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Motivational Speaker, inspirational lecturer, sales trainer, father, husband the list goes on and on

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Focus On What Matters To Sell Real Estate And Thrive This New Year
<p>In my latest YouTube video, I dive into the turbulent waters of the real estate industry, specifically focusing on the last 60 days of the year. As a seasoned Realtor with over three decades of experience, I've weathered various market storms, from the dot-com bubble to the Great Recession and even the unexpected challenges of 2020's lockdowns. The real estate landscape is currently a puzzle with missing pieces. Agent commissions are under scrutiny, interest rates are a rollercoaster, and homeowners are locked in a maze of uncertainty. Income stability feels like trying to catch smoke in your hands. In this video, I share insights that every real estate agent should consider. I unravel the mystery of turning internet inquiries into genuine leads and the power of active prospecting over passive marketing. The goal is to inspire and empower fellow agents to stay resilient in the coming year. Health, both physical and mental, is a top priority for me, and I know it's a concern for many others in our profession. Balancing work, family, and the ever-changing market requires not just skill but adaptability and, at times, a glimpse around the corner to see what's coming. While some agents turn to coaches for guidance, not all coaches are created equal. Many peddle untested products and formulas. What sets me apart as a real estate sales trainer and coach is my experience in navigating through challenging market conditions. I've been in the trenches during the toughest times and have the wisdom to share. However, I emphasize that learning must translate into action. So, join me in this video as we chart a course through these uncertain times, armed with knowledge and determination. Together, we'll navigate the real estate terrain, adapt, and thrive. Because when it comes to success in real estate, it's not just about doing the work; it's about doing the right work. If you're ready to steer your real estate career through the storm, hit that play button, and let's embark on this journey together. Your success in the industry is my priority, and I'm here to provide the guidance you need. Stay tuned, stay informed, and let's make the last 60 days of this year count.</p>
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Motivated Seller or Interested Homeowner
<p>There's a huge difference between being interested and being motivated. Let me explain. This is your first day in real estate and I am your real estate sales trainer and coach James Festini, and this is the program that's gonna teach you how to sell more real estate in less time. I've got a huge lead problem.</p> <p>I've got a lot of leads. I've got about 2000 leads as I went through my database earlier. I'm in lead hell right now because leads are easy. Especially if you're willing to pick up the phone and prospect or knock on doors, you're gonna generate a lot of leads. If you buy inquiries from the internet and you are actually following up on those inquiries and you have filtered them and identify them as a lead, and you spend a lot of money getting that, you have a lead problem too.</p> <p>You've found a lot of leads in your database, but you just can't seem to filter them. What is this? What do we do when we have so many leads? I've discovered a solution to that. The solution is to identify interest versus motivation. You see a parrott, I would say a monkey, but monkeys can't talk. So let's say a parrot could close a motivated lead, but a skilled closer.</p> <p>It closes that same lead. A skilled closer knows when they're motivated. A skilled closer knows when they're not. So I know that there's people out there who think they can sell ice to Eskimo, but if they don't need ice, you're. I basically scamming them, right? If they don't need ice, why would you sell ice to Eskimo?</p> <p>See, I want to find people who are motivated that have a purpose so that when I provide them my service, residential real estate, help them buy or sell that when that transaction begins, because that transaction is much faster than buying a bag of ice. It's 30 day escrow, sometimes six months worth of worth of searching.</p> <p>Or marketing time, right? You wanna make sure that they are totally convinced that the decision that they're making is the right thing. How do you get them to do that? They have to be motivated. You see if they're interested and you close them so many times, man, I'm a good clo. Oh, that's, I actually, like, I, I stopped being such a good closer because back in the day, I would literally be so good at closing people.</p> <p>I'll never forget this one where I got a listing agreement, right? And then the sign showed up and the homeowner called and says, why is there a sign in my front yard? And I'm like, because we listed. He goes, well, yeah, but I'm not ready to sell yet. I'm like, well, what about the contract? Like we said, he goes, yeah, but I thought that.</p> <p>I'm like, no. You know what? Uh, clearly I used my talent, my knowledge for evil because you're not ready old man. So I took the sign down and, you know, it actually was probably about six months before he was truly motivated to sell. You can have someone who's very interested. I mean, we're talking like hot, hot, hot, like level 10, hot one through 10, level 10.</p> <p>Uh, level nine, level 10 would be hot. But there's these varying degrees of motivation. So right now I'm going to be working, or I have been working with, uh, it's not enough to say hot, warm, cold. To identify motivation, we have to have a motivation scale, some sort of data set, some. Points of reference, some key triggers, words or actions, behaviors, conversations that have to happen with a potential client to say, you know what?</p> <p>They're ready. Let's just naturally close. You've heard that before. A closing is a natural ending to a good presentation. Right. When you are with a motivated seller and you sit down and you talk over price and terms, there's this moment where there's like, so what do you think Mr. Seller? And they're like, yeah, oh, great.