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Podcast Episode's:
CliClap - Yonatan Snir
CliClap is an AI-powered lead generation and qualification solution for your inbound marketing channels. Their solution helps B2B marketers utilize Artificial Intelligence to predict and apply the next best action for each online visitor. Resulting in converting 150% more visitors to sales qualified leads - autonomously.
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GreenQ - Shlomy Ashkenazi
GreenQ, a young, innovative and growing company aiming to bring the best technology to the municipal waste pickup procedure. Moving fast with strategic partners, we are working to fulfill our vision to improve the urban living area. Our smart waste management services are designed to meet the needs of municipalities, integrators and collection providers. GreenQ is currently operating in 7 sites, with a SaaS business model, that differentiate to a monthly plan and yearly plan.
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Salient Eye - Tzvika Agassi
Salient Eye was established in 2015, with 5 employees and offices in Ramat Gan. We have developed an innovative technology that turns any unused smartphone/tablet (Android or iOS) into a personal security or monitoring system (such as home security , elderly care monitoring, etc.) with an online connection to a 24/7 Control Center. We have more than 1.3 Million organic downloads worldwide (>150 countries) with a great rating of 4.4 (out of 5) and we support 20 languages. Our Go To Market strategy is B2B2C with Security, Insurance and Telecom companies - we have signed an agreement for a collaboration with a large European Insurance company and a few more pilots are in our pipeline.
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Intuition Robotics - Dor Skuler
Intuition Robotics is the creator of ElliQ™, the Active Aging Companion, which helps older adults stay active and engaged with a proactive social robot that overcomes the digital divide. The company's AI cognitive computing technology, award-winning design, and intuitive interaction models provide a natural way for older adults to reap the benefits of technology without the need to master the tools. The company was founded in 2016 and is based in Israel with offices in California. Intuition Robotics has raised over $20M in funding and is supported by renowned industry experts.
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Tukuoro - Amir Tsrouya
Tukuoro is a Voice Tech startup company, transforming any voice-enabled devices or apps- in any language or accent, to an accurate & reliable voice interaction experience. We’ve developed Tukuoro to be the Voice User Interface (VUI) infrastructure for the voice-activated, connected world. Tukuoro solution is easily implemented and processes the voice input, within the user’s dynamically created context, to provide an accurate data results. Using proprietary NLP and ML cloud-based engine, Tukuoro solution is self-improving with every use of the user. These days, Tukuoro is launching several partnerships with global corporations, within the IoT, mobile workforce and Automotive segments. Some of our customers implement our technology as part of smart homes, in-car systems and more...
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GreenIQ - Odi Dahan
GreenIQ, the leader of the smart garden revolution, developed an IoT platform for efficient landscape irrigation. The platform controls irrigation scheduling based on current and forecasted weather, and reduces water consumption by up to 50%. GreenIQ also developed a smart sprinkler controller with Wi-Fi and 3G/4G connectivity that can be accessed from anywhere, at anytime, using an app. GreenIQ’s IoT platform enables connectivity to soil sensors for moisture balance control and to a flow meter that provides leaks and pipe break alerts. GreenIQ is the perfect solution for homeowners, professional landscapers, irrigation companies, commercial real estate, and municipalities.
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