximum number of casualties at 13.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mumbai's Coronavirus Cases crossed 70000
<p><strong>Mumbai became the second city in the nation to cross 70,000 coronavirus cases. With 1,350 cases reported on Thursday, the city’s cumulative tally touched 70,878. Mumbai also reached another grim milestone by crossing 4,000 coronavirus infection deaths. It added 98 deaths on Thursday, 58 of them in the last 24 hours, taking its overall toll to 4,062.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra recorded 4,841 coronavirus cases on Thursday, its highest daily jump. The previous high was 3,890, recorded just a day before. Mumbai Metropolitan Region alone recorded a 20 percent &nbsp;jump in cases between Wednesday and Thursday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases to cross 500000
<p><strong>The total number of coronavirus infection cases in India jumped to 4,90,401 after 17,296 new cases were reported in 24 hours. This is the highest number of new cases reported in 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to health ministry's numbers released today morning. The number of active cases stands at 1,89,463 while 2,85,636 people have recovered and one patient has migrated. A record total of 13,940 coronavirus infection patients were declared cured in a single day. The recovery rate has improved to 58.24 percent.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pakistani Bride and Indian Groom wedding stalled due to Coronavirus Lockdown
<p><strong>Pakistan-based Sumaila and a resident of Jalandhar Kamal Kalyan, who got engaged online in 2018. Have sought Prime Minister Narendra Modi's intervention in securing visas for Sumaila and her family members for their wedding.</strong></p> <p><strong>The duo, scheduled to get married in March, had to delay the wedding in the wake of coronavirus lockdown. Now, Sumaila has urged Prime Minister Modi, through the media, to allow visas for her and her family members.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sumaila wants to get married to Kalyan as soon as visas are granted by the Indian government. They had completed the requisite paperwork but the process was stalled due to coronavirus lockdown.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Fire broke out at Bank in Nariman Point
<p><strong>A fire broke out at a bank in south Mumbai's Nariman Point area today, fire brigade officials said. The bank is located in the Jolly Maker Chamber 2 building. The fire broke out around 5 am, the officials said.</strong></p> <p><strong>It spread across electric wiring, office records, false ceiling in an area of 4,000 sq feet on the ground floor, they said, adding nobody was injured.</strong></p> <p><strong>Fire tenders have been rushed to the spot. The fire fighting operations are underway.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India Coronavirus Cases Climbs Rapidly
<p><strong>The total number of coronavirus cases in India climbed to 4,73,105. The death toll rose to 14,894 today, according to the Union Health Ministry. The country reported 418 fatalities and a record single-day spike of 16,922 cases in the last 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>During the last 24 hours, a total of 13,012 coronavirus infection patients have been cured. A total of 2,71,696 patients have been cured so far while there are 1,86,514 active coronavirus cases in the country.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Lionel Messi turned 33
<p><strong>Social media was flooded with birthday wishes as Barcelona forward Lionel Messi turned 33 on Wednesday. The Argentine, who is widely regarded as one of greatest players to have ever played the game, was born on 24th June in 1987.</strong></p> <p><strong>In his astonishing career so far, Lionel Messi has won numerous team and individual trophies. He continues to remain the force behind Barcelona's surge both in domestic and European competitions.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Flipkart is available in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada
<p><strong>Having already launched Hindi interface last year. Walmart-owned Flipkart today launched three new languages on its e-commerce platform - Tamil, Telugu and Kannada.</strong></p> <p><strong>Flipkart Group CEO Kalyan Krishnamurthy said language, if solved well, can be an opportunity rather than a barrier. To reach millions of consumers who have been underserved.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed highest spike of Coronavirus Cases in 24 hours
<p><strong>With a record 15,968 coronavirus cases reported in the past 24 hours, the total count in India has risen to 4,56,183. The death toll has gone up to 14,476 as Covid claimed 465 lives in 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to Health Ministry figures released today morning, 2,58,684 have recovered so far. While there are 1,83,022 active coronavirus cases in the country. The recovery rate stands at 56.70 percent in India. About 10,500 patients recovered in past 24 hours.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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12 trainee sailors tested positive for Coronavirus at INS SHIVAJI
<p><strong>At least 12 trainee sailors of the Lonavala-based INS Shivaji, one of the premier training establishments of the Indian Navy. Have so far tested positive for coronavirus infection, officials said.</strong></p> <p><strong>The first case was found on June 18 and the infected cadet was part of a batch of 157 trainee sailors. Who had reported back after leave following the easing of lockdown earlier this month. A release issued by the naval station INS Shivaji on Tuesday said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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40000 Cyber Attacks attempted by China said Maharashtra Cyber Police Department
<p><strong>Hackers based in China attempted over 40,000 cyber attacks on India's Information Technology infrastructure and banking sector in the last five days. A top police official in Maharashtra cyber police department said on Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The spurt in online attacks from across the border was noticed after tensions rose between the two countries. In eastern Ladakh, said Yashasvi Yadav, Special Inspector General of Police of the Maharashtra's cyber police department.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Patanjali launched Coronil tablet to cure Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Patanjali is launching the ayurvedic medicine Coronil. For treating coronavirus infection today at Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar.</strong></p> <p><strong>Acharya Balkrishna, MD of Patanjali Ayurved, had earlier this month claimed that an Ayurvedic medicine. Developed by the company has been able to cure coronavirus infection patients within 5-14 days.</strong></p> <p><strong>Ramdev Baba said, this is not an immunity booster but a cure.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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A man in Uttar Pradesh killed his Wife for serving less sugar in tea
<p><strong>In a shocking incident in Uttar Pradesh, a 40-year-old man brutally killed his pregnant wife. Following a tiff over a cup of tea in Barbar area of Lakhimpur district.</strong></p> <p><strong>The incident took place on Monday when the man, lost his temper because the tea served to him by his wife had less sugar.</strong></p> <p><strong>He beat his wife Renu, 35, and slit her throat.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Bank of Baroda is expected to report ₹161 crore loss
<p><strong>State-owned Bank of Baroda (BoB) is expected to post a net loss of ₹161 crore for the March quarter of fiscal 2020. As against a loss of ₹991 crore in the same period last year. According to an average of estimates by 11 analysts polled by Bloomberg.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Bank of Baroda will declare its Q4 results on Tuesday. According to Emkay, the bank’s net interest income – the difference between interest earned and expended. Is expected to grow 45.9 percent year-on-year to ₹7,392 crore in the March quarter.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases crossed 4.4 lakh
<p>The number of coronavirus cases in India rose to 4,40,215 today with 14,933 fresh cases reported in 24 hours. The death toll went up to 14,011 as covid claimed 312 lives in 24 hours. According to figures released today morning, there were 1,78,014 active cases in the India while 2,48,189 have recovered so far. About 11,000 patients recovered in past 24 hours.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Maharashtra, with 1,35,796 coronavirus cases, remains the worst affected state.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Supreme Court allowed Jagannath Yatra with restrictions
<p><strong>The Supreme Court, on Monday, allowed the Lord Jagannath Yatra of Puri to be held with certain restrictions. The apex court said, "Puri rath yatra will be held with coordination of Temple committee, State and central Govt without compromising with a health issue."</strong></p> <p><strong>The supreme court also empowered the state to take decisions keeping in mind the larger public good. Said that the state (Odisha) can even stop the Jagannath Yatra or festivities if they feel it is going out of hand.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Petrol and Diesel prices Goes Up
<p><strong>For the 16th consecutive day today, fuel prices were hiked in India. State-run oil marketing companies increased the price of petrol by 33 paise a litre. That of diesel by 58 paise a litre. In these 16 days, petrol price has gone up by ₹8.3 a litre and diesel price by ₹9.46 a litre.</strong></p> <p><strong>Diesel touched a new record high level today in Delhi as prices now touch ₹79 for the first time in history. Diesel price is ₹3 higher now than the last peak of ₹75.69 touched on 16th October 2018.</strong></p> <p><strong>Petrol price, on the other hand, is at a 19-month high level in India. Petrol's lifetime record high is ₹84 in New Delhi reached on 4th October, 2018</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The Undertaker announced retirement from WWE
<p>The Undertaker has announced his retirement from WWE. In the final chapter of The Last Ride. The Undertaker said that he has no desire to get back into the ring and confirmed he has participated in his last match. WWE also took to Twitter to confirm the news.</p> <p>One of the most loyal employees of the company. The Undertaker had joined WWE in 1990 and made his debut in November that year. The 55-year-old became one of the top superstars right at the start of his career and participated in title matches.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Government puts on hold three Chinese Companies agreements
<p><strong>The Maharashtra government has put on hold three major agreements signed with Chinese companies. At the recently concluded Magnetic Maharashtra 2.0 investor meet, officials said. The proposed projects entail investments of around Rs 5,000 crore in the state.</strong></p> <p><strong>"We have taken this decision in consultation with the Central government. These agreements were signed prior to the development on the Indo-China border and killing of 20 Indian soldiers," Industry Minister Subhash Desai said.</strong></p> <p><strong>He added that the Ministry of External Affairs has advised the Maharashtra government against signing any further agreements with Chinese companies.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases Hiked
<p><strong>With 14,821 people testing positive for the &nbsp;coronavirus infection in the last 24 hours, India's w count surged to 425,282. A lion's share of the fresh infections on Sunday came from Maharashtra and Delhi. Telangana and Assam also registered high number of coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>India also registered a massive jump in coronavirus death toll — over 400 fatalities were recorded in the last 24 hours. The casualties related to coronavirus infection zoomed to 13,699. More than 45 percent of these new deaths on Sunday were reported from Maharashtra.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pakistan violates Ceasefire in Jammu and Kashmir
<p><strong>Four civilians were injured when Pakistan violated the ceasefire. Along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Rampur sector of Baramulla in Jammu and Kashmir (J&amp;K) on Saturday. The Pakistani troops resorted to unprovoked ceasefire violation along the LoC by firing mortars.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Indian Army gave a befitting response to the ceasefire violations by Pakistan. There were no reports of casualties in the incident.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Garib Kalyan Rozgar Abhiyan
<p>Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched the Garib Kalyan Rozgar Abhiyan. With the aim of providing employment to migrant workers who returned to their villages. During the two month long nationwide lockdown imposed to curb spread of coronavirus.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The Garib Kalyan Rozgar Abhiyan aims to provide jobs to labourers in rural areas which have been worst affected by reverse migration. According to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the scheme focuses on 116 districts across six states. Including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Odisha.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra's Coronavirus Infection Cases hikes rapidly
<p><strong>Maharashatra has recorded a total of 3,827 new coronavirus infection cases in the past 24 hours. The state continues to be the worst affected part of the country with a total of 1,24,331 cases.</strong></p> <p><strong>55,665 are active and 62,773 have been cured or discharged.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra has recorded a total of 5,893 deaths due to coronavirus infection and the number has increased by 142 in the past 24 hours.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Government decided to cancel Final Semester exams due to Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Maharashtra government, late on Friday, has decided to cancel the final year and final semester examinations. Exams conducted under various universities in the state in the backdrop of rising cases of coronavirus infection despite the lockdown.</strong></p> <p><strong>"However, those who want to take the exam should submit it in writing to the university. A decision in this regard will be taken on the basis of the influence of the coronavirus infection situation," said Uday Samant, Minister for Higher and Technical Education. .</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection tally to cross 4 lakh
<p><strong>The coronavirus infection tally in India has reached another grim milestone. The country has now recorded 14,516 fresh cases in the last 24 hours. This is the highest spike in new coronavirus infection positive cases in the country.</strong></p> <p><strong>The total number of people infected with coronavirus in the country now stands at 3,95,048. The total number of fatalities has also increased by 375 in 24 hours. The total number of deaths in India now stands at 12,948.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Triumph Tiger 900 series Launched in India
<p><strong>Triumph Motorcycles launched the Tiger 900 series in India, the company announced on Friday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The new Triumph Tiger 900 is available in three variants, Tiger 900 GT, Rally and Rally Pro priced at Rs 13,70,000, Rs 14,35,000 and Rs 15,50,000 (all prices ex-showroom) respectively.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Triumph Tiger comes with a larger capacity in the new BS 6 compliant 900cc triple engine. The new engine claims to deliver 10 percent more peak torque than the previous Tiger 800 models.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Airport like Boarding facility at Prayagraj Railway Station
<p><strong>As part of a move to promote contactless ticket checking due to the spread of Covid-19. North Central Railway authorities have started a first of its kind airport-like boarding facility at Prayagraj railway station.</strong></p> <p><strong>Train passengers arriving at the Prayagraj railway station are first taken to a boarding hall with four new check-in counters. These counters are fully contactless keeping in view the safety of passengers due to the coronavirus crisis, Ajit Kumar Singh, CPRO, North Central Railway, said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 13000 fresh Coronavirus Cases in single day
<p>The coronavirus pandemic in India grew by the highest number yet again. When over 13,000 fresh coronavirus cases were detected across the country in the last 24 hours.</p> <p>Maharashtra and Delhi recorded the biggest jump in cases on Thursday. Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu also witnessed an explosion of fresh infections.</p> <p>The total number of coronavirus cases in the country zoomed to 380,532.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Petrol and Diesel prices Hikes
<p><strong>Petrol and diesel prices were increased in metros on Friday, marking the thirteenth straight day of hike. As state-owned oil companies continued with the normal practice of daily reviews following a 12-week pause.</strong></p> <p><strong>With effect from 6 am on June 19, the price of petrol was increased by 56 paise per litre in Delhi. While diesel by 63 paise per litre, compared to the previous day. While the price of petrol was revised to Rs 78.37 per litre in the national capital.</strong></p> <p><strong>From Rs 77.81 per litre the previous day, the diesel rate was increased to Rs 77.06 per litre from Rs 76.43 per litre. According to notifications from state-run Indian Oil Corporation, the country's largest fuel retailer.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coal Ministry will start auction process for 41 coal mines
<p><strong>India’s coal ministry will launch the auction process of 41 blocks for commercial mining on Thursday. With an aim to achieve self-sufficiency in meeting energy needs and boost industrial development.</strong></p> <p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the launch event through video conferencing and outline his vision to achieve self-reliance in the mining sector. Coal and mines minister Pralhad Joshi will also be present during the launch event.</strong></p> <p><strong>The commercial mining of these coal blocks is expected to generate approximately INR 33,000 crore of capital investment. In the country over the next five to seven years, the coal ministry said in a statement. These blocks will contribute INR 20,000 crore revenues annually to the state governments.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India elected to non-permanent seat in UN Security Council
<p>China said Wednesday it wanted to avoid further clashes with India. Along their border after the first deadly confrontation between the two nuclear powers in decades.</p> <p>The two countries have traded blame for Monday's high-altitude brawl that left at least 20 Indian soldiers dead. While China refusing to confirm so far whether there were any casualties on its side.</p> <p>Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian insisted again Wednesday. That it was Indian troops who illegally crossed the border and attacked the Chinese side.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India elected to non-permanent seat in UN Security Council
<p><strong>India received overwhelming support in its election to the UN Security Council and it will continue to provide leadership. A new orientation for a reformed multilateral system, India's Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador TS Tirumurti said.</strong></p> <p><strong>India garnered 184 votes out of the 192 ballots cast in the General Assembly to win. The election for the non-permanent seat in the powerful UN Security Council.</strong></p> <p><strong>India's two-year term will begin on January 1, 2021. This is the eighth time that India will sit at the UN high-table. Which comprises five permanent members and 10 non-permanent members.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sonam Kapoor disabled her Instagram comment section
<p><strong>Netizens are currently slamming the nepotism gang for ganging up against the late actor and pushing him to the edge. Apparently, Sushant always felt like an outsider in the industry and losing multiple projects made the situation worse in his case.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sonam Kapoor's Instagram page right now, the commenting section is disabled. The comment section no longer open to everyone but is restricted to a few accounts. It means only the accounts that Sonam Kapoor wants to, can comment on her picture posts.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed 12881 new Coronavirus Infection Cases in 24 hours
<p><strong>The coronavirus pandemic in India witnessed a new peak. With the states registering 12,881 fresh cases in a single day — the highest so far. The total number of coronavirus patients in the country zoomed to 366,946.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Delhi — three worst-affected states — continued to record high number coronavirus infection cases in the last 24 hours. Uttar Pradesh and Haryana recorded the biggest jump in coronavirus infection count on Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll in the country jumped to 12,237. At least 334 people succumbed to death in the last 24 hours.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Beijing Airport cancelled 1200 Flights due to Coronavirus Outbreak
<p><strong>Beijing's airports cancelled more than 1,200 flights and schools in the Chinese capital were closed again. On Wednesday as authorities rushed to contain a new coronavirus outbreak linked to a wholesale food market.</strong></p> <p><strong>The city reported 31 new cases on Wednesday while officials urged residents not to leave Beijing. With fears growing about the second wave of infections in China. Which had largely brought its coronavirus outbreak under control.</strong></p> <p><strong>Tens of thousands of people linked to the new Beijing virus cluster. This believed to have started in the sprawling Xinfadi wholesale food market which is being tested. With almost 30 residential compounds in the city now under lockdown.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Arbaaz Khan takes Legal Action against Abhinav Kashyap
<p>Director Abhinav Kashyap of ‘Dabangg’ fame was all over the news recently after he shared a hard-hitting post on his social media handle in the wake of the sad demise of Sushant Singh Rajput.</p> <p><br></p> <p>He also claimed in the post that Salman Khan and his family bullied him and sabotaged his career. Arbaaz Khan has now reacted to his allegations.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Reacting to Abhinav Kashyap’s allegations, Arbaaz reportedly told a news portal. That they have already taken legal action even before this post.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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20 Indian Army Soldiers died in face-off with Chinese Troops
<p><strong>At least 20 Indian soldiers have died after a "violent face-off" with Chinese troops. Along the countries' de facto border in the Himalayas late Monday, the Indian army has said.</strong></p> <p><strong>The incident occurred during a "deescalation process" underway in the Galwan Valley in the disputed Aksai Chin-Ladakh area. Where a large troop build-up has reportedly been taking place for weeks. Now on both sides of the border, before senior military commanders began talks earlier this month.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Indian army had earlier said three soldiers had died, but added on Tuesday that a further 17 troops. "Who were critically injured in the line of duty at the standoff location and exposed to sub-zero temperatures in the high altitude terrain have succumbed to their injuries."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Tension between India and China have Spiked
<p><strong>Tensions along the Line of Actual Control border between India and China have spiked. After an Indian army officer and two soldiers were killed in the Galwan area of Ladakh. The Indian army said in a statement on Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>This is the first time in decades that a clash involving casualties has taken place on the 3,488 kilometre border between India and China.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi to meet Chief Minister of States
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a meeting with chief ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday. This likely to discuss crucial issues relating to the ailing economy and measures to revive it. Containing the spread of the virus and a roadmap for the country after 30 June when the lockdown ends. The meeting will take place amid forecast that fiscal 2021 will be painful. For the economy, businesses and India as a whole. When Narendra Modi meets the chief ministers, the issue of economic recovery, how to boost demand in the market. What role the states can play will be a key agenda on the table. --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sushant Singh Rajput and Rhea Chakraborty were going to shoot for their First Film
<p><strong>Before his sad and sudden demise, Sushant Singh Rajput was majorly in the news for his rumoured relationship with Rhea Chakraborty. While they called each other “just friends”, their outings, dinner dates and social media PDAs spoke volumes about their love affair.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the latest report in Mumbai Mirror, Sushant Singh Rajput and Rhea Chakraborty were prepping up for their first movie together. The couple was to feature in Rumy Jafry’s rom-com next. Spilling the beans on the same, the filmmaker told the news publication. That the script of the film was locked and they were to begin shooting in May.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sushant Singh Rajput cousin's Wife passed away due to Trauma
<p><strong>As per latest reports, Sushant's cousin brother's wife, Sudha Devi has passed away at his native, Purnia in Bihar. The report further stated that she couldn't bear the loss of the actor.</strong></p> <p><strong>She took her last breath when Sushant's funeral was being conducted in Mumbai. The report also stated that she had stopped eating after she got to know about Sushant's suicide.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sushant Singh Rajput's demise has left a permanent void in the film industry. Bollywood has lost a talented actor at a very young age. According to the reports, Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide at his residence.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Royal Enfield reports weak performance in March Quarter
<p><strong>Royal Enfield maker Eicher Motors Ltd reported weak performance for the March quarter (Q4). But said business is seeing a good recovery. The stock gained 1.3 percent in Monday morning trade.</strong></p> <p><strong>Revenue and operating earnings fell in the range of 12-37 percent. Operating profit margins dropped 7.8 percentage points to 19.6 percent, a record low.</strong></p> <p><strong>Royal Enfield’s manufacturing and retail operations were suspended between 23 March and 5 May complying with covid-19 restrictions.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Two Officials of Indian High Commission goes missing in Pakistan
<p><strong>Two diplomatic officials of the Indian High Commission in Pakistan went missing. Under mysterious circumstances early on Monday, sources said. Their whereabouts have been untraceable, the sources said. Adding that India has taken up the matter with Pakistani counterparts to ensure safety of the officials.</strong></p> <p><strong>"A vehicle with two Central Industrial Security Force drivers had gone out for duty, did not reach the destination. Since then they are missing," sources said.</strong></p> <p><strong>This comes just days after India's Charge d' Affaires, Gaurav Ahluwalia was chased in the Pakistan capital Islamabad. By bike borne people suspected to be from the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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European Countries starts to reopen their Borders
<p><strong>European countries ease some border controls on Monday after coronavirus lockdowns. But Spain's continued closure, a patchwork of restrictions elsewhere and new ways of working. Mean pre-pandemic levels of travel are a long way off.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Schengen area of 22 European countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland operates control-free crossings. But they have been mostly closed for three months to all but goods traffic and critical workers.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases on it's Peak
<p><strong>Fresh coronavirus cases in India touched another peak today. The states added over 11,000 new infections for the third straight day. The total number of coronavirus cases in India increased to 332,424.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra continued to record over 3,000 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours. Tamil Nadu and Delhi also saw an explosion of new cases on Sunday.</strong></p> <p><strong>At least 307 deaths from the COVID-19 infection were reported in the last 24 hours. The deadly novel virus killed 9,520 people in the country.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mumbai's Local Train Service starts for Essential Service Employees
<p><strong>Indian Railways' Central and Western Railway zone in a late-night statement has said that Railway Ministry has decided. To start select suburban services over mainline and harbour lines of Mumbai from today.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mumbai's local train service, which is also the lifeline of the city. Will however operate for people and employees associated with essential services.</strong></p> <p><strong>Railways has also laid out a detailed set of guidelines that the people who will travel in the local trains of Mumbai need to follow.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sushant Singh Rajput committed Suicide
<p><strong>Actor Sushant Singh Rajput, known for films, MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, Kai Po Che and Kedarnath, was found dead at his Mumbai residence on Sunday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Rajput, who hails from Bihar, started his career with popular television daily soap, Pavitra Rishta. He was 34.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sushant Singh Rajput was reportedly found hanging at his residence.</strong></p> <p><strong>He was last seen on the big screen in director Nitesh Tiwari’s Chhichhore in September 2019, while Karan Johar’s Drive streamed on Netflix.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed mark of 3-Lakh
<p><strong>The coronavirus pandemic in India crossed another grim milestone of 3-lakh cases. The states witnessed a record jump in daily coronavirus count in the last 24 hours. For the first time, over 11,000 people tested positive for the novel coronavirus infection in a day across the country.</strong></p> <p><strong>India's coronavirus tally surged to 308,993. Maharashtra became the first state to record over 1 lakh coronavirus cases. The western state accounted for a third of India's coronavirus infection count. India took 10 days to hit 3-lakh mark after crossing 2 lakh cases on June 2.</strong></p> <p><strong>The deadly novel virus claimed 389 lives in the last 24 hours, bringing the death toll to 8,886 in India.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Shoppers Stop is laying 1100 Employees
<p><strong>Shoppers Stop is laying off 1,100 employees and will close underperforming stores. As one of India’s oldest department-store chain reels from the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>A person familiar with the matter said on Friday that those being laid off comprise 1,000 employees. Across Shoppers Stop stores, while the rest are from its Mumbai head office.</strong></p> <p><strong>All the impacted employees will receive salary for two months. The company could consider rehiring them when business improves.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Delhi's Chartered Accountancy firm to audit PM CARES Fund
<p><strong>Delhi-based chartered accountancy firm SARC &amp; Associates has been hired. To audit the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM CARES) Fund. As per information given by the fund’s administrators.</strong></p> <p><strong>The independent auditor has been appointed for three years. The audit will be conducted at the end of a financial year. As per details given in the set of frequently asked questions on the PM CARES Fund. The appointment is significant because critics have questioned the rationale for a fund other than the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF). For relief work and have also sought more transparency about the usage of monies from the Fund.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Disha Patani turns 28 Today
<p><strong>Disha Patani celebrates her 28th birthday today. Wishing Patani on her birthday. Her close friend and rumoured boyfriend Tiger Shroff took to Instagram to share a throwback video.</strong></p> <p><strong>In the video we see Disha in a cafe, dancing to the tunes of Hip-Hop music. Tiger captioned the video as, “3 waffles and 3 pancakes later …happy birthday rockstar️,” to which Disha replied, “thank you superstar.”</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Cost of Coronavirus Infection treatment raised
<p><strong>The number and cost of consumables used in the treatment of coronavirus infection has been increasing. This along with other factors has led to a rise in overall cost of coronavirus treatment.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Normal treatment cost of Rs 50,000 to 1 lakh has now surged to Rs 1-2 lakh for coronavirus infection treatment and to Rs 6-7 lakh or more. In which co-morbidities are involved or treated in expensive hospitals," said Chandan D S Dang, Executive Director, Securenow.in, a Delhi-based insurance broker.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sony finally unveiled PlayStation 5
<p><strong>Sony has finally showed us what the new PlayStation 5 will look like. Years of waiting for die hard PlayStation fans has culminated into one reveal event. That not only showed the gaming console but also 26 new games that will be coming to the PS5 in the near future.</strong></p> <p><strong>PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Digital Edition.</strong></p> <p><strong>The company unveiled two new variants of the gaming console. One with the Blu-ray disc drive, which has been the conventional form of loading games. Since the earlier versions and a Digital Edition which will only allow game downloads via the internet.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Chief Minister of Odisha announced incentives for Migrants
<p><strong>As per the announcement of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik to provide incentive of ₹2000 per migrant returning to Odisha. After successful completion of quarantine period.</strong></p> <p><strong>Incentives have been paid to 1,10,080 people, said Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Odisha.</strong></p> <p><strong>₹19.03 crore have been spent from Chief Minister Relief Fund for this purpose, the Health Department informed.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Dhananjay Munde tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Social Justice Minister of the Maha Vikas Aghadi government in Maharashtra, Dhananjay Munde has tested positive for Coronavirus Infection on Thursday. His reports arrived on Thursday night.</strong></p> <p><strong>As per local media reports, Dhananjay Munde does not have symptoms of the disease. Five of his employees, including his two personal helpers, his two drivers and his cook have also reportedly tested positive. However, all of them , including Munde are said to be asymptomatic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India surpassed United Kingdom in Coronavirus Infection Cases
<p><strong>As the coronavirus cases in the country continued to surge, India overtook the United Kingdom to become the fourth worst-hit nation by coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>Fresh coronavirus cases reported in the last 24 hours zoomed to over 10,000 for the first time since the outbreak. India's coronavirus infection count surged to 297,535, according to the ministry of health and family welfare.</strong></p> <p><strong>India also witnessed a record surge in the death toll from coronavirus infection. The deadly virus claimed 399 lives in last 24 hours, bringing the total number of fatalities to 8,498. In terms of coronavirus deaths, India was at 11th position worldwide.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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BMC bans Mumbai's largest private laboratory
<p><strong>Mumbai's largest private laboratory has been barred from conducting coronavirus tests for the next four weeks. Which is likely to slow down testing capacity of the city, which is currently the country's biggest hotspot.</strong></p> <p><strong>The ban order came from the city civic body, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), after alleged delays in producing reports.</strong></p> <p><strong>Delays in report lead to difficulties in contact tracing. It can lead to delays treatment and in some cases, death, the BMC said in its order.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Varun Dhawan shared poster of his film
<p>Varun Dhawan and Sara Ali Khan starrer Coolie No 1 was all set to hit the screens on May 1, 2020, on International Labour Day. However, due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, the film release has been pushed indefinitely.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Now, as slight unlocking has been taking place, everyone is urged to wear a mask while stepping out of the house and be safe to the fullest. Similar to that, Varun also updated the poster of Coolie No 1.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Yes, a while back, Varun Dhawan took to his Instagram page and shared a new poster of his upcoming film. In which he is seen wearing a mask and a white top. He has also put a tikka on his forehead and we are sure he is smiling happily.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Tamil Nadu Government changes the names of 1018 places
<p>'Thiruvallikeni', an old settlement of Chennai, can no longer be written in English as 'Triplicane'. That place name has to be written in English as the word is pronounced in the original Tamil, as 'Thiruvallikkeni'.</p> <p>The Tamil Nadu government order giving effect to that announcement said committees were set up in each district. To recommend how place names should be written in English.</p> <p>Accordingly, 1018 place names all over Tamil Nadu have been identified for correction. The actual responsibility of making those changes has been entrusted to the Revenue Department and Municipal Administration Department. The place place names fall within the jurisdiction of the respective local elected bodies.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Co-working firms reworked on rental terms
<p><strong>As many people continue to work from home despite the unlocking of businesses, co-working firms. Which are staring at uncertainty that lies ahead, and keeping costs under check. Putting brakes on expansion and seeking rent waivers or deferment from landlords.</strong></p> <p><strong>WeWork India, the Indian affiliate of New York-based WeWork Global, is taking stock. Trying to reduce costs, as it scans through its portfolio of buildings and rental expenses.</strong></p> <p><strong>Co-working operators, in most cases, have also given waivers and rental discounts of up to 50 percent to customers. For the months of April and May but are charging full rent from June, as they reopen centres.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ford recalls 2.5 Million vehicles from U.S.
<p><strong>Ford is recalling about 2.5 million vehicles in the U.S., Canada and elsewhere because of a nagging door latch problem and a brake fluid leak. The door latch recall covers more than 2.1 million cars, SUVs and vans in the U.S. The latches can fail and cause the doors to open while the vehicles are moving. It's the third recall for the same problem.</strong></p> <p><strong>Ford also is recalling nearly 344,000 F-150 pickups in the U.S. and Canada to fix a fluid leak from the brake master cylinder. The company says the problem has caused seven low-speed crashes with two injuries.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases raised about 10000 in single day
<p><strong>The coronavirus pandemic in India touched another new peak today. The states witnessed the biggest jump in daily coronavirus infection count with over 9,996 new cases in last 24 hours. With this, India's coronavirus tally surged past 2.86 lakh.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra registered the highest spike in daily coronavirus infection cases. While Tamil Nadu saw an explosion on new cases in last 24 hours. Delhi's coronavirus tally continued to rise sharply even on Wednesday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Yogi Adityanath Government passed Cow Slaughter Act
<p><strong>The Yogi Adityanath government on Tuesday made the UP Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1955. More stringent by increasing the jail terms and penalties for various offences as well as deciding to publicly name and shame the offenders.</strong></p> <p><strong>Bringing an ordinance to make these changes, the Yogi Adityanath government claimed. That there were loopholes in the existing law which would often allow offenders to go scot-free. The new law increases the maximum jail term from the existing seven years to 10 years. Also, the existing penalty of Rs 10,000 has been increased to Rs 3 lakh to Rs 5 lakh for various offences.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro Max on sale today
<p><strong>Xiaomi’s mid-range device Redmi Note 9 Pro Max will be going on sale again. The device was expected to start selling in March but was delayed due to consecutive extensions of the lockdown.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Redmi Note 9 Pro Max starts at a price of ₹16,499 for the base variant with 6GB RAM and 64GB of internal storage. The 6GB RAM and 128GB internal storage variant is priced at ₹17,999.</strong></p> <p><strong>The top variant with 8GB RAM and 128GB storage will sell at ₹19,999. The device will be available in three colour variants Aurora Blue, Glacier White and Interstellar Black.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Gairsain to be summer capital of Uttarakhand
<p><strong>Uttarakhand will have Gairsain in Chamoli district as the summer capital, while Dehradun remains the temporary state capital.</strong></p> <p><strong>Chief minister Trivendra Singh Rawat had announced the decision of making Gairsain the summer capital. During the budget session in March, but the move was implemented on Monday after governor Baby Rani Maurya gave assent.</strong></p> <p><strong>Senior leaders of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said Gairsain was chosen as the summer capital. Because it has been a longstanding demand of the people of Uttarakhand.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Fire broke out in Assam's Oil India Limited
<p><strong>The natural gas well of Oil India Limited in Assam’s Tinsukia district that had a blowout on May 27. The well caught fire on Tuesday could take at least four more weeks to control, the Hindustan Times reported.</strong></p> <p><strong>The fire erupted 13 days after an uncontrolled gas emission from the well and a day after three experts from Singapore reached the area to fix the blowout.</strong></p> <p><strong>The cause of the fire, which broke out at 1.40 pm, was yet to be ascertained.</strong></p> <p><strong>Tridiv Hazarika, Oil India Limited spokesperson, told Scroll.in that fireman of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd was injured in the incident.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Hollywood sexual scenes will replace with Computer Generated Imaginary
<p><strong>Hollywood prepares to reopen following its coronavirus-induced closure in March. On-set sexual distancing protocols are beginning to be laid out — including animated mating.</strong></p> <p><strong>The film editors’ trade association has released a 22-page file dictating how “close contact moments”. Scene should be “either rewritten, abandoned” or replaced with computer-generated imagery (CGI). To minimize spreading coronavirus infection while filming, the Sun reports.</strong></p> <p><strong>Also, all backstage crew will now be expected to wear masks and visors, live audiences will remain on pause indefinitely. Hollywood actors will be given formal hand-washing lessons.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 2.75-lakh
<p><strong>India's coronavirus infection count surged past the grim milestone of 2.75-lakh cases today. According to the data released by ministry of health and family welfare.</strong></p> <p><strong>The states continued to record nearly 10,000 cases even on Tuesday. Maharashtra reported the highest number of fresh infections at 2,259 in last 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>Tamil Nadu saw its biggest jump in coronavirus infection count on Tuesday. Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu were the two states to confirm nearly 20 percent of total coronavirus cases in India. Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh also registered huge jump in coronavirus cases on Tuesday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Judge tested positive for Coronavirus Infection in Khandwa
<p><strong>A judge from the lower court has tested positive for coronavirus infection in Khandwa district, leading the Madhya Pradesh High Court. To pass an order and assigning his duties and that of others to the sessions judge of Burhanpur. The order was passed on Monday by the High Court.</strong></p> <p><strong>After the district judge and wife were found infected with the coronavirus infection. Several other judges have quarantined themselves as a precautionary measure.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pakistani Troops violated ceasefire, Indian Army retaliates
<p>Pakistani troops on Tuesday violated the ceasefire and resorted firing on forward posts. While villages along the Line of Control in Mankote sector of Poonch district in Jammu and Kashmir. Officials of the Indian Army said that they are retaliating befittingly.</p> <p>According to the national news channel Doordarshan, the Pakistani troops violated the ceasefire. At about 6.30 am in the morning on the Mankote sector of Poonch district. Pakistan initiated unprovoked ceasefire violation. By firing with small arms and intense shelling with mortars along LoC, following which Indian Army have retaliated. No casualties have been reported as of yet.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India has reported the highest single-day spike of 9,987 new coronavirus cases and 331 deaths in the past 24 hours on Tuesday. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said that the total number of c
<p><strong>India has reported the highest single-day spike of 9,987 new coronavirus cases and 331 deaths in the past 24 hours on Tuesday. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said that the total number of cases in the country is now at 2,66,598.</strong></p> <p><strong>The total coronavirus cases also includes 1,29,917 active cases, 1,29,215 cured, discharged or migrated. 7466 people have died so far in the country due infection.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India to revise the Legal Age for Marriage for Women
<p>India is all set to revise the legal age for marriage for women with the government forming a high-level committee on Saturday. To go into the matter and submit recommendations by July 31.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The government has notified the taskforce which will examine the correlation of age of marriage and motherhood. With implications on the health of mothers and infants, impact of the age of marriage on infant mortality rate. Including maternal mortality rate, total fertility rate, sex ratio at birth and child sex ratio.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Currently in India, the legal age of marriage for women is 18 years, for men it is 21 years.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Tirupati temple reopened after 80 Days
<p>After nearly 80 days, India's famous Sri Venkateswara temple atop the Tirumala hills here reopened on Monday. With new health norms in place to check the spread of coronavirus. The famous shrine was reopened for 'darshan' at 6 am, though with the entry was restricted to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) employees and their family members.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The Tirupati temple staff and their kin will only be allowed to pay obeisance for the first two days. While local devotees in Tirumala will be permitted to have 'darshan' on the third day. The Tirupati temple will be thrown open for 'darshan' for all devotees on June 11, subject to a maximum of 6,000 daily.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra crossed China's record in Coronavirus Cases
<p><strong>The coronavirus cases in India is not showing any signs of slowing down. The coronavirus tally in the country crossed the 2.5 lakh cases on Monday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra continues to be the worst hit in the pandemic. The state has reported a total of 85,975 cases, which means Maharashtra has crossed China's record of coronavirus cases.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the Johns Hopkins University’s Covid-19 tally, China has reported around 84,191 coronavirus cases till date.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Four Terrorists killed by Security Forces in Shopian District
<p><br></p> <p>Four terrorists were gunned down by security forces in an encounter that broke out in Jammu and Kashmir's Shopian district on Monday. The identities of slain terrorists were not immediately known.</p> <p><br></p> <p>This is the second encounter in Shopian district in the past 24 hours. After receiving specific information about the presence of militants. Security forces launched a cordon-and-search operation in Pinjora area of Shopian.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The cordon-and-search operation turned into an encounter reportedly after hiding terrorists fired upon the search party of the forces, who retaliated. Four terrorists were killed in the exchange of fire.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sonu Sood met Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray
<p>Actor Sonu Sood, who came under attack from Shiv Sena for his alleged attempt to portray the government in poor light. Over the migrant crisis, met Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and his son Aaditya Thackeray late on Sunday. The meeting at Matoshree - the residential complex of Thackerays - came hours after the ruling Sena questioned whether he was linked to the opposition BJP.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Sonu Sood offered a brief response on being quizzed by reporters. About the subject of his discussion with the Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Shopping Malls, and Religious Places to be opening from Today
<p><strong>From today, India has allowed opening the doors of public places like shopping malls, religious places and restaurants in several states. There have been a set of strict do's and don’ts for the people, authorities for each of these places. To add to it, these places have been cleaned and provisions for adherence to social distancing and other protocols been made.</strong></p> <p><strong>In Maharashtra and Gujarat however, shopping malls and religious places of worship across the country. Are not ready to open their doors in view of the rising cases of coronavirus.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Global Coronavirus Cases to cross 7 Million
<p>In a new grim milestone, the global number of coronavirus cases has crossed the 7 million mark. While the deaths have surged to more than 402,000, according to the Johns Hopkins University.</p> <p><br></p> <p>As of Monday morning, the overall number of coronavirus cases stood at 7,006,436, while the death toll increased to 402,699. The University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) revealed in its latest update.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The US continues with the world's highest number of confirmed cases and deaths at 1,940,468 and 110,503, respectively, according to the CSSE.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Railways installed Bio Toilets in 68,000 Rail Coaches
<p><strong>As part of its "Swachh Rail-Swachh Bharat" initiative, the Indian Railways has installed bio toilets across 68,000 coaches.</strong></p> <p><strong>"A total of 49,487 bio-toilets have been installed in 14,916 coaches during 2019-20. This takes the cumulative number of bio-toilets to more than 2,45,400 fitted in 68,800 coaches with a coverage of 100 per cent," the Indian Railways said in a statement.</strong></p> <p><strong>This comes at a time when the country is dealing with an unprecedented health crisis caused by the deadly coronavirus.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reddit Co-founder Alexis Ohanian resigned from Reddit Board
<p><strong>Alexis Ohanian, Reddit co-founder and tennis champion Serena Williams' husband resigned as a member of the Reddit board. He urged the firm to replace him with a black candidate.</strong></p> <p><strong>The decision by the Reddit co-founder comes amid the US protests. For killing of George Floyd showing police brutality and racial inequality on the blacks. Ohanian further said that he would be donating $1m (£800,000) to Know Your Rights Camp. Which is a non-profit started by former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases Rising Rapidly
<p><strong>The coronavirus pandemic in India grew by the highest number yet today when 9,887 fresh cases were detected in the last 24 hours. With this, the total number of coronavirus patients in India increased to 236,657. India overtook Italy to become the sixth nation to record the most number of coronavirus cases in the world. Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh witnessed the biggest spike in daily coronavirus infection count on Friday.</strong></p> <p><strong>A record number of coronavirus fatalities were confirmed in the last 24 hours. Coronavirus infection claimed as many as 294 lives on Friday — the highest number of deaths reported in a day.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rattled Jaish-e-Mohammad planning to launch vehicle-borne IED attack on security forces in Jammu and Kashmir
<p>Days after the security forces in Jammu and Kashmir found an IED-laden car in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district which was a part of a terrorist attack plan. Intelligence sources said that Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorists are planning to conduct another Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device attack on security forces in Kashmir valley.</p> <p>Security forces have been put on high alert to foil any such attack by Pakistan-based terror group.</p> <p>On May 28, a joint team of forces recovered an improvised explosive device (IED) from a Santro car in Ayengund area of Rajpora in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district. The IED was defused successfully by the bomb disposal squad and a major attack was averted.</p> <p>A Jammu and Kashmir Police officer had told Zee News that security forces had received inputs 4-5 days ago about the movement of the vehicle carrying IED. He said a bomb disposal squad was called to the spot as soon as the IED-laden car was spotted.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Anil Kumble admits saliva ban will be 'hard to manage' for players
<p><strong>Former Indian cricketer Anil Kumble admitted that the saliva ban is something which players will "find hard to manage".</strong></p> <p><strong>"Based on medical advice, we believe that saliva could be the major contributor to carrying this disease and that`s why we banned the use of saliva. although it`s second nature in cricket. That`s something that players will find hard to manage," ESPN Cricinfo quoted Kumble as saying during a webinar, organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry on Wednesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Last month, the International Cricket Council`s (ICC) Cricket Committee, chaired by Kumble, &nbsp;had recommended changes to ICC regulations including prohibiting the use of saliva to shine the ball amid the coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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7-day home quarantine compulsory for all passengers arriving in Delhi
<p><strong>Amid the rising coronavirus COVID-19 cases in national capital. the Delhi government on Wednesday (June 3) passed an order making it mandatory for all asymptomatic passengers arriving in Delhi to home quarantine themselves for seven days. It is to be noted that in its earlier advisory Delhi government had asked the travellers to remain in home quarantine for 14 days.</strong></p> <p><strong>Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal-led government in Delhi hasinstructed all district magistrates to ensure that the new order is implemented properly.</strong></p> <p><strong>The order signed by Delhi Chief secretary and chairman of executive committee of Delhi Disaster Management Authority(DDMA) Vijay Dev said that. airport, railway and transport departments has been asked to submit passenger manifests to the office of the principal secretary of revenue department on daily basis.</strong></p> <p><strong>Meanwhile, the Uttarakhand government has decided to extend the 14-day quarantine period to 21 days. for those returning from 75 worst coronavirus-hit cities of the country including Delhi, Noida, Agra, Lucknow, Meerut, Varanasi, Chennai and Hyderabad.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uttar Pradesh and Haryana hit by Thunderstorm
<p><strong>Several parts of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana will have to brace for heavy rainfall on Tuesday. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) said in its weather bulletin.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the weather agency, rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds will lash areas including Karnal, Sonipat, Panipat in Haryana.</strong></p> <p><strong>While Shamli, Baghpat, Ghaziabad, Modinagar, Meerut, Bijnor, Aligarh, Mathura, Sambhal in Uttar Pradesh over the next two hours. Areas in the national capital too will witness light to moderate rains during this time.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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MLA of BJP from Gujarat tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p>An MLA of the ruling BJP in Gujarat was admitted to a hospital on Monday after he tested positive for coronavirus, his office said. The legislator had a fever since the last few days and he eventually tested positive for coronavirus infection, said a release by his office.</p> <p>He was admitted to a hospital on Monday, the release said. He is the third MLA from Gujarat to be infected by the virus.</p> <p>Earlier, two MLAs - one from the BJP and the other from the Congress - had tested positive for coronavirus infection.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Nisarga Cyclone to hit Maharashtra, NDRF on alert
