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Inspirado Projecto focuses on the process of artistic creation, magic, riffs, laughing, celebrity sightings, mysteries of the youniverse, music, and playfulness.

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Zappa, Ubers and Grocery Stories
<p>6.15.2024 - This &#39;time travel&#39; episode of Inspirado Projecto, bounces around several dates. We interview two intriguing Uber drivers: On 9-23-2023, we meet one on the way to Blues City Cafe in Memphis Tennessee, during our &quot;Seas The Day&quot; tour with <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Yachtley Crew</a>. On 9-14-2023, we meet another Uber driver talks about his history as a truck driver and other stories. From 10-21-2023, we feature a conversation between Eric, Tanner and Rob from Yachtley Crew about Frank Zappa, also several magical epiphanies are shared, <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Henry D Horse</a> gives us a new Fun Fact, talk about the zombie bus I painted for the <a href="https://mvcornmaze.com/zombie-paintball/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">MOAPA Valley Zombie Bus</a>, and mention my Sister Jenny&#39;s cat Oliver who recently passed. Plus, Nick Tierce from <a href="http://mesmerandbraid.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">MesmerandBraid.com</a> , Richard T. Wilson Creator of the &quot;Halloween Girl&quot; series, and <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8019526/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Superhero</a> stop by to say hello. <a href="https://kapowiff.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival</a> , my retro sci-fi &quot;<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8V6Qghfh0w" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Max Neptune and The Menacing Squid</a>&quot;, and my book <a href="http://eyeseethem.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">&quot;EYE SEE THEM (A Cloudwatcher&#39;s Journal)&quot;</a> are also mentioned. If you get a kick out of this episode, please share it with your friends! </p>
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Martin, Mike, and Mystery! 6.12.2024
<p>Martin Schmidt the SockMonkey Guy continues his story of how he and his confederate, Gary Parks, began restoring Monterey California&#39;s <a href="https://www.oldmonterey.org/biz/golden-state-theatre" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Golden State Theatre</a> with the dream of returning the architectural splendor to its former glory. We also get the latest news on his progress of building a highly detailed miniature version of The Golden State Theatre. Mike Schlie, author of <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Infinity-Diet-Guide-Weight-Longevity/dp/1544633068" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">&quot;Infinity Diet&quot;</a>, songwriter, screenwriter, inventor, also appears in this episode, giving us the history of how he came to be Southern California&#39;s KING of <a href="https://vapor95.com/blogs/darknet/pogs-what-they-were-why-they-took-over-why-they-ultimately-failed" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">POGS</a>! </p> <p>We also go on a trip through a sanctuary zoo at the annual <a href="https://calmzoo.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">KEEP CALM JAMBOREE</a>, while yacht rock band <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJAlyBzku9E" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Yachtley Crew</a> sets up for that evening&#39;s performance on April 19, 2024! This whole episode bounces around timelines and is complete with lots of epiphanies, synchronicities, and curious revelations! Martin&#39;s segments are recorded on March 15, 2024. The same day as my Sister Jenny&#39;s Birthday! Mike&#39;s interview segments are recorded on March 1, 2024. </p> <p>Also appearing in this episode, are songwriter/singer <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Blythe Baines</a>, actors <a href="https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3792788/bio/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Stew Strauss</a> and <a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Abraham Lincoln impressionist </a>Rob Broski from <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@DAVIDLYNCHTHEATER/videos" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Twin Peaks: Season 3</a>, Maria Humphreys from <a href="http://www.strongbodystrongsoul.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast,</a> one of my high school best friends Phil Donlon who is also a talented writer/actor/director, Atlas The Dragon from <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20200701160829/https://www.crystoreinc.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Varelse Bridge Society </a>and Crystore Inc! Plus, <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Henry D Horse</a> gives us another exciting Funfact! Also mentioned in this episode are: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43Enm3Yr1qo&t=51s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Corporal 13 and my strange interview </a>with him, <a href="https://elevenlabs.io/app/voice-lab/share/a5f9b2e9b35e8244ae2068de19f91fd5a8a0ff58abb2a7b5d64ff6891ba1cc10/hU1ratPhBTZNviWitzAh" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">ElevenLabs</a> voice clone AI, <a href="https://knowledgeisland.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Operation Tone Up </a>with Tony Lamka, and my Dearly Departed friend and phenomenal painter <a href="https://www.thesunsetstrip.com/sunset-strip-says-goodbye-friend-and-true-artist/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Jeff Cahill </a>from &quot;The Blues Brothers&quot; movie (we co-starred as <a href="https://chuckclendenin.com/curt/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">&quot;Orphans&quot; in it, while Cab Calloway</a> talked to us in our scene at the steps of <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spOTlZz3ejI&t=1s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">Saint Helen Of The Blessed Shroud Orphanage</a> in Chicago). Also thank you to marvelous Hostess Amanda Frank with the discojacket, who booked Yachtley Crew to play at the <a href="https://www.bakersfield.com/entertainment/all-aboard-for-calm-jamboree-on-april-21/article_07877df4-911a-11ed-87bf-c7119253a384.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">KEEP CALM JAMBOREE</a>! Every year, you go above and beyond!</p> <p>This is the <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/inspiradoprojecto/episodes/Martin-Schmidt-is-The-Golden-State-Theatre-Mayor---Episode-1-e2k9irf/a-abaj5ls" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">third part in a series</a> with Martin Schmidt, titled &quot;The Golden State Theatre Mayor&quot;. He also appears in a series of episodes titled <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/inspiradoprojecto/episodes/Golden-State-Heroes---Christo-Roppolo-and-Martin-Schmidt-e1g5d75/a-a7lpsav" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">&quot;Golden State Heroes&quot; co-starring Christo Roppolo</a> the local UFOlogist! Mike Schlie also appears in other <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/inspiradoprojecto/episodes/Sterling-Mire-and-The-Art-Of-Manifestation-e47jqp/a-aa1hod" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">episodes of Inspirado Projecto</a> and is President of the organization WAKE UP. Schlie created much of the set designs on the Halloween horror film <a href="https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/black-pumpkin" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">&quot;Black Pumpkin&quot;</a>. Martin&#39;s Sock Monkey pictures are all over Instagram <a href="https://www.instagram.com/the.sock.monkey.guy/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">instagram.com/the.sock.monkey.guy/</a> and Youtube <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy</a> ! </p> <p>Check out my new book, &quot;EYE SEE THEM (A Cloudwatcher&#39;s Journal)&quot; in both paperback and digital format on <a href="http://EYESEETHEM.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">EYESEETHEM.com</a> . It is filled with artistic activities involving Cloudwatching and blanks pages for drawing the fanciful visions you see in the Cloudshapes! Haikus, mazes, word games...all kinds of fun and informative Cloud Education to inspire connection with more nature and imagination! Great to print out for substitute teachers when the teacher forgets to leave a lesson plan for the students! Also, give us a message on the Inspirado Projecto hotline voicemail, to be featured in a future episode! </p> <p>Call <strong>561-203-9179</strong> and participate in the experience of this variety show! Leave an anonymous and surreal story, UFO sighting, out of body experience, synchronicity, or any other unique insight you feel inspired to share! Thank you for listening to Inspirado Projecto! Check out the Yachtley Crew tour dates to see if we arrive in your town this Summer! <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">YachtleyCrew.com</a> ! We can coordinate to meet up before the show and I&#39;ll interview you for an episode!</p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Martin Schmidt - The Golden State Theatre Mayor Ep2
<p>3.15.2024 - The Golden State Theatre in Monterey California - Martin Schmidt the Sock Monkey expert and restoration enthusiast, shares his process of building a miniature version of The Golden State Theatre and more! Also, actor Phil Donlon (&quot;A Fucking Beautiful Experience&quot;) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_tjojX8ywE" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_tjojX8ywE</a> and Woodsman Stew Strauss (&quot;Twin Peaks&quot;) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_I7xEsZdiA" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_I7xEsZdiA</a> stop by to say hello! Plus, Henry D Horse gives us another new funfact! Check out Martin Schmidt&#39;s Youtube channel here... <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy</a></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Martin Schmidt is The Golden State Theatre Mayor - Episode 1
<p>Interviewing returning Champion, Martin Schmidt, on 3-15-2024 (which also is my Sister Jenny&#39;s Birthday), at The Golden State Theatre in Monterey before Yachtley Crew plays there that night. Schmidt is a wealth of knowledge. In this first episode of three, Martin takes us through a unique history about the architectural marvel, in addition to information about his Sock Monkey creation process and much more! </p> <p>Plus, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast <a href="https://x.com/sbssforme" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://x.com/sbssforme</a> , </p> <p>Baba Buoy from yacht rock band Yachtley Crew <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://yachtleycrew.com</a> and </p> <p>Micky Dolenz from The Monkees <a href="https://mickydolenz.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://mickydolenz.com/</a> stop by to say hello. </p> <p>Also Henry D Horse gives us a new Fun Fact! </p> <p>Check out Martin Schmidt&#39;s Sock Monkeys on his youtube channel! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy </a></p> <p> Check out CEC&#39;s new book &quot;EYE SEE THEM (A Cloudwatcher&#39;s Journal) HERE - <a href="http://eyeseethem.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://eyeseethem.com</a> ! </p>
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Yachtley Crew Tours a California Living Museum
4.21.23 - Before Yachtley Crew plays a show for the KEEP CALM Jamboree, we get a splendid tour all over the California Living Museum landscape, meeting their precious furry friends on campus. Condors! Badgers! Deer! This is an episode any animal lover would love! We also get a new FunFact by Henry D Horse! Plus, Atlas The Dragon from the Varelse Bridge Society, Steve Peters from Mesmer and Braid alternate reality game, and singer/songwriter Blythe Baines stops by to say hello! And if you wait around, you'll notice there's morse code wrapped within a special message so break out your code-breaking manuals! Also cosmicfolk band, WISHING TO FLOAT contributes their new single "I Can't Believe It (But Of Course I Can)"... Call the HOTLINE VOICEMAIL and be on the next episode! 1-561-203-9179 . California Living Museum in Bakersfield - https://calmzoo.org/ . Yachtley Crew yacht rock band - http://yachtleycrew.com . Blythe Baines Music on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p . Henry D Horse blog - https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119799883913 . Varelse Bridge Society - https://www.varelsebridgesociety.org/ . Crystore, Inc - http://crystoreinc.com . Corporal 13 from Crystore, Inc video interview- https://youtu.be/43Enm3Yr1qo . Nick Tierce and Steve Peters interview - https://open.spotify.com/episode/60Op80LTE3mw2uqTVe2JHs . Mesmer and Braid - http://mesmerandbraid.com . WISHING TO FLOAT band - https://open.spotify.com/artist/1fqZlykpYRHgNABLxFZez0 . Alexx Basile trainhopper interview - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/trainhopping-with-alexx-basile-part-1/id1611116736?i=1000607608757 . Interviews with Wylie Herman of The Varelse Bridge Society and Crystore, Inc- https://open.spotify.com/episode/5Icl2BK3tCTXFgZNgXHgPR . https://open.spotify.com/episode/0KecY0dL5ed8o6SNjnmtLa . Interviews with Spencer McCall about JeJune Institute, The Latitude Society, Dispatches From Elsewhere and other surreality - https://open.spotify.com/episode/6EuMqDRt82H1eTqYiiPHB9 . https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/inspiradoprojecto/episodes/Dispatches-From-The-Institute-ehv2bb/a-akpvfi . https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-inspirado-projecto-by-cec-29278849/episode/dispatches-from-elsewhere-58683154/ . https://open.spotify.com/episode/6T84vo02GVsIAuNduyVGeP . https://open.spotify.com/episode/2QWO8cYrLrCIiYE1Xq54lm . https://open.spotify.com/episode/3OL4nuAPZC2sgjEB2CIJsT . Spencer's Movie "The Institute" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK7myhXVyNU . "Grandview Blvd" - https://www.crystoreinc.com/grand-view-blvd . Interview w/ DJ Scaramanga Silk from Crystore, Inc - https://everypodcast.page/episodes/1289365-scaramanga-with-the-golden-silk . https://open.spotify.com/episode/32Ix3HhhOcEMHJ3gPFSHqE . "Dispatches From Elsewhere" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EUCA0rUZXg .
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Roseville Railroad Hobbies and Other Intrigues
<p>An interview transpires at Railroad Hobbies in Roseville, several hours before our Yachtley Crew show at Goldfield! Train Enthusiasts, we crafted this episode particularly for you! Filled to the brim with information about train shows, history, train models, and lots more! Plus, Henry D Horse gives us another Fun Fact about the origins of Hobos! Also, ManBehindTheMachine, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks, and Martin Schmidt The Sock Monkey Guy all stop by to say hello! To be included in the next episode, call the voicemail hotline: <a href="1-561-203-9179" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">1-561-203-9179</a> !</p> <p>ManBehindTheMachine Podcast - <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine</a> . </p> <p>Stew Strauss The Woodsman from Twin Peaks - <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/stewart-strauss-132b71148" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.linkedin.com/in/stewart-strauss-132b71148</a> . </p> <p>The Sock Monkey Guy - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy</a> . </p> <p>Henry D Horse Blog - <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303</a> . </p> <p>Railroad Hobbies - <a href="http://www.rrhobbies.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://www.rrhobbies.com/</a> . </p> <p>Maniac Mansion - <a href="https://store.steampowered.com/app/529890/Maniac_Mansion/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://store.steampowered.com/app/529890/Maniac_Mansion/</a> . </p> <p>Yachtley Crew - <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://yachtleycrew.com</a> . </p> <p>Goldfield in Roseville - <a href="https://goldfieldtradingpost.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://goldfieldtradingpost.com/</a> . </p> <p>Alexx Basile trainhopping episode of Inspirado Projecto Podcast - <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/fi/podcast/trainhopping-with-alexx-basile-part-1/id1366035123?i=1000607608803" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasts.apple.com/fi/podcast/trainhopping-with-alexx-basile-part-1/id1366035123?i=1000607608803</a> . </p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

UFOs And Mindmelds with Christo Roppolo And The Fawkeses
<p>1.13.2023 and 3.25.2022 … Two Different Interviews are Featured w/: The Podcast Duo Fawkeses (Desert Fawkes from Cannabis Conundrum and Fawkesy Lady from Awesomesauce Radio) at The Marquee in Arizona, and also UFOlogist Christo Roppolo at The Golden State Theatre in Monterey California.... occurring on two separate days apart, during a span of yacht rock band Yachtley Crew&#39;s Infamous &quot;Anchor&#39;s Up!&quot; Tour... yet these moments co-exist in this same episode! Quite a Time Travel experience indeed! Check out our behind the scenes of Fox 10 Phoenix as Yachtley Crew loads in our gear! This episode is chock-full of synchronicities, new insights, unique questions, guest appearances by fellow podcasters, friends, and new voices we&#39;ve never before heard on this broadcast frequency! Also voicemails from such Creators as: Undies Funded Records and Radio, Cannabis Conundrum, Awesomesauce Radio, Strong Body Strong Soul, Man Behind The Machine, Andrey Bogoslowsky, Phil Donlon, Micky Dolenz from The Monkees and The Sock Monkey Guy!! Plus we reference Lisa Bowman and Jimmy Buffett from Mailboat Records! Let’s see what kinds of nifty synchronicities we&#39;ve tuned into! </p> <p>Awesomesauce Radio Podcast - <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/awesomesauceradio" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/awesomesauceradio</a> . </p> <p>Undies Funded Records and Radio Podcast - <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/38FAegz86zmIjj4rpzC5ws" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://open.spotify.com/show/38FAegz86zmIjj4rpzC5ws</a> . </p> <p>Cannabis Conundrum Podcast - <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/0i6PpZnCYi4MJDLmsK2DTp" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://open.spotify.com/show/0i6PpZnCYi4MJDLmsK2DTp</a> . </p> <p>Micky Dolenz from The Monkees - <a href="http://mickydolenz.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://mickydolenz.com</a> . </p> <p>Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast - <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/0E80EOJdwlM0oeC0AEFkkN" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://open.spotify.com/show/0E80EOJdwlM0oeC0AEFkkN</a> . </p> <p>UFOlogist Christo Roppolo - <a href="https://www.primevideo.com/detail/The-Man-Who-Sees-UFOs/0RFBMJ2WUP1KTFMX11UJEXWNSF" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.primevideo.com/detail/The-Man-Who-Sees-UFOs/0RFBMJ2WUP1KTFMX11UJEXWNSF</a> . </p> <p>Yacht Rock Band Yachtley Crew - <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://yachtleycrew.com</a> . </p> <p>Man Behind The Machine Podcast - <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine</a> . </p> <p>Fox 10 Phoenix - <a href="https://m.facebook.com/YachtleyCrew/videos/193486005705539/?locale2=ms_MY" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://m.facebook.com/YachtleyCrew/videos/193486005705539/?locale2=ms_MY</a> . </p> <p>Martian Boriska Kipriyanovich -<a href=" https://www.indiatvnews.com/science/news-watch-russian-boy-claims-he-lived-on-mars-before-rebirth-on-earth-says-he-s-on-a-special-mission-410744" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer"> https://www.indiatvnews.com/science/news-watch-russian-boy-claims-he-lived-on-mars-before-rebirth-on-earth-says-he-s-on-a-special-mission-410744</a> . </p> <p>Lost In Space TV Show - <a href="https://lostinspace.fandom.com/wiki/Lost_in_Space_(1965_TV_series)" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://lostinspace.fandom.com/wiki/Lost_in_Space_(1965_TV_series)</a></p> <p>The Golden State Theatre - <a href="https://www.facebook.com/GoldenStateTheatre/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.facebook.com/GoldenStateTheatre/</a> . </p> <p>Martin Schmidt the Sock Monkey Guy - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy</a> . </p> <p>Jimmy Buffett -<a href=" https://www.mailboatrecords.com/collections/jimmy-buffett " target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer"> https://www.mailboatrecords.com/collections/jimmy-buffett </a>. </p> <p>Jack Kerouac and The Beats - <a href="https://jackkerouac.com/pages/about" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://jackkerouac.com/pages/about</a> . </p> <p>Artist Andrey Bogoslowsky -<a href=" https://www.saatchiart.com/bogoslowsky " target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer"> https://www.saatchiart.com/bogoslowsky </a>. </p> <p>WISHING TO FLOAT cosmicfolk band -<a href=" https://www.reverbnation.com/wishingtofloat" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer"> https://www.reverbnation.com/wishingtofloat</a> . </p> <p>Extratrrrestrial Contactee Lisa Bowman Episode - <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lisa-bowman-multidimensional-explorer/id1366035123?i=1000551227527" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lisa-bowman-multidimensional-explorer/id1366035123?i=1000551227527</a> . </p> <p>Christo and Martin episodes - Part 1 - <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/golden-state-heroes-christo-roppolo-and-martin-schmidt/id1366035123?i=1000555652410 " target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/golden-state-heroes-christo-roppolo-and-martin-schmidt/id1366035123?i=1000555652410 </a>. </p> <p>Part 2 - <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-golden-state-heroes-part-2-with-martin-schmidt/id1366035123?i=1000557177337" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-golden-state-heroes-part-2-with-martin-schmidt/id1366035123?i=1000557177337</a> . </p> <p>Part 3 - <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-golden-state-heroes-part-3-martin-schmidt-and/id1366035123?i=1000561923489" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-golden-state-heroes-part-3-martin-schmidt-and/id1366035123?i=1000561923489</a> . </p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Asimov In An Uber
<p>Check out this enlightening Uber Driver interview! He&#39;s a computer engineer, a strong Catholic, loves reading Isaac Asimov, and finds a way to tie it ALL together into a metaphor of modern day relationships. Lots of synchronicities and revelations are woven through our conversation. It occurs April 17, 2023, the day after Mom&#39;s memorial in Carol Stream Illinois, and on my way to O&#39;hare Airport. These are the kinds of conversations I aspire to have wherever I go! Also, Henry D Horse gives us a Funfact! Plus, The Woodsman Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks, Pauly Shores from yacht rock band Yachtley Crew, Jessica Eden from the Life Is Art Reality Show Podcast and Man from Man Behind The Machine Podcast stop by to say hello! Call the hotline and leave a message for the show! 561-203-9179 ! </p> <p>Life Is Art Reality Show Podcast - <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lifeisartrealityshow" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lifeisartrealityshow</a> .</p> <p>Man Behind The Machine Podcast - <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine</a> . </p> <p>Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks - <a href="https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3792788/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3792788/</a> . </p> <p>Yachtley Crew - For tickets on our upcoming shows, visit- <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://yachtleycrew.com</a> . </p> <p>Henry D Horse - <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119799883913" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119799883913</a> . </p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

My Fourth Grade Elementary School Teacher Mrs. Dargatz at The PALMS Casino in Las Vegas
<p>2.26.2023 - Mrs. Jane Dargatz, my Fourth Grade Teacher from Carol Stream Elementary School in Illinois, traveled out to see Yachtley Crew play at PALMS Casino in Las Vegas! She was accompanied by her Husband, along with Rene Eastin (who I met and have known since meeting her in Mrs. Dargatz&#39;s class) and her Husband Jason. It was an additional momentous occasion because my Dad and his girlfriend Kris were in town, and so was my girlfriend Kili&#39;kina. As Jane brought out old books she&#39;s kept since her first days as a teacher, we cartwheeled a trip down memory lane looking at the class photos from our field trips of yesteryears. Rene and I found our youngerselves in a few actually! Jane had been on a mission to meet up with several former schoolkids during her brief stay there in Nevada and I was one of them! Iam honoured to be included on that itinerary! I was VERY surprised to hear about the particular unexpected directions different classmates took along the years. She kept up with all of them, it seemed. She remembered soo many of their names, parents&#39;/siblings&#39; names, the kids they went on to have, where they lived and what their careers are. I was impressed! I felt like were were characters in an epic novel series she was reading. We never know how life will evolve and the ways in which we&#39;ll meet back up again decades down the road! Reconnecting with Rene and Jane at the same time really threw me for a very pleasant loop, nay...a Mobius Strip! Iam still caught in the Fever of it! Also, Martin Schmidt the Sock Monkey Guy, Man Behind The Machine Podcast, Micky Dolenz from The Monkees and Henry D Horse stop by to say hello! </p> <p>Sock Monkey Guy - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy</a> . </p> <p>ManBehindTheMachine Podcast - <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine</a> . </p> <p>Micky Dolenz from The Monkees - <a href="http://mickydolenz.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://mickydolenz.com </a>. </p> <p>Yachtley Crew - <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://yachtleycrew.com</a> .</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Emerson Dameron at Permanent Records Roadhouse 1.27.2023
<p>1.27.2023 - Emerson Dameron&#39;s &quot;Medicated Minutes&quot; performed live at Permanent Records, thanks to an extraordinary event hosted by KCHUNG 1630am! His unique style of connecting poetry, philosophy, society mishaps, and personal struggles is witty and inspiring! Plus, a Funfact by Henry D Horse! Also, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks and Micky Dolenz from The Monkees stop by to say hello! Special Thanks to Kern Haug for the splendid audio engineering! </p> <p>Medicated Minutes - <a href="https://medicated-minutes.buzzsprout.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://medicated-minutes.buzzsprout.com/</a> . </p> <p>Emerson&#39;s Linktree with lots of goodies - <a href="https://linktr.ee/emersondameron?fbclid=PAAab9MMVqzNypheQ4XSpBE4kp_XkyF2pZpHBmHd1xmclmId5x4hxcxtLpOP0" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://linktr.ee/emersondameron?fbclid=PAAab9MMVqzNypheQ4XSpBE4kp_XkyF2pZpHBmHd1xmclmId5x4hxcxtLpOP0</a> . </p> <p>KCHUNG 1630am, Chinatown LA - <a href="http://kchungradio.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://kchungradio.org</a> . </p> <p>Permanent Records Roadhouse - <a href="http://roadhouse.permanentrecordsla.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://roadhouse.permanentrecordsla.com/</a> . </p> <p>Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks - <a href="https://www.jayaasengvo.com/about" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.jayaasengvo.com/about</a> . </p> <p>Micky Dolenz from The Monkees -<a href="https://mickydolenz.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer"> https://mickydolenz.com/</a> . </p> <p>My interview with Lisa Bowman - <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/inspiradoprojecto/episodes/Lisa-Bowman---Multidimensional-Explorer-e1eectn/a-a7d81pb" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/inspiradoprojecto/episodes/Lisa-Bowman---Multidimensional-Explorer-e1eectn/a-a7d81pb</a> . </p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Uber Driver with A Death Wish - 1.27.2023
<p>1.27.2023 - In an Uber to Permanent Records, featuring djs from 1630am KCHUNG Radio, my cohort Jaimie Lee Wise and I found ourselves with a unique driver on the brink of...something. His topic of conversation is jarring, since it happened only nine days before my Mom passed away on Feb 5. The other synchronicity is that once we arrived at the location, I noticed the sign displayed a Grim Reaper riding a skateboard as the mascot. Also in this episode is a Funfact from Henry D Horse! Plus, ManBehindTheMachine and Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks stops by to say hello! </p> <p>KCHUNG 1630am Los Angeles, CA - <a href="https://www.kchungradio.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.kchungradio.org</a> . </p> <p>Permanent Records - <a href="http://roadhouse.permanentrecordsla.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://roadhouse.permanentrecordsla.com/</a> . </p> <p>ManBehindTheMachine Podcast - <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine</a> . </p> <p>Jay Aaseng - <a href="https://www.jayaasengvo.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.jayaasengvo.com/</a> . </p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