</p> <p>Let's pull out the paperwork. Let's sign the contract. Let's, let's get this started. Let's rock and roll. Whatever your closing buffers are, you know, they're motivated. It just happens no matter if you puke on the table. And you clean it up, you could still get the listing, even if you have to skew yourself to go to the bathroom.</p> <p>'cause you got bad stomach and it takes you like 10 minutes and they're like wondering if they're, you're in the bathroom dropping a deuce and then you come back, you're like, Ooh, that was hard. I've been there. That's why I'm relating to it. You'll still get the listing because they're motivated. Right?</p> <p>Hell think about what we're going through during the pandy about. MM two, not long enough ago. That's motivation. When you got somebody to sell during that, during a global pandemic, you got someone to live to like say, come on in. 'cause no one knew back then what it was. You know, nobody knew back then what it was.</p> <p>So for them to invite you into their house, they had to be incredibly motivated to do that. So I'm encouraging you now, ladies and gentlemen, to identify the difference. Recognize the words and behaviors and the conversations and be real with yourself. There is a difference. I actually got this because I was writing it down.</p> <p>There is a difference between interest and motivation. I. One of the notes I put here is, like I said, a parrot can close a motivated lead, a skilled closer knows they're motivated. You can't close those that are not ready. So when you collect all of these leads and you think to yourself, man, why am I not closing?</p> <p>How come I'm making so many calls? I can't seem to close them. It's because they're not motivated. And you need to hurry up and find out the varying degrees of motivation and put them in those pockets. So it's your expectation and your words and behavior and follow up and consistent, uh, attack to try to get them to sign a contract is in its right place.</p> <p>And time when they're ready. They are a level 10. So I'm having my databases now. Instead of just saying hot, warm, cold, with a high, medium, low callback story, it is now or frequency. It is now levels of M motivation, M one to 10. So if somebody is a lead today, says they're interested, but now they're no longer interested and they've changed their mind.</p> <p>Once upon a time, they were a lead. And I don't want to just throw them into what I would call gen pop. I would hold onto them, but when I called them, I knew that they weren't, like, they still weren't, but once upon a time they were. I say it's like a cavity when a dentist, you know, the, you have a cavity.</p> <p>You can avoid a cavity for years, but you know it's there. So, They have that cavity and you're the dentist, and they called in and said, I need to get this taken care of. And then they canceled the appointment, but they never filled the cavity. They just live with it. But what happens at some point, that cavity is gonna get so big and you just need to be there at the right place at the right time.</p> <p>So I'm putting these varying degrees of. Groups inside of Mojo that are M one through 10, and every conversation, every engagement is gonna either be a plus or a minus point based on the results of that previous conversation. Was it a positive conversation? Did they say they were still interested that they're in two or three months though?</p> <p>Well, maybe that's like they say they're really interested. Remember interest versus motivation. They say they're really interested in six months. Then that's probably an M five because they're not right now, but they are warm. So maybe these motivation, I say M, these motivational factor of five through, you know, one through 10, maybe 7, 8, 9 was hot, and maybe 4, 5, 6, 7 was warm, and maybe 1, 2, 3, 4 was cold, but you knew they were once upon a time and then a zero.</p> <p>Is just the phone book, right? You call a complete stranger. There's zero motivation until you identify it. Just like someone walking into an open house. Are they a lead? No. You'd have a conversation. Are they a lead? Yes. What are they? One through 10. M one through 10. So I'm saying it here. Now. It's gonna be in mojo, but I'm, I'm working on this thing.</p> <p>I, it's, it's a word that, let me say it now. Lead. Qualification. I heard the word yesterday. I'm trying to remember what that word was. But there's, uh, the, the lead motivating factor. You know what, I wrote it in my journal what that word was 'cause I've been trying to struggle with it, and I know that because I'm full-time doing this all the time.</p> <p>That there, oh, here it is. Probability matrix. Listen to these words. 'cause they're going to be mainstream in the next two years. And I'm, you're hearing it here first if it's even been said, but I guess I'll say I've coined them because I haven't heard them, but I've heard people speaking of these things and CRMs are touching in this space and what I, what I'm calling it is, A probability matrix similar to, uh, softwares out there who, uh, there's been a few lately where they say it's likely that they'll sell or the probability of them selling is based on some factors.</p> <p>They've been in the house for the last 15 years. They've got, you know, an interest rate above 5%. So their probability is maybe a little bit higher 'cause they've got equity and they're older, or maybe there's. Some other scores or metrics that they're using to identify motivation. But at the end of the day, maybe they're not.</p> <p>So it's a, a matrix, you know, uh, it's not like a one of those vertical scales, but it's all sorts of factors that come into the scoring of the lead. So moving forward, we're gonna look whether they're motivated, Or they're just interested. And many times you'll find that their motivation is based on an, their objections are based on either a condition, an immovable object, like a graduation or a job transfer or something that is there.