<p><strong>In view of the impending severe Nisarga Cyclone, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) have been kept on alert in Maharashtra, as necessary preventive action. According to a Hindustan Times report, sixteen teams of NDRF, comprising 45 jawans each, are on alert in the state. While 10 teams have been deployed, six are kept on standby.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Nisarga cyclone has intensified and is expected to make landfall on June 3. Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Raigad, Thane, Mumbai City, Mumbai Suburban and Palghar districts are on alert. Warnings of cyclone Nisarga issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD).</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases to cross mark of 2 lakh
<p><strong>India's coronavirus count inched closer to the grim milestone of 2 lakh-mark. The states registered over 8,000 fresh cases for the third straight day. The total number of coronavirus infection patients in India rose to 198,706.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra continued to report the highest fresh cases while Tamil Nadu witnessed the biggest spike on Monday. However, the number of fresh coronavirus cases dipped slightly in the national capital.</strong></p> <p><strong>The number of deaths from the coronavirus infection rose to 204, the third highest single-day count so far.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Wajid Khan passed away at age 42 due to Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>In what is heartbreaking news to Bollywood music lovers, composer Wajid Khan of Sajid-Wajid fame passed away some time back. He was just 42. He was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai on Sunday and the reason for his demise is given to be coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>It was singer Sonu Nigam who first reported the sad news to entertainment journalist, Faridoon Shahryar. Now Priyanka Chopra also confirmed this news, as she condoled the loss of the composer Wajid Khan.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Donald Trump shifted to Bunker as protest raised outside White House
<p><strong>Secret Service agents rushed President Donald Trump to a White House bunker on Friday night. As hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion, some of them throwing rocks and tugging at police barricades.</strong></p> <p><strong>Donald Trump spent nearly an hour in the bunker, which was designed for use in emergencies like terrorist attacks. According to a Republican close to the White House who was not authorized to publicly discuss private matters and spoke on condition of anonymity.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases to cross 200000
<p><strong>Coronavirus cases in India continued to rise with a spike of 8,392 new cases. 230 deaths reported in the last 24 hours in India. The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in India rose to 190,535 on Monday, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Of these, 93,322 are active cases while 91,819 individuals have been cured and discharged from the hospitals. The death toll has mounted to 5,394 while one person has migrated to another country, according to the data released by the Health Ministry said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Monsoon arrived at Kerala
<p><strong>Heavy rain lashed parts of Kerala including capital city Thiruvananthapuram and nearby areas. As well as several other districts of the southern state n Monday, inundating roads and low-lying areas. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) had predicted that southwest monsoon will hit Kerala on June 1.</strong></p> <p><strong>Also, the timely arrival of the monsoon in Kerala can also be attributed to the cyclonic circulation over the Bay of Bengal. The weather agency said that the temperature is expected to go down to 25 degrees Celsius during the day in the city.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Railways announced 200 Special Trains
<p><strong>With the Indian Railways announcing to ply 200 special trains including 100 pairs with both AC and non-AC coaches from Monday. It has also released the full list of trains that would ferry more than 1.45 lakh passengers on the first day. As per data, 26 lakh passengers have booked for Advance Reservation Period (ARP) from June 1 to June 30.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Indian Railways have clearly stated that these 200 passenger trains will be in addition. To already plying premium passenger trains connecting New Delhi with 15 cities across India being run since May 12. These trains will also be in addition to the Shramik Special trains, which are ferrying stranded migrant laborers to their states.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Disease recovery rate at a steady rise
<p><strong>As India entered the last phase of lockdown 4.0, the number of patients recovered from the coronavirus disease hit a new record. At least 11,264 people have been recovered from the deadly disease in the last 24 hours, according to the data released by the ministry of health and family welfare.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nearly 47 percent of the total coronavirus disease patients have been discharged from the hospital after recovery. India's recovery rate from the coronavirus disease is one a steady rise.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Roger Federer topped in 2020 Forbes Magazine
<p><strong>Roger Federer topped the 2020 Forbes magazine list of highest-paid global athletes announced Friday. Leading the lineup for the first time with pre-tax earnings of USD 106.3 million (95.5 million euros).</strong></p> <p><strong>The Swiss tennis legend, a men's record 20-time Grand Slam singles champion. Becomes the first player from his sport to top the annual list since its 1990 debut, rising from fifth in 2019.</strong></p> <p><strong>Roger Federer's haul over the past 12 months included USD 100 million from appearances fees and endorsement deals plus USD 6.3 million in prize money.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases toll to cross 180000
<p><strong>The total number of coronavirus cases in India is now at 1,73,763. The country has witnessed the highest ever spike of 7,965 coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>New 265 deaths were reported in the time frame, according to the latest data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Saturday. Of the total 1,73,763 cases, 86,422 are still active. One patient had migrated to another country.</strong></p> <p><strong>With 265 new fatalities recorded, the single biggest jump in the past 24 hours, the death toll due to coronavirus has mounted to 4,971.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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US President Donald Trump terminates relationship with WHO
<p><strong>US President Donald Trump announced the termination of the United States' relationship with the World Health Organisation (WHO). Over the latter's alleged mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak. Trump, in his press briefing, reiterated the charge that WHO's alleged cover-up of coronavirus in China turned the epidemic into a pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>"China has total control over WHO despite only paying $40 million a year compared to what the US has been paying which is approx $450 million a year. Because they have failed to make requested and needed reforms today we will be terminating our relationship with WHO," Donald Trump said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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2211 Maharashtra Police personnel tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p>The Maharashtra Police continued to witness a spike in coronavirus cases. With as many as 116 police personnel testing positive for the deadly virus and 3 fatalities in the past 24 hours.</p> <p>According to details by Maharashtra Police, the total number of coronavirus infected personnel in the force now stands at 2,211. The total number of deaths due to coronavirus has mounted to 25 so far with 3 new fatalities today.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases Raised
<p><strong>India witnessed the highest spike of 7,466 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours in the country. The total number of cases in India is now at 1,65,799 including 89,987 active cases and 71,105 people have been cured, discharged, and migrated.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll, on the other hand, jumped to &nbsp;4,706, according to the &nbsp;Ministry of Health and Family Welfare numbers released on Friday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra is one of the worst affected states in India, with a total of 59,546 coronavirus cases. The death toll in the state has increased to 1,982.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Cristiano Ronaldo spotted Bike Riding
<p><strong>Cristiano Ronaldo is having a time of his life not only on the field but also off the field. The five-time Ballon d’Or winner has already created ripples with his return to Turin. The official page of the Juventus keeps sharing pictures and videos of CR7 sweating it out in the nets. Now, CR7 was spotted bike riding along with Georgina Rodriguez and four kids.</strong></p> <p><strong>The family looked elated as they posed for a picture on social media. The happy picture was posted on social media by Cristiano Ronaldo.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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WIPRO appoints new CEO
<p><strong>IT major Wipro today announced the appointment of top Capgemini executive Thierry Delaporte as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director (MD).</strong></p> <p><strong>Abidali Neemuchwala will relinquish his position as CEO and MD on June 1. Rishad Premji will oversee the day to day operations of the company until July 5 and Delaporte join Wipro on July 6.</strong></p> <p><strong>Until recently, Thierry Delaporte was the Chief Operating Officer of Capgemini Group and a member of its Group Executive Board.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Salman Khan will have his show during Lockdown
<p><strong>Salman Khan is the busiest of all actors in the industry. He juggles between projects, shoots Big Boss, a plethora of commercials and so much more. If that's not enough, he goes on world tours. Often we wondered why doesn't this guy take a break.</strong></p> <p><strong>Well, all that changed since Coronavirus and lockdown happened. But a person who loves to work all the time can't be kept away from it for too long. So you already had three songs sung by him which were shot at his Panvel farmhouse. He is stuck there since the lockdown with Jacqueline Fernandez, Iulia Vantur, Waluscha De Sousa and a few more.</strong></p> <p><strong>Now we hear Salman Khan will have his own TV show called House of Bhaijaanz on Colors. It will document the actor's life during the lockdown at his farmhouse.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maruti Suzuki collab with HDFC Bank
<p><strong>The country's largest car maker Maruti Suzuki India on Thursday said it has partnered with HDFC Bank Ltd to offer flexible finance schemes for new car buyers.</strong></p> <p><strong>The schemes include flexi equated monthly installment (EMI) options under which a customer can avail low EMI for three months every year, up to 100 per cent on-road funding and installments starting from Rs 899 per month, per lakh, for the first six months, Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) said in a statement.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India Coronavirus Cases to cross 160000
<p><strong>India on Thursday morning reported a spike of 6,566 coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours. According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the number of coronavirus cases in the country rose to 1,58,333. Currently, there are 86,110 active coronavirus cases in the country, while 67,691 have recovered from the disease so far.</strong></p> <p><strong>One patient migrated to another country. India also reported 194 deaths since Wednesday morning, due to this the death toll crossed 4,500-mark. The deadly virus has claimed 4,531 lives so far in the country.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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9 Migrant Workers dead in Shramik Special Trains
<p>As extreme heat, hunger and dehydration add to the woes of returning migrant workers. Nine passengers have been found dead in ‘Shramik Special’ trains since Monday and they included a woman. Whose toddler son was seen trying to wake her up in a heart wrenching scene at a railway platform in Bihar.</p> <p>While a few deaths on board the non-air conditioned trains were also reported earlier after they were launched on May 1. To ferry migrant workers to their home states, the Railways on Wednesday said most of the deceased had pre-existing health conditions.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Approx 30,000 weddings canceled in Gujarat
<p><strong>The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown have severely hit the wedding industry in Gujarat. Which has witnessed approximately 30,000 cancellations and postponements in the last two months.</strong></p> <p><strong>At least 30,000 weddings planned across the state have been called off or postponed in the last two months. In light of the ongoing health crisis, said a spokesperson of Hotel and Restaurant Association Abhijit Deshmukh.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Government orders reinvestigation by CID against Arnab Goswami
<p><strong>The Maharashtra government on Tuesday ordered reinvestigation by the CID into the suicide of a 53-year-old interior designer and his mother. Allegedly over non-payment of dues by TV journalist Arnab Goswami and two others.</strong></p> <p><strong>State Home Minister Anil Deshmukh said he ordered reinvestigation after Adnya Naik, daughter of interior designer Anvay Naik. Claimed that Alibag Police in neighboring Raigad district did not probe the non-payment of dues which had driven her father and grandmother to suicide.</strong></p> <p><strong>Earlier this month, the police registered an abetment of suicide case against Republic TV editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami and two others.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Madhya Pradesh affected by Locust Swarms
<p><strong>Farmers in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur have arranged water tankers and chemicals for spraying in a bid to drive away locusts from attacking their farms.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Locust swarms can be repelled by making loud sounds and spraying. All such arrangements have been made in the district, if locust swarms attack we will be ready for it," said Bharat Yadav, Jabalpur District Magistrate.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 150000
<p><strong>India's coronavirus count crossed the grim milestone of 150,000-mark today. The states registered 6,387 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours. The total number of coronavirus patients in India increased to 151,767. While Maharashtra continued to report a high number of cases, the coronavirus infection touched a new high in Tamil Nadu, where over 600 new cases emerged on Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll from the virus zoomed to 170 in the last 24 hours. The number of fatalities related to coronavirus infection in India reached 4,337 today. Maharashtra alone reported 60 deaths on Tuesday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Amit Bhadana becomes first Indian YouTuber to complete 20 Million subscribers
<p><strong>Are you still not over with Carry Minati and his recent roast video getting removed from YouTube adhering to its cyberbullying policy? Maybe YouTuber Amit Bhadana’s success could bring some cheer in you! The individual creator has completed 20 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.</strong></p> <p><strong>With this latest feat, Amit Bhadana became the first Indian YouTuber to have achieved this milestone. Isn’t it a proud moment? Bhadana could not hold his emotions too. He posted this big news on his Twitter, with a picture of himself holding the tricolour national flag, with a wide smile celebrating his success.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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WHO suspended trails of HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>The World Health Organization said on Monday it had temporarily suspended clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>The decision came after a study published in the Lancet medical journal last week suggested the drug. This could increase the risk of death among coronavirus infection patients, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a virtual press conference.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rajasthan Government permit the sale of Paan and Tobacco
<p><strong>The Rajasthan government on Monday allowed the sale of paan, gutkha, and tobacco to take away. However, the government said that prohibition on consumption of tobacco products and spitting in public places will remain in force in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Rajasthan government also allowed taxis and autorickshaws including cab aggregators like Ola and Uber. To travel to and from the railway station, airport, and hospitals, in red zones, except containment zones.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases to cross 150000
<p><strong>The coronavirus tally in India saw a spike of 6,535 new coronavirus cases and 146 deaths in the last 24 hours on Tuesday. The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in India now stands at 1,45,380, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Of these, 80,722 are active cases while 60,490 individuals have been cured and discharged from the hospitals. The death toll has mounted to 4,167 while one person has migrated to another country, according to the data released by the Health Ministry.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India may suffer from Heatwave
<p><strong>Severe heatwave conditions continued to sweep &nbsp;Northern and Central India with the mercury touching 47 degrees Celsius in several parts. Delhi, &nbsp;Rajasthan, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra among others have been facing the wrath of heatwave since the past few days. On Tuesday, as mercury level continued to rise in Delhi.</strong></p> <p><strong>A large number of people were seen cycling and walking at the Rajpath area following relaxations in the fourth phase of nationwide lockdown. On Monday, the mercury touched 45.6 degrees Celsius in some parts of Delhi, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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20-year-old Boy committed Suicide after his parents Refused to Recharge
<p><strong>In a shocking incident, a 20-year-old boy allegedly committed suicide in Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal on Sunday. According to a tweet by ANI, the boy ended his life after his parents denied to recharge his mobile internet pack. S Sharma, Station-Incharge Bagsewaniya was quoted by ANI saying that the boy used to constantly urge his mother to recharge his mobile internet data pack.</strong></p> <p><strong>However, even after repeatedly requesting, the mother denied recharging, following which the boy committed suicide. "He was constantly asking his mother to recharge his internet pack, he committed suicide after being denied. Probe on", Sharma said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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After Two Months Domestic Flights in India resumed
<p><strong>Domestic flights resumed today after a gap of two months due to the coronavirus outbreak. Passengers have started reaching their respective airports in order to catch their flights to their destinations. &nbsp;Long queues of masked people were seen outside every airport.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the images shared by ANI, passengers at the Chennai international airport can be seen observing social distancing. The number of incoming passenger commercial flights to Chennai has been restricted to 25 per day.</strong></p> <p><strong>The first flight from Delhi's IGI airport since the resumption of domestic flight operations landed at Pune.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Nearly 7000 fresh Coronavirus Cases recorded in 24 Hours in India
<p>India recorded the biggest spike in daily coronavirus cases count as states had registered 6,977 fresh cases in the last 24 hours. India overtook Iran to become the 10th nation among the countries worst-hit by coronavirus pandemic.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The total number of coronavirus patients in the country stood at 138,845. Maharashtra continued to witness the explosion of coronavirus cases. On Sunday, the state reported 3,041 new coronavirus patients which is the highest single-day rise so far.</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ashok Chavan tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Maharashtra cabinet minister Ashok Shankarrao Chavan has tested positive for coronavirus infection on Sunday. According to reports, Ashok Chavan is admitted to a hospital in the Nanded district of Maharashtra. His condition is reportedly stable.</strong></p> <p><strong>Ashok Chavan is an MLA from Bhokar Vidhan Sabha constituency. In Nanded and is currently serving as the Public Welfare Department (PWD) Minister in the Maha Vikas Aghadi government led by Uddhav Thackeray. He was also former chief minister of the state. Chavan served as CM from December 8, 2008, to November 9, 2010.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Shramik Special Train reached Rourkela instead of Gorakhpur
<p><strong>A "Shramik Special" train from Maharashtra’s Vasai Road to Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh lost its track. The train, instead of arriving at Gorakhpur, reached Rourkela in Odisha on Saturday, reported Times Now.</strong></p> <p><strong>Some of the passengers inside the train also tweeted about the incident. The "Shramik Special" train left Vasai Road on May 21. However, the Indian Railways has not issued any clarification regarding the incident.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to reports, the driver of the train lost the way midway and ended up reaching Rourkela on Saturday morning.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Plane crashed in Pakistan
<p><strong>A total of 80 bodies have been recovered after a Pakistani plane crashed with nearly 100 people on board. In the southern city of Karachi on Friday, provincial health officials said in a statement, with more feared dead.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) plane had made multiple approaches to land at the city's airport. The plane crashed among houses, devastating buildings and killing several people on the ground.</strong></p> <p><strong>The official statement confirmed two survivors and said that 17 of the bodies had been "identified so far."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India recorded 6,654 new Coronavirus Cases in Single Day
<p><strong>India has recorded 6,654 new coronavirus cases during a 24-hour period starting 8 am on Friday. It's the biggest single-day spike since the beginning of the pandemic - taking the total to 1,25,102.</strong></p> <p><strong>Out of 1,25,101 confirmed coronavirus cases, 69,597 are still active. The death toll rose to 3,720 with 137 more people dying from coronavirus in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said on Saturday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rana Daggubati had Roka ceremony
<p><strong>By taking Telugu star Rana Daggubati's Instagram handle he introduced his girlfriend. On 12th May he surprised his millions of fans by introducing his girlfriend Miheeka Bajaj. On that post, he wrote she said "yes" and on 20th May Rana Daggubati had the Roka ceremony.</strong></p> <p><strong>Rana Daggubati's father Suresh Babu revealed that they invited them over tea and it was a formal meeting between their families. The dates of engagement and wedding yet to decide. The dates will be decided after the situation gets to settle down. After this Rana Daggubati posted some pictures of the duo on his social media handle by saying "It's Official".</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Kartik Aaryan removed the video after terming “Misogynist Content”
<p><strong>In this lockdown, Kartik Aaryan started making hilarious videos to entertain his audience. Likewise, a few days back Kartik Aaryan made a video with his sister. In that video, it was shown that his sister made a chappati, and Kartik didn't like it so he pulled her hair and thrown her out of the window.</strong></p> <p><strong>The video got viral by terming it as a "misogynistic content" by some of the netizens. They are also stating that the video is promoting domestic violence on women.</strong></p> <p><strong>So Kartik Aaryan removed the video after terming it as misogynist content and not to hurt his fan’s sentiment further.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Congress leader Sanjay Jha tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Indian National Congress leader Sanjay Jha on Friday said that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sanjay Jha informed in a tweet that he is asymptomatic or without symptoms and is currently under home quarantine in Mumbai.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Congress leader further urged people to not underestimate the transmission risk.</strong></p> <p><strong>"I have tested positive for coronavirus. As I am asymptomatic I am in home quarantine for the next 10-12 days. Please don’t underestimate transmission risks, we are all vulnerable. Do take care all," Jha tweeted.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Jyoti Kumari cycled 1200km carrying her Father
<p><strong>Cycling Federation of India will invite 15-year-old Jyoti Kumari to appear for a trial next month after she cycled down 1200km Carrying Father.</strong></p> <p><strong>Stuck in Gurugram due to nation-wide lockdown, a tenacious Jyoti Kumari asked her father to sit on the rear side carrier of her cycle. She took him to his native place, covering 1200km in seven days.</strong></p> <p><strong>Cycling Federation of India Chairman Onkar Singh told PTI that if Kumari, a class eight student. Passed the trial, she will be selected as a trainee at the state-of-the-art National Cycling Academy at the IGI Stadium complex.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Wuhan sets a Ban on Eating and Hunting wild animals
<p><strong>China's Wuhan has ordered a ban on eating and hunting wild animals as the novel coronavirus cases are reappearing in the country. Chinese farmers are being offered cash to stop breeding exotic animals. According to a statement by local administration "There will be a ban on the sale and eating of terrestrial wild animals that are both in the wild as well as bred and reared."</strong></p> <p><strong>The city has also banned hunting of wild animals, declaring Wuhan "wildlife sanctuary". With an exception for hunting by the government for "scientific research, population regulation, monitoring of epidemic diseases and other special circumstances."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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PM Narendra Modi on tour after 83 Days
<p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi will travel to West Bengal and Odisha today to take stock of the situation in the wake of Cyclone Amphan. He will conduct aerial surveys and take part in review meetings.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to an ANI update, PM Narendra Modi's last visit was to Prayagraj and Chitrakoot in Uttar Pradesh on February 29. The Indian Prime Minister is going on a tour after 83 days, which is almost around 3 months.</strong></p> <p><strong>The purpose of his visit to Bengal will also discuss aspects of relief and rehabilitation operations to mitigate the impact of Cyclone Amphan in the state.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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RBI Governor to Address nation on May 22
<p><strong>The Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das will address the media at 10 am today. Amid buzz that the central bank may extend a moratorium on payment of all term loans. "Watch out for RBI Governor live address at 10:00 am today on May 22," RBI said in a tweet.</strong></p> <p><strong>In March, RBI had allowed a three-month moratorium on payment of all term loans due between March 1, 2020, and May 31, 2020.</strong></p> <p><strong>With the government extending the nationwide lockdown up to May 31. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) may extend the moratorium on repayment of loans for three more months, said a recent SBI research report.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India witnessed the highest 6,088 Coronavirus Cases in 24 Hours
<p><strong>The coronavirus pandemic in India grew by the highest number yet on Friday when as many as 6,088 cases were detected across the country. The total number of coronavirus patients in India increased to 118,447. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Delhi registered a record number of coronavirus cases on Thursday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll from the virus touched 3,583. As many as 150 coronavirus cases patients succumbed to death in the last 24 hours. Maharashtra confirmed 64 deaths on Thursday — one of the highest in single-day tolls in the state since the outbreak.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Railways to start Passenger Services from June 1
<p><strong>The Indian Railways will begin the operations of 200 passenger services from June 1, 2020. Bookings for all these trains started today, May 21 from 10 am. These special services shall be in addition to the existing Shramik special trains being run since May 1 and Special 30 AC trains being run since May 12, 2020.</strong></p> <p><strong>The other regular Passenger services including all mail/express, passenger. &nbsp;Suburban services shall remain cancelled until further advice.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Indian Railways said that these trains will be fully reserved trains having both AC &amp; Non AC classes and General coaches shall also have reserved seat for sitting.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Cyclone Amphan lands in West Bengal
<p><strong>Cyclone Amphan made landfall on Wednesday and caused huge damage to West Bengal. There has been waterlogging in several parts of Kolkata in the wake of the cyclone. Electricity in several parts of the state was cut off as trees got uprooted and disrupted the line.</strong></p> <p><strong>It is one of the worst cyclones which the city has faced for a long time. Cyclone Amphan is very likely to weaken into a deep depression during the next 3 hours as per the India Meteorological Department (IMD).</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection cases raising
<p><strong>The coronavirus pandemic in India grew by the record number yet on Thursday. When as many as 5,609 cases were detected across the country. Maharashtra saw an explosion of coronavirus infections. The state reported over 2,000 new cases for the third straight day. The total number of coronavirus patients in India rose to 112,359.</strong></p> <p><strong>Coronavirus infection claimed 132 lives in the last 24 hours, bringing the death toll to 3,435. Maharashtra alone accounted for 65 deaths on Wednesday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s wife Aaliya Siddiqui wants to end the marriage.
<p><strong>Mrs. Siddiqui sent a legal notice on 7th May before leaving for Muzaffarpur, Uttar Pradesh. Right now Nawazuddin Siddiqui is with his mother by taking all possible permission to travel from Maharashtra after the death of his sister. He left for his home town. Now he is home quarantined for the next 14 days.</strong></p> <p><strong>The lawyer of Mrs. Siddiqui said that Nawazuddin Siddiqui is yet to respond over the notice. Again his wife had sent him notice through WhatsApp.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mrs. Siddiqui said they are having disputes and facing obstacles from the past ten years</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Manmeet Grewal committed suicide
<p>Due to nationwide lockdown, many people are suffering from a lack of money, losing a job, and financial crisis.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Likewise, the actor Manmeet Grewal committed suicide at the age of 32 at his apartment. He couldn't bear the financial pressures and was going through the depression due to it. He hanged himself on the ceiling fan on 15th May 2020 at his Mumbai residence.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p>After a few days of the incident, his friend Manjit Singh confessed Manmeet Grewal was not being able to repay the debts. Due to the incident, Manmeet's wife was shocked and devasted.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Faizal Siddiqui TikTok account banned
<p><strong>TikTok sensation Faizal Siddiqui's account has been banned after he came under the scanner for allegedly "glorifying" acid attack in a video. The ban was enforced "due to multiple community guidelines violations".</strong></p> <p><strong>Faizal Siddiqui, who had a 13 million-plus following on the video-sharing application, posted a clip in which he is seen throwing a liquid on a girl's face for betraying him.</strong></p> <p><strong>Later the girl is seen in the clip with grotesque make-up, suggesting a disfigured face. TikTok said Faizal's account "was banned due to multiple community guidelines violations".</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Coronavirus Cases to cross 40000
<p><strong>2,078 new coronavirus cases were reported as of 8:00 AM on May 20 in Maharashtra, according to data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This brings the total reported cases of coronavirus in Maharashtra to 37,136.</strong></p> <p><strong>Among the total people infected as on date, 9,639 have recovered and 1,325 have passed away. Mumbai had the highest number of coronavirus cases at 3,096 confirmed infections.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases hikes
<p><strong>The number of daily coronavirus cases in India hits a new high as the states have reported 5,611 new cases in the last 24 hours. Maharashtra witnessed over 2,000 for the third straight day.</strong></p> <p><strong>The total number of coronavirus cases patients in India rose to 1,06,750. The first case of novel coronavirus was reported in India on January 30.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll increased to 3,303 as 140 people passed away on Tuesday. The fatality rate in India is relatively low at 3 percent. Maharashtra saw 76 fatalities in the last 24 hours, the highest in a single day.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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CM Uddhav Thackeray sent 5 lakh migrant workers to their Native States
<p><strong>Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Monday said that over five lakh migrants have been safely sent back to their native States. By trains and buses and appealed to them to not walk on foot as 'trains and buses are being arranged for them' by his government.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said that some relaxations have been brought in Green and Orange zones."We have to keep us safe and keep the financial wheel going. Till now 50,000 industries have started working.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Cases of Maharashtra hikes
<p><strong>2,005 new coronavirus cases were reported as of 8:00 AM on May 19 in Maharashtra, according to data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This brings the total reported coronavirus cases in Maharashtra to 35,058.</strong></p> <p><strong>Among the total people infected as on date, 8,437 have recovered and 1,249 have passed away. Mumbai had the highest number of coronavirus infection cases at 3,096 confirmed infections.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Central Forces to be deployed in Mumbai
<p><strong>Days after Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray sought central forces to give a breather to overworked cops. Personnel of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) reached the state.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to Mumbai Police, a total of five companies of CISF and CRPF will be stationed in zones 1,3,5,6 and 9 in Mumbai.</strong></p> <p><strong>The state had last week sought 20 companies of CAPF to give police personnel some rest.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Deepika Padukone Collab with Instagram
<p><strong>Actress Deepika Padukone says the past several weeks have not only been "exceptionally unusual", but also very difficult, with everyone facing the fear of uncertainty about the future.</strong></p> <p><strong>Deepika Padukone added that she wants to share how she is nurturing her mental health amid the pandemic. For this, Deepika has joined hands with Instagram for an initiative.</strong></p> <p><strong>The actor has curated a ‘Wellness Guide' on Instagram, as part of the ongoing global Mental Health Awareness month.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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3 Migrant Workers killed in Accident near Uttar Pradesh
<p><strong>In a tragic incident, three migrant workers were dead and over 12 injured. After a DCM vehicle carrying them overturned on Jhansi-Mirzapur highway on Monday night. According to an ANI update, 17 people were travelling in the vehicle. The injured have been admitted to the hospital.</strong></p> <p><strong>A similar tragic incident took place in the state over the weekend. 24 migrant workers were killed and many others were seriously injured in a collision between a truck. They were travelling and a trolley in Uttar Pradesh's Auraiya district, early on Saturday morning. The migrants- who became jobless due to coronavirus crisis- were trying to return home.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Cases in India crossed 1 lakh
<p><strong>The number of coronavirus cases in India has crossed one lakh after 4,970 fresh cases reported. The cases were reported during the past 24 hours, said the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>India has so far reported 1,01,139 coronavirus cases, up from Monday's 96,169. The death toll due to coronavirus has jumped to 3,163 after 134 more fatalities were reported in the past 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, of the total, 58,802 are active cases while at least 39,173 people have been cured of the disease.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Coronavirus Cases Hikes
<p><strong>2,347 new coronavirus cases were reported as of 8:00 AM on May 18 in Maharashtra, according to data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This brings the total reported cases of coronavirus in Maharashtra to 33,053.</strong></p> <p><strong>Among the total people infected as on date, 7,688 have recovered and 1,198 have passed away. Mumbai had the highest number of coronavirus cases at 3,096 confirmed infections.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases to cross 100000
<p><strong>The coronavirus infection in India witnessed the biggest spike today as the states registered over 5,000 new cases in the last 24 hours. Maharashtra, the worst-affected state by coronavirus pandemic, saw an explosion of new cases on Sunday. The state recorded over 2,000 fresh coronavirus infection patients in the last 24 hours which is highest reported by any state in a day. The total number of coronavirus patients in India surged to 96,169.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll from the pandemic topped 3,000 as 157 fatalities were recorded on Sunday, the highest single-day death toll so far. Maharashtra accounted for 40 percent of all fatalities on Sunday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Barbershops to open in Lockdown 4.0
<p><strong>Barbershops, haircut salons, and spas are allowed to open from Monday. Except in containment zones, during the lockdown 4.0 which will remain enforce till May 31. While the Ministry of Home Affairs did not mention the opening of barbershops, haircut salons, and spas. In its list of permissible activities, it said: "All other activities will be permitted except those which are specifically prohibited under these guidelines."</strong></p> <p><strong>Therefore, barbershops, haircut salons and spas can open during the lockdown. However, state governments can pass separate orders regarding the closure of barbershops, haircut salons, and spas.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Carry Minati released emotional Video
<p><strong>Carry Minati is all the netizens are talking about in the past few days. His roast video, ‘YouTube vs TikTok: The End,’ targeting TikToker Amir Siddique, had broken the internet garnering over 20 million likes and nearly 70 million views in under a week. However, the video was removed over YouTube’s harassment and cyberbullying policy. The 20-year-old YouTuber is not happy and neither his fans.</strong></p> <p><strong>Carry Minati released an emotional video of himself, his first after the row with YouTube, clarifying various claims and dialogues. Especially ‘mithai ki dukan’ comment that according to him was ‘misrepresented’ by people. In his new video, titled, ‘Stop Making Assumptions, YouTube vs TikTok: The End,” the YouTuber addressed all that he has been facing lately. Also calling out homophobic and bigotry comments.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sekhar Kammula raising funds for transgender
<p><strong>Tollywood film director, actor, producer, screenwriter Sekhar Kammula is raising funds for transgender.</strong></p> <p><strong>On Friday Sekhar Kammula twitted about the problems transgender community is facing. He said in this dilemma the transgender communities are facing the worst time. They are not getting money, food, stigma, and discrimination. They don't have any source of income, no proper ID proofs, ration card neither any health care facilities.</strong></p> <p><strong>He said to be sensitive towards transgender and appealed everyone to do a donation for them.</strong></p> <p><strong>A few days back he thanked Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation on his twitter for giving refreshments to sanitation workers.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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24 Migrant Workers killed in Uttar Pradesh
<p><strong>In a shocking development, twenty-four migrant workers were killed and many others were seriously injured. In a collision between a truck they were traveling and a trolley in Uttar Pradesh's Auraiya district, early on Saturday morning. The migrants- who became jobless due to coronavirus crises were trying to return home.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to news agency ANI, the migrants were traveling from Rajasthan. They were heading to their villages in Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Coronavirus Cases to cross 30000
<p><strong>1,576 new coronavirus cases were reported as of 8:00 AM on May 16 in Maharashtra, according to data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This brings the total reported cases of coronavirus in Maharashtra to 29,100. Among the total people infected as on date, 6,564 have recovered and 1,068 have passed away.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mumbai had the highest number of coronavirus cases at 3096 confirmed infections.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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6,270 employees laid off by APSRTC
<p>The Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) has laid off 6,270 contract employees citing financial crisis due to coronavirus lockdown, APSRTC Employees' Union claimed on Friday.</p> <p>It said that the management through oral orders had asked the contract workers not to report for duties.</p> <p>The depot managers were directed to utilize the services of only outsourcing staff. There are 52,000 regular employees in the corporation.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India surpassed China in Coronavirus Cases
<p><strong>With the steady rise in the novel coronavirus cases, India has risen to 11th spot among countries with the highest number of confirmed infection cases. Going by the confirmed cases, India has surpassed China's coronavirus tally of 84,038, according to Johns Hopkins University.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Saturday morning update, coronavirus cases in India has surged to 85,940.</strong></p> <p><strong>Out of a total of 85,940 cases, 53,035 are active coronavirus cases, while 30152 individuals have been discharged. So far, 2,752 people have also died due to the infection.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Freddy Daruwala's father tested positive for coronavirus infection
<p>Race 3 actor Freddy Daruwala's 67-year-old father Karush Daruwala tested positive for coronavirus infection.</p> <p>Freddy revealed that his father had body ache, few flu symptoms, and mild fever. So they informed the doctor and kept an observation for a few days, then their doctor suggested to get a test.</p> <p>Last week, the report came with a positive result. His father was asymptomatic, the doctor and BMC suggested to be home quarantine. The hospital bed can be useful for other patients who have serious symptoms.</p> <p>His father is at home in Jogeshwari bungalow with a separate room and bathroom without being in contact with anyone.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Nikhil Siddhartha got married
<p><strong>Telugu actor Nikhil Siddhartha got married to his love lady Dr. Pallavi Sharma. The wedding took place privately at the farmhouse on 14th May morning in Hyderabad.</strong></p> <p><strong>At the wedding only a few family members of the bride and groom attended and the couple was looking adorable together.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nikhil and Pallavi were dating over 2 years before marriage and had a grand engagement ceremony at the start of the year.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nikhil Siddartha was seen in blockbuster movies like Karthikeya, Veedu Theda, Kirik Party, and many more. Also, he was the winner of Bigg Boss-2 and MTV Roadies 5.0.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nikhil Siddhartha is the second celebrity to get marry in lockdown.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Michale Madhu took last breath on Wednesday
<h1><br></h1> <p><strong>Surely 2020 is not a favorable year for the film industry. Bollywood film industry lost Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor April and on 10th May Sai Gundewar.</strong></p> <p><strong>Likewise, the south film industry lost a gem on Wednesday. Kannada actor Michale Madhu took last breath at the age of 51. Michale got collapsed at his residence and rushed to the KIMS Hospital. The death caused due to the heart attack but yet there is no official confirmation</strong></p> <p><strong>from the hospital or his family yet.</strong></p> <p><strong>Michale Madhu was a remarkable actor on a big screen by his brilliant acting and comic timing.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Farhan Akhtar is staying with his girlfriend
<p><strong>Farhan Akhtar was spotted with his girlfriend Shibani Dandekar to buy essential things.</strong></p> <p><strong>Viral Bhayani, a celebrity photographer shared a picture of this couple on his social media page. In the picture, they both were walking towards their car with a handful of essential stuff like tissue rolls, floor cleaner, and many more.</strong></p> <p><strong>It's been two years since Farhan Akhtar and Shibani are dating each other. It was rumored they were planning to tie the knot this summer and get married by this year. But it got postponed due to the situation and the new date will confirm later when the situation gets under control.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Channing Tatum tested for Coronavirus Infection
<p>On 26th April an American actor, producer, and dancer Channing Matthew Tatum threw a small get together for his 40th birthday celebration. Get together was at his personal ranch for the dirt biking with his closest mates. After the party, they were told to self-quarantine.</p> <p>Later, Channing Tatum's ex-wife, Jenna Dewan raised a concern to get a checkup for the safety of their daughter Everly. Everly used to back and forth between Jenna and Channing Tatum due to their custody.</p> <p>During awaiting the report Everly stayed a few days with Jenna. The report came with a negative result for the coronavirus infection.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Infection could kill 150,000 people in Africa
<p><strong>The coronavirus infection could kill 150,000 people in Africa in a year unless urgent action is taken. According to a WHO case study that says nearly a quarter of a billion people will be infected.</strong></p> <p><strong>Authors of the research, published Friday in the journal BMJ Global Health, predicted a lower coronavirus infection rate. Then in other parts of the world like Europe and the United States, with fewer severe cases and deaths.</strong></p> <p><strong>But while they said many African nations had been swift to adopt containment measures. They warned that health systems could still quickly become overwhelmed.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Carry Minati's YouTube vs TikTok video Removed from YouTube
<p><strong>Carry Minati's YouTube vs TikTok: The End video where he roasted TikToker Aamir Siddiqui went viral like wildfire. Yet, quickly Amir Siddiqui made a reply video where he accused Carry Minati of harassment and bullying.</strong></p> <p><strong>He described Youtuber's roast video, which made with an intention to bully and spread hate against Amir Siddiqui. Thoughts of Carry Minati pushing Amir Siddiqui towards suicide via the roast video also surfaced. However, the Carry Minati roast video was soon reported by many people who support Amir Siddiqui and YouTube took it down.</strong></p> <p><strong>Yes, the TikTok vs YouTube video where Carry Minati had roasted Aamir Siddiqui has been removed for breaching community guidelines.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection Cases crossed 81000
<p><strong>India's coronavirus infection count crossed the grim milestone of 81000 on Friday. According to data released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 3,967 new coronavirus infection patients and 100 fatalities were reported in the past 24 hours. The total cases in the country have reached 81970, with 2,649 deaths.</strong></p> <p><strong>Out of the total cases, 51401 are active, while 27919 patients have been discharged. An individual has also migrated to another country. Currently, the recovery rate in India is over 30 percent.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Railways cancelled all tickets
<p><strong>Indian Railways has cancelled all tickets booked to travel on or before June 30th, 2020. Refunds will be given to all tickets booked till &nbsp;June 30, 2020. All special trains and Shramik Special train will, however, continue ply as usual.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Shramik trains ferry home lakhs of migrant workers, stranded in various parts of the country due to the lockdown will continue to operate.</strong></p> <p><strong>Indian Railways on Wednesday issued new guidelines on cancellation of already booked tickets and refund of fare amid the coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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40 people died in Mexico
<p><strong>Authorities said as many as 40 people died after drinking methanol in two states in central Mexico. The latest in a series of mass bad-alcohol poisonings registered since coronavirus lockdowns began and many towns banned legitimate liquor sales.</strong></p> <p><strong>In the township of Chiconcuautla in Puebla state, Mayor Artemio Hernández said Wednesday. That at least 18 people had died of presumed methanol poisoning, but the city's Facebook page put the number at 25.</strong></p> <p><strong>The state government of Mexico said it had closed the stores where the suspect liquor was sold, and seized about 50 gallons of it.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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600000 Australians lost their Jobs
<h1><br></h1> <p><strong>Almost 600000 Australians lost their jobs as the virus shutdown took hold in April. The steepest monthly drop since records began more than 40 years ago, data showed Thursday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) said 100000 people filed for unemployment benefits. While a further 500000 left the workforce altogether.</strong></p> <p><strong>Prime Minister Scott Morrison called the figures "terribly shocking", with the ABS reporting the underutilization rate. Which combines unemployment and underemployment. That reached a record high of 19.9 percent in April.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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50 Migrant Workers injured and 8 killed in an accident
<p><strong>In another tragic incident that took place in the state, 8 migrant laborers have been dead and around 50 are injured in an accident.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to an ANI update, the accident took place after the truck in which the migrant workers. They were traveling in, collided with a bus in the Cantt PS area in Guna on Wednesday night. The injured have been shifted to the district hospital for treatment. All the workers who died were going to their native places in UP from Maharashtra.</strong></p> <p><strong>Another accident took place in Uttar Pradesh, &nbsp;where six migrant workers who were walking along the Muzaffarnagar-Saharanpur highway. Got killed after a speeding bus ran over them late on Wednesday night.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Coronavirus Cases raising rapidly
<p><strong>1495 new coronavirus cases were reported as of 8:00 AM on May 14 in Maharashtra, according to data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This brings the total reported cases of coronavirus in Maharashtra to 25922. Among the total people infected as on date, 5547 have recovered and 975 have passed away.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mumbai had the highest number of coronavirus cases at 3096 confirmed infections.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Cases crossed 78000 in India
<p><strong>The tally of coronavirus cases in India surged to over 78000 with another major spike recorded over the last 24 hours. The data released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, on Thursday. Showed the coronavirus graph peaking by 3722 fresh infections and 134 new deaths. Higher than 3525 cases and 122 fatalities recorded a day earlier.</strong></p> <p><strong>The recovery rate of India continues to improve, and accelerated to 33.63 percent as per the latest data released by the government. Out of the total 78003 cases, a total of 26235 patients have recovered. The remainder includes 49219 active coronavirus cases and 2549 patients who succumbed to death.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sai Gundewar passed away at the age of 42
<p><strong>2020 is a tough year to bear we have lost gems from the Indian Film Industry so far, another actor we have lost.</strong></p> <p><strong>Actor Sai Gunderwar was last seen in Bazaar passed away on 10th May at the age of 42 due to brain cancer in the USA. Since 2019 he was going through the treatment. Before treatment, he posted a post on his Instagram page for his fans regarding the treatment to get rid of cancer. In February 2019 he got operated for brain cancer in LA.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sai Gundewar won many hearts from his acting in PK, Rock On!!, and David also the contestant of TV Splitsvilla-4.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sayantani Ghosh's grandmother demise left her in numb
<p><strong>An Indian Television actress is known for the best acting and successful actress. Also, she was in the reality show Bigg Boss 6.</strong></p> <p><strong>On Monday Sayantani Ghosh's grandmother passes away by leaving her numb. By taking her Instagram account she posted two pictures of her posing with her grandmother.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sayantani Ghosh has written a long emotional note with the pictures. By that note, we can witness that she was attached to her grandmother since childhood. She wrote, "I feel numb now that you are gone mamma...." and goes on.</strong></p> <p><strong>It is a long emotional note that one should read and should emotionally strong for it.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sonu Sood organized buses for migrants workers
<p><strong>Actor Sonu Sood organized 10 buses for migrant workers stuck in Mumbai due to pandemic situations.</strong></p> <p><strong>After getting official permission from Maharashtra and Karnataka governments and all the paperwork procedures. On Monday all the buses left from Thane in Maharashtra to Gulbarga, Karnataka. The actor also visited to see off workers.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sonu Sood stated that in the current times' Indian citizen deserves to with their families and dear ones. He has taken official permission from both the governments and were very helpful.</strong></p> <p><strong>He also donated 1500 PPE kits to doctors in Punjab, provide his hotel for the accommodation for medical staff and feed thousands of unprivileged people in Bhiwandi.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Cases of Maharashtra hikes
<p><strong>1026 new coronavirus cases were reported as of 8:00 AM on May 13 in Maharashtra, according to data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.</strong></p> <p><strong>This brings the total reported cases of coronavirus in Maharashtra to 24427. Among the total people infected as on date, 5125 have recovered and 921 have passed away.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mumbai had the highest number of coronavirus cases at 3096 confirmed infections.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The CO2 Emission rate of India drops
<p><strong>The novel coronavirus infection outbreak has led to the lockdown of the entire country, affecting the economy and daily lives. However, for the first time in four decades, the emission of CO2 fell in the country due to economic slowdown, growth in clean energy, and coronavirus shutdown.</strong></p> <p><strong>Country’s CO2 emissions declined by around 1 percent in the financial year ending March 2020, according to a Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA).</strong></p> <p><strong>According to an analysis done by Lauri Myllyvirta and Sunil Dahiya of CREA. Carbon dioxide emissions in India fell 15 percent in March and are likely to have fallen 30 percent in April.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases about to cross 80000
<p><strong>The total number of coronavirus cases in the country has jumped to 74281 while the death toll has risen to 2415, showed the latest figures. From the Health Ministry. In the past 24 hours, 3525 fresh coronavirus cases were detected. While 122 deaths were registered due to coronavirus-related complications.</strong></p> <p><strong>The total active cases in the country were at 47480 while 24385 have been cured of the virus. The health ministry says 70 percent of deaths have occurred due to co-morbidities.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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T-series got seal by BMC authorities