3/17/23 - Martin Schmidt at Golden State Theatre Pt 2
<p>Martin Schmidt, the Sock Monkey Guy and Historical Enthusiast continues his conversation about the various upgrades and intricacies of The Golden State Theatre in Monterey, California. Also, Henry D Horse gives us a new Fun Fact! Plus, The Woodsman from Twin Peaks Rob Broski, Mr Man from Man Behind The Machine Podcast, and Pauly Shores from Yachtley Crew stop by to say hello! </p> <p><br></p> <p>Check out Martin&#39;s Youtube channel here: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/c/TheSockMonkeyGuy?app=desktop" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.youtube.com/c/TheSockMonkeyGuy?app=desktop</a> . </p> <p>Rob Broski&#39;s website: <a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/</a> . </p> <p>Man Behind The Machine Podcast: <a href="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/man-behind-the-machine</a> . </p> <p>Henry D. Horse: <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303</a> . </p> <p>Yachtley Crew: <a href=" http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">http://yachtleycrew.com</a> . </p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Uber Traveling Buddhist
My interview with a dynamic Uber driver about traveling, Buddhism, CHATGPT and much more! Plus, Baba Buoy from Yachtley Crew and Nick Tierce from MesmerandBraid.com stop by to say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Dos Lagos Film Festival - 10.22.22 - Xanadu Hellfire, Run Rabbit, The Package, Stoop Kid Video Trailer, Playboy Eddy, Unobtrusive, Madcap Hotel, Ivy League Crimelords, and Dental Plan
<p>Oct 21 - 23, 2022 , our Dos Lagos Film Fest brought together filmmakers from all over the World, to combine imaginations and Future collaborations! Co-Organizers Dave Uchansky and Curt Clendenin, interview the cast/crews from Xanadu Hellfire (Justin Armao, Randy Van Dyke, Aria Surrec, Arianna America, Chloe Sligar, Preston Gant, and Benji Phonik). Run Rabbit (Justin Rose and Christopher Studenka), The Mulholland Drive Block (The Package - Melanie Lee Thompson, Stoop Kid Video Trailer - Kyle Kriner, Playboy Eddy - Brett Puglisi, Unobtrusive - Tim Novak, Madcap Motel - Grace Wethor, Ivy League Crimelords - Michael Della Femina) and Dental Plan (Wayne Diu) on this day of October 22, 2022 in the Dos Lagos 15 Theatre located in the Shops of Dos Lagos, California!! Stay tuned to our Facebook for updates on future film fests! Also Henry D Horse gives us a Fun Fact! Plus, Rob Broski The Woodsman from Twin Peaks, and a real life Superhero stop by to say hello! Dos Lagos Film Festival - <a href="https://www.facebook.com/DosLagosFilmFestival/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.facebook.com/DosLagosFilmFestival/</a> . Xanadu Hellfire - <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt19766334/reference/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.imdb.com/title/tt19766334/reference/</a> . Dental Plan - <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9818154/reference/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9818154/reference/</a> . Run Rabbit -<a href=" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14621412/reference/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer"> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14621412/reference/</a>. The Package - <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15738292/reference/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15738292/reference/</a> . Stoop Kid Video Trailer - <a href="https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5144126/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_1_nm_3_q_kyle%2520kriner" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5144126/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_1_nm_3_q_kyle%2520kriner</a> . Playboy Eddy - <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10223204/reference/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10223204/reference/</a> . Unobtrusive - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKR0bmiMTvw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKR0bmiMTvw</a> . Madcap Hotel - <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14570174/reference/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14570174/reference/</a> . Ivy League Crimelords - <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2473464/reference/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2473464/reference/</a> . Shops at Dos Lagos - <a href="https://shopdoslagos.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://shopdoslagos.com/</a> . If you attended Dos Lagos Film Fest and would like to leave a Review about your time spent there, we&#39;d love to hear from you! <a href="https://filmfreeway.com/doslagosfilmfest" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://filmfreeway.com/doslagosfilmfest</a> . </p> <p>WISHING TO FLOAT BAND - <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/1fqZlykpYRHgNABLxFZez0" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer">https://open.spotify.com/artist/1fqZlykpYRHgNABLxFZez0</a></p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Trainhopping with Alexx Basile - Part 1
<p>Alexx Basile The Merch Girl from yacht rock band, Yachtley Crew, tells us her tales of hopping on trains with the group known as &quot;The Punk Trash Pandas&quot;. It’s fascinating and sooner than later, we’ll have a part 2 with even more of her train adventures! Thank you to Jam Cellars in Napa Valley, for providing us with a fun place to hang out, after our Yachtley Crew show at Uptown Theatre, March 18, 2023! Plus we have TWO Fun Facts from Henry D Horse on this episode! Also, thank you singer Blythe Baines and Woodsman Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks for stopping by to say hello!</p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

3/17/23 - Martin Schmidt at Golden State Theatre Pt 1
Before Yachtley Crew was scheduled to play at The Golden State Theatre in Monterey California, I caught up with Martin Schmidt. In addition to creating amazing sock monkies, He was also instrumental in renovating The Golden State Theatre along with a team of volunteers. Someday the powers-that-be, will grant Martin the funds necessary to complete his vision of restoring this magical place back to what it resembled in its HeyDays! Check out his craftsmanship on his Youtube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/@TheSockMonkeyGuy/videos . Thank you Micky Dolenz from The Monkees, Pauly Shores from Yachtley Crew and singer Blythe Baines for stopping by to say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Monsterpalooza by Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine 2022
<p>Reverend Marc and Tara of Terra talk about synchronicities and the old Extraterrestrial tv show "V". &nbsp;Ryan McGonagle, Dave Uchansky, Tara Reed and I, adventure through the fun horror con known as "Monsterpalooza" Sponsored by <a href="https://www.famousmonsters.com/press-release" target="_blank"><strong>Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine</strong></a>! We interview lots of various wonderful folks, including Phil the poster guy, Justin Ishmael who makes intriguing figures, Lance the unique mask maker, Maleficent's Son Vandalmort the Wizard, Patrick Kendall the bottle cap and guitar pic painter, along with Matt Fuller who makes magnetic stuff with Screaming Death Studio. &nbsp;Also, a synchronicity occurs when Sculptor Steve enters the scene, who is a fellow Columbia College Chicagoan! Also Kelly Mann, talks about helping sculptor/musician Verne Langdon create various masks from Famous Monsters Magazine characters, like the Tiki Zombie and Neanderthal. If you'd like to visit some of the artists, please check out:&nbsp;</p> <p>Reverend Marc- <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@reverendmarc" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/@reverendmarc</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>Tara Reed aka Tara of Terra - <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@tara_of_terra" target="_blank">https://www.tiktok.com/@tara_of_terra</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>Patrick Kendall - <a href="http://mordaciousart.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://mordaciousart.blogspot.com/</a> . <a href="https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100061183220176&amp;_rdr" target="_blank">https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100061183220176&amp;_rdr</a> . <a href="http://instagram.com/pkendall333" target="_blank">http://instagram.com/pkendall333</a> . &nbsp;</p> <p>Matt Fuller - <a href="http://instagram.com/screamingdeathstudio" target="_blank">http://instagram.com/screamingdeathstudio</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>Verne Langdon and Kelly Mann - <a href="https://www.vernelangdon.com/" target="_blank">https://www.vernelangdon.com/</a> . <a href="https://www.instagram.com/theworldofvernelangdon/?hl=en" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/theworldofvernelangdon/?hl=en</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>Novelties by Stexe- <a href=" https://stexe.net/shop" target="_blank">&nbsp;https://stexe.net/shop</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>Lance from Best Little Horror House- &nbsp;<a href="https://www.thebestlittlehorrorhouse.com/" target="_blank">https://www.thebestlittlehorrorhouse.com/</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>Mold-O-Rama -<a href="https://mold-a-rama.com/#!/Molds/c/71108018" target="_blank"> https://mold-a-rama.com/#!/Molds/c/71108018</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>Justin Ishmael the Figurine creator- <a href="https://www.justinishmael.com/" target="_blank">https://www.justinishmael.com/</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>Famous Monsters Of Filmland Magazine - <a href="https://www.famousmonsters.com/" target="_blank">https://www.famousmonsters.com/</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>Monsterpalooza - <a href="http://www.monsterpalooza.com/spring/" target="_blank">http://www.monsterpalooza.com/spring/</a> .&nbsp;</p> <p>Dos Lagos Film Fest -<a href="https://filmamite.com/dos-lagos-film-festival" target="_blank"> https://filmamite.com/dos-lagos-film-festival</a> .&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Eric King from Talon Music and The Fawkeses
CEC aka Stoney Shores interviews creators outside of Marquee Theatre before his yacht rock band, Yachtley Crew plays that night. Eric King with Strange Music and visionary marketing for Tech N9ne (the Charlie Parker of rap, as quoted by Quincy Jones) on MySpace during the early days of social networking and his time with C&C Music Factory. Plus, The Fawkeses talk about our fellow podcaster Cyber Shots aka Richard Campbell , Pleidian Librarians, beyond the ice wall, Coolio’s moonshine, Rob Base, AREA 51 ice wall, etc. Plus, he runs into Crewpie Nikki Lambro, and songwriter Blythe Baines, Life Is Art Reality Show, Man Behind The Machine, and Maria Humphreys stop by to say hello. Also, call 561-203-9179 and leave your messages to be included in future episodes! Follow these links to connect with Cannabis Conundrum and Awesome Sauce Radio Podcasts, in addition to keeping up with Eric King from Talon Music! https://instagram.com/king_eric312?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= . https://anchor.fm/richard-campbell .  https://anchor.fm/cannabis-Conundrum?ref=radiopublic .  https://anchor.fm/awesomesauceradio .  Niki Lambro art: https://instagram.com/nikilambro?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= .  Blythe Baines music: https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p .  Man Behind The Machine Podcast: https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine .  Life Is Art Reality Show Podcast: https://anchor.fm/lifeisartrealityshow .  Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast: https://anchor.fm/maria-humphreys .  
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew and Contemplations
<p>We discuss the documystery "Before The End" by Jeff Finn, hangout with Pauly Shores and Tommy Buoy from Yachtley Crew in Sacramento, geekout about movies, confide in the laundry updates, contemplate an open window, and lots more! Plus, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks and singer/songwriter Blythe Baines stop by to say hello!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Dos Lagos Film Festival - 10/21/22 - Tim Novak, Anthony Bates, Charles Pelletier, Jake Richardson and More!
<p>October 21, 2022 - The first of three days at The Inaugural Dos Lagos Film Festival in Corona, California. Co-Organizer Curt Clendenin interviews various Directors/Writers/Producers/Actors, such as: Tim Novak of "Unobtrusive", Anthony Bates from "Mom's Will" and "Sex, Drugs &amp; Murder In The First Degree", and Charles Pelletier from "Driverless". Co-Founder Dave Uchansky gets Q &amp; As from filmmakers during the "Sunset Block" such as: Tara Reed from "Haunted Picnic", Brett Puglisi of "Internal Combat", &nbsp;Ali Wood with "Time To Be Great", Sean Dunlap from "Monster Under The Bed", "The Day They Arrive" and "Lonesome Highway"! Co-Founder Dave Uchansky also interviews the filmmakers/actors/musicians from "Karma Bums": Jake Richardson and his Songwriting partner Sean, Director Keon Hedayati, and Actor Brandon O'Dell join us! Plus, a Fun Film Trivia during the Filmmaker Mixer with Co-Founder Dave Uchansky at Stone Church Brewing, the Brainchild of Sponsor Bill Steinkirchner, where Charles Pelletier and I get into a magical conversation about Rosatti's Pizza in Chicago and the Speech Team at Glenbard North High School!&nbsp;Also Henry D Horse gives us another Fun Fact! Check out Dos Lagos Film Fest here... https://filmamite.com/dos-lagos-film-festival</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Sortilege Sleuthing
<p>CEC adventures to find "<a href="https://www.alibris.com/search/books/isbn/9788172234980?invid=17254133260&amp;gclsrc=ds" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">The Alchemist</a>" book. Along the way he discovers a "Police Academy" artpiece and new synchronicities. <a href="https://www.centralcasting.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Central Casting</a> background stories are shared, &nbsp;new revelations emerge in unexpected ways. <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119799883913" target="_blank">Henry D Horse</a> gives us a curious Fun Fact! Plus, Micky Dolenz from <a href="https://mickydolenz.com/" target="_blank">The Monkees</a>, Jessica from <a href="https://anchor.fm/lifeisartrealityshow" target="_blank">Life Is Art Reality Show</a>, Man from <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank">ManBehindTheMachine</a> Podcast, <a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/about.html" target="_blank">Abraham Lincoln Impersonator Rob Broski</a> of Twin Peaks, and Maria Humphreys from <a href="https://anchor.fm/maria-humphreys" target="_blank">Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast</a>, stop by to give us fresh ideas and questions! My "Facepalm Theme Song" may or may not be shoe-horned in at the end. Special shoutout to Desert Fawkes from <a href="https://anchor.fm/cannabis-Conundrum?ref=radiopublic" target="_blank">Cannabis Conundrum</a> and Fawkesy Lady from <a href="https://anchor.fm/awesomesauceradio" target="_blank">Awesomesauce Radio</a>!!!!&nbsp;Check out yacht rock band <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank"><strong>YACHTLEY CREW</strong></a> sometime! I &nbsp;play Stoney Shores in it, and you'll be immersed in a time travel dream cruise of love songs galore!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Fabulous Fawkeses Part 3
Fawkesy Lady and Desert Fawkes are interviewed after the Yächtley Crëw show April 1st 2022 at Marquee Theatre in Arizona! This gonzo journalism runs the gamut of discoveries and epiphanies! Henry D Horse gives us a Fun Fact, plus Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul, Man Behind The Machine, Singer Blythe Baines and Woodsman Rob Broski from Twin Peaks say hello!!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Unity Of Curiosity
Baba Buoy from Yächtley Crëw Promo, our fun show at The Whisky, meeting O’Dean Peterson original singer of Mötley Crüe, ghost stories with Nate in Denver, two songs the Unity All-Stars played with Yächtley Crëw live, and lots more! Plus Man Behind The Machine and Singer Blythe Baines say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Pesci And Lopez
Mario Lopez charity golf tournament with Yächtley Crëw, meeting Joe Pesci, synchronicities, interviews with two highly evolved Uber Drivers and more! Plus, Micky Dolenz from the Monkees and Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks says hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Mystery Man Part 2 - Akashic Records
This Mystery Man and I conclude the second half of our cosmic interview . We visit Akashic Records, talk about the Beatles, UFOs, synchronicities and lots more! Henry D Horse gives us a Fun Fact! Plus Singer Blythe Baines and a real Superhero say hello !
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew Encounter - Veg Fest
<p>Hanging out with Jenny's Cats, new synchronicities, revelations of gratefulness, an unexpected <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank"><em><strong>Yachtley Crew</strong></em></a> encounter at the 2022 Veg Fest, a Fun Fact from Henry D Horse, the Official Face Palm Theme Song by Curt Clendenin and more! Plus, <a href="https://mickydolenz.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Micky Dolenz</strong></em></a> from The Monkees and <a href="https://www.stewartstrauss.net/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Stewart Strauss</strong></em></a> from Twin Peaks say hello!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Memorial Day And More
<p><a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank"><em><strong>Yachtley Crew</strong></em></a> plays Roseville, Mammoth, and LA Fleet Week over the course of 4 days! We hear a soundcheck in Mammoth, an interview with a driver on our way to a party, revelations at the party, setting up for LA Fleet Week, a tour of the USS Iowa Battleship and more! Also, Maria Humphreys from <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/strong-body-strong-soul/id1293971513" target="_blank"><em><strong>Strong Body Strong Soul</strong></em></a> Podcast, <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank"><em><strong>Man Behind The Machine</strong></em></a>, &nbsp;Jay Aaseng from <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dEjkzGR3Uc" target="_blank"><em><strong>Twin Peaks</strong></em></a> and Steve Peters from <a href="https://www.mesmerandbraid.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Mesmer and Braid</strong></em></a> all stop by to say hello!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Mystery Man is Who - Part 1
Mystery Man sent me curiously cosmic messages on Instagram. I realized I must interview him for the podcast to learn more! This is part one from my two part interview series! We talk about Extraterrestrials, The Beatles, manifestation of reality, synchronicities, and lots MORE! Also Henry D Horse gives us a Fun Fact! Plus Stewart Strauss of Twin Peaks and Steve Peters of Mesmer & Braid stop by to say hello! 
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Monolithic Proportions
<p>Before Yachtley Crew played at The Ventura Majestic Theatre, I conduct interviews with <a href="https://instagram.com/littleelvishchild" target="_blank"><em><strong>Krysten</strong></em></a> and <a href="https://instagram.com/cali_girl_alexx" target="_blank"><em><strong>Alexx</strong></em></a> about Nordic Runes and other phenomena, and Billy the Production Designer about ghosts. Plus, a Fun Fact from Henry D Horse, news about the upcoming <a href="https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/blues-brothers-docuseries-dan-aykroyd-john-belushi-estate-1235034766/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Blues Brothers docu-series</strong></em></a>, An ode to one of my best friends, <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FUln0qZCyPKQ%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2uiPJmM6gzN_P5t3jsucp09AM9cNwCHmWE-HWOuhSavwSZes058Ma8Zgk&amp;h=AT3K-WOEhdcIBeIjasm4lZx1G3u96p8QU0KRTBHaWb7lPfYvhDy9_IFOmnvY4WSU0GjzMNgdRTTjBjrkdtlLmpuLrrQ90oGRUrCSo8BoWmgXLk1Ipfk4sKZutiTa-YFelQ6IEWflnMmrBqXerA&amp;__tn__=-UK-R&amp;c[0]=AT1NIYyTnTVttgboB7e7NJ03kHSMJczpMgGnR10K_pgO2jhXe8rXkDhsQ31OEGSRUF84j9rkWl46Sfe51vUnfvw21MVNQB6SDXvpuXONCEEz8LFU9MRfTUz4skcdTOZTEgBKyIc" target="_blank"><em><strong>Jeff Littner who passed away recently</strong></em></a>, 2001 Space Odyssey synchronicities, and MORE! Plus, a real-life <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JeK9aXtfx0" target="_blank"><em><strong>Superhero </strong></em></a>and <a href="https://www.jayaasengvo.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks</strong></em></a> say hello!!!!!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Golden State Heroes Part 3 - Martin Schmidt and Christo Roppolo
<p>Part 3 of interviews with both Historian/Restorer of The Golden State Theatre in Monterey, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_State_Theatre" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Martin Schmidt</a>, in addition to Sound Designer Christo Roppolo, Subject of documentary "<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHGQAKNXJEI&amp;t=57s" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Curse Of The Man Who Sees UFOs</a>". &nbsp;Martin and <a href="https://www.garyparksart.com/workszoom/2860428/scale-model-golden-state-theatre-monterey-detail#/" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Gary Parks</a> created the Golden State Theatre Restoration Society, teamed up with &nbsp;other history enthusiasts, who all spent many years volunteering their time and retrieving original pieces of the <a href="https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=63518" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Famous Monterey Golden State Theatre</a> with intentions to restore it as close to its original spirit/colors! &nbsp;He shares with us his paranormal experiences at "The State", and lots more! Visit Martin on his channel <a href="http://youtube.com/thesockmonkeyguy" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Youtube.com/TheSockmonkeyGuy</a>.</p> <p>Christo Roppolo stars in 2 documentaries about his fascination and close study of UFOs. His second doc <a href="https://vimeo.com/428574179" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">"The Man Who Sees UFOs"</a> is now on Vimeo Plus! He shares more stories with his frequent close encounters and more! Check out his Youtube channel here.... <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA-8knY7dQE" target="_blank"><strong>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA-8knY7dQE</strong></a></p> <p>Also, a new Fun Fact from Henry D. Horse! Plus, &nbsp;<a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/about.html" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Rob Broski</a> the "Abraham Lincoln" Woodsman from Twin Peaks, <a href="https://mickydolenz.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Micky Dolenz</strong></em></a> from The Monkees, Fawkesy Lady from <a href="https://anchor.fm/awesomesauceradio" target="_blank"><strong>Awesomesauce Radio</strong></a>, and a Mystery Man all stop by to say hello!&nbsp;</p> <p>If you'd like Martin to make you a customized sock &nbsp;monkey, please email him &nbsp;to find out more! - <a href="https://TheSockMonkeyGuy@gmail.com/" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">TheSockMonkeyGuy@gmail.com</a></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Anchors Up - East Coast Tour
<p>"Anchors Up" is Yachtley Crew's current tour, and most recently explored the East Coast: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, and Connecticut! 8 shows in 12 days! I interview bartenders at Sony Hall in New York, talk to photographer Shervin at Maritime Hotel, listen to a band called Melt With You play a Duran Duran song at Ardmore Hall in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, talk to William the Doorgay of Del Lago Casino in Waterloo NY, interview Mitch from Mitch's BBQ near Jergel's in Pennsylvania, and lots more! Plus, Jay Aaseng and Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks say hello!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

