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The new science of quantum physics has changed reality forever. Here's how to apply these principles to daily living.

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The Light of Infinite Goodness
<p> EXCERPT:&nbsp; The restoration of Earth and the awakening and healing of humanity is underway. There is much clean-up work to be done, and plenty of scars to heal, yet Infinite Goodness prevails, and to the degree we all embrace this reality makes it that much easier to turn the Titanic toward the sunrise of a new day, bringing hope, peace, prosperity and justice to all.</p>

Breaking the Trance
EXCERPT: When the boy cries wolf too many times, investigations ensue, actual facts are produced, and before very long, the psyop fizzles--control agendas get exposed, and the lies they were based on. The "players" are found to be criminals, and their motives become obvious.
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Doing What's Right
Awakening means not only seeing evil in the world, it is also the restructuring of our lives to erase it permanently. Know that the quantum particles and waves making up this densest of experiences here on Earth want to naturally assemble in formations of love and justice, so we've literally got the Universe at our backs.
Unknown: Unknown

The Two Choices
EXCERPT: The Creator does not create dark souls. All souls are born into the light, but not all choose the light. Why?
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Defection to the Light
EXCERPT: For millions of years there was this stand-off between the forces of Light and the forces of darkness, until recently something inevitable began to happen: Harmony and light began to expand into the darkness because all the millennia of power mongering, fighting and controlling got some agents of darkness questioning their path.
Unknown: Unknown

Tethers to Darkness
EXCERPT: We tether ourselves to what we believe is real and true in our lives, and are not too discerning as to how we came to believe what we believe. Even contradicting thoughts and feelings are rationalized and justified, because we believe we are creating our lives. Instead, we are actually choosing our experiences from an infinite pool of possible universes. It is the sum total of what we have chosen to be tethered to that describes our overall life experience.
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It's Always About Love
EXCERPT: We can get so caught up in interpreting experiences as good or evil we overlook the choice we made not to see only love, which is all there is. It is the Cosmic gas lighting we are all susceptible to because we've defined ourselves as incapable or undeserving of being love.
Unknown: Unknown

Be The Hundredth Monkey
EXCERPT: Applied to the individual self as a portal in this universal informational field, it could be said that we "travel" from one informational field to another by our innate power of choice. And that it's more about choosing which field we desire rather than our creation of it. In fact, it is more likely that all possibilities have already been created across hundreds of billions of years, and so for us denizens in the sea of consciousness, we are simply touring all of Creation in our ships powered by choice.
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Drop By Drop
EXCERPT: When we gather together, agree on an outcome, stay on-task and help our fellows do the same, change is inevitable on the largest of scales. And this can be done with the merest expense of time and effort...
Unknown: Unknown

Breathe In Source, Breathe Out Source
EXCERPT: We have been trained for thousands of years that direct access to God is dangerous, despicable and even downright evil; and to be a "good person" we must obey authority, minimize our personal creations, and deflect any and all calls for the opposite by so-called social insurrectionists.
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Covenants Released: We Are Free
EXCERPT: As millennia dragged on, countless violations of Natural Cosmic Law ensued, eventually leading to the corralling of these Dark Beings mostly into this solar system, where they have been operating under quarantine for several hundred thousand years.
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The Truth of You
God's creation is ever-expanding--without end--and depends on you being you. That "You-niqueness" is driving all Creation. It is the spear of Divine Will and Intent, and when we decide to bury our heads in the script and "be good", and learn our lines, we've effectively blocked Universal expansion, and created a frozen Comfort Zone of compliance, complicity and complacency.
Unknown: Unknown

Opening, Softening and Allowing
When we embrace the world as infinitely pliable and full of unpredictable possibility, we align much more closely with Cosmic Reality. How many times in your life have circumstances "turned on a dime", or left you shaking your head in disbelief or amazement?
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The Human God Spark
By awakening to our own God Spark, we instantly open universal portals to all other universes, all other sentience, and all other experience.
Unknown: Unknown

Right Use of Imagination
When we can, by either an act of desperation or compassion, drag the monkey mind off negative imagined scenarios, it is the imagination that provides welcome safe harbor.
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Gaslighting Freedom
Our experience is what is real. The gaslighters of the world would tell you that what you think is happening is not what's really going on, and eventually, we all submit to the "facts" of life as assigned to us by these controllers.
Unknown: Unknown

A New World Through You
Just as the Star Trek invention of the "replicator" effectively destroyed economic tyranny, we can rediscover the power of small communities working together to do the same thing.
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Believe It, See It
If you believe the world is a dog-eat-dog jungle where only the strong survive, that is what you see. On the other hand, if you believe that the world is a loving place where everyone is just doing the best they can, then that's what you see.