</p> <p>That can't be done. Um, interest rates, for example, when they say My interest rates suck, you can't move that object. Can. Is there an alternative? How motivated are they? Well, we bought a house, you know, two or three years ago. We gave, you know, we bought a thousand square foot, two bedroom house and, or we bought a, 900 square foot, one bedroom condo.</p> <p>I met a girl, she got pregnant, we got twins. Interest rates suck. What are the, what's the probability score? What is the lead score of someone like that? Okay. A a, um, um, a single bachelor who bought a 900 square foot apartment, right? Just had twins with his brand new wife, three years later, 900 square feet.</p> <p>Four people and they're growing and eating a lot. What's his job? Right? Probability matrix will include what's his job situation? Is his financial situation changed? Does his wife work? 'cause if his wife works, now you have dual income, so they can't afford a new place. Ooh, probability matrix. Does it say that he'd be considering renting or does he have to sell that?</p> <p>What's the motivation there to sell this house? Because they have to buy a new one. Well, they need the money from here to this. Now we're looking at a listing probability. Lead scoring matrix that shows you what are the metrics that give you something that we all know as closers, but we didn't know it before.</p> <p>Now that we are some of us very skilled closers, the internet and society. Has raised us and and cultivated really good closers, but now as closers, we need to now rely on technology to assist us because now we are capable of lead generation and we are capable of closing. The difference is gonna be.</p> <p>Closing on motivated versus interested, and never before have I, in my 30 years of doing this as a professional, closer telemarketer, a hustler, whatever you wanna call me. I know one thing for sure. It's very easy to generate a lead. It's not that easy to identify motivation versus. Interest, you can have the most interested person who really, really wants to sell, right?</p> <p>Mr. Homeowner wants to sell really, really bad, but according to FE'S probability matrix, I. Which asks. The second question, man wants to sell is man married. Here's the matrix. Man is married? Yes. Okay. What's the wife say? The wife says, no way. We're not leaving California. My mother and father live here. All my kids are in this school.</p> <p>I'm not changing the schools period. Probability matrix just went from a 10 with the man to a one with the woman. What? Now we gotta focus on her probability matrix. He's covered. Hers is what matters. The schools will she move after the season or before the season? These probability matrixes will lead you to the questions that you should be asking that should automatically.</p> <p>Evolve in the conversation based on if you can identify the problem, right? Like a doctor. When a doctor goes, when you step into the doctor's office, they weigh you, right? They weigh you. They check your pulse, they check your temperature. Why did they do that? Why do they hit your knee with that rock? Why do they do that?</p> <p>Because they need a foundation. What we do is we ask preliminary questions as a foundation, right? And then they say, What ails you? Well, doctor my arm, right? You didn't need to weigh 'em for your arm, but maybe there's some other symptoms as to why your arm hurts, right? But they need to do the fundamental questions to find out are they sick?</p> <p>Do they have that cavity? Are they interested or are they motivated? And. Can we measure interest on a motivational sliding scale? I believe so. And one through 10, and that's what I'm doing inside of my system. I've created a group. I'm not solely categorizing them in these groups, but they are being identified as, or tags.</p> <p>You can use them as tags if you use other software tags, M one through M 10. And then of course, A phone book is just M zero and we no longer have to say hot, warm, cold. We know if it's a 10, you should have a high frequency of follow up. It shouldn't be a, a 10 means you're there. Maybe there isn't a 10, maybe a 10 means you've closed for an appointment.</p> <p>Maybe a a an M 10 means the next call you make will be an appointment. I've got so many leads right now and I've organized them through my. Hot, warm, cold spectrum, and my wife has always come to me and said, who's your top 10? Who's your top 10? Well, now I can say who my top 10 are. How many M nines do I have?</p> <p>How many M nines do you have? How many M sevens do you have? Those are something m sevens, eights, and nines. Should be getting a letter, an email. M nines should be getting brownies, right? They, they should be getting offerings to entice them to work with you. Help. Other businesses do it. Why aren't we when they're M nine with the inventory so low?</p> <p>Why are you dismissing them? Oh, because you can get a lead somewhere else. What quality? On the proba. On the sini probability matrix. Are they? Yeah. I'm getting tons of leads. They're all below M fives. So then they're not leads. Let's talk about the, the, the eights and nines. How many of those do you have?</p> <p>So today, Go into your database and think to yourself, how many of these are eight nines? Eight or nines, and how many of them fall below five? How many of these people have we been keeping in touch with? Because they've shown a high level of interest, but at a certain point the they've been showing a high level of interest for a long time.</p> <p>Are they motivated? They've been interested for an awful long time. Is, is I'm thinking of a guy, Reuben. M is Reuben. M is he motivated because he checks my system all the time. He opens my emails, he even touches that button and says, how much is my home worth? So I'm, I'm like seeing whoa. All the signs, man.</p> <p>He checks, he, he's doing, all the signs are there. All the call to actions are being triggered, but what's stopping them from making that move? Again, a script that leads you down the path of forcing an answer. That's why I like active real estate prospecting because I can say right now you what is forcing you, what is stopping you?