A Darla Day Day
<p>Darla Day is a multi-disciplinary artist, musician and actress. This episode features our conversation in a diner and adventures through a nifty hotel, a thrift store, along the streets, and all the while shooting footage for her upcoming music video in between! Also, a REAL life Superhero and Micky Dolenz from The Monkees stop by to say hello! Check out Darla Day on <a href="http://instagram.com/darladaymusic" target="_blank"><em><strong>INSTAGRAM.com/darladaymusic</strong></em></a><em><strong> </strong></em>and her music on <a href="http://soundcloud.com/thedayglows" target="_blank"><em><strong>soundcloud.com/thedayglows</strong></em></a><em><strong> !</strong></em></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew In Philadelphia
“Anchors Up” tour with yacht rock band Yachtley Crew through Philadelphia, TSA unexpectedly visits, a Fun Fact by Henry D Horse and more! Plus, singer/songwriter Blythe Baines and Micky Dolenz from The Monkees, drop by to say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Johnny Depp and Yachtley Crew Stories
<p>Two SAILED OUT shows with Yachtley Crew: April 22 at the <a href="https://calmzoo.org/" target="_blank"><strong>CALM animal sanctuary in Bakersfield</strong></a> to play their KEEP CALM JAMBOREE and April 23 at The Whisky and meeting Mario Lopez along with radio station hosts <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrNJwS5rfY8" target="_blank"><strong>Heidi and Frank from KLOS</strong></a> in California! We get to pet some donkeys at CALM, talk to the tortoises, pet a sweet cat named TIGER (who I accidentally call Beatrice), interview Sailor Hawkins from Yachtley Crew, listen to some toads, catch an unexpected NPR interview at The Whisky, and lots more! Also, I tell some Johnny Depp stories from my time working on "Pirates of The Caribbean 2 and 3"! A REAL LIFE Superhero and Stew Strauss The Woodsman in Twin Peaks, stop by to say hello!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Going To CALM
Journey to find a new laptop keyboard, amazing synchronicities involving Yachtley Crew on KLOS with our new song “Sex On The Beach”, a Fun Fact from Henry D Horse, having our Future Self’s back, and more! Plus, singer Blythe Baines and Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks say hello !
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Easter Memory Variegations
On this Easter 2022, my adventure takes me across the subways and out to the Inland Empire with Dave Uchansky and Ryan McGonagle. Easter stories are shared, epiphanies about satisfaction, synchronicities, a Fun Fact by Henry D. Horse, and more! Plus, Man from Man Behind The Machine Podcast, Richard Wilson from Mad Shelley Films, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul, and Micky Dolenz from The Monkees all say hello! 
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Mister Rogers and David Lynch and The Search For The Red Candle
<p>August 15, 2022 a big <a href="https://roserambles.org/2021/05/15/solar-flares-and-consciousness-may-15-2021/" target="_blank">solar flare</a> emerged, believed by spiritualists as a perfect opportunity to intentionally manifest our chosen realities. For this, I go on a search for a red candle! What happens on the adventure? Plus, <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Good-Neighbor-Life-Work-Rogers/dp/1419727729" target="_blank">Mister Rogers</a>' new inspiring book, <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@inspiradoprojecto/video/7086930476379786539?is_from_webapp=1&amp;sender_device=pc&amp;web_id=7060233024595559941" target="_blank">David Lynch</a> talking about his newest film screening at Cannes Film Festival, a new Fun Fact by Henry D. Horse, and lots more! Also, <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/4feUEZUKDIcQaARtY6FowA" target="_blank">Man Behind The Machine</a> talks about Goonies, Fawkesy Lady from <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/0qMjgIHsgxODHPFOcTszTI" target="_blank">Awesome Sauce Radio</a> and Rob Broski the <a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/" target="_blank">Woodsman from Twin Peaks</a> all stop by to say hellooo! Stick around for the Facepalm Theme Song!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Fantastic Fawkeses 2 - Desert Fawkes and Fawkesy Lady at Marquee Theatre
On this April Fool's Day 2022, we celebrate Yachtley Crew's performance at The Marquee in Tempe AZ and also... meet Desert Fawkes (from Cannabis Conundrum) and Fawkesy Lady (from Awesome Sauce Radio) for the very first time! It felt like we've known eachother for eons! We discuss all kinds of epiphanies and intriguing theories, Yachtley Crew tour dates, Henry D Horse gives us a new Fun Fact, an introduction to the "Pyramid of Leisure" and more! Plus Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast, Nick Tierce from Mesmer & Braid, and a real life Superhero all say hello!!!  Stick around for the "Facepalm Theme Song" by me, CEC!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Golden State Heroes Part 2 with Martin Schmidt and Christo Roppolo
<p>Part 2 of interviews with both Historian/Restorer of The Golden State Theatre in Monterey, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_State_Theatre" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><em><strong>Martin Schmidt</strong></em></a>, in addition to Sound Designer Christo Roppolo, Subject of documentary <em><strong>"</strong></em><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHGQAKNXJEI&amp;t=57s" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><em><strong>Curse Of The Man Who Sees UFOs</strong></em></a><em><strong>"</strong></em>. &nbsp;Martin and <a href="https://www.garyparksart.com/workszoom/2860428/scale-model-golden-state-theatre-monterey-detail#/" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><em><strong>Gary Parks</strong></em></a> created the Golden State Theatre Restoration Society, teamed up with other history enthusiasts, who all spent many years volunteering their &nbsp;time and retrieving original pieces of the <a href="https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=63518" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><em><strong>Famous Monterey Golden State Theatre</strong></em></a> with intentions to restore it as close to its original spirit/colors! He shows us his handmade miniature version of the infamous theatre (co-created with Gary Parks), talks about paranormal activities at "The State", and lots more! Visit Martin on his channel <a href="http://youtube.com/thesockmonkeyguy" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><em><strong>Youtube.com/TheSockmonkeyGuy</strong></em></a><em><strong>.</strong></em>&nbsp;</p> <p>Christo Roppolo stars in 2 documentaries about his fascination and close study of UFOs. His second doc <a href="https://vimeo.com/428574179" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">"<em><strong>The Man Who Sees UFOs</strong></em>"</a> is now on Vimeo Plus and displays more evidence of his frequent close &nbsp;encounters. He discusses taking out Tom DeLonge (Blink 182 and <a href="https://tothestars.media/pages/about" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><em><strong>To The Stars Academy</strong></em></a>) &nbsp;and his Associates, into the night to personally experience a UFO &nbsp;encounter for the very first time! His cameraman, Gianfranco Ruggiero even recorded some of our interaction for his third doc!&nbsp;</p> <p>Also, a new Fun Fact from Henry D. Horse! Plus, &nbsp;<a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/about.html" target="_blank"><em><strong>Rob Broski</strong></em></a> the "Abraham Lincoln" Woodsman from Twin Peaks, <a href="http://www.strongbodystrongsoul.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Maria Humphreys</strong></em></a> from Strong Body Strong Soul, Man from <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/1Fd27KXLaBxMzmak9Nu1jp" target="_blank"><em><strong>Man Behind The Machine Podcast</strong></em></a>, Ruby Tuesday the only woman who has ever pinned <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acmCrkqi0nA" target="_blank"><em><strong>Andy Kaufman</strong></em></a> in a wrestling match, Atlas The Dragon from <a href="http://crystoreinc.com" target="_blank"><em><strong>Crystore Inc</strong></em></a>, and the Singer <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p" target="_blank"><em><strong>Blythe Baines</strong></em></a> all stop by to say helloo!&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you Production Manager Cowboy for opening these doors of possibilities!&nbsp;If you'd like Martin to make you a customized sock monkey, please email him &nbsp;to find out more! - <a href="https://TheSockMonkeyGuy@gmail.com/" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><em><strong>TheSockMonkeyGuy@gmail.com</strong></em></a></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew in Palm Beach and Other Stories
<p><a href="https://www.yachtleycrew.com/shows" target="_blank"><em><strong>Yachtley Crew</strong></em></a> visits West Palm Beach to play at The Breakers Hotel, April 6! Plus, meeting Fran Tarkington, mysterious neighbors, Henry D. Horse with a Fun Fact, improvised music, speaking in cursive, lots of epiphanies, LOTS of synchronicities and lots more! Also, Maria Humphreys from <a href="https://anchor.fm/maria-humphreys/support" target="_blank"><em><strong>Strong Body Strong Soul</strong></em></a> podcast, singer <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p" target="_blank"><em><strong>Blythe Baines</strong></em></a>, a real life Superhero, and <a href="https://mickydolenz.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Micky Dolenz from The Monkees</strong></em></a> all say hello! Also stay tuned for the Facepalm Theme Song by Curt Eric Clendenin too!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Desert Fawkes and Fawkesy Lady 1 - Yachtley Crew at The Marquee
Desert Fawkes and Fawksey Lady from Awesome Sauce Radio and Cannabis Conundrum met up with me before our Yachtley Crew show at Marquee Theater in Tempe Arizona on April 1, 2022, to share in a simultaneous interview experience! Plus, new epiphanies, synchronicities, Henry D. Horse with a new Fun Fact, and lots more! Also, Phoenix from Fearlessly Phoenixing, Jay Aaseng the "Drunk" from Twin Peaks, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul stop by to say hello! 
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Audiobiblioscape Recordier
<p>A treasure trove of forgotten voice messages from several years ago: Substitute teachers, laundry room songs, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBE1-2p-Nkk&amp;t=3s" target="_blank"><em><strong>Dale Cooper</strong></em></a>, cartoons, a Temple of Doom, my first Wizard Walk with <a href="https://soundcloud.com/reverend-marc" target="_blank"><em><strong>Reverend Marc</strong></em></a> and <a href="https://taraofterra.threadless.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>TaraofTerra</strong></em></a>, time travel theories, an old song titled "Out Beyond", <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119799883913" target="_blank"><em><strong>Henry D Horse</strong></em></a> gives us a new Fun Fact, <a href="https://www.crystoreinc.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Crystore Inc</strong></em></a> has a new promo and lots more! Plus, <a href="https://www.stewartstrauss.net/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Stew Strauss </strong></em></a>the Woodsman from Twin Peaks, <a href="https://anchor.fm/awesomesauceradio" target="_blank"><em><strong>Foxxy Lady</strong></em></a> from Awesome Sauce Radio, <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/1Fd27KXLaBxMzmak9Nu1jp" target="_blank"><em><strong>Man</strong></em></a> Behind The Machine, Maria Humphreys from <a href="https://anchor.fm/maria-humphreys/support" target="_blank"><em><strong>Strong Body Strong Soul</strong></em></a>, and Steve Peters from <a href="https://www.mesmerandbraid.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Mesmer and Braid</strong></em></a> stop by to say hello!&nbsp;Call <a href="//1-561-203-9179" target="_blank"><em><strong>561-203-9179</strong></em></a><em><strong> </strong></em>tell us your dreams, epiphanies, intriguing stories, etc on the voicemail and we'll feature it in an upcoming episode!</p> <p>Also, please visit my website <a href="http://cecartist.com" target="_blank"><em><strong>CECartist.com</strong></em></a> if you'd like to see some fun artpieces!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Golden State Heroes - Christo Roppolo and Martin Schmidt
<p>Meet two visionaries: Historian and Restorer of The Golden State Theatre in Monterey, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_State_Theatre" target="_blank"><em><strong>Martin Schmidt</strong></em></a> in addition to Sound Designer Christo Roppolo, Subject of documentary "<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHGQAKNXJEI&amp;t=57s" target="_blank"><em><strong>Curse Of The Man Who Sees UFOs</strong></em></a>". Martin and <a href="https://www.garyparksart.com/workszoom/2860428/scale-model-golden-state-theatre-monterey-detail#/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Gary Parks</strong></em></a> created the Golden State Theatre Restoration Society, teamed up with other history enthusiasts, who all spent many years volunteering their time and retrieving original pieces of the <a href="https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=63518" target="_blank"><em><strong>Famous Monterey Golden State Theatre</strong></em></a> with intentions to restore it as close to the original spirit/colors it began with! He talks about the paranormal aspects, his Sock Monkey business, and lots more! Visit Martin on his channel <a href="http://youtube.com/thesockmonkeyguy" target="_blank"><em><strong>Youtube.com/TheSockmonkeyGuy</strong></em></a><em><strong>.</strong></em> Christo Roppolo stars in 2 documentaries about his fascination and close study of UFOs. His second doc <a href="https://vimeo.com/428574179" target="_blank"><em><strong>"The Man Who Sees UFOs"</strong></em></a> is now on Vimeo Plus and displays more evidence of his frequent close encounters. He discusses taking out Tom DeLonge (Blink 182 and <a href="https://tothestars.media/pages/about" target="_blank"><em><strong>To The Stars Academy</strong></em></a>) and his Associates, into the night to personally experience a UFO encounter for the very first time! His cameraman, Gianfranco Ruggiero even recorded some of our interaction for his third doc! Also, we talk to a Production Manager named Cowboy at The Golden State Theatre, Henry D. Horse gives us another new Fun Fact, The Facepalm Theme Song is attached, <a href="https://mickydolenz.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Micky Dolenz </strong></em></a>from The Monkees, Man Behind The Machine and <a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/" target="_blank"><em><strong>Rob Broski </strong></em></a>The Woodsman from Twin Peaks both drop by to say hello, and more! Thank you Production Manager Cowboy for opening these doors of possibilities!&nbsp;If you'd like Martin to make you a customized sock monkey, please email him for price quotes - <a href="//TheSockMonkeyGuy@gmail.com" target="_blank"><em><strong>TheSockMonkeyGuy@gmail.com</strong></em></a><em><strong>&nbsp;</strong></em></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Vegans & Mysterious Neighbours
<p>Jenny and Mike and I visit a Vegan Fest, Mike from <a href="https://crimesncapers.com/crimes---capers" target="_blank"><em><strong>Crimes &amp; Capers</strong></em></a> wants to play your movies on Roku/Firetv/Appletv, an intriguing call on the 561-203-9179 Hotline voicemail, a mysterious neighbour, Henry D. Horse gives us a Fun Fact, synchronicities, epiphanies, The Official "Facepalm Theme Song" by CEC, and more! Plus, Grandma and Richard Wilson from <a href="https://www.rtwfilms.com/mad-shelley-films.html" target="_blank"><em><strong>Mad Shelley Films</strong></em></a> give extraordinary promos! Send your crime/caper related movie to<a href="//info@crimesncapers.com" target="_blank"><em><strong> info@crimesncapers.com</strong></em></a></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Table
Pauly Shores and I hang out at Gracie’s Table in Napa before our Yachtley Crew show at Uptown Theatre 4-18-2022. Plus a soundcheck with Yachtley Crew and a Fun Fact from Henry D Horse. Plus Stew Strauss the Woodsman from Twin Peaks, and Party Paul Pate say hello
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Magic Uber
Taylor and ride to a Yachtley Crëw gig, with an Uber driver who says she’s magic. Thank you to Henry D Horse, Superhero and Pauly Shores for stopping by to say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Dylan The Cat and Other Stories
<p>My Mom's cat Dylan, my Sister Jenny's story of how she found Dylan, a message to my friends in <a href="https://www.hautsdefrance.fr/https://www.hautsdefrance.fr/" target="_blank"><strong>Hauts de France</strong></a>, new epiphanies, a Fun Fact from Henry D. Horse, upcoming <a href="http://yachtrockband.com" target="_blank"><strong>Yachtley Crew</strong></a> shows in both Napa and Monterey, my <strong>"</strong><a href="https://open.spotify.com/track/2b81crFI4TFoOe1Naw01dL" target="_blank"><strong>Facepalm Theme Song</strong></a><strong>"</strong> and more! Plus, my Grandma introduces the show, and Rob Broski the <a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/about.html" target="_blank"><strong>Woodsman from Twin Peaks</strong></a>, Man from <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/4feUEZUKDIcQaARtY6FowA" target="_blank"><strong>Man Behind The Machine Podcast</strong></a>, and Maria Humphreys from <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/0E80EOJdwlM0oeC0AEFkkN" target="_blank"><strong>Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast</strong></a> each stop by to say hello!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Groggy Junctions
<p>Lots of behind the scenes from a <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com" target="_blank">Yachtley Crew</a> show during Midnight At The Oasis car show in Yuma Arizona, a whole lot of epiphanies, a new Fun Fact from Henry D. Horse and more! Plus Maria Humpreys from the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/643583379113965" target="_blank">Podcast Support Community</a> on Facebook, comedian <a href="https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&amp;rh=p_27%3ACraig+Spivek&amp;s=relevancerank&amp;text=Craig+Spivek&amp;ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1" target="_blank">Craig Spivek</a>, Micky Dolenz from <a href="https://mickydolenz.com/" target="_blank">The Monkees</a> and singer/songwriter <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p" target="_blank">Blythe Baines</a> all say hello!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Sam & Max Beyond Time And Space - Videogame Review
<p>CEC reviews "<a href="https://store.steampowered.com/app/1747050/Sam__Max_Beyond_Time_and_Space/" target="_blank"><strong>Sam &amp; Max Beyond Time and Space</strong></a>" point and click adventure, &nbsp;made by Skunkape Games! 'The Freelance Police are back on the crime beat in a newly remastered version of their second episodic season. Zombies will dance. Mariachis will sing. A giant battle robot will trash the streets. And when their friends’ lives are at stake, Sam &amp; Max will risk their very souls to set things right!' &nbsp;Thank you dearly PR Master, Emily Morganti, for inviting me to review this phenomenal game! Also, Henry Dr. Horse gives us a new Fun Fact and the <a href="https://open.spotify.com/track/2b81crFI4TFoOe1Naw01dL" target="_blank"><strong>Facepalm Theme Song</strong></a> is attached! Plus, Phoenix from <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@fearlesslyphoenixing" target="_blank"><strong>Fearlessly Phoenixing</strong></a> Podcast, Jessica from <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/2xUnWLXxBJSOJGL9jLacvv" target="_blank"><strong>Life Is Art Reality Podcast</strong></a>, and <a href="https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Jay_Aaseng" target="_blank"><strong>Jay Aaseng</strong></a> the strange drunk from Twin Peaks Season 3 stop by and say hello!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Peaceful Purring Purity
<p>A cat's purr is a powerful and satisfying meditation! My Mom and I talk about her cat Dylan, stories about Gary Busey, my contributions to the Pairie Light Review magazine, discussions about <a href="http://crystoreinc.com" target="_blank">Crystore Inc</a>, a new Fun fact from Henry D. Horse, synchronicities, and lots more! Plus Steve Peters from <a href="http://mesmerandbraid.com" target="_blank">Mesmer &amp; Braid</a>, Maria Humphreys from <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/strong-body-strong-soul/id1293971513" target="_blank">Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast</a>, Atlas Dragon from Varelse Bridge Society, Singer/songwriter <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p" target="_blank">Blythe Baines</a>, and <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/1Fd27KXLaBxMzmak9Nu1jp" target="_blank">Man Behind The Machine</a>, say hello! Also, "<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Facepalm-Theme-Song-Acoustic-Version/dp/B08NV1CHRZ" target="_blank">The Facepalm Theme Song</a>" by Curt Eric Clendenin is attached!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Oracle Orbs with Sal and Lorelle
<p>Salvador Garza and Lorelle share their stories of orb encounters and other paranormal happenings through the years! Sal is an accomplished musician with a classically trained group, called The <a href="http://www.candlelightstrings.com/" target="_blank">Candlelight Strings</a>, available for weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations! You can find <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@lorellevalentino" target="_blank">Lorelle here on TikTok</a>! Sal's <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@salgarza1111" target="_blank">TikTik is here</a>! We get to hear a new Fun Fact by Henry D. Horse too! Also, Stew Strauss the Twin Peaks Woodsman, Nick Tierce of <a href="https://www.mesmerandbraid.com/" target="_blank">Mesmer &amp; Braid</a>, and a mystery guest stop by to say hello! Plus "<a href="https://open.spotify.com/album/15hwELbaKff4nf62Vyekh4" target="_blank">The Facepalm Theme Song</a>" by Curt Eric Clendenin is attached!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Mundays Are Coming Over
<p>Lots of epiphanies, a conversation with my Sister Jenny, an idea for a Werewolf movie, the time we found Terry McVerry, "cancel coutre", and more! Plus, Rob Broski from <a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/about.html" target="_blank">Twin Peaks</a>, <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank">Man Behind The Machine</a>, Phoenix from <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@fearlesslyphoenixing" target="_blank">Fearlessly Phoenixing</a>, Micky Dolenz from <a href="https://mickydolenz.com/" target="_blank">the Monkees</a> stop by to say hello! Also... "The Facepalm Theme Song" by <a href="http://cecartist.com" target="_blank">Curt Eric Clendenin</a> is attached!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

MindQuest with Tara and Marc
<p>Husband and Wife team: Reverend Marc (of <a href="https://soundcloud.com/reverend-marc" target="_blank">Cosmic Flute</a>) and <a href="https://taraofterra.threadless.com/" target="_blank">Tara of Terra</a> brainstorm and talk creativity! We emerge with epiphanies, synchronicities, unexpected revelations and lots more! <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303" target="_blank">Henry D. Horse</a> gives us a new Funfact! Plus, singer songwriter <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p" target="_blank">Blythe Baines</a>, the TSA and a real life <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl11H8WVv64" target="_blank">Superhero</a> say hello! And "The Official Facepalm Theme Song" by Curt Eric Clendenin is also attached!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Fearlessly Phoenixing
<p>Phoenix, a synchronicity investigator, clairvoyance collaborator, host of <a href="https://anchor.fm/fearlesslyphoenixing" target="_blank">Fearlessly Phoenixing Podcast</a>, and philosopher of the cosmos, joins us to share her experiences in creativity and paranormality! <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@fearlesslyphoenixing" target="_blank">Check out her fun TikTok videos HERE.</a> Plus, Henry D. Horse surprises us with a new Fun Fact, <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank">Man Behind The Machine</a> asks a question, and <a href="https://open.spotify.com/track/2b81crFI4TFoOe1Naw01dL" target="_blank">"The Facepalm Theme Song"</a> by Curt Clendenin is attached. Also, both <a href="https://mickydolenz.com/" target="_blank">Micky Dolenz</a> from The Monkees and singer/songwriter <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p" target="_blank">Blythe Baines </a>stop by to say hello!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Goldfields To Morro
Yächtley Crëw plays at Goldfields in Roseville and The Siren in Morro Bay, epiphanies, Peter Melton from the Harmonic Convergence interview, videogames & airplanes, Facepalm Theme Song by Curt Clendenin and more! Plus, Maria Humphreys , Man Behind The Machine, Nick Tierce, baby Jack and Steve Peters say hello! Also Pauly Shores plays some sax.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

WOW I Love Latka MOM
<p>Happy Feb 222222, a special portal palindrome for manifesting your personal reality experience! This episode is powerpacked to the gills with synchronicities involving <a href="https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/75669/when-andy-kaufman-lost-it-live-television" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Andy Kaufman skits</a> all correlating to Feb 20, relations to <a href="https://alldylan.com/today-the-late-kurt-cobain-was-born-in-1967-47-years-ago/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Kurt Cobain Day</a> in honour of his Birthday, <a href="https://www.livenirvana.com/interviews/9307jd/index.php" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Krist Novoselic</a> the bassist from NIRVANA who resembles Andy Kaufman, the fact Kaufman faked his death on the same day (May 16) Krist was born on, combined with serendipitious skywriting that happened all within the span of 20 minutes!! Plus, conversations with Marc ("<a href="https://soundcloud.com/reverend-marc" target="_blank">Cosmic Flute</a>") &amp; Tara ("<a href="https://taraofterra.threadless.com/" target="_blank">TaraofTerra</a>") about their personal Extraterrestrial experiences, somehow accidentally getting trapped in a cemetary at night, funfacts from Henry D. Horse, an excerpt from <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7IBVhqDMoo" target="_blank">The Monkees' experimental film "HEAD</a>", the "Facepalm Theme Song" by Curt Eric Clendenin, a fun pome by actress <a href="https://www.elliepatrikios.com/" target="_blank">Ellie Patrikios ("Black Pumpkin"</a>), a 224 word palindrome by <a href="http://www.dosenation.com/listing.php?id=5831" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Demetri Martin</a> and MORE! Also, a real life Superhero, a representative from <a href="https://www.crystoreinc.com/" target="_blank">Crystore Inc</a>, Stew Strauss a Woodsman from <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-woods-with-stewart-strauss/id1448490411" target="_blank">Twin Peaks</a>, and comedian <a href="https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&amp;rh=p_27%3ACraig+Spivek&amp;s=relevancerank&amp;text=Craig+Spivek&amp;ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1" target="_blank">Craig Spivek</a>...all say hello!! Also, if you're interested in seeing some footage from when I used to go live from radio station <a href="https://www.pscp.tv/InspiradoProjec/1YpJkEdoloXKj" target="_blank">1630am KCHUNG Chinatown Los Angeles</a> and broadcast it simultaneously on Periscope! Also, if you'd like to contribute to the show, please call the voicemail 561-203-9179 and leave your strange story, so we can play it in an episode! Also, if you like activity books, please check out these <a href="https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&amp;rh=p_27%3ACurt+Eric+Clendenin&amp;s=relevancerank&amp;text=Curt+Eric+Clendenin&amp;ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1" target="_blank">new ones I've been working on, as CEC</a>.</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

