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Sci-Fi TV And Films Review and Talk

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Podcast Episode's:
The Martian Movie and Book Review
After Troy suggested this as a good movie to review, I figured I could not just do a review on the movie when I had read the book also. So this is the two of them in one review.. I hope you enjoy !
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens My Thoughts
Well Star Wars has been out almost two months, and I figured after my 3 hour podcast with Troy got not recorded, that I should finally try and record something that does go out. So I figured the part that is most important to me is how I believe that they did a better job on this movie then the movie itself. So here is is, hope you enjoy!  
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Falling Skies Season 2 – Part 2 Review #021
Here we are we got the the second part of season two done. This may be the week season but of such a high quality show its hard to not enjoy even the bad things!  
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Well we returned for the second season of Falling Skies, but we only made it though 1/2. Troy and I return for another review of Falling Skies, we have tons of details and options. We go though it in depth and talk about all aspects of the show. We hope you enjoy, and make sure you listen to season 1 ... Matt
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SciFi Junk Podcast – Falling Skies Season 1 in Review
So here we are at the end of Falling Skies series, I figured it was all over and I did not really want it to end. But, than I thought about it a bit, and figure it was such an awesome series that this would be a great place to do a review of each season. After watching them again, and getting to enjoy the greatness all over again! Now that alone was not enough, I had to find someone to enjoy them with. I reached out to Carl of the SciFiFX podcast to get him to come do it with me(It was his Falling Skies post that got me watching in the first place), but he was not current and has been working so much he does not have any time. This however did point me to Troy, not only was he watching and current, he was just as eager to talk about Falling Skies as I was. So come along with us for 5 podcast based about season 1-5 of Falling Skies. Enjoy! Matt
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Scifi Junk #018 – SciFiFX #140 – Terminator Genesis
Scifi Junk at SciFiJunk.com and SciFiFX and ScifiFX.com bring you Terminator Genesis – In this podcast I bring Troy with me to talk about the concepts and details of the movie. We tear it apart at times and we defend it at times. If you really what to know about this movie, then this is the place to hear about it. Yes we cover Matt Smith for those of you that are Dr Who fans. It’s a show worth listening to. Enjoy!
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SciFi Junk #017 – Jurassic World
Well there are lots of movies out right now. Let me say that in another way, there are lots of good geek movies out right now. This is the first in a series of movie reviews/chats about movies that recently released. Jurassic World is based on 20 years after Jurassic Park happened. Chris Pratt stills the show and has yet another very strong performance. Hear all about it in this podcast episode 17 of Sci-Fi Junk.
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SciFi Junk Podcast #016 – Geek Stuff
This podcast really has no focus, I go over tons of stuff from the last few months.. Over the past few months, I was really busy and missed a lot, so this podcast just brings me up to date.
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MegaCon 2015 and Jim Thorburn of SyFy’s HELIX
This show give you the details of MegaCon 2015 - and a great interview with Jim Thorburn of Syfy's HELIX show.   I have included a few pictures from the show, I was going to take lot but just did not get around to it!       And a few pictures of Jim and a HELIX poster!          
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iZombie – New TV Show Review
There is a new TV show on the CW called iZombie. I had so many people give me feedback on it that I just had to watch. When I watch something new I like to do a review on it. It was better then I hoped! Listen to the full review, and make sure you subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or using the RSS feed listed on the right side!
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Chappie Movie Review
Chappie movie review - I get into all the good and the bad of the movie. Not the bomb I was expecting. 
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Sci-Fi Junk at Wizard World Raleigh with David Tennant
Wizard World Raleigh with David Tennant ... Really do I need to say more? Ok, just a little more. The Sci-Fi Junkie (Matt) has returned from Wizard World Raleigh this weekend and give you an update and review of how and what was going on with the show and David Tennant! It rocked, enjoy! I also give several updates about other cons coming and past and a sci-fi junkie/vendors perspective!  
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Star Wars with Special Guest Troy
I have a very good friend from back in the Dallas area on the podcast to talk a little Star Wars.. Troy runs http://troyrodgers.com and used to podcast with me back with the first year or two of SciFiFX.com podcast. He has a much deeper understanding of what is going on in the Star Wars world. I am a fan, he is a Fan.. :) Thanks Troy hope we can do it again sometime soon! I had a little issue with the recording of my audio.. Sorry about that, I cleaned it up and tried to make it usable.. I hope you enjoy!      
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Agent Peggy Carter
This is a review of a sort for the new Agent Peggy Carter TV series that is part of the Marvel world. I bring you a list of items that I did not like about the two hour premier and list of good points about it. There was some ups and downs with this series, we all have great hopes. Now let see what Marvel's got!       Now for to be complete this posting will not past unless it included a copy of the Agent Peggy Carter as a blond under cover and hot on the trail doing what she does best. So I have included it, and will say nothing but DAMN!
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Doctor Who Christmas Special 2014
Here is a short review and some thought on the christmas special for doctor who. 
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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 and Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
This show I talk all about The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 and Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.. A few tidbits about this seasons Walking Dead and the last season of Falling Skies coming this summer!
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Mass Effect – Revelation
Here is a very quick, down and dirty book review of Mass Effect - Revelation.
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Flash – New TV Series Review
After a long time away with a busy convention season I do a review that covers the first 3 episodes of flash. I go over the basics of the show and how things are starting to fill out. Over all I give it a thumbs up, and I have a lot to say about it as I go.
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Falling Skies – Season 4 Kickoff
I talk about the first 3 episodes for this 4th season of Falling Skies kickoff. Ghost in the Machine, The Eye, Exodus give us a slow but solid start to the season, and everything is setup for a hell of a battle .. Have you been watching Falling Skies? If not your missing out on a very good show.  I look forward to the rest of this season, and I hope we get to see some serious alien butt kicking soon!
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Sci-Fi Junk – Anna Hopkins Interview
Interview with Anna Hopkins from Defiance. She was very kind to spend a good part of the day waiting for me while I was dealing with technical issues, and still found the time to talk Sci-Fi and Defiance with me. Here everything listen to this interview!
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Podcast 003: Heroscon Recap and Spiderman Movie Review
It has been a long time sense my last podcast, sorry I just got really busy with Convention season in full swing. So in this podcast, I will be doing a recap of everything that happened and Heroscon in Charlotte. Then I move over and do the long long overdue review of the new (ot not so new) Spiderman movie. I look forward to your feedback, and hope you enjoy!
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X-men: Days of Future Past Review Podcast
Podcast RSS FEED - Well the second episode is out, and I go into details with this review on what things I think could have been better with X-Men: Days of Furture Past. All the things they did right or all the things that I just liked. I talk this being the movie for Jennifer Lawrence. How it is really nice to see Jennifer outside of the teen roles of The Hunger Games, but also not the dolled up roles like American Hustle.  RSS FEED
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Sci-Fi Junk – Godzilla Review
Podcast RSS FEED - The Sci-Fi Junkie has finally released the first show of his new podcast. You will find attached the it and a grand start with a review of Godzilla 2014. I go into the things that I really liked about the movie and get into a detail session on the details or things they missed or just did not care to make sense of. Anyhow it is a wonderful first episode of the new podcast and I'm glad to get everything launched! RSS FEED  
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