</p> <p>What motivates you and what doesn't motivate you? What is stopping you from selling your house in a market that is clearly. A seller's market where the house prices have never been this high. Mr. Homeowner, what is stopping you from moving well, this condition? Okay, now we have a condition, they're motivated, but there's an immovable object.</p> <p>Now we can identify that and move on, so thank you. Hopefully I've enlightened you guys. I appreciate you watching. Make sure that you like, share, subscribe, all that stuff. I do one-on-one coaching. If you want to take it to the next realm, call me. I'm available. All right. That's all. Just, uh, what I say, it's been so long since I say, oh yeah, get back to work.</p> <p><span data-tt= "{"paragraphStyle":{"alignment":4,"style":0,"writingDirection":1}}"> Doorknocking Book</span> https://amzn.to/3eJzpHY </p> <p><span data-tt= "{"paragraphStyle":{"alignment":4,"style":0,"writingDirection":1}}"> Training products and Membership, for Door Knocking, Cold Calling, CRM set up, FSBO, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, and One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training </span></p> <p><span data-tt= "{"paragraphStyle":{"alignment":4,"style":0,"writingDirection":1}}"> More than just a dialer, a doorknocking app, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com </span></p> <p><span data-tt= "{"paragraphStyle":{"alignment":4,"style":0,"writingDirection":1}}"> The best email is video email Dubb.com https://dubb.com/r/jamesfestini </span></p> <p><span data-tt= "{"paragraphStyle":{"alignment":4,"style":0,"writingDirection":1}}"> Get your phone list with my top Resources:</span> <span data-tt= "{"paragraphStyle":{"alignment":4,"style":0,"writingDirection":1}}"> https://www.colerealtyresource.com/landing/JamesFestini/ </span></p> <p><span data-tt= "{"paragraphStyle":{"alignment":4,"style":0,"writingDirection":1}}"> Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free; https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165</span></p> <p><span data-tt= "{"paragraphStyle":{"alignment":4,"style":0,"writingDirection":1}}"> My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com </span></p> <p><span data-tt= "{"paragraphStyle":{"alignment":4,"style":0,"writingDirection":1}}"> FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</span></p>
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How Often Should I follow up with a Lead?
<p>Gain Access to all of my videos and archives but becoming a member on Youtube or just pay your respects with a Superchat click Dynamic Door Knocking Book on Amazon. and Audible https://amzn.to/2S6CjqR One-on-One Coaching and products at www.JamesFestini.com/Training Forget BombBomb! DUBB Sends SMARTER Video Messages for LESS go to https://go.dubb.com/festini for a killer deal What's the best CRM out there? www.mojosells.com Want to call even faster? email shawnie@calltools.com ...nuff said Get your phone list with my top Resources; https://partner.coleinformation.com/jamesfestini Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free; https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165 My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of a membership!</p>
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Caller ID Marked as Spam?
<p>Phone companies sometimes block calls connected to suspicious calling patterns proactively for their customers. Many phone companies also enable their customers to block additional unwanted calls by enrolling in a service or installing an app. Consumers can also adjust certain settings on their phones, sign up with a third-party service, or download a third-party app to block suspected unwanted calls. A number of companies also offer call labeling to help consumers determine which calls they want to answer. Labeling services display categories for potentially unwanted or illegal calls such as "spam" or "scam likely" on the caller ID display. here is one of those links https://www.freecallerregistry.com/fcr/#</p>
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28 Reasons why I moved to eXp Realty
<p>Dynamic Door Knocking Book on Amazon. https://amzn.to/2S6CjqR The book that ushers in the era of the Last direct marketing method after the phones die and believe me the phone is on hospice. Pay your respects at any level of contribution at Patreon.com/jamesfestini Or get a Mafia Membership, for Door Knocking, Cold Calling, CRM set up, FSBO, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, and One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training The best email is BombBomb video email http://www.bombbomb.com?bbref=FESTINI More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com Get your phone list with my top Resources; https://partner.coleinformation.com/j... https://www.telephonelists.biz/ Door knocking App I recommend www.SalesRabbit.com Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free; https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165 My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership! Follow me: Instagram-@jamesfestini Facebook-@jamesfestini @jamesfestinipage Twitter-@jamesfestini LinkedIn-@jamesfestini</p>
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How to Survive the Real Estate Disruption
<p>Dynamic Door Knocking Book on Amazon. https://amzn.to/2S6CjqR The book that ushers in the era of the Last direct marketing method after the phones die and believe me the phone is on hospice. Pay your respects at any level of contribution at Patreon.com/jamesfestini Or get a Mafia Membership, for Door Knocking, Cold Calling, CRM set up, FSBO, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, and One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training The best email is BombBomb video email http://www.bombbomb.com?bbref=FESTINI More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com Get your phone list with my top Resources; https://partner.coleinformation.com/jamesfestini https://www.telephonelists.biz/ Door knocking App I recommend www.SalesRabbit.com Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free; https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165 My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</p>
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You HAVE TO Want To