<p>Ubiquitous Serendipity Serendipitous Ubiquity (USSU), is a philosophy dreamt/designed by <a href="https://www.ebkphoto.com/" target="_blank">Eric Kleinberg</a> and <a href="http://cecartist.com" target="_blank">Curt Eric Clendenin</a> throughout the past 25 years, tying together wordplay, alternate language meanings, connections between humans/math/symbols/Youniverse/etc, phonetics, ancient wisdom, palindromes, and other layered details. This episode dives through some of that labyrinth of surprises and most likely epiphanies you've experienced already and this is simply a confirmation of your intuitions! Plus, Henry D Horse gives us a new Fun Fact, and the <a href="http://linktr.ee/inspiradoprojecto" target="_blank">"Facepalm Theme Song"</a> is woven through. Also, these wonderful folks stop by to say hello: Atlas Dragon from the <a href="https://www.varelsebridgesociety.org/" target="_blank">Varelse Bridge Society</a>, &nbsp;Maria Humphreys from <a href="http://www.strongbodystrongsoul.com/" target="_blank">Strong Body Strong Soul</a> Podcast, Tumultuous from <a href="https://anchor.fm/tumultuous" target="_blank">Avoiding Entropy </a>Podcast, <a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/about.html" target="_blank">Rob Broski </a>the Abraham Lincoln Woodsman from Twin Peaks....and also a special secret guest! If you have interesting stories you'd like hear on future episodes, please share them on the Hotline Voicemail at: <strong>561-203-9179</strong>! Did you know my unique self-published artbooks are now available (including: activity book "Wonder Wander", writing journal "Magical Magnet, "CEC Sketchbook Vol 1", CEC Sketchbook Vol 2", and the surreal coffee table book "Sleepwalking Through An Obstacle Course")? If you're an enthusiast of such shenanigans, please allow your creativity to go adventuring by <a href="https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B09D6SLY65?_encoding=UTF8&amp;node=283155&amp;offset=0&amp;pageSize=12&amp;searchAlias=stripbooks&amp;sort=author-sidecar-rank&amp;page=1&amp;langFilter=default#formatSelectorHeader" target="_blank"><em><strong>clicking HERE and taking a gander</strong></em></a>! ---These are the lyrics to "The Official Facepalm Theme Song", in case you're inspired to sing along: "It's a facepalm, a facepalm. a balm of calm like a neigh-palmbomb . It's a facepalm, a facepalm, crumbily malm of loamy alms.... and how soon do you think you''ll dodododododo it again? It's a facepalm, a facepalm, Caricom AAOMs playing Brahms on Prom... and how soon do you think you'll doodoodododo it again? Have the haulms from Guam qualmed the cablecomms? Are the grom rhomb diatoms glomming their Moms? It's a facepalm, a facepalm, the book of Psalms in RAMs &amp; ROMs.... and how soon do you think you'll doodododo it again? and how soon do you think you'll doodododo it again?" ---</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Rob Fronabarger - DreamsurfersQHHT
<p>Rob is a QHHT Practitioner, explorer of the unknown, Ormus investigator, welder, Extraterrestrial enthusiast, musician, artist, and otherwise friendly spirit who enjoys helping others. You can check out his unique store of wonders on <a href="https://www.etsy.com/shop/DreamSurfersQHHT" target="_blank">Etsy at DreamSurfersQHHT</a>. His podcast, with both Lisa Bowman's and my <a href="https://anchor.fm/rob-dreamsurfersqhht" target="_blank">QHHT sessions are on HERE!</a> Plus, this episode we feature a Funfact by <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/post/119921750303/seaweed" target="_blank">Henry D. Horse</a>, and words of wisdom from <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine" target="_blank">ManBehindTheMachine</a> and <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p" target="_blank">Blythe Baines</a>! If you'd like to contribute audio to an episode, please call the hotline vm at 561-203-9179 !&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Lisa Bowman - Multidimensional Explorer
<p>Lisa Bowman explains her riveting story leading up to the thrilling visitations she began experiencing after such trauma. Medicine Woman, clairvoyant, artist, gardener, friend to wild animals and Extraterrestrials....she's a multi-dimensional explorer of all kinds of high vibrating curiousities! She and I each experienced Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions from our friend, <a href="https://anchor.fm/rob-dreamsurfersqhht" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Rob </a><a href="https://anchor.fm/rob-dreamsurfersqhht" target="_blank">DreamSurfersQHHT</a> who is also mentioned in this episode! We also mention her<a href="https://www.facebook.com/thestellerjayboutique/" target="_blank"> Stellar Jay Boutique shop HERE</a>, which is filled with all kinds of unique goodies! Plus, Henry D. Horse gives us a new FunFact! Also, <a href="https://www.rtwfilms.com/about.html" target="_blank">Richard Wilson</a> from Mad Shelley Productions, singer songwriter <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p" target="_blank">Blythe Baines</a>, and <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/1Fd27KXLaBxMzmak9Nu1jp" target="_blank">Man Behind The Machine</a> say hello! If you'd like to send your stories to be played on an episode, please call the hotline and leave them on the voicemail! 561-203-9179 !&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

At The End Of Youniverse
<p>Wondering what to do after winning the lottery, me as Sir George Martin in a past life, Transformative Shifting Cube meditation exercise, a Funfact by Henry D. Horse, new epiphanies, dreams, and much more! Plus, singer <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Blythe Baines</a>, and a real life Superhero stops by to say hello! In case you're an artist or appreciator of unique drawing books for kids, please check out my latest activity book to jumpstart creativity and experimentation in curiousity... <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Wonder-Wander-DRAW-Curt-Clendenin/dp/B09CRLZMQP" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"WONDER WANDER (U DRAW)"</a> by CEC!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Golden Labyrinth
We talk about the Golden Rule, synchronicities, interview Amelia Gopez who just woke up from a four month coma, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, publishing amazon books and lots more! Plus, Micky Dolenz, Maria Humphreys and Nick Tierce say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Streams of Synchronicities
This episode is chockfull of synchronicities and surprises! Interview with Rubik The Uber driver, a definition of “Clairs”, epiphanies, shenanigans with Yächtley Crëw and more! Plus, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees and Steve Peters of Mesmer & Braid say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

CEC Interviews Corporal 13 From Crystore Inc
<p>Host Curt Eric Clendenin interviews Corporal 13 from Crystore Inc about the Varelse Bridge Society, Crystore Inc and other vastly important information, during the <a href="http://kapowiff.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival</a>, 2-27-2021. Suddenly the interview is hacked into by Human Resources Manager, Hue from Cryztorch, who shares some unexpected information that the world may not yet be ready to hear.</p> <p>To learn more about Crystore Inc and the Varelse Bridge Society, visit them at- <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqblI2ZVRnZkVwN0J3VEg1b2JyRnRRNVFSXzliZ3xBQ3Jtc0trMWE2MGI4cUpId3U0QXFWN0xSUzdyZFo3cFJObXh6XzRBSHR5NFV6VXVzeTJjYnhCN3Jkb05ZR0Z4TEM3T2xkb3Q5Qllnek5MTjJDZ0hYcWZyZlVhT25EQjF4M05ha0hVSkdKZVBhbFpfMEdsSFItSQ&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.crystoreinc.com%2F" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.crystoreinc.com/</a></p> <p>To learn more about Cryztorch, visit them at <a href="https://uppermanagement1.wixsite.com/cryztorch" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://uppermanagement1.wixsite.com/cryztorch</a></p> <p>Would you like to be a guest on Inspirado Projecto Podcast? Please email us for more details: inspiradoprojecto (at) gmail dot com !</p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

UFO Abductee 11-11-21
Our Guest is a UFO Abductee. On this magical 11-11 Gateway, we learn about Extraterrestrials she met through decades of visitations. Also Micky Dolenz and LuLu from LuLu Island Podcast say hello! Send your message to the hotline 561-203-9179 and we will upload it to an episode!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Roadtrip from Villa Park Illinois to Nashville Tennesse w/ Dylan the Cat! Epiphanies, synchronicities, weird characters, funny words and concepts, improvised songs, and lots more! Plus, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees and Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks say hello! Also artbook “Wonder Wander {U DRAW}”, and blank book “Magical Magnet {U WRITE}” by CEC are now on Amazon!!! Http://linktr.ee/inspiradoprojecto
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Cosmic School Bus
Reverend Marc talks about his UFO experience and recounting it to UFOlogist Bob Dean. Plus, Micky Dolenz from the Monkees and Pauly Shores from Yächtley Crëw say hello !
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Cross Country Roadtrippin’
Driving from Carol Stream Illinois to Nashville Tennessee w/ my Mom’s cat, and these are some of my revelations! Plus, Man Behind The Machine and Jay Aaseng say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

October Yächtley Whisky
Yächtley Crëw played Whisky-a-gogo Oct 23 and this episode is full of interviews from bartenders, Crëwpies, security, Kyle Colada and others! Plus Micky Dolenz and Pauly Shöres say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Jellumination Gigowatz
Dos Lagos Film Fest, a mysterious honk, going to Chicago, my new book “Wonder Wander (U DRAW)” on Amazon, pondering existence. Plus Steve Peters and Nick Tierce from MesmerandBraid.com say hello, and Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast leaves a message!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Corporal 13 of Varelse Bridge Society and Hue of CRYZTORCH - Deep Dives Into Crystore Inc
<p>2-27-2021 : Corporal 13 from Varelse Bridge Society was interviewed during the KaPow Intergalactic Virtual Film Festival, about his association with <a href="http://crystoreinc.com" target="_blank">Crystore Inc</a>, and all things related to Nonchalance. Hue from the rival company, CRYZTORCH, unexpectedly hacks into the phone call where everything goes haywire! If you'd like to see the video in motion picture format, search for <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43Enm3Yr1qo&amp;t=2151s" target="_blank">"CEC Interviews Crystore Inc and CRYZTORCH" on Youtube</a> . For further investigations, check out <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnJIA7oqqcM" target="_blank">"The Institute"</a>, "In Bright Axiom" (about the <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9Sw0yRcxBI" target="_blank">Latitude Society</a>), <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sygnyl/id1550843569" target="_blank">SYGNYL</a> Podcast, <a href="https://www.varelsebridgesociety.org/inspirations" target="_blank">Varelse Bridge Society </a>Podcast, "<a href="https://www.crystoreinc.com/grand-view-blvd" target="_blank">Grand View Blvd</a>", and "<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EUCA0rUZXg" target="_blank">Dispatches From Elsewhere</a>". Thanks to Micky Dolenz for your endorsement, Atlas Dragon for your contribution, and the man who called the hotline 561-203-9179!&nbsp;</p> <p>In Radiant Dictum!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Blue Beams & Super Kings
An intriguing dream, a new funfact from Henry D Horse, a drawing, blue beams, an Uber interview and more! Plus Pauly Shores from Yachtley Crew, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks, and Man Behind The Machine say hello!!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Mandalorians & Theatres
A crazy dream, epiphanies, a Mandalorian on a skateboard, and more unexpected situations! Plus Man Behind The Machine, Nick Tierce and Steve Peters say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Vintage Arcade
ET Meeting dream, Rife Machine, arcade games, Christmas memories, siren howling, epiphanies and more! Plus, Rob Broski a “Twin Peaks” Woodsman and a real Superhero say hello!!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Synch Into Vortex Vibrancy
UFO sightings, NFT art, synchronicities, experimental music and more! Plus, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees, Jessica, Tumultuous, and Mad Shelley Production stop by to say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Atari Boats
Love Boat epiphanies, viewing “Invincible”, Mad Shelley Production Team says hello, Funfact by Henry D Horse, Maria Humphreys and the Facebook podcast promotion community, Robert Broski from Twin Peaks, Man Behind The Machine talks video games, and lots more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Love Boat Batarang
Batarang and Joker secret, my Love Boat obsession, another news perspective, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees says hello, Tumultuous Entropy offers magic, funfact by Henry D Horse, Maria Humphreys’ Insighttimer Meditation App, and lots more !
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Sidewalk Glamping
New ideas blasting the antenna, tents everywhere, Jay Assang from Twin Peaks says hello, Man Behind The Machine talks about the Internet, the Mad Shelley Production team stops by, and lots more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Grandiose Gravitar
KaPow Intergalactic Virtual Film Festival, Micky Dolenz says hello, some whispers through the walls, Funfacts by Henry D Horse, Nick Nolte calls in, new revelations, Man Behind The Machine talks AI., billionaire action star, Maria Humphreys talks about meditation, and Blythe Baines and lots more!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Twin Peaks and KaPowIFF.com Day!
Celebrating the anniversary of when I moved to California, KaPow Intergalactic Virtual Film Festival and Twin Peaks Day !!! Man Behind The Machine asks a very important question! Jay Aaseng, Rob Broski and Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks say hello! Plus join us FREE in The Lobby of Filmocracy, Feb 27 Saturday, 11am PST, for a special interview with the founders of Crystore Inc! Make new friends and learn about a unique ARG game all at the same time!! HTTPS://festival.Filmocracy.com/kapowiff
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Astral Terrestrial
KaPow Intergalactic Virtual Film Festival, Rob Fronabarger’s Son Avery meets w/Tesla during astral travel, Jane Kim recalls seeing an extraterrestrial, Midnight Gospel memories, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul AND the Mad Shelley Production team say hello! Come visit us at http://KaPowIFF.com and see lots of amazing movies!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Sam & Max Save The World - Review
I review “Sam & Max Save The World Remastered”, a fun and surreal poetry layered videogame! Also Man Behind The Machine” calls in about Reality TV! A real life Superhero and Steve Peters stop by to say hello and more! Thank you Publicist Emily Morganti for making this possible!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Binary Blissness
Yächtley Crëw at a rehearsal space, synchronicities, Man Behind The Machine talks AI music, laundry room shenanigans, following your bliss and more! Plus, Micky Dolenz from The Monkees and The Mad Shelley Production team say hello! 👽
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Artificial Jurassic Intelligence
Jurassic Park, Bazooka Joe and OkGo Synchronicities... Charles Hall and “Walking With The Tall Whites”, taking Sophie for a walk, Artificial Intelligences, funfacts by Henry D Horse, Micky Dolenz says hi, Mad Shelley Production Team says hello, Man Behind The Machine contributes wonderful questions and lots more!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Bolster Bound
Epiphanies about A.I. , trusting what is real, a new Funfact from Henry D. Horse and more! Plus Micky Dolenz, Man Behind The Machine, Blythe Baines, and Nick Nolte, stop by to say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Elvis Bowie Birthday Stardust
Elvis Presley and David Bowie Birthday synchronicities involving The Beatles’ parallel Youniverse album “Everyday Chemistry”. Robert Fronabarger from TikTok contributes a unique OBE adventure by his 9yr old Son Avery, a funfact by Henry D. Horse, Man Behind The Machine reminisces about Van Halen, Blythe Baines and Mad Shelley production stop by to say hello and lots more!!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Galactic Federation Friends
The Galactic Federation, 180 days until UFO disclosure, “V” tv series, and all kinds of extraterrestrial news are featured on this episode with Man Behind The Machine! Plus... Superhero, Maria Humphreys and Crystore Inc make guest appearances! Do you have UFO stories? Call the voicemail and you’ll be included on the next episode! 561-203-9179
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Hollydaze Hustle
Our intuition, the happy hollydaze, walking dogs, hustling, epiphanies, and more! Plus Man Behind The Machine, Maria Humphreys and Blythe Baines say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Great Conjunction Dec 21
The Great Conjunction of December 21 happening, Dolores Cannon’s QHHT, synchronicities, TikTok and more! Plus Micky Dolenz, Tumultuous Entropy, Blythe Baines, Man Behind The Machine and Maria Humphreys call in to say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yächtley Beacon
<p>Yächtley Crëw conversations behind-the-scenes at the Ventura Country Fairgrounds, becoming the beacon, epiphanies about Dolores Cannon, stories of Vietnam Veterans, Tony Clifton tells a joke and more! Plus, Maria Humphreys, Awesome Sauce Radio and Man Behind The Machine call in! Micky Dolenz From The Monkees and Mad Shelley Films say hello!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Pumpkin
<p>My Halloween horror <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Black-Pumpkin-Ryan-McGonagle/dp/B08N2Z5J37/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&amp;keywords=black+pumpkin+movie+ryan+mcgonagle&amp;qid=1606443568&amp;sr=8-1"><strong>"Black Pumpkin" arriving December 8 on VOD and DVD</strong></a>, Yachtley Crew behind the scenes at Nov 25th Del Mar drive-in show, an Uber driver interview, Micky Dolenz from the Monkees says hello, some ideas about being "that guy" and more! Plus, Man Behind the Machine and Maria Humphreys stop by and the Mad Shelley Production team calls in!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Yächtley Elves
<p>A.I., Ram Dass, an interview with a non-stop Uber driver, behind-the-scenes at a Yächtley Crëw wedding, astounding synchronicities and lots more are revealed! Plus Rob Broski From Twin Peaks, Man Behind The Machine and <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p">Blythe Baines</a> stop by! Other happenings involve: Kyle Fitzgerald <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3-Mfwkii-NSnqlvOJqENJw">Noble Grizwald</a> and <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlrW1H3rIqc">Higuera</a>, Willie Love (of Archive Studios and Audio Wizard) from <a href="https://badleaf.bandcamp.com/album/bad-leaf">Badleaf</a>, <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GuV4ewrx5YXV2fZFUSuII">Beers Brothers</a>, and <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv0S2RhVOfDzVqa5isSo0cw/videos">Mandex</a>, Scotty Beatz from <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhGL92Q_sk8">Kyle Smith</a> band, and also Paul Edward Pate from <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com"><strong>Yachtley Crew</strong></a>, Lane29, The Fallwater Project, Fidelity Afro Beat, The Dynamics, Uva Ursi, The Speak Easy Spies, The Peculiar Pretzelmen, Soda and His Million Piece Band, United World Orchestra, Brendan McMullans Modern Repertory Orchestra, The Lenny Stack Orchestra, Mexico66 and Danielle Bisutti band.</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Alternate Realitymasters
<p>Steve Peters and Nick Tierce from Mesmer &amp; Braid discuss the dynamics of running alternate reality games, collaboration vs competition, puzzles, Pokemon Go, Batman, Harry Potter and a whole lot more! Please take the collaborator test at <a href="http://mesmerandbraid.com">MesmerandBraid.com</a> to experience the magic they've created, AND download the innovative neon game HoloVista by Aconite at <a href="https://www.enterholovista.com/">enterholovista.com</a> ! Also included this episode, is a Funfact by Henry D. Horse about your favourite galaxy far far away and a special visit by Tony Clifton! Visit Steve Peters' website <a href="https://t.co/RCGjUUk46Q?amp=1">stevepeters.org</a> and Twitter <a href="https://twitter.com/vpisteve">twitter.com/vpisteve</a> ! Find Nick Tierce on Twitter <a href="https://twitter.com/nickytea">twitter.com/nickytea</a> and his website <a href="https://nicktierce.com/">nicktierce.com</a>&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Tales From The Garside
Director John Garside of "Max Neptune and the Menacing Squid" and "Forgotten Tales", shares the crazy feedback he receives from his docu-series about Whittier history. We also learn of the oldest living Indian White Wolf John Smith (Ga-Be-Nah-Gewn-Wonce), who named his Grandmother. We also learn about creativity and so much more! Here's some more history about John Smith - https://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/troufs/Buffalo/PB41.html . Check out retro sci-fi  "Max Neptune" here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8V6Qghfh0w&t=3s . Check out Forgotten Tales here - https://youtu.be/ii8KDPMg7Ys 
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Mesmerized and Braided Into HoloVista
<p>Steve Peters and Nick Tierce, mischievous masterminds of the <a href="http://mesmerandbraid.com">Mesmer &amp; Braid</a> alternate reality game (ARG) are interviewed about their creative process of making such complex realities . We learn how Mesmer &amp; Braid's mythology ties in with the new <a href="https://www.enterholovista.com/">HoloVista</a> game, Steve &amp; Nick's history of creating hjinx for humans, some ideas about their future projects, and lots more!&nbsp;Plus, <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119799883913">Henry D. Horse</a> surprises us with a new Fun Fact!&nbsp;</p> <p>You can follow Steve Peters and his tweets -<a href=" https://twitter.com/vpisteve "> https://twitter.com/vpisteve </a>. Browse his Official Website - <a href="https://www.stevepeters.org/">https://www.stevepeters.org/</a> . Follow Nick Tierce's tweets &nbsp;- <a href="https://twitter.com/nickytea">https://twitter.com/nickytea</a> . Browse his Official Website - <a href="https://nicktierce.com/">https://nicktierce.com/</a> . Sign up for the Official Collaborator Test and investigate the Mesmer &amp; Braid ARG here - <a href="http://mesmerandbraid.com">http://mesmerandbraid.com</a> . The deeper you go, the more you'll discover (particularly on their Discord channel). Check out the curious quest of Blurbex49 on TikTok - <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@blurbex49/video/6866952327522290950">https://www.tiktok.com/@blurbex49/video/6866952327522290950</a> . And lastly, make sure to download and play the wild and soft neon World of HoloVista <a href="//">https://www.enterholovista.com/</a> , to see why we're so enamoured with it!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Untortured Artist
If a hippy artist playfully and joyfully makes a painting within an hour and is satisfied, is it any less worthy of praise or adoration than a painting that took a tortured artist 23 years to create? Is a project made w/ “Hard Work” and “A Lot Of Effort” entitled to rewards, because the creator went through mental anguish during the process? Who is the authority of measuring which psychological mindset is worse or better off? ( “I went through decades of retaining focus in order to make this project and didn’t win an award. That guy was inspired by his scrambled eggs and retained focus long enough to write/record a song in ten minutes and somehow it reached the hearts of millions.”) . Thank you to special guests: Man Behind The Machine, Gary Busey, A Real Life Superhero and Blythe Baines!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Zounds, Sights and Sounds !
<p>A cavalcade of participators including <a href="http://instagram.com/paulyshoresyc">Pauly Shores</a> from <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com">Yachtley Crew</a>, Maria Humphreys from <a href="https://anchor.fm/maria-humphreys">Strong Body Strong Soul</a>, John Garside from <a href="https://youtu.be/Bb-beiXJMDg">Forgotten Tales</a>, MBTM from <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine">Man Behind The Machine</a> and Singer <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p">Blythe Baines</a>. Plus an echo feedback notebook, Funfacts by <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303">Henry D Horse</a>, questions leading to quests, and more!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Scaramanga With The Golden Silk
<p>DJ Scaramanga Silk reveals the secret meaning of “Designer Scribble”, what makes Crystore Inc so unique, the Disney Method (Dreamer, Realist, Critic), cheap thrills, and more! Plus <a href="https://anchor.fm/maria-humphreys">Maria Humphreys</a> and <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine">Man Behind The Machine</a> say hello! <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303">Henry D Horse</a> gives us another Fun Fact! Stay ‘till the end, for a very coded message by Atlas Dragon from the Texas Branch of The Varelse Bridge Society! Find Scaramanga's album "Designer Scribble" here- <a href="https://soundsoftheuniverse.com/sjr/browse/a-Scaramanga+Silk">https://soundsoftheuniverse.com/sjr/browse/a-Scaramanga+Silk</a> . Check out Varelse Bridge Society here- <a href="http://crystoreinc.com">http://crystoreinc.com</a> &nbsp;. If you'd like to indulge in Silk's improv comedy, check out his tweets - <a href="https://twitter.com/scaramanga_silk">https://twitter.com/scaramanga_silk</a> . His cleverly curated page dedicated to performance art pranksters KLF is here - <a href="https://www.welcometothedarkages.com/">https://www.welcometothedarkages.com/</a>&nbsp;. Check out DJ Scaramanga Silk's personal website for a treasure trove of info- <a href="http://scaramangasi.lk/">http://scaramangasi.lk/</a></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Being Is Revealed
<p><a href="http://afterdefeat.com">Nina Rubin, Coactive Lifecoach</a> discusses dreams, our relationship to our body, a strange being that one of her clients encountered, and much more! Plus, Maria Humphreys from <a href="http://www.strongbodystrongsoul.com/">Strong Body Strong Soul </a>opens the show, <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine/episodes/Mensche--Natura--Technic-e1mcfl">Man Behind The Machine</a> calls in and ponders life, &nbsp;<a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119799883913">Henry D Horse </a>has a Funfact, and Richard T. Wilson from "<a href="https://www.rtwfilms.com/mad-shelley-films.html">Under The Flowers</a>" says hello! Visit Nina Rubin on her website <a href="http://afterdefeat.com ">http://afterdefeat.com </a>or on IG <a href="http://instagram.com/afterdefeat">http://instagram.com/afterdefeat</a> &nbsp;. Call into the hotline voicemail at 561-203-9179r</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Pendragon Varelse
“Pendragon” videogame review,  revelations about nature, our Youniversal Mindset and impactful choices, Texas Ambassador Atlas The Dragon from The Varelse Bridge Society gives us a secret message, and much more! Plus Micky Dolenz from The Monkees, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks Season 3 and Man Behind The Machine say hello! Visit Crystore, Inc and all of its magical wonderments here- https://www.crystoreinc.com/ Pendragon can be bought on STEAM- https://store.steampowered.com/app/1240050/Pendragon/
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

