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If you haven’t checked this Out .. It’s Time to do so. When...
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/608399ffbc3dbc48d480460bd6e457c7/tumblr_okew3cEINU1uyiynyo1_500.png"/><br/><br/><p>If you haven’t checked this Out .. It’s Time to do so. When something is Awesome .. What else can be said , It’s Awesome.<br/></p>

Being Creative Is Awesome - Try Some Urself  - An  be amazed at...
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/201516c2c7d0efdb7064ac9d9e40deef/tumblr_ojj66qIFpG1uyiynyo1_400.png"/><br/><br/><p>Being Creative Is Awesome - Try Some Urself  - An  be amazed at what you can Do.</p><p>Handmade - Birch Wood Rings - Wood Burned Designs<br/></p>

Another Creative ProjectMaking Wood Rings & Wood Burning
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/62fb01fb1a0aa75265d18f1eec4d0592/tumblr_oj2u9vviLE1uyiynyo1_400.png"/><br/><br/><p>Another Creative Project</p><p>Making Wood Rings & Wood Burning<br/></p>

"Don't Feed The Negative "
<a href="http://tinyurl.com/z8ohq37">"Don't Feed The Negative "</a>: <p>Another Thought To Share<br/></p>

Supload | Free image hosting that earns you bitcoin
<a href="https://supload.com/HJJn32WVg">Supload | Free image hosting that earns you bitcoin</a>: <p>A Thought That Should Be Shared.<br/></p>

Being Creative - Never Goes Out Of Style.From Classic to Modern...
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/b69b9726e4a54b1457f1e13a427b3969/tumblr_ohexswMzEQ1uyiynyo1_400.jpg"/><br/><br/><p>Being Creative - Never Goes Out Of Style.</p><p>From Classic to Modern - Being Creative helps us think and Create Better Solutions.<br/></p>

Tradition  & History   - Friendship Bracelets - The weaving...
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/da64e60b30dc1a0b1de2b1de91e47b13/tumblr_ogjkxqvrjx1uyiynyo1_500.png"/><br/><br/><p>Tradition  & History   - Friendship Bracelets - The weaving and knotting design is a form of macrame.  First seen in the US in the early 1970s.  <br/></p><p>Tradition - The recipient  must wear it until it wares out or falls off naturally to honor the work and friendship of the giver.<br/></p>

Bambi    Young Deer
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/2028bb1aa2cec89386cc62b39d102aab/tumblr_ocfe72Wot71uyiynyo1_500.jpg"/><br/><br/><p>Bambi    Young Deer<br/></p>

Tigger Lily    Female Hummingbird 
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/044090d8fd3542bfc90205be8f10b762/tumblr_ocfe25H7aV1uyiynyo1_500.jpg"/><br/> <br/><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/481869cebdb943d823def910a49d21c9/tumblr_ocfe25H7aV1uyiynyo2_500.jpg"/><br/> <br/><p>Tigger Lily    Female Hummingbird  <br/></p>

So many have asked about my hobby . I thought it would be easier...
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/4186a5da8888f39b0a66399d79e624c3/tumblr_ocfdli7gEm1uyiynyo1_400.png"/><br/><br/><p>So many have asked about my hobby . I thought it would be easier to share in this manner . Than repeat the same information over and over again. Thank You.<br/></p>

catbountry: cartoonery: cartoonery: REPTILES ARE BACK *REPLIES [”The Boys are Back in Town”...
<p><a class="tumblr_blog" href="http://catbountry.tumblr.com/post/141868660571">catbountry</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p><a class="tumblr_blog" href="http://cartoonery.tumblr.com/post/141847376540">cartoonery</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p><a class="tumblr_blog" href="http://cartoonery.tumblr.com/post/141847358595">cartoonery</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p>REPTILES ARE BACK</p> </blockquote> <p>*REPLIES</p> </blockquote> <div class="media-holder media-holder-draggable media-holder-figure" contenteditable="false" draggable="true" style="display: block;"> <figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="427" data-orig-width="640"><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/c7ca052d718fdf8e16e2db8ba0424245/tumblr_inline_o4rynii5Pk1qdq5zd_540.jpg" data-img-key="101" data-orig-height="427" data-orig-width="640"/></figure><div class="media-button icon_close media-killer"></div> </div> <p><i>[”The Boys are Back in Town” starts playing]</i></p> </blockquote> <p>Or should it [ Round and  Round ]</p><p>Great Photo &amp; Concept<br/></p>

huguitosimpson: Arte Awesome ..  Creative .. Resourceful
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/ce25a009aab016c54ae5ab85ec864815/tumblr_ncihkiUT4n1tcv20zo4_400.gifv"/><br/> <br/><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/5c87f71a4f518323c67f93c82d02e1b6/tumblr_ncihkiUT4n1tcv20zo5_400.gifv"/><br/> <br/><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/f4e33d08e5834ce4a4fde0ae38c660a1/tumblr_ncihkiUT4n1tcv20zo1_400.gifv"/><br/> <br/><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d1eff545dff77e51e0cfa3a241b700d0/tumblr_ncihkiUT4n1tcv20zo3_400.gifv"/><br/> <br/><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/2005924186bd35b9ca08c9419d5fe28d/tumblr_ncihkiUT4n1tcv20zo2_500.jpg"/><br/> <br/><p><a class="tumblr_blog" href="http://huguitosimpson.tumblr.com/post/98467481897">huguitosimpson</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p>Arte</p> </blockquote> <p>Awesome ..  Creative .. Resourceful<br/></p>

catbountry: gambaroni: @kaczence Sensitive content...
<br/><br/><p><a class="tumblr_blog" href="http://catbountry.tumblr.com/post/141802254451">catbountry</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p><a class="tumblr_blog" href="http://gambaroni.tumblr.com/post/140761013743">gambaroni</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p><a href="https://tmblr.co/m1f9oZBmVz9OqtCilQgH2Rg">@kaczence</a></p> </blockquote> <p>Sensitive content indeed.</p> </blockquote> <p>Do You Dance Like This ?   I  bet we all know someone that does.. haha<br/></p>