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Stop Cold Calling
<p>Dynamic Door Knocking Book on Amazon. https://amzn.to/2S6CjqR The book that ushers in the era of the Last direct marketing method after the phones die and believe me the phone is on hospice. Pay your respects at any level of contribution at Patreon.com/jamesfestini Or get a Mafia Membership, for Door Knocking, Cold Calling, CRM set up, FSBO, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, and One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training The best email is BombBomb video email http://www.bombbomb.com?bbref=FESTINI More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com Get your phone list with my top Resources; https://partner.coleinformation.com/jamesfestini https://www.telephonelists.biz/ Door knocking App I recommend www.SalesRabbit.com Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free; https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165 My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</p>
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Election Results for Realtors

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Follow up with Your Real Estate Leads or Fail

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Leaving Voicemail Messages when Prospecting for Real Estate

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Creating a Telemarketing Database
<p>One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training The best email is BombBomb video email http://www.bombbomb.com?bbref=FESTINI More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com Get your phone list with my top Resources; https://www.colerealtyresource.com/la... https://www.telephonelists.biz/ Door knocking App I recommend www.SalesRabbit.com Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free; https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165 My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</p>
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You Have To Want to Succeed in Real Estate Sales
<p>One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training The best email is BombBomb video email http://www.bombbomb.com?bbref=FESTINI More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com Get your phone list with my top Resources; https://www.colerealtyresource.com/landing/JamesFestini/ https://www.telephonelists.biz/ Door knocking App I recommend www.SalesRabbit.com Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free; https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165 My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</p>
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Can We Door Knock or Farm Yet
<p><span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">Mafia Membership, for Door Knocking, Cold Calling, CRM set up, FSBO, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, and way more vis YouTube Membership! One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training The best email is BombBomb video email</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=vTxe8zbJT2o&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDRzTE5EZUNsUGNkQ1VNaW1kRGdjYWZRODduZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttYTN5dG10Vy1QS3NwLVV4SzBEYUFOMEtuYjNab3BWSDRFV0E0LXpYbDRjbWpYcHJkbFF5V2lIY2xpUzh2Z2FpUHFKSUl3UUdtc1MyYmJSV0w3WUFPejRMdGd5OF8xZGJhSkVra2lia2pkMW16YUVQQQ%3D%3D&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bombbomb.com%3Fbbref%3DFESTINI" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">http://www.bombbomb.com?bbref=FESTINI</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com Get your phone list with my top Resources;</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=vTxe8zbJT2o&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3dBRW92dlFWWVUtdzlGZHBaTFlPMmtuR3hXQXxBQ3Jtc0tsXzNRa2tPaTFrdmN4RVg2VjhaQUVVUlludEhocVM0X2pyWnJTSGQ5OTN5WVcyeWVFYk83LTVnNmhuV1lLZkdIZUEzODFPbWhhamtrVjdBSms3Y1lURkwwRG5xdkhNXzB2NE9WTndvelhjLWtrbDNPQQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.colerealtyresource.com%2Flanding%2FJamesFestini%2F" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">https://www.colerealtyresource.com/la...</a> <a class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir= "auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=vTxe8zbJT2o&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3dFeEZxTzlYUzA1a0gzNHVxNVFPbXdxOUx1QXxBQ3Jtc0tsTncxY3ZCMU8ycnItNFFNZlRzQ2diT3JlSzQtM0gxT3JabEh2RUp0SXdPZXZLUmxXendHMjBDQ0FNclJjVnkzREo5U3dsbjJMcmpBcEZ5WE85Umh6ajM5S2hXX1loTWFPOUdRcF9OTnpYVlVXcDExUQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telephonelists.biz%2F" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">https://www.telephonelists.biz/</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">Door knocking App I recommend www.SalesRabbit.com Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free;</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=vTxe8zbJT2o&event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEJidENwQko1NEY0N2hIa0M1MnhBdE94Njh1Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuTEFhTEFxNHBsNl9LaTRTQ0pMdVpWTF8zdmpnZDU2LWJRQ2JmTVhoNVY2SWo1ZzhVcHdvRlA1TFZIQzdyYWZ2SWktTWRCdDh5aE14LTB5RWJKbGF1azBtQkJFSHZaLTc4RU1ud19tbnpCWGRDQUdYSQ%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fform.jotform.com%2F92825591178165" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</span></p>
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Lead Generating Tips
<p>In marketing, lead generation is the initiation of consumer interest or enquiry into products or services of a business. Leads can be created for purposes such as list building, e-newsletter list acquisition for sales leads. The methods for generating leads typically fall under the umbrella of advertising, but may also include non-paid sources such as organic search engine results or referrals from existing customers. Lead generation is often paired with lead management to move leads through the purchase funnel. This combination of activities is referred to as pipeline marketing. A lead is usually allotted to an individual to follow up on. Once the individual (e.g. salesperson) reviews and qualifies it to have potential business, the lead gets converted to an opportunity for a business. The opportunity then has to undergo multiple sales stages before the deal is won. A lead usually is the contact information and in some cases, demographic information of a customer who is interested in a specific product or service. There are two types of leads in the lead generation market: sales leads and marketing leads. Online lead generation is an Internet marketing term that refers to the generation of prospective consumer interest or inquiry into a business' products or services through the Internet. Leads, also known as contacts, can be generated for a variety of purposes: list building, e-newsletter list acquisition, building out reward programs, loyalty programs or for other member acquisition programs. Email remains one of the main ways that businesses communicate with clients & vendors. Because of this, marketers often send messages to users’ inboxes. Many leads are generated every day with cold email campaigns and warm email campaigns. For the foreseeable future email campaigns remain a great email marketing tool. With the rise of social networking websites, social media is used by organizations and individuals to generate leads or gain business opportunities. Many companies actively participate on social networks including LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to find talent pools or market their new products and services.</p>
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Rejected or Beaten by the Competition

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Quality over Quantity, Lead Gen and Follow Up