3D Printing The 5th Dimension
Exploring my new Toybox 3D printer, epiphanies, a current of currants, Henry D Horse fun fact, Pauly shores calls in, a new TSA PSA from Forgotten Tales and more! Plus Stew Strauss From Twin Peaks and my Grandma say hello!!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Varelse Institute of Tolls
<p>Wylie Herman from The Varelse Bridge Society discusses the benefits of “Yes;and” teamwork, giving birth to inspirations, sculpting connections between his creation “Grand View Blvd” and The JeJeune Institute (by Jeff Hull &amp; Spencer McCall), epiphanies, Cystore shenanigans and more!!! Plus special appearances from: Man Behind The Machine, Pauly Shores of Yachtley Crew, Henry D Horse w/ a new Funfact, Singer-Songwriter Blythe Baines, and The Texas Ambassador of Crystore Inc! If you'd like to experiencee this world..... &nbsp;<a href="http://CrystoreInc.com">http://CrystoreInc.com</a> ... Also if you are friends w/ Namon Ferrial and want to contribute to his funeral please visit....... <a href="https://www.gofundme.com/f/25btsa8s40">https://www.gofundme.com/f/25btsa8s40</a>&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yächtley Rubidoux
Yächtley Crëw bts from Oct 2nd show in Riverside at Rubidoux Drive-In!!! Sean Billingsley from Jungle Fire and Metalachi is interviewed by Tommy Buoy. Plus Pauly Shores expands cosmic epiphanies, Man Behind The Machine calls in, Richard Wilson from Mad Shelley films says hello and lots more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Poli-Side Story The Musical
Poli-Side Story the musical, solving unemployment issues, a crazy conversation w/ an Uber driver from the Armenian Army G.I. Joe, epiphanies and more! Plus Mad Shelley Production Team and a real life Superhero say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Scaramangas of MuMu
<p>DJ Scaramanga Silk took a break from writing his autobiography for an interview. We discuss the intelligent antics of KLF, the merits of pranks, Crystore Inc, what having an "Identity" really means, the joys of synchronicities and more mind-bending items of intrigue! Stay tuned for Part 2, coming soon to a podcast named Inspirado Projecto near you! Plus, Pauly Shores from Yachtley Crew, Man Behind The Machine, and Micky Dolenz from The Monkees all say hello! Check out- <a href="http://CrystoreInc.com"><strong>http://CrystoreInc.com</strong></a> for a fun ARG with lots of surprises and of course DJ Scaramanga Silk's cosmic synth sounds are here- &nbsp;<a href="https://soundcloud.com/microspiral/sets/scaramanga-silk-designer-scribble"><strong>https://soundcloud.com/microspiral/sets/scaramanga-silk-designer-scribble</strong></a> &nbsp;. His personal website- <a href="https://t.co/Pj65jLxd3Q?amp=1"><strong>http://ScaramangaSi.lk</strong></a> . If you want to brainstorm w/ him immediately - <a href="https://twitter.com/scaramanga_silk"><strong>https://twitter.com/scaramanga_silk</strong></a> . If you're a fan of KLF, make sure to stop by - <a href="https://www.welcometothedarkages.com/"><strong>https://www.welcometothedarkages.com/</strong></a> . Thank you for listening!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yächtley Güard Düty
Review of Guard Duty videogame, hooking up a new Minilab MK2, hanging out w/ Pauly Shores from Yächtley Crëw at our last Viper Room show, epiphanies and more! Plus Man Behind The Machine, Maria from Strong Body Strong Soul and Blythe Baines drop by! Check out “Guard Duty” and other videogames by Sick Chicken Studios, by visiting http://sickchicken.com
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Solving Dreams
Coactive Coach Nina Rubin analyzes her clients’ dreams, a new FunFact from Henry D Horse, the Ambassador of Varelse Bridge Society calls in, Man Behind The Machine inquires about the secret UFO meetings w/ Steven Bassett of the Paradigm Research Group. Plus guest appearances by Pauly Shores from Yächtley Crëw, Rob Broski from Twin Peaks, and lots more! We invite you to hire Nina Rubin for her cosmic services, visit http://AfterDefeat.com or friend her http://instagram.com/afterdefeat! Call 561-203-9179 vm, or email your audio to be featured on the show... inspiradoprojecto@gmail.com
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Puzzley Paradiso
Pauly Shores the World’s Most Daring Saxophonist from Yächtley Crëw makes some surprise appearances, Man Behind The Machine talks recycling, revelations about COVID, Micky Dolenz from The Monkees says hi, the Randonautica app, Henry D Horse gives us a new fun fact, Emoto and water crystal experiments, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks says hello and more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Grand View Tolls
Writer Wylie Herman talks about co-creating “In Bright Axiom”, “The Tolls”, “Grand View Blvd”, Crystore Inc and how they all blend together with the Jejeune Institute! Plus Henry D. Horse gives us a fun fact, and Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast & Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks say hello. Checkout- http://thetollsfilm.com and http://crystoreinc.com for more info about the Nonchalance world!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Furtive Techtronics
A peculiar Randonautica adventure, theories of sharing ideas vs ego, and more! Plus special guests: Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks, Nick Nolte from 48 Hours, Musician Blythe Baines, Man Behind The Machine, the TSA from Forgotten Tales, and a synchronicity w/ Comedian Craig Spivek!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Opulent Molluskia
Randonautica curiosities, dating during quarantine w/ Pro-Dater, nifty synchronicities, dramatic news enactments, corona virus epiphanies and more! Plus Richard Wilson and a real life Superhero say hello, while Man Behind The Machine asks a question .
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley GODism
Tommy Buoy from Yächtley Crëw talks about his upcoming EP, Mark Webb and I find something alarming at Universal, new epiphanies, interviews w/ Uber drivers about Planet of The Apes & gambling, Tufti The Priestess by Zeland, and more! Plus Blythe Baines, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks and Man Behind The Machine say hello!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Full-On Radical
Revelations about dreams, theories about Twin Peaks Season 3, newfound horizons, peering into Dimension 5 and more! Messages from Maria Humphreys, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees, Alien Ele, and Special Agent Hassle! Plus a Fun Fact by Henry D Horse! Give Us A Voice Message on the Inspirado Projecto hotline : 561-203-9179
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Coactive Coaching
Nina Rubin discusses Coactive Coaching, her unique method of lifecoaching! We hear about dreamwork, mental barriers, how to manifest reality, and a whole lot more highly vibrational information! Also, the Mad Shelley Production team and Micky Dolenz from the Monkees say hello! To reach Nina, visit her website to schedule a session http://afterdefeat.com and friend her http://Instagram.com/afterdefeat .
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Chico Loco Trippin’
My road trip to Chico, CA. A fun fact from Henry D. Horse, epiphanies about: teledentistry, spellbooks, pumpkins, energy glasses and more! Plus an interview w/ an Uber driver, and guest appearances from Maria Humphreys of Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast, the Mad Shelley Production Team, and Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Conversation Sea See?
<p>Roadtrips, revelations, Crystore Inc, Heather Frase plays “All Together All The Time “, a Fun Fact by Henry D. Horse, Han Solo jokes. Weird Al parody, House In The Middle Of Nowhere, Man Behind The Machine, Blythe Baines, Maria Humphreys and Micky Dolenz say hello, and more! TheConversation.cc is where you unlock the 24hour Zoom chat w/ cosmic-minded folks! Music industry: Heather is reached here- http://Facebook.com/heather.frase.98/</p> <p><br></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Scotty And The Beatz
Drummer Scotty Beatz of the Kyle Smith Band, discusses reality manifestation, meeting his heroes, synchronicities and other cosmic wonderments! Also joining us are: Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast, and Richard Wilson film Mad Shelley Films! Find Scotty here- http://instagram.com/scottybeatz805
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Dispatches From Crystore Inc
<p>Spencer McCall shares the Jejune Institue Universe, including: Crystore Inc, &nbsp;“In Bright Axiom”, “Grand View Blvd”, “Dispatches From Elsewhere”, and many more projects! Search for “Spencer McCall INSPIRADO Projecto” to find more episodes about his surreal life with dog cloning and working other unexpected jobs! DJ Scaramanga Silk can be found on Twitter. Plus Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul, and a real life Superhero stop by and say hello!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Tarot Divination
Feather shares her UFO stories, working w/ tarot cards, divination pendants, crystals, Renaissance Faire, and lots more!!! She’s another bright soul magnetized to THC2020.org ! Feather is reached at instagram.com/ravinfeather . Micky Dolenz from the Monkees says hi and so does Rob Broski from Twin Peaks
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Star People And Past Lives
Heather Frase describes her past lives, encounters with UFOs, acupuncture, healing those with trauma and lots more! She can be reached at http://Facebook.com/heather.frase.98/ Join the conversation with cosmic minds, at http://theconversation.cc
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Dispatches From The Institute
<p>Director Spencer McCall’s world of “Dispatches From Elsewhere,” “The Institute”, “In Bright Axiom”, dog cloning, Jason Segal, Jeff Hull, the quarantine and more! Plus, MAD Shelley Productions and Blythe Baines say hello! Check out <a href="https://www.crystoreinc.com/">https://www.crystoreinc.com/</a> where they also mention the Varelse Bridge Society. You can view the documentary "The Institute" on <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Institute-Arye-Michael-Bender/dp/B00GD5E2R8">Amazon Prime</a>, "Dispatches From Elsewhere" is on <a href="https://www.amc.com/shows/dispatches-from-elsewhere/full-episodes">AMC</a>, and "In Bright Axiom" is currently on <a href="https://vimeo.com/ondemand/inbrightaxiom">Vimeo</a>. "Grandview Blvd" is not yet available, but you can check the info on<a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5171442/reference"> IMDb</a></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Unacknowledged Turkeys
<p>Yachtley Crew plays at Ventura Country Fairgrounds for the "Concerts In Your Car" series, UFO documentary "Unacknowledged", Absurdist Comedienne Ellie Patrikios reports about local animals (check out her- <a href="http://Instagram.com/elliepatrikios ">Instagram.com/elliepatrikios </a>or <a href="http://Facebook.com/elliepatrikios">Facebook.com/elliepatrikios</a> ), Zeland's <a href="https://zelands.com/">Reality Transurfing</a>, mysterious helicopters appear, the GAIA Network programs, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul says hello (check out her podcast- &nbsp;<a href="https://anchor.fm/maria-humphreys">https://anchor.fm/maria-humphreys</a> ), Micky Dolenz from <a href="https://www.monkees.com/#">The Monkees</a> stops by, new video store news, the <a href="https://www.rtwfilms.com/mad-shelley-films.html">Mad Shelley Films</a> crew surprises us, and much much more!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Quantum Energy Healing
<p>Elizabeth Ellen MacDougall talks about her personal interactions with the real "Don Juan" of the Carlos Castaneda books, devising the Quantum Energy Healing technique, the rollercoaster of traumatic events inspiring a GoFundMe page and a new petition to help the disabled, evolution of the New Earth, and much more! Thomas Valentine Holick, familiar to us from recent episodes, also contributes his perspectives of being a healer in Hawaii. VISIT ELIZABETH’S ONLINE HOME 🔹<a href="https://powerenergeticsmaui.com/" target="_blank">https://powerenergeticsmaui.com/</a> . WATCH VIDEO AND READ THE FULL CROWDFUNDING STORY, DONATE, SIGN THE PETITION, SHARE THE CAMPAIGN AND VOLUNTEER ”Donald’s Law”&nbsp;🔹<a href="https://www.gofundme.com/f/7deu5v-hardship?sharetype=teams&amp;member=5120656&amp;utm_medium=copy_link&amp;utm_source=customer&amp;utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&amp;rcid=d3628a8a80b1480c9e8fddfeee082874" target="_blank">https://www.gofundme.com/f/7deu5v-hardship</a> . Valentine is findable on Facebook at <a href="https://www.facebook.com/thomas.holick.37">https://www.facebook.com/thomas.holick.37</a> on <a href="http://instagram.com/goldensunvalentine">Instagram</a> &nbsp;@goldensunvalentine and videos of him on this Youtube channel &nbsp;<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-vqtv6JplI">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-vqtv6JplI</a></p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

MooseHeart Valentine
Thomas Valentine Holick is “called in” to heal an assortment of people across the globe, describes a close encounter w/ a moose, exorcises demons in Denmark, and much more! You can find him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/thomas.holick.37 on Instagram @goldensunvalentine and find videos of him on this Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-vqtv6JplI 
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Sommer Astral UFOs
Adele Sommer travels via frequencies at Monroe Institute, Selenite synchronicities, experiences with orbs, various ghost meetings, the Harmonic Convergence stories, and much more! Plus musician Blythe Baines & Micky Dolenz from the Monkees stops by! You can find Adele online at: facebook.com/adele.sommer . The Monroe Institute is found here: monroeinstitute.org/  her Instagram is @sommertravel . Videos of the Harmonic Convergence can be found here: facebook.com/unify/videos/ The DeClassified CIA document can be read here: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf Send your UFO contacts/abductions/fringe theories to: inspiradoprojecto@gmail.com or call the hotline! 561-203-9179
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Transurfing With Deirdre and Blythe
<p>Blythe Baines &amp; Deirdre Coval reveal their experiences with “Reality Transurfing” methods taught by Vadim Zeland. Also: astral travel, UFOs, synchronicities, remote viewing and all kinds of science fact-ion stuff you never realized was possible! Check out: <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p">Blythe Baines music on Spotify</a>, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW5sxcnCkCYtYmHW71YG9Z4mLJoisDX_g">Brian Scott meditations</a> on Youtube, and “<a href="https://www.pdfread.net/ebook/transurfing-in-78-days-vadim-zeland/">Transurfing in 78 Days</a>” (free on pdfread.net) . Also, Micky Dolenz from The Monkees says hi!</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yächtley Stargates
Yächtley Crëw plays “Concerts In Your Car” at Ventura County Fairgrounds, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul kicked out of Twitter, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks says hi, Orangutan Chiliscapades, a Real Life Superhero, and lots more possible celebrity sightings!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Selenite Fairy Sims
Mark Sims investigates Mari Paz on Zoom, MAD Shelley Productions say hello, Jenny’s Selenite Dream, Man Behind The Machine says hello, Redacted Top Secrets, Blythe Baines says hello, and lots more! Check out the saved videos on Facebook.com/unify for high-vibrating content (this episode was recorded awhile ago, and Nicki LeMarbre’s interview about Selenite is available)!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Valentine Golden Son
<p><strong>Thomas Valentine Holick</strong> and his Golden Rainbow Soul, shares highly vibrational stories of healing Humans, predicting his neighbours' ailments, being nominated for the "<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-vqtv6JplI">Flower of Life Peace Award</a>: 2019-2020", &nbsp;24 Inspirational Videos on his <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4ACAc4TvdSgMzOPEzSBKQg/videos">Youtube</a>, his book series: "<a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07R91HGJT/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i5">Warrior Women With Angel Wings</a>", and "<a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075V8XSMQ/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i1">Warrior Men With Angel Wings</a>." &nbsp;plus lots more mind-boggling info! Valentine is found on -<a href="https://www.facebook.com/thomas.holick.37">Facebook</a><a href="https://www.facebook.com/thomas.holick.37"> </a>as <em>Thomas.Holick.37</em> &nbsp;-<a href="http://instagram.com/goldsunsvalentine">Instagram</a> &nbsp;as <em>GoldSunsValentine</em> and through email- &nbsp;ValentineMaui@icloud.com .</p> <p>Also featured: Lincoln <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir8s6IGq2Hs">Rob Broski</a> from Twin Peaks, Fun Facts by <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303">Henry D. Horse</a>, and a hello from musician <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p">Blythe Baines</a>,&nbsp;</p>
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Cosmic Wonders Of Selenite
Nicki LeMarbre enlightens us about the benefits of Selenite crystals, Angels, healing bowls, pyramids, art and much more! Visit her magical website to dive deeper- http://CrystalandStoneStudio.com . To watch videos of the Harmonic Convergence, visit- http://facebook.com/unify
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Zooming With Mark Sims
Mark Sims from the Harmonic Convergence describes the chart Tezjbar the ET gave him, during their insightful 13 day Communion. Mari Paz The Cosmic Butterfly experiences a bigtime revelation on Zoom! Micky Dolenz of the Monkees and Rob Broski of Twin Peaks say hello too!
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Last Day Of The Harmonic Convergence
THC2020.org , Mark Simms Talks Justice, New Paradigm College, Daniel Sheehan& Mark Sims, Jyoti Ma - Native Grandmother, Whitley Strieber - Communion, Blythe Baines says hello
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Harmonic Convergence UFOs
Harmonic Convergence w/ Mark Simms, Alien Child - Willard George Van De Bogart, Blythe Baines says hello, UFO sightings by Noelia and Marjorie Vargas, and much more!!! Join us to help call in the Worldwide UFO sightings, July 14, 3:33am wherever you’re time zone is!!! Find out the details on http://facebook.com/unify
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Believing Is Seeing
Who really is a trusted news source, a real life Superhero, behind the scenes w/ Yachtley Crew livestream, Jack Webb talks about current times, Man Behind The Machine says hello, epiphanies about broadening our horizon, and lots more!!!
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Independence Daze
4th of July celebrations, PAC Man stories, cats & squirrels, Man Behind The Machine says hello, making your own holiday, Blythe Baines says hi, new synchronicities, Rob Broski from Twin Peaks and more!
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Videogame Intrigue
Erin Valenti mystery, fun facts from Henry D. Horse, Man Behind The Machine calls in, videogame ponderings, Woodsman Rob Broski from Twin Peaks says hello and lots more!!!
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MAD Pandemic Patience
Jack Bristow sends me some old MAD Magazines from eBay, Man Behind The Machine poses an intriguing question, the old Broadway musical “The MAD Show”, crossing paths w/ a new graduate, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks says hello, new ideas about the quarantine, Uillillia and his Platform Master videogame, Richard Wilson from Mad Shelley Films says hi. And lots more!!!
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Quantum Quarantine
We receive lots of ideas, have a trip to the grocery store, meet the gibberish juror, talk with Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks, singer/songwriter Blythe Baines says hello and lots more!
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Gonzo’s Transition
After I got home
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A Strange Turn
A miraculous message about my cat Doctor Gonzo, revelations about the creation of life, Micky Dolenz from the Monkees says hello, and lots more! Plus messages from Kenneth Lear, Describing a Rock Podcast, and Forgotten Tales Podcast!
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Doctor Gonzo & Other Stories
COVID Revelations strike my antenna on en rout to the bank, hanging out w art cat Doctor Gonzo. Also, IG Story Series: “Earthquake House”, my new online carnivale w writer/director Samantha Light called: WISEFINGERLAB.threadless.com . Plus, Jay Asaang from “Twin Peaks,” Man Behind The Machine and a real Superhero say hello!
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Quarantine Quantofolios
Yachtley Crew Rehearsal For May 30 at Whisky, Uber interview, artistic power, Blythe Baines says hello, Tommy Banana Summer Collection by WISEFINGER, the weather by David Lynch, crazy revelations, Craig Spivek’s fake laugh, Samantha Light’s message, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks, Man Behind The Machine w/ games and lots more!!!
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Quarantine Ovaltine
I just realized Ovaltine ought to be making a mint off a special “Quarantine Ovaltine” brand. KaPow IFF and Filmocracy superpowers, a visit to the post office, WISEFINGERLAB.threadless.com, sending COVI the Quarantine Vampire, a Fun Fact from Henry D. Horse! Plus Man Behind The Machine, Micky Dolenz, Blythe Baines, and lots more surprise epiphanies!!!
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Popular Pandemics
Inner workings of WISEFINGER LAB are opened for investigation. Plus the TSA, Micky Dolenz, Forgotten Tales and Gary Busey stop by...and a lot more!!!
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Quarantine Quality
During this Coronavirus craziness, revealed are the elements I’ve been contemplating and considering whilst remaining creative! Plus the WISEFINGER LAB on Threadless where my art is being sold on skateboards. A real Superhero, Blythe Baines, and Maria Humphreys stop by to say hello and much more!
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Pandemic Participle Parcels
We philosophize about digital Yächtley Crëw shows, diving back into drawing w/ CECartist.com and the joy of collaborating w/ Samantha Light on AVoiceInMyHead.com . Man Behind The Machine, Ms Drake, and Clay gift messages. Henry D Horse w/ funfacts. Blythe Baines says hello, an orange cat interview and lots more!
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When We Went MAD with Alan Bernstein
Alan Bernstein, documentarian of “When We Went MAD”, speaks about what it was like to meet his favourite writers and artists of MAD Magazine, the tribulations of whittling down hours of footage to fit into a perfect flow, the history of Alfred E. Neuman and lots more! Plus, Rob Broski of Twin Peaks, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees and Henry D. Horse also make special appearances!
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The Pandemic Detectivus
Micky Dolenz preamble, Fun Facts w/ Henry D. Horse, MAD Magazine art ptheorieticals of COVID Coven Covenance, cyclops PEEPS, the blizzard snowglobe of Ourglass, Man Behind The Machine demonstrates the gears, open antenna plug-in parcels. a Real Superhero, and more noun-sense.
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Quarantine With Mort Drucker
Theories about COVID, Yächtley Crëw Youtube live-streams, fun facts by Henry D Horse, Alien Ele and Man Behind The Machine say hello, my first Instagram livedraw, a Gordon Cole montage, Rob Broski of Twin Peaks stops by, and much more! Mort Drucker of MAD Magazine, RIP, April 9, 2020.
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COVID Numbdrum
More COVID epiphanies abound, an amazing synchronicity w/ Melanie Fernandez from Cosmic Eye, a funny run-in w/ “Sexy Daddy”, Mad Shelley Films says hello, Yächtley Crëw streams a pre-recorded show on Youtube April 11, a beautiful sentiment from Foxxy Lady from Awesomesauce Radio, artificial intelligence w/ Man Behind The Machine and more!!!
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COVID Revelations
An interview w/ Melanie Fernandez from Cosmic Eye about an amazing synchronicity! Lots of revelations about COVID, which by now, most of you have also heard from other sources even though this episode was originally started on March 18. Plus Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks, a real life Superhero, and Man Behind The Machine say hello!
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LUNA: The Shadow Dust - Beidi Guo Interview - Part 2
Art Director, Beidi Guo, created an amazing visual palette for the game, "LUNA: The Shadow Dust by Lantern Studios". This is part 2 of an interview we shared a month ago, about the fun, wonderfully crafted, intricately detailed world she's created with her teammates. Thank you actor Rob Broski from Twin Peaks and musician Blythe Baines, for your contributions!
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Unusual COVID
Recorded intermittently between March 10-13, Unusual Tuesdays w/ a wonderful song by Chicken Joanna (“Contraband”), funstuffs from Maria Humphreys, Interview w/ a cartoon composer, sing-a-long w/ friends after livestreaming Yachtley Crew’s Midnight At The Oasis show, ideas about the pandemic, Mad Shelley says hello and more!
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Yächtley Battens Down The Hatches
Yächtley Crëw plays the Marquee Theatre, the same place where we recorded the Micky Dolenz promo, synchronicities involving a couple met long ago, Midnight At The Oasis car show in Yuma, interview w/ sound technician Chris Husted, Mandela Effect, Corona Virus Mixtape, Mad Shelley Production Team says hello and lots more!!!
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Yächtley Wisdomes
Spanning days, we hear behind the scenes w/ Yachtley Crew’s “Batten Down The Hatches Tour”. We learn of the Wisdome from Brian D'vil, training to have a baby, interview w/ the Mom of Maya from The Voice, Pauly Shöres thoughts of AZ Tour, Happy Birthday to Micky Dolenz of The Monkees, and lots more shenanigans!!!
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Dispatches From Elsewhere
The last part of Spencer McCall’s Interview concerning his movie “The Institute” (and now “Dispatches From Elsewhere” ). Plus, the art of pure satisfaction, news about Operation Tone Up and their campaign for “Accept The Challenge”, Robert Broski from “Twin Peaks” says hello. Messages from School For The Dogs, Forgotten Tales, Strong Body Strong Soul Podcasts. Pal Stanley says hi and much more!!!
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Gary Busey & Tattoos
Pondering the value of celebrity, a fun TSA skit from Forgotten Tales podcast, synchronicities, epiphanies, new ideas, calls on the 561-203-9179r hotline from: Gary Busey of 24hours, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks. Also a new fun fact from Henry D. Horse,  a strange town with no faces allowed in photographs, and lots more insight! 
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Emoto Frequencies
Doctor Emoto and his water vibrations, Anthony Holland talks about a very special cancer-killing frequency he discovered, Intriguing calls on Inspirado Hotline 561-203-9179r from Panning The Stream, Over The Thread, and Kenneth Lear Podcasts! Plus, a lifeblood oath,  post office journeys, a Real Life Superhero says hello, and lots more! Also, please submit your motion picture/podcast/screenplay project to KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival KaPowIFF.com for a chance to be celebrated: January 29 - Feb 4, 2021 in Hollywood California! 
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KaPow IFF 2019 Creators Series 2
<p>KaPow IFF 2019 —- Tony Oliver (“Initiation 21”), Dave Penak (“High Five”), Maria Humphreys (“Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast”), Bruce Nachsin (“Lunchtime Is Over”), Shannan Leigh Reeve (“Chromo46” and “Passage”), and Ed Hartman (“As The Earth Turns”) discuss their projects and philosophies at LA Grip Studios on 9-16-2019 during the week of <a href="http://kapowiff.com">KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival</a>. Microphones are donated by <a href="http://kchungradio.org">KCHUNG 1630am</a>. This is part 2 of the same day’s conversation. Part 1 is found in the <a href="https://anchor.fm/inspiradoprojecto/episodes/KaPow-IFF-Creator-Series-Part-1-eak0t8">Inspirado Projecto Podcast archives</a>. Mad Shelley Productions ("Under The Flowers"), John Garside ("Forgotten Tales"), and Jay Aaseng ("Twin Peaks") stop by and say hello as well! Submissions are now open to screenplays, films, music videos, podcasts, PSAs, and social media movies (TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, etc) for KaPow IFF 2021! Visit <a href="http://kapowiff.com"><strong>KaPowIFF.com</strong></a> to submit your masterpiece! Send your 3 minute audioscape to the Inspirado Hotline Voicemail 561-203-9179r to be included on future episodicals!&nbsp;</p>
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Kazoolapalooza Yard
The Clendenins (Jenny and Curt) played at Harvard Yard Bar, Feb 20. They opened for Monty O'Blivion of KBOR Records and The Dark Roads. It was an extraordinary time and this episode captures behind-the-scenes madness! A man tells us his vivid dream, We also hear synchronicities, a call from Pauly Shores of Yachtley Crew from the Inspirado Projecto Hotline (561-203-9179r), various epiphanies, a fun hello from a real-life Superhero, an unexpected interview with a security guard of the tv show "The Rookie", a call from Maria Humphreys of Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast, songs by Monty O'blivion and The Dark Roads, and lots more!!!! 
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LUNA: The Shadow Dust - Part 1
Beidi Guo describes the 4 year process of creating "LUNA: The Shadow Dust", a new videogame by Lantern Studio. In this first part, we hear about the dynamic brainstorming meetings, how the original story idea morphed, the evolution of the characters, and lots more! Plus a fun fact from Henry D. Horse! Micky Dolenz of TheMonkees, and Rob Broski from Twin Peaks say hello!
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Valentines Day and The Middle of Nowhere
Hanging out w/ Twisted Tall Tale Team exploring a location for “House In The Middle of Nowhere”, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast Says hello, interviewing a man on the subway on Valentine’s Day, new epiphanies, Man Behind The Machine voices concerns, Henry D Horse w/ a new Fun Fact, a real life Superhero and more!!!
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Daralyn Kelleher Multi-Mega Talent
Comedienne Daralyn Kelleher expands upon her views about synchronicities, being true to herself, Comedy in NYC, allowing herself to be excited, her Youtube channel and a whole lots more! Recorded on Valentine’s Day, 2-14-2020. Also, Richard Wilson of Mad Shelley Films and musician Blythe Baines, both say hello !
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Madmen & Madmagic
Another piece of Spencer McCall’s interview, Mad Shelley Production Team gives great vibes, new synchronicities w/ Ru, Blythe Baines and magic, Use Me Darling Song - Lawrence August, Nick Nolte calls in, Man Behind The Machine and Sims, and lots more!!!
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Bus Intentions
Talking with cats, who has loved you into being - Mr Rogers, hanging out w/ Yächtley Crëw, cosmic help from Maria Humphreys, new short cinema “Bus Intentions” on IGTV, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks says hello, and lots more!!!
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Wisdom Prog Initiated
A riff w/ Pauly Shöres after a show (kinda sounds like “oompa loompa”), interviewing Crewpies who drove all the way to Morro Bay from Fresno to sea Yächtley Crëw play, indulging in your own extraordinary, Quantum pockets, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks says hello, Man Behind The Machine gives a Unix story. Plus lots of unexpected happenings as per usual!!! You can call the free vm and give us your fictional/factual stories to be shared on the podcast! 561-203-9179r
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KaPow IFF Creator Series Part 1
<p>9-16-2019 Creators: Shannan Leigh Reeve ("Chromo 46"), &nbsp;Ed Hartman ("As the Earth Turns"), &nbsp;Bruce Nachsin ( "Lunchtime Is Over") and Maria Humphreys ("<a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxXcWQg5zf6na0EvnjhIVw">Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast</a>"), met a few hours before KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival opened its doors to the very first screenings of the day. Their creative process, tribe mentality, influences, and a whole lot more ideas are discussed. Many synchronicities, harmonic epiphanies, and connections are bridged within this short segment.</p> <p>Sponsored by <a href="https://www.lagripstudios.com/">L.A. Grip Studios</a> (location), <a href="http://kchungradio.org">KCHUNG 1630AM</a> (microphones), and <a href="http://www.beatroyaltygroup.com/">Beat Royalty Group</a> (FB videostream &amp; sound engineerings)</p> <p>Shot on location at L.A. Grip Studios.</p> <p>Chris Kooreman from Beat Royalty provided recording technology.</p>
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Grammy Awards 2020 Adventure
Grammy Awards 2020 Behind the scenes, new predictions for the future, Man Behind The Machine google finds, Umbrella Academy amazement, Billie Eilish plays, new synchronicities, Aerosmith and RUN DMC play, Annihilatiion epiphanies, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees says hello and lots more!!!
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What Did Lynch Do?
Epiphanies about cats, David Lynch shenanigans, roving video games, Blythe Baines says hi, KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival Opens submissions for January 2021, a country named Taured, Man Behind The Machine pondering digital jail, new IGTV video and more!!!
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Patternal Repertoire
Revelations about relative time, Pauly Shöres adds an intro, a new Henry D. Horse fun fact, new riffs, erotic “Duck Dynasty” fan fiction, portable octopus, epiphanies about felines, Man Behind The Machine in digital prison, a real life Superhero, and more!
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Dad’s L.A. Adventure
My Dad Chuck adventures from Florida, visiting Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge in STAR WARS land, hiking all the way up to Griffith Park Observatory, stories from Vietnam, Micky Dolenz says hi, Man Behind The Machine Behind Bars, and more!!
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Reinfaction Zibultar
Talking w/ 311 Cruisers before Yachtley Crew’s SAILED OUT SHOW at The Viper Room on Sunset Blvd. Interview w/ Uber driver, my Dad talks about the Air Force, and much more! Plus a real life Superhero AND Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks says hi!
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Congress of Unusuality
Another bushel of synchronicities w/ Blythe Baines at Bob’s Big Boy, traveling to Unusual Tuesdays to screen our latest supernatural ecological scifi thriller (NOW VIEWABLE on IGTV- @inspiradoprojecto), Man Behind The Machine contributes mysterious curiosity, and lots more!!! Plus Mad Shelley Productions gives us a wonderful endorsement!
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Parapurveyor Listening
Spencer McCall discusses intriguing materials, behind the scenes w/ Yächtley Crëw, Henry D Horse gives a Fun Fact, screening the new supernatural cinema at Sunland, the TSA stops by, Man Behind The Machine discuses Facebook, Rob Broski from Twin Peaks says hi and MORE!!!
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Quizzical Quanderers
A time machine episode taking place somewhere on, before, or after Dec 31. New riff, reading from the idea book, bts with Yächtley Crëw’s Philly Ocean & Pauly Shöres, epiphanies, Man Behind The Machine gets censored, fun w/ a slidewhistle, Blythe Baines Says hello, and more!!!
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2020 A New Perspective
Starting off a brand new year and decade of 2020 !!! Lots of characters, revelations, precipitations and nutritions! Also: Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast says hello and so does Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks!!! Another secret special guest!
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Earthlings On A Plane
Important safety features, special message from Tony Danza, hanging out w/ cats, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks says hello, Fun Fact by Henry D. Horse, and lots of other unexpected happenings!
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Family Familiarities
Interview w/ my Brother Josh about Patterson Dental, a game of Simon Says, Al Pacino’s new merchandise, slimy Ooz-os experiment, a strange dream, Blythe Baines says hello and lots more!!!
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Wandering Nashville
Wandering along Broadway in Nashville w/ Mom, Josh and Jenny. Looking through old family photos, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks, visiting the Dukes of Hazzard Museum (Cooter’s Place) a wonderful message from Teniecka Drake, and much more!!!
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Merry Christmas Families!!!
Christmas in Nashville w/ a cavalcade of stars!! Josh tells us the months of the year, Ella shows us her faerie kingdom, we find mysterious objects in the yard, fun w/ walker talkies, and much more!! Plus Richard T. Wilson and Mad Shelley Films gives a wonderful introduction!
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Christmas Eve Jenanigans
A journey on an adventure to Tennessee to visit the Family for Christmas. Jenny and I fly out on Christmas Eve for the festivities! Plus, Clay and Teniecka Drake make guest appearances, along w/ a real-life Superhero!!!
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Surfboards and The Jedi
Interview w/ Comedian Craig Spivek at HaHa Cafe, Christmas carolers in BigBear, Maria Humphreys says hello. Robin Ryder of Twin Temple and Yachtley Crew talks about painting surfboards w/ Pauly Shöres & Tommy Buoy, an Uber driver conversation, Micky Dolenz from the Monkees says hello, and lots more!!!
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YächtleySpace and Santanatas
Pauly Shöres, Robin Ryder and Tommy Buoy from Yächtley Crëw, discuss their favorite green room experiences. Comedian Craig Spivek raps about creation process, Abby Shachner reads a pome and we hear about new dinosaurs at Unusual Tuesdays. Plus, a journey to teach Darin Toonder’s improv class. Richard T. Wilson and Mad Shelley Films says hello and much more!!! New IGTV Short Cinema Coming Soon from the creators of Inspirado Projecto Podcast... “Santanatas: A Christmas Movie” . Screening 12-21 at 12 High Noon PST. The World’s First Christmas Detective Thriller Sci-Fi. Do you have your magnifying glass ready? Can YOU solve the mysteries?
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Censory Vitalization w/ Sam Light
Samantha Light comments on the L.Ron Hubbard exhibit for human awareness, behind the scenes w/ Yächtley Crëw, a new guitar riff, Man Behind The Machine says poses an intriguing question, steep camping, Interview w/ AprilBunny82, Woodsman from Twin Peaks Rob Broski says hello, and much more!!!
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Samantha Lights Up Cafe 101
Samantha Light, director/writer/actor/dancer/producer/etc and I, explore the cosmos and humanity as we know it, at historical Cafe 101! Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks, and Man Behind The Machine, add their own special intrigue. L.R. Hubbski & Tony Danza Make guest appearances and more!!’
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Sanctuaries & Yachtleys
Some fun w/ Yächtley Crëw, Jenny talks about animal sanctuaries, a Funfact by Henry D. Horse, Furbies, a real-life Superhero and more!
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311 Cruisin and Blythe Baines
We feature a piece of an interview w/ songwriter Blythe Baines! A real life Superhero says hello, a “Gonzo Journalism” adventure During the 311 Caribbean Cruise... Special appearances by Man Behind The Machine about the Church of AI, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul, and Teniecka Drake about the Dec 14 Podcasters Holiday Party! Plus more!!
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Poetical Thanksgiving Belation
Comedian/Author Abby Schachner has Craig read her poetry during a wonderful Post-Thanksgiving feast! Plus, Spencer McCall of “The Institute” talks about working for the Jejune Institute, Mad Shelley says hello, and lots more revelations!!!
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Actor Mike Provenzano Interview
We investigate Mike Provenzano’s (MikeProv.com) process and history w/ acting, upcoming projects, wearing facial prosthetics, and lots more! Words from T Drake about the upcoming LA Podcast Explosion, a new Fun Fact from Henry D. Horse, a closeup of Doctor Gonzo eating! Also a guest appearance by Rob Broski Woodsman and Abraham Lincoln Impressionist from Twin Peaks!!! Special Thanks to: Columnist Jules Lavalee for introducing me to Mike (read the wonderful article here—- https://myindieproductions.com/mike-provenzano-in-award-winning-film-unclaimed-remains/ ) . He’s repped by Mindy Meriweather Morton from Elysium Talent ( https://elysiumtalent.com )
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Inspirado Projecto by CEC (Trailer)

