Podcast Episode's:
Urban Entrepreneurs and Online Marketing with Mr. Marketology” Jeff Beal – D’NewZ Podcast Ep 4
  Jeff Beal “Mr. Marketology, sits down with Tone Capone and D’NewZ to discuss what Urban Entrepreneurs can do to maximise marketing on the web. They also talk about what to avoid to get the most out of your advertising dollars. Get the jewels that get dropped in this interview that will have you rethinking … <a href="https://dnewzpodcast.wordpress.com/2015/06/16/urban-entrepreneurs-and-online-marketing-with-mr-marketology-jeff-beal-dnewz-podcast-ep-4/">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span></a>
Interview w/ K.C. Baylor, Black Authors and Education and 300 Sheep for Obama – D’NewZ Podcast Ep. 3
A insightful interview with the lovely K.C Baylor of UrbanFictionNews.com. Normski brings to light the disparity in approved books written by black authors. Tone Capone drops his thoughts on BB King’s death and man courting President Obama’s daughter who is only 16!
Gay Scouts an Cops Shooting White People – D’NewZ Podcast Ep. 2
Episode 2 Capone brings up how police have no time to report details after shootings, also a video of a cop stopping kids in a toy car. Normski is proud of gays in the Boy scouts, and wants to know why more shootings of whites are not reported on!
Corporate Gangsters and Super Model Gangsters in U.K. – D’NewZ Podcast Ep. 1
Episode 1 Dj. Normski and the Big Homie Capone give the heads up on banks stealing money, a debate a story about a substitute teacher beating kids, and talk about a mom who shames daughter for sexy Facebook posts, and how a British ‘gangster’ is caught in a photo-shot sting.