You Make The Day So Much Better - Keep Being The Awesome You !!
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/522484aa9ee5271a417d3286009bf49b/tumblr_o4rkujEhbG1uyiynyo1_500.png"/><br/><br/><p>You Make The Day So Much Better - Keep Being The Awesome You !!<br/></p>

blkbudafly: #ambition #notfortheweak #entrepreneur...
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/e36b87a6616c2011c306f906f15fa737/tumblr_o4jrvvRqN21re3af4o1_500.jpg"/><br/><br/><p><a class="tumblr_blog" href="http://blkbudafly.tumblr.com/post/141603987292">blkbudafly</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p>#ambition #notfortheweak #entrepreneur #homebusiness #itsastruggle <br/> I wake up every other morning and want to quit and then remind myself why I don’t. #ineedstrength</p> </blockquote> <p>Most Can Relate To This - Remember You and Your Dream Are Worth It..<br/></p>

******  For all the Fossil Collectors *******Megalodon Fossil...
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/6656e96fae329250922080819edea669/tumblr_o32nmt6jMS1uyiynyo1_500.png"/><br/><br/><p>******  For all the Fossil Collectors *******</p><p>Megalodon Fossil Shark’s Tooth</p><!-- more --><p>Specimen Measures 5″x3.75″</p><p>“According to measurements extrapolated from tooth fossil</p><p>records, the length of an average adult Megalodon could be</p><p>anywhere from 45 to 55 feet, sometimes even up to 70 ft –</p><p>making it three times larger than a great white shark and half</p><p>the size of a blue whale. Scientists also tend to agree that these</p><p>creatures weighed and average 47 to 103 tons, with larger sharks</p><p>needing bulker bodies to support themselves.”WIKI</p>

Rockin You're Own Rock Candy
<p>U Can  Use :</p><p> A wooden  stick – (can be wooden skewer – popsicle stick – even string )<br/> A clothespin - ( can be wooden skewer – popsicle stick)<br/>1 cup of water<br/>2-3 cups of sugar<br/>A  glass  or jar</p><p>How to go about it :</p><p>Wet your (skewer or popsicle stick) with water  then roll in sugar – let dry.</p><p>Once dry move on to next step.</p><p>Using the clothespin clip the wooden stick ( skewer – popsicle stick ) so it hangs down<br/>inside the glass or jar about an 1 inch from the bottom of the container.</p><p>Pour the water into a pan and bring to boil.</p><p>Pour about ¼ cup of sugar into the boiling water , stirring until it dissolves.</p><p>Continue adding more and more sugar, stirring each time until it dissolves, time and patience<br/>will be needed it will take longer for the sugar to dissolve each time.</p><p>Once no more sugar will dissolve , remove from heat and allow to cool about 20 minutes.</p><p>Pour the sugar substance in ( glass or jar ) almost to the top.</p><p>Place (skewer or popsicle stick) into the (glass or jar) making sure that it hangs straight down<br/>the middle without touching the sides.</p><p>Allow the ( glass or jar ) to fully cool and place it somewhere it will not be disturbed.</p><p>Just wait .. the sugar crystals should grow over the next 3-7 days.</p><p>Want your rock candy colored ?  Add food coloring to your sugar substance and the darker in color <br/>the better the results.</p><figure data-orig-width="328" data-orig-height="271" class="tmblr-full"><img data-orig-width="328" data-orig-height="271" src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/92011f46c1d767ae1d80bfabf155e8c1/tumblr_inline_o1iwxrT8BZ1twm58b_540.png"/></figure>

songoharotto: arahir: Yoshitaka Amano’s 2006 collaboration...
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/a1482fd2cb0ef60b444d1ed4298ee576/tumblr_nk5eqesI8k1rvm3kjo1_500.jpg"/><br/> <br/><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/981ea1c74b34eaa109ac58f845aa7357/tumblr_nk5eqesI8k1rvm3kjo2_500.jpg"/><br/> <br/><p><a class="tumblr_blog" href="http://songoharotto.tumblr.com/post/137135596653">songoharotto</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p><a class="tumblr_blog" href="http://arahir.tumblr.com/post/111708509175">arahir</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p><small><b>Yoshitaka Amano’s 2006 collaboration with Neil Gaiman and David Bowie -</b> <i>I wanted to make the story about David Bowie coming to the city of New York. Iman is the queen, and she’s waiting for the Duke to rescue her, and she’s been waiting for a thousand years. But when I told that to Iman, she said that in real life that would never happen. [Laughs] She’d never wait that long.</i><br/>(Amano on The Return of the Thin White Duke, for V Magazine.)</small></p> </blockquote> <p>god tier collab</p> </blockquote> <p>Awesome collab .. R.I.P David Bowie<br/></p>

somethin to brightin your day
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/a9d0831d4c7a9fc24f818d087d8e76b5/tumblr_mpzr12hXBW1qd5prqo1_500.jpg"/><br/> <br/><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/0b285fb8864cebfeee7e2bd39ff7fd69/tumblr_mpzr12hXBW1qd5prqo2_500.jpg"/><br/> <br/><p>somethin to brightin your day<br/></p>

Awesome graphic
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/dd26533284ef71017c9aca894fbba1c4/tumblr_nyll0ctoBz1s73yi4o1_500.gifv"/><br/><br/><p>Awesome graphic<br/></p>

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