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Yächtley Thanksgiving Eve
Yächtley Crëw played live on KUSI “Good Morning San Diego” , Nov 27, on the eve of Thanksgiving. Later that night, we played a “SAILED OUT” show to The Musicbox (w/ Synchronicity Police Tribute opening)! This episode contains an interview w/ an Uber driver, some new riffs, a talk w/ Erica Runzel from KUSI, plus lots of other Yächtley shenanigans & synchronicities! AND Micky Dolenz from the Monkees says hi !!
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My Birthday & Molecularwavicles
Jenny and I name “The Curt Clendenin Table” At Hugo’s while eating Vegan burritos. Rob Broski Lincoln Impersonator from Twin Peaks, Henry D Horse -Fun Fact. T Drake and the podcasters holiday party, Morpheus meets Keanu Reeves and more! Plus Maria Humphreys gives wisdom!
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Sunspace-tacular w/ Craig Spivek
Interviewing Comedian Craig Spivek and owner of Sunspace, Noel, before Unusual Tuesdays. A paleontologist sand newly discovered dinosaurs, a curious one from Man Behind ThecMachine, plus a fun question from Maria Humphreys, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks says hi and more!!!
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Unusual Yächtleys and Other Onsense
Yächtley Crëw in Huntington Beach, fun riffs, epiphanies. Interview w/ Craig Spivek and Abby after Unusual Tuesdays. Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks says hello. Insight from Man Behind The Machine, news about LA Podcast Explosion from: Strong Body Strong Soul, Guru Warrior, Walk In Truth Radio and God’s Gift Through His Word. Plus other unknown happenings!!!
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Yächtley Landyacht Cruise
Yächtley Crew’s roadtrip to Tucson Arizona for the Catalina Foothills Wine Mixer sponsored by the Moonchild Foundation! We get to hear a soundcheck, talk w/ wonderful Crewpies Barb and Hank while eating breakfast w/ Pauly Shöres, experience fun anecdotes w/ Tommy Buoy and lots of other intriguing surprises!!! Plus, Micky Dolenz from the Monkees, Maria Humphreys and Man Behind The Machine make guest appearances!!!
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Franken Stain & Associates
Power packed w/ absurdity! An opener by Richard Wilson’s Mad Shelley Production Team, an Interview w/ Willi Love from Arkive Studios about his various projects, Gonzo journalism from the 311 Caribbean Cruise, Maria Humphreys and Man Behind The Machine say hello, plus lots of unexpected epiphanies!!!
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Dog Clones and More Astounding Tails
Director Spencer McCall (“The Institute”, “In Bright Axiom”) discusses more weirdness, a crazy story by unexpected celebrity Hugo Cary, an amazing chance encounter in Las Vegas with Crewpie Mongomedic, and more! Plus Maria Humphreys, Man Behind The Machine, and Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks make guest appearances!!!
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KaPow IFF - The Midas Arcade
KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival 2019! Q&As with filmmakers of "Chromo46" and "PASSAGE" from the Unordinary Block, Sept 19. Also, Q&As after the Midas Block with filmmakers of "Make A Film Foundation",  "Masheenee Alcketiara", "Last Christians", "Millicent, Me and The Apple Tree", "Roya", "Terms & Conditions", "Diablo", "Double Entendre", and "As The Crow Flies" on Sept 19. We also have a fun interview with co-founder Chris Kooreman and a few wonderful filmmakers after the Awards After Party outside of Player One Arcade Bar. Plus, some fun sentiments from: Micky Dolenz from the Monkees, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast, and Awesomesauce Radio! 
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Animal Yachtleys
Yachtley Crew plays at a private Halloween auction fundraiser party for animal welfare, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul podcast calls in about KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival, Pauly Shores/Tommy Buoy/Stoney Shores from Yachtley Crew call 561-203-9179r outside of Saint Rocke in Hermosa Beach before their gig,  Awesomesauce Radio Podcast calls in with a sweet message, curious idea about scooter-hacking, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks says hello and LOTS MORE!!!! 
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Unusual Sunspace
Comedian Craig Spivek from CraigCast talks about high value spikes, excerpts from “Unusual Tuesdays” at Sunland Sunspace (from two different days), Man Behind The Machine makes a guest appearance, Mad Shelley Productions introduces the episode and lots more surprises!
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Yächtley Geekout Cosmos
Before Yächtley Crëw plays at a private party, we geekout about sound engineering w/ Willie and Arturo. Simultaneously, we Interview two bright 12 year olds about the cosmos: Aidan and his best friend Nathaniel, along w/ his Mom Candice. Plus, Man Behind The Machine poses interesting questions, Robert Broski from Twin Peaks shows up, and more!!
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Inaugural SoCal Podcast Explosion
10-23-2019 SoCal Podcast Explosion at Grafton Hotel with Los Angeles podcasters! It was amazing to meet other podcasters who met through Anchor.fm and mutually appreciate eachother's work! This episode contains music by Karolina Rose, interviews with: organizer Teniecka Drake from  "God's Gift Through His Word",  Martha Michelle from "Martha's Place", musician Karolina Rose, Yovy D from the "Yovy D Show", Amber 'Smiles' Jones from "Professionally Silly", and Maria Humphreys from "Strong Body Strong Soul"!!!! Plus, a wonderful live recording of one of Karolina Rose's songs! A marvelous event that will continue to unfold each year, no doubt!!! 
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The Bold and The Beast - KCHUNG 10-21-2019
<p>Director/Writer of feature "<a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2323912/?ref_=nm_flmg_wr_1">BEAST MODE</a>", Spain Willingham and Actor/Writer <a href="https://stephaniemaurasanchez.com/">Stephanie Maura Sanchez</a> join in the KCHUNG 1630am Studio for a chat about the creative process, acting, directing, writing and 80s tv reruns on this 10-19-2019 episode of Inspirado Projecto from the 1630am KCHUNG Studio in Chinatown Los Angeles!!!!!&nbsp;</p> <p>Spain Willingham's IG @sultankingspain&nbsp;</p> <p>Stephanie Maura Sanchez <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8363178/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_i73">"Truth Be Told"</a>&nbsp;</p> <p>Every 1st and 3rd Mundee, Inspirado Projecto broadcasts from 1630am KCHUNG Chinatown, Los Angeles Studio, between 1-2pm. You can listen here as it happens LIVE: http://KCHUNGradio.org&nbsp;</p>
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KaPow IFF - Shatner Universe and Other Masterpieces
<h4><a href="http://kapowiff.com "><em>KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival</em></a> 9-17-2019. My Q&amp;A about "Mi O Le Ku", (played during: Foreign Findings block), an interview with Scott Liggett of <a href="https://shatneruniverse.com/"><em>Shatner Universe</em></a><em>,</em> and also Q&amp;A after feature "LIMBO". &nbsp;9-18-2019 Q&amp;As after Dramatica block about films "Faith Ties &amp; "Breaking News", &nbsp;plus Q&amp;As about feature "Blank Frank"! 9-19-2019 Q&amp;As after Unordinary block about "Vanessa Atalanta" and "Lucifer: Infernum Monologue"! Lots of intriguing information on this episode by talented filmmakers! Stay tuned for more!&nbsp;</h4>
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The Crewpie Simulator
Interview with Yachtley Crew "Crewpies" before a fundraiser in Huntington Beach, Man Behind The Machine poses a question about simulations, a piece of an interview with Spencer McCall about The Latitude Society featured in his documentary "In Bright Axiom", Richard Wilson and his production team Mad Shelley Films gives us a shout out, plus lots more revelations!!!! 
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KaPow IFF- Day Of The Western Sun and Other Stories
9-16-2019 KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival Q&As after the “Contemplative Block” w/ Dave Uchansky, the feature documentary “Day of The Western Sun”, and stories by Ema Shah . Plus, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks says hello and Man Behind The Machine poses a smart question!
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Awarding Yächtley
Mad Shelley promo, riding to Ventura County Music Awards, soundcheck w/ Yächtley Crëw, Uber interviews, a meeting w/ Andy Gould from Spectacle Entertainment, and more!
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KaPow IFF - "Dark Reel" And Other Surpises
<p>Sept 15th - KaPow IFF - Q&amp;As with filmmakers during Sci-Fi Bazaar, Unique Block, a fun story by Josh Eisenstadt after his "Dark Reel" 10th Anniversary screening, and a fun interview with the organizers of the NOT Film Festival! Also, we get some wonderful words from Maria Humphreys from the Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast.</p> <p>We can't wait to see the projects you submit for KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival 2020!&nbsp;</p>
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Nerginshfargle Finaglers
A wild sound collage of powerpacked perspectives! Pauly Shores on a pennywhistle, Mom & Jenny At Gladstones in Malibu, peanut butter pancakes, Leonard Bernstein geekery, wonderful violinist in Santa Monica, Rob Broski from Twin Peaks, and so much more!!!!
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Maria Humphreys KaPows Full Moon Palindrome
<p>Maria Humphreys from <a href="http://www.strongbodystrongsoul.com/">Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast</a>, interviews Nas about <a href="http://kapowiff.com ">KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival</a>! Also, astounding revelations about Andy Kaufman, today being a Full Moon on Friday 13th, Yachtley Crew's show at The Viper Room and Discovery Ventura, AND bigtime enlightening Palindromes !!! Also Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks stops by to say hello!&nbsp;</p>
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iHeart Mom Farewell Milwaukee
Part 3 of the World Championship Chili Cookoff: My Mom from Illinois and a woman w/ a unique wedding experience, Max from iHeart, Farewell Milwaukee, Robin Ryder & Shaggy, lots of synchronicities and so much more!
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Mississippi Gang, 311 Cruisers & The Oasis
Part 2 from the World Championship Chili Cook Off: Jim Lewis with the Mississippi Chili Gang, a surprise encounter w/ 311 Cruisers, interview w/ The Oasis creative space, appearances by Yächtley Crëw ‘s drumtech Robin Ryder & Max from iHeart radio and much more!!
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Yächtley Chili Cookoff
Yächtley Crëw was invited to play the World Championship Chili Cook Off in Ankeny Iowa. Former owner Carol Hancock interviewed, a palm reading at the airport, Rob Broski from Twin Peaks says hi, my attempt to make the rain clouds disappear, Maria Humphreys says hi and more. This episode is dedicated to my Aunt Gloria Montgomery Clendenin who passed while I was in Iowa.
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Mortality & Organizing A Film Festival
Organizing KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival, impeding death of my Aunt Gloria Moore Clendenin, Mobile Mariachi, Jay Asseng from Twin Peaks, smart scooters. Also podcasters: Clay, Maria Humphreys and Mr. Tourettski. Lots of new revelations and much more!
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Boggled Synchronauts
Journey to Santa Monica Pier for Josh Eisenstadt’s Birthday, MAD Shelley Films says hi, revelations about Gumbo, synchronicities on the subway, KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival call for podcasters Sept 13-19, and much more!
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KaPow Of Blythe Spirits
An essential Blythe Baines interview about amazing synchronicities, Jay Asseng of Twin Peaks says hello, lots of riffs. We dig into the inner workings of 2019 KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival Sept 13-19, and invite Los Angeles podcasters to join us at this annual event !!! Filmmakers, screenwriters, producers, all kinds of industry folks, including a screening for Josh Eisenstadt’s 10 Year Anniversary screening of “Dark Reel” shot on 35mm! See it on September 15th!!! Plus more shenanigans! Http://KaPowIFF.com
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surReality Sculptioneers - Spencer, Blythe & 311 Cruisin'
<p>Giblets of interview soundscapes, starring: Musician/Alchemist <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p"><strong>Blythe Baines</strong></a> discussing how she weaves cosmic knowledge into her musicwaves with astonishing synchronicity stories (including meeting Lana Del Rey) AND Director Spencer McCall (<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeKTLwQJEO0"><strong>"The Institute"</strong></a>)reveals the magical Latitude Society village from his film "<a href="https://vimeo.com/309925384"><strong>In Bright Axiom</strong></a>". We also get to hear more audio adventures from the <a href="http://www.311cruise.com/home/"><strong>311 Caribbean Cruise</strong></a> w/ a story about Drunk Satan, some quick improv riffs, brand new epiphanies involving the Dead Letter Office, <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20060810011201/http://www.andykaufmanlives.com/"><strong>AndyKaufmanLives</strong></a> in the Wayback Machine, Zombie Yacht Rock ("Rot Yuck" or "Yacht Rot" ?) idea, the beginnings of Eye-Gee Theme Song, <a href="http://www.madshelleyfilms.com/about.html"><strong>MAD Shelley Production</strong></a> Team gives you a very big supernatural hug and MORE!!!!!!!&nbsp; Thank you Spotify for sponsoring us!&nbsp;</p>
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Yächtley Lakesides & Lakeshores
Another carnivale of Yachtley Crew behind-the-scenes at KUSI News on "Good Morning San Diego",  Lakeside Country Club AND Lakeshore Hotel & Resort!  Plus an appearance from Micky Dolenz, a new dream, a selection from "Waging Heavy Peace" by Neil Young, 300mg caffeine experience, Clay says hello, Nick Nolte calls Inspirado Hotline, lots of epiphanies, MAD Shelly Pictures stops by to give you some love, and so much more!!!! 
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311 Cruisin w/ Spencer McCall
Spencer McCall, director of “The Institute”, “Bright Axiom”, “The Esquire” and many others, shares what it’s like to be a manager of perception (first part). Plus a FunFact by Henry D. Horse, a piece from the 311 Cruise w/ Yächtley Crëw and more!
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Late Night Surprises at KCHUNG
A longtime question is finally magically answered: “Who started KCHUNG?” on this 8-19-2019 evening at KCHUNG Studios. Earlier during the day, we broadcasted live (1-2pm PST) returning on a secret mission to retrieve a file. Plus Gregorio DiCapprio calls synchronistically at the same moment I attempt to go live on the air, accidentally becoming a radio telephone interwiewee. -check out Mixcloud.com/inspiradoprojecto to hear the KCHUNG episode w/ Craig Spivek, Connor McCrory and Phil Donlon -
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Craig The Carmedian
Comedian Craig Spivek and I simulcasting our podcasts (his is called “CraigCast”), on our way to KCHUNG 1630am for the 1-2pm PST slot, Mundee, 8-19-2019! Also we unravel another enlightening segment about open mics, on our way back! Plus, Tilli and her song “26th Floor w/ Dave Grohl makes an appearance! Thank you Mad Shelley for the endorsement!
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Strong Yächtley Soul
Yächtley Crëw plays SAILED OUT shows at The Canyon in Agoura Hills and Alex’s Bar in Long Beach! Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul visits, Philly Ocean gets a phlat tire, we learn about the miracle of Lenz & Spectacle, Nick Nolte has a few words of wisdom to w/ us via Inspirado Hotline 561-203-9179, and MAD Shelley Films gives a MAD endorsement (check out their series “Under The Flowers” sometime)!!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