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The First Day of The Month

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Solutions Summit

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Corona Virus and Real Estate Impact
<p><span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">Dynamic Door Knocking Book on Amazon.</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ovkZKAPhc2I&redir_token=Vi8UNY_APERFT0eAPqlQ2QXeO5d8MTU4NDIxODc0N0AxNTg0MTMyMzQ3&q=https%3A%2F%2Famzn.to%2F2S6CjqR" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://amzn.to/2S6CjqR</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">The book that ushers in the era of the Last direct marketing method after the phones die and believe me the phone is on hospice. Pay your respects at any level of contribution at Patreon.com/jamesfestini Or get a Mafia Membership, for Door Knocking, Cold Calling, CRM set up, FSBO, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, and One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training The best email is BombBomb video email</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ovkZKAPhc2I&redir_token=Vi8UNY_APERFT0eAPqlQ2QXeO5d8MTU4NDIxODc0N0AxNTg0MTMyMzQ3&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bombbomb.com%3Fbbref%3DFESTINI" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">http://www.bombbomb.com?bbref=FESTINI</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com Get your phone list with my top Resources;</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ovkZKAPhc2I&redir_token=Vi8UNY_APERFT0eAPqlQ2QXeO5d8MTU4NDIxODc0N0AxNTg0MTMyMzQ3&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.colerealtyresource.com%2Flanding%2FJamesFestini%2F" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">https://www.colerealtyresource.com/la...</a> <a class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir= "auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ovkZKAPhc2I&redir_token=Vi8UNY_APERFT0eAPqlQ2QXeO5d8MTU4NDIxODc0N0AxNTg0MTMyMzQ3&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telephonelists.biz%2F" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">https://www.telephonelists.biz/</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">Door knocking App I recommend www.SalesRabbit.com Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free;</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=ovkZKAPhc2I&redir_token=Vi8UNY_APERFT0eAPqlQ2QXeO5d8MTU4NDIxODc0N0AxNTg0MTMyMzQ3&q=https%3A%2F%2Fform.jotform.com%2F92825591178165" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</span></p>
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The Future of Prospecting
<p>In my opinion, if you are in the real estate business or any sales business that relies on direct marketing, not passive in direct marketing, but actually door knocking and cold calling for lead generation, this is the most important video you’ll ever see in your career. That’s a bold statement but just get through the video and you’ll understand why and then please tell me in the comments below that you’ve seen the light Pay your respects at any level of contribution at Patreon.com/jamesfestini Or get a Mafia Membership, for Door Knocking, Cold Calling, CRM set up, FSBO, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, and One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training The best email is BombBomb video email http://www.bombbomb.com?bbref=FESTINI More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com Get your phone list with my top Resources; https://www.colerealtyresource.com/landing/JamesFestini/ https://www.telephonelists.biz/ Door knocking App I recommend Realty Buddy-https://realtybuddy.net/ Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free; https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165 My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</p>
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How Late Should You Door Knock?
<p><span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">There are many opinions as to how late you should be doorknocking. Tonight I dive into what I call my Hackeysack light measurement suggestion.</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23Doorknocking">#Doorknocking</a> <a class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir= "auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23DynamicDoorKnocking"> #DynamicDoorKnocking</a> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23DoortodoorSales">#DoortodoorSales</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">Dynamic Door Knocking Book on Amazon.</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=1g_EopdCYxBHRFJKh7ZJ2YeJ4ex8MTU4MjY5MjYyMkAxNTgyNjA2MjIy&v=MXCwMox65Ig&q=https%3A%2F%2Famzn.to%2F2S6CjqR&event=video_description" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://amzn.to/2S6CjqR</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">The book that ushers in the era of the Last direct marketing method after the phones die and believe me the phone is on hospice. Pay your respects at any level of contribution at Patreon.com/jamesfestini Or get a Mafia Membership, for Door Knocking, Cold Calling, CRM set up, FSBO, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, and One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training The best email is BombBomb video email</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=1g_EopdCYxBHRFJKh7ZJ2YeJ4ex8MTU4MjY5MjYyMkAxNTgyNjA2MjIy&v=MXCwMox65Ig&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bombbomb.com%3Fbbref%3DFESTINI&event=video_description" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">http://www.bombbomb.com?bbref=FESTINI</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com Get your phone list with my top Resources;</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=1g_EopdCYxBHRFJKh7ZJ2YeJ4ex8MTU4MjY5MjYyMkAxNTgyNjA2MjIy&v=MXCwMox65Ig&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.colerealtyresource.com%2Flanding%2FJamesFestini%2F&event=video_description" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">https://www.colerealtyresource.com/la...</a> <a class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir= "auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=1g_EopdCYxBHRFJKh7ZJ2YeJ4ex8MTU4MjY5MjYyMkAxNTgyNjA2MjIy&v=MXCwMox65Ig&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telephonelists.biz%2F&event=video_description" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">https://www.telephonelists.biz/</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">Door knocking App I recommend www.SalesRabbit.com Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free;</span> <a class= "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=1g_EopdCYxBHRFJKh7ZJ2YeJ4ex8MTU4MjY5MjYyMkAxNTgyNjA2MjIy&v=MXCwMox65Ig&q=https%3A%2F%2Fform.jotform.com%2F92825591178165&event=video_description" target="_blank" rel= "nofollow noopener">https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165</a> <span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</span></p>
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What is the ROI of Door Knocking?
<p>Amazon Book Link https://amzn.to/2S6CjqR The book that ushers in the era of the Last direct marketing method after the phones die and believe me the phone are on hospice.</p>
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Follow Up for Real Estate Success