<p><br></p> <p><strong>On the 10th May T-series office in Andheri got into a contaminated zone and sealed by BMC authorities. The caretaker who was staying in the office with other caretakers tested positive for coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>As per the report, the authority of T-series said, "There were migrants who were working as a caretaker and other jobs in the office. But due to lockdown, they couldn't go back so they stayed back in the office. There are rooms, kitchen and the essential facilities for them in the office building".</strong></p> <p><strong>After tested positive two-three people also get tested, but the reports are yet to come.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sussanne Khan and Hrithik Roshan staying together
<p>Today afternoon Sussanne Khan revealed that she and her ex-husband Hrithik Roshan both are staying together. Sussanne Khan posted a picture posing with Hritik Roshan and their children from one of their trips on her social media.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In the picture, she wrote, "The best work you will ever do, will be between the walls of your home". Further, she added, " When coronavirus infection was declared a pandemic and the news was out that a lockdown would be imperative. Hrithik and I decided that staying together in the same home would be the intelligent and soulful decision for our sons, and us".</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sunny Leone flew to Los Angeles
<p><strong>On Mother's Day, Sunny Leone posted a picture posing with her children on her social media page. She captioned by wishing Mother's Day to all mother. Further, Sunny Leone stated that she, Daniel Weber and their children flew to Los Angeles to stay safe against invisible killer "coronavirus". The picture was taken in their secret garden in Los Angele.</strong></p> <p><strong>Even her husband posted a selfie on his social media page by captioned on it "getting better with the new vibes!". In the comment section, someone asked "How? Did you do a KLM or Air India?" he replied, "KLM Government Flight"</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Villagers rename the locality after the late actor Irrfan Khan
<p><strong>On April 29th we all lost a gem and a fine Indian film actor Irrfan Khan. He left us with unbelievable and remarkable acting in many movies and won many hearts from Bollywood to Hollywood.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the reporters, Igatpuri villagers in Maharashtra renamed the locality after late Irrfan Khan. He made a difference in the people's life of that locality and being an angle for them. He also helped underprivileged students by giving proper school and uplifted their lives.</strong></p> <p><strong>So they had decided to rename the place to "Hero-chi-wadi". It means "neighborhood of a hero" in Marathi to pay a tribute.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Allu Arjun's action sequence costs 6 crores
<p>Allu Arjun's upcoming Telugu movie 'Pushpa' direction by Sukumar started pre-production work and yet to start the shooting of the movie.</p> <p>In this movie, it has 6 minutes action sequence by Allu Arjun chasing Vijay Sethpathi who is a villain in the movie made a budget worth Rs. 6 crores.</p> <p>Initially, it was planned to shoot abroad, but due to COVID crisis had to drop the plan. Now they are looking to hire the best Indian technicians and stuntman for it. The idea behind hiring them is to make 'Make in India' project and give the best experience to the audience.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Migrant Worker from UP committed Suicide
<p><strong>A 45-year-old migrant worker from UP who was stranded in Uttarakhand allegedly killed himself on Monday evening. The deceased, a resident of Bareilly in UP, was working as a mason in Haldwani area of Nainital district.</strong></p> <p><strong>The migrant worker used to live in a rented accommodation at Haripur Purnanand village with other laborers, Hindustan Times reported.</strong></p> <p><strong>The man allegedly hanged himself at his rented residence. The incident came to light when roommates came back home and found his body hanging. They immediately informed the police. No suicide note was found.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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30000 tickets booked on IRCTC
<p><strong>Around 30000 tickets were booked for more than 54000 passengers within 3 hours. After IRCTC started taking train bookings for several special trains.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to a Times of India report, the overall revenue generated for the sale of tickets for these AC Trains was Rs 10 crore. According to reports, all AC-1 and AC-3 tickets of the train were booked fully within 10 minutes of the booking started.</strong></p> <p><strong>The booking for 15 pairs of special trains resumed from 6 pm after the official website of the IRCTC, was down due to technical issues.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases crossed the mark of 70000
<p><strong>India's coronavirus cases count crossed the grim milestone of 70000 today. The states continued to record over 3500 fresh coronavirus cases even on Monday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The total number of coronavirus cases in India jumped to 70756, according to the ministry of health and family welfare. Maharashtra added over 1000 new cases for the sixth straight day.</strong></p> <p><strong>The number of coronavirus related deaths rose to 2293 as 87 people passed away in the last 24 hours. Maharashtra confirmed 36 deaths on Monday, taking the total death toll in the state to 868.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Poonam Pandey arrested by Mumbai Police
<p><strong>Poonam Pandey lands in trouble once again, this time for violating lockdown rules. As per new reports, she was arrested by Mumbai Police for lockdown violations. Besides Poonam Pandey, a man was also taken into police custody along with her BMW car.</strong></p> <p><strong>The duo was arrested today at 8:05 pm at Marine Drive Police Station. She was found roaming in her high-end car at Marine Drive without any reason, said a police official.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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NSG individual tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p>One of the members of the National Security Guard (NSG) has tested positive of coronavirus infection.</p> <p>"We've one coronavirus positive case. The individual is a non-combatant support staff in our Composite Hospital. He is stable with mild symptoms," said AK Singh, Director General of NSG.</p> <p>Meanwhile, a total of 62939 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection have been reported in India so far. 19358 persons have recovered or migrated, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said on Sunday.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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PM Narendra Modi will hold Fifth video-conference with Chief Ministers
<p><strong>The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) announced that Narendra Modi will hold the fifth video-conference. On tackling the coronavirus outbreak with the chief ministers at 3 pm on Monday. According to a Hindustan Times report, in today's meet. PM Narendra Modi is expected to discuss the further increase in economic activity in the country while containing the spread of the infections.</strong></p> <p><strong>The discussion is expected to be lengthy and will also take note of the rising coronavirus cases in India, particularly in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, and other places. The return of the migrant workers to their hometowns, which may cause a problem to restart the economy will also be discussed today.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Coronavirus Cases Hikes
<p>1943 new coronavirus cases were reported as of 8:00 AM on May 11 in Maharashtra, according to data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.This brings the total reported cases of coronavirus in Maharashtra to 22171.</p> <p>Among the total people infected as on date, 4199 have recovered and 832 have passed away.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Mumbai had the highest number of coronavirus cases at 3096 confirmed infections.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases to reach 70000
<p><strong>India witnessed the highest spike of 4213 coronavirus cases during the past 24 hours, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said.</strong></p> <p><strong>The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country rose to 67152 on Monday, the Health Ministry data said. Of these, 44029 are active cases while 20917 individuals have been cured and discharged from the hospitals.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll has mounted to 2206 while one person has migrated to another country, according to the data released by the Health Ministry on Monday morning.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Malaika Arora’s yoga institute conducts online interactive session
<p><strong>Malaika Arora&nbsp; yoga institute, Diva Yoga, started some interactive sessions for healthcare professionals who are fighting with coronavirus pandemic. This initiative has been taken to take some time for their own sake from their busy schedule in the hospital.</strong></p> <p><strong>On her Instagram page, Malaika Arora posted one of the live interactive sessions with health care professionals.</strong></p> <p><strong>She was also thankful to her partner Sarvesh Shashi with his company Sarva yoga studio. The Diva Yoga makes a small difference in the people who are fighting coronavirus. They have offered many interactive sessions to hospitals and have completed more than 1.8 billion minutes of live classes.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Deepika Padukone remembers Irrfan Khan
<h1><strong>Deepika Padukone remembers Irrfan Khan</strong></h1> <p><strong>On the 5th anniversary of Piku, Deepika Padukone shared two posts behind the scenes of the movie. One post was a picture of herself with the director Shoojit Sircar and Irrfan Khan. Another was a video where Deepika Padukone and Irrfan Khan are playing tennis.</strong></p> <p><strong>With the picture, she wrote a song lyrics of "Lamhe Guzar Gaye" from the movie and "Rest in peace, my Dear Friend". Another post which is a video she captioned in it, "Please come back!" By this, we can see how much Deepika is missing her co-star Irrfan Khan.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Varun Dhawan wishes his girlfriend on her birthday
<p>It's been known that the 33 years old actor Varun Dhawan who is a huge fan of Ultimate Fighting Champion (UFC) is dating Natasha Dalal. She is a fashion designer and well known for her creative and innovative work.</p> <p>Today on her birthday to feel her good he posted a wishing post on his Instagram handle. Varun Dhawan shared one of their holiday picture where they are posing arm in arm for the lense. They both were looking cute together but cuter was the caption in with it.</p> <p>It was written, "Happy Birthday Natasha. I choose you over the UFC". On the same post, he shared another picture of his girlfriend taking a selfie with her dog.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sunil Lahri reveals Behind the Scenes of Ramayan
<p>After lockdown started the mythology serial Ramayan started telecasting in DD National. After succeeding in a huge number of viewers, Star plus started telecasting the show from 4th May. Sunil Lahri played Laxman started posting some memorable behind the scenes during the shoot on Instagram.</p> <p>In his memorable stories, Sunil unveiled about the dhoti during the 3rd episode shooting. One of the scenes while he was walking he stepped on his dhoti which was wrapped around him and got loosen a little bit.</p> <p>He couldn't pause the shoot due to having a lengthy shot. Hence he signaled Sameer Rajda who played Shatrughna to hold it and cover it up during Ramayan shoot.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Quarantine couldn’t stop to surprise Sonam Kapoor on her anniversary
<p><strong>Today Anand Ahuja and Sonam Kapoor are celebrating their 2nd anniversary. Their family members and friends have taken their social media to wish them. She also posted videos and photos of their surprise gifts by their family members, friends, and well-wishers. Anand Ahuja gave a surprise to his beloved wife by putting balloons.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sonam Kapoor Ahuja posted a photo of her and Anand Ahuja's first picture along with the caption of what kind of guy he was and how she felt in love with him. Anand also posted the same picture which Sonam did to re-create that picture but, he did a video instead.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Infection toll of United States reached 12 lakh
<p><strong>The United States recorded 1635 coronavirus infection deaths in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 77178. According to the latest real-time tally, Friday reported by Johns Hopkins University.</strong></p> <p><strong>The country hardest hit by the pandemic in terms of the number of fatalities. Has now confirmed a total of 1283829 cases, the Baltimore-based school reported.</strong></p> <p><strong>The United States vice president's spokeswoman became the second White House staffer this week. To test positive for coronavirus infection, officials said on Friday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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LG Polymers India fined by NGT
<p><br></p> <p>The National Green Tribunal (NGT) slapped an interim penalty of Rs 50 crore on LG Polymers India. They sought responses from the Centre and others on Friday in the gas leak incident in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Saying “there appears to be a failure to comply with the said Rules and other statutory provisions”.</p> <p><br></p> <p>A bench, headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel, set up a 5-member committee. To probe Thursday’s gas leak incident in the LG Polymers, in which 11 people were killed and 1000 exposed, and submit a report before May 18.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Army and Air Force executed rescue operation in Sikkim
<p><br></p> <p><strong>In a major breakthrough, the Indian Army and Indian Air Force (IAF) helicopters on Friday executed a daring rescue and evacuation. Of a stranded crew of the IAF helicopters and air dispatch crew at an altitude of 15500 feet above sea level amidst inclement weather.</strong></p> <p><strong>The rescue and evacuation teams comprising Army and Air Force helicopters reached the high altitude emergency landing site. At North Sikkim braving snow blizzards to evacuate four IAF crew and Air Dispatch personnel.</strong></p> <p><strong>Indian Army and Air Force helicopters were launched at the stroke of dawn on Friday. They executed a daring landing on an unprepared ground rescuing the stranded personnel.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases about to cross 60000
<p>India verified 3320 new coronavirus cases, bring the total number to 59662 on Saturday. With 95 people losing their lives to coronavirus in the past 24 hours, India witnessed its pandemic toll rise to 1981. According to figures issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, there are 39834 active coronavirus cases, while 17846 people have healed so far. One patient had migrated to another country.</p> <p>The number of recoveries saw an expansion of 1325 in the past 24 hours.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Government transferred BMC commissioner
<p><strong>The Maharashtra government on Friday commanded the transfer of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) chief Praveen Pardeshi amid the increasing coronavirus cases in Mumbai. The municipal body head has been replaced with senior bureaucrat Iqbal Chahal. The transfer order came hours after coronavirus cases tally in the city exceeded the 11000 mark.</strong></p> <p><strong>Pardeshi, who was appointed as the BMC Commissioner in May 2019, has now been transferred to the Urban Development Department.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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FC Barcelona returned to Training
<p><strong>FC Barcelona returned to training after the La Liga champions allowed their stars. To enter their facility to prepare for a potential restart to football in Spain.</strong></p> <p><strong>Lionel Messi and company took the fields at Joan Gamper training center for individual sessions. For which the players arrived alone in the kit and took to the three pitches without passing through the changing rooms.</strong></p> <p><strong>As well as doing their routines, team FC Barcelona was also subjected to tests. To see what effect two months of coronavirus quarantine has had on their bodies.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Coronavirus Cases hikes
<p>Recently 1089 new coronavirus cases were published as of 8 AM on May 9 in Maharashtra, according to data issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This brings the total recorded cases of coronavirus in Maharashtra to 19063. Among the total people infected as on date, 3470 have recovered and 731 have passed away.</p> <p>Mumbai had the highest number of coronavirus cases at 3096 confirmed infections.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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BJP released candidates list for Maharashtra Legislative Council elections
<p>The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has released the list of four candidates for the Maharashtra Legislative Council (MLC) elections scheduled to be held on May 21. The party has fielded Pravin Datke (Nagpur city BJP chief), Gopichand Padalkar, Ajit Gopchade, and Ranjit Singh Mohite Patil.</p> <p>The polling will be held on May 21 to fill the 9 vacant seats. These seats fell vacant on April 24 and the elections were withheld due to the coronavirus outbreak.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uday Samant gives statement about Examination
<p>Maharashtra minister for higher and technical education Uday Samant on Friday said. That all university students in the state except final year students will be promoted to the next level.</p> <p>Only final year students will give exams between July 1 and 30, unless lockdown is extended further, Uday Samant said.</p> <p>Earlier on Thursday the state minister had tweeted that a final decision on the status of university examinations will be announced on Friday.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Fighter Aircraft of Indian Air Force crashed in Punjab
<p><strong>An Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter aircraft on Friday crashed in Punjab. No casualties have been reported so far. Reports inform that the &nbsp;fighter aircraft crashed in Hoshiarpur. The reason for the crash is yet to be known. More details awaited.</strong></p> <p><strong>On Thursday, a similar incident was reported from Sikkim. A Mi-17 helicopter of the Indian Air Force (IAF) made a forced landing few kilometres away from the designated helipad.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to a tweet by ANI, six personnel were on board the helicopter when the incident took place. All the personnel on board were safe while one person had sustained injured.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Aurangabad Train Incident
<p>In a tragic incident, an empty rake of goods wagon ran over 16 migrant labourers who were sleeping on the rail tracks in Maharashtra's&nbsp; Aurangabad district. According to a tweet by ANI, the tragic incident happened near Karmad on Friday morning.</p> <p>According to details by a railway official, the freight train ran over 14 migrant labourers between Jalna and Aurangabad of Nanded Division of South Central Railway.</p> <p>According to a tweet by ANI,&nbsp; Mokshada Patil, SP Aurangabad said as many as 16 migrant workers have been killed after coming under the goods train on Friday.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Pandemic entered in Arthur Road Prison
<p><strong>Hundred-three cases of coronavirus pandemic have been detected in Mumbai's Arthur Road prison, said Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh here on Thursday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Deshmukh said that 77 inmates and 26 police personnel were tested positive in jail. They will be sent to Saint George's Hospital for their treatment.</strong></p> <p><strong>"77 inmates and 26 police personnel at Mumbai's Arthur Road prison have tested positive for coronavirus pandemic. They will be sent to Saint George's hospital for treatment," he said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases Hikes Simultaneously
<p>India registered over 3000 new coronavirus cases for the second day as the total number of coronavirus cases in the country surged past 55000. The total number of coronavirus cases in India stood at 56342, according to ministry of health and family welfare.</p> <p>Maharashtra confirmed over 1200 fresh coronavirus cases on Thursday, for the second consecutive day. Delhi witnessed the biggest spike in daily coronavirus count as 448 new cases were added in last 24 hours.</p> <p>The death toll in India climbed to 1886 with over 100 people succumbed to death in the last 24 hours.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Visakhapatnam Gas Tragedy
<p><strong>At least seven people, including a child, died after toxic gas leakage from LG Polymers facility located near Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, the state government reported. At least 500 people were reportedly admitted to the hospital. Ambulances, fire engines, and police officers reached the chemical plant.</strong></p> <p><strong>Urging the residents to stay indoors, Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation tweeted: There is gas leakage identified at LG Polymers in Gopalpatnam. Requesting Citizens around these locations not to come out of houses for the sake of safety precautions.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Unacademy faces Data Breach
<p><strong>Unacademy, one of the largest online learning programs in India has faced a data breach and details of 22 million users of Unacademy are reportedly available for sale now. According to security firm Cyble Inc, a hacker is offering the user database, containing 21909707 records, for USD 2000.</strong></p> <p><strong>Cyble Inc added that it has managed to obtain the database and added the user records to its data breach monitoring service which can be used by millions of Unacademy users to determine whether their account was hacked or not.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sylvester Stallone has done with Creed
<h1><br></h1> <p><strong>Sylvester Stallone is probably done with Michael B Jordan's Creed franchise and has no plans of continuing his role as a coach. The actor in his recent QnA session on Instagram did drop a confirmation of some sort. That he will no longer be associated with Creed though he'd always be eager for Rocky sequels.</strong></p> <p><strong>The last installment in Creed franchise was 2018 release Creed II that ended with Rocky telling Adonis that this is “his time.” While fans then wondered if Sylvester Stallone was dropping hints about his exit, the star eventually confirmed the same.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mumbai on Ventilator, Coronavirus Cases crossed 10000
<p>Mumbai on Wednesday, May 6, announced 769 new novel coronavirus cases and 25 deaths, taking city toll cross over 10000. The total cases in Mumbai have entered 10527, according to details given by Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).</p> <p>The total coronavirus cases also include 2287 healed or released individuals, while 412 people have died so far.</p> <p>A total of 443 new suspected cases were admitted to various hospitals in the financial capital. Taking cognizance of these figures, the Maharashtra government decided to close all non-essential shops, including liquor shops, in Mumbai.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Narendra Modi delivered his feelings on Buddha Purnima
<p>Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday joined in Buddha Purnima celebrations held through a virtual Vesak. Owing to the influence of the coronavirus pandemic and the following lockdown. In his essence address, PM Narendra Modi said India receives inspiration. From Gautam Buddha and is serving other countries during the coronavirus outbreak. He also lauded coronavirus warriors on the occasion of Buddha Purnima.</p> <p>Thanking coronavirus warriors, the Prime Minister said: "I thank all who are working during these hard times. I salute you and I hope you are keeping yourself safe. I hope your family is safe. I hope you keep serving humanity."</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Juventus FC star player recovered from Coronavirus Infection
<h1><br></h1> <p><strong>Juventus' Paulo Dybala will no longer be subjected to the home isolation administration as the player has recovered from coronavirus infection, the club verified on Wednesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Paulo Dybala completed, as per protocol, a double-check with diagnostic tests for coronavirus infection, which came back with negative results. The player has, therefore, recovered and will no longer be subjected to the home isolation regime," the club said in a statement.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases hikes rapidly
<p><strong>India's coronavirus cases crossed the sour milestone of 50000 today. The states identified over 3561 coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>The total number of coronavirus cases in India reached 52952. Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu estimated 50 percent of the total coronavirus pandemic cases on Wednesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll in the country rose to 1783. India recorded 89 deaths in the last 24 hours, one of the highest since the coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Security Forces encountered top Hizbul Mujahideen commander
<p><strong>A top Hizbul Mujahideen commander and his associate were killed by security forces in an encounter. Which broke out in the Beighpur area of Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district on Wednesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The deceased terrorist has been identified as Riyaz Naikoo from Hizbul Mujahideen. A joint operation is being carried out by the Indian Army and the Jammu and Kashmir Police.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to reports, a top terrorist is believed to have been trapped in the area. The gun-battle began at 9 am when the security forces launched a search operation following an intelligence input.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sambhavna Seth suffering from health issues
<p><strong>Sambhavna Seth who got famous with her stint on the controversial reality show, Bigg Boss 2 enjoys a massive fan following online.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sambhavna is known to be part of the Bhojpuri film fraternity for quite some time now and is also a terrific dancer. And well, if you happen to be her fan then it's a piece of sad news for you all, as the actress is unwell.</strong></p> <p><strong>As going by the latest reports, the dancer-actor was rushed to the hospital on May 4, 2020 night after being ill. The news was shared by Sambhavna Seth's husband Avinash Dwivedi who took to Instagram and informed fans know about Seth's health.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Token System introduced for Liquor Stores in Pune
<p>The token system has been introduced for the purchase of alcohol from liquor stores in Pune, said Divisional Commissioner Deepak Mhaisekar on Tuesday.</p> <p>He said there will be an implementation of a token system at these stores and without a token, no liquor can be purchased.</p> <p>On Tuesday, Pune Police registered cases against nine liquor stores for not following the coronavirus infection health guidelines.</p> <p>The move comes as liquor stores witnessed huge rush across the country after the relaxation of lockdown norms by several state governments over the past few days.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mumbai Slums worst hit from Coronavirus Pandemic
<p><strong>Maharashtra continues to be one of the worst-hit states in India in the coronavirus pandemic and the financial capital records the maximum number of cases. On Tuesday, 52 new coronavirus pandemic cases were recorded from a slum in Mulund.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mumbai’s Mulund falls under the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation’s T ward and part of Mumbai North East constituency. The total coronavirus cases in Mulund thus jumped to 123 with 52 fresh new cases reported in one day. Seven of the new cases were from the same family.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to a Times of India report, out of the 1927 containment zones marked in the city at the start of the week, 80 percent were in congested places like chawls and slums. Dharavi is the worst-hit slum pocket with 632 cases. The case is similar across all the other slum areas spread across the city.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Liquor Shops to be closed in Mumbai
<p><strong>Liquor shops will not be allowed to open from today in Mumbai, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said in an order issued late on Tuesday night. Only groceries, medical stores, and chemist shops will be allowed to remain open in the city, it said.</strong></p> <p><strong>The relaxations given by the Maharashtra government to run certain non-essential services and shops are withdrawn, the order said. This is done due to overcrowding, people not maintaining social distance.</strong></p> <p><strong>With this move, Mumbai joins the administrations of Solapur, Aurangabad, Jalna, Buldhana, and Amravati districts. Which had on Monday issued instructions that liquor shops will not be allowed to open.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Juventus FC resumed their Practice Session
<p>After being away from live sporting action for more than a month due to the massive outspread of the coronavirus, Juventus FC has resumed their practice session. The Italian Government had given a green signal for the Serie A teams to start practicing in their own training facilities.</p> <p>Talking about the training session, Gianluigi Buffon, Ramsey were the ones who were spotted at the training center. The official account of Juventus FC took to social media to post pictures of the practice.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Disneyland theme park in China reopens
<p><strong>The Disneyland theme park in China will reopen May 11 under “enhanced health and safety measures,” the company said. Only limited attendance will be allowed initially, and visitors will need to book tickets and make reservations in advance.</strong></p> <p><strong>Social distancing will be maintained in lines for amenities, in restaurants, on rides. Other facilities and sanitization and disinfection will be boosted, the Disneyland said in a news release.</strong></p> <p><strong>With warmer weather and new virus cases and deaths falling to near-zero, China has been steadily re-opening. Parks, museums, and tourist sites such as the Great Wall of China.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases count about cross 50000
<p><strong>India's coronavirus cases count inched close to the 50000 mark. As the states registered 2958 fresh coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours. The deadly novel coronavirus infected 49391 in India.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll from the virus zoomed to 126 on Tuesday. Maharashtra reported the highest number of coronavirus death on Tuesday, taking the total number of deaths in the country to 1694.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra and Gujarat continued to report the high number of coronavirus cases while Delhi's coronavirus count reached 5000 after a deadly spike on Monday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Army personals infected with Coronavirus
<p><strong>Indian Army Colonel Aman Anand on Tuesday informed that 24 people have tested positive for coronavirus in Indian Army’s Research and Referral Hospital in Delhi. The Army Spokesperson informed that all of them have been shifted to Base Hospital in Delhi Cantt.</strong></p> <p><strong>Informing about the latest development, Indian Army Spokesperson Colonel Aman Anand said. As quoted by news agency ANI, "24 patients, including serving &amp; retired military personnel &amp; dependents. Admitted in Army Hospital all from Oncology Department have tested positive for the virus and shifted to Base Hospital in Delhi Cantt."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Andhra Pradesh Government hiked Liquor Prices
<p><strong>The Andhra Pradesh government, headed by Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy, on Tuesday, hiked prices of liquor by 50 percent in the state. Following the steep hike, prices of alcohol in Andhra Pradesh are set to rise. According to the Chief Minister's Office. Prices of liquor were increased "to discourage alcohol consumption" as long queues were seen outside booze shops amid the coronavirus outbreak.</strong></p> <p><strong>Earlier, the Andhra Pradesh government had raised prices of alcohol by 25 percent to prevent crowding at liquor shops amid the pandemic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Liquor Receipt gone Viral on Social Media
<p><strong>A bill showing purchase of liquor worth Rs 52,841 in Karnataka has gone viral on social media platforms. Another liquor receipt amounting to Rs 95347 also appeared on Twitter.</strong></p> <p><strong>The viral picture of the liquor receipt amounting Rs 52841 prompted the state excise department to book the seller for selling liquor beyond the permissible limit.</strong></p> <p><strong>As per the existing rules, liquor shops cannot sell more than 2.6 litres of Indian-Made Foreign Liquor or 18 litres of beer to a customer per day.</strong></p> <p><strong>However, as the bill showed, the liquor outlet Vanilla Spirit Zone in Tavarekere in Bengaluru South sold 13.5 litres of liquor and 35 litres of beer to a customer.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uttar Pradesh sets a record on Monday
<p><strong>A record quantity of liquor valued at over Rs 100 crore was sold in Uttar Pradesh on Monday. With the first day of liquor shops reopening after 40 days of lockdown. Long queues were seen outside liquor shops across Uttar Pradesh. Social distancing went for a toss after a flood of people flocked to buy alcohol after a long dry spell. Many shop owners had to shut by afternoon after they ran out of stock.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to Uttar Pradesh excise department officials, a sale of over Rs 100 crore was recorded on Monday. With a sharp rise from an average daily sale of Rs 70 to 80 crore, Times of India reported.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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FIR registered against Instagram group Boy's Locker Room
<p><strong>Cyber Cell of the Delhi Police has lodged a First Information Report (FIR) in connection with the complaint registered. Against a private Instagram group called Boy's Locker Room. Where teenage boys from prominent south Delhi schools discussed underage girls’ body parts, shared their pictures, and issued gang-rape threats. A 15-year-old boy was also taken into custody by the police, said Delhi Commission for Women chief Swati Maliwal.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Instagram group came to light after a girl from south Delhi shared the screenshot on social media. Exposing the members and scores of similar groups. "A group of south Delhi guys aged 17 to 18 types has this Instagram GroupChat named "boy's locker room" where they objectify. Morph pictures of girls their age. 2 boys from my school are a part of it," she had written.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Tally of Maharashtra hikes
<p><strong>Maharashtra's coronavirus tally on Monday jumped by 771 to 14541, while 35 more patients died. While 18 of them in Mumbai taking the toll to 583, said a state health department official.</strong></p> <p><strong>Confusion prevailed after health officials announced coronavirus tally for the state to be at 14541 with the addition of 771 new cases on Monday. However, figures did not add up as on Sunday the state tally stood at 12974 cases.</strong></p> <p><strong>A senior health official on late Monday night issued a clarification, stating, Maharashtra on Monday reported 771 new cases of coronavirus infection.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases climbed
<p>The number of new coronavirus cases in India hit a new high today with states registering 3900 coronavirus patients in last 24 hours. The total number of coronavirus cases in the country climbed to 46433. Tamil Nadu became the second state after Maharashtra to add more than 500 cases in a day.</p> <p>The death toll in the country rose to 1568 as 195 more people died due to coronavirus infection on Monday. Maharashtra was the only state to record over 500 coronavirus related deaths. As many as 35 people succumbed to death in the state in last 24 hours.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Hero MotoCorp starts production operations
<p><strong>Hero MotoCorp, India's largest two-wheeler manufacturer. Reopened its plants based in Haryana and Uttarakhand on Monday and will start production operations from Wednesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Union government has allowed gradual resumption of economic activity in areas. That has been identified as green and orange zones.</strong></p> <p><strong>Hero MotoCorp is commencing production operations in a graded manner at three of its manufacturing plants. Gurugram and Dharuhera, Haridwar, and additionally the Global Parts Center at Neemrana in Rajasthan.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Infection patient assaulted by Doctor in Mumbai
<p><strong>A 34-year-old doctor allegedly assaulted a 44-year-old male patient of coronavirus infection in the ICU ward of Mumbai's Wockhardt hospital. The incident occurred on May 1, a day after the accused joined the hospital. However, the doctor has not been questioned or arrested due to fears of contracting the infection from the victim.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the report, the incident occurred in Mumbai around 9:30 am on May 1. The doctor is in quarantine inside his home in an apartment block in Thane, and is being monitored, said the Agripada police official.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reliance Industries founds new Investor in Jio Platforms
<p><strong>A global leader in technology investment Silver Lake will invest Rs 5655.75 crore into Jio Platforms, Reliance Industries announced on Monday. This investment values Jio Platforms at an equity value of Rs 4.90 lakh crore and an enterprise value of Rs 5.15 lakh crore. That represents a 12.5 percent premium to the equity valuation of the Facebook investment announced on April 22, 2020.</strong></p> <p><strong>Commenting on the transaction with Silver Lake, Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance Industries Ltd, said. "I am delighted to welcome Silver Lake as a valued partner in continuing to grow and transform the Indian digital ecosystem for the benefit of all Indians."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rahul Gandhi thrashed Railway Ministry for charging Train Fare from Migrant Labourers
<p><strong>Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday hit out at the Central government for charging migrant workers for rail travel during the Coronavirus lockdown. Quoting a media report, Rahul Gandhi said that the Railway Ministry is charging migrants for rail tickets at the same time donating money in the PM-CARES Fund.</strong></p> <p><strong>"On the one hand, the Railway is charging ticket fare from migrant workers stranded in various states of the country. On the other hand, the Railway Ministry is donating Rs 151 crore in PM-CARES Fund. Solve this puzzle!" Rahul Gandhi tweeted.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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AIMIM MP warns of consequences if liquor shops in Aurangabad open
<p><strong>With the Maharashtra government on Sunday allowed liquor shops to operate in the red zone during the lockdown 3.0 &nbsp;Aurangabad MP Imtiyaz Jaleel warned that his party men will break lockdown restrictions and forcibly close these shops. The AIMIM Lok Sabha MP was of the opinion that this is not the time to sell liquor and create problems for women.</strong></p> <p><strong>Expressing his women, AIMIM Lok Sabha MP said, "Government decides to open liquor shops even in the red zone! If liquor shops in Aurangabad open we'll break lockdown restrictions and forcibly close these shops. Will make many women come out on the streets. This isn't time to sell liquor and create problems for mothers and sisters."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uddhav Thackeray requested Center not to charge train tickets from Migrant Labourers
<p><strong>Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has requested the Centre not to charge any amount from migrant labourers. For travelling by train to their native places during the coronavirus-enforced lockdown.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nearly five lakh migrant labourers have been given food and shelter for 40 days in various state facilities. Now they have expressed the desire to go back home in view of the current situation, Uddhav Thackeray said in a communication to the Centre late Sunday night.</strong></p> <p><strong>"These people have no source of income since the last some weeks. Hence, on humanitarian ground, the Centre should not charge them for travelling," the chief minister said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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BJP councillor Muzaffar Hussain died due to Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>A Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) councillor in Ujjain district of Madhya Pradesh died of coronavirus infection on Sunday, confirmed the Lok Sabha lawmaker from the region - Anil Firojiya.</strong></p> <p><strong>In a statement issued on social media, Firojiya said he is pained to inform that Muzaffar Hussain, a local councillor and leader of party's minority cell, has succumbed to death days after contracting the coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>Muzaffar Hussain was representing ward number 32 in Ujjain as the elected councillor. He was active since the past few days to distribute food among the unemployed and needy section of the populace in Ujjain, said civil activist, Dr Anand Rai.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection cases hikes to 42533
<p><strong>With the states registering over 2000 new cases in the last 24 hours, India's coronavirus infection count has crossed the grim milestone of 42000-mark. The total number of coronavirus cases in the country has climbed to 42533.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll has increased to 1373 as India recorded 72 deaths in the last 24 hours. Both the number of new cases and fatalities on Sunday were the highest reported in a single day so far.</strong></p> <p><strong>There were 29453 active coronavirus infection patients in the country. As many as 11706 people were recovered from the disease.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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1300 employees of Tirupati Balaji temple fired
<p><strong>The lockdown has also had an impact on the country's richest temple. 1300 contract workers working in Andhra Pradesh's Tirupati Balaji temple have been thrown out. The contract of these employees ended on 30 April and the temple administration refused to renew the contract from 1 May.</strong></p> <p><strong>Actually, the Tirupati Balaji temple management has refused 1300 employees working on the contract since May 1. The temple administration said that work is closed due to the lockdown, so now the contracts of these 1300 employees will not be extended beyond April 30.</strong></p> <p><strong>Tirupati Balaji temple president&nbsp; Subba Reddy said that all the guest houses were closed due to the lockdown. due to which the contract of these employees was not extended. He said that regular employees have not been assigned any work during this period.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Shami told Rohit - I thought about suicide three times, this was the reason
<p><strong>Indian team paceman Mohammad Shami has said that he thought of committing suicide thrice. when he was returning from injury after the 2015 World Cup.</strong></p> <p><strong>'I was injured in the 2015 World Cup. After that it took me 18 months to make a comeback in the team and that was the most difficult tour of my life.</strong></p> <p><strong>'You know how difficult the rehab is and family problems after that. All this was going on and in the meantime, I had an accident 10-12 days before the IPL. There was a lot going on in the media about my personal issues as well.</strong></p> <p><strong>'I thought about committing suicide thrice. Someone in my family had to sit with me to keep an eye on me. My house was on the 24th floor and they thought that I should not jump from the apartment. Shami said while talking with Rohit Sharma on Instagram Video.</strong></p> <p><strong>Shami has cited the support given by the family behind his return. He said, 'I feel that if I did not get support of my family, I would have left cricket.'</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ram of Ramayana Arun Govil told when Corona will end
<p><strong>Arun Govil had answered every question of the people on social media through AskArun Hashtag. Now because many people still consider Arun Govil as Lord Rama, so people put every problem in front of Arun Govil. In this episode, a user asked when the corona virus would end. The user had asked the question - when will प्रभु get rid of the corona virus?</strong></p> <p><strong>Now the question to which no scientist has been able to find out yet, Arun Govil has given a simple answer. He said on the question of the user - with everyone's efforts, corona will be cleared soon. Now Arun Govil has spoken a big thing in less words. If everyone follows the lockdown, taking necessary precautions, then this epidemic can be won.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ramayan beats Game of Thrones in most viewed entertainment program globally
<p>Aired again after 33 Years, “Ramayan" has set a world record by becoming the highest viewed entertainment program globally. For the record, the final episode of “Game of Thrones" had shattered single-night viewing records. With 19.3 million tuning in to watch the finale in May 2019.</p> <p>The re-telecast of the Ramayan started on Doordarshan National in March soon after Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Announced a nationwide lockdown to contain the spread of novel coronavirus.</p> <p>Doordarshan National said on April 16, 77 million (7.7 crore) people across the globe watched the show.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rajesh Tope announced free health cover insurance for all Maharashtra Citizens
<p><strong>Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope announced that all citizens will be covered under the state government's health scheme. Maharashtra will be the first state to provide free and cashless insurance protection to its people.</strong></p> <p><strong>Speaking to reporters after a Maharashtra Day event in Jalna on Friday, Rajesh Tope said 85 percent of the state's population. Was covered under the Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana (MJPJAY). At present and the cover will be extended to the remaining 15 percent.</strong></p> <p><strong>A memorandum was signed to include government, semi-government employees, and white ration cardholders in the scheme. In a bid to prevent private hospitals from overcharging patients, he said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Vehicle Guidelines issued for new Nationwide Lockdown
<p><strong>Cars will be allowed to ply with only three persons per vehicle, including the driver while for two-wheelers, pillion riders will not be allowed in the Red Zone. According to the vehicle guidelines issued with the announcement of an extension of the nationwide lockdown for another 14 days till May 17.</strong></p> <p><strong>Taxis and cab aggregators with one driver and two passengers are allowed in the Orange zone-- those districts which are neither defined as Red nor Green. However, inter-district and intra-district plying of buses are prohibited in the Orange zone during a nationwide lockdown</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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1140 Migrant labourers carried by special train from Kerala to Odisha
<p><strong>A special train carrying 1140 migrant labourers from Kerala bound for Bhubaneswar in Odisha. Left from the Aluva railway station in Kerala at 10 pm on Friday.</strong></p> <p><strong>This is the first special train from Kerala carrying migrant labourers stuck here due to lockdown. Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) buses were arranged for them to reach Aluva railway station. Also, police vans were used to take the migrants from camps to the railway station.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases rose to 37336
<p><strong>The total number of coronavirus cases in India rose to 37336 on Saturday with 2293 new cases. While 71 deaths in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said. This is the highest number of cases reported in one day.</strong></p> <p><strong>Of these, 26167 are active cases while 9950 individuals have been cured and discharged from the hospitals. The death toll has mounted to 1218 while one person has migrated to another country, according to the data released by the Health Ministry on Saturday.</strong></p> <p><strong>In Maharashtra, which continued to be the worst-affected state by coronavirus cases with 26 new deaths. With 1008 new cases - the highest single day tally so far on Friday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Donald Trump claims to have evidence against China
<p>The novel coronavirus, that has killed over 230000 people globally so far and has shattered economies. Emerged from a virology lab in the Wuhan city of China, US President Donald Trump claimed Thursday with a high degree of confidence.</p> <p>"Yes, I have. Yes, I have," Donald Trump told reporters at the East Room of the White House when asked if he has seen anything at this point. That gives him a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is where the novel coronavirus originated.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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South African schools and universities opening soon under strict conditions
<p>South African schools and universities are going to open under strict conditions to curb the spread of coronavirus infection, said officials on Thursday.</p> <p><br></p> <p>"We are proposing that we will phase grades in. When we say grades 7 and 12 have to come to school, they will have the whole school to themselves. The other grades will only come later," said South African Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga at a virtual conference, Xinhua reported.</p> <p><br></p> <p>"We agreed on a number of steps that must be taken to ensure that the health and safety of our learners and teachers are not compromised," she said.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ross Taylor wins Richard Handlee medal third time in his career
<p><strong>Veteran batsman Ross Taylor claimed the top honour on the final day of the 2020 New Zealand Cricket Awards. Winning the prestigious Sir Richard Hadlee medal for the third time in his career.</strong></p> <p><strong>For Ross Taylor, it was a season of milestones as he helped guide New Zealand to a second successive World Cup final. He surpassed Stephen Fleming's all-time Test runs scoring record for New Zealand. Ross Taylor became the first cricketer to play 100 international games in each of the three formats.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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First Coronavirus Infection patient of Plasma Therapy dies in Mumbai
<p>The first coronavirus infection patient to undergo plasma therapy in Maharashtra succumbed to death, reports confirmed on Friday. The deceased, identified as a 53-year-old male patient, died on April 29 in Mumbai. A statement issued by the private Lilavati Hospital in the city confirmed that he was administered with the plasma therapy.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The demise comes amid speculations that the plasma therapy may play a crucial role. In bringing down the mortality rate due to coronavirus infection.</p> <p><br></p> <p>While Maharashtra has been unsuccessful with plasma therapy in its first trial, Delhi recorded a success.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin tested positive for Coronavirus Pandemic
<p><strong>Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin says he has tested positive. For the new coronavirus pandemic and has told President Vladimir Putin he will self-isolate.</strong></p> <p><strong>First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov will temporarily perform Mr. Mishustin’s duties. But the prime minister said on Thursday that he would stay in touch on key issues.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mr. Mikhail Mishustin was named prime minister in January.</strong></p> <p><strong>During a video call, Mr. Putin voiced hope that Mr. Mikhail Mishustin would continue taking part in drafting policies. To shore up the Russian economy, which has been hurt by the coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maruti Suzuki India sold Zero units in Domestic Market last month
<p><strong>Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) today reported that it did not sell a single unit in the domestic market last month. Due to coronavirus infection nationwide lockdown.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maruti Suzuki, however, exported 632 units from Mundra port following resumption of port operations. The company said the units were dispatched ensuring all safety guidelines.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maruti Suzuki India Chairman RC Bhargava had told PTI, "We will start operations whenever we can maintain continuous production. Sell it (vehicles), which is not possible at this point of time."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection cases hikes to 35043
<p>India's coronavirus infection count crossed 35043 marks on Friday with 1993 new cases. With 67 deaths in the past 24 hours, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said.</p> <p><br></p> <p>According to data shared on the Health Ministry website. The total number of confirmed coronavirus infection cases in India rose to 35043.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Of the total cases, 25007 are active cases while 9068 individuals have been cured and discharged from the hospitals.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The death toll has mounted to 1154 while one person has migrated to another country, according to the data released by the Health Ministry.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Microsoft's Enterprise Team hits 75 million daily user
<p><strong>Microsoft's enterprise communication tool Teams now has more than 75 million daily active users. With a number of organisations integrating their third-party and line of business apps. While Teams has tripled in the past 2 months, according to the Microsoft enterprise CEO Satya Nadella.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nadella said that they are accelerating Teams innovation, adding new capabilities each week and now support meetings of all sizes. "Meetings that scale from 250 active participants to live events for up to 100,000 attendees to streaming broadcast".</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection count crossed 33000
<p><strong>India's coronavirus infection count crossed 33000 marks on Thursday with 1718 new cases. With 67 deaths in the past 24 hours, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to data shared on the Health Ministry website. The total number of confirmed coronavirus infection cases in India rose to 33050.</strong></p> <p><strong>Of the total cases, 23651 are active cases while 8324 individuals have been cured and discharged from the hospitals.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll has mounted to 1074 while one person has migrated to another country, according to the data released by the Health Ministry.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor passes away at age of 67
<p><strong>Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor passes away at the age of 67. The actor was in the hospital for a while, owing to breathing issues. He was earlier diagnosed with cancer. The actor complained of breathing problems on Wednesday night.</strong></p> <p><strong>He was admitted to the Reliance Foundation Hospital, as confirmed by Randhir Kapoor. Amitabh Bachchan confirmed the news in his tweet.</strong></p> <p><strong>The heartbreaking news comes right a day after Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan's demise. RIP Rishi Kapoor, you will be missed!</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Priyanka Chopra learn new skills from Nick Jonas during lockdown
<p><strong>Priyanka Chopra, the actress has been quarantining along with husband Nick Jonas and it looks like the couple is having a lot of fun. While we haven't been getting any fun updates from their lockdown time together. The actress in a recent interview with Vogue did reveal some interesting bits about how the couple has been spending their time.</strong></p> <p><strong>Priyanka Chopra revealed that she has been using this time to learn a new skill and that's music. The Sky Is Pink star hasn't learned to play an instrument yet and looks like after this lockdown. She may add another feather to her cap after acquiring this talent too.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ravi Shankar Prasad clarifies on Work From Home for IT Industries
<p><strong>Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Tuesday clarified that the Department of Telecommunications has extended the relaxed terms and conditions for VPN till July 31.To clarify that it is not an extension of Work From Home.</strong></p> <p><strong>In response to the IT Industry's request to facilitate Work From Home for OSPs, Department of Telecommunications, India. Had relaxed terms and conditions for VPN till April 30. After discussions with IT Ministers, this relaxation in terms and conditions is extended till July 31. Ravi Shankar Prasad Tweeted quoting Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka Dr. Ashwath Narayan.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection tally hiked to 31332
<p><strong>India's coronavirus infection tally hiked to 31332 on Wednesday. With 73 deaths and 1897 new cases reported in the past 24 hours, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said. This is the sharpest ever increase in death cases in India.</strong></p> <p><strong>Of the total cases, 22629 are active cases while 7695 &nbsp;individuals have been cured and discharged from the hospitals. The death toll has mounted to 1007 while one person has migrated to another country, according to the data released by the Health Ministry on April 29.</strong></p> <p><strong>Of the affected states in India, Maharashtra continued to be the worst-affected with 9318 coronavirus infection cases.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Irrfan Khan passed away at aged 53 in Mumbai