311 Cruisin’ And Relay Racin’
This features 311 Caribbean Cruise audioscapes, when Yachtley Crew was invited to play their ship in 2019. An interview with my pool relay race team, "Plan B Survivors" on Belize,  moments leading up to our first performance on the pooldeck, and other revelations!!!! We met many wonderful 311 Familia and I recorded only a few hours during my time there, as I was involved with meeting new joyful cruisers. I've included bits of these recordings in past episodics of Inspirado Projecto, and will continue to add more in future episodics!  If you ever want to feel the true meaning of "Carpe Diem", go on a 311 Cruise sometime! 
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Escape Room Fire Frenzy
Inspirado Projecto, third responder to a big fire!!! Our documentation of this startling event, new Henry D. Horse funfact, bright epiphanies, Vinnie Barbarino has a word, Mad Shelley makes s guest appearance, Gary Busey calls the hotline 561-203-9179r, and more!!!
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Riverly Yächtley Reveries
3 day tour w/ Yächtley Crëw- Big Bear, Santa Clarita, Newport Beach- interviews w/ 2 Uber drivers of different nomenclatures, extraordinary contribution from Robert Wilson and the talented cast/crew of “Under The Flowers”, bts w/ Yächtley Crëw members , a new guitar riff, and a tsunami of more hijinxx!
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MAD Spivek
Craig Spivek gives us a DOOZIE of a synchronicity on the hotline, a reading from Robert M McCammon’s book “Boys Life”, Micky Dolenz says hi, Henry D.Horse w/ a Funfact, Catsa Claws, new riffs, your biggest mistakes, epiphanies, and lots more!
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Crosstown Traffic Stories
Lots of epiphanies, stories, synchronicities and other none such during a car ride back from dropping my Sister off at the airport. Thank you Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks for saying hello!
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On The Rox And Other ANIMA
ANIMA, Second City, The Blues Brothers, Sheldon Patinkin, Jeff Cahill, Columbia College in Chicago, Thom Yorke’s wisdom about creativity, dreams, Rob Broski from Twin Peaks says hi, and lots more...are found within the layers of this episode!
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Sudden Reveals
Quadrophenia findings, new 561-203-9179 hotline voicemails (Gary Busey appears), a spontaneous guitar riff, disturbing homelessness, fun with vocabulary, the Final newsstand version of MAD Magazine #9 and much more!
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Manifestation Apparitions - 1630am KCHUNG
8-5-2019 KCHUNG 1630am Chinatown - An enlightening discussion between Blythe Baines, Sterling Mire and Captain Nicholas about synchronicities, ghosts, music and other curiousities! Also, a Celebrity Afterlife Report podcast, musicalities by Blythe Baines, Gray (Dyllan Bernard), and Bing Crosby! 
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Del Coronado and The Gang
Part 2 hiking w/ Pauly Shores of Yachtley Crew, messages from the Hotline 561-203-9179, Blythe Baines says hello, a trip to the post office, a curiousity concerning Sting, and much much more including a ninja sighting in Chinatown!!!! 
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Arrival of Sterling B-52s
Sterling Mire enlightens bright attitude adjustments, a new guitar riff emerges, Pauly Shores takes us on a hike, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks says hello, the B-52s rockin Loveshack on their 40th Anniversary (thank you Dina Kourda), new revelations, Man Behind The Machine talks FaceApp, and much more!!
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Lazerscopic Resonance
Tribute bands, the new hit song “Boo Yah”, a synchronicity involving Christine from The Alley, Fun Fact from Henry D. Horse, Maria Humphreys says hello, the coffee cup anomaly continues, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks stops by, a new riff, and so much more! 
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Morphogenetic Fields
<p>Robert Broski from Twin Peaks says hello, a movie idea about jury duty, backstage with Yachtley Crew at Coach Housee in San Juan Capistrano, Uber driver interview, a street performance artist, guitar riffs, new revelations, Man Behind The Machine pops in, and much more!&nbsp;</p>
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Blythe Baines Reality Transurfer
An extraordinary conversation w/ oracle Blythe Baines about synchronicities, music, writing, Snoop Dogg & “White Rabbit”, and lots of epiphanies!
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Yächtley Intelligence - Y.I.
Yächtley Crëw behind the scenes at Saint Rocke, interviewing a harmonica player, Blythe Baines says hi, Hawkins USSU, Pauly Shöres reads from “Captain Awesome #1”, new riffs, True Intelligence With Man Behind The Machine, Gonzo at vet, Pie Is Love, Yächtley Crëw And GRACEBAND At Starlightbowl promo and more!!
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Hypnalogical Neurocatch
Real life Superhero, James Bond and Batman synchronicity, revelations onto the post office, Micky Dolenz from The Monkees, “They Live” and “Parallel” movies, new improv riffs, Eye-Gee story epiphany, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast, Aye Eyes - Detective Agency, unexpected celebrities, and more!
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Rodëo Of Yächtleys
A cosmic soup of what’s where and how to get there . Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks stops by, Bored of The Rings by National Lampoon, Ghosts at Viper Room, Yächtley Crëw shenanigans, Uber interview about cooking, Grayson, Nicoletta and The Gang l. On the ways to: Surf Rodeo and KCHUNG, Gaslamp Attic Fire, and more in the big top of bizarrity!
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Hyperwarp Dimension Curios
The idea book is opened and revelations are presented. Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks stops by to say hello and much much more!
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Birthday And The Youth
Hanging out w/ Dori on her Birthday, a slew of epiphanies, Rob Broski from Twin Peaks says hi, riffs, Inspirado Hotline - 561.203.9179r - Man Behind The Machine, Clay & Forgotten Tales. Quantum Leap revelations, helicopter synchronicity, ”Open Letter To The Youth Of Our Generation” - Hunter S. Thompson, poisonous bug collector, “You’ve Been Unlocked”, and more!
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Yächtley’s Believe It Or Yacht
Desert Diamond Casino w/ Yächtley Crëw, epiphanies and incantations w/ Dori, musician Anthony Herr from Stitch Ink., feeding a bird Tardis, interviewing Progressive Universal Society, new videogame delivery app, Wyndham Earle hijinx, Christmas carolers, Maria Humphreys says hi, singing w/ Elvis In The Wind and more!
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Dessert Yächtley Diamond
Yächtley Crëw visits Desert Diamond Casino In Sahuarita, Richard Wilson of Mad Shelley says hi, tracker attackers, library snot , looking for Jenny in the Walmart Vortice, Uber w/ Baba Buoy & David Buoy, meeting Heather from Manhattan Dolls Doppleganger, revelations w/ Dori and much more!!!
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Yächtley Porthole Portal
Yächtley Crëw’s journey through “Good Morning San Diego” on KUSI, sailing out MUSICBOX and Discovery Ventura! A real-life Superhero, Padres’ Swingin’ Friar, percussion made w/ leaves, Miss Ruby Tuesday says hi, epiphanies & synchronicities, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul and more!
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Yächtley Cola
Skateboarding to LA Grip, some new riffs, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks says hello, Obi sings his Coca-Cola song, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast, a Funfact by Henry D. Horse, Yächtley Crëw arrives to Hampton, Mike Schlie talks about being a clown, epiphanies and more!
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Youniversal 311 Cruise Language
311 Cruise giblets w/ Yächtley Crëw, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees says hello, a new riff, The Universal Language - Robert Grant, interview w/Uber, Fun Facts - Henry D. Horse, Pauly Shores Careful Whisper, Costume Party Deck and more!
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Octagons Merging Hexagons
Running into Ana Marte from an Uber ride a few months ago, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks says hi, The Death Of Dentistry - Russell Edson , Good News Bears, Ukraine Fest, Inspirado Hotline - 561.203.9179r - featuring John Wayne, Relationship Talk Podcast, And Maria Humphreys....plus more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Value Maleability
Real Life Superhero, new riffs, Man Behind The Machine has a question, Values & Definitions , Inspirado Hotline - 561.203.9179r, Insomniacs video productions, “Let’s Get Riders Love to Love” - a song created w/ many various riffs, and much more!
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311 Cruisin’ With Bowie
Our first 311 Cruise segment, a new guitar riff, Man Behind The Machine ponderings, giving berth, intriguing David Bowie info, Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks, new epiphanies, Maria Humphrey’s says hi, a song by Gray and lots more!
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Soundsourcery Society w/ Sherriel and August
<p>Soundscapes, philosophies and selections with Nutrition Consultant <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/lawrence-august-baaab3176">Lawrence August</a> ("Give It All Away") and Composer Namon Sherriel ("AIYK") are explored. Musician <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZPqcgoe_-H8XFfQ4M52SzA">Blythe Baines</a> and Woodsman <a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/">Robert Broski from "Twin Peaks"</a> give endorsements, podcasters: Awesome Sauce, Man Behind The Machine and Mr. Touretteski stop by to say hello, we reveal the Inspirado Hotline 561-203-9179r theme song, and so much more is found!&nbsp;</p>
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Mario Lopëz and Yächtley Crëw
Rancho Simi Community Park w/ Yächtley Crëw, new guitar riff, behind the scenes w/ Yächtley Crëw at the Mario Lopëz Gölf Tournament for Saint Joseph Hospital, Man Behind The Machine peeks out, new epiphanies, Crispin Glover Slide Show, a whole ‘nother unruly perspective and...lotsa moré!
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Sterling Mire and The Art Of Manifestation
Michael Schlie and Sterling Mire converse about connecting best with the universe and how to manifest our dreams. She also gives us a brief history about Laurel Canyon and some startling synchronicities concerning Leonard Cohen and Jim Morrison! We dive deep into what it really means to be responsible for our actions, and how our language directly reflects the happenings in our reality experience! Also, Henry D. Horse gives us some Fun Facts, Micky Dolenz stops by to say hello, and much much more!  You can order Michael Schlie's book "Infinity Diet" HERE!. You can also submit your masterpiece HERE to Domino Interactive Film Festival! Click HERE to book a consultation with Sterling Mire!
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Yächtlëy Stëw
Yächtlëy Crëw behind the scenes at a couple different gigs, interview w/ lighting technician Tanner, BATMAN ‘66 theme song w/ Pauly Shores, interview w/ The Swansons band, an Uber painter and much more than anticipated!
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Certifiable Sanities
Investigating fires at Tokyo Delves, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks, Founder Of Domino Interactive Film Festival Michael Schlie brainstorms about vitamins, a new iPhone 8 discovery and more!
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Composer Extraordinaire Namon Sherriel
An intriguing interview with Namon Sherriel in Downtown Los Angeles about his music composing process and where he derives inspiration. He's been a guest on 1630am KCHUNG Chinatown and a song of his is featured at the end of the interview, so make sure to stick around!  Thank you Anchor for sponsoring us!
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August Tuesday Wishing To Float
<p>Dimensions are multiplied in this continuum, starring: <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine">Man Behind The Machine</a> with some DEVO revelations, Lawrence August and the <a href="https://knowledgeisland.org/">National Fittest School Challenge</a>, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acmCrkqi0nA">Miss Ruby Tuesday</a> and her observance of Fun Fact by Henry D. Horse about Hollyweirdland! &nbsp;We hear the "<a href="https://www.operationtoneup.com/">Operation Tone Up</a>" theme song by Beat Royalty, Vie Le, Lawrence August &amp; Curt Clendenin. We get to hear a caller referencing an <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BtobTxFHHUg/">Instagram Story</a>, experience a song by neurowavenaughts <a href="https://soundcloud.com/cec/its-happening-with-wishing-to">Wishing To Float</a>, and many more synchronistic nuggets!&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you Anchor for sponsoring us!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Sandbox Island
<p>We focus on the joys of creation process and in this episode, there's an island-full! We've got riffs-a-plenty, quick epiphanies (including an improvised #SaveTheTick song), synchronicities, bizarre reality circumstances, messages from 561-203-9179 Hotline (including <a href="https://anchor.fm/LadyEnigma/episodes/Lady-Enigmas-First-Episode-e3ul6v">Lady Enigma</a>, <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine">Man Behind The Machine</a> and a Po Boy Sammich-maker), &nbsp;an olde recording of Jean Shepherd pondering "generations" on WOR, clips recorded recently/weeks ago, <a href="https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3792788/">Stew Strauss</a> from Twin Peaks says hello, and so much more!&nbsp;</p>
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Send A Letter #SaveTheTick
Yachtley Crew epiphanies, marine mammal recovery w/ Michael Schlie, Inspirado Hotline w/ Man Behind The Machine, Maria Humphreys and Clay Hill. Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks says hi, a guitar riff, Tommy Buoy interview, FunFacts - Henry D. Horse, #SaveTheTick at Post Office and more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