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5 Critical Buyer Questions to Save You from Being Misled
<p>Pay your respects at any level of contribution at Patreon.com/jamesfestini Or get a Mafia Membership, for Door Knocking, Cold Calling, CRM set up, FSBO, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, and One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training The best email is BombBomb video email http://www.bombbomb.com?bbref=FESTINI More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com Get your phone list with my top Resources; https://www.colerealtyresource.com/landing/JamesFestini/ https://www.telephonelists.biz/ Door knocking App I recommend Realty Buddy-https://realtybuddy.net/ Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free; https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165 My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</p>
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The Do Not Call List and Telephone Compliance in Real Estate

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Fear of Rejection or Sales Conditions and Objections
<p>Pay your respects at any level of contribution at Patreon.com/jamesfestini<br /> Or get a Mafia Membership, for Door Knocking, Cold Calling, CRM set up, FSBO, Listing Presentations, Prospecting, and One-on-One Coaching at www.JamesFestini.com/Training</p> <p>More than just a dialer, it’s the best CRM out there. www.mojosells.com<br /> <br /> Get your phone list with my top Resources;<br /> https://www.colerealtyresource.com/la...<br /> https://www.telephonelists.biz/</p> <p>Door knocking App I recommend Realty Buddy-https://realtybuddy.net/</p> <p>Need a website that does it all? I use ZENTAP. Try it Free; https://form.jotform.com/92825591178165</p> <p>My Local Video Marketing I use is at www.VScreen.com<br /> FREE 2-week trial (no credit card required). Use the promo code: festini to receive 20% off the for the life of their membership!</p>
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3 Feet from Gold

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Why Do You Compare Yourself to Others?

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Remembering What Worked

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Steps to avoid being Ghosted and proper Ghost Hunting
<p>There are times in this business when you have individuals who give you the impression that they are ready to do business with you and then they disappear. They will avoid your phone calls or text messages or emails. This is what is commonly referred to as ghosting. In this lesson I teach you about how to hunt for ghosts without being fired before you are hired. go to J<a href= "https://jamesfestini.thinkific.com/">JamesFestini.com/training</a> for my training products and free stuff</p>
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Open Houses

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Worry While You Work for Real Estate Success
<p><a class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23Selling">#Selling</a> <a class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23realestate">#realestate</a> is <a class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" spellcheck="false" href= "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23stressful">#stressful</a> let’s figure out how not to worry or at least to work through the fear of failure.</p>
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Knowing Your Numbers

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Door knocking Made Easy

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Selling Real Estate by Playing the Odds

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Digital Mayor Rant and Riff

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Managing Expectations in Real Estate Sales

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How to Get Info at the Door when Doorknocking for Real Estate

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Automation May Be Slowing Us Down

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Dismissing Dismissive Leads

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Social Media Video Strategy
<p>today I spoke at an event about Social Media Strategy. I bring up how to start a vlog and try to get some people to actually begin.</p>
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How to convert A door knock Maybe into A Real Estate Lead
<p>Many of those who follow my methods will find themselves in front of a homeowner that says yes or maybe they are interested in selling. With my training, I can help you move from Help to thank you I will keep in touch. Even better perhaps an appointment for the listing.</p> <p>Coaching for all those who hear my truth at http://jamesfestini.thinkific.com/</p>
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The 3 Precepts of Lead Generation for Real Estate Sales
<p>Selling any product is a numbers game and it is a contact sport. Why not play by the rules? There are 3 steps in the process of massive lead a generation strategies. The reason for my script being so short is that I have identified these 3, and only 3, important steps to helping me move through more numbers in less time while not letting time slipped by or leads fall through the cracks. jamesfestini.com/training</p>
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Lead Conversion Problem Solved
<p>for access to Memberships, Coaching and Training go to<br /> http://jamesfestini.com/training</p> <p>Since 1993 I have been selling residential real estate. In that time I have studied under the masters of selling such as Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Tom Hopkins, Mike Ferry, Floyd Wickman and Dale Carnegie. I immersed myself in the self-help and self-improvement world as I became a top Salesperson for Century 21 Real Estate. In 2007, I began training and coaching and grew into the world of Podcasting, Youtube and Blogging and Vlogging, a.k.a. content creation, along side of Grant Cardone and Gary Vaynerchuck while having creative mentors like Casey Neistat and Peter McKinnon. I continue to recycle knowledge and repurpose it as wisdom in pursuit of an enlightened state of mind I later came to know as flow. I wrote and published a book on this topic and only came to find more books like the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne once my publisher asked to categorize this. This makes for quite an interesting journey as I document and create a living journal as I bring others into their own personal development. I continue as a Realtor in Southern California while I run my side hustle as a RealEstateSalesTrainerAndCoach.com by combining my work hard play hard lifestyle as I provide products and services to others searching for their path to success while on mine</p>
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Never Get Rejected on The Phone
<p>if you make enough calls and you have no expectations you have no undesirable outcome. I know this sounds like snowflake talk but I live by this rule.</p>
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Comfort Zones and Expectations to succeed in Real Estate Sales
<p> http://www.realestatesalestrainerandcoach.com/100-day-prospecting-challenge/</p>
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Kickstart your Real Estate Sales
<p>I reveal one great tip to land you in more appointments now.</p> <p>Take the Challenge now... click below http://www.realestatesalestrainerandcoach.com/100-day-prospecting-challenge/</p>
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Getting over your fear of telephone prospecting and door knocking
<p>Take the challenge http://www.realestatesalestrainerandcoach.com/100-day-prospecting-challenge/<br /> <br /></p> <p>Today I approach and hopefully cure your unjustified fear of generating leads in the real estate business using old school tactics such as door knocking and cold calling.</p>
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My 40k Real Estate Face Palm
<p>Today I share with you a mistake that even agents at my level of Can make and I offer a solution</p>
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Shiny Object Syndrome
<p>We're all guilty at one point or another of searching for a quick solution to our problem of not having enough business.</p>
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Building a Great Database
<p>The importance of lead generation cannot be overemphasized but the importance of why I generate leads can be explained. The reason you want to have a massive database of self generated leads is so that you can secure your future by knowing that you have created a great database of names and numbers that once you hit A tipping point that database, if properly manicured and curated, will give you appointments every time you call from it. Imagine having 500 names and numbers of people who have said maybe. You think the for sale by owner is on expires at a low hanging fruit, what do you think this is? This is not only The low hanging fruit but it is the low hanging fruit pulled down washed cut up in slices and served to you on a platter with a tall glass of wine and servants massaging your feet while they fan you out in the sunshine poolside.</p>
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1990 Called They Want Their Sales Scripts Back
<p>It's 2018 people. why are you using scripts written during the Reagan administration? Didn't you hear? We have the attention span of a goldfish.</p>
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Real Estate Sales Success For Dummies