<p><strong>One of Bollywood's finest actors, Irrfan Khan breathed his last on Wednesday, April 29 in Mumbai. Irrfan Khan passed away aged 53. After being admitted to Mumbai’s Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital on Tuesday. He was under observation for colon infection, the news of his passing was confirmed in an official statement by his publicist.</strong></p> <p><strong>It has certainly come as a shock to many of his colleagues and fans who were hoping for a speedy recovery. For the actor after news of his hospitalization was released. Irrfan Khan in 2018 had announced that he’d been diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor. He underwent treatment abroad for several months in 2019.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Two Priests murdered at Temple in Uttar Pradesh
<p>In a shocking incident, bodies of two priests were found at a temple in Uttar Pradesh,&nbsp; Bulandshahr. According to an ANI update, the accused have been arrested and police suspect revenge as the prime motive. Santosh Kumar Singh, the SSP of the area said that based on the initial probe, it has been found that that the accused had taken away a&nbsp; belonging (chimta) of the priests.</p> <p>The victims have been identified as Sadhu Jagandas (55-year-old) and Sevadas (35-year-old). The two priests were the resident of Anupshahr’s village Pagona and were serving in the temple for the last 10 years.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pregnant Woman was refused admission in Hospital for not having Coronavirus Infection test report
<p><strong>A 9-month pregnant woman in the city faced a harrowing time after she was refused admission to a private hospital in Bandra, despite her experiencing cramps.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to a Times of India report, the woman was refused admission because she didn't have a coronavirus infection test report with her. The pregnant woman and her family spent 6 hours in the hospital requesting the authorities. To admit her because she feared that she may deliver anytime.</strong></p> <p><strong>She was consulting a gynecologist there for four months and mentioned that no one told her to get the coronavirus infection test during her earlier visits.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Cases hikes to 29435
The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in India hikes to 29435 on Tuesday with 62 deaths and 1543 new cases. In the last 24 hours, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said. The Health Ministry added saying that this is the sharpest ever increase in death cases in India. Of the total cases, 21632 are active cases while 6868 individuals have been cured and discharged from the hospitals. The death toll has mounted to 934 while one person has migrated to another country. According to the data released by the Health Ministry on Tuesday morning. Maharashtra continued to be the worst-hit state with the total number of coronavirus cases in 8590. --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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A man died in Karnataka after consuming hand sanitizer and cough syrup substitute to Alcohol
<p><strong>In an unfortunate incident, a 29-year-old man died after consuming hand sanitizer and cough syrup. As a substitute for liquor in Hoysala Nagar of Karnataka's Dharwad district. Sudeep Kariyanna, who was a research student at the zoology department of Karnatak University. He was upset that he could not get alcohol due to novel coronavirus lockdown, Hindustan Times reported.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the report, the incident came to light on Monday afternoon. When the landlord of the house, where Sudeep was staying noticed a foul smell. On opening the door, Sudeep's body was found next to an empty bottle of hand sanitizer and a bottle of cough syrup.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Centers for Disease Control found 6 new Coronavirus Infection symptoms
<p>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has added six new symptoms of coronavirus infection. Previously it had listed just three symptoms like fever, cough, and shortness of breath.</p> <p>The Centers for Disease Control now said chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and a sudden loss of taste or smell were also common indicators of the coronavirus infection.</p> <p>People experiencing those symptoms should seek medical attention immediately, Centers for Disease Control suggested.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Government decided to send 100 buses in Kota Rajasthan to bring back 2000 students
<p><strong>The Maharashtra government has decided to send about 100 buses to Kota in Rajasthan to bring back nearly 2000 students. Stranded there due to the lockdown, Maharashtra Transport Minister Anil Parab has said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Buses of the Maharashtra government MSRTC will be sent to Kota in the next two days, Parab said late Monday night.</strong></p> <p><strong>A number of students from Maharashtra have been staying at Kota to take coaching classes for the preparation of various competitive entrance examinations after Class 12.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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CBSE class 10 and 12 exams will conduct after Nationwide Lockdown
<p><strong>The CBSE will conduct the remaining class 10 and 12 exams after the nationwide lockdown. This was disclosed by Union Human Resource Development Minister, Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank yesterday.</strong></p> <p><strong>He said as soon as the nationwide lockdown will be lifted in the situation returns to normal. The government will announce the schedule for holding the CBSE examinations in the country.</strong></p> <p><strong>The minister was replying to a question while interacting with parents from across the country online.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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After an appeal of Arvind Kejriwal Thirty people donate their Plasma
<p><strong>Three days after Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal appealed to the recovered coronavirus infection patients to donate their plasma. About 30 people turned up for donations on Monday.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the Arvind Kejriwal, the recovered patients came out to help other patients recover. From the disease and contain the fatalities caused by the dreaded coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>The official said that this can speed up the recoveries of patients in Delhi. As plasma therapy is inexpensive as compared to the other medical treatments and medicines. That is either unaffordable or are limited.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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China's students back to School after Coronavirus Restrictions eased
<p><strong>Children in China's two most famous cities went back to school Monday after more than three months at home. As coronavirus restrictions eased and governments around the world began mapping a path out of the pandemic lockdown.</strong></p> <p><strong>Shanghai students in their final year of middle and high school were admitted back into their classrooms on Monday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Students must have their temperatures monitored at school gates and show "green" health codes on an app. That calculates a person's infection risk, according to China's Ministry of Education.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rahul Gandhi demanded Narendra Modi Take Strict action against Profiteering in Coronavirus test kits
<p><strong>Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday demanded Prime Minister Narendra Modi take the strictest action. Against the alleged profiteering in coronavirus infection rapid test kits procurement.</strong></p> <p><strong>Rahul Gandhi said that the nation will "never forgive" those making an illegal profit by selling testing kits. Earlier in the day, Congress leader Ahmed Patel had targeted the Central government over antibody. Test kits being bought for Rs 600 per piece by the ICMR, which were being imported for Rs 245 each.</strong></p> <p><strong>Delhi High Court had on Sunday directed that coronavirus infection-related tests should be made available. To the overall public at the lowest price possible.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reserve Bank of India announced a special liquidity facility of ₹50000 crores for mutual funds
<p><strong>The Reserve Bank of India on Monday announced a special liquidity facility of ₹50000 crores for mutual funds. In the wake of the winding up of six debt funds by Franklin Templeton.</strong></p> <p><strong>“Heightened volatility in capital markets in reaction to coronavirus infection has imposed liquidity strains. On mutual funds, which have intensified in the wake of redemption. Pressures related to the closure of some debt mutual funds and potential contagious effects therefrom. The stress is, however, confined to the high-risk debt Mutual Funds segment at this stage; the larger industry remains liquid," Reserve Bank of India said in its press release.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Plasma Therapy begins in Mumbai for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>The blood specimens of four Mumbai citizens who recovered from coronavirus infection has tested positive for antibodies. This causes their blood samples useful for plasma therapy. &nbsp;&nbsp;Considered as one of the measures which could significantly slash the coronavirus infection mortality rate.</strong></p> <p><strong>The civic body also posted a tweet on its official social media handle, calling it one of the "true positive" news for Mumbai residents. The BMC has appealed to other coronavirus survivors in the city to come forth and donate their blood, which could be used for the plasma therapy if antibodies are developed.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Narendra Modi discusses lockdown extension with state Chief Ministers
<p><strong>As India joins the final week of nationwide lockdown, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets the chief ministers today through a video conference to discuss the road forward.</strong></p> <p><strong>The total number of coronavirus cases has hiked to 27892 today, according to the ministry of health and welfare.</strong></p> <p><strong>This will be the fourth such conference between PM Narendra Modi and state chief ministers since the outbreak emerged. The high-level meeting is supposed to discuss the "graded" exit strategy from the lockdown, according to a report in PTI.</strong></p> <p><strong>India is following a nationwide lockdown till May 3 to decrease the spread of the virus. Observing the record surge in coronavirus cases in the last few days, several states are planning to extend the lockdown until the middle of the next month.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Hindustan Coca-Cola announced Salary hike in Coronavirus Outbreak
<p><strong>Beverage producer Coca-Cola’s company-owned bottling partner Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages. Announced a 7 to 8 percent increase in salaries amid the coronavirus outbreak. According to an Economic Times report, the salary hike has been announced for its 7000 direct employees effective April 1.</strong></p> <p><strong>Coca-Cola has further notified that there would be no lay-offs, salary cuts, and job losses. On reckoning of the disturbances due to business across sectors. Following the lockdown imposed to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus outbreak.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Infection patient in Bengaluru committed suicide
<p>A 50-year old coronavirus infection patient supposedly committed suicide by jumping from the fifth floor of a hospital building on Monday, police said.</p> <p>The coronavirus infection patient jumped from the trauma ward of the Victoria Hospital in Bengaluru, a senior police official said.</p> <p>According to hospital sources, the man, who was admitted with the sensitive respiratory problems on Friday, was also undergoing kidney problems.</p> <p>This morning, he jumped off the fifth floor of the building and committed suicide, they said.</p> <p>Further investigations are on, police said.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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World Health Organization says Coronavirus Infection can affect twice
<p>Catching coronavirus infection once may not protect you from getting it again, according to the World Health Organization.</p> <p><br></p> <p>“There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from coronavirus infection and have antibodies. Are protected from a second infection," the United Nations agency said in an April 24 statement.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The World Health Organization guidance came after some governments suggested that people who have antibodies. To the coronavirus could be issued an “immunity passport" or “risk-free certificate" that would allow them to travel or return to work.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> <p>Based on the assumption that they were safe from re-infection, according to the statement. People who issued such a certificate could ignore public-health direction, increasing the risk of the disease spreading further.</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Neighborhood Shops allowed to open during Nationwide Lockdown
<p><strong>A month after nationwide lockdown, the Centre has permitted all neighborhood shops in the residential zones to open if they follow specific guidelines. However, shops in market places, multi-brand, and single-brand malls, as well as market complexes. Located in municipality areas will remain closed till May 3.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Union home ministry on Friday said, "all shops, including neighborhood shops and standalone shops, shops in residential complexes, within the limits of municipal corporations and municipalities, registered under the Shops and Establishment Act of the respective State and Union Territory" are permitted to open during the nationwide lockdown.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Bhupesh Baghel sent 75 buses to Kota to bring back 1500 students in Nationwide Lockdown
<p><strong>Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Friday said that 75 buses have been sent from the state during Nationwide Lockdown.</strong></p> <p><strong>To bring back around 1500 students from Kota in Rajasthan following the central government's consent.</strong></p> <p><strong>"About 1500 children are stranded in Kota. The number of laborers in other states is more than one lakh," Bhupesh Baghel said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi had on March 24 announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown as a precautionary measure to contain the spread of coronavirus infection. The nationwide lockdown was later extended till May 3.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Weight Loss with Cucumber
<p><strong>The biggest difficulty or hurdle while being on a weight loss management is to overcome craving and curb hunger.</strong></p> <p><strong>Cucumber is recognized to be the best option to keep the body hydrated. Cucumber has various health benefits and can also hugely help to lose weight.</strong></p> <p><strong>Cucumber has zero fat, low-calories, this makes it a typical snack for people looking to lose weight. If you add cucumbers in your salad or eat it as a side accompaniment along with the main course food. You can simply add a dash of lemon juice, salt, and black pepper to stimulate weight loss.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Urvashi Rautela's Facebook account hacked
<p><strong>Urvashi Rautela has been screening the headings for quite some time. The posts shared by on her social media account has been followed carefully by netizens.</strong></p> <p><strong>And that’s occurring mainly due to the caption she uses for. She has been in the spotlight for copy-pasting some other celebrities’ captions on her social media pages.</strong></p> <p><strong>The actress later on even published a clarification for the error that happened. Right now, the actress has raised some serious concerns through Twitter.</strong></p> <p><strong>Urvashi Rautela has informed through the micro-blogging site that her Facebook account has been hacked and also asked her fans to not respond to any of the posts shared there.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Special Forces killed two terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir
<p><strong>Security forces shot down two terrorists and their allies in an encounter in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama region on Saturday. The pre-dawn encounter took place at the Goripora area of Awantipora in Pulwama region, police said. The names of the slain terrorists were not immediately known. There was no immediate report about any soldier or civilian getting injured in the gunfight.</strong></p> <p><strong>Security forces launched a cordon and search operation in the Goripora area after receiving specific information about the presence of militants there. The search operation turned into an encounter after the militants fired upon the forces, who retaliated. During the gunfight, two terrorists and one of their associates were killed by security forces.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India's Coronavirus Infection cases reached 24506
<p><strong>The tally of coronavirus infection cases in India has reached 24506 after 1429 new patients were confirmed in the past 24 hours. Said by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Saturday morningtide. Out of 24506 cases, 18,668 are still active. The figure of death toll increased to 775 with 57 fatalities in the past 24 hours. The number of improvements has reached 5065, while one coronavirus infection patient had migrated.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra remained the worst-hit state where the number of coronavirus cases reached 6817, including 301 deaths - highest in the country.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Vivo's sub-brand iQoo launched Neo 3 in China
<p><strong>Vivo's sub-brand - iQoo has finally launched a new smartphone - iQoo Neo 3 in China with flagship-level specifications.</strong></p> <p><strong>The main highlights of the smartphone are Snapdragon 865 SoC, 5G compatibility, display with 144Hz refresh rate, 48MP triple rear cameras, and much more.</strong></p> <p><strong>Launched at a starting price of RMB 2698, which is approximately Rs 29000, the company might launch the phone in India soon.</strong></p> <p><strong>The smartphone will be made available for sale in China via Vivo’s online store as well as selected e-commerce sites. The sale of the smartphone will start on April 29 in China.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maruti Suzuki India discontinued it's hatchback Alto K10
<p><strong>Maruti Suzuki India, the country's leading car company has officially discontinued it’s popular selling small car - Alto K10. The hatchback has been expelled from the official Maruti Suzuki website.</strong></p> <p><strong>It was previously by several publications that the Indo-Japanese carmaker will be discontinuing the Alto K10 from the Indian market. The dealers across the nation cleared the old BS4 list as early as December 2019.</strong></p> <p><strong>And, Maruti Suzuki did not receive the BS6 update. Also, there is no clarity from the carmaker if it would be relaunch Alto K10 with a BS6 compliant engine in the future.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched e-GramSwaraj app and Swamitva Scheme
<p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the presence of Panchayati Raj Minister Narendra Singh Tomar launched two programs to empower the grassroots. He first launched the new portal - e-GramSwaraj app via video conferencing with the Sarpanches on Friday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Unified Portal is a new lead of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj which will provide the Gram Panchayats with a single interface to develop and execute their Gram Panchayat Development Plan.</strong></p> <p><strong>As part of the second program, Prime Minister Modi also launched the Swamitva Scheme at the moment. The scheme provides for a combined property validation solution for rural India.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Kangana Ranaut charged by Police Complaint against her
<p><strong>A complaint has been filed with police against Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut for allegedly relating to members of a distinct community as a terrorist. In a video released in support of her sister Rangoli Chandel, an official said on Friday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The police complaint was filed by a lawyer, Ali Kashif Khan Deshmukh, at the suburban Amboli Police Station on Wednesday. The Twitter account of Chandel, who is also the 33- year-old actor's handler, recently got suspended for alleged hate speech.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the police complaint, while defending her sister, Kangana Ranaut, in the video, allegedly related to members of a distinct community as "terrorist", the official said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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United Arab Emirates decided to reopen malls and cafes
<p><strong>The United Arab Emirates decided on Thursday to reopen malls, cafes, and restaurants and ease lockdown limitations. Imposed last month to prevent the spread of coronavirus on the season of Ramadan.</strong></p> <p><strong>The curfew will be from 10 pm to 6 am while malls will be allowed to work for 10 hours daily starting from midday on Friday. The first day of the Muslim fasting month, an official statement cited by the state-run WAM news agency said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Supermarkets, food outlets, groceries, and pharmacies will be permitted to operate round the clock. But mosques will remain shut during the holy month in the United Arab Emirates, the statement said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Varun Dhawan celebrates his birthday at home due to lockdown
<p>The handsome hunk of Bollywood, Varun Dhawan turns a year older on April 24, 2020. While birthdays are all about partying with friends, some family time and of course a delicious cake. But sorrowfully Dhawan needs to sacrifice on the outing part this year due to the lockdown.</p> <p>And so, giving fans a flash into his birthday celebrations, the Street Dancer 3D actor shared some stills on his Instagram story and they are sweet and how.</p> <p>Varun Dhawan was seen posturing with a heart-shaped chocolate cake with candles on it. Going by the pictures the cake looks home-made.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Housing Minister Jitendra Awhad tested Coronavirus Positive
<p><strong>In a shocking expansion, Maharashtra Housing Minister Jitendra Awhad has tested coronavirus positive, reliable sources said here early on Friday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Awhad, along with a dozen of his family members had been in home quarantine for past 10 days.</strong></p> <p><strong>Earlier, Jitendra Awhad had tested negative, but the following report on Thursday had come coronavirus positive, alarming the state health authorities.</strong></p> <p><strong>It's assumed that the Minister may have unknowingly passed on the infection to various persons who are now under treatment.</strong></p> <p><strong>The senior Nationalist Congress Party leader was admitted to a hospital on Wednesday for further tests.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Pandemic tally of India hikes to 23077
<p><strong>India's coronavirus pandemic tally on Friday crossed the 23000-mark and hiked at 23077 with 1684 new cases. With 37 deaths in the past 24 hours, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said. Of these, 17610 are active cases while 4749 individuals have been cured and discharged from the hospitals.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll has mounted to 718 while one person has migrated to another country, according to the data released by the Health Ministry on April 24.</strong></p> <p><strong>Among the other affected states in the country, the worst-affected was Maharashtra. As coronavirus pandemic situation continued to be grim the state with 14 deaths and a spike of 778 new cases on Thursday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Google Meet shares Zoom like features
<p><strong>Google renamed its Hangout service to simply ‘Meet’ and now the company is even adding new features to the re-brand teleconferencing app. These features were announced earlier but it seems Google just started rolling it out globally. These additions will help Google Meet compete with other popular platforms like Zoom.</strong></p> <p><strong>Google Meet is rolling out four features to the application that they claimed are highly in demand. The new features like titled layout, noise cancellation, low light mode, higher video quality. Seem to aim at taking down the competition and enhance the user experience.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Champions League and Europa League plans to restart without VAR due to Coronavirus Pandemic
<p><strong>The coronavirus pandemic has brought the entire sporting world to a halt as several competitions have been either canceled or suspended until further notice.</strong></p> <p><strong>However, UEFA is planning a return of the Champions League and the Europa League in the upcoming months. But it is being reported that if the competition restarts it will be without Video Assistant Referees (V A R). As the governing body is looking to prevent overcrowding of the operating rooms.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to a report from French news outlet RMC Sport, UEFA could ditch VAR for the remainder of the UCL and UEL season. To maintain social distancing in the referee due to Coronavirus Pandemic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Rupee rises against US Dollar
<p><strong>The Indian rupee rose sharply against the US dollar today as the risk sentiment improved in global markets. Opening at 76.30 per dollar, the rupee today further strengthened to 76.08 a dollar. In comparison, the Indian rupee had closed at 76.66 per US dollar in the previous session after pulling back from record lows of 76.91 per US dollar.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Facebook's $5.5 billion acquisition of a stake in Jio raised hopes that the FDI picture in 2021 will not be as bleak as earlier thought. Overall risk sentiment has improved overnight," said Abhishek Goenka, founder, and CEO of IFA Global.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sonia Gandhi accused BJP for spreading virus of communal prejudice and hatred in-country
<p><strong>Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Thursday accused the BJP of spreading the virus of communal prejudice and hatred in the country. She also said that"grave damage" is being done to social harmony.</strong></p> <p><strong>Discussing a meeting of the Congress Working Committee. Sonia Gandhi said this should worry every Indian and the Congress will have to work hard to repair this damage.</strong></p> <p><strong>“Let me also share with you something that should worry each and everyone as Indians. When we should be tackling the coronavirus unitedly, the BJP continues to spread the virus of communal prejudice and hatred," she said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Virtual Wedding gets in a trend during Nationwide Lockdown
<p><strong>Avinash and Kirti had an online virtual wedding on April 14 which was attended by 80 of their close friends and relatives. They also held an online Mehendi, and a sangeet function apart from the marriage which was performed. According to the Hindu religion, 'pandit' (priest) was chanting Hindu mantras while being connected on a video call.</strong></p> <p><strong>The nationwide lockdown has bounded many couples to postpone their weddings planned in March and April. But those who hold their fixed wedding date close to their heart and want to get married on the same date. Between this nationwide lockdown is no hesitant to try the idea of 'virtual wedding'.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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United States death toll by Coronavirus infection of last 24 hours hikes to 1738
<p><strong>The United States on Wednesday reported 1738 deaths from coronavirus infection in the last 24 hours. A lower toll than the day before, according to a streaming tally by Johns Hopkins University.</strong></p> <p><strong>The new deaths bring the total number of Coronavirus infection deaths in the United States to 46583. Since the outbreak began there, by far the highest figures recorded by any country caught in the global pandemic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Two pet cats in United States tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Two pet cats in New York state have tested positive for the coronavirus infection. Marking the first verified cases in associate animals in the United States, federal officials said.</strong></p> <p><strong>The cats, which had mild respiratory diseases and are expected to recover, are assumed to have contracted the coronavirus infection from people in their families or neighborhoods. The United States Department of Agriculture and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.</strong></p> <p><strong>United States authorities say that while it appears some animals can get the virus from people. There's no indication the animals are spreading it to human beings.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Donald Trump signed order of temporary suspension of immigration into United States
<p><strong>President Donald Trump declared on Wednesday that he had signed an executive order “temporarily suspending immigration into the United States." But specialists say the order will merely delay the issuance of green cards for a minority of immigrants.</strong></p> <p><strong>Donald Trump said his move, declared in a Monday tweet, was important to help the United States get back to work in an economy destroyed by the coronavirus.</strong></p> <p><strong>This will guarantee that unemployed Americans of all backgrounds will be first in line for jobs as our economy reopens," he said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Employee of Ministry of Civil Aviation tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>An employee of the Ministry of Civil Aviation was tested positive for coronavirus infection on Tuesday. The employee had attended the office on April 15. According to the ministry, all necessary protocols are being stringently followed on the premises.</strong></p> <p><strong>All colleagues who came in contact with the man have been asked to go into self-isolation as a precaution. The Delhi government is taking steps to contact tracing and risk profiling.</strong></p> <p><strong>Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri assured to extend all possible help to the infected employee. Puri also prayed for the speedy recovery of the man.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Netflix introduces new Screen Lock feature in Android version
<p><strong>Video streaming platform Netflix has added a new feature of the screen lock that will allow users to lock their Android phone screens to avoid accidental touches.</strong></p> <p><strong>The new "screen lock" button is currently available in the Android version of the app as it does not appear to be live in the Netflix iOS app yet.</strong></p> <p><strong>The feature is visible on the bottom menu bar of the screen and users can just select it to activate the screen lock, reports 9To5Google.</strong></p> <p><strong>Once this is done, all the screen controls like play/pause, forward and rewind will be locked. So users won't be able to unintentionally pause or even skip ahead by clicking on the progress bar.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Arhaan Khan accused Ex-Lover Rashami Desai
<p><strong>Things are getting messier between ex-lovers, Rashami Desai and Arhaan Khan. As it was just a few days ago when a fan page had leaked. Desai's bank statements that saw lakhs of rupees transferred to Arhaan's account when she was inside the Bigg Boss house.</strong></p> <p><strong>This revelation did not go down well with the Dil Se Dil Tak actress's fans and they trended #FraudArhaanKhan on Twitter. While this whole plot is confusing and we do not know who to blame.</strong></p> <p><strong>Now, in a recent chat with Times Of India, the ex-lovers have talked about the dispute. As per the interview, it's Rashami Desai who has shared that Arhaan owes her more than 15 lakhs. On the other hand, Arhaan Khan has accused the actress of leaking all the bank statement screengrabs.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Facebook announced an investment of ₹ 43574 crores in Reliance Jio
<p>Reliance Industries Limited, Jio Platforms Limited, and Facebook, Inc. today announced the signing of binding agreements for an investment of ₹ 43574 crores by Facebook into Jio Platforms.</p> <p>This investment by Facebook values Jio Platforms at ₹ 4.62 lakh crore pre-money enterprise value. Facebook’s investment will translate into a 9.99 percent equity stake in Reliance Jio Platforms on a fully diluted basis.</p> <p>Jio Platforms, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Reliance Industries Ltd, houses digital services of the group. Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd, with 388 million subscribers, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jio Platforms.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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State Bank of India announced delay in delivery of Debit Cards
<p><strong>With the nationwide lockdown imposed across the country to mitigate the spread of novel coronavirus. The country’s top lender, State Bank of India (SBI), has informed its customers that debit card delivery will be delayed.</strong></p> <p><strong>So, if you are an SBI customer and you recently applied for a new debit card. Then it is very likely that the delivery will be delayed due to the restrictions on movement amid the extended lockdown till 3 May. State Bank of India has made this announcement on its official website.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Due to prevailing coronavirus lockdown and restrictions on the movement we regret to inform that debit card delivery will be delayed. We regret the inconvenience caused. Stay home. Stay safe," the announcement read.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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549 new Coronavirus Cases reported in Maharashtra
<p><strong>549 new coronavirus cases were reported as of 8:00 AM on Apr 22 in Maharashtra state, according to data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This brings the total reported cases of coronavirus in Maharashtra state to 5218. Among the total people infected as on date, 722 have recovered and 251 have passed away.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mumbai had the highest number of Coronavirus cases at 2110 confirmed infections. The table and map below show confirmed cases for all districts.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India’s Coronavirus Infection cases hikes to 1383 in last 24 hours
<p><strong>The number of coronavirus infection cases rose to 19984 in India on Wednesday with an increase of 1383 in the last 24 hours. The number of deaths also increased by 50 since Tuesday morning.</strong></p> <p><strong>Till now, 640 people have lost their lives due to coronavirus infection in the country. According to the Health Ministry, there are currently 15474 active coronavirus infection cases in India. Interestingly, 610 patients have recovered from the disease so far in the past one day.</strong></p> <p><strong>Meanwhile, the number of total recovered patients stands at 3870. The recovery rate of patients in India is 19.36 percent.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Tata Motors extends warranty period by Two months during Nationwide Lockdown
<p><strong>Tata Motors on Tuesday said it has extended by two months the warranty period. For all of its commercial vehicles which are expiring during the duration of the nationwide lockdown.</strong></p> <p><strong>In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Tata Motors has extended the warranty. For its commercial vehicle customers worldwide, the company said in a statement.</strong></p> <p><strong>As part of the service extensions for commercial vehicle customers. Tata Motors said it is providing a two-month extension for free services earlier scheduled during the nationwide lockdown period.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Odisha chief minister to give 50 Lakh for medical officials died fighting against Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Tuesday said Rs 50 lakh will be given to the family of the medical official. Member of support services dying during the fight against coronavirus disease.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Chief Minister said the state will treat them as 'martyrs' and provide state funeral.</strong></p> <p><strong>A detailed scheme of awards will be instituted, recognizing their unparalleled sacrifice in coronavirus disease. These awards will be given on national days, he said. The Chief Minister said the families of all such government personnel. Will continue to receive full salary till the date of retirement.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Singapore extended partial lockdown till June 1
<p><strong>Singapore has extended by four weeks until June 1 a partial lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus infections. In the city-state, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The measures, which include the closures of most workplaces and schools in Singapore, were initially set to run from April 7 until May 4.</strong></p> <p><strong>The government would make further adjustments and consider easing some measures after June 1. Prime Minister said, adding that he understood many people would be disappointed by the partial lockdown extension.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India’s coronavirus disease toll hikes to 18601
<p>The total number of confirmed coronavirus disease cases in India rose to 18601 on Tuesday. With 47 deaths and 1336 new cases reported in the last 24 hours, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said.</p> <p>Of these, 14759 are active cases while 3251 individuals have been cured and discharged from the hospitals. The death toll has mounted to 590 while one person has migrated to another country. According to the data released by the Health Ministry on Tuesday morning.</p> <p>On Monday, the Centre said that the coronavirus disease situation is "especially serious" in Mumbai and Pune. Among the few other cities in some states in India. The government has also warned that violation of lockdown measures risks the spread of coronavirus disease further.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pollution may spike after the withdrawal of Nationwide Lockdown
<p><strong>The Union government is evaluating steps to curb pollution, which is predicted to spike. After the nationwide lockdown is lifted early next month.</strong></p> <p><strong>Air quality in India, home to some of the world’s most polluted cities, improved snappily. As the nationwide lockdown shut factories and kept vehicles off roads since 25 March.</strong></p> <p><strong>Experts are now worried that a return to high pollution levels could make people more prone. For detecting the coronavirus infection which manifests itself in the respiratory tract.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Infection death toll of United States hiked by 1433 in 24 hours
<p><strong>The coronavirus infection death toll in the United States with the most fatalities in the pandemic. Has climbed by 1433 in the past 24 hours to reach 42094, the latest tally from Johns Hopkins University showed Monday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The US has recorded more than 784000 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection. Since the start of the global health crisis, according to the Baltimore-based university.</strong></p> <p><strong>New York is the epicentre of the United States outbreak, though it seems the state may have suffered the worst of the crisis.</strong></p> <p><strong>Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Monday that 478 deaths had been reported in the previous 24 hours, the lowest tally in more than two weeks.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mob Lynching case of Palghar passed to CID said Home Minister
<p><strong>Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Monday said that an inquiry by the Special IG has been ordered in the mob lynching of Palghar. "An investigation by the Special IG has been ordered and the case is passed to the CID. Approximately 101 people have been busted. Further action is underway," Anil Deshmukh told media persons.</strong></p> <p><strong>Home Minister said, "Three people were trying to travel to Surat without the government's permission. Instead of driving through the main route, they had taken the village route. Palghar is a tribal region. Villagers felt that these people came to kidnap their children. This kind of rumour was spread. A large number of people attacked them."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Vijay Mallya dismissed his appeal against Extradition to India
<p><strong>In a major setback to fugitive Indian businessman Vijay Mallya, the High Court of England and Wales on Monday dismissed his appeal. Against his extradition to India to face fraud and money laundering charges.</strong></p> <p><strong>Vijay Mallya, who is staying abroad for the last four years, is not willing to return to India to face charges. He allegedly owes more than Rs 9000 crore to 13 Indian banks. He had appealed against the Westminster Magistrates' Court's order.</strong></p> <p><strong>On March 31, Mallya had reiterated his offer to return the money he owed to a consortium of Indian banks and sought Centre's help. "India is under lockdown, and we respect it. But the functioning of my companies has stopped due to lockdown,” Vijay Mallya tweeted.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Salman's 'Pyaar Karona' song release for Coronavirus Outbreak
<p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced an increase in lockdown in India by May 3, seeing the growing numbers. The shooting and promotion of the movies have also been stopped during this time. Currently many celebrities are in their homes and connecting with their fans through social media. Bollywood's Dabangg Khan is also active on social media and through this he is raising awareness about Corona. Now, he has made a song on Corona Virus, which is a fan favorite.</strong></p> <p><strong>Salman has released this song in his voice post on social media and all music platforms. This song is called Pyaar Karona. Salman has shared the entire song on social media a while back. What is special about this song is that this song is written by Salman Khan and Hussain Dalal while Sajid-Wajit has given music to the song. Salman posted this song, 'Emotionally pass and physically stay away, love Karona'.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Nestle India launched a variety of recipes for Maggi
<p><strong>To ease lockdown blues, Nestle India has started a campaign suggesting a variety of recipes for its instant noodle brand Maggi.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nestle India has launched “Maggi &nbsp;Cooking Made Simple" on its website, and it brings the most popular recipes. From across the nation under three categories of “made easy", “made with a twist" and “made healthier".</strong></p> <p><strong>Nikhil Chand, director, foods &amp; confectionery, Nestle India. Said "In trying times like these, with limited ingredients, meals made at home demand variety. The solutions available on www.maggi.in will encourage consumers of all skill levels to approach everyday cooking.”</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Air Asia to cut 20 percent of salary
<p><strong>Air Asia India has cut the April salary of its staff by up to 20 percent to tackle the airline’s finances amid the suspension. Of all commercial services till May 3 due to the lockdown, a source has said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Those drawing ₹50000 per month or less have been spared from the wage cut.</strong></p> <p><strong>Bengaluru-headquartered Air Asia is the latest to join the other domestic airlines. Such as IndiGo, SpiceJet and Vistara, who have already taken similar measures to cut fixed costs amid grounding of their fleet.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Toll collection of National Highways has resumed in coronavirus lockdown from today
<p><strong>Toll collection on national highways across the country has resumed on Monday amid the ongoing coronavirus lockdown. India's slowly easing restrictions brought in to contain the coronavirus pandemic. From today in order to revive stalled economic activities.</strong></p> <p><strong>The National Highways Authority of India had suspended toll collection on all national highways. After the 21-day nationwide coronavirus lockdown announced on March 24.</strong></p> <p><strong>India is under a lockdown imposed on March 25 and later extended on April 14. To prevent the spread of coronavirus which has claimed over 500 lives in the country.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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One Plus 8 series finally revealed prices
<p>One Plus, the Chinese smartphone brand has finally revealed the prices for its latest flagship offering - One Plus 8 series. The One Plus 8 gets a starting price of Rs 41999 whereas the One Plus 8 Pro will retail at Rs 54999.</p> <p>The newest offering comprises of One Plus 8 and One Plus 8 Pro smartphones. It was last week when the company officially revealed the prices at the global launch event.</p> <p>Though the company announced the prices for the American and UK markets, it was surprising to see that the company didn't reveal the prices for the Indian market.</p> <p>After two days of the global launch, the phone maker also introduced the flagship phones in its home market.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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No Mask, No Fuel across India due to Coronavirus Pandemic
<p><strong>In order to ensure the safety of employees at the petrol pumps. All India Petroleum Dealers Association has decided not to sell fuel across India. To those customers visiting petrol stations without a face mask in view of Coronavirus Pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>"To ensure the safety of our staffers, we decided yesterday not to sell fuel to those not wearing face masks. At fuel retail outlets across India in view of Coronavirus Pandemic." Ajay Bansal, president of All India Petroleum Dealers Association told ANI.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Donald Trump to sent expert team to investigate Coronavirus Pandemic in China
<p><strong>The US wants to send a team of experts to China to investigate the coronavirus pandemic. President Donald Trump has said, a day after he warned Beijing of "consequences". If it was knowingly responsible for the spread of coronavirus pandemic. That killed more than 165,000 people globally, including over 41,000 in America.</strong></p> <p><strong>Describing the coronavirus as a plague, Donald Trump, during his White House news conference. On Sunday, said that he is not happy with China where the coronavirus pandemic merged. In December last year in the central Chinese city of Wuhan.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The chief minister's silence over the Palghar murder case finally left
<p><strong>The chief minister's silence over the Palghar murder case finally left</strong></p> <p><strong>Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has finally left silent on the Palghar massacre. He tweeted this on Sunday night. In this tweet, Uddhav Thackeray said that action has been taken on the incident at Palghar. the police have arrested&nbsp; all the accused who attacked the 3 sadhus, three drivers police personnel. The Chief Minister said that the perpetrators of this crime and shameful act will be punished as hard as possible.</strong></p> <p><strong>State Home Minister Anil Deshmukh also said that 101 People were&nbsp; arrested in connection with the Palghar massacre. A high-level inquiry into the incident was also ordered, Deshmukh said.</strong></p> <p><strong>For the past few days. rumours have been circulating that thieves and robbers are moving around in some parts of Palghar district. Rumours have been circulating in the area that thieves also kidnap and sell away kidneys. Believing these rumours, people are patrolling at night. On Thursday night, a similar misunderstanding caused the trio to take their lives. Shockingly, the villagers also attacked the police and killed all three in a police car, crushing them with stones, bat and bamboo.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Five workers walk 800km from Rajasthan to Punjab in Nationwide Lockdown
<p><strong>Faced with a harsh choice to live far away from the house. Having no earnings after the nationwide lockdown was imposed. Five workers from Punjab working in Rajasthan’s Kota. Have decided to walk the 800km distance to reach their home in Faridkot, Punjab.</strong></p> <p><strong>They entered Rohtak on Friday, five days after they left on the journey. By wearing flip-flops and luggage bags on their shoulders. All five workers were drivers of combined harvester machines in Kota.</strong></p> <p><strong>During these last five days, they slept on roadsides, had little to eat and satisfied their thirst with water from ponds and rivulets.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Google developing physical and virtual Google card
<p><strong>Google is developing its own physical and virtual debit card to compete with Apple.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Google card will allow users to purchase things with a card, mobile phone or online. The debit card will also connect to a Google app with new characteristics, letting the users monitor purchases and check their balances, TechCrunch reported.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Google card will co-branded with different bank partners, including CITI and Stanford Federal Credit Union.</strong></p> <p><strong>Currently, Google Pay only allows online and peer-to-peer payments by connecting a traditionally issued payment card.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Tricolour beamed on Matterhorn Mountain in Coronavirus Pandemic
<p><strong>The iconic Matterhorn mountain in Switzerland lit up with Indian tricolour. In a show of solidarity with India during its fight against coronavirus pandemic. The national flag of India beamed on Matterhorn mountain in Zermatt. To express solidarity to all Indians in the fight against coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Embassy of India in Switzerland took to Twitter and posted a photo of the mountainside lit up. With the Indian flag on the Swiss Matterhorn to send a message of hope.</strong></p> <p><strong>The breathtaking light illumination series on the mountain is part of an effort to spread hope amid the coronavirus pandemic across the globe.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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26 Sailors of INS Angre tested positive for Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>In a major outbreak in the Indian Navy, at least 26 sailors have examined positive. For the highly contagious coronavirus infection in Mumbai, which comes at a time. When coronavirus infection has skeptically hit operations of at least four US and one French nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to sources the sailors, are from the main shore logistics terminal. INS Angre of the Western Naval Command has quarantined at the naval hospital INHS Asvini Mumbai.</strong></p> <p><strong>A massive “contact tracing” operation is underway to find out the people who have come in contact with the sailors, all of whom stay in one particular block of the bachelors’ residential accommodation at INS Angre.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Anand Mahindra learns self haircut in Coronavirus Infection lockdown
<p><strong>India is under a nationwide lockdown for the last 25 days to prevent the transmission of coronavirus infection. Business honcho Anand Mahindra said the lockdown has made us realize. The essential elements needed for a comfortable existence are minimal. Taking to microblogging site Twitter, Anand Mahindra tweeted, "The lockdown has made us understand that the ‘essential elements’ we need for a comfortable existence are minimal."</strong></p> <p><strong>Many people are experimenting with hair-cutting on their own as salons are close for nearly a month now. "But I am promoting my barber to a much higher position in the value chain! I’ve been learning how to cut my own hair, but I’ve reached the end of my abilities!" he tweeted.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reliance Jio decides to extend validity of prepaid service till 3 May
<p>Telecom giant Reliance Jio has extended the validity of those using the company's prepaid service to 3 May. Reliance Jio has decided to let their existing prepaid customers receive incoming calls even if their validity has expired. The telecom carrier also declared that most of its retail outlets. Will begin operations from 20 April, in view of the new guidelines issued by the government.</p> <p>Vodafone, Idea had also announced relief for their subscribers by extending the validity. Of customers who haven’t been able to recharge their accounts. Due to the lockdown, which initially put in place till 14 April but has now extended to 3 May.&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Leather Shops in Dharavi been Shut by month
<p><strong>The row of leather shops along the snaking 90-Feet Road in Dharavi in central Mumbai. Has been shut for more than a month now. Behind the road and perpendicular to it lies an unfathomable maze of alleys and passageways wide enough. For only two adults to walk by, hosting a jigsaw of semi-permanent ground-plus-one structures. Those are leather shops and double up as homes of workers.</strong></p> <p><strong>The shutters on his shops on 90-Feet Road in Dharavi, Leather Touch and Zaraa. Have not been opened since mid-March when the Maharashtra government enforced. A shutdown in Mumbai almost 10 days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the nationwide lockdown.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Pandemic cases in India hikes to 14378
<p><strong>The total number of coronavirus pandemic cases in India rose to 14378 on Saturday. With 991 new coronavirus pandemic, positive cases. 43 fresh deaths have reported in the last 24 hours, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Of these, 11906 are active cases while 1991 individuals have cured and discharged from the hospitals.</strong></p> <p><strong>The death toll in India has reached 480 while one person has migrated to another country, according to the data released by the Health Ministry on April 18.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra remained the worst-hit state with the number of positive cases rising to 3320.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reserve Bank of India cuts Reverse Repo Rate by 25 points
<p><strong>The Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das on Friday fired. Another round of bazooka by delivering a de-facto policy rate cut by lowering the reverse repo rate due to coronavirus pandemic. Opening a special line of funds to help support non-banking finance companies and microfinance companies. Easing asset classification norms on loan accounts considered for a moratorium. To support the banking system from the impact of coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Reserve Bank of India cut reverse repo rate by 25 basis points to 3.75 percent to discourage banks. From parking excess liquidity under the liquidity adjustment facility window and instead, lend more.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Arjun Kapoor on marriage plans with Maliaka Arora
<h1><strong>After keeping it away from the nosy eyes of the media and their fans, Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora finally appeared in open about their relationship.</strong></h1> <p><strong>Ever since then, the duo has been painting the town red with their love story. Recently, Arjun arranged for a virtual date with his fans where he asked about his marriage plans with Malaika.</strong></p> <p><strong>Responding to the same, Arjun and Malaika reportedly said that they will tell everybody when they are getting married. However, as of now, there are no plans. Arjun and Malaika also added that even if they wanted to get married now, it is not possible.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Nirmala Sitharaman supposed to announce another Economic Package
<p><strong>With the announcement of the extension of the lockdown period in India till May 3 amid the Coronavirus pandemic. Reports arrived that Union government is mulling for another economic stimulus for the worst-hit sectors. Aiming to ease the recession fears, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday. Met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and briefed him on the situation of the Indian economy.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to reports, published in the New Indian Express and Times of India. Nirmala Sitharaman discussed a stimulus package for the worst-hit sectors. Discussions on the massive job losses in sectors such as aviation, hospitality, M S M Es, and exports also discussed in detail, reports said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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United States death toll for Coronavirus Pandemic hiked 4591 in 24 hours
<p><strong>The confirmed coronavirus pandemic death toll in the United States. Reached 32917 on Thursday, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.</strong></p> <p><strong>The toll as of 8:30 pm marked a hike of 4591 deaths in the past 24 hours, by far the highest daily toll in the pandemic so far.</strong></p> <p><strong>But the figure likely includes "probable" deaths linked to coronavirus pandemic, which not previously included.</strong></p> <p><strong>This week, New York City announced it would add 3778 "probable" coronavirus deaths to its toll.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India’s Coronavirus Pandemic toll hiked to 13387
<p><strong>India's coronavirus pandemic tally hiked to 13387 on Friday, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said. Of these, 11201 active cases, 1749 individuals have cured and discharged from the hospital. The death toll, on the other hand, has also jumped to 437. Over the past 24 hours, 1007 positive cases and 23 deaths have been reported.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra continues worst affected in the coronavirus pandemic. A total of 3205 have tested positive, and 194 people have died in the state.</strong></p> <p><strong>Delhi comes in second place with 1630 people infected and 38 people have died in the national capital. Tamil Nadu in third place with 1267 positive cases and 15 people have died in the state.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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What can we learn from Virat Kohli?
<p>It is ironic that few years back people used to criticise him for his attitude. But now the same people will agree that his attitude and hunger for victory is one thing surely every person should learn. There are many things which one can learn from Virat Kohli. Some other things to learn from him would be.</p> <p>Number one is Self confidence.</p> <p>Very important thing to learn from him is his self confidence. For him it doesn't matter how the non striker is playing. He knows he is capable of chasing any score in the world and time and time he has proved it. He has never relied on anyone whole chasing those runs. Specially last few chases have been single man army chases.</p> <p>Number two is Maturity.</p> <p>The way he has matured over the years is commendable. From that crowd incident in Australia to People giving Standing ovations, He has come a long way. And we all know how well organised innings he plays while batting be it chasing or batting first. Even in your best dreams you can't imagine an inningsore beautiful than he actually play them.</p> <p>Number three is Hunger for win.</p> <p>His hunger for victory has been amazing. Remember when he was ready to risk a test match in Australia. when he told the whole team to go after the target and didn't tell them to play for a draw. If we had decided we could have easily played for a draw but he had other plans. sadly we didn't win but that was the first glimpse his hunger for victory for us. After that there are 'n' number of matches which he has won for us. And many more to come obviously.</p> <p>Number 4 is Aggression when needed.</p> <p>Taking stand for yourself and your fellow team mates and. defend them if the opposition tries to being their morale down. It was only for Pandya (debutant then) that was got into an ugly spat with Smith in Australia, T-20 series. just before the world cup. It was Pandya's first match and smith was throwing words at him. Virat himself involved in an ugly spat just for his fellow man. Such is the attitude of our future leader.</p> <p>last but not least,Hardwork.</p> <p>The success he has achieved would have been not possible if it wasn't for the effort he has put it behind it. Thousands of restless hours of practice it would have taken him to reach the level he is.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Epic Games pushed release Season 3 of Fortnite Chapter 2 till June 4
<p><strong>Epic Games has pushed back the upcoming Season 3 of Fortnite Chapter 2 by over a month.</strong></p> <p><strong>Chapter 2, Season 3 of Fortnite was scheduled to be released in just two weeks. But now, the company said it will be released on June 4.</strong></p> <p><strong>It is not clear why Epic Games is doing this, but the most obvious reason. It can be the current coronavirus pandemic where most of the developers are working from home.</strong></p> <p><strong>This is not the first time that Epic Games has extended a Fortnite season. Earlier, the first season of Chapter 2, launched in October 2019, lasted months longer than predicted as developers hit multiple delays.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra coronavirus pandemic cases hikes to 2916
<p><strong>With 2916 coronavirus pandemic cases, Maharashtra stands the worst affected state. But the latest figures from Press Trust of India suggested that cases in Maharashtra have crossed 3000 after 107 new cases reported from Mumbai city and 19 from Pune.</strong></p> <p><strong>Total coronavirus pandemic cases in India rose above 12000 today. After 941 new cases reported in the past 24 hours. The death toll went beyond 400 after 37 deaths reported in 24 hours. Show's latest data released by the Health Ministry released today morning. There were 10477 active cases in the country while 1,488 patients cured of the virus or discharged.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Government unveiled five-pronged plan for Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>The Maharashtra government on Thursday unveiled its five-pronged plan of action to fight coronavirus disease. Chief minister Uddhav Thackeray posted the state's plan on social networking website Twitter, detailing steps in the areas of health, migrants, economy, agriculture, and day-to-day administration.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra is the first state in India to have reported over 3000 coronavirus cases, including 1863 in Mumbai. The state now has a total of 3081 patients, according to the state's health department.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Maharashtra government has also appointed experts for dialysis, cardiac arrest, and diabetes at coronavirus disease hospitals. In addition to procuring personal protective equipment and ventilators, Maharashtra has started sanitizer production.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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E-commerce platforms will active from April 20
<p><strong>Mobile phones, televisions, refrigerators, laptops and stationery items will be allowed. To sold through e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, and Snapdeal. From April 20 during the coronavirus lockdown, officials said on Thursday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The clarification from a senior home ministry official came a day after Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla issued revised guidelines for the extended coronavirus lockdown period till May 3.</strong></p> <p><strong>Electronic items like mobile phones, TVs, laptops will be available on the e-commerce platforms from April 20, the official said.</strong></p> <p><strong>However, the delivery vans of the e-commerce companies will need approval from authorities for plying on the roads.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pizza Boy tested positive for Coronavirus Disease in Delhi
<p><strong>A pizza boy of a popular pizza chain tested positive for coronavirus disease in Delhi's Malviya Nagar. He had delivered pizzas to 72 homes while being symptomatic. After which all 72 families residing in Delhi's South District. Including in Hauz Khas and Malviya Nagar told to observe self-quarantine.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to South Delhi District Magistrate BM Mishra, a pizza boy from a famous pizza chain in Malviya Nagar area tested positive for coronavirus disease on Tuesday, following which the authorities immediately decided to quarantine his 16 colleagues at the outlet. The restaurant where the rider worked has suspended all operations.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India’s coronavirus disease cases hiked to 12380
<p><strong>India's coronavirus disease tally hiked to 12,380 on Thursday, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Of these, 10,477 are active coronavirus disease cases while 1,488 individuals cured and discharged from the hospitals. The death toll has mounted to 414 while one person has migrated to another country, according to the data released by the Health Ministry.</strong></p> <p><strong>Till Wednesday, the total coronavirus cases included 2,687 from Maharashtra.</strong></p> <p><strong>Meanwhile, the Union Health Ministry classified 170 hotspot districts in the Red Zone in the country. While 207 non-hotspot districts with clusters and non-infected districts have classified as Green Zone.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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YouTube launched UPI payment mode in India
<p><strong>Google-owned YouTube on Wednesday launched Unified Payment Interface (U P I). As a new form of payment for both YouTube and YouTube Music. In enhancement to the earlier options of credit and debit cards. YouTube India users will soon be able to make easy payments through U P I. Which is one of the most adopted forms of digital payments in India, the company said in a statement.</strong></p> <p><strong>All U P I users can now use the U P I payment option on YouTube India to buy monthly or quarterly prepaid subscriptions for YouTube Premium and YouTube Music Premium. Buy and rent their favorite movies, as well as pay for features like SuperChat and Channel Memberships to join with and support their favorite YouTube creators.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India Meteorological Department declared normal monsoon rainfall this year
<p><strong>The India Meteorological Department today declared that it suppose monsoon rainfall to be normal this year. "Southwest monsoon yearly rainfall over the nation as a whole is likely to be normal." The India Meteorological Department says in its first stage Long Range Forecast for monsoons.</strong></p> <p><strong>It said that quantitatively, the monsoon seasonal rainfall expects to be 100 percent. Of the Long Period Average with a pattern error of 5 percent. The Long Period Average of the season rainfall over the country. As a whole for the period, 1961 to 2010 is 88 cm.</strong></p> <p><strong>Monsoons suppose to hit Kerala's Thiruvananthapuram on June 1. India Meteorological Department has updated the start and withdrawal date of monsoon in various other parts of India.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ministry of Home Affairs issued guidelines for lockdown in coronavirus pandemic
The Ministry of Home Affairs on Wednesday issued a revised list of guidelines. For phase two of lockdown announced to contain coronavirus pandemic. Agriculture and related activities have been totally exempted from the lockdown as they fall under essential services. Until May 3, all domestic and international air travel of passengers, movement of trains, buses for public transport, metro rail services to remain prohibited. Bank branches and ATMs, IT vendors for banking operations, banking correspondents, ATM operation and cash management agencies to remain functional. All religious places shall close for the public, religious congregations are strictly prohibited until May 3 due to coronavirus pandemic. All educational, training institutions shall remain closed, taxis to remain prohibited until May 3. Cinema halls, malls, gyms, swimming pools, theaters, bars to also remain closed till May 3. --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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WHO launched Health Alert on Facebook Messenger in Coronavirus Pandemic
<p><strong>The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched an interactive experience on Facebook Messenger. To provide people with detailed and timely information about the coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>WHO will leverage Messenger's reach to more than 1.3 billion monthly active users. They will now be able to ask questions. Get quick answers from the WHO's "Health Alert" interactive service on Facebook Messenger. Which is free to use, the social networking giant said in a statement late Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The WHO Health Alert assistance has already reached more than 12 million people through WhatsApp in coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>The WHO's Health Alert interactive service accessed through the WHO's official Facebook Page by selecting Send Message or through the dedicated Messenger link.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India’s Coronavirus Infection toll hiked 11400 death toll reaches 377
<p><strong>The coronavirus infection cases in India hiked by over 1,000 in the past 24 hours. Taking the count overall toll above the 11,400-mark. As per the latest data published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Wednesday. The number of active coronavirus infections in the nation reached 9,756. A total of 1,306 patients released or cured, whereas, the death count reaches 377.</strong></p> <p><strong>The worst affected among all Indian states is Maharashtra state. Where the toll of coronavirus infection cases has stood near 2,900-mark. Maharashtra state has also recorded 178 deaths along with 259 recoveries.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ministry of Railways extended suspension till May 3 by Coronavirus Lockdown
<p><strong>Hours after the Union Ministry of Railways extended the suspension of its passenger train services till May 3 due to coronavirus lockdown, Indian Railway Catering &amp; Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) Ltd. declared a full refund for booked tickets till May 3. The refund will be relevant to all booked tickets.</strong></p> <p><strong>Notifying about the latest update, "For trains canceled by Indian Railways, a full refund will be provided automatically by IRCTC. Users need not cancel their e-tickets. Full fare will be credited back into the user’s accounts from which payment was made."</strong></p> <p><strong>Earlier, the Ministry of Railways has too extended suspension of its passenger services till May 3. The declaration comes on the day when the current phase of the 21-day coronavirus lockdown was scheduled to end.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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From study smell and taste loss symptoms associated with Coronavirus Infection
<p><strong>Researchers have reported the first empirical findings linking the loss of smell and taste in patients with coronavirus infection. A finding that may become a new clinical screening measure for the coronavirus.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the study, published in the journal International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology. People with influenza-like symptoms, and dysfunction of smell and taste, strongly associates with coronavirus infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>While the most common first sign of a coronavirus infection remains fever, said &nbsp;Carol Yan, an otolaryngologist and study co-author. From the University of California San Diego in the US, fatigue, and loss of smell symptoms. While taste follows as other very common initial symptoms.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Domestic and International flyings will shut till May 3 by Coronavirus Pandemic
<p><strong>After Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared the extension of total lockdown in India till May 3. The Ministry of Civil Aviation has decided that all flyings will continue suspended at this time. All domestic and international listed airline services will remain suspended till 11.59 pm on May 3. The aviation division hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>The India Railways has also extended the suspension of its passenger services till May 3. Earlier, the suspension of services made until April 14. This was the closing day of the 21-day coronavirus pandemic lockdown. However, looking at the surge in the coronavirus cases, the government took the decision to extend the lockdown by 21 more days.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Narendra Modi made a Seven-Point demand to the Nation
<p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a seven-point demand to the nation while announcing the extension of total lockdown till May 3. Using the phrase "7 baaton mein saath (together in seven things)", the Narendra Modi made a seven-point fervent request to the masses to protect themselves in the battle against coronavirus disease. Here are the seven things highlight by the Narendra Modi.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Take care of the old people in your family. We have to take special care of the elderly."</strong></p> <p><strong>"Adhere to lockdown and social distancing. Use homemade masks."</strong></p> <p><strong>"Create strong protection by following Ayush Ministry's guidelines."</strong></p> <p><strong>"To stop the spread of coronavirus disease, download Aarogya Setu App."</strong></p> <p><strong>"Look after as many needy families as you can."</strong></p> <p><strong>"Please be polite about people working in your company. Please don't go for layoffs."</strong></p> <p><strong>"Respect the corona warriors including doctors, policemen, hygiene workers, and others."</strong></p> <p><strong>However, some relaxations could be allowed in areas with no coronavirus disease hotspots from April 20, Narendra Modi claimed.</strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords: narendra modi, coronavirus disease</strong></p> <p><strong>Meta Description: Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a seven-point demand to the nation while announcing the extension of total lockdown till May 3 due to coronavirus disease.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Navi Mumbai APMC market set to reopen on Wednesday
<p><strong>The Navi Mumbai APMC market shut since Saturday after a trader tested coronavirus disease positive. Set to reopen onion-potato and vegetable sales from Wednesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to a Times of India report, this decision entered after the APMC market administration held talks with the transporters, traders, and workers.</strong></p> <p><strong>The grains and spices market shut from Monday due to coronavirus disease. The traders, transporters and mathadi workers chose to discontinue the operations due to the growing numbers in the state.</strong></p> <p><strong>However, the administration is sure of reaching a consensus and hopes the grain market will reopen soon.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Narendra Modi announced lockdown extension till May 3
<p><strong>The total lockdown time in India extended till May 3. Announced Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his special speech to the nation on Tuesday. Narendra Modi said the decision taken after feedback obtained from authorities, state governments and citizen organizations. The declaration comes on the day when the current phase of the 21-day lockdown cut to end.</strong></p> <p><strong>Narendra Modi, however, announced that some relaxations will allow in areas with the least coronavirus disease hotspots from April 20. The rule aim at allowing minimum economic activity to aid the workers and daily wagers. The relaxations would allow only if measures of social distancing are strictly following, he added.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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SaaS and many sectors on Investor Radar during Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>As much as 87% of investors in the Indian startup ecosystem said they will focus on sectors. This gives a positive impact on business during the coronavirus disease lockdown. According to a survey by Mumbai-based venture capital firm 100X.</strong></p> <p><strong>This survey is subscription-based commerce, health tech, safety and wellness services, online enabling technologies, software-as-a-service (SaaS) business applications. With Cloud infrastructure, fintech, deep tech, and artificial intelligence. The bipartite survey took into account responses from 76 investors, including angel investors, venture capital firms.</strong></p> <p><strong>Signaling the adoption of a ‘wait and watch’ strategy to see how the coronavirus disease situation unravels. The survey observed venture capital firms and angel investors. While family offices are currently open for business, corporate venture capitalists are likely to pause their investments for some time.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus shaped helmets and cars for awareness in Telangana
<p><strong>From police donning coronavirus disease shaped helmets to a car museum owner designing a whacky 'virus car'. A folk singer bringing out a video on the need to wash one's hands. People in Telangana State have come out with innovative ideas to create awareness about the Coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>The keepers of the law took out a bike rally in the city recently with these scary looking helmets. To grab the attention of two-wheeler riders and explain to them about the dangers. Of the coronavirus disease and the need to take precautions.</strong></p> <p><strong>"It is an effort to promote awareness on the pandemic and the need to take precautions," a Hyderabad police official said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India’s death toll hikes to 308 due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>The tally of coronavirus disease in India on Monday reached 9,152 with a hike of 796 fresh cases and 35 deaths in the past 24 hours, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said on Monday. The death toll due to coronavirus disease hiked to 308 with 35 deaths in the last 24 hours. Of the total count, 7,987 are active cases while 856 individuals have healed and discharged from the hospitals.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra continued to be the worst-hit state with 1,982 coronavirus disease positive cases. Mumbai reported 16 deaths due to coronavirus in a single day, which is the highest so far. Pune recorded 3 deaths, Navi Mumbai 2 and one in Solapur, taking the state's total deaths to 149.</strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords: coronavirus disease, mumbai, coronavirus disease india</strong></p> <p><strong>Meta Description: The death toll due to coronavirus disease hiked to 308 with 35 deaths in the last 24 hours. Of the total count, 7,987 are active cases while 856 individuals have healed.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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PM Narendra Modi will address the nation at 10 am tomorrow
<p><strong>PM Narendra Modi will address the nation at 10 am tomorrow, the Prime Minister's Office said. The 21-day nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus disease.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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All Common Entrance Tests are postponed in TELANGANA
<p><strong>Telangana State on Sunday declared the postponement of TS EAMCET and all other common entrance tests for admissions. With the lockdown extended till April 30.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pharmaceutical Industry produced 20 crore HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE tablets
<p><strong>Hydroxychloroquine, believed to be useful in dealing with coronavirus disease. The pharmaceutical industry produced 20 crore hydroxychloroquine tablets this month.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Narendra Modi decided to extend lockdown period for Two Weeks
<p><strong>Narendra Modi on Saturday decided to extend the total lockdown period in India for two more weeks. The curfew-like restrictions were earlier scheduled to end on April 14.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Kapil Sharma will shoot from home due to Coronavirus Pandemic
<p><strong>Some good news in coronavirus pandemic drama, Kapil Sharma will be shooting for the show from the comfort of his home and the show will soon resume.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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SS Rajamouli postpone RRR release until January 2021
<p><strong>SS Rajamouli RRR is probably the most awaited release in the Telugu film industry. The team decided to go ahead and postpone its release until January 2021.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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चीन छिपा रहा है मौत के आंकड़े, 40,000 से ज्यादा लोग मारे गए
चीन छिपा रहा है मौत के आंकड़े, 40,000 से ज्यादा लोग मारे गए --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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‘उद्धवा, महाराष्ट्र तुझ्या खांद्यावर उभा आहे बेटा !’ Viral phone call of Uddhav & Sindhu taai
महाराष्ट्राचे मुख्यमंत्री उद्धव ठाकरे आणि सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्या सिंधुताई सपकाळ यांच्यात फोनवरुन चर्चा झाली. महाराष्ट्रात करोनाच्या संकटाशी उद्धव ठाकरे ज्या प्रकारे लढत आहेत ते पाहून सिंधुताई सपकाळ यांनी त्यांचं कौतुक केलं. “उद्धवा महाराष्ट्र तुझ्या खांद्यावर उभा आहे सगळी जबाबदारी तू उत्तमरित्या पेलतो आहेस” असं माई म्हणजेच सिंधुताई सपकाळ म्हणाल्या. दोघांमध्ये फोनवरुन संभाषण झालं ते #sindhutaisapkal #udhavthakrey #coronavirusinusa #coronadeaths #mumbai #maharashtra #latestnews --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Narendra Modi held meeting with Chief Ministers for Lockdown Extension
<p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in a cloth mask during a video conference. With chief ministers to discuss the lockdown over the coronavirus pandemic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India Coronavirus Cases hikes to 7447 with 200 deaths
<p><strong>The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in India hikes to 7447. With an increase of 1000 new coronavirus disease cases in the last 24 hours.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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No Mask No Fuel rule imposed on Fuel Stations across Odisha
<p><strong>Fuel Stations across Odisha on Friday came out with a powerful rule of No Mask, No Fuel. In a bid to rigidly support the government's rule for wearing face masks.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Railways exposed rumors about starting rail services
<p><strong>The Indian Railways exposed fake news and rumors linked to the starting of rail services.The Railway Ministry said that in the last two days, there are media reports.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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कोरोना ने तोड़ी अमेरिका की कमर, डोनाल्ड ट्रंप ने PM मोदी से मांगी मदद 🙏😷
कोरोना वायरस ने दुनिया में कोहराम मचा रखा है. कोरोना वायरस के सबसे ज्यादा मामले अमेरिका में सामने आए हैं और अमेरिका में लगातार कोरोना संक्रमित मरीजों की संख्या बढ़ती जा रही है. इस बीच अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी से मदद मांगी है और हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन टेबलेट्स मुहैया कराने का अनुरोध किया है. Follow for more Latest News, Trending News, Breaking News Follow @latestnewssuno_com Like @latestnewssuno_com Comment @latestnewssuno_com Share for More @latestnewssuno_com Double Tap if you like this Story Follow me @latestnewssuno_com Click to visit our Website http://bit.ly/2IVyf8V #dharavi #raftaar #mumbai #bombay #kohinoor #coronavirusinusa #corona #coronadeaths --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maruti Suzuki announced production of Ventilators for Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>Maruti Suzuki had officially announced that they entered into agreement with AgVa Healthcare to increase the production of ventilators required for coronavirus disease.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Work from home affects Employees during Coronavirus Pandemic
<p><strong>72 percent of organizations consider the impact of coronavirus pandemic. The single largest concern for remote working is a reduction in productivity.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Razia Begum traveled 1400 km during Lockdown
<p><strong>Breaking severe lockdown rules. A school lecturer traveled 1,400 km on her moped to take her son back home. Razia Begum, a lecturer in Bodhan, Nizamabad.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India will not transport HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE to Private Organizations
<p><strong>India will transport anti-malarial medicine hydroxychloroquine, due to coronavirus pandemic. Only to international governments and not to private organizations.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uddhav Thackeray gets Governor nominee for MLC
<p><strong>Maharashtra Minister Nawab Malik informed that the state cabinet has decided. To recommend CM Uddhav Thackeray as a nominee in the legislative council.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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iPhone 11 series getting discounts in China due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>Many resellers in China are giving discounts on the iPhone 11. In an effort to during a time when consumer confidence. Spending is low due to coronavirus disease.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reserve Bank of India declares global recession due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>Reserve Bank of India on Thursday said the global economy expect to tip into recession in 2020. the coronavirus disease pandemic wrecks havoc on global production.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Dharavi Slums sealed by BMC due to Coronavirus Outbreak
<p><strong>The coronavirus outbreak in Maharashtra, sealed coronavirus disease hotspots in Mumbai's Dharavi area. Two more people tested positive in the Dharavi slum area.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sara Ali Khan and Kartik dating each other? | Bollywood Stories
Hello and welcome to the Latest News Suno Podcast. You’re listening to the Bollywood Stories. It’s time to find out Sara Ali Khan and Kartik relationship rumours. Is Sara Ali Khan and Kartik dating each other? Let's find it out. --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Samsung Group and Facebook give a donation for the United Kingdom
<p><strong>Samsung Group has declared to donate 2,000 smartphones to the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. Facebook is giving away 2,050 video-calling gadgets.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus cases hikes to 5734 in India
<p><strong>According to the Union Health Ministry, the total tally of covid19 disease. Cases in India hikes up to 5,734 on Thursday. After an increase of 540 fresh covid19 cases.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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No new Coronavirus Disease cases reported in Ladakh
<p><strong>No new covid19 disease cases were reported as of 4:30 PM on Apr 08 in Ladakh, according to data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uttar Pradesh coronavirus diseases cases hikes to 343
<p><strong>38 fresh coronavirus disease cases recorded as of 4:30 PM on April 08 in Uttar Pradesh. According to data published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uddhav Thackeray says people must use masks before going out
<p><strong>Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday urged people to use masks. While going out of their homes to buy essential items.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mumbai set to extend coronavirus disease lockdown till April 30
<p><strong>India's economic center </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-Death-toll-hikes-to-19-due-to-Coronavirus-Disease/241"><u><strong>Mumbai</strong></u></a><strong> set to extend lockdown rules until at least April 30.&nbsp;</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India’s Coronavirus Disease death toll hikes to 149
<p><strong>India's coronavirus disease death toll reached 149 today after registering over 30 fresh deaths.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Allu Arjun turns 37 today
<p><strong>South charming and dynamic actor, </strong><a href="https://beautyfitnessfashion.com/trendsetter-allu-arjun-turns-37/"><u><strong>Allu Arjun</strong></u></a><strong> is a pleasure to reckon with. Firstly, his indisputable on-screen enthusiasm charms him immensely.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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How Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma(Virushka love story) got into relationship? | Bollywood Series
EP 01 - Bollywood Series | How Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma(Virushka love story) got into relationship?  How actress Anushka Sharma and Indian skipper Virat Kohli got into relationship? On 11th December 2017, two years ago. Indian skipper Virat Kohli and Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma tied the knot in Italy. The couple’s big fat Indian wedding was a rather hush-hush affair. Both Virat and Anushka’s friends and families were flown in from all over India for the celebration. and even they didn’t know the exact location of the wedding till they actually arrived at the venue.  In an interview with American television sports reporter. Graham Bensinger, Virat revealed that this occasion had to be a super-secret affair. as their wedding was one of India’s most high-profile events and Anushka didn’t want. anyone else other than their friends and family there to commemorate their big day. Fast-forward to today, the couple is still secretive about certain aspects of their lives. But now, they aren’t as secretive about their mutual respect. and adoration for each other as they were in the early stages of their relationship, which commenced in 2013. Here, take a look at a complete year by year timeline of Virat and Anushka’s relationship as well as the story of their meet-cute. --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Narendra Modi to extend the Lockdown period due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>With only seven days remaining for the complete lockdown imposed by </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Sociology/Narendra-Modi-said-defeating-Coronavirus-Disease-is-India-sole-aim/250"><u><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi</strong></u></a><strong> to end.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Vodafone Idea subscribers faced poor Network Outage
<p><strong>Few users of</strong><a href="https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/vodafone-idea-users-face-connectivity-issues-5116481.html"><u><strong> Vodafone Idea </strong></u></a><strong>on Tuesday stated bad call and internet connectivity problems.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Harley Davidson launched its Low Rider S in India
<p><strong>American cult bike company Harley-Davidson on Tuesday. Said it has launched Low Rider S in India priced at ₹14.69 lakh (ex-showroom).</strong></p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Whatsapp launched a new feature due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>The world’s largest instant messaging application WhatsApp on Tuesday announced.&nbsp;</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Unemployment Rate in India hikes to 23 percent due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>The </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/indias-unemployment-rate-hit-6-1-in-2017-18/articleshow/69598640.cms?from=mdr"><u><strong>unemployment rate</strong></u></a><strong> in India hikes to 23 percent in the last week of March. Said think-tank Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy in its latest update released on Tuesday.&nbsp;</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Donald Trump hints to retaliate India for not exporting HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE
<p><strong>US President Donald Trump on Monday warned India of “retaliation" if it turns down his request. To lift the hold on the export of an anti-malarial drug used in the treatment of coronavirus disease.</strong></p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Cost-effective and time-saving COVID-19 test kits for India by Mylab
<p><strong>The startup has developed Mylab PathoDetect COVID-19 Qualitative PCR kit for faster diagnosis.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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92 staff members and Doctors of DY Patil Hospital in Pune have been quarantined
<p><strong>At least 92 staff members, including several doctors, of the DY Patil Hospital in Pune in Maharashtra have been quarantined.&nbsp;</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declaring a state of emergency
<p><strong>Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he will recommend declaring a state of emergency.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mukesh Ambani wealth dropped by 28 Percent
<p><strong>The net worth of India’s wealthiest man </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/Reliance-Contributes-Rs.-5-crore-to-CM-Relief-Fund/179"><u><strong>Mukesh Ambani</strong></u></a><strong> dropped 28 percent or USD 300 million.&nbsp;</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Google Maps will show locations for shelters during Lockdown in India
<p><strong>Google India on Monday said it will now display the locations of food shelters.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Narendra Modi said defeating Coronavirus Disease is India’s sole aim
<p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said India's sole mission.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Nagpur Police spread awareness from Chennai Express meme
<p><strong>Regarding the novel </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-death-toll-of-India-hikes-to-109-due-to-Coronavirus-Disease/248"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>, police forces of different states and towns are evolving up with new ways to amplify awareness.&nbsp;</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The death toll of India hikes to 109 due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>The confirmed coronavirus disease cases in India crossed 4000-mark.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Pandemic death toll of Pune hikes to 4
<p><strong>Another death due to </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/New-Born-baby-tested-positive-for-Coronavirus-Disease/239"><u><strong>novel coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease announces in Pune on Sunday</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mahanagar Gas Limited decided to cut prices of Compressed Natural Gas
<p><a href="https://www.livemint.com/industry/energy/cng-png-prices-to-be-cut-in-mumbai-area-from-tonight-11585995466764.html"><u><strong>Mahanagar Gas</strong></u></a><strong> Limited has decided to cut prices of Compressed Natural Gas.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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SBI Mutual Fund became India’s biggest Mutual Fund
<p><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/sbi-mf-becomes-indias-top-amc-topples-hdfc-mf/articleshow/74970046.cms"><u><strong>SBI Mutual Fund</strong></u></a><strong> has surpassed HDFC Mutual Fund to become India’s biggest fund house.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Raj Thackeray says to Shot Dead for attendees of Nizamuddin Markaz
<p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-Death-toll-hikes-to-19-due-to-Coronavirus-Disease/241"><u><strong>Maharashtra </strong></u></a><strong>Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray, in a statement issued on Saturday.&nbsp;</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Government to export diagnostic kits due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>The </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Government-Worker-hanged-himself-by-the-scare-of-Coronavirus/229"><u><strong>government</strong></u></a><strong> on Saturday put curbs on exports of diagnostic kits with a view to discourage shipments amid the coronavirus disease.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ranveer and Deepika announced to donate in PM CARES Fund
<p><strong>Ranveer and Deepika have announced that they would be donating. To the PM-CARES Fund to combat against the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-Death-toll-hikes-to-19-due-to-Coronavirus-Disease/241"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Death toll hikes to 19 due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>The number of coronavirus disease cases in the country climbed to 2,902.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Two Terrorists shot down by Defense Forces in Jammu and Kashmir
<p><strong>Two terrorists shot down by defense forces during an encounter in Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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New Born baby tested positive for Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>A five-day baby on Friday tested negative for coronavirus disease in the "re-confirmation" test.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Alia and Ranbir set get married in 2020
<p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Bollywood/Alia-Bhatt-thrashed-breakup-rumors-with-Ranbir-Kapoor/165"><u><strong>Alia and Ranbir’s</strong></u></a><strong> marriage got the latest date as per reports.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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WHO says Coronavirus Disease spreads through droplet
<p><strong>The virus that causes the coronavirus disease originally transmit through.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Yogi Adityanath hits National Security Act on Tablighi Jamaat members
<p><strong>The </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Sociology/Uttar-Pradesh-Government-arrange-1000-buses-for-Migrant-Workers/208"><u><strong>Uttar Pradesh government</strong></u></a><strong> will request the harsh National Security Act.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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US Embassy employee in India tested positive for Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>An employee of the US Embassy tested positive for the coronavirus disease in New Delhi.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Google India declared to close the app Neighbourly on May 12
<p><a href="https://tech.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/mobile/google-to-shut-down-neighbourly-app-in-may/74942305"><u><strong>Google India</strong></u></a><strong> has declared that it is closing down its Q&amp;A social app Neighbourly on May 12, as the plan did not take off as expected.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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World Bank declares $1 Billion help to India
<p><strong>The World Bank has declared that India is to receive a sum of $1 billion. In emergency financing to combat the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-Disease-cases-hikes-to-2301-in-India/232"><u><strong>Coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong> pandemic.</strong></p> <p><strong>The compensation will support better screening, contact tracing, and lab diagnostics. Procurement of personal emergency equipment, production of new isolation wards, the World Bank said on Thursday.</strong></p> <p><strong>It is the portion of the first package of $1.9 billion fast-track assistant appreciates by the Board of Executive Directors under a fast-track curriculum, the World Bank said. While India gets a massive share of &nbsp;$1 billion from the </strong><a href="https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2020/04/02/world-bank-fast-tracks-1-billion-covid-19-support-for-india"><u><strong>World Bank </strong></u></a><strong>in coronavirus disease.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Disease cases hikes to 2301 in India
<p><strong>The coronavirus disease numbers have hiked remarkably over the last few days. The </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Government-Worker-hanged-himself-by-the-scare-of-Coronavirus/229"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease positive cases have hiked to 2,301 in India. These numbers also include 156 cured and released. As far as 56 deaths and 1 migrated, as per the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The government numbers were released at 10:40 am on Friday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The numbers grew sharply after there was an increase in positive cases among the people who attended the Nizamuddin Markaz event at the end of February and beginning of March. Thursday saw a hike of 235 fresh cases in 24 hours. </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-Coronavirus-disease-climbs-to-320/221"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong> continues to be the worst state in the coronavirus disease, followed by Kerala.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Narendra Modi requested to switch off all lights on April 5 at 9 pm
<p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday gave a first video message. After the declaration of a 21-day lockdown due to </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-positives-cases-rise-to-1637-in-India/223"><u><strong>Coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease. In his video message, PM Narendra Modi requested the people of India to switch off all lights. Stand on door or balcony by burning a "candle, Diya, torch or mobile torch for 9 minutes on Sunday, April 5, at 9 pm to honor the great power of 130 crore Indians."</strong></p> <p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Democracy/Donald-Trump-visits-Ahmedabad-for-stadium-inauguration-with-Prime-Minister-Modi/11"><u><strong>PM Narendra Modi</strong></u></a><strong> said, "On April 5th, we have to do a Jagran of the strength of 130 crore citizens of India. On April 5, At 9 pm, I want 9 minutes from all of you. Switch off all your lights. Be at your door or balcony, light a candle, Diya, torch or mobile torch for 9 minutes."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Daily Grocery delivery possible with Dominos Pizza and ITC Foods
<p><strong>Dominos Pizza, in cooperation with ITC Foods, on Thursday declared the launch of Dominos Pizza Essentials. To deliver necessary items at a house in view of the lockdown imposed owing to the spread of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-disease-cases-in-India-hikes-to-1965/227"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease. The delivery support of Dominos Pizza would be ready to help customers order daily market essentials," a joint announcement said.</strong></p> <p><strong>A combo pack of ITC Aashirvaad Atta and spices including chili, coriander and turmeric powder. It would be available on the </strong><a href="https://www.livemint.com/industry/retail/itc-foods-domino-s-partner-to-deliver-groceries-11585820141945.html"><u><strong>Domino's Pizza</strong></u></a><strong> app starting today, ITC Foods said.</strong></p> <p><strong>The service would be available for consumers first in Bengaluru and then in the cities of Noida, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, and Hyderabad in the view of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Nirmal-Singh-Khalsa-died-due-to-Coronavirus-Disease/228"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Government Worker hanged himself by the scare of Coronavirus
<p><strong>In a shocking incident, a government worker in Uttar Pradesh committed suicide in his office. Declaring that he was afraid of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-disease-cases-in-India-hikes-to-1965/227"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>. According to a tweet by </strong><em><strong>A N I</strong></em><strong>, the government worker hanged himself in his office. In the Nakur police station area in Saharanpur on Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>In a suicide note, the government worker wrote that he was afraid of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Nirmal-Singh-Khalsa-died-due-to-Coronavirus-Disease/228"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease. Dinesh Kumar P, Senior Superintendent of Police informed that the family members of the dead worker said, that the man was in depression for a long time.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Nirmal Singh Khalsa died due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>On Thursday, former Hazoori Ragi of the Golden Temple Nirmal Singh Khalsa died of cardiac arrest around 4:30 am.</strong></p> <p><strong>He had tested positive for coronavirus disease on Wednesday, said by the Amritsar Civil Surgeon. It was the second positive case from the region and the “first </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-disease-cases-in-India-hikes-to-1965/227"><u><strong>coronavirus death</strong></u></a><strong>”.</strong></p> <p><strong>Prior, a coronavirus-positive case from Hoshiarpur had died at Amritsar Government Medical College.</strong></p> <p><strong>The 62-year-old 'Gurbani' supporter was the Padma Shri award winner in 2009.</strong></p> <p><strong>The head of state clinical school, Dr. Sujata Sharma says that Nirmal Singh was positive for coronavirus disease, on Wednesday. </strong><a href="https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/nirmal-singh-padma-shri-winner-and-sikh-spiritual-singer-dies-of-coronavirus-in-amritsar-2204614"><u><strong>Nirmal Singh</strong></u></a><strong> admitted to the isolation branch of the emergency clinic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus disease cases in India hikes to 1965
<p><strong>The total number of coronavirus disease positive cases in India hikes 1,965 on Wednesday, the Union Health Ministry notified. The number of positive cases observed a bunch. With as many as 131 </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-positives-cases-rise-to-1637-in-India/223"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong> cases in the last 12 hours. The Health Ministry, in its latest update, that 50 deaths have been recorded in India so far. With the most severe nine from Maharashtra, followed by Gujarat.</strong></p> <p><strong>Among the 27 states and Union Territories having Coronavirus disease patients. </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-Coronavirus-disease-climbs-to-320/221"><u><strong>Maharashtra </strong></u></a><strong>has the highest score of positive cases at 338, followed by Kerala at 241. In the wake of the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-coronavirus-Death-toll-of-India-hikes-to-18/201"><u><strong>coronavirus outbreak.</strong></u></a><strong> India has been under a 21-day lockdown in an effort to prevent the spread of the disease.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Minions Rise of Gru delayed due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>Another important announcement from </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Hollywood/Actor-Idris-Elba-tested-positive-for-coronavirus/141"><u><strong>Hollywood</strong></u></a><strong> as Universal decided to shift the release date of Minions: Rise of Gru. The animated movie was to hit the theaters in July this year. However, due to the ongoing coronavirus disease crisis globally. The production house has chosen to push ahead of the film's release date by over a year.</strong></p> <p><strong>As per their current announcement, Minions: </strong><a href="https://www.indiewire.com/2020/03/coronavirus-delays-minions-the-rise-of-gru-post-production-disruption-1202219136/"><u><strong>Rise of Gru</strong></u></a><strong> will now hit the theaters on July 2, 2021. The decision keeping the current situation in mind since no one knows when the situation will normalize and the business will be back on track. Many movies have been rescheduled due to </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-positives-cases-rise-to-1637-in-India/223"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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LPG cylinders prices slashed
<p><strong>The cost of non-subsidized LPG cylinders was slash today due to the national </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-positives-cases-rise-to-1637-in-India/223"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong> lockdown. This is the next continuous fall in-cylinder rates in the last two months. A 14.2 kg non-subsidized LPG cylinder will now get ₹744, In Delhi.</strong></p> <p><strong>From the preceding change, this is a discount of ₹61 per cylinder by March 1. A non-subsidized </strong><a href="https://www.businesstoday.in/current/economy-politics/lpg-prices-cut-by-up-to-rs-65-from-today-check-out-latest-rates-here/story/399801.html"><u><strong>LPG cylinder</strong></u></a><strong> will now be possible at ₹714.50 as compared to ₹776.50 previously, in Mumbai.</strong></p> <p><strong>The LPG cylinder will cost ₹774.5 in Kolkata and ₹761.5 in Chennai as compared to ₹839.50 and ₹776.50 prior, after today's rate change.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Few facts about Tablighi Jamaat in Nizamuddin
<p><strong>In the past few days, the Tablighi Jamaat base in Delhi's Nizamuddin has been creating headlines after some of its associates were tested positive for novel </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-positives-cases-rise-to-1637-in-India/223"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Tablighi Jamaat is an Islamic missionary campaign that centers on making Muslims return to practicing their religion during the existence of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Tablighi Jamaat is expected to have between 150 to 250 million followers. The bulk of them living in South Asia. It has an appearance of between 180 to 200 countries. The campaign was built in 1927 by Muhammad Ilyas al-Kandhlawi in the Mewat area of</strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/India-Coronavirus-cases-hiked-to-873/204"><u><strong> India</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>In 2018, the Tablighi Jamaat split into pair camps after disputes rose overwhelmingly of the organization. While the larger camp is headquartered at Banglewali Masjid in </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-disease-deaths-connection-to-Nizamuddin/219"><u><strong>Nizamuddin</strong></u></a><strong>, the other camp runs from a mosque in Nerul near Mumbai.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus positives cases rise to 1637 in India
<p><strong>The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has informed that there has been an increase of 240 coronavirus positive cases in the last 12 hours. With this, the total number of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-Coronavirus-disease-climbs-to-320/221"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease positive cases rise to 1,637 in India. Which includes 1,466 active cases, 133 cured, discharged, migrated people and also the people who have died.</strong></p> <p><strong>On the other hand, the death toll due to coronavirus in India jumped to 47 on Wednesday after two </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Due-to-the-Coronavirus-Disease-Death-toll-in-country-hikes-to-42/216"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong> patients died in West Bengal. With the latest cases, the death toll in West Bengal increased six. Earlier in the day, a 65-year-old patient died in Madhya Pradesh's &nbsp;Indore.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus positives cases rise to 1637 in India
<p><strong>The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has informed that there has been an increase of 240 coronavirus positive cases in the last 12 hours. With this, the total number of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-Coronavirus-disease-climbs-to-320/221"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease positive cases rise to 1,637 in India. Which includes 1,466 active cases, 133 cured, discharged, migrated people and also the people who have died.</strong></p> <p><strong>On the other hand, the death toll due to coronavirus in India jumped to 47 on Wednesday after two </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Due-to-the-Coronavirus-Disease-Death-toll-in-country-hikes-to-42/216"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong> patients died in West Bengal. With the latest cases, the death toll in West Bengal increased six. Earlier in the day, a 65-year-old patient died in Madhya Pradesh's &nbsp;Indore.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Youtube sensation Logan Paul turned 25 today
<p><strong>Logan Alexandar Paul turned 25 today, April 1, 2020. The internet sensation has built a career off the now-defunct Vine app. Later started two </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/More-+/Influencer-Stories/New-Face-of--Moto-Vlogging-on-Youtube,-Rahul-Bhattacharya/108"><u><strong>YouTube</strong></u></a><strong> channels which have earned him millions of fans from across the world.</strong></p> <p><strong>The </strong><a href="https://www.businessinsider.in/entertainment/the-rise-of-logan-paul-the-22-year-old-world-famous-youtube-star-at-the-heart-of-a-huge-controversy/articleshow/62856952.cms"><u><strong>Logan Paul</strong></u></a><strong> Vlogs channel which he created in 2015, is his most subscribed YouTube channel. As of January 2020, the channel received more than 20 million subscribers and reportedly over 4 billion views.</strong></p> <p><strong>It is no secret that Logan Paul at a very young age has created a milestone in the era of social media. Besides his fame, he is often involved in many controversies. Logan Paul is one who from making homemade videos became one of the popular and most controversial social media stars.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra’s Coronavirus disease climbs to 320
<p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-disease-deaths-connection-to-Nizamuddin/219"><u><strong>Coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong> 18 new cases in Maharashtra by which tally climbs to 320. Health official says on the declaration of a fraction.</strong></p> <p><strong>Recently 34 people traced in Ahmednagar, including 29 foreigners who had attended the Markaz in </strong><a href="https://www.jagran.com/jharkhand/ranchi-coronavirus-update-coronavirus-positive-women-found-in-ranchi-police-traced-jharkhand-based-46-scholars-and-foreign-maulvi-who-attend-tablighi-jamaat-nizamuddin-markaz-in-new-delhi-coronavirus-in-ran-20155661.html"><u><strong>Nizamuddin</strong></u></a><strong>, Delhi. Out of these 29 foreigners, results of 14 have come &amp; 2 have tested positive for coronavirus disease.</strong></p> <p><strong>Almost 3 people who came in contact with them also tested positive. Ahmednagar Collector gives the following data on Wednesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The number of positive cases in</strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Due-to-the-Coronavirus-Disease-Death-toll-in-country-hikes-to-42/216"><u><strong> India</strong></u></a><strong> has crossed 1,500 and the death toll is over 50. Over 8,00,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus disease across the globe, with the global death toll rising to 42,000.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Star Wars Actor Andrew Jack died due to Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>Star Wars actor Andrew Jack has died in the United Kindom due to the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-disease-deaths-connection-to-Nizamuddin/219"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>. His spokesman said on Wednesday. &nbsp;Andrew Jack was 76 when he died.</strong></p> <p><strong>Jack, who also served as a language coach, died in a hospital in Surrey on Tuesday. Andrew Jack’s colleague Jill McCullough said in an announcement.</strong></p> <p><strong>“Andrew existed on one of the oldest moving houseboats on the Thames. Jack was fiercely individualistic but crazily in love with his spouse, also a language coach,” McCullough spoke.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-sussex-52111530"><u><strong>Jack Andrew</strong></u></a><strong> arrived in “Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi” as General Ematt. As well as in “Solo: A Star Wars Story” and “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens.”</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus disease deaths connection to Nizamuddin
<p><strong>In the Nizamuddin region in Delhi, Twenty-four people have examined positive for coronavirus disease and more cases may be confirmed after a spiritual meeting at a mosque which has been affiliated with seven </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Due-to-the-Coronavirus-Disease-Death-toll-in-country-hikes-to-42/216"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong> deaths. Close to 2,000 people had been visiting at "Markaz Nizamuddin", the Delhi quarters of the Tablighi Jamaat organization, for weeks.</strong></p> <p><strong>Recently with symptoms of the highly contagious coronavirus disease, more than 300 were relocated to hospitals. The </strong><a href="https://www.news18.com/news/india/coronavirus-live-updates-delhi-nizammudin-telangana-markaz-tabligh-e-jamaat-mumbai-kerala-death-us-2557841.html"><u><strong>Markaz Nizamuddin</strong></u></a><strong> was sealed this morning and 700 people went out on buses are quarantined in various parts of the city.</strong></p> <p><strong>A police case has been registered against the mosque administration. Many states are trying to hunt down members who attended the event and could be vectors for a larger expanse.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reliance Jio announced free 100 minutes and text messages till 17 April
<p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/Reliance-Jio-Introduces-Work-From-Home-Plan/169"><u><strong>Reliance Jio</strong></u></a><strong> has announced complimentary 100 minutes of calls and 100 text messages till 17 April. The company has also announced that users will continue to receive incoming calls even after their validity expires.</strong></p> <p><strong>The 100 minutes of calls and 100 SMS free. Can be availed anywhere in the country, till 17th April 2020. Reliance Jio also partnered with banks to provide a recharge facility using ATM. Alongside online options like </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/PayPal-set-to-launch-UPI-payment-services-in-India/50"><u><strong>UPI</strong></u></a><strong> and net banking recharge.</strong></p> <p><strong>The company released a statement saying, “Some JioPhone users are still unable to recharge and need it (telecom services) the most, especially during such important times. Hence, Reliance Jio is going the extra mile for its </strong><a href="https://www.livemint.com/industry/telecom/reliance-jio-to-provide-100-minutes-calling-100-smss-for-free-till-17-april-11585647580951.html"><u><strong>JioPhone</strong></u></a><strong> users."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra’s Finance Minister announced a salary cut
<p><strong>In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic sweeping across the country, and to financially assist the state. </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-disease-toll-of-Maharashtra-hikes-to-215/209"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong> today announced a pay cut for all government employees.</strong></p> <p><strong>Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and other MLAs will be taking 60 percent deductions in their salaries. While Grade A and B officers will get a 50 percent cut. There will be no salary deductions for Grade D staff.</strong></p> <p><strong>The pay cut is applicable for March 2020 salaries, Maharashtra </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/maharashtra-govt-announces-salary-cut-for-its-employees/articleshow/74909311.cms?from=mdr"><u><strong>Finance Minister</strong></u></a><strong> Ajit Pawar announced.</strong></p> <p><strong>In a similar move, Telangana Chief Minister </strong><a href="https://www.businesstoday.in/current/economy-politics/coronavirus-crisis-maharashtra-telagana-govt-employees-to-take-75-salary-cut/story/399726.html"><u><strong>K Chandrasekhar Rao</strong></u></a><strong> on Monday has announced that his salary would be cut by 75 percent. While state ministers and members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) will also face a three-fourth salary cut.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Due to the Coronavirus Disease Death toll in country hikes to 42
<p><strong>With the death of one </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-disease-toll-of-Maharashtra-hikes-to-215/209"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease victim in West Bengal. The death toll in the nation has hiked to 42. With this new case, the state has recorded three deaths. On the other hand, the therapeutic staff in different hospitals in West Bengal took to the roads to protest.</strong></p> <p><strong>Alleging that they have implied provided low-quality Personal Protection Equipment against coronavirus disease. Protests originated in hospitals in regions of North Bengal and Howrah on Monday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The first death on Tuesday was of a 68-year-old man tests positive for </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Punjab-announced-second-death-from-Coronavirus-Disease/213"><u><strong>Coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong> who passed away early daylight today. The Medical Superintendent, Government Medical College, &nbsp;mentioned that the dead underwent kidney failure.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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ICICI Bank introduces Whatsapp Banking
<p><strong>To facilitate people during the 21-day lockdown due to the novel coronavirus. ICICI Bank on Monday introduced </strong><a href="https://www.icicibank.com/aboutus/article.page?identifier=news-icici-bank-launches-banking-services-on-whatsapp-20203003110358746"><u><strong>ICICI Bank</strong></u></a><strong> WhatsApp banking service. “The facility is available 24x7, securely with end-to-end encryption,” the private lender said in a tweet. The ICICI Bank service enables customers to access a host of banking services with just a few clicks.</strong></p> <p><strong>Customers can check their savings account balance, information about the last three transactions, blocking and unblocking credit/debit cards anytime. Credit card limit, track deliverables such as debit/credit cards, details on pre-approved loans and block/unblock credit and debit card with ICICI Bank </strong><a href="https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/trends/icici-bank-launches-whatsapp-banking-services-here-what-you-need-to-know/story/399601.html"><u><strong>WhatsApp banking</strong></u></a><strong> services.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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McDonald's and Coca-Cola promotes Social Distancing in Coronavirus Disease
<p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Punjab-announced-second-death-from-Coronavirus-Disease/213"><u><strong>Coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong> has gripped nations across the world. The number of coronavirus cases continues to grow. With no immediate cure available, healthcare officials are recommending social distance in a hope to flatten the curve.</strong></p> <p><strong>Soon, the term became popular. Social distancing means standing 6-feet apart from others in an effort to lower the risk of contracting the illness.</strong></p> <p><strong>Countries that affected by the deadly virus are under lockdown. To promote social distancing, brands have also come together to stem the coronavirus disease spread. McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Audi, and a few other companies have recently tweaked their logos to encourage </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Sociology/Janata-Curfew-on-March-22-Prime-Minister-Narendra-Modi/161"><u><strong>social distancing</strong></u></a><strong> among people, urging followers to adopt the practice.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Punjab announced second death from Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>Punjab state has announced another death because of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/In-India-by-Mid-May-Coronavirus-cases-will-hike-1.3-Million/183"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>. The second death was a private connection. With the Punjab state's first casualty Baldev Singh and both were 'granthis' consistent with executives. A granthi may be a guardian and therefore the scholar of the Sikh manuscript. The second death, referred to as Harbhajan Singh, 62, died on Sunday evening time.</strong></p> <p><strong>Harbhajan Singh was enduring treatment at </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/coronavirus-in-punjab"><u><strong>Government</strong></u></a><strong> Medical Hospital in Amritsar and was a citizen of Hoshiarpur village. Harbhajan Singh's wife, son, and daughter-in-law and a neighbor are enduring coronavirus disease therapy at Hoshiarpur.</strong></p> <p><strong>Baldev Singh is assumed to possess contaminated 27 people, including his 14 relations. the medical history of </strong><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coronavirus_pandemic_in_Punjab,_India"><u><strong>Harbhajan Singh</strong></u></a><strong> says he was diabetic and suffering from hypertension, according to reports.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Madhya Pradesh Police Constable walks 459km to Join Duty
<p><strong>A police constable in Madhya Pradesh walked for nearly 20 hours without food to join duty. In the middle of the nationwide </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-coronavirus-Death-toll-of-India-hikes-to-18/201"><u><strong>coronavirus lockdown</strong></u></a><strong>. Constable Digvijay Sharma took the 450-km journey from his hometown in Uttar Pradesh to Madhya Pradesh. Despite his senior advising him to stay home.</strong></p> <p><strong>"I contacted my chief - Pachor </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Kerala-Police-arrested-2535-peoples--for-Violating-Lockdown/194"><u><strong>police</strong></u></a><strong> station inspector - and told him that I want to join duty during these hard times. He informed me against it as there was no transportation facility available," said the junior policeman. The difficult journey may have left him with aching muscles but it has not lessened his responsibility to work.</strong></p> <p><strong>"I started my trip on foot from Etawah on March 25 daylight. Then I trekked for nearly 20 hours during my trip in which I took help from people on motorbikes and reached Rajgarh on Saturday night. I subsequently told my chief about my approach," he told the Press Trust of</strong><a href="https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/lockdown-madhya-pradesh-coronavirus-police-walks-1661328-2020-03-30"><u><strong> India</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Earthquake 3.6 strikes in Chamba region of Himachal Pradesh
<p><strong>A massive earthquake of magnitude 3.6 strikes the Chamba region of </strong><a href="https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/earthquake-4-5-magnitude-quake-hits-chamba-in-himachal-pradesh-sixth-in-3-days-2202695"><u><strong>Himachal Pradesh</strong></u></a><strong> on Monday. As per details by the India Meteorological Department of Himachal Pradesh, the mild quake hit the region at 11:41 am on March 30.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mild shakings were also felt in joining areas. No loss of life or property was reported in the </strong><a href="https://www.news18.com/news/india/the-sixth-in-three-days-another-earthquake-of-4-5-magnitude-rocks-chamba-in-himachal-2556537.html"><u><strong>earthquake</strong></u></a><strong>. According to reports, this is the seventh quake in three days in the Chamba district.</strong></p> <p><strong>On Sunday, a 4.5 magnitude earthquake jolted Himachal Pradesh's Chamba region during the night. The earthquake was reported at 11.47 pm at night, spoke Shimla Meteorological Centre Director Manmohan Singh, making it the sixth earthquake in last three days. The core of the earthquake was at a depth of 10km in the northeast of </strong><a href="https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/news/india/himachal-pradesh-earthquake-jolts-chamba-seventh-in-four-days/articleshow/74886946.cms"><u><strong>Chamba region</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Donald Trump says to keep the US death toll below 100000
<p><strong>President </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/India-holds-a-special-place-in-the-USA%E2%80%99s-heart/44"><u><strong>Donald Trump</strong></u></a><strong> on Monday said that if the deaths due to the coronavirus disease. Stay at or below 100,000 then "we all together have done a very good job. Donald Trump's assertion came at a time when he was announcing America's national shutdown for a month. The </strong><a href="https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/29/president-trump-extends-national-social-distancing-guidelines-through-april-30.html"><u><strong>lockdown </strong></u></a><strong>has been extended to another 30 days till April 30, 2020.</strong></p> <p><strong>POTUS said that his ministry is working hard to keep predicted death toll less than 100,000. “So if we can maintain that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000, it’s a terrible number, maybe even less, but to 100,000. So we have between 100 and 200,000, we all together have done a very good job,” &nbsp;</strong><a href="https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/29/politics/trump-deaths-coronavirus/index.html"><u><strong>President Donald Trump</strong></u></a><strong> said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus disease toll of Maharashtra hikes to 215
<p><strong>The coronavirus disease toll hikes in Maharashtra to 215 on Monday morning. Currently, Maharashtra is having the most number of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/India-Coronavirus-cases-hiked-to-873/204"><u><strong>Coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong> cases in India.</strong></p> <p><strong>From few days the coronavirus disease cases rose rapidly in </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-toll-for-coronavirus-hikes-to-124/192"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong>. As the whole country is under lockdown, the contagious rate is quite low for the coronavirus.</strong></p> <p><strong>Many people to be breaking the lockdown rules. So chances to extend the lockdown period in India due to coronavirus disease is more.</strong></p> <p><strong>The number of coronavirus disease cases crossed 1,000 in India on Sunday with the death toll rising to 30, according to the Union health ministry. The fraction of deaths around the world from the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-toll-of-Coronavirus-Cases-in-India-hikes-to-near-500/178"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease cases has crossed 30,000.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uttar Pradesh Government arrange 1000 buses for Migrant Workers
<p><strong>On Friday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister </strong><a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/up-govt-arranges-1000-buses-for-stranded-migrant-workers/articleshow/74860539.cms"><u><strong>Yogi Adityanath</strong></u></a><strong> reviewed the situation of migrant workers. The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister attended officers of all states to create arrangements for migrant workers in their own states. Yogi Adityanath also called the transport administrators, bus operators, and conductors to regulate 1000 buses for the migrant workers.</strong></p> <p><strong>The migrant workers are the most critical victims of the 21-day lockdown forced by the Narendra Modi government. The 21-day lockdown imposed in the entire country due to </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-toll-of-Coronavirus-Cases-in-India-hikes-to-near-500/178"><u><strong>coronavirus outbreak</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Migrants workers are stepping hundreds of kilometer on foot to move their shelters. As they fear hunger after they lost their root of income due to the</strong><a href="https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/up-government-arranges-1-000-buses-for-stranded-migrant-workers-2202157"><u><strong> lockdown</strong></u></a><strong>. As all the state governments halted inter-state transportation and state borders were sealed. Migrant workers started walking on foot to move their hometowns.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Wuhan city lifts Lockdown after Coronavirus Outbreak
<p><strong>The Chinese city of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/After-Corona-A-Man-die-from-HantaVirus-in-China/182"><u><strong>Wuhan,</strong></u></a><strong> on Saturday where the novel coronavirus outbreak first began, started lifting a two-month lockdown. By opening some metro services and reopening boundaries, allowing some air of normalcy to recover and relatives to participate.</strong></p> <p><strong>Following is neglect from the rest of the nation for two months, the reopening of Wuhan, where the disease leading </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/World/World/Prince-Charles-tests-Positive-for-Coronavirus/188"><u><strong>coronavirus outbreak</strong></u></a><strong> in late December. Denotes a turning spot in China's struggle toward the coronavirus outbreak, though the virus has since expanded to over 200 nations.</strong></p> <p><strong>Within those on the first fast trains allowed into the Wuhan city on Saturday morning was Guo Liangkai. A 19-year-old schoolboy whose one-month job limit in Shanghai stretched to three months due to the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/India-Coronavirus-cases-hiked-to-873/204"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> outbreak.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rishi Kapoor request Government to open Liquor Stores
<p><strong>We all have preferences. In this lockdown period, while few are taking up with what they couldn't do for years, others are just looking for something to do. There are also many who are without food and shade for days. It has become hectic and </strong><a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/rishi-kapoor-asks-government-to-open-all-licensed-liquor-stores-in-the-evening-for-some-time-amid-lockdown-heres-why/articleshow/74860123.cms"><u><strong>Rishi Kapoor</strong></u></a><strong> has an answer for it.</strong></p> <p><strong>Rishi Kapoor asked the Indian </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Chief-Minister-Uddhav-Thackeray-imposed-a-Curfew-in-Maharashtra/175"><u><strong>Government</strong></u></a><strong> on Twitter to unlock licensed liquor shops for a while in the night. Yes, Rishi Kapoor did state that but before you make all appalled, catch him out entirely.</strong></p> <p><strong>As per Rishi Kapoor, in this time of death and dark due to the inevitable expanse of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/India-Coronavirus-cases-hiked-to-873/204"><u><strong>Coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>, liquor might bring any solace. Rishi Kapoor feels police, physicians, and others want some relief and liquor is the solution.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Global Condom shortage due to Coronavirus
<p><strong>World countries may experience a global shortage of </strong><a href="https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/coronavirus-lockdown-condom-shortage-karex-bhd-malaysia-1660629-2020-03-28"><u><strong>condoms</strong></u></a><strong> very soon. Most manufacturing units are shut down due to coronavirus disease. Malaysia’s Karex Berhad which makes one in every five condoms globally stopped produced a week ago. After the government imposed a lockdown because of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/India-Coronavirus-cases-hiked-to-873/204"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Three of Karex Berhad factories have been closed and they don't seem to return to working very soon. Globally there is already a shortfall of 100 million condoms that are market by brands like Durex.</strong></p> <p><strong>China is another condom-manufacturing country where </strong><a href="https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/condom-shortage-looms-after-coronavirus-lockdown-shuts-worlds-top-producer-2202196"><u><strong>Coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease originated due to which a country-wide lockdown has been announced.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India’s Coronavirus cases hiked to 873
<p><strong>The number of coronavirus disease cases has hiked to 873 in India, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said on Saturday. Out of 873 coronavirus disease cases, 775 are active. While 78 people were treated successfully, 19 lost their lives due to </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/World/World/UK-Prime-Minister-Boris-Johnson-tests-Positive-for-Coronavirus/202"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>One patient had migrated. </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-toll-for-coronavirus-hikes-to-124/192"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong>, where 180 people have tested positive so far. Recorded the most number of coronavirus cases, followed by Kerala where 173 people contracted the virus.</strong></p> <p><strong>Of the 19 deaths, five reported in Maharashtra and three from Gujarat. Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh recorded two deaths each. Bihar, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu, and Kashmir. Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal saw one death each due to </strong><a href="https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/india-covid19-positive-cases-death-toll-check-statewise-list-602237"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Actor Sethuraman dies at 36
<p><strong>Full-time dermatologist and Kanna Laddu star </strong><a href="https://www.hindustantimes.com/regional-movies/actor-sethuraman-dies-at-36-due-to-cardiac-arrest-film-industry-mourns-his-sudden-demise/story-ANGjuEfCUNkwr3LQhwgQHI.html"><u><strong>Saethuraman</strong></u></a><strong> expired in the late hours last midnight at his house. Due to a cardiac arrest, Sethuraman died when he was 36 years old.</strong></p> <p><strong>Star Saethuraman was a full-time dermatologist operating in his own skincare and cosmetology hospital Zi Clinic, in Chennai. Saethuraman AKA Sethu is lived with his wife Umayal and their daughter in Chennai.</strong></p> <p><strong>Saethuraman’s demise comes to a shock to his family, friends, and associates in the film industry. A </strong><a href="https://www.freepressjournal.in/entertainment/regional-film-news/tamil-actor-doctor-sethuraman-dies-at-36-due-to-cardiac-arrest"><u><strong>dermatologist</strong></u></a><strong> by profession, Saethuraman was launched in the Tamil film industry by his friend actor Santhanam.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests Positive for Coronavirus
<p><strong>On Friday, UK’s Prime Minister </strong><a href="https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-52060791"><u><strong>Boris Johnson</strong></u></a><strong> has tested positive for the new coronavirus disease.</strong></p> <p><strong>Boris Johnson test's for coronavirus disease on Thursday after experiencing “mild symptoms.” The following statement by a spokesman for No. 10 Downing Street.</strong></p> <p><strong>“The coronavirus test was out in No.10 by NHS staff. &nbsp;The results of the test were positive,” the spokesman says. “In keeping with the guidance, the </strong><a href="https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/27/uk/uk-boris-johnson-coronavirus-gbr-intl/index.html"><u><strong>UK’s Prime Minister</strong></u></a><strong> is self-isolating in Downing Street.”</strong></p> <p><strong>“He is continuing to lead the government’s response to </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-coronavirus-Death-toll-of-India-hikes-to-18/201"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>.” Boris Johnson confirmed his diagnosis in a tweet Friday morning.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The coronavirus Death toll of India hikes to 18
<p><strong>The death toll due to coronavirus disease in India hikes to 18 on Friday. &nbsp;A 65-year-old man who had tested positive in </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-Kerala-toll-of-coronavirus-hikes-to-95/176"><u><strong>Karnataka</strong></u></a><strong> for coronavirus disease passes away. The man, who had tested positive for </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-toll-for-coronavirus-hikes-to-124/192"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease passes away in Tumakuru Karnataka on Friday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The man had traveled to Delhi by train on March 5 and returned on March 11. This hikes death toll in Karnataka for 3.</strong></p> <p><strong>Dr. K Rakesh Kumar, Deputy Commissioner Office, Tumakuru in </strong><a href="https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/coronavirus-pandemic-live-updates-india-lockdown-who-italy-united-states-spain-china-death-toll-new-cases-1659783-2020-03-26"><u><strong>Karnataka</strong></u></a><strong> says that all the passengers travel with him on the train are under surveillance.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reserve Bank of India pause all EMIs for 3 Months
<p><strong>Providing a major reprieve to the common man, the </strong><a href="https://www.financialexpress.com/economy/rbi-reserve-bank-of-india-governor-shaktikanta-das-press-conference-live-repo-rate-reverse-repo-rate-interest-rate-cut-liquidity-easing-monetary-policy-coronavirus/1910819/"><u><strong>Reserve Bank of India</strong></u></a><strong> (RBI) Friday allowed a deferment of all loan repayments.</strong></p> <p><strong>The move allows borrowers to not pay any equated monthly installments or EMIs for any loans until 30 June. This will bring relief to all borrowers. Including those who have home loans, auto loans and education loans to their names.</strong></p> <p><strong>The reprieve will be available for loans from any </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/Nirmala-Sitharaman-announced-Coronavirus-Economic-Package/195"><u><strong>financial</strong></u></a><strong> institution. For all loans outstanding as of 1 March 2020 as per Reserve Bank of India.</strong></p> <p><strong>However, the </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/policy/rbi-joins-coronavirus-fight-rolls-out-big-bang-rate-move/articleshow/74840568.cms"><u><strong>Reserve Bank of India</strong></u></a><strong> moratorium won’t be applicable on credit card repayments as outstanding on such accounts is not classified as a term loan.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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MAHABHARAT to be RE-TELECAST on Doordarshan
<p><strong>From October 2nd, 1988, to June 24, 1990. For 94 Sunday mornings in a row, the streets of most parts of the nation. It would look similar to how they look now, during the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Kerala-Police-arrested-2535-peoples--for-Violating-Lockdown/194"><u><strong>national lockdown</strong></u></a><strong> that India is adhering to since March 25.</strong></p> <p><strong>The reason was B R Chopra’s mega-series on the epic, Mahabharat. Aired on the national broadcaster, Doordarshan, for about 60 minutes.</strong></p> <p><strong>Smashing all records of viewership than in a nation where TV series were limited for mass entertainment. </strong><a href="https://www.jagran.com/entertainment/tv-coronavirus-lockdown-dd-national-re-telecast-ramanand-sagar-ramayan-and-b-r-chopra-mahabharat-on-people-demond-20141542.html"><u><strong>Mahabharat</strong></u></a><strong> series became the most-favorite Indian TV soap.</strong></p> <p><strong>Responding to people’s demand for a re-telecast of Mahabharat series during the nationwide lockdown.</strong></p> <p><strong>With people presently confined to their homes under the 21-day lockdown. The demands run of these Mahabharat series on Doordarshan has picked upwind.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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RAMAYAN to be RE-TELECAST on DoorDarshan
<p><strong>From January 25, 1987, to July 31, 1988. For 75 Sunday mornings in a row, the streets of most parts of the country. It would look similar to how they look now, during the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Kerala-Police-arrested-2535-peoples--for-Violating-Lockdown/194"><u><strong>national lockdown</strong></u></a><strong> that India is adhering to since March 25.</strong></p> <p><strong>The reason was Ramanand Sagar’s mega-series on the epic, </strong><a href="https://www.amarujala.com/photo-gallery/entertainment/television/prakash-javadekar-announced-that-ramanand-sagar-ramayana-will-telecast-from-march-28-at-dd-national"><u><strong>Ramayan</strong></u></a><strong>. Aired on the national broadcaster, Doordarshan, for about 35 minutes.</strong></p> <p><strong>Breaking all records of viewership than in a country where TV series was a fresh idea for mass entertainment. Ramayan series became the most-watched Indian TV soap.</strong></p> <p><strong>Responding to people’s demand for a re-telecast of Ramayan series during the nationwide lockdown.</strong></p> <p><strong>With people presently confined to their homes under the 21-day lockdown. The demands run of these Ramayan series on</strong><a href="https://www.news18.com/news/movies/ramanand-sagars-ramayan-returns-to-your-tv-from-tomorrow-confirms-prakash-javadekar-2552893.html"><u><strong> Doordarshan</strong></u></a><strong> has picked upwind.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Saudi Arabian G20 Summit 2020
<p><strong>The Saudi Arabian G20 Presidency will host the virtual </strong><a href="https://g20.org/en/LeadersSummit/Pages/RiyadhSummit.aspx"><u><strong>G20 Summit</strong></u></a><strong> to discuss how to deal with the global coronavirus outbreak. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other leaders of G20 members will join the conference through video conferencing. The summit has names G20 Virtual.</strong></p> <p><strong>News agency ANI is likely to hold live </strong><a href="https://www.ap.org/live-and-location-services/events/g20-summit-2020-riyadh"><u><strong>streaming</strong></u></a><strong> of the G20 Virtual. The link will go live when the G20 video conferencing will begin at 5:30 pm. During the G20 Virtual summit, leaders of the member countries to hold a wide-ranging discussion on the treatment of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-toll-of-Coronavirus-Cases-in-India-hikes-to-near-500/178"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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During Coronavirus Alia Bhatt misses her dad Mahesh Bhatt
<p><strong>The Instagram feed is loaded with simple uploads by actors. They are posting videos and pictures of doing household chores. Alia Bhatt posted a throwback image of herself with filmmaker-dad, Mahesh Bhatt.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Bollywood/Alia-Bhatt-thrashed-breakup-rumors-with-Ranbir-Kapoor/165"><u><strong>Alia Bhatt</strong></u></a><strong> posted a monochrome snap of herself with her father on the photo-sharing app. It is a lovely moment between her and her dad, sharing a hug. "Stay home &amp;... go through old pictures when you’re missing your daddy#throwbackthursday #stayhomestaysafe," wrote by Alia Bhatt.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/India-Toll-for-CoronaVirus-hikes-to-415/171"><u><strong>Coronavirus outbreak</strong></u></a><strong> lockdown has got everyone to sit at home. Bollywood celebrities are also sticking to the rule of staying at home. This time is crucial for everyone as the self-quarantining will only work in everyone's health's favor.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Nirmala Sitharaman announced Coronavirus Economic Package
<p>Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday announced an economic package. For those affected by the national lockdown imposed in view of the coronavirus outbreak. Addressing reporters in the conference, <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/Nirmala-Sitharaman-extends-ITR-and-GST-filing-dates-to-June-30/181"><u>Nirmala Sitharaman</u></a> announced a relief package of Rs 1,70,000 crore for the poor citizens.</p> <p>Named as the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojna, the project will provide free food and cash to 80 crores citizens. The <a href="https://www.indiatoday.in/business/story/finance-minister-nirmala-sitharaman-live-updates-economic-relief-package-india-coronavirus-1659912-2020-03-26"><u>Finance Minister</u></a> sent her thanks to ASHA workers, doctors, and sanitary workers.</p> <p>The para-medics for being in the front-line in the fight against the <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-Kerala-toll-of-coronavirus-hikes-to-95/176"><u>coronavirus outbreak</u></a>. She announced insurance protection for them of Rs 50 lakh per person.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Kerala Police arrested 2535 peoples for Violating Lockdown
<p><strong>On Wednesday, the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-Kerala-toll-of-coronavirus-hikes-to-95/176"><u><strong>Kerala police</strong></u></a><strong> department caught 2,535 citizens over the state, who break the lockdown laws. By the orders, arrested were often those who went out into the streets of </strong><a href="https://www.livemint.com/news/india/kerala-arrests-2-535-people-on-first-day-of-lockdown-11585197308231.html"><u><strong>Kerala</strong></u></a><strong> for non-emergency reasons.</strong></p> <p><strong>In Pathanamthitta district priest and two executives of a local church put in prison for arranging a funeral. Which attain by around 50 people, the Kerala police said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maximum of a group of 10 people are permitted to visit funerals, as per the state government orders.</strong></p> <p><strong>The police also seized 1,636 vehicles and registered cases against 3,612 people, making it tough for people to get out needlessly.</strong></p> <p><strong>The police have also announced canceling vehicle registration and could confound passports as the next step.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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A 56 year old Man Hangs Himself Fearing Coronavirus Disease
<p><strong>On Wednesday a 56-year-old man allegedly committed suicide in Karnataka's Udupi by Fearing that he had contracted </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-Kerala-toll-of-coronavirus-hikes-to-95/176"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>At the Karnataka State Road, Transport Corporation was working as a trainer. The man was hanging on a tree outside his house. It clearly mentions in his suicide note that he is positive with coronavirus disease and his family members to go for a test.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to his family, the man was in tension about the coronavirus outbreak in the nation. He worries that he would contract the </strong><a href="https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/covid19-udupi-man-feared-he-had-coronavirus-kills-himself-tells-family-to-stay-safe/story-OuVAMafdF3L8b5UxMDtUZN.html"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease too and have been mentally depressed about the situation.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra toll for coronavirus hikes to 124
<p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-toll-of-Coronavirus-Cases-in-India-hikes-to-near-500/178"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong>, with the rest of the country, is under lockdown till 14 April.</strong></p> <p><strong>In this situation, 2 new confirmed cases of coronavirus have been seen in Mumbai and Thane on Thursday. As per the state health department, the toll in Maharashtra hikes up to 124. " The new positive cases of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Chief-Minister-Uddhav-Thackeray-imposed-a-Curfew-in-Maharashtra/175"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> in Mumbai and Thane kept under observation.</strong></p> <p><strong>The total number of positive coronavirus cases in India have hiked to 650, said the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Wednesday. Maharashtra is the worst affected state in the country. Kerala is the second-most affected state in the country with 109 cases so far.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Kamal Haasan Convert his House to Hospital
<p><strong>The South actor Kamal Haasan is all set to convert his old house into a temporary hospital. Kamal Haasan also cancels all his shooty dates due to coronavirus.</strong></p> <p><strong>The </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/World/World/Prince-Charles-tests-Positive-for-Coronavirus/188"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> crisis which has hit the world overall has brought the globe to a standstill. Not just in foreign countries, the deadly bug has also made it's way to India and the situation is grim in the nation.</strong></p> <p><strong>From March 25, as per the guidelines of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the country will be in a complete lockdown state for 21 days in total. </strong><a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/tamil/movies/news/kamal-haasan-seeks-government-approval-to-convert-his-residence-into-a-temporary-hospital-donates-rs-10-lakh-to-fefsi-members/articleshow/74812869.cms"><u><strong>Kamal Haasan</strong></u></a><strong> had urged fans to stay indoors and practice social distancing.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pornhub offers free Subscriptions across the world
<p><strong>After offering free Pornhub subscriptions in Italy, Spain, and France. Adult entertainment site Pornhub is making its subscription-free for everyone across the world. Free </strong><a href="https://thenextweb.com/world/2020/03/25/pornhub-is-making-its-service-free-worldwide-to-cure-your-lockdown-blues/"><u><strong>Pornhub </strong></u></a><strong>subscription goes with a view to helping to flatten the curve amid lockdowns around the world.</strong></p> <p><strong>The company said it’s extending the free Pornhub premium support, which unlocks select content to everyone across the world until April 23.</strong></p> <p><strong>Traditionally, the </strong><a href="https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/20/coronavirus-lockdown-pornhub-is-offering-free-premium-memberships.html"><u><strong>Pornhub subscription</strong></u></a><strong> costs $9.99 monthly, with a premium subscription eliminating ads, providing full movies and full HD viewing. Access to the free offer is available at pornhub.com</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Telangana Chief Minister could announce Shoot at sight
<p><strong>Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Tuesday announces that his government will force to impose "shoot-at-sight" orders. If people broke curfew to resist the spread of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/World/World/Prince-Charles-tests-Positive-for-Coronavirus/188"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>The toll of coronavirus positive cases in Telangana hikes up to 39 with four new cases identified on Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>If people continue to be on the roads, then the army has to deployed and shoot at sight orders may be declared,’’ said K </strong><a href="https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/stop-or-will-issue-shoot-at-sight-orders-telangana-cm-tells-lockdown-violators-1659325-2020-03-24"><u><strong>Chandrashekar Rao</strong></u></a><strong> said.</strong></p> <p><strong>Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao took a tough decision on people breaking the lockdown rules and walking around.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Prince Charles tests Positive for Coronavirus
<p><strong>The 71-year-old </strong><a href="https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-52033845"><u><strong>Prince Charles</strong></u></a><strong> tests positive with the coronavirus disease said in a statement released by Clarence House this morning.</strong></p> <p><strong>Prince Charles is said to have "mild symptoms" on Sunday. The coronavirus testes on Monday, with the results coming through late on Tuesday night.</strong></p> <p><strong>Prince Charles is in good health and has been self-isolating in Scotland with the Duchess of Cornwall - who has tested negative for </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Hollywood/%22Game-of-Thrones%22-star-Indira-Varma-tested-Positive-for-coronavirus/157"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>It is not possible to determine from whom the Prince caught the virus owing to. Because of the high number of engagements he carried out in his public role during recent weeks.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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ISIS attacked Sikh Gurudwara in Afghanistan
<p><strong>ISIS gunmen attacked </strong><a href="https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/at-least-11-killed-as-gunmen-attack-gurudwara-in-kabul-afghanistan-reports-local-media-2200403"><u><strong>Sikh gurudwara</strong></u></a><strong> in the center of Afghanistan’s capital of Kabul on Wednesday. This attack kills at least 11 devotees and wounding as many. According to a media report, it is one of the most dangerous attacks on the minority community in Afghanistan.</strong></p> <p><strong>The ISIS gunmen attacked the Sikh Gurdwara in the Shor Bazar area. The attack begins at about 7:45 a.m. as 150 </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Siddhivinayak-Temple-Shuts-for-Devotees/135"><u><strong>devotees</strong></u></a><strong> were inside the Sikh building.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/gunmen-attack-sikh-religious-complex-kabul-interior-ministry-200325044905522.html"><u><strong>ISIS</strong></u></a><strong> said its soldiers were currently carrying out an assault on the temple. According to a report released by SITE, which observes jihadist activities worldwide.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Hantavirus a new Threat
<p><strong>The Centre for Disease Control says that the virus spread largely from rodents. It continues to say that disease with any of the hantaviruses can cause </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/now-hantavirus-surfaces-in-china-amid-coronavirus-challenge/articleshow/74793841.cms"><u><strong>hantavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease in an individual.</strong></p> <p><strong>"In America Hantaviruse are known as “New World” hantaviruses and may cause hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). Other hantaviruses, known as “Old World” hantaviruses, are frequently operating in European and Asiatic nations. The Centre for </strong><a href="https://nypost.com/2020/03/24/man-who-died-on-bus-in-china-tests-positive-for-hantavirus/"><u><strong>Disease Control</strong></u></a><strong> website says “this may cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS)."</strong></p> <p><strong>The </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/After-Corona-A-Man-die-from-HantaVirus-in-China/182"><u><strong>hantavirus</strong></u></a><strong> crisis comes at a time when the total count of those infected by novel coronavirus globally is nearing the 400,000 mark and scientists are yet to find a cure for it. The global death toll has crossed the mark of 16,500.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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A Lawsuit of $20 Trillion filed against Chinese Governments
<p><strong>A lawsuit of $20 trillion files against Chinese governments in the United States of America over </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/In-India-by-Mid-May-Coronavirus-cases-will-hike-1.3-Million/183"><u><strong>coronavirus </strong></u></a><strong>outbreak. American lawyer Larry Klayman and his backing group Freedom Watch adjacent to Texas company Buzz Photos.</strong></p> <p><strong>They have filed the lawsuit against the </strong><a href="https://www.businesstoday.in/current/world/usd-20-trillion-lawsuit-against-china-us-group-says-coronavirus-bioweapon/story/399071.html"><u><strong>Chinese government</strong></u></a><strong>, the Chinese army, the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Also on Head of Wuhan Institute of Virology Shi Zhengli and the Chinese army's Major General Chen Wei.</strong></p> <p><strong>The government has examined a total of $20 trillion. The number is bigger than China's GDP. For declaring the coronavirus outbreak is the outcome of biological weaponry by the Chinese government.</strong></p> <p><strong>They have blamed </strong><a href="https://www.indialegallive.com/top-news-of-the-day/news/20-trillion-dollar-lawsuit-filed-china-93351"><u><strong>China</strong></u></a><strong> for supporting and encouraging death, provision material support to terrorists. This collusion to begin injury and death of US nationals, carelessness, merciless death, and attack and assault.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Summer Olympics 2020 Tokyo Postponed to 2021
<p><strong>The necessary has happened as Summer </strong><a href="https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/52020134"><u><strong>Olympics 2020</strong></u></a><strong> in Tokyo has been postponed following the coronavirus outbreak. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach have entered an agreement to reschedule the Tokyo Olympics 2020 for about one year as of now. The Tokyo Olympics 2020 was scheduled to begin on July 24 due to </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-toll-of-Coronavirus-Cases-in-India-hikes-to-near-500/178"><u><strong>coronavirus outbreak</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>This comes after Canada and Australia had chosen to retire from the Summer Games if it were not postponed. Shinzo Abe initially suggested a one-year postponement for the </strong><a href="https://www.olympic.org/tokyo-2020"><u><strong>Tokyo Olympics </strong></u></a><strong>2020.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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In India by Mid-May Coronavirus cases will hike 1.3 Million
<p>According to a crew of scientists based in the United States of America. Due to problems of the disease caused by the new <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/After-Corona-A-Man-die-from-HantaVirus-in-China/182"><u>coronavirus </u></a>in India. It could spread between around 1 lakh and 1.3 million cases of coronavirus disease confirmed until mid-may.</p> <p>Some medical officials concerns that the country of 1.45 billion citizens could face <a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/transportation/airlines-/-aviation/india-mulls-up-to-1-6-billion-rescue-plan-for-aviation-sector-after-coronavirus/articleshow/74702715.cms?from=mdr"><u>coronavirus</u></a> disease cases rapidly jumping in the coming weeks. This put India’s health system under severe strain.</p> <p>The predictions of <a href="https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/coronavirus-pandemic-india-may-see-1-3-million-covid-19-cases-by-mid-may-report-5065791.html"><u>scientists </u></a>could change as the nation conducts infinite experimentation. While also setting in place stricter limitations and measures to stem the spread of the coronavirus disease.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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After Corona A Man die from HantaVirus in China
<p><strong>There is no end to viruses in China — after the ‘killer’ </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-toll-of-Coronavirus-Cases-in-India-hikes-to-near-500/178"><u><strong>Coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>, another deadly virus — Hantavirus has surfaced. A man died in Yunnan province of China after testing positive to Hantavirus.</strong></p> <p><strong>The man died while on his way back to Shandong Province for work on a chartered bus, the Global Times has reported.</strong></p> <p><strong>Reports said 32 other people have been tested positive, the report added. The news on </strong><a href="https://www.firstpost.com/health/man-dies-from-hantavirus-in-china-all-you-need-to-know-about-the-virus-and-how-it-spreads-8184521.html"><u><strong>Hantavirus</strong></u></a><strong> set the panic-button across the globe on Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>People started panicking that it was another COVID-19-like killer ready to cause a new pandemic.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Nirmala Sitharaman extends ITR and GST filing dates to June 30
<p><strong>Finance Minister </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/nirmala-sitharaman-says-govt-working-on-economic-package-to-deal-with-coronavirus-crisis/articleshow/74790852.cms"><u><strong>Nirmala Sitharaman</strong></u></a><strong> on Tuesday addressed media via video conference. Said that the financial aid package will be announced sooner or later. "Work is going on and we are very close to coming up with the financial package that will be announced sooner rather than later", Nirmala Sitharaman said.</strong></p> <p><strong>The </strong><a href="https://www.ndtv.com/business/coronavirus-covid19-crisis-nirmala-sitharaman-speaks-on-regulatory-compliance-amid-virus-crisis-2199795"><u><strong>Finance Minister</strong></u></a><strong> Nirmala Sitharaman said that the government has come up with a complete plan about statutory and administrative compliance matters.</strong></p> <p><strong>Nirmala Sitharaman announced compliance and regulation on Income tax, GST, Customs and Central Excise. Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, Fisheries and Bank-related compliance.</strong></p> <p><strong>All last dates and deadlines of document submission and compliance have been moved to June 30. This adds the last date for filing income tax returns.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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E-Commerce affects by Coronavirus
<p><strong>On account of the lockdown across several states, </strong><a href="https://econsultancy.com/stats-roundup-coronavirus-impact-on-marketing-ecommerce-advertising/"><u><strong>eCommerce</strong></u></a><strong> companies have shut pickups from vendors. Thus causing trouble to various people due to coronavirus disease. India’s largest eCommerce giant Flipkart and</strong><a href="https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/04/amazon-prime-now-suffers-delays-amid-coronavirus-outbreak.html"><u><strong> Amazon</strong></u></a><strong> temporarily shut logistics services for merchants. Across regions, citing operational constraints, according to an Economic Times report.</strong></p> <p><strong>From dropping old orders to delivery slots not accessible, customers are getting annoyed as authorities cracked down by sealing warehouses. The </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/Amazon-plans-to-launch-food-delivery-service-in-India/84"><u><strong>eCommerce</strong></u></a><strong> stores as India intensifies its struggle to curtail the spread of coronavirus disease. The statement mentions that Amazon an eCommerce giant has stopped its services like-Easy Ship.</strong></p> <p><strong>Seller Flex and Fulfilled </strong><a href="https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Coronavirus/Amazon-Flipkart-hit-as-virus-keeps-Chinese-factories-closed"><u><strong>Flipkart</strong></u></a><strong> also stopped order pickups indefinitely from areas where lockdowns had already been forced. Rival company Snapdeal is also facing similar issues due to coronavirus disease.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reliance Contributes Rs. 5 crore to CM Relief Fund
<p><a href="https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/coronavirus-ril-donates-rs-5-crore-to-maharashtra-cm-relief-fund-11584964504963.html"><u><strong>Reliance Industries</strong></u></a><strong> Limited will make a contribution of Rs 5 crore to Maharashtra Chief Minister relief fund. The production of face masks and safety suits for the workers of the nation will provide by Reliance Industries. While Reliance Industries will increase the stock range of face masks to 100,000 per day. As the health workers strive in the nation to get the right equipment.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/Reliance-Jio-Introduces-Work-From-Home-Plan/169"><u><strong>Reliance</strong></u></a><strong> Industries Limited also declared that it will give free fuel to emergency transportations taking coronavirus patients.</strong></p> <p><strong>They will also give free meals in different towns to maintain the living of those hit by the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Chief-Minister-Uddhav-Thackeray-imposed-a-Curfew-in-Maharashtra/175"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> outbreak.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The toll of Coronavirus Cases in India hikes to near 500
<p><strong>The toll of current </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/coronavirus-cases-in-india-live-news-latest-updates-march24/liveblog/74784148.cms"><u><strong>coronavirus cases</strong></u></a><strong> in India has increased to near 500 as of March 24. According to details by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, a total of 37 cases have been cured coronavirus cases.</strong></p> <p><strong>In India, the death toll due to coronavirus cases has increased to 9. The worst-affected state by a coronavirus in</strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-Kerala-toll-of-coronavirus-hikes-to-95/176"><u><strong> Kerala</strong></u></a><strong> with 98 positive cases followed by Maharashtra with 101 cases.</strong></p> <p><strong>In India, </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Uddhav-Thackeray-imposed-Section-144/170"><u><strong>Maharashtra </strong></u></a><strong>came two deaths. While Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal, Delhi, Gujarat, Punjab accounting for one death each. According to data published by the World Health Organisation. India has reported the most number of cases of novel coronavirus after Thailand and Sri Lanka in the South East Asia region.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Railways has shut trains till March 31