Reframing The Body
As this reframing process continues, you will start to hear positive things about yourself from others which re-inforces your frame of mind, and actually adds energy to the body in repair.

The Feeling Imagination
The power of the human mind is in the imagination. The imagination is the direct sub-atomic driver of physical reality, and feelings are the amplifiers of imagination.
Unknown: Unknown

Finding Now
The big "SECRET" is that we are all hard-wired for joy, and that joy is only found in the present moment. I say "hard-wired" because joy is the basic and primal driving justification for existence.
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It's All Belief
It is our BELIEFS that determine our level of health, and ability to heal. There are so many examples of people doing only meditation and fasting healing themselves of "terminal" diseases.
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The Superpower of Curiosity
EXCERPT: It is curiosity that is the engine driving all life. It is God asking itself "What am I?", and the infinity of experiences roll out without end.
Unknown: Unknown

The Challenge of Faith
Our faith--what we depend on to be true--cuts both ways. We can have faith that life is one big joke then you die in everlasting darkness; or, we can have faith that life is basically good, and that we are infinite beings of
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Within Every Moment
There is a condition of non-detached detachment, where we feel everything, but have no ego response to it that would otherwise engage the mind in judgments and conclusions.
Unknown: Unknown

Jumping Timelines
Being is the field within which we choose our frequency. By choosing the highest frequencies we can imagine, instantly transports us to the highest and best timelines, and from there even higher frequencies are available. This is the essence of quantum living.
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The Great Turning
We are at a point in human history when there a is great bifurcation of the population into two very distinct groups: Those who only trust authority, and those who only trust their gut. Ironically, this fork in the road of human destiny has been brought on by the indoctrinators themselves.
Unknown: Unknown

We Are The Divine Intervention
Oneness is the solution to any problem, because it fuses together both problem and solution. There can be no tyranny in the face of Oneness.
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Plug In To Source
It has been said that all we ever really do is make choices, and that the universe--our experience--coalesces around those choices.
Unknown: Unknown

Freedom From Good vs. Evil
Of course, the real battle is between the forces of dark and the forces of light. And yet, this, too, is a misnomer. What's actually going on is that the dark doesn't want to be revealed, and the light wants to reveal it.
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The Return to Oneness
This is the true meaning of healing: The return to Oneness by praising the separation from it. Praising the separation from Oneness becomes a celebration of Divine Union, resolving the pain, discomfort, fear and anxiety the separation caused.
Unknown: Unknown

Jumping At Shadows
Fear as well as courage are contagious. A mindful pause for a few moments that disengages the imagination is all it takes to derail an amygdala event. Cortisol levels normalize, and curiosity is engaged as courage returns.
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In The Arms of God
When that choice is made to bifurcate the world into inner and outer, we create "The Other". The Other is what we are not, and to the degree there is a disparity, The Other becomes an opposition, and is sometimes cruel.
Unknown: Unknown

Life With Benefits
Within that background radiation of Gratitude, there is a mindset I like to call "Life With Benefits". It is a paradigm that embraces the Universal Truth that everything happening to us benefits us.
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The Inevitable Retreat of Tyranny
Observe that the current mandated tyranny in some quarters only thrives among the controllers and the non-sovereign souls lost in fear and confusion. Where there is an embrace of personal power and sovereignty, there can be no tyranny.
Unknown: Unknown

Getting to Hope and Faith
And this is the vulnerability of hope. Because it arises from a belief in a "savior", or higher force, outside of our personal power, all the Controllers need to do is erode that belief by propagandizing insurmountable odds against an all-powerful enemy.
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The Eternal Flower
The Eternal exposes the Lie of Opposites, which is the despicable weapon of choice for the Controllers.
Unknown: Unknown

Maybe It's Just Not About You
It's the reality that just by my being here is me participating in the creation of the universe. It's the connected whole that we describe as "life" that is constantly and inexorably changed by my being here.
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Planting the Seeds of Your Life
Fear has been acronymed as False Evidence Appearing Real, and it has been weaponized to make us believe our thoughts and feelings have no power, and that we must hunker down and submit to circumstances "beyond our control". Poppycock!
Unknown: Unknown

The Fortress of Silence
Find that rock of equipoise that keeps us centered in the transcendence of the mundane. It is that merciful place in all hearts where there is unconditional forgiveness, all-encompassing love, and inspiring awe for the process of becoming our Greater Self.
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The Improbable Truth
The quest for truth is best served by self-inquiry--a de-construction of the lies surrounding and obscuring who we are and how we are being.
Unknown: Unknown

The Sanctity of Sovereignty
With no moral compass and an overarching imperative of the ends justifying the means, these forces care way more than you do about control and manipulation, so it's easy to be in denial that so much evil could exist. And that's what the Dark is counting on.
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No Distance To Source
My assertion is that at the moment we recoil from something unpleasant, that moment contains everything causing the unpleasantness. Within every moment of our feeling experience is woven the beingness of the Universal Creator. We are not experiencing life alone.
Unknown: Unknown

Throwing The Switch Of "I AM"
Feeling is the physical expression of being. It is the bridge to experience. We are literally feeling our way through life. If we change our feelings as a result of events, those events will continually repeat in response to our feelings about them.
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Half Full, Half Empty
I believe that the more real our own eternalness is to us, the easier it is to embrace the perfection in all things. If we see life as an 80-year crapshoot and then you die, we're not going to be in the headspace of seeing the perfection in the world.
Unknown: Unknown

Nothing Personal
What the ego overlooks is the nature of things. It believes its entire world is there to provide for or steal away what it needs. It doesn't seek out the reasons for motivations of others, nor does it fully appreciate architectures that make things the way they are. It always takes things personally.
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Act From Inspiration
I've come to believe that every inspiration to action, if followed, brings us closer and closer to our highest life. It's that life filled with love, fun, and creativity--a life of harmony, security and freedom from worry.
Unknown: Unknown

From A Distance
When we get hung up on the negativity in the world, adding emotional reactions and blocking or cancelling all things "bad" we become agents of the conflict. By observing the chaos without resistance, and then choosing to find love, we amplify the goodness of not only our own life, but the lives of everyone.
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Triggers and Our Responses
Allowing negative experiences to justify expressions of negative emotions is the super-highway to unhappiness.
Unknown: Unknown

Be It To See It
Life is a becoming. It is a journey from dark to light. Even when it seems to be going from light to dark, at some point, it all turns around to become dark to light.
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It All Needs To Be There
It is the total oneness of life; the sum total of all interactions from microbes to human nations; that is affected by our every act, and more fundamentally, by our every thought.
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Safety In Courage
The bottom line is that if the Pilgrims would have been bound by safteyism, they never would have set sail for America; the pioneers would never have gone West to settle; World War II would have been lost; and no one would have ever gone to the moon.
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Allow The Opposition
This is the value of opposition. When you feel attacked, observe how you feel about that, and how it is wired to your experiences and definitions of who you believe yourself to be.
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The Great Awakening
Every once in a while, one of us wakes up to the shenanigans behind the curtain, starts saying something, and is then silenced by the majority who don't want to wake up from their comfortable survival dream.
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As The Path Unfolds
As infinite Religion &amp; Spirituality beings, part of us is residing outside of time and space, which could imbue our temporal lives with a sense of being directed by a higher force.
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The Cry For Love
Violence of all kinds is an acting out of a demand for unconditional love. The violence acts as an initiation for those from which the unconditional love is demanded. It is a brutal test of compassion for the targets of violence.
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Forgiving Life
It is our super power of forgiveness that awakens the infinite possibilities of how we respond to the darkness, revealing all choices we can make to return to the light.
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The Bridge of Grace
Quantum living provides the option of non-duality, where a negative state is the evidence of a simultaneously existing positive one.
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Fear As A Path To Love
Fear stops and freezes. Love flows and warms. Both states are necessary to maintain a physical reality, but when the mind stops and freezes, our body follows, and before we know it, we're cowering behind the nearest shelter with eyes wide shut dreading the next moment.
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Fear and Choice
Each of us determines our experience by our choices. We choose to see peace, compassion, and love. Lo and behold peace, compassion and love begin to show up.
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Allowing the Chaos
By allowing an energy (emotional opinion, judgmental conclusions, etc.), we automatically must observe it with detachment. This includes observing one's own emotional and intellectual responses. By allowing discordant and chaotic energies to be, it reveals the necessity of their being.
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The Real New Normal
From the perspective of quantum living, human consciousness is waking up from the American Dream, and seeing that there is a much, much larger campaign of control being waged by those who benefit the most from the woes of humanity.
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Feeling All The Feels
The feelings we have about an issue are very often driven by our past experiences that in turn frame that issue within a very narrow aperture of awareness. We see pictures of events and adopt other people's interpretations of those pictures, depending on how we want to feel about what is happening.
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Breaking It Down, Building It Up
What is the next level? What possibilities are there that can now come into being on this newly cleared land? How can I create new ways of being, new ways of doing things, and new ways of having?
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ItTakes As Long As It Takes
When an unwanted condition or needed change takes more time than we erroneously predicted, we often just want it to be over. We start to question our strength, our perseverance and willingness to do what it takes. I
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Deep Allowance
Pains and discomforts become the signposts of our resistance, and if diligently pursued, acknowledged, opened and allowed, transformation can begin.
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It's Just You Here
The irony is that solitude amplifies connection. You start to see how your attention and consciousness permeates all things perceived, so an intimacy develops as self is reflected back in trees, birds, grass, the bed slept in, the breakfast before me. It's all just me. I am no longer a separate point of light alone in the void. I am all lights, and the void.
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Shaken AND Stirred
Fear cordons us off from the allowance of blessings, healings, and miracles. So top priority when fear takes over is to allow the blessings of courage, intelligence, and a loving embrace to transform our experience into something greater
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Opening to Source
There is a relaxing into light and love where you can feel the healing, feel the perpetualness of Source re-assuring the battle-scarred and wounded parts of your life that this is truly home, and that hurt and suffering is over now.
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Surrendering in the Opposite World
We get comfortable with resisting experiences we don't like, turning rebellion into a habit of lost causes. As if "doing something" is the only choice we have, and changing how we are being is just, well, off the table.
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That Bias Against Not Knowing
We diligently seek "answers" when we don't know something, and mistakenly carry over that habit into our Religion &amp; Spirituality life where there is a whole other thing going on. We get confused between ego knowing and the awareness of self.
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Love Heals
When undesired experiences, such as physical and emotional pain occur, it is an indication of non-coherence--a place where random, chaotic energies are running through the mind-body creating discomfort and dis-ease. Where is the rebellion? What is it deep down, far in, that is in conflict with that original intent to love?
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There Really Is Nothing Wrong
All energies of any ilk qualify as experience because at some point, they get refined into love for the benefit of all of life, regardless of how "wrong" it seemed at first.
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Being Is Enough
One daunting feature of the trek to Higher Consciousness, is that many times it feels like tumbling uncontrollably down a rabbit hole.
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Oneness and Separation
The cosmic reality is that there is no "past" or "future", only an infinite sphere of now that we are moving around in. A crisis of sorts can get created when we start to see our timeline as happening "to us" instead of as a result of us. And this crisis is the Crisis of Separation.
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The Complications of Being
But hold up--it's not that simple, of course. As points of consciousness, we exist in many different realms. There's the realm of the body, the ego and its imagination, the sub-conscious, all the parallel lives past, present and future, and finally, as a single, eternal point of consciousness
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Love and Magic
We all have that "thrill of defiance", which drives all resistance. Our work is to identify what "thrill" or reward we are getting by resisting love--the very core of our being. What is the agenda at play causing our experience of suffering, unhappiness, insecurity, dis-ease and un-ease in our journey?
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The Infinite Life
I call these times we're living in, "The Great Reveal"--the historically unprecedented access and reporting of the darkest elements of humanity, as well as the amazing and ongoing revelations of limitless human potential.
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Say Awe
This sense of awe is really an awareness of the miraculous, and has been scientifically shown to massively affect the brain in a myriad of beneficial ways.
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That Bias Against Not Knowing
Our habit of fighting our ignorange gets us into trouble when it comes to understanding our universality.
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Finding Your "Shool"
Jake also advised that we can increase our shool where there is pain, by noticing that there is some part of that painful area that feels okay, or even feels good. He said that in order for pain to exist, there has to be its opposite present--and that's shool.
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Death is Obsolete
By acknowledging that we, as consciousness, cannot be non-existent, we are faced with the reality of our own immortality. We can then learn to live with death alongside of life, instead at the end of it.
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