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Cold Call Vs Doorknocking
<p>Bob Penzien asked me what is better. I think this is one of my most asked questions. Which one gets me more deals. As always say, individual Results will vary Depending on market conditions in your areas. Both cold calling and door knocking are equally effective in proportions to your efforts. Because I do a lot more cause than I do doors I get more business from the calls. However, the question is which one gets you more. I have to say pound for pound door knocking per hour generates more leads. There are quite a few factors that make door knocking a little more difficult. The 1st 1 is physical stamina.The 2nd one is the time of day depending on daylight savings. Where with the telephone you can be on from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. no problem and not get worn out. I try to answer the question in this episode as best I can.</p>
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Take back your Leads from Online Thieves
<p>Products: http://www.realestatesalestrainerandcoach.com/<br /> My RE website: http://www.JamesFestini.com<br /> Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamesfestini/<br /> Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/jamesfestini/<br /> Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesFestini<br /> SnapChat: JamesFestini<br /> Email: james@jamesfestini.com</p>
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Real Estate Unicorns and Rhinos
<p>In this business, we have agents who crush it by means that are not normal. My system is set up for anyone who wants it and cannot wait for luck or good fortunes to come their way.</p>
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End of Year Efforts

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Brand Embassador or Digital Mayor
<p>In response to Gary Vaynerchuk’s Inman Connect keynote, with the key point. “I find it truly baffling that the real estate industry on the individual broker level does not understand that they need to become the digital mayor of their town.”</p>
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Do More Even If It's Not Enough
<p>"My attitude is never to be satisfied, never enough, never." - Duke Ellington</p>
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Sweat It Out for Success

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When They Say They Have an Agent
<p>I went on a listing presentation today that I have been soliciting since January. The first two conversations she mentioned she had an agent the last three she said no she’s not interested in selling and then after nine months of sporadic follow up we set an appointment. Here’s what happened.</p>
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The Fortune and Failure in Follow up
<p>I was doorknocking today and found a listing that I should have had. So I discuss the psychology behind why it is that maybe we do not like to follow up as much as we like to lead generate.</p>
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Do Not Call List Compliance
<p>If you are going to make sales calls then you must comply with the DNC list. No Exceptions.</p>
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Following up with Vanishing Lead Phenomenon

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Frustration vs. Burnout Prevention
<p>The prevention of the progress, success, or fulfillment of something or a physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress. I discuss prevention. http://www.realestatesalestrainerandcoach.com/100-day-prospecting-challenge/</p>
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Are You Working to Your Potential

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Doorknocking is on Fire

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If It's Meant to Be It's Up To Me

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Circle Prospecting

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How to bring value on a Cold prospect

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Knowing Real Esate Kung Fu

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How Much Business Should I Expect From Door knocking

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Knocking on the same door 2x in one day...The -Re-Knock

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Relentless And Fearless With Purpose

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CRM For The New Age

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Persistence Re-Imagined

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Using Mojo On The Go

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Train Like A Pro Fight Like A Pro

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Lead Gen Turned Lead Hygiene Database Management

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How To Beat The Top Competition

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The State of Real Estate Social Media with Katie Lance

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How to use Periscope for Real Estate Agents

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How to have a good start in Real Estate

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If Zillow Dies I am NOT going to the Funeral

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CRM Database Debate and Slam Package

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What you should be doing right now

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The Door Knocking Marathon Strategy
Today I began the marathon door knocking campaign. I wanted to report to you in several fine details what I discovered and what I am planning. A few weeks ago as I was door knocking in my turf I had an epiphany. I guess it’s not so much an epiphany as it is a realization […]
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Podcasting For Real Estate Agents

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How to Write offers that Get Accepted

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How to Effectively Farm An Area
  Mastering the time and flow of a farm can be confusing and difficult. I have taken the time to lay out a step by step plan on controlling your turf. Using Google maps and old school cut and paste and some colored pens we can get a great perspective on our efforts and more […]
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Fsbo and Expired Listener Questions Answered

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