<p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/12-Coronavirus-Infected-Travelled-In-Indian-Railways/168"><strong>Indian Railways</strong></a><strong> has shut all the passenger trains till March 31. because the number of coronavirus cases within the country rose to 471. "An extension of the measures taken within the wake of coronavirus. it's been decided to shut off all train services on Indian Railways. Konkan Railway shall be extended till March 31,"</strong><a href="https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/coronavirus-all-passenger-trains-to-stop-plying-till-march-31-1658409-2020-03-22"><strong>Railway Ministry</strong><u><strong> </strong></u></a><strong>said during a statement. the products trains will remain working during this period .</strong></p> <p><strong>For trains shut by</strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/transportation/railways/railway-stops-movement-of-over-12k-passenger-train-services-till-march-31st/articleshow/74757461.cms?from=mdr"><u><strong> </strong></u><strong>Indian Railways</strong></a><strong> for the journey period March 21 -June 21. A refund across the counter can be collected. On submission of the ticket up to three months from the date of the journey alternately of the existing three days or 72 hours rule, an order said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The Kerala toll of coronavirus hikes to 95
<p><strong>The </strong><a href="https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/janata-curfew-kerala-aligns-itself-with-the-rest-of-the-country-to-combat-covid-19/article31134188.ece"><u><strong>Kerala</strong></u></a><strong> toll of coronavirus infections hikes to 95 on Monday as 28 new cases of novel coronavirus were confirmed. Recognizing the brisk step at which the virus is spreading. The Left Front &nbsp;Kerala government ordered a statewide lockdown. All borders would remain sealed and public transport facilities would also be suspended, said Chief Minister of Kerala Pinarayi Vijayan. Catch all the live updates on the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/India-Toll-for-CoronaVirus-hikes-to-415/171"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> outbreak in India and other parts of the world.</strong></p> <p><strong>In a statement issued by Chief Minister of Kerala </strong><a href="https://english.manoramaonline.com/news/kerala/2020/03/23/kerala-lockdown-completely-pinarayi-vijayan.html"><u><strong>Pinarayi Vijayan</strong></u></a><strong>, the necessity to maximize social distancing was cited as the reason to suspend public transport. Further, to prevent the entry of outsiders in the Kerala state, all borders would remain sealed. The district borders would also be guarded to prevent the commutation of people.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray imposed a Curfew in Maharashtra
<p><strong>Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray imposed a curfew in</strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/uddhav-thackeray-imposes-curfew-in-entire-maharashtra/articleshow/74775886.cms?from=mdr"><u><strong> Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong> on March 23 in the evening.</strong></p> <p><strong>After the Prime Minister Narendra Modi Janata Curfew initiative. The citizens didn’t follow Section 144 rule and continue their day to day work. As the fraction of Coronavirus infected patients is increasing rapidly in Maharashtra.</strong></p> <p><strong>Uddhav Thackeray took an initiative to control the spread of coronavirus in Maharashtra. On March 23 evening Chief Minister </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Uddhav-Thackeray-imposed-Section-144/170"><u><strong>Uddhav Thackeray </strong></u></a><strong>imposed a curfew strictly.</strong></p> <p><strong>As the curfew is going to be in action, no citizen allows coming out of their house unless its emergency. If anyone found outside in curfew will be in arrest immediately as per the law.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Doctors use Malaria medicine as Coronavirus treatment
<p><strong>The Indian Council of Medical Research has advised hydroxychloroquine</strong><a href="https://www.wsj.com/articles/doctors-turn-to-malaria-drugs-as-potential-coronavirus-treatment-11584729626"><u><strong> malaria medicine</strong></u></a><strong> for the treatment of coronavirus disease. Patients in advance stage of the disease can cure it, news agency ANI reported.</strong></p> <p><strong>The order came a day after Jordan 's Food and Drug Administration authorized doctors to use hydroxychloroquine malaria medicine. Along with an antiviral medicine as a treatment for </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Two-more-tested-Positive-for-CoronaVirus-in-Ladakh/149"><u><strong>coronavirus disease</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>The CIMR established a National Task Force, which has advised hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis of coronavirus for high-risk cases, ANI said. The medicine is commonly to treat malaria infections as well as for healing autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.</strong></p> <p><strong>Recently, US President </strong><a href="https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/22/why-trump-at-odds-with-medical-experts-over-malaria-drugs-against-covid-19/"><u><strong>Donald Trump</strong></u></a><strong> urged Americans. To take a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin medicines possibly against coronavirus infections.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rand Paul and Harvey Weinstein tested positive for Coronavirus
<p><strong>Rand Paul from Kentucky Republican is the first US politician to test positive for coronavirus disease. </strong><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/22/us/politics/coronavirus-rand-paul.html"><u><strong>Rand Paul</strong></u></a><strong> is delivering a larger sense of importance to Senate meetings. Besides a huge incentive package that had yet to come together. On Sunday as other senators decided to self-quarantine.</strong></p> <p><strong>Hollywood producer </strong><a href="https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8140715/Harvey-Weinstein-isolation-contracting-virus.html"><u><strong>Harvey Weinstein</strong></u></a><strong>, who was in jail for 23 years in prison. He is back in the headlines. Not for more 'MeToo' incidents. But for having tested positive for the Coronavirus disease that has taken the world. Along with Harvey Weinstein, another prisoner is to be kept in isolation. This is the fear of having infection to the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/India-Toll-for-CoronaVirus-hikes-to-415/171"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease. As per a report in Variety.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India Toll for CoronaVirus hikes to 415
<p><strong>The total number of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/India-CoronaVirus-Positive-toll-hikes-to-258/164"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> positive cases increases to 415 in India (including foreign nationals) the following data provided by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).</strong></p> <p><strong>According to announcements 96 cases of </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/total-confirmed-coronavirus-cases-in-india-reaches-62-one-fresh-case-each-from-delhi-rajasthan/articleshow/74573844.cms?from=mdr"><u><strong>coronavirus infected </strong></u></a><strong>patients record in a single day.</strong></p> <p><strong>As of March 20, the fraction was around 167. Rapid growth can clearly analyze.</strong></p> <p><strong>In India, </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-toll-of-coronavirus-outbreak-hikes-to-47/155"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong> has the most 89 coronavirus positive patients. Kerala on the back with 67 coronavirus positive patients.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uddhav Thackeray imposed Section 144
<p><strong>Chief Minister </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/12-Coronavirus-Infected-Travelled-In-Indian-Railways/168"><u><strong>Uddhav Thackeray</strong></u></a><strong> imposed Section 144 across Maharashtra from Monday morning.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Railway Board declares the shut down of all passenger trains, including Mumbai Local Train that will be shut from a night on Sunday. The rule shutting down of all trains is in place till March 31.</strong></p> <p><strong>Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray requested the people of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-toll-of-coronavirus-outbreak-hikes-to-47/155"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong> to stay at home till March 31. "Please stay at home till March 31. After that, if needed, we may have to increase the days."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Reliance Jio Introduces Work From Home Plan
<p><strong>Reliance Jio on Saturday started a 'Work From Home Pack' for professionals who are working remotely owing to coronavirus outbreak.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the </strong><a href="https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/jio-launches-work-from-home-pack-for-rs-251-11584787623077.html"><u><strong>Reliance Jio</strong></u></a><strong> plan, the customers can avail themselves of 2 GB data per day. Post completion of 100% data consumption, customers can continue using the internet data unlimited rest of the day-long at a reduced speed of 64 kbps.</strong></p> <p><strong>The validity of this Reliance Jio pack is 51 days its cost at ₹251. The pack will not be valid for voice calls and SMS.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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12 Coronavirus Infected Travelled In Indian Railways
<p><strong>At least 12 people who have been contaminated with the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 went in trains mid-March 13 and 16, the </strong><a href="https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/postpone-all-journeys-says-railways-after-12-passengers-who-travelled-in-trains-this-month-found-inf-2198479"><u><strong>Indian Railways</strong></u></a><strong> said today. It asked people to suspend all journeys to avoid catching the highly contagious coronavirus.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Indian Railways has found some cases of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Lady-in-Pune-tested-positive-for-Coronavirus-disease/166"><u><strong>Coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> infected passengers in trains which makes train travel dangerous. Avoid train travel as you may also get contaminated if your co-passenger has Coronavirus. Suspend all journeys and keep yourself and your loved ones safe," the Indian Railways tweeted.</strong></p> <p><strong>On a day when coronavirus cases in India rose to 298. </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-toll-of-coronavirus-outbreak-hikes-to-47/155"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong> has reported the highest number of coronavirus cases at 63.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi Janta Curfew Pledge
<p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi, declared a </strong><a href="https://www.narendramodi.in/prime-minister-narendra-modi-thanks-people-from-different-walks-of-life-for-supporting-the-cause-of-sunday-s-janata-curfew-548865"><u><strong>'Janta Curfew'</strong></u></a><strong> on March 22 Sunday.</strong></p> <p><strong>While speaking to the country on the coronavirus outbreak on Thursday. The toll of coronavirus infected people hikes to 298 in India.</strong></p> <p><strong>To hold the spread of coronavirus Janta curfew imposes here. On March 22 from 7 am to 9 pm. Prime Minister </strong><a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/surat/surtis-pledge-to-make-janta-curfew-a-success/articleshow/74739369.cms"><u><strong>Narendra Modi </strong></u></a><strong>demands all the citizens abide by the 'Janta Curfew'</strong></p> <p><strong>For this movement, the government has taken this movement digitally. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology took the step to undertake a pledge by Indian citizens. For taking this pledge one should visit fill their information and can take the </strong><a href="https://pledge.mygov.in/janatacurfew/"><u><strong>Pledge</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Janta curfew pledge is I shall abide by #JantaCurfew and follow all directions given by the Government of India to control the spread of Coronavirus.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Lady in Pune tested positive for Coronavirus disease
<p><strong>A lady in Pune with no journey history to any international country. No connection with a coronavirus disease patient has tested positive for the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-toll-of-coronavirus-outbreak-hikes-to-47/155"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> disease. The National Institute of Virology spoke on Saturday.</strong></p> <p><strong>Bursting fears that this could be India’s first case of population transmission. Of the highly contagious Sars-Cov-2 disease that has exterminated four in the nation and infected 258 people.</strong></p> <p><strong>A wellness committee official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, says the 41-year-old lady is a resident of the Sinhagad road area in </strong><a href="https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/pune-woman-with-no-foreign-travel-history-tests-positive-for-covid-19/story-6l4gd2pRls2kXlvyFsWrwO.html"><u><strong>Pune</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Where Pune’s first two cases of coronavirus disease came. Pune estimates for 23 of the 50 cases in </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Rajesh-Tope-declares-10-new-Covid-19-testing-facilities/152"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong>. The official said it could be a case of social transmission.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Alia Bhatt thrashed breakup rumors with Ranbir Kapoor
<p><strong>Ranbir Kapoor and </strong><a href="https://www.filmfare.com/news/bollywood/alia-bhatt-shuts-down-rumours-of-break-up-with-ranbir-kapoor-in-a-classy-way-39681.html"><u><strong>Alia Bhatt</strong></u></a><strong>'s love story as unique as the two fell in Love. On the sets of their forthcoming film, Brahmastra. While the two have always feel relax when it comes to P D A. Recently, a few shots online pretend that the two have called it to break up.</strong></p> <p><strong>The logic for all the thoughts was Alia Bhatt’s and Ranbir Kapoor’s miss-miss from the babe's 27th birthday bash which she partied on March 15, 2020. Well, now rubbishing the reports, the</strong></p> <p><strong>Actress Alia Bhatt took to her Instagram story and shared a picture of herself experiencing the sunset. But the cherry on the cake was her post's title which read that the wonderful photograph was snapped by none other than, </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Bollywood/Ranbir-and-Alia-postponed-their-wedding/56"><u><strong>Ranbir Kapoor</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Alia Bhatt's Announcement on Marriage Rumours With Ranbir Kapoor is Proof That Their Relationship Has Hit a Hard way.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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India CoronaVirus Positive toll hikes to 258
<p><strong>India testified a record of a jump in the total number of coronavirus cases. As 63 new coronavirus cases test positive on Friday. At present, there are 258 </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-coronavirus-Death-toll-of-India-rise-to-Four/160"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> victims in India. Of these, 219 are Indians and 39 are foreign nationals.</strong></p> <p><strong>There are 231 active coronavirus cases in the country, according to the data published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The coronavirus death toll in India hikes to four this week. Death report from Karnataka, Delhi, </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Rajesh-Tope-declares-10-new-Covid-19-testing-facilities/152"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong>, and Punjab.</strong></p> <p><strong>Mumbai, the financial capital of India inches towards complete closedown after 52 cases were confirmed from Maharashtra. In the wake of </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/coronavirus-cases-in-india-live-news-latest-updates-march21/liveblog/74740672.cms"><u><strong>coronavirus pandemic</strong></u></a><strong>. Maharashtra government announced lockdown in Nagpur, Mumbai, and Pune to hold the spread.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Kamal Nath resigns as Madhya Pradesh CM
<p><strong>Madhya Pradesh chief minister </strong><a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bhopal/madhya-pradesh-news-live-updates-kamal-nath-steps-down-as-cm/liveblog/74704967.cms"><u><strong>Kamal Nath</strong></u></a><strong> announced his resignation. Kamal Nath will submit his resignation to the governor Lalji Tandon on March 20. The announcement of his resignation came after the Supreme Court decision of floor test.</strong></p> <p><strong>The floor test will begin at 5 pm on Friday as per the order of the Supreme Court. The 15 months old Kamal Nath </strong><a href="http://ndtv.com/india-news/madhya-pradesh-government-crisis-live-updates-floor-test-for-kamal-nath-government-at-2-pm-2197679"><u><strong>government </strong></u></a><strong>is hanging on a thread. This situation occurs when the 22 MLAs of congress gave resignation to the Kamal Nath government.</strong></p> <p><strong>On March 19, Madhya Pradesh Assembly Speaker NP Prajapati had received the resignation of the outstanding 16 MLAs faithful to former Congress leader </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Democracy/Jyotiraditya-Scindia-resigned-Congress-party-for-BJP/117"><u><strong>Jyotiraditya Scindia.</strong></u></a></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Kanika Kapoor has Confirmed Positive for Coronavirus
<p><strong>Popstar and Bollywood singer </strong><a href="https://www.ndtv.com/entertainment/singer-kanika-kapoor-tests-positive-for-coronavirus-after-flying-back-from-uk-2197929"><u><strong>Kanika Kapoor </strong></u></a><strong>has confirmed positive for coronavirus on March 20. Kanika Kapoor gets admit to Lucknow's King George's Medical University hospital. Popstar Kanika Kapoor is in the isolation ward currently.</strong></p> <p><strong>Kanika Kapoor has recently come from London and rumors that she lies for having the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/The-coronavirus-Death-toll-of-India-rise-to-Four/160"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> and travels around the city. The reports state that Kanika also stated at a lavish hotel even though she had coronavirus and also organized a party.</strong></p> <p><strong>Earlier, Hollywood celebrities like Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson, James Bond actress Olga Kurylenko and Game of Thrones actress</strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Hollywood/%22Game-of-Thrones%22-star-Indira-Varma-tested-Positive-for-coronavirus/157"><u><strong> Indra Varma</strong></u></a><strong> have tested positive for coronavirus.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Janata Curfew on March 22 Prime Minister Narendra Modi
<p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday appealed to residents to witness a "Janata curfew" on Sunday, March 22. As an experiment works for social distancing over the subsequent few days to fight the spread of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Canadian-Prime-Minister-wife-test-positive-for-coronavirus/123"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>As a part of the self-curfew, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said everyone must stay home during Janata curfew from 7 am to 9 pm that day and continue by it.</strong></p> <p><strong>Prime Minister Narendra Modi also cautioned citizens against hoarding and panic-buying, ensuring that there would be no lack of essentials like milk, medicines, and food.</strong></p> <p><strong>Under this Janata curfew, no one should leave their home or gather in their neighborhoods. Only those related to essential services should go out, said Prime Minister </strong><a href="https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/pm-modi-calls-for-janta-curfew-on-march-22-from-7-am-9-pm/article31110155.ece"><u><strong>Narendra Modi</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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The coronavirus Death toll of India rise to Four
<p><strong>On Wednesday, a man who died in Punjab is due to coronavirus, the government said today. This takes to four the total number of deaths in India so far due to coronavirus. With the previous deaths reported from Karnataka, Delhi, and </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-toll-of-coronavirus-outbreak-hikes-to-47/155"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>In which Maharastra has the most number of coronavirus affected cases. Currently. There are 47 &nbsp;</strong><a href="https://www.news18.com/news/india/coronavirus-outbreak-live-updates-india-cases-maharashtra-pune-odisha-jagannath-puri-prevention-vaccine-mask-2543575.html"><u><strong>coronavirus </strong></u></a><strong>patients in the whole Maharashtra.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said the total number of positive cases now stands at 167, including 25 foreigners.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian government bans International Flights for landing in India
<p><strong>No international flights will be allowed to land in India from March 22 for a week, the Indian government announced today amid increasing measures to fight </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/State-Government-of-Maharashtra-is-about-to-stop-Public-Transport/140"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>. The Indian government had already suspended visas for the vast majority of foreigners seeking to enter the country.</strong></p> <p><strong>The</strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/india-issues-new-coronavirus-advisory-ahead-of-modis-address/articleshow/74712782.cms?from=mdr"><u><strong> Indian government</strong></u></a><strong> is already taking strict actions on the travel plan of people. By this decision, the threat of coronavirus coming from foreign nations can be reduced. The ban will be in effect from March 22 till a week. India is also planning to shut internal travel facilities soon due to coronavirus.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Dhinchak Pooja is back with new song “Hoga Na Corona”
<p><strong>Dhinchak Pooja’s song ‘Selfie Maine Lay Lee Aaj’ turned her into a new Internet sensation. She is known for making funny songs. Her ever-growing popularity is only making her bank account healthy.</strong></p> <p><strong>Now, the ongoing </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-toll-of-coronavirus-outbreak-hikes-to-47/155"><u><strong>Coronavirus </strong></u></a><strong>scare in the country. The pop star has sung a new song Hoga Na Corona. In the song, Dhinchak Pooja is singing and dancing along with a few background actors.</strong></p> <p><strong>This is not the first time that </strong><a href="https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/dhinchak-pooja-is-back-with-a-coronavirus-song-and-this-is-all-we-need-to-work-from-home-2542791.html"><u><strong>Dhinchak Pooja</strong></u></a><strong> has shown her dedication to the difficulties of culture and ordinary Indians. In the different songs, Dhinchak Pooja explained the problems faced by people in the nation over the end of data plans and money shortage.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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"Game of Thrones" star Indira Varma tested Positive for coronavirus
<p><strong>Indira Varma has announced that she has tested positive for coronavirus. She is famous for her role in Game of Thrones.</strong></p> <p><strong>Her analysis comes two days after "Game of Thrones" star Kristofer Hivju. He also said that he was tested confirmed for the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Hollywood/Actor-Idris-Elba-tested-positive-for-coronavirus/141"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>Indira Varma, who performed the character of Ellaria Sand in the epic Game of Thrones series, posted on Instagram on Wednesday to share the news.</strong></p> <p><strong>Indira Varma wrote “I’m in bed with it and it’s not nice. Stay nourished and healthy and be kind to your souls." The 46-year-old actress was starring in the modern take of Anton Chekhov's play "The Seagull" in London's West End, alongside "</strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/game-of-thrones-star-indira-varma-tests-positive-for-coronavirus/articleshow/74706009.cms"><u><strong>Game of Thrones</strong></u></a><strong>" alum Emilia Clarke.</strong></p> <p><strong>The play is on hold due to the coronavirus.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rajiv Bajaj re-appointed as Managing Director of Bajaj Auto
<p><strong>The two-wheeler maker </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/auto/auto-news/bajaj-auto-board-approves-reappointment-of-rajiv-bajaj-as-md-ceo/articleshow/74686700.cms?from=mdr"><u><strong>Bajaj Auto</strong></u></a><strong> has re-appointed Rajiv Bajaj as the Managing Director and CEO of the company said in a regulatory filing.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Bajaj Auto board appreciated the re-appointment of Rajiv Bajaj on Tuesday. For a span of five years starting from April 1, 2020. The Bajaj boss’s current term estimate to terminate on March 31, 2020.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Bajaj Auto said the re-appointment of </strong><a href="https://auto.ndtv.com/news/bajaj-auto-re-appoints-rajiv-bajaj-as-md-ceo-2197310"><u><strong>Rajiv Bajaj</strong></u></a><strong> is subject to the approval of the stockholders of the company. That will take place at the ensuing annual general conference.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra toll of coronavirus outbreak hikes to 47
<p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Rajesh-Tope-declares-10-new-Covid-19-testing-facilities/152"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong> on Thursday reported two fresh cases of coronavirus, taking the state's total number of confirmed cases to 47.</strong></p> <p><strong>The patients -- a 22-year-old woman from Mumbai with a history of travel to the UK. The 49-year-old woman from Ulhasnagar who travels to Dubai. Are undergoing coronavirus treatment at the Kasturba Gandhi Hospital, according to a government official.</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra had on Wednesday decided to keep government offices functional with 50% attendance due to </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/State-Government-of-Maharashtra-is-about-to-stop-Public-Transport/140"><u><strong>coronavirus </strong></u></a><strong>outbreak. Maharashtra to operate the railway, state transport, private buses, metro, and public transport system at 50% capacity.</strong></p> <p><strong>After a review meeting on Wednesday evening, Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray says, "To tackle the </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/coronavirus-news-live-updates-death-toll-march-9/liveblog/74545182.cms"><u><strong>coronavirus outbreak</strong></u></a><strong>, the need of the hour is to control crowding."</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Asim Riaz and Himanshi Khurana song to be released today
<p><strong>After their Bigg Boss 13 season, Asim Riaz and </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/TV/Asim-Riaz-and-Himanshi-Khurana-debut-in-a-Music-Video/96"><u><strong>Himanshi Khurana</strong></u></a><strong>'s followers have been eager to see them mutually. With their intimacy, the rumored couple threw everyone into a tizzy. In their first music video, the couple is all set to surprise followers once again with their chemistry. The song is titled as 'Kalla Sohna Nai' and has been sung by Neha Kakkar.</strong></p> <p><strong>On Thursday the music video will be set to publish.</strong></p> <p><strong>After </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/TV/Bigg-Boss-13-Grand-Finale-:-Siddharth-Shukla-wins-this-season-by-beating-Asim-Riaz-who-is-in-trending-on-Twitter/4"><u><strong>Bigg Boss 13</strong></u></a><strong>, Asim and Himanshi will be experiencing the screen space for the first time.</strong></p> <p><strong>Fans have gone gaga before the song could make its approach to YouTube. Asim and Himanshi shared various </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/TV/Top-5-popular-Indian-TikTok-celebrities-Updated-list-2020/49"><u><strong>TikTok</strong></u></a><strong> videos with their track playing in the background, in order to keep netizens fired.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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CBSE Postpones Exams of class 10th and 12th
<p><strong>Due to the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Two-more-tested-Positive-for-CoronaVirus-in-Ladakh/149"><u><strong>Coronavirus outbreak</strong></u></a><strong> in India. On Wednesday, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) postpones all exams of class 10th and 12th board exams from March 19-31. The decision came after the Human Resource Development (HRD) ministry announced to postpone ongoing exams.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Human Resource Development ministry ordered the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and all other educational institutions to reschedule exams after March 31.</strong></p> <p><strong>Earlier in the day, The </strong><a href="https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/news/story/delhi-violence-cbse-postpones-class-10-12-board-exam-divd-1650565-2020-02-27"><u><strong>CBSE</strong></u></a><strong> also issued guidelines for the rest of the board examinations.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Rajesh Tope declares 10 new Covid-19 testing facilities
<p><strong>More 10 coronavirus testing facilities to be set up in the coming days. &nbsp;Say's </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-Coronavirus-Toll-Hikes-to-38/132"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong>’s Health Minister Rajesh Tope on Wednesday. Health Minister Rajesh Tope said in a press conference about 42 people got an infection from coronavirus.</strong></p> <p><strong>The toll of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Siddhivinayak-Temple-Shuts-for-Devotees/135"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> infected is rising day by day in Maharashtra. Currently, there are only three testing facilities in Maharashtra.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Ten more testing centers will set up in the state in the coming days. In fact, one lab started functioning in Mumbai's KEM Hospital from today," </strong><a href="https://www.mumbailive.com/en/health/maharashtra-health-minsiter-rajesh-tope-announces-three-new-testing-labs-for-coronavirus-outbreak-in-mumbai-46897"><u><strong>Rajesh Tope</strong></u></a><strong> said in a press conference.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Each one of the 13 labs will test 180 to 250 samples every day, but the National Institute of Virology will validate their test results," he said.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Fire in DY Patil College Navi Mumbai campus
<p><strong>A major fire broke out at a hostel in Nerul's </strong><a href="https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/dy-patil-hospital-fire-in-navi-mumbai-fire-tenders-on-the-spot-599250"><u><strong>DY Patil college</strong></u></a><strong> Navi Mumbai campus, according to statements. The building was under development, according to news agency PTI.</strong></p> <p><strong>Statements suggest that the cause of the fire was a short circuit . The fire covered masses of thermocol kept inside the building around 1:30 pm, an official said. According to the report the incident took place around 1.45 pm in DY Patil college </strong><a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/navi-mumbai/navi-mumbai-fire-breaks-out-near-girls-hostel-on-dr-dy-patil-university-campus/articleshow/74690760.cms"><u><strong>Navi Mumbai</strong></u></a><strong> campus.</strong></p> <p><strong>The flame was splashes within 30 minutes by Fire Brigade personnel, the official says. No injuries have been so far, according to reports.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Vijay Deverakonda titled by ‘Most Desirable Man Of 2019’
<p><a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/telugu/movies/news/hyderabad-times-most-desirable-man-2019-vijay-deverakonda/articleshow/74676451.cms"><u><strong>Vijay Deverakonda</strong></u></a><strong> is famous for his role in the Telugu film industry, Arjun Reddy. The Vijay Deverakonda performance in it pampers by the movie maniacs. From Geetha Govindam to Dear Comrade to World Famous Lover. The movie maniacs love it when this handsome hunk plays the role of a lover on the big screens.</strong></p> <p><strong>By handsome look or his appearance in films, Vijay Deverakonda announces as the ‘Most Desirable Man Of 2019’. &nbsp;As per the list of ‘Hyderabad Times 30 Most Desirable Men 2019’. The south actor Vijay Deverakonda has surpassed the list. That too for the second consecutive year reports </strong><a href="https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/regional-cinema/vijay-deverakonda-hyderabad-most-desirable-man-2019-599325"><u><strong>Times Of India</strong></u></a><strong>. This list includes men under 40 across various fields.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Two more tested Positive for CoronaVirus in Ladakh
<p><strong>On Wednesday, two more have tested positive for coronavirus in </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/coronavirus-cases-in-india-live-news-latest-updates-march18/liveblog/74682758.cms"><u><strong>Ladakh</strong></u></a><strong>. &nbsp;This takes coronavirus toll to 8 in Ladakh. Some coronavirus positive patients are the relatives of people who were positive for the disease.</strong></p> <p><strong>Rigzin Sampheal, Commissioner Secretary of Ladakh said. "We have received the result of a total of 34 cases. In which two people have tested positive for coronavirus.</strong></p> <p><strong>The following persons are the relatives of people who are previously confirmed. With </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/World/World/Pakistan-Violates-Ceasefire-in-Shahpur-&amp;-Kirni-Sectors-of-Poonch-district/148"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> and keep under quarantine in heart foundation.</strong></p> <p><strong>"Both the patients are shifting in the isolation ward," he added. The district administration of Leh and Kargil will decide on imposing Section 144 of IPC to control the crowd.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Pakistan Violates Ceasefire in Shahpur & Kirni Sectors of Poonch district
<p><strong>On Wednesday, </strong><a href="http://www.newsonair.com/News?title=Pakistan-violates-ceasefire-in-Shahpur-sector-of-Poonch-district&amp;id=383045"><u><strong>Pakistan</strong></u></a><strong> makes a violation of the ceasefire. This incident occurred in Shahpur &amp; Kirni sectors of Poonch district. After initiating unprovoked ceasefire violations. Small arms firing and intense bombing with mortars along LoC.</strong></p> <p><strong>As per A N I report, the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Soldier-of-the-Indian-Army-has-Tested-Positive/147"><u><strong>Indian Army</strong></u></a><strong> retaliated in response to the attack. The combat operation conducts with police and the Indian army. Many terrorist spots in Awantipora were swipe by the forces.</strong></p> <p><strong>In this operation, many materials consist of an improvize explosive device found. The number of Coronavirus patients gradually increasing towards the large scale. Recently the news came from the Indian Army. &nbsp;That soldier was infected by the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Coronavirus-Outbreak:-Taj-Mahal-doors-shut-for-visitors/137"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Soldier of the Indian Army has Tested Positive
<p><strong>A soldier of the Indian Army has tested positive for coronavirus in Leh. This becomes the first case in the Indian army as the 34-year-old soldier got the infection.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Indian Army soldier belongs to Chuhot village in Leh. &nbsp;He came in contact with his father who had already infected by a </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Government-Hospitals-Employees-fled-due-to-Coronavirus/138"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>. His father had come back from a pilgrimage. He returned from Iran by an Air India flight on February 27.</strong></p> <p><strong>The father is kept in quarantine at the Ladakh Heart Foundation since February 29. The soldier had taken leave from February 25 to March 1, said </strong><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/indian-army-reports-its-first-case-of-coronavirus-indias-total-at-147/articleshow/74685229.cms"><u><strong>Indian Army</strong></u></a><strong> officials. He joined his duties on March 2. The soldier kept doing with his family during his father’s quarantine process and even stayed in the village for some time.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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A retired policeman killed his 40-year-old son
<p><strong>In a shocking incident, a retired policeman was booked for killing his 40-year-old son Harish. Harish was working as a constable in the Andheri police station for a few years.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to sources, the 60-year-old retired policeman killed his son. He hit on the head with a sickle after he was attacked with a beer bottle.</strong></p> <p><strong>On the day of the incident, the son was off duty and was at home drinking. Harish had an argument with his father and in the pick of the moment attacked him with a beer bottle. The father sustained minor injuries, but he got to hold and hit his son's head. Harish’s wife, two children, mother, brother, and his whole family was present when the incident happened.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal shifts their wedding
<p><strong>Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal are one of the most adorable couples of Bollywood Film Industry. They both have made joint appearances for various events.</strong></p> <p><strong>But </strong><a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/photo-features/varun-dhawan-natasha-dalals-love-story/Is-Varun-Dhawan-planning-to-get-married-to-Natasha-Dalal/photostory/63908110.cms"><u><strong>Varun Dhawan</strong></u></a><strong> and Natasha Dalal have always remained reserved about their relationship. Pictures of Natasha spending time with Varun’s family and friends have often hit the internet. Yet these lovebirds have never revealed their love saga.</strong></p> <p><strong>Fans of Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal are eagerly waiting to hear an official update regarding their wedding plans. But it looks like these fans will have to wait a little longer. For a long time, there have been rumors that Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal will have a summer wedding.</strong></p> <p><strong>But as per the latest update, the duo might shift their wedding date to November 2020 due to </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Hollywood/Actor-Idris-Elba-tested-positive-for-coronavirus/141"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> outbreak.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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CAA does not Violate any Legal or Fundamental Rights of Citizens
<p><strong>The central government to the supreme court on Tuesday said that the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Democracy/BJP%E2%80%99s-Kapil-Mishra-and-Abhay-Verma-should-be-punished:-AAP/64"><u><strong>CAA</strong></u></a><strong> does not violate any legal or fundamental rights of citizens.</strong></p> <p><strong>The government submits 129 pages of affidavit against the pleas challenging the constitutional validity of CAA. By dismissing all the pleas. The </strong><a href="https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/caa-does-not-violate-fundamental-legal-secular-rights-of-indians-centre-tells-sc-120031701239_1.html"><u><strong>government</strong></u></a><strong> says that &nbsp;Indian secularism is not religious. It is a mixture of all religions that promote comity and brotherhood.</strong></p> <p><strong>The affidavit filed by BC Joshi Director of Ministry in Home Affairs. He said that CAA does affect any minorities in the nation rather than who live illegally in the nation. It is beneficial for neighboring countries’ minorities.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Lawyer in Uttar Pradesh was booked for calling terrorist to Yogi Aditynath
<p><strong>In Uttar Pradesh, &nbsp;a lawyer was booked under Section 124-A of the I P C. He was booked for his "terrorist" comment against Chief Minister </strong><a href="https://zeenews.india.com/india/lawyer-arrested-on-sedition-charges-called-yogi-adityanath-terrorist-2270005.html"><u><strong>Yogi Adityanath</strong></u></a><strong> on social media on Tuesday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The one accused, identified himself as Abdul </strong><em><strong>हनन</strong></em><strong>, is a practicing advocate in Kanpur. Abdul Hannan was arrested by the police and produced before a local court.</strong></p> <p><strong>Allahabad High Court Orders to Yogi Adityanath Government to Remove All 'Name and Shame' Hoardings And Banners of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Democracy/Delhi-riots-Death-toll-rose-to-46/95"><u><strong>Anti-CAA</strong></u></a><strong> Protesters in Uttar Pradesh.</strong></p> <p><em><strong>tum kagaz nahi dikhaoge, aur danga bhi failaoge, to hum lathi bhi chalvayenge, gharbaar bhi bikvayenge… aur haan poster bhi lagwayenge,” said by </strong></em><strong>Abdul Hannan</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Baaghi 3 and Angrezi Medium to be re-released
<p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Bollywood/Tiger-Shroff-opens-up-about-his-crush-on-Shraddha-Kapoor/78"><u><strong>Baaghi 3</strong></u></a><strong> and Angrezi Medium are the two films who were hit by Coronavirus outbreak in Bollywood. There are some rumors about re-releasing the movies after the settlement of the coronavirus outbreak.</strong></p> <p><strong>Angrezi Medium which is released on the 13th of the march got affected the most. While Baaghi 3 released on the 6th of march was successful in the first week. But later the movie sank down due to the hit of </strong><a href="https://www.masala.com/baaghi-3-and-angrezi-medium-to-be-re-released-amid-coronavirus-impact-323309.html"><u><strong>coronavirus outbreak</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Producer Dinesh Vijan of Angrezi Medium has already announced his intentions to re-release the film as soon as possible. We have to wait for the Baaghi 3 team to clear the news.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Actor Idris Elba tested positive for coronavirus
<p><strong>Hollywood Actor Idris Elba confirmed positive tests for </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Hollywood/Tom-Hanks-and-his-wife-Rita-Wilson-test-Positive-for-Corona-Virus/121"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>. Idris Elba is famous for his acting in legendary movies like Thor and Fast and Furious series.</strong></p> <p><strong>He informs the world and his fans from twitter that he is positive for coronavirus.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/16/arts/idris-elba-coronavirus.html"><u><strong>Idris Elba</strong></u></a><strong> wrote that “This morning I tested positive for coronavirus. I feel ok and I have no symptoms. They keep me in isolation since I found out about my possible exposure to the virus. Stay home people and be positive. I will keep you updated on how I'm doing. No panic."</strong></p> <p><strong>Idris Elba is not alone in the list of celebrities who are infected by a coronavirus.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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State Government of Maharashtra is about to stop Public Transport
<p><strong>The state government of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Uddhav-Thackeray-Ordered-the-Closure/126"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong> is on the verge to close all public transportation services. The Maharashtra government is facing a serious pandemic threat to their state. Considering this, the Maharashtra government is planning to shut local trains, busses and all public transportation for safety reasons.</strong></p> <p><strong>But the decision is still pending for this matter. Chief Minister of </strong><a href="https://maharashtratimes.indiatimes.com/maharashtra/articlelist/2429066.cms"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong> Udhhav Thackerary can take strict actions for suspending the Mumbai’s lifeline, Local train services.</strong></p> <p><strong>Along with Mumbai local, the decision can also shut other modes of transports like Metro and Monorail. According to the current situation. Maharashtra has 39 </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Navi-Mumbai-Police-on-Chase-for-Coronavirus/130"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> infected cases including the death of one 63-year-old person.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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UFC Postpones Three Events due to Coronavirus Outbreak
<p><strong>The Ultimate Fighting Championship </strong><a href="https://fox5sandiego.com/sports/ufc-postpones-next-3-fights-amid-coronavirus-outbreak/"><strong>UFC</strong></a><strong> has postponed its next three events due to the coronavirus outbreak.</strong></p> <p><strong>Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the UFC officials unable to find the venue for their events.</strong></p> <p><strong>The UFC president </strong><a href="https://www.si.com/mma/2020/03/16/ufc-postpones-events-coronavirus-outbreak"><strong>Dana White</strong></a><strong> confirmed the news in a message to employees later posted on Twitter.</strong></p> <p><strong>UFC is already facing a ban for combat sports in Las Vegas by Nevada State officials till March 25th. This will affect the business as well as the lovers of Ultimate Fighting Championship UFC.</strong></p> <p><strong>The UFC is also closing all offices totally and asking workers to work from home due to </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Sports/Cricket/Indian-Premier-League-2020-delayed-to-April-15/125"><strong>coronavirus outbreak</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Government Hospitals Employees fled due to Coronavirus
<p><strong>The toll of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Preventive-Measures-from-Coronavirus/122"><strong>coronavirus</strong></a><strong> patients is rising rapidly in Maharashtra. Recently the staff of Government Hospital Panvel ran away after knowing patients with travel history to coronavirus-hit countries admit to the hospital.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the hospital, they assign to look after coronavirus hit patients.</strong></p> <p><strong>A total of 11 staff employees fled from the hospital to neighboring districts. As soon as the news spread, Raigad District Magistrate has ordered a detailed investigation in the matter.</strong></p> <p><strong>On Sunday, four of the employees fled from a government hospital in Nagpur and caught by police later. They return back to the hospital after some hours.</strong></p> <p><strong>Meta Description: The staff of </strong><a href="https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/five-suspected-coronavirus-patients-escape-nagpur-hospital-1655435-2020-03-14"><strong>Government Hospital</strong></a><strong> Panvel ran away after knowing patients with travel history to coronavirus-hit countries admit to the hospital.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Outbreak: Taj Mahal doors shut for visitors
<p><strong>The Taj Mahal is close to visitors from today for safety reasons.</strong></p> <p><strong>As the coronavirus outbreak spreads like fire in India the infected toll rose to 114.</strong></p> <p><strong>From a few days, the visitor’s count of the Taj Mahal was decreasing due to the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Siddhivinayak-Temple-Shuts-for-Devotees/135"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> outbreak. So the administration decided to close the Taj Mahal for visitors.</strong></p> <p><strong>By the numbers, </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-Coronavirus-Toll-Hikes-to-38/132"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong> is facing worse cases of coronavirus outbreak. The current figure of coronavirus affected in Maharashtra hikes to 39. Maharashtra Government has shut all public places for public safety.</strong></p> <p><strong>Due to the </strong><a href="https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/coronavirus-outbreak-india-to-close-taj-mahal-for-visitors-from-tuesday-over-coronavirus-fears-2195838"><u><strong>coronavirus outbreak</strong></u></a><strong> other states also stepping up for restrictions.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus Outbreak: Italy reports 368 deaths in 24 hours
<p><strong>On Sunday, Italy reported new 368 deaths from the coronavirus outbreak. As the country's death toll hikes to 1,809. The total number of coronavirus positive cases raised to 24,747 from 21,157 on Saturday. The country’s civil protection authority announced the following data on Monday.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Maharashtra-Coronavirus-Toll-Hikes-to-38/132"><u><strong>Governments</strong></u></a><strong> across the globe have stepped up restrictions on the movement. Of their peoples to reduce the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed 5,800 people. Over 153,000 coronavirus outbreak infected worldwide, according to the </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/World-Health-Organisation-said-India-no-need-to-panic-from-Coronavirus/105"><u><strong>World Health Organization</strong></u></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Spain became the second European nation to impose a nationwide emergency. After 2,000 new coronavirus outbreak cases were confirmed and the number of deaths doubled.</strong></p> <p><strong>Iran also confirmed more than 100 people have died in the past 24 hours. The </strong><a href="https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51777049"><u><strong>coronavirus </strong></u></a><strong>outbreak confirmed cases nearing 14,000.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Siddhivinayak Temple Shuts for Devotees
<p><strong>According to the current coronavirus situation of Maharashtra. </strong><a href="https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/mumbai-siddhivinayak-tuljabhavani-temples-shut-for-devotees/articleshow/74654986.cms"><strong>Siddhivinayak temple</strong></a><strong> of Mumbai, Maharashtra is close by Monday evening. Previously the temple administration was taking precautions for </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/China%E2%80%99s-Death-Toll-Hikes-to-3,042/112"><strong>coronavirus</strong></a><strong>. But the toll of coronavirus affected hikes to 38 in Maharashtra, they finally took the decision to shut the temple.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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A Drunk man Driving BMW stops to Urinate, criminals fled with the car
<p><strong>On Saturday, a drunk man was driving his </strong><a href="https://www.timesnownews.com/mirror-now/crime/article/noida-drunken-man-driving-bmw-halts-to-urinate-miscreants-flee-with-luxury-car/564924"><u><strong>BMW car</strong></u></a><strong> and stops for a urine break on Noida highway. He stops his car aside on road, during this time some unidentified criminals came and fled with the car.</strong></p> <p><strong>The BMW is driven by Rishab Arora a stockbroker was returning from a party in drunk condition.</strong></p> <p><strong>The car belonged to Arora’s brother in law. The owner is still having a 40 lakh loan pending on the BMW car.</strong></p> <p><strong>“Police force including senior officials had reached the spot after a matter was reported that a man's </strong><a href="https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/drunk-man-driving-bmw-stops-to-urinate-miscreants-flee-with-car-598428"><u><strong>BMW</strong></u></a><strong> car has been robbed,” said Deputy Commissioner of Police, Central Noida, Harish Chander.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Alia Bhatt shared her birthday posts on Instagram
<p><strong>Recently Alia Bhatt shared her birthday posts on Instagram. </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Bollywood/Ranbir-and-Alia-postponed-their-wedding/56"><u><strong>Alia Bhatt</strong></u></a><strong> celebrated her birthday with family and friends on Sunday. A small glimpse shared by Alia Bhatt of how she spent her day.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/entertainment/hindi/inside-alia-bhatts-midnight-birthday-celebration-minus-ranbir-kapoor-priyanka-chopra-spends-time-with-dog-gino-jonas-as-she-stays-indoors-amid-coronavirus-scare-and-more/videoshow/74636195.cms"><u><strong>Alia</strong></u></a><strong> shared a couple of pictures, in which her sister Shaheen Bhatt and friends Meghna Goyal and Akansha Ranjan Kapoor seen.</strong></p> <p><strong>Alia Bhatt’s sister Shaheen Bhatt also shared birthday celebrations. She shared a photo, which features her posing happily with Alia and elder sister Pooja Bhatt.</strong></p> <p><strong>On Sunday, Shaheen Bhatt wished </strong><a href="https://www.hindustantimes.com/bollywood/inside-alia-bhatt-s-birthday-party-with-sister-shaheen-bhatt-where-s-ranbir-kapoor/story-rYXEk9j6IRZCUTSZ4EYLGL.html"><u><strong>Alia</strong></u></a><strong> by sharing a picture of the duo and along with a heartfelt note. She wrote: "Sister. She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities.”</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Maharashtra Coronavirus Toll Hikes to 38
<p><strong>Maharashtra becomes the worst affected coronavirus state, as the number of infected people hikes to 38. Yavatmal District Collector MD Singh said, "One more person, with travel history to Dubai, has been tested positive for coronavirus. With this, the total number of coronavirus cases rises to 38 in </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Navi-Mumbai-Police-on-Chase-for-Coronavirus/130"><u><strong>Maharashtra</strong></u></a><strong>."</strong></p> <p><strong>Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and Health Minister Rajesh Tope along with Chief Secretary held a review meeting with district magistrates via video conferencing. The total number of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Uddhav-Thackeray-Ordered-the-Closure/126"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong> infected people in the state stood at 32 as of Sunday.</strong></p> <p><strong>The number started increasing from Monday morning. The first confirmed case for the day was from the Pimpri-Chinchwad. Next were the four positive cases from </strong><a href="https://kalingatv.com/nation/coronavirus-cases-increases-to-38-in-maharashtra/"><u><strong>Mumbai</strong></u></a><strong> and Navi Mumbai.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Manila Pradhan Wons the SuperModel Title
<p><a href="https://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/television/manila-pradhan-wins-mtv-supermodel-of-the-year-6315778/"><u><strong>Manila Pradhan</strong></u></a><strong> bags the title of Super Model of the year. On the finale of </strong><a href="https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/tv/supermodel-of-the-year-winner-of-malaika-arora-milind-soman-show-is-manila-pradhan-598423"><u><strong>Super Model</strong></u></a><strong>, Manila Pradhan won the title by defeating Drisha More and Priya Singh.</strong></p> <p><strong>On 22nd December the show was premiered and judged by Malaika Arora and Milind Soman.</strong></p> <p><strong>They shared their bench with Masaba Gupta and Ujjwala Raut along with Anusha Dandekar.</strong></p> <p><strong>After winning the show Manila said, “ Its like dream come true for me. The Only thing which I learned throughout my journey is to be yourself. All the judges on the show and the mentors were great. But I really have a special intangible connection and a soft corner for Malaika and Ujjwala mam.”</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Navi Mumbai Police on Chase for Coronavirus
<p><strong>As the coronavirus is on its peak, </strong><a href="https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/dubai-navi-mumbai-poluce-coronavirus-quarantine-1655867-2020-03-16"><strong>Navi Mumbai</strong></a><strong> police issued a list of the people who came in large groups from Dubai. The people who returned didn’t report for quarantine.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to the government, it is compulsory to report for quarantine to those who have returned from abroad. There is a time period of 14days for the quarantine process to diagnose coronavirus symptoms. Now the </strong><a href="https://www.livemint.com/news/india/coronavirus-update-mumbai-police-clamps-prohibition-on-group-tours-till-march-31-11584259601583.html"><strong>Navi Mumbai police</strong></a><strong> are looking for those who did not follow quarantine rule.</strong></p> <p><strong>As per the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, coronavirus affected total goes to 110 across India. This includes a total of 17 foreign resident nationals, as of March 15. Maharashtra is in lead for the number of coronaviruses confirmed cases at 32.</strong></p> <p><strong>For </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Goa-Announces-Total-Shut/128"><strong>Coronavirus</strong></a><strong> awareness in Mumbai. Banner hoarding advertisements to display coronavirus awareness and prevention messages for 10 days. The municipal corporation will take strict action if they do not follow rules.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Arjun Kapoor has been tested Positive
<p><strong>Arjun Kapoor is the stepson of actress Sridevi and the stepbrother of actress Janhvi Kapoor.</strong></p> <p><strong>Father Boney Kapoor and Mona Shourie Kapoor and the nephew of actors Anil Kapoor and Sanjay Kapoor hence Arjun Kapoor is having a great backup.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/celebrities/arjun-kapoor-i-will-never-disown-a-film-571958"><u><strong>Arjun Kapoor</strong></u></a><strong> earlier worked as an assistant director on his father’s productions. &nbsp;No Entry in 2015 and Wanted in 2009 were debut films for him as assistant director.</strong></p> <p><strong>Arjun Kapoor made his acting debut in 2012 from successful action romance Ishaqzaade and appeared in several other films, including the crime drama Gunday in 2014.</strong></p> <p><strong>Later, Romantic comedy 2 States in 2014 and the Ki &amp; Ka in 2016 leads to commercial failure in Arjun Kapoor’s career.</strong></p> <p><strong>If we take look at his </strong><a href="https://www.timesnownews.com/entertainment/news/people/article/arjun-kapoor-takes-complete-ownership-of-failure-of-his-previous-films-i-will-never-disown-a-film/528526"><u><strong>Bollywood career</strong></u></a><strong>. Arjun Kapoor has done 12 films to date. In which 4 were hit in the box office. While remaining 8 was simply the commercial failure of his Bollywood career. So, Its good to say that Arjun Kapoor has been tested positive for the worst actor of all time.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Goa Announces Total Shut
<p><strong>The chief minister of Goa has announced the total closure of all educational facilities. This includes colleges, schools, and private coaching sectors. The theaters, water cruises, pubs, and casinos as preventive measures to control the increase of </strong><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Tech/Science/Coronavirus-affects-Samsung-in-Korea/52"><u><strong>coronavirus</strong></u></a><strong>. Chief Minister of Goa Pramod Sawant announced the rule of closure on Saturday in Goa.</strong></p> <p><strong>The following action will come into immediate effect from Sunday midnight in Goa. This rule will be in strict until March 31. After that, in the situation, it will be reviewed.</strong></p> <p><strong>After the meeting held with minister of tourism as well as officials, the Chief Minister of </strong><a href="https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/goa-shuts-gym-casinos-clubs-amid-coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic-598070"><u><strong>Goa</strong></u></a><strong> Pramod Sawant said that hotels, shopping malls, will be open for all the peoples of Goa. As normal while board exams for S S C students will go ahead as planned. Gymnasium, spas and swimming pools too will be closed until March 31.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/goa-cm-pramod-sawant-to-convene-high-level-meeting-on-coronavirus-on-saturday/articleshow/74616760.cms"><u><strong>Pramod Sawant</strong></u></a><strong> announced, “We have divided the measures into necessary instruction and an advisory. Schools, colleges and other educational institutions right from anganwadi (nurseries) till private coaching institutes will be closed in Goa.”</strong></p> <p><strong>“All events in closed Air Conditioned spaces of Goa, like theaters, pubs, nightclubs will be compulsorily shut. However hotels and malls will remain open,” Pramod Sawant added.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ranveer Singh shared a Glimpse of his Trophies
<p><a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/this-world-cup-season-ranveer-singhs-post-is-taking-fans-back-to-indias-83-victory/articleshow/69597824.cms?from=mdr"><strong>Ranveer Singh</strong></a><strong> shares a picture with his trophies after he won three nominated awards at the Zee Cine Awards 2020 in Mumbai on Instagram on Friday. &nbsp;Three categories: best actor, the song of the year. With best on-screen pair for Gully Boy with Alia Bhatt, won by Ranveer Singh.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sharing the picture, Ranveer Singh wrote: “Best Actor in a Leading Role Song of the Year Best On-screen Pair #zeecineawards on Blessings.” The picture got many of Ranveer Singh's co-actors from the film industry showering appreciative comments. But the best was from Ranveer Singh's wife and actress Deepika Padukone. She said, “Hi, Your so handsome... Okay Bye.”</strong></p> <p><a href="https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/ranveer-singh-nailing-kapil-devs-natraj-shot-has-the-internet-hooked-2387563.html"><strong>Ranveer Singh</strong></a><strong>, Gully Boy co-star Siddhant Chaturvedi wrote “Boyyyy” while designer Manish Malhotra wrote “Congratulations”. Actor Tisca Chopra said: “richly deserved” while actor Karishma Tanna said “congratulations”. Many stars from the sports, too, wrote in to congratulate the actor.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uddhav Thackeray Ordered the Closure
<p>The state government of Maharashtra ordered on Friday in cities of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Nagpur, Pune, and Pimpri-Chinchwad for the closure of cinema theatres, swimming pools, and gym till March 30. Maharashtra toll for<a href="https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/coronavirus-cm-uddhav-thackeray-revokes-all-permissions-given-to-public-functions-in-maharashtra-1655356-2020-03-14"> coronavirus</a> has raised to 17 as the state government has taken this decision.</p> <p>Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said that the closure will come into effect from Friday midnight. He also said that that the government has imposed the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 to tackle the virus outbreak.</p> <p>Schools and colleges in Pune and neighboring industrial towns of Pimpri and Chinchwad will remain shut till further orders, said Uddhav Thackeray.</p> <p>Uddhav Thackeray said private sector companies should allow workers to work from home if necessary.</p> <p>In Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Nagpur, Pimpri Chinchwad, and Pune swimming pools, gym and theaters will be shut till March 30, said <a href="https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/topic/Uddhav-Thackeray">Uddhav Thackeray.</a></p> <p>He also said that people should avoid visiting malls and other public places during this pandemic situation.</p> <p>Uddhav Thackeray told reporters after making the announcement in the Assembly that they will review the situation and take further decisions.</p> <p>For now, 17 patients test positive to have the <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Preventive-Measures-from-Coronavirus/122">coronavirus</a> in Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray said. One in Thane which suburbs Mumbai, Ten of these patients are in Pune, three each in Mumbai and Nagpur.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Indian Premier League 2020 delayed to April 15
<p>The <a href="https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/cricket/ipl/top-stories/its-official-ipl-2020-postponed-to-mid-april-due-to-coronavirus/articleshow/74609776.cms"><u>IPL 2020</u></a> expects to delay. The match to play at the back closed doors. Team owners suggest that the T20 league be delay by a couple of weeks. In the middle of the coronavirus outbreak which has been confirmed a pandemic by the World Health Organisation.</p> <p>India has prohibited all the visas applications till April 15. It would be not possible for abroad stars to join the Indian Premier League 2020. According to reports, the teams had said they were ready to play at the back closed doors. But not without their abroad players.</p> <p>All stakeholders in the<a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Sports/Cricket/Coronavirus-could-affect-IPL-2020/101"><u> IPL 2020</u></a> have devised a formula. So that there is no drop in the number of matches. The delay will also allow foreign players to join. The Indian Premier League 2020 from the start of the competition.</p> <p>The Indian Premier League Governing Council is a conference on March 14 to converse the way ahead. Even as the BCCI said the two outstanding ODI of a 3-match series among India and South Africa would be played in front of empty seats.</p> <p>On Friday, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said his administration would not allow any IPL matches in the city with huge gatherings.</p> <p>"Keep away from huge gatherings. A lot of public may be thinking about whether it's correct to take such tremendous actions. In countries where precautionary actions are being taken, only there it could be synchronized. Otherwise, <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Sports/Cricket/Coronavirus-could-affect-IPL-2020/101">coronavirus</a> keeps spreading. We have told all DM and SDM to strictly follow all the coronavirus cases coming up," Manish Sisodia told reporters.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Next-Generation Hyundai Creta creates a Benchmark
<p>All new 2020 Hyundai Creta has set a benchmark of booking 10000 units on its first 10 days of launch. Hyundai unveiled the beast Hyundai Creta on the Auto Expo 2020. The entry of all-new Hyundai Creta facelift makes a buzz among all <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/Rolls-Royce-Phantom-used-as-Taxi-In-Kerala/107">Automobile </a>enthusiasts and wannabe customers. The prebooking of Hyundai Creta started on 2nd march with a booking amount of 25000. It’s said that the next-generation Hyundai Creta will come with massive cosmetic updates along with power upgrades.</p> <p>The BS6 Hyundai Creta comes in Diesel and Petrol variant sharing their engines with Kia Seltos. By seeing the 2020 Hyundai Creta it is clear that the machine will have direct competition with other SUVs.&nbsp; As a result, the competitor for Creta includes Kia Seltos, Tata Harrier, MG Hector, and the Renault Duster.</p> <p>Hyundai Creta will launch in five sub-variants E, EX, S, SX, and SX (Option).&nbsp; While, Other three motor options 1.5-litre petrol, 1.5-litre VGT diesel and the 1.4-litre Turbo GDI petrol. The machine will include 6-speed manual transmission across the range.&nbsp; Adding to the specs 1.5-litre diesel engine for an optional torque converter. The 1.4-litre turbo petrol for 7-speed DCT and 1.5 litre motor for iVT automatic.</p> <p>In other words, 2020 Hyundai Creta comes with a huge package of cosmetics updates. In addition, 3D grille flanked by the huge LED headlamps with new boomerang inspired DRLs adds a catchy look to the front. Adding the new 17inch diamond cut alloys to side gives an appealing feel to the machine.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Jyotiraditya Scindia resigned Congress party for BJP
<p>Madhya Pradesh politics has taken a drastic change from the last few days. Congress Party is in great trauma by losing his pillar from Madhya Pradesh. Jyotiraditya Scindia who is supposed to join <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Democracy/Ex--BJP-leader-Kuldeep-Singh-Sengar-sentenced-for-10-years/124">BJP </a>with his 22 MLA support. On Tuesday, Prime Minister and Amit Shah had a meeting with Jyotiraditya Scindia in which they discussed his resignation. They also had a word for further planning for his supporters from Congress Party.</p> <p>Jyotiraditya Scindia and 22 MLAs decided to quit the Kamal Nath government in Madhya Pradesh. This leads to the congress government of Madhya Pradesh on edge of collapse. Jyotiraditya Scindia wrote a resignation to Sonia Gandhi and said its time to move on.</p> <p>While the BJP MLAs of Madhya Pradesh traveled to Delhi and camps in a hotel in Gurugram.</p> <p>The Congress party has 114 seats while BJP is on the 107 legislature in the MP Assembly. Kamal Nath government is on edge of collapsing if Jyotiraditya Scindia and his 22 MLAs join BJP. If this happens, the Kamal Nath government will lose its majority in Assembly.</p> <p>According to sources, Jyotiraditya Scindia is supposed to join BJP by 12.30 pm on Wednesday.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Ex- BJP leader Kuldeep Singh Sengar sentenced for 10 years
<p>Ex- <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Democracy/Donald-Trump-visits-Ahmedabad-for-stadium-inauguration-with-Prime-Minister-Modi/11">BJP </a>leader Kuldeep Sengar finally has been sentenced for ten years. Imposed fined of Rs 10 lakh for connection for Unnao rape victim father’s death.</p> <p>All other convicts have given the same sentence of 10 years. Till now Kuldeep Sengar keeps denying his involvement in the murder. Kuldeep Sengar is already booked for a life sentence. For raping the Unnao rape victim in 2017 when she was a minor.</p> <p>The Unnao rape case refers to gang rape. Of a 17-year-old girl on 4 June 2017 in Unnao, Uttar Pradesh, India. On 16 December 2019, politician Kuldeep Sengar was convicted for the Unnao rape. On 20th December sentenced to life imprisonment.</p> <p>Last week, a Delhi court convicted Kuldeep Sengar and seven others of guilty killing. Amounting to murder in link with the father's death in legal custody.</p> <p>The court said the proof proved beyond sensible doubt that the accused conspired to impose a false case on&nbsp; Kuldeep Sengar by planting a country-made gun and four cartridges.</p> <p>It said the accused didn't want to kill him but beat him "in a brutal way that led to his death of the man".</p> <p>The judge said it was common sense that when the police hit, "they hit in a brutal way", and that doctors at the area hospital were "careless" and "acted like butchers".</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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World Health Organization declares coronavirus as Pandemic
<p>On Wednesday 11th March, the World Health Organization declares <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Preventive-Measures-from-Coronavirus/122">coronavirus </a>as Pandemic. The Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus said in a press conference. That the number of cases outsides China had increased 13 times over the past two weeks. The coronavirus outbreak becomes a pandemic, or a disease spreading in many countries around the globe continuously.</p> <p>The <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/World-Health-Organisation-said-India-no-need-to-panic-from-Coronavirus/105">World Health Organization</a> makes the program that <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/36-Out-of-88-persons-in-Hyderabad-are-affected-by-Coronavirus/104">coronavirus </a>can be characterized as a pandemic. The head of the World Health Organization also worried that pandemic is not a word to use carelessly. As the word, if misused, can cause unreasonable fear. This is shifting to death and suffering.</p> <p>Tedros Ghebreyesus said that “the condition as a pandemic does not change World Health Organization assessment of the fear by this coronavirus. It remains stock what the World Health Organization is doing, and it doesn't vary what nations should do."</p> <p>World Health Organization head said that he thinks about the world.&nbsp; That never before faced a pandemic caused by a &nbsp;novel <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Does-marijuana-work-as-a-medicine-for-the-Corona-Virus/76">coronavirus</a>. Each and every day the World Health Organization calls nations to take urgent and aggressive action. World Health Organization has rung the alarm bell-clear and loud.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson test Positive for Corona Virus
<p>The US actor Tom Hanks, on 12th March Thursday, releases a buzz on his social media. Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, affect with <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Canadian-Prime-Minister-wife-test-positive-for-coronavirus/123">coronavirus </a>while shooting in Australia.&nbsp; Hanks confirmed that they have tested <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/World-Health-Organization-declares-coronavirus-as-Pandemic/119">coronavirus </a>positive.</p> <p>The 63-year-old <a href="https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-51847198">Tom Hanks</a> is on the shoot of Baz Luhrmann's untitled production. In the Gold Coast in Queensland for Elvis Presley. Wilson has been feeling a bit lazy like we had colds and coughs Tom Hanks wrote on Instagram. They diagnose the test for the virus and confirm to be positive.</p> <p>Social media states clearly low and people react with a comment. "Why must bad things happen to angle people?" Another user said, "Hanks is gonna defeat coronavirus because he is a legend, then make a film on defeating it." Many users upload a photo of him holding a candle to a photo frame with collage pictures of Tom Hanks. In a Gold Coast hospital, the duo is now kept in isolation.</p> <p>On a chat show on the free-to-air presenter, Nine Entertainment Co Holdings Ltd, Wilson appeared on Monday. Workers who had been in getting in touch with her would be testing for the <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Preventive-Measures-from-Coronavirus/122">coronavirus </a>and quarantine for 14 days the network said.</p> <p>The release of Queensland, Annastacia, said on Thursday that <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/World-Health-Organisation-said-India-no-need-to-panic-from-Coronavirus/105">health officials</a> contact tracing to determine who has been in close contact with Hanks and Wilson.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Canadian Prime Minister wife test Positive for Coronavirus
<p>Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau will isolate himself for 14 days.&nbsp; Justin Trudeau’s wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, tested positive for novel <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Hollywood/Tom-Hanks-and-his-wife-Rita-Wilson-test-Positive-for-Corona-Virus/121">coronavirus</a> yesterday.</p> <p>Grégoire Trudeau has fewer symptoms and is feeling good. Justin Trudeau will be in isolation for 14 days or more. The Prime Minister's office declares on late Thursday.</p> <p>Her symptoms were like flu on Wednesday as per reports. Doctors are reaching out to those who've come in contact with Grégoire Trudeau, the office said.</p> <p>"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is with no symptoms and he is in good health. As a preventive measure and following the advice of health officials. <a href="https://www.wsj.com/articles/canadian-prime-minister-justin-trudeaus-wife-tests-positive-for-coronavirus-11584066591">Justin Trudeau</a> will be in isolation for a time of 14 days," the official said.</p> <p>It added that on the advice of his doctors, Justin Trudeau not to test since Justin has no symptoms. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues with his duty and plans to address fellow Canadians on Friday.</p> <p>Justin Trudeau’s official said, "For security reasons, doctors say there is no danger to those who have been in contact with him recently."</p> <p>Grégoire Trudeau shows gratitude to those who reach out to her and she's doing good.</p> <p>"Although I'm facing uneven symptoms of the <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Preventive-Measures-from-Coronavirus/122">coronavirus</a>, I will be back soon." "Being at home is nothing as compared to other Canadian families who might be going through this and for those facing more serious health issues."</p> <p>Canada has confirmed 147 cases of a novel coronavirus, including one death. The coronavirus has caused many government officials across the globe from heads of state to administrators. They should take precautionary measures after finding out they've been in contact with infected people.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Preventive Measures from Coronavirus COVID19
<p><a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/World-Health-Organisation-said-India-no-need-to-panic-from-Coronavirus/105">Coronavirus </a>threatening spread in India, here's how you can keep yourself safe from the plague.</p> <p>As of now, a <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/Does-marijuana-work-as-a-medicine-for-the-Corona-Virus/76">vaccine </a>has not been invented for the <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/China’s-Death-Toll-Hikes-to-3,042/112">coronavirus</a>. For a fact, prevention appears to be the best cure available so far.</p> <p>Here are some&nbsp; measures you need to take:</p> <p>1.</p> <p>Avoid any close contact with a person who is ill. Keep at least three feet of distance between yourself and a person who is sneezing or coughing.</p> <p>2.</p> <p>Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.</p> <p>3.</p> <p>Stay at home when you feel sick.</p> <p>4.</p> <p>Cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing with a tissue, then dispose of the tissue safely.</p> <p>5.</p> <p>Disinfect and clean regularly-touched objects and things using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.</p> <p>6.</p> <p>Applying a mask is not compulsory unless you are taking care of an affected person. The Centers for Disease Control does recommend that only infected persons wear masks to prevent the spread of the plague.</p> <p>7.</p> <p>Wash your hands often with water and soap for more than 20 seconds, mostly after going to the washroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.</p> <p>8.</p> <p>If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water when hands are dirty.</p> <p>9.</p> <p>If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.</p> <p>10.</p> <p>Keep in mind the travel advisory set out by the <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Health/Health/36-Out-of-88-persons-in-Hyderabad-are-affected-by-Coronavirus/104">Ministry of Health and Welfare.</a></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Delhi Police registered 712 cases for violence in India
<p>A total of 712 first information report register so far. Over 200 accused have been arrest for their alleged role. In North East Delhi violence said the <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Democracy/Death-Toll-of-Delhi-riots-reached-39/75">Delhi Police </a>in its press briefing on Wednesday. The statement comes a day after Union Home Minister Amit Shah concluded the debate and discussion over the fatal crashes in the Parliament. Shah, in his statement, had backed the<a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Democracy/AAP-leader-Tahir-Hussain-booked-for-Murder/71"> <u>Delhi Police</u></a> for their role in controlling the riots.</p> <p>Public Relations Officer of Delhi Police, MS Randhawa, told reporters on Thursday that the police will take strict action against those involved in vitiating the situation of communal harmony. The officer further adds that law and order are complete restores in all violence-hit areas of the national capital. <a href="A total of 712 first information report register so far. Over 200 accused have been arrest for their alleged role. In North East Delhi violence said the Delhi Police in its press briefing on Wednesday. The statement comes a day after Union Home Minister Amit Shah concluded the debate and discussion over the fatal crashes in the Parliament. Shah, in his statement, had backed the Delhi Police for their role in controlling the riots. Public Relations Officer of Delhi Police, MS Randhawa, told reporters on Thursday that the police will take strict action against those involved in vitiating the situation of communal harmony. The officer further adds that law and order are complete restores in all violence-hit areas of the national capital. Delhi Violence: Rs 10 Lakh Compensation For Houses Totally Burnt, Rs 5 Lakh For Charred Schools With 1000 Students Enrolled, Announces AAP Govt. &quot;Till now, we have file 712 FIRs. More than 200 accused have been arrested. We have received a lot of videos that will help us in the investigation,&quot; Randhawa said. &quot;Right now, the law and order situation in Delhi is completely normal. Senior officers are continuously monitoring the situation,&quot; he further added."><u>Delhi Violence</u></a>: Rs 10 Lakh Compensation For Houses Totally Burnt, Rs 5 Lakh For Charred Schools With 1000 Students Enrolled, Announces AAP Govt.</p> <p>"Till now, we have file 712 FIRs. More than 200 accused have been arrested. We have received a lot of videos that will help us in the investigation," Randhawa said. "Right now, the law and order situation in Delhi is completely normal. Senior officers are continuously monitoring the situation," he further added.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Yes Bank resumed their ATM for customers in India
<p>Yes Bank tweeted late on Saturday night saying that now depositors can withdraw their money from ATM using debit cards. Customers can use Yes Bank debit cards. Other debit cards can also use at Yes Bank ATM said by the bank. Yes Bank gave gratitude to their customers for keeping patience. From the past few days. There was a rush at the Yes Bank doors throughout the nation as RBI sets the transaction limit for Yes Bank customers to 50000.</p> <p>Yesterday on 8th March the founder of Yes Bank Rana <a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Entertainment/Bollywood/Ranbir-and-Alia-postponed-their-wedding/56">Kapoor </a>detains by the&nbsp; Enforcement Directorate. The Yes Bank founder detain after the next day of interrogation by the Enforcement Directorate at the agency office in Mumbai Maharashtra.<a href="https://latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/YES-Bank-Depositors-unable-to-withdraw-cash-from-ATM/111"> Yes Bank</a> founder Rana Kapoor book under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act.</p> <p>The superb move by RBI triggered the Yes Bank depositors who were in the queue at various ATM locations. ATM was out of cash at that time. The Unified Payment Interface service got affect. PhonePe service faced a lot of issues.</p> <p>UPI transactions showed failed on PhonePe as the Yes Bank has a deal with bank-to-bank transfer mode with PhonePe. According to Yes Bank, PhonePe mostly crosses the mark of 20million transactions per day. Yes Bank customers were facing the failure of Internet Banking and credit cards as the whole system was in distress.</p> <p>The Bank assured their customer that their deposit is safe. Yes Bank releases the letter and it is signed by the&nbsp; Prashant Kumar, former CFO of State Bank of India who has been appointed as YES Bank's administrator by the RBI.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Sensex crashes by 2366 points due to Coronavirus
<p>On Monday, due to coronavirus, the BSE Sensex crashed with benchmark indices slumping more than 6 percent. This was the biggest fall of Sensex from the last 10 years in the global market thanks to coronavirus. The world investors were panicked due to coronavirus disease which affects BSE Sensex. This leads to a recession in the world market as per the report by analysts. The BSE Sensex dropped by 35,210.36 on the down during the period. The NSE Nifty slashed by 10,327.05, down 662.4 points from the market close.</p> <p>Most of the financial, energy and metal stocks of Industry giant Reliance dropped by 11 percent in BSE Sensex. It was the extreme single-day slash for the last decade.&nbsp; Reliance Industries, Vedanta, Zee Entertainment,ONGC, IndusInd Bank and TCS - down between 7.95 and 14.07 percent - were the biggest percentage losers in the Nifty basket of 50 shares at the time, as 46 of its components bore losses. On the other side, Bharat Petroleum and Yes Bank managed gains of 29.72 and 7.33 percent respectively.</p> <p>By seeing today’s BSE Sensex crash its confirmed that coronavirus has affected the BSE Sensex and nifty. The Yes Bank reason can also lead to the falling of BSE Sensex.</p> <p>Domestic stock markets had declined in 13 out of past 16, and as of Friday's close, benchmark indices S&amp;P BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty were down 8.91 and 9.69 percent&nbsp; so far this year. On Friday, the BSE Sensex dropped 893.99 points to end at 37,576.62 and the Nifty finished at 10,989.45, down 279.55 points from the last close.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Mukesh Ambani Lost his Wealth by 44000 crore
<p>The wealthiest person of Asia, Mukesh Ambani lost his wealth on Monday by 44000 crores. This incident happens as the shares of Mukesh Ambani's company slashed. Reliance Industries slashed by 14 percent to Rs 1049 piece into intraday low. According to Mukesh Ambani's journey, it was the biggest fall from the decade.</p> <p>The net worth of Mukesh Ambani grossed at $ 41.8 billion, which goes down by 12.40% as of 13:45 pm on Monday as per the Forbes. Mukesh Ambani’s net worth fell by $5.9 billion in a single day. On Monday the shares of Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries saw intense fall as the prices of crude oil decreased by 30 percent. Saudi Arabia is known for the top exporter of crude oil. Saudi Arabia has launched a price war for crude oil throughout the globe.</p> <p>As per the analyst report, the fluctuation in crude oil prices will sure impact Reliance Industries' profitability margins. The money made by the company from the crude oil barrel will come under pressure. Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries GRM stood at $9.2 per barrel at the end of December Quarter.</p> <p>The market capitalization of Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries slashed by 1 lakh crore today’s date. Reliance Industries market capitalization dropped below the Rs 7 lakh crore mark with respect to today’s plunge.</p> <p>It’s worth mentioning that Reliance Industries turns to be the sole Indian company to achieve a market capitalization of Rs 10 lakh crore which is a great success for Mukesh Ambani. By this year, Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries market value fell by Rs 3 lakh crore.</p> <p>The shares of state-owned oil company ONGC dropped nearly 14% to a fresh 52-weeks low of Rs 76.25 on doubts to refining margin.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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YES Bank Depositors unable to withdraw cash from ATM
<p>Harried Yes Bank depositors rushed to ATMs to withdraw money however confronted a multitude of issues inclusive of closed down machines and lengthy queues, after the Reserve Bank of India positioned the financial institution beneath a moratorium, capping most withdrawals at Rs 50,000 per account for a month.</p> <p>Aggravating the troubles of depositors have been difficulties getting access to the web banking channel, which ensured that they cannot switch the cash on-line as well. The ATM in south Mumbai's Horniman Circle, with the Reserve Bank of India's head office overlooking it, the shutters have been pulled down. The defendant on obligation stated the desktop used to be non-operational earlier than he mentioned to work late in the night time and he was once ordered to shut it after 2200 hours.</p> <h2>In the suburban location of Chembur,</h2> <p>one ATM used to be meting out money though it had a long queue of worried depositors. One guy stated it was once nevertheless practical to remove up to Rs 50,000 in more than one transaction from the ATM.</p> <p>But, every other computer close by had run dry in minutes of the Reserve Bank of India’s announcement, a person said. The rigid actions, undertaken through the Reserve Bank of India and the government, got here hours after finance ministry sources established that State Bank of India was once directed to bail out the suffering lender. For the next month, Yes Bank will be led via the Reserve Bank of India -appointed manager Prashant Kumar, an ex-chief economic officer of State Bank of India.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Uddhav Thackeray announce to give 1 crore for Ram Mandir
<p>Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray on Saturday announced Rs 1 crore from his trust for the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.</p> <p>Speaking in Ayodhya,&nbsp; Uddhav Thackeray said, "Today, I want to announce that not from the state Govt, but from my trust, I offer an amount of Rs. 1 crore for the construction of Ram Mandir here. It is just a small contribution from our part." Ram Mandir in Ayodhya Will Be Constructed by L&amp;T, Says Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Vice-President Champat Rai.</p> <h2>Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray stated,</h2> <p>"This is an honor for me to come here. When I first came here it was not known when and how the Ram Mandir would be built here. I am here to seek blessings of Ram Lalla. This is my third visit to the previous one and a half years. I will also offer prayers here today.”</p> <p>Uddhav Thackeray said "he also wished to take a bath in the river Saryu, but as you know an eruption of coronavirus is spreading in the world these days. And yesterday he urged people of my state to stay away from crowded areas. So he is not participating in the 'prayer', but he will come back for it again,"</p> <h2>Uddhav Thackeray</h2> <p>also said that though he is no longer associated with the BJP, he is not separated from Hindutva. BJP does not mean Hindutva, both are different, he added.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Tiger Shroff opens up about his crush on Shraddha Kapoor
<p>After Varun Dhawan, Shraddha Kapoor's Baaghi co-star Tiger Shroff exposed in a recent interview that he had a "huge crush" on her, when they were in school. The actor, while promoting their upcoming film Baaghi 3, disclosed a little secret from his school days and said he had a crush on the actress, who was in the same school, but he never confessed how he felt because he was afraid. However, it is Shraddha's feedback that is breaking the Internet.</p> <p>Throughout the interview, when Shraddha was asked if she ever had a crush on Tiger, the actor interrupted and said: "Nahi oolta tha, I used to have a vast crush on her in school." Totally amazed Shraddha Kapoor then replied him as: "Muje pata he nahi tha. Agar pata hota toh I could do something about it."</p> <p>When asked why he never told her about his feeling, Tiger gave a very hilarious reason: "Meri bahut fatati. Bas dekhta tha. Not in a creepy way but mei bas dur se dekhta tha." Tiger then talked about the way he used to adore her when she used to pass him in the corridor of their school: "Jab woh pass khadi thi corridor mein, toh uske baal leh raatey rehtey theyy". "So cute," said Shraddha, who couldn't stop laughing.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Nirbhaya Rape Case Convicts to be Hanged on March 20
<p>The supreme court has set by 20th March as the final date of execution for the four convicts in the Nirbhaya rape and murder case.</p> <p>The rape convicts will be hanged at 5.30 am on 20th March. Dharmendra Rana, supplementary session judge issued death warrants for all convicts on 5th March, 2020 after the court was informed that they have worn out all their lawful remedies.</p> <h2>The legal</h2> <p>representative who was on behalf of the four convicts also told the court that there was no longer any legal obstacle ahead of the court and it might go on in fixing the date of death.</p> <p>The followings Nirbhaya Case convicts,</p> <p>1. Mukesh Kumar Singh</p> <p>2. Pawan</p> <p>3. Vinay Sharma</p> <p>4. Akshay Kumar Singhh</p> <p>The punishment got delayed three times earlier of all four Nirbhaya case, as they were using all the lawful remedies available to be at liberty from the sentence. The first execution date was set for 22nd January but it was delayed to 1st February.</p> <h2>On 31st January,</h2> <p>the court delayed the hanging for an indefinite time. Later on February 17, the court set the third punishment date for 3rd March at 6 am. But, the court delayed the hanging again after one of the convicts filed a mercy petition before the President of India. Then the official rejected his appeal on March 4, paving the way for the hanging of all four rapists.</p> <p>This was the last mercy petition, as the President had earlier rejected the pity petitions filed by the other three rape convicts. All four convicts will be hanged till death together.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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China’s Death Toll Hikes to 3,042
<p>The death toll in China's novel coronavirus eruption has touched 3,042 with 30 new deaths while the confirmed cases have risen to 80,552 amid signs that the dreaded was stabilizing, including in the epicenter Hubei region. China's National Health Commission said that it received reports of 143 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease and 30 deaths on March 5 on the Chinese mainland.</p> <h2>Among the deaths,</h2> <p>29 were in Hubei Province and one in Hainan Province, the National Health Commission said in its daily update of the coronavirus today. For now, 102 new suspected cases were reported taking the 482, it said.</p> <p>The overall confirmed cases on the mainland so far totaled to 80,552 by the end of March 5. This included 3,042 people who had died of the disease 23,784 patients still being treated and 53,726 patients discharged after recovery, the National Health Commission said.</p> <h2>Also on March 5,</h2> <p>16 imported cases of novel coronavirus disease were reported on the mainland, including 11 in Gansu Province, four in Beijing and one in Shanghai.</p> <p>By the end of the day, 36 imported cases had been reported, said the commission. So far 104 confirmed cases including two deaths had been reported in Hong Kong, 10 confirmed cases in Macao, and 44 in Taiwan, including one death.</p> <p>Forty-six patients in Hong Kong, nine in Macao and 12 in Taiwan had been discharged from hospital after improvement, National Health Commission said.</p> <p>China's Hubei Province and it's capital Wuhan, the epicenters of the novel coronavirus eruption, reported 126 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus disease and 29 deaths on Thursday.</p> <p>The latest report brought the total confirmed cases in the hard-hit province to 67,592.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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World Health Organisation said India no need to panic from Coronavirus
<p>The World Health Organisation has said that Indians don't need to fear the eruption of coronavirus. Talking with India Today, Dr. Rodrico Ofrin, Regional Emergencies Director, World Health Organisation said there is no need to fear, as cases tested affirmative in India was because of traveling in a foreign country, citizens' caught the virus on foreign land.</p> <p>Talking about whether the virus will collapse as temperatures rise, he said, "We don't know that yet, research is still going on the same. It is a comparatively new virus so gathering information on it will take time. Research on it is taking place 24 by 7, even as we talk there many experts across the world are trying to figure out its growth."</p> <p>With 28 coronavirus suspects in India, many Indians are concerned a lot. Should Indians fear?</p> <p>Answering the query,</p> <p>Dr. Rodrico Ofrin said, "There is no need to panic, the need of the hour is to get more skilled doctors and nurses to treat the contaminated. We know India has come up with many centers, that's the way to go about it. Hospitals have isolation wards, those need to be activated as soon as possible."</p> <p>Talking about what the people can do, he added, "As an Indian resident you need to maintain basic sanitation like washing one's hands often, covering one’s mouth while sneezing, if you feel the unwell rush to a doctor as soon as possible."</p> <p>However, Dr Rodrico Ofrin cautioned the aged and the very youthful, that's the age group that is most at risk to the virus. He added that tremendous care should be taken by these two age groups.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Industries In India To Give Average 7.8 percentage Salary hike
<p>According to a study by Deloitte India, industries service in India are likely to give a standard salary hike of 7.8 percent to their workers for the financial year 2020 to 2021. Deloitte India said that The lower salary hike, as compared to the previous year, is in line with the higher-margin stress on industries, monetary headwinds, and the need to steadily slow white-collar pay growth in India to become more worldwide competitive.</p> <p>"Companies are likely to give a usual wage growth of 7.8 percent to employees for 2020 to 2021. These estimated wages rise is 40 basis points lower than the actual salary growth of 8.2 percent that employees expected in 2019 to 2020," the study report, titled 'Workforce and growth Trends Survey', said. EPFO Lowers Interest Rate on Employee Provident Fund to 8.5% For 2019 to 2020, behind From 8.65% in 2018 to 2019.</p> <h2>Anandorup Ghose,</h2> <p>a partner at Deloitte India, said, "There has been a lot of debate on pay increases over the past few years and there is a need for greater responsibility in this process of wage budgeting as return cost ratios are ever more becoming a sore point in boardrooms across the country."</p> <p>The study also found that at an all-India level, charitable attrition slightly reduced in the present economic year to about 15 percent, involuntary attrition has amplified to 20 percent of the total attrition. Unintentional attrition increased the most in the automobile, insurance, and</p> <p>NBFC sectors. The study findings also corroborated the growing impact of automation on the employees with companies showing reduced hiring levels, it added.</p> <h2>The audience</h2> <p>for the survey was HR professionals. Deloitte India said that About 300 organizations spread across 7 sectors and over 20 sub-sectors participated in the survey. The study provides insights and market trends on revenue increments, performance association trends, and information on budding realities in the area of workforce composition and pays design.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Cat is Infected by Coronavirus in Chennai
<p>The Cat alleged to be contaminated with coronavirus is at the core of dialogue as individuals for the moral Treatment of Animals. India has demanded wherever cats are butchered for meat and fur,&nbsp; discharge the cat that faces transportation from the Chennai port to China.</p> <p>A random cat, that arrived in a very case from China quite twenty days past, has been found at the Chennai port and is currently facing transportation to the house wherever it's uncertain to remain alive allowing to unconsciousness over the coronavirus. India's Rashmi Gokhale sent a note to the Chennai port authority from persons for moral Treatment of Animals government of veterinary services.</p> <p>Stating that it's been technically well-known that cats cannot contract or transmit coronavirus. The Veterinary Association states that "Many worldwide health organizations have researched that pets and diverse family animals don't seem to be considered in danger of acquiring coronavirus." The Chennai quarantine facility advised causing the animal back to its made-up country of origin.</p> <p>People for moral Treatment of Animals noticed that it might be terribly difficult to find wherever the cat entered the ship. It was aforesaid that it's extremely uncertain that the animal would have survived the ten to 20-day journey from China to the Republic of India with no food and water.</p> <h2>Ships coming for Chennai from China</h2> <p>supposedly dock in Singapore, Colombo, and in a few other places and containers are opened to leave this globe product, therefore the cat might have entered the vessel at any of the halting points. In China, cats are usually butchered for meat or fur, and it's most likely that the animal would be treated viciously upon arrival, folks for moral Treatment of Animals aforesaid.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Health Benefits of consuming Masoor Dal
<h2>From Strong Bones to Weight Loss, 5 Reasons Why You Should contain Masoor Dal (Red Lentils) in Your Diet</h2> <p>Whole Masoor Dal Nowadays we see many people struggling to fulfill their nutritional requirements. The outcome of this is a poor health condition leading to various diseases. The problem here is that we have moved away from natural foods that are grown around us and rather opted for fast foods. Which do no good to the body neither does it satisfy hunger. Now without further delay, let us discuss the health benefits of masoor dal.</p> <p>Health Benefits of Masoor Dal</p> <p>1. Aids in Weight Loss - Masoor dal is rich in complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber which keeps the body full for a longer time. Red lentils slow down the digestion process which avoids intake of excessive calories, this thereby helps in weight loss.</p> <p>2. Good For Skin - Red lentils are loaded with antioxidants that help in the production of collagen, this thereby improves skin elasticity. Masoor dal is also an active anti-aging food.</p> <p>3. Helps in Stronger Bone Development - Masoor dal is rich in phosphorous which works well along with calcium to develop stronger bones.</p> <p>4. Good For Eyes - Eating one cup of masoor dal every day can prevent eye diseases like cataracts. Being rich in Vitamin A, C and E red lentils also helps in maintaining healthy vision.</p> <p>5. Excellent Source of Protein For Vegetarians - Vegetarians who need to eat a high amount of protein to maintain their muscle mass should include masoor dal regularly in their diet. Masoor paneer paratha is an ideal post-workout snack to be tried out after one hour of completing the exercise. This can help in muscle recovery at a faster rate and also lead to hypertrophy.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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36 Out of 88 persons in Hyderabad are affected by Corona-virus
<p>Every 36 Out of 88 persons who came into contact with the techie tested positive for coronavirus, they were admitted to government-run Gandhi Hospital here, Telangana Health Minister Etela Rajender said on Tuesday.</p> <p>Minister said samples from this public were collected and the results were expected. The authorities have identified 85 people who came into getting in touch with the techie are affected by a coronavirus.</p> <p>Patients will be kept in separation for 14 days. Those brought to the hospital and screened include the techie's family members, those who traveled with him on the bus from Hyderabad to Bengaluru and the staff at a private hospital where he was treated for few days before he approached the Gandhi Hospital.</p> <p>Rajender said the condition of the techie was stable and had improved since Monday.</p> <h2>The man,</h2> <p>hailing from Hyderabad and working for a Bengaluru-based IT firm, is suspected to have picked up the coronavirus in Dubai, where he came in contact with some company representatives from Hong Kong. After returning from Dubai, he spent two days in Bengaluru, meeting company employees and others.</p> <p>After coming to Hyderabad by bus, he rushes to a private hospital with fever and flu-like symptoms. He continued his treatment as a patient for five days and was later admitted there. As there was no development in his condition, he came to Gandhi Hospital on March 1.</p> <p>His samples were forwarded to the National Institute of Virology, Pune and they tested positive for coronavirus. A day after the state posted the first coronavirus positive case, the authorities swung into action to beef up the introductory mechanism. Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao announced ₹100 crores for essential infrastructure and other measures to include the spread of coronavirus.</p> <h2>The Health Minister</h2> <p>told reporters after the meeting that over 3,000 beds would be ready for isolation of patients with suspected symptoms of coronavirus while 250 to 300 beds would be arranged for treatment of positive cases, if necessary.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Coronavirus could affect IPL 2020
<h2>No Threat to approaching Indian Premier League Season 13 thanks to Coronavirus Scare, Says administration Chairman Brajesh Patel</h2> <p>An IPL Governing Council chairman Brajesh Patel stated on, March 3rd&nbsp; Tuesday lined out any risk to the forthcoming cash-rich T20 league thanks to the deadly coronavirus eruption as of now but said the authorities are keeping a tab on things. The IPL 2020 begins with a clash between Chennai Super Kings and Mumbai Indians at the Wankhede Stadium on March 29 while the final will happen on 24 May. Asked whether there's any hazard to series thanks to coronavirus, the chairman said, "There is not any risk as of now and that we are keeping a tab.</p> <p>Saurav Ganguly BCCI President</p> <p>BCCI President too lined out any risk to an IPL 2020 or the South Africa series, opening with the primary ODI on March 12 at Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh. "Nothing in India. Not even discussed it” said Ganguly. Another superior BCCI official said that the South African team was coming as per the agenda for the three-match ODI series.</p> <p>The deadly coronavirus, which has killed over 3,100 people and infected over 90,000 worldwide, has wreaked chaos on the global calendar of varied sporting events across the world and has even put the upcoming Tokyo Olympics under doubt. A few cases of coronavirus infection have also been reported in India.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Work from home for Twitter Employees
<p><a href="http://www.latestnewssuno.com/news/World/World/Work-from-home-for-Twitter-Employees/97">Twitter staff</a> across the world were asked to work from home initial Monday in an effort to stop the increase of the deadly new coronavirus outbreak.</p> <p>The eruption has spread across the world while rising in central China late last year, homicide more than 3,100 people, infecting over 90,000 and prompting a wave of travel limitations.</p> <p>The social media platform's conclusion to ask its staff to avoid the office follows similar necessities by governments in virus hotspots.</p> <p>"We are sturdily cheering all employees worldwide to employment from home if they're able," Twitter human resources chief Jennifer Christie said during a Monday blog post.</p> <p>Working from home will be compulsory for employees at the company's South Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan offices, Christie said.</p> <p>South Korea has recorded almost 5,000 confirmed COVID-19 infections -- the largest number outside mainland China -- along with 28 deaths. More than half of the cases have been connected to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, an enigmatic religious group often described as a cult.</p> <p>Japan's government has urged the shutting of schools countrywide and employers to give their staff permission to work remotely.</p> <p>A most civil employees in Hong Kong returned to work on Monday after they were asked to work from home for a month. The economic hub has recorded 100 cases of the disease.</p> <p>Twitter had already announced the suspension of "non-critical" trade travel and events last week.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Delhi riots Death toll rose to 46
Brutal clashes shook the national capital over the last few days bringing common life to a standstill. The death toll rose to 46 so far. As per the A N I update, 38 deaths have been reported from Guru Teg Bahadur (GTB)  Hospital, 3 by Lok Nayak Hospital, 1 on Jag Parvesh Chander Hospital & 4 at Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital due to the clashes that occur in North East Delhi. Read more : http://www.latestnewssuno.com/news/Politics/Democracy/Delhi-riots-Death-toll-rose-to-46/95 --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Amazon plans to launch food delivery service in India
Amazon plans to begin a food delivery service in India. The E-commerce giant will compete with other food delivery giants such as Swiggy & Zomato. Amazon has been apparently working on the service for a few quarters and had considered launching it earlier. At the time of his visit to India, Jeff Bezos made an announcement of over $1 Billion investment to help small & medium enterprise sector in India. Amazon warns third-party sellers To stop charging an unreasonable high price for face masks as coronavirus Is spreading globally. http://www.latestnewssuno.com/news/Business/Business/Amazon-plans-to-launch-food-delivery-service-in-India/84 --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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Shehnaz wears Sidharth’s T-shirt
<p>Bigg Boss 13 celebrity Shehnaaz Gill is currently wowing the audience with her spell on a wedding based show titled Mujhse Shaadi Karoge. While the girl is looking out for a man for herself on the show, seems like she can’t get over Sidharth Shukla. Shehnaaz and Sid's chemistry on the reality series was of the main highlights of the season and all thanks to the two, Bigg Boss 13 reached new heights in terms of TRP. Having said that, even though Bigg Boss has come to an end, their trend is still on as #SidNaaz creates quite a buzz on Twitter. Well, now you might think why are we talking about the two out of nowhere, but that's not the case, as a recent picture shared by Shehnaaz has a Sidharth connection. Bigg Boss 13: Sidharth Shukla compares His chemistry with Shehnaaz Gill to that of smoking cigarettes. It so happened that Sana (Shehnaaz) teased fans with a selfie of herself wherein it's her tee that grabbed the attention. For the unversed, Shehnaaz in the photo shared can be seen donning Shukla's blue t-shirt with red stripes. The similarity between the two tees is very much evident and it's not at all difficult to recollect this t-shirt of the Bigg Boss 13&nbsp; winner which he had worn many times inside the house. Well, looks like Gill cannot forget Shukla and is now looking for ways to keep him near her. And what a better way than the lad's tee.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support" rel="payment">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/latestnewssuno/support</a>
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