KCHUNG Saves The TICK on 1630am - Hurwitz Arneson, Mire and Finn
<p>5-20-2019 A.E.G.I.S. ...er... <a href="http://kchungradio.org">KCHUNG 1630am Studio</a> - A superteam composed of: <strong>Susan Hurwitz Arneson</strong> (Wordsmyther of "<a href="https://www.amazon.com/The-Tick/dp/B01J776HVW">TICK</a>" &amp; Executive Producer of "<a href="https://www.amc.com/shows/preacher">PREACHER</a>"), <strong>Sterling Mire</strong> ("<a href="https://getyourlifenow.com/"><strong>Get Your Life Now</strong></a>" Lifecoach and Founder of "<a href="https://www.intuitivelifebysterling.com/">Intuitive Life by Sterling</a>") and <strong>Jeff Finn </strong>(Creator of docu-series "<a href="https://www.facebook.com/BeforeTheEndMovie/">Before The End</a>" about Jim Morrison), gather in manifesting a harmonic new network for "TICK" to call home... (recent news has Amazon Prime discontinuing "TICK" Season 3)<em><strong>* &nbsp;</strong></em><a href="https://www.change.org/p/netflix-save-the-tick"><em><strong>P L E A S E &nbsp;S I G N &nbsp;&nbsp;T H E &nbsp;&nbsp;P E T I T I O N</strong></em></a><em><strong> *</strong></em> and let's experiment with the idea of at least 5 more seasons of this witty, positive, exciting, moral, puntastic, collaborative-encouraging, superhero series, by also tagging <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23savethetick&amp;src=typd">#savethetick</a> everywhere on the internet! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iGSAFjzBd8">SPOON!</a> We also get to hear a <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/celebrityafterlife">Celebrity Afterlife Report Podcast</a>, an interview with <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrGlWAFy1LU">Orson Welles &amp; Andy Kaufman</a>, discussions about the creative process &amp; essential elements for ideal collaboration...also... <a href="https://mickydolenz.com/">Micky Dolenz</a> makes a special appearance! Curt E. Clendenin says, "Stay tuned to the <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzGYPu-L41vf6RrEmbkBCjg"><strong>Inspirado Projecto Youtube</strong></a> Channel for in-studio video footage recorded by <strong>Michael Schlie</strong> (Author of "<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Infinity-Diet-Guide-Weight-Longevity/dp/1544633068/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=infinity+diet+michael+schlie&amp;qid=1558494488&amp;s=gateway&amp;sr=8-1-spell">Infinity Diet</a>" and Founder of <a href="https://www.dominoiff.com/">Domino Interactive Film Festival</a>) coming soon and thank you to our Sponsor <a href="http://anchor.fm/inspiradoprojecto">Anchorfm</a>! "</p>
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Dali in Dizzyland
Dizzyland by Lawrence August, 561-203-9179r, thoughts about Salvador Dali thanks to Man Behind The Machine, Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul, Nigerian fundings, a new jibberish riff, Monkee Beatles and more!!!
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Dominoes of Collaboration
A media-filled audioscape w/ Fun Facts by Henry D. Horse, Mike Schlie gives us insight into Domino Interactive Film Festival, a new riff, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks says hi, some new epiphanies, Man Behind The Machine talks about catfishing & stories from the Dark net, Giant Steps w/ Pauly Shores and more!!
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Sëaing Is Yächtlëy
Attack of the Yächtlëygulls, Micky Dolenz says hi, epiphanies, wonderful sentiments from Enigma, a new riff, Domino Interactive Film Festival, interview w/ an Uber driver and more!
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Fallopian Juggernauts
Viper Room shenanigans w/ Yächtlëy Crëw, a series of synchronicities, Man Behind The Machine makes a request, Richard Wilson from Mad Shelley says hi, an interview w/ an Uber Lawyer, Fun Fact by Henry D. Horse, a new riff, and MORE!
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Mirthy Mayhaps
A journey to the post office brings up all kinds of surreality. Funfacts from Henry D. Horse, Interview w/ an Uber drummer, a fun message from Man Behind The Machine, epiphanies about delusions, Robert Broski From Twin Peaks speaks, and lots more unexpected happenings!
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Present Hindsight
Our friends in Niceville, Brand new medicine called Zanadu, interview w/ an Uber driver, Sister Golden Hair remake, message from a wineguzzler on Inspirado Hotline, and more!
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Howlers Strike Again
Eddie Vedder sings the Inspirado Hotline - 561 203 9179r, Terence McKenna talks freakery, Man Behind The Machine has questions, a new uke riff, Midnight Howlers by Nico VLoo, Mr Touretteski makes an awesome poster for Eye-Gee, an Uber driver interview and more!
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Crypto Ionosphere
Sister Jenny relates her UFO Sighting, Eddie Vedder Inspirado Hotline song 561 203 9179r, time traveler John Titor answers obscure questions and more!
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Twin Temple w/ Robin Ryder
Interview w/ Robin Ryder from Twin Temple in Ventura before a Yächtlëy Crëw gig, Rob Broski the Woodsman from Twin Peaks says hi, Funfacts from Henry D. Horse, interview w/ an Uber Basketball player, Man Behind The Machine talks music, Inspirado Hotline - 561 203 9179r ...and... John Hudson’s book about the actual history of Shakespeare!
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The Real Shakespeare
Epiphany about Manchester Jamaica, an interesting theory about Shakespeare by time traveler John Titor, Blythe Blaines says hello, Man Behind The Machine w/ Galaxy World stories, Inspirado Hotline - 561 203 9179r, FunFact by Henry D. Horse, Carl Sagan’s Important PSA and more!!!
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Icebergs & Past Lives
Dick Halloran discusses past lives, CEC contemplates an iceberg village, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks says hello, we meet an Uber Screenwriter, and many more surprises!
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Yachtleyland & Magicruises
Interviewing TAPE at Saint Rocke before their show w/ Yächtlëy Crëw, 4RG Girls Division and Talking Animals have a word w/ Man Behind The Machine, Choose Your Quest, Truesday, “Baby Come Back” Synchronicity, Mötley Crüe billboard of “The Dirt” on The Viper Room w/ Yächtlëy Crëw On the marquee playing there the same night, and more!
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Wilderness Children
Manchester Jamaica Celebration, Fun Facts by Henry D. Horse, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees, Pauly Shores of Yachtley Crew Plays Star Wars, a crazy story about my car in a pond, victims of Carpool Tunnel Syndrome, an Uber Climber and more!
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Modes & Codes
We talk with Mike Schlie about all kinds of intriguing information, from Annunaki to Bible codes.
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Tampa Temporals
Micky Dolenz of The Monkees • Yachtley in Tampa • Yachtley Journal • Yachtley Sqwaking.
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Discombobulated Discoveries
Hanging w/ Jeff Finn of “Jim Morrison doc “Before The End”, Intriguing revelations, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees, and a riff w/ water!
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Russian Westworld
Greeting from Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks, “Russian Doll” sentiments, epiphanies, and a few ideas from the Cosmic Idea Book!
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Yachtley KCHUNG
After KCHUNG w/ Mike Schlie, Crockett Bottleson, Lee Bootee and The Wizard of L.A., a fun uke riff, a horse-riding Uber driver, new epiphanies, Micky Dolenz says hello, thoughts from Man Behind The Machine, hanging out w/ Yachtley Crew on Stage 17 and more!
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ASMR Yachtley
Uber Painter interview, Yachtley Crew at StillWater, James Brown synchronicity, ASMR about chewing acrobatically and a message from Rob Broski from Twin Peaks! Plus Inspirado Hotline Theme Song - 561.203.9179r !
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Grilling Ed Forman
Jon Gillette talks about “The Second Coming” Movie, Ed Forman on Hollywood Blvd, trek to Glow Getter, a fun CCR synchronicity, Man Behind The Machine memories, Facebook.com/AliensZombiesandStoners, the Sidewalk King, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks and more! Plus- Inspirado Hotline - 561.203.9179r !
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Aliens Zombies and Stoners with Jon Gillette
Actor/Director/Musician Jon Gillette talks “Aliens, Zombies & Stoners” his upcoming sci-fi. We discuss his UFO experiences, songs and found footage movie “The Light”. Travolta stops by, we get a message from Man Behind The Machine”, plus we hear the Inspirado Participado Theme song - 561.203.9179r . Stop by the AZ&S page and let them know you heard Jon’s interview here- Facebook.com/AliensZombiesandStoners
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Operation Time Travels
Mr Tone with Operation Tone Up on the way to visiting El Monte schools, Danny Devito & Charlie Rose talk Andy Kaufman, metric systems, Inspirado Hotline Participado - 561.203.9179r, Man Behind The Machine info, and John Titor the Time Traveler from 2036!
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Historical Dominoes - Ryan Thorpe
Ryan Thorpe unravels our historical trail of shape shifting cosmicality and its influences. During Super Bowl Sunday 2019 in the McGonagle kitchen, many epiphanies are revealed, along with a message from Carl Sagan!
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Reality Gription Tactics
<p>Worlds from Micky Dolenz from The Monkees, hanging with Yachtley Crew, Philosopher and Historian Ryan Thorpe offers some intriguing insight into how religions were formed, interview with an Uber karaoke singer, Japanese CNN, and MORE!&nbsp;</p>
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Hallway School w/ Kelinda & Jerrel
<p>In this episode, Jerrel <a href="https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4763002/">O’Neal</a> &amp; Kelinda <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs17zv_n5jV/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&amp;igshid=1h0zvv9ww4nuu">White</a> discuss the art of collaboration, Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks shows up, Fun Facts w/ Henry D. Horse, Inspirado Hotline Participado 561.203.9179r, plus Tamagotchi w/ Man Behind The Machine, Landscape Cheerleaders, and other stuff!</p>
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ET Phones Video Goblins
<p>Interview w/ Uber Musician, improv mania, Man Behind The Machine talks video games, Hellier Goblins, musical thespian <a href="http://instagram.com/rotunnoreads">Megan Rotunno</a> talks Phantom of the Opera on the bus, Inspirado Hotline Participado theme Song - 561.203.9179r, Fun Facts from Henry D. Horse, <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com">Yachtley Crew </a>Viper Room show tonight February 1st, some wise words from Robert Wilson creator of "Under The Flowers"...and more!</p>
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One Fleeting Thought of You
<p>Grandma's Original Inspirado Projecto theme song from <a href="http://archive.kchungradio.org/2019-01-21/Inspirado_Projecto_Radio_High_and_Outside-01.21.2019.mp3">KCHUNG Radio</a>, a question from <a href="https://anchor.fm/man-behind-the-machine">Man Behind The Machine</a>, an astounding synchronicity w/ &nbsp;avocados, Maria Humphreys from <a href="https://anchor.fm/maria-humphreys">Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast</a> drops by with wisdom, an improvised riff, some insight into the idea of being missed when we're "gone", an adventure to find oats, a Fun Fact by <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119921750303">Henry D. Horse</a>, and more!&nbsp;</p>
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Our Laughing Visitors
<p>Interviews with <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com">Yachtley Crew</a> bandmates Pauly Shores, Baba Buoy and David Buoy at Moonshine Beach. Fun Facts from <a href="https://henrydhorse-blog.tumblr.com/image/119799883913">Henry D. Horse</a>, the new fun Inspirado Communicado Hotline Theme song for <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BtAL9F5H78H/">561.203.9179r</a> w/ fun messages from Eddie Ganz of <a href="https://twitter.com/yachtrockshow">Yacht Rock Radio</a> and Russian Costume Designer <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D00lLmlHhps">Vika</a>! New riffs,&nbsp;Man Behind The Machine PSA, Joe Rogan &amp; Billy Corgan talk about process, an old song by CEC (sound engineered by <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq99AswrprA">Lawrence August</a>)...and more!&nbsp;</p>
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Obi & Jenny Ponder Existence
<p>Obi explains artistic endeavours in Nigeria, a couple riffs, words of wisdom from both Superhero and musician <a href="https://open.spotify.com/artist/11T5aPjQHiRbtqpvnKDg9p">Blythe Baines</a>, a new voicemail from the Inspirado Participado Hotline <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs9RnOnnPfb/">561.203.9179r</a>, startling stories, plus more unexpected surprises and revelations!&nbsp;</p>
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Victorious Grace
Yachtley Crew at Gaslamp in Long Beach, Uber Podcaster, Philly Ocean - Disney Rabbithole, Tequila w/ Pauly Shores, Mike Stoller Songwriter, Inspirado Projecto Hotline 561-203-9179, Graceband & Setzer , Maria Humphreys talks Pinocchio, and more! Check out Graceband sometime!
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Quirk Faction Overload
Man Behind The Machine New Year message, late night cola, last words before death, the Consciousness Matrix, epiphanies and other surprises!
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Scott Ryan from Blue Rose Magazine Pt2
<p>Part 2 of Scott Ryan's interview about Issue <a href="https://www.bluerosemag.com/?product=the-blue-rose-magazine-issue-8">#8 of Blue Rose Magazine</a> with Sheryl Lee (available now), his Dale Cooper theories and book "<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Women-David-Lynch-Collection-Essays/dp/1949024024/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1548351615&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=the+women+of+david+lynch">The Women of David Lynch</a>". We hear Fun Facts by Henry D. Horse, a song by Kim Cascone (as "<a href="https://www.discogs.com/artist/26172-Heavenly-Music-Corporation">Heavenly Music</a>") Plus some words of wisdom from Jay Aaseng, Rob Broski and Stew Strauss! We also hear readings from "<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Autobiography-F-B-I-Special-Agent-Cooper/dp/0671744003/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1548351752&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=my+life+my+tapes">My Life My Tapes</a>" by Dale Cooper and "<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Catching-Big-Fish-Consciousness-Anniversary/dp/0143130145/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1548351822&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=catching+the+big+fish">Catching The Big Fish</a>" by David Lynch. We also receive the first voice message on the newest HOTLINE sensation: Inspirado Communicado 561.203.9179&nbsp;</p>
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Godzilla vs King Kong with Phil and Noelle
<p>1-21-2019 is the day after a Full Wolf Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse, a truly cosmic event. Inspirado Projecto broadcasted on KCHUNG 1630am in Chinatown, Los Angeles. On the way there, thoughts about our 'default' modes are recorded. After the show, Noelle Ewing joins CEC and <a href="https://abc7chicago.com/entertainment/chicago-filmmaker-and-actor-talks-about-new-movie-high-and-outside/4176135/">Phil Donlon</a> with their stories about one of the greatest practical jokes in the World, involving <a href="https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Best-quality-giant-inflatable-Godzilla-for_60525982278.html?src=sem_ggl&amp;mark=google_shopping&amp;src=sem_ggl&amp;mark=shopping&amp;cmpgn=1666259716&amp;adgrp=66971409960&amp;locintrst=&amp;locphyscl=9060568&amp;ntwrk=g&amp;device=c&amp;dvcmdl=&amp;position=1o5&amp;pla_adtype=pla&amp;pla_mrctid=128811829&amp;pla_channel=online&amp;pla_prdid=60525982278&amp;pla_country=US&amp;pla_lang=en&amp;pla_group=293946777986&amp;pla_localcode=&amp;gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9bDRq_mB4AIVj9lkCh3rFAYbEAkYBSABEgI2L_D_BwE#shopping-ads">Godzilla </a>and <a href="https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Custom-large-giant-Rooftop-Inflatable-Gorilla_60732831788.html?spm=a2700.7724838.2017115.21.32eb2ff16OnSjn&amp;s=p">King Kong</a> in <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/McDonald's/@41.915642,-88.2091343,17z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x880f01d29c1ac159:0xef2848c4e7a03bc!2sIL-59+%26+North+Ave,+West+Chicago,+IL+60185!3b1!8m2!3d41.9154664!4d-88.2086515!3m4!1s0x880faab388bf38a5:0xdb60dcf85e992c98!8m2!3d41.9158037!4d-88.2068038">Chicagoland</a>. Plus, an old song by CEC called "Great Unknown", <a href="http://abrahamlincolnlives.com/">Rob Broski </a>makes and appearance, and a Fun Fact from Henry D. Horse!&nbsp;</p>
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Happy 70th Birthday Andy Kaufman
<p>Happy 70th Birthday <a href="https://hubpages.com/entertainment/Andy-Kaufmans-Archived-Cookies-Are-Alive">Andy Kaufman</a>! This is chock full of surprises! Stories by Larry King, Judd Hirsch, Jim Carrey, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheldon_Patinkin">Sheldon Patinkin</a> and Orson Welles. Original songs by Curt Clendenin &amp; Jacque Babb. Andy’s SNL Audition, Tony Clifton’s Joke, a piece of Kaufman’s Carnegie Hall Show, a monologue from Andy’s college days, Andy’s appearance on <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trJSf4vVSgE">Bob Pagani’s Slycraft Hour</a> doing a Russian accent for the first time publicly. Plus, Andy’s ex-lover <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acmCrkqi0nA">Miss Ruby Tuesday</a> leaves a message, and so does Maria Humphreys!</p>
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Popular Alignments
Orson Welles & Gary Graver talk UFOs, pipe detectives, Miss Ruby Tuesday and Anchor, Darth Vader discovery, Kim Cascone’s Drone Cinema Film Festival - Jan 19, 2019. Walking in the rain and The Real Jack Handey !
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Little Wing Jimi Hendrixplosion
<p>Celebration of Jimi Hendrix’s “Little Wing” release on January 15, 1968 in America. Monkees’ <a href="https://videoranch3d.com/">Mike Nesmith</a> stories from "<a href="https://www.rhino.com/product/infinite-tuesday-autobiographical-riffs">Infinite Tuesday</a>", Hendrix &amp; Curtis Knight UFO sighting, “Little Wing” uke cover - Jimi's Ghost &amp; Curt Clendenin, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chMrS1Qa7xs">Kevin Burshtein</a> &amp; Hendrix interview segments, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRtIRvztbwY">Frank Zappa</a> talks Jimi, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClQT6Vnsm6BUm0I5kR26EkQ">Eddie Vedder</a> wisdom, the time I met Hendrix, Karaoke <a href="http://carlsagan.com/">Celebrity Starz</a> sing a favourite classic, <a href="https://twitter.com/TheMickyDolenz1">Micky Dolenz</a> says hello and lots more!&nbsp;</p>
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Yachtley Gibraltar
<p>David J. Diaz from the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/giblivemusic/">Gibraltar Live Music Society</a> lets us know what it's like being the Official Music Ambassador of Gibraltar, working with MTV and his joy of band <a href="https://www.facebook.com/KingCalawayMusic/?__tn__=kCH-R&amp;eid=ARDeNbZ4Ljf2gxQc0jCskShllCMAWpvWHdyfWhJsvY1VMswPJ_FM4uIrux5oxIatCtKVWfvlVygaPEEi&amp;hc_ref=ARTv5HERpCmx9DqQmGKG85F1qH0Us-_Odl8LPWhNvd_Q_qXIg6KKBEgWHkgvYJz5Nyo&amp;fref=nf&amp;__xts__[0]=68.ARDWgWtan_e06CXpJgMDH4Hqle16k5pDMm9-c0yQHNAEK5TzcZcMiEgDCeaeE1etYbjNckBoZk8mQWkq-FHXqDXQ1qYfiBY7SRw-4WPAgUjVIrMDhGRMhSu3x8XQsJGvxNATU9R0ZyMtWA_HFM2UlAsjQMwSPl-5oEyHpWNlJngCbT5h7qYQBSkieMKeXA5xsj2KNN6Wcjc-aOSEn1NKl6vgQuOyfshxrebAgg-nDgCfQHjyBmW1lt8iIVZNli6aQYDg57ZvCBserejisyx9itz4fWd9tRzTS-mFC-bnj8CHaaBr-1F310g8ZDQ">King Calaway</a>. Also, <a href="http://yachtleycrew.com">Yachtley Crew</a> behind the scenes at Discovery Ventura, a new uke riff, Kim Cascone's promo for the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/221051318675906/">Drone Cinema Film Festival</a> 1-19-2018, plus Micky Dolenz stops by!</p>
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Paranormal Karaoke
<p>A secret location, a Howling Moon, Drone Cinema Film Festival - Jan 19, 2019, singing karaoke classics, Red Dead Redemption In South Park, Dizzy D Vinyl Archive, and more!</p>
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Arizona Rabbithole
<p>Part2 w/ Dizzy D, from an undisclosed location. Micky Dolenz appears, Phasmabox recordings w/ Dylan Durward &amp; Bob the ghosts, Fun Facts w/ Henry D. Horse, a riveting story about a Devil Dog, a promo for Kim Cascone's <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/221051318675906/">Drone Cinema Film Festival - Jan 19, 2019</a>... &nbsp;and more!</p>
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Blue Rose Magazine Interview 1
Scott Ryan from Blue Rose Magazine discusses the history of his magazine, his experiences with interviewing his favourite actors/writers from Twin Peaks, and his never before published theories. Rob Broski The Woodsman, also makes a guest appearance, plus more!
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Groovewich Verbsies
“Purple Line” song, Uber Ghost & UFO experience, • Tape - Grayson after KCHUNG, Subway Starship, Where Did My Microphone Go? AND more!
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Yachtley Crewpons
Uber Lady Macbeth, Yachtley Crew At StillWater, Viper Room and at a Charity For Borderline victims. Twisted Gypsy soundcheck, Michael Saltz Music Lawyer, and more!
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Yachtley UFO
Yachtley Crew at The Viper Room Behind The scenes, amazing Mammoth synchronicity, Uber interview about UFO, Drone Cinema Film Festival and more!
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Rambunctious Corporeal
Hip-Hop Horror Cannibals, Marissa Humphreys photobomb, Drone Cinema Film Festival - Jan 19, 2019, MEAT Clown dynamics, cosmic moment w/ Mike Nesmith & Johnny Cash , Jay Aaseng of Twin Peaks, exciting news about Yachtley Crew, riffs and more!
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Welcome To 2019!
New Year Eve w/ Yachtley Crew, spontaneous riffs, Drone Cinema Film Festival - Jan 19, 2019 promo, The Man Cursed w/ Seeing UFOs, “Listen To You” by Lawrence August and Curt Clendenin, and more cosmic ponderings!
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Mom The Aerobic Instructor
<p><a href="http://www.undertheflowers.com/">Richard Wilson</a> of Mad Shelley , wonderful sentiments from Carl Paoli, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/221051318675906/?active_tab=about">Drone Cinema Film Festival - Jan 19, 2019</a> by Kim Cascone, Mom's stories of sweatin w/ The Oldies , examining the idea book..... and....How To Make A Professional Million Dollar Song In 5 Minutes</p>
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Comedy From The Belly
<p>Merry Christmas from <a href="https://anchor.fm/awesomesauceradio">Awesome Sauce Radio</a> , live <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Comedy-Will-Save-Us-All-ebook/dp/B01LXFZWR3/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1546156725&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=craig+spivek">Craig Spivek</a> Comedy at <a href="http://hahacafecomedyclub.com/">HaHa Cafe</a>, afterthoughts with <a href="http://instagram.com/frankthetank_911">Frank the Tank</a>, maintaining integrity in Police States w/ <a href="https://www.instagram.com/xtinaaquacat/">Tina McCrory</a>, &nbsp;<a href="http://instagram.com/deleon_richards">DeLeon Richards</a>, <a href="http://instagram.com/princealicomedy">Prince Ali</a>, and <a href="http://instagram.com/coryhauger">Cory Hauger</a>. Kim Cascone’s <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/221051318675906/">Drone Cinema Film Festival</a> Jan 19, 2019 promo. German &amp; Norwegian Fishermen stories by Terri Clendenin, a uke jam riff, visiting a tailor for the first time, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1klJPZh5Rnk">Paul Pate</a> Saxolectric and more!</p>
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The World We Integrated Into
Kim Cascone’s Drone Cinema Film Festival 1-19-2019 promo, Carl Sagan & Iggy Pop make a guest appearance, a cat Christmas, Venice Beach shenanigans, Jimmy Osmond sightings and more!
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Christmas Starchilden
Unleashed improvised characters emerge, a blossoming song pronounces, new epiphanies swim, Micky Dolenz wisdoms, and synchronicities on Christmas Eve whilst wrapping presence!
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Roving The Grove
<p>Exploring The Grove and Farmer’s Market w/ Mom and Jenny, meeting Julian and Carol’s goat from <a href="TheSanctuaryAtSoledad.org">TheSanctuaryAtSoledad.org</a>, magical words from Superhero, a wonderful rendition of “Little Drummer Boy” from unexpected carolers, a Funfact from Henry D. Horse, investigating amazing Taschen art books, and more!</p>
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Hollydaze At Disneyland
California Adventure w/ Jenny and Mom for our very first time (thank you Nicoletta!), words from Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks, an improvised Krampus song, shopping at Target, Bradley Cooper Sighting, Target discoveries, and miraculously running into my friend Cassandra from “Black Pumpkin”! 🌲 🎅 🐭
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Dollop of Magic Vapours
Unstable woman on subway, DMV revelations, Wisdom from Stew Strauss of Twin Peaks, embracing the unexpected, and delightful synchronicities!
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Wild Nature
Returning from the DMV, interviews w/ Uber drivers, Richard Wilson offers wisdom, news about batteries and more!
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Yachtley Privates & Pirates
Yachtley Crew at Noor Corporate Party, Carnac the Magnificent, Richard Wilson wisdom, surprise BDay for Grayson Brooke, and lots of surprises!
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Everything Is Connected To My Knowledge
Yachtley Crew’s Private Party At Noor, Mike Allred revelations, synchronicity w/ David Buoy, helping Tommy Buoy’s guitar gear, Jordan and the Last Airbender, Victor The Uber driver and lots more!!!
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Jim Morrison Breakfast
John Garside hears a ghost, Rob Broski from Twin Peaks appearance, a mysterious letter, Colonel Sanders dessert items, and a wonderful conversation w/ Jeff Finn of “Before The End” documentary!
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Tape - Fabulouz
The band Tape, at Saint Rocke In Hermosa Beach, before opening for Yachtley Crew. Words from Stew Strauss from Twin Peaks, epiphanies w/ Jenny Clendenin after the show, and other unexpected surprises!
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Nature Bleeps Train Bloops
Beatboxing w/ nature, Richard Wilson from Mad Shelley Films, an interview while waiting for the train, Man Behind The Machine soundscape, synchronistic moments, an Uber driver who makes commercials and more unexpected happenings!
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The Living Beats
After Light Up Lantana, w/ Jaimie-lee Wise stories about collaborating on “Balm In Gilead” during Columbia College Chicago (Joan Cusack said it was her favourite version of the play she’d ever seen), words from Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks, and wonderful surprises!
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Light Up Lantana
Light Up Lantana Film/tv industry networking event 12-6-2018. Also words from Micky Dolenz, interviews w/ daredevils Kuteur, screenwriter Dolan Sharpe, and Natalia the outbreak detective. Funny anecdotes from Maria Humphreys and guest appearances by Jaimie-lee Wise and Tracy Hough!
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KaPow IFF Awards and Eyes
Part 3 of KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival Awards Ceremony, a couple of Uber interviews, Miss Ruby Tuesday Wisdom, my first eye exam ever, a promo from Superhero and more!
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The Earth Meal
Ana Marte interview in Uber, Micky Dolenz Wisdom, Chris M. Gordon talks about Alan Smithee, a robot cooking show, a Funfact by Henry D.Horse, and more!
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Rudolph Yachtley Arena
Hanging w/ Yachtley Crew at The Arena in Simi Valley, Rudolph synchronicity, talks w/ Phillip Daniel and the Gang, a new motivational speaker, and insight by Tommy Buoy.
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Yachtley Frisco Porsche
Yachtley Crew adventures through San Francisco, a Porsche party, synchronicities, a thrilling story w/ Thomas Gardner Jr about nearly missing a train, crazy talk w/ David Spangler, and the aftermath of an accident.
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Peter Beckett and Yachtley Crew
Yachtley Crew At Moonshine Beach In San Diego, a synchronicity at the grocery store, soundcheck w/ Peter Beckett from Player at The Arena, and some epiphanies,
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Miss Ruby Tuesday and Andy Kaufman
Miss Ruby Tuesday came out to Yachtley Crew’s Nov 30 Borderline Benefit Show At The Arena In Simi Valley. She talks about wrestling Andy Kaufman on 1-29-1981 at Smokey Stovers. Pauly Shores provides a unique promo and fun beatbox on a straw!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Sergio Pinheiro 4EVR
Sergio Pinheiro interview about filmmaking and his psychological film 4EVR.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Bonanza Jiffies
Yachtley Crew stuff, an interview w/ an Uber driver, ideas and surprises.
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Loopular Rationales
A vanished mural, Beatles on the subway on the way to Chinatown, a promo from Paul Pate, journeying through Walmart on Thanksgiving Eve, a uke riff and a talk w/ Ginny Uchansky after Thanksgiving.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew at Discovery Ventura
Interview with Tommy Buoy as David Buoy enters the room, conversations with Pauly Shores and his first intentionally haphazard sax riff, wonderful sentiments from Northside Radio, Philly Ocean and Tommy Buoy practice "Steal Away" before the show, Baba Buoy and Pauly investigate a unique video, and a fun uke riff!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Lean Into It NOW
We feature an astounding conversation with Alyssa Flowers who was hit by lightning, about synchronicities! Fun Facts from Henry D. Horse, revelations about letting go, a promo from Superhero, and a Thanksgiving song by Curt Clendenin titled "Iam Thankfull"!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Umbrage Statics
Hanging w/ Yachtley Crew at Discovery Ventura, uke riffs, words from Richard Wilson and Part 2 of the KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival Awards Ceremony!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Shock Excellence
KaPow Intergalactic Film Fest Awards Ceremony Part1, some riffs, an Uber driver interview, and some words from Richard Wilson of “Under The Flowers”,
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Mind Yolks
Exploring MAD Magazine records, ideas w/ Yachtley Crew, uke riffs, a piece from the documentary “Grizzly Project”, curiosities and conundrums! 👁
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Broadways of Signs
Fun Facts from Henry D. Horse, epiphanies about accents, MEAT Clown advice, uke riffs, cat explorations and unexpected connections!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Formulae Ville
Synchronicities abound, Micky Dolenz, epiphanies glow, and a talking uke.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Peace Frog & Stan Lee
“Peace Frog” Doors tribute band antics, a word from Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks, a Funfact from Henry D. Horse and the awesomeness of Stan Lee!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Veterans Day Ponderings
Freedom of choice puzzle, Veterans Day, and commonalities of Twin Peaks, The Prisoner and LOST. Happy Veterans Day!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Lamplight City
Today we review “Lamplight City”, a clever point-and-click adventure game by Grundislav Games! Thank you Emily Morganti for facilitating this exchange!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Gauche Mandlebrot
Yachtley Crew hijinx over the course of a few days in the tour van ! Yowzah!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Varietals
The TSA surprises John Wayne. Plus, a road trip w/ Yachtley Crew during the “Batten Down The Hatches” Tour!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Wandering Fierce
On the way to KCHUNG w/ Brian D’Vil, epiphanies, pre-game thoughts w/ CrystalsArtLove and Formerly Alien w/ MEAT Clown Representative #CRM114 .
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Formerly Crystal Alien Love
KCHUNG 1630AM - 11/5/2018 - “Formerly Crystal Alien Love” - On this show from the secret underground KCHUNG Studio of Chinatown! Stars- Event Specialist Brian D’vil of Holly Wood World, #CRM114 Consumer Relations Drone From MEAT Clown Buttons, Crystal Wizards Vael & Gem of CrystalsArtLove.com , A + B of philosophical space band Formerly Alien, and the Station Manager Captain Nicholas who holds it all together. We discuss synchronicities, the Nov 4 “Bloody Bobby” screening at Sun Space, artistic process and a Fun Fact from Henry D. Horse. We also experience a very special live performance by Formerly Alien, for the first time ever on Inspirado Projecto!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Funkadelic Yachtley Clown
Bloody Bobby and hanging with Yachtley Crew
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Happy All Hollows
Hunting for Halloween masks & decorations w/ Brian D’Vil of Hollow Wood World, for the Nov screening of “Bloody Bobby” at Sun Space! Marvelous guest appearances by Undies Funded, Strong Body Strong Soul & Man Behind The Machine Podcasts. Plus a rare song titled “I Wish I Did”.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Happy Halloweve!
Yachtley Crew shenanigans, Wisdom from Mad Shelley Films, Bloody Bobby Nov 4 Halloween horror at SunSpace in Sunland CA on Halloween Eve, and a whole lot more surprises!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Unusual Tuesdays
Interviewing Brian D'vil from Hollow Wood World about booking bands, conversations with the creators of Sunspace, and some of the craziness that ensues on "Unusual Tuesdays". Also a word from Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Quazars In Prizmlands
Some new revelations about trains & mermaids, synchronicities, a word from Superhero, some new insight from Maria Humphreys, Man Behind The Machine gives us some found audioscapes, the November 4 "Bloody Bobby" screening at Sunspace, and hanging out with Yachtley Crew...
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

StillWater With Yachtley Crew
Interview w/ an Uber Opera singer, a synchronicity involving Darin Toonder and hanging out with Yachtley Crew at StillWater in Dana Point!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Triforium Moonstone Pt 2
10-19-2018 at the Triforium in Los Angeles Part 2... The Wizard of LA and friends say goodbye to Reggie Watts and voyage to an artist party, to meet up w/ Michaelangelo for his Birthday... We also meet Hannah Rae a spirit medicine enthusiast from AMAZONIAHEALING.com , in addition to amazing jewelry-crafters from CrystalsArtLove.com who we share amazing discussions about Alan Watts and synchronicities!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Triforium Watts Pt1
From 10-19, visiting the Triforium w/ The Wizard of LA, Reverend Marc, Michaelangelo, Tara and other Wizards. Jherek Bischoff + Quartet plays a horror-esque song, Reggie Watts talks about his performance at the Triforium, Superhero gives us an introduction, and astounding synchronicities occur.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Midas Present Eater at KaPow IFF
Broadcasting 10-4-2018 at KaPow IFF w/ the masterminds of "Bed Eater" and "The Present." We also get Q&As for the Midas Block featuring: "Lazer Town", "The Circle" "KATY", "4EVR", and "Rockstar"!! Henry D. Horse also gifts us a new Funfact, the scoop about the Nov 4 screening of "Bloody Bobby" at Sunspace, cosmic data from Alan Watts, and revelations while hanging out with Yachtley Crew.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Masterclass Mindblast
Upcoming Bloody Bobby screening Nov 4 at Sunspace in Sunland. Plus, ideas strike the antenna w/ Yachtley Crew in Cordevalle, Maria Humphreys calls in through the quantum field, The Woodsmen: Stew Strauss & Rob Broski from Twin Peaks give advice, and MEAT Clown unveils the cosmic curtain!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Posters and