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Podcasts from Podcast from Yay!Starter: a marketing practice that helps to accelerate growth, engage customers and attract investment.

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Podcast Episode's:
AI and the Future of Marketing: The Yay!Starter Perspective
<p>Learn more about how AI is transforming marketing and what to expect next! Be a part of this conversation between Yana and Jessy - marketing gurus &amp; Yay!Starter’s Co-founders.<br>AI is taking the world by storm and this discussion is your chance to stay on top of the latest AI trends that are reshaping the digital marketing landscape and optimising your campaign&#39;s effectiveness!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Facebook and Instagram: How to Run Effective Ads
<p>This tutorial will give you an introduction to Social Media Marketing and show you how to get started with Instagram and Facebook ads for your business.</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

LinkedIn Marketing: How To Make It Work for Your Business
<p>Not sure what information to share on your LinkedIn profile or how to get started with LinkedIn advertising? This tutorial will help you understand how to create great content for LinkedIn, what type of content works and what doesn’t work on the platform and - more importantly - it will help you to get excited about LinkedIn!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

FinTech Startups Marketing Mistakes: How to Avoid Them?
<p>What is the role of marketing for the FinTech startups? What are the main marketing mistakes all FinTech startups tend to make?</p> <p>Find the answers in the talk given by Yana Lapitskaya, the founder of Yay!Starter Marketing, at a conference in Lithuania during the Rise Vilnius Fintech week. &nbsp;</p> <p>Yay!Starter is a marketing practice that helps to accelerate growth, engage customers and attract investment. &nbsp;</p> <p>Want to know more about Yay!Starter? Visit our website: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yaystarter.com&amp;v=eWil73a9of4&amp;event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTU4aFpVcXdIanlwYmRvVkJLRW9QeFI1RGpqZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsb1F4UzcyOWZGZnAyZ3lsTm4wZnczSm1GbGFSWmJyWWx3QWxlR1pwN29xUG94SU9tRlJpYkNIUGd3OXBFa3RaUUgweTdtdGZIU3dhamE0d2dOUGxqUW1SRmtPeGZKNlFlNzl4NnlLTXZKME1jTEdKTQ%3D%3D" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.yaystarter.com</a></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Set your business for a fast start in 2021: Learn from the experts now
<p>Do you want to know how to strengthen your business on all fronts for a flourishing 2021? If the answer is yes, then this knowledge sharing session will help you gain great tips on the following topics:&nbsp;</p> <p>- How to increase your gross profits</p> <p>&nbsp;- How to make the most out of your social media platforms&nbsp;</p> <p>- How to increase your e-Commerce sales&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;- How branding can impact your business’ bottom line&nbsp;</p> <p>- How to plan the retirement of your dream without impacting on your current lifestyle</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Future of Marketing Emerging from Technology of Today: 3 things to watch
<p>The future of marketing emerging from the technology of today: three things to watch. What does it mean for you and your company? What should you do to ensure you don't miss out on the opportunities? &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>The webinar looks into the fascinating technologies - like AI and Blockchain - at the different stages of their development, breaking them down to a business owner and providing actionable insights. &nbsp;</p> <p>Presented by Yana Lapitskaya - Managing Director, Yay!Starter Marketing and James Mclaughlin - Regional Account Manager, Introhive. &nbsp;</p> <p>Yay!Starter is a marketing agency in South West London that delivers highly customised marketing services to grow your business. We help to accelerate growth, elevate customer engagement, and take your business to the next level. &nbsp;Want to know more about Yay!Starter Marketing? Visit our website: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yaystarter.com&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFV6WUpqNzBVVnZ5SkRwejNMWVFPV1oxQXdmZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttZHFUaDRoTFFMcUZDMFgzczBvaEQyOGlMTlJlcTlLLWxrZW9yVEZyclk5S3dJVXFsQzBiUUl4dkpNRFhRQnZldEJaS2JsQ3R1akRJbFpYRmRSaThfQmdEZ3JMRGJtbGpBeWhuaFktdkdtMnYtX1U4VQ%3D%3D&amp;event=video_description&amp;v=pjb8rfvzesY" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.yaystarter.com</a></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

10 steps to Social Media success
<p>http://www.yaystarter.com ’s Founder Yana Lapitskaya talks about the intricacies of startup marketing, focusing on the power of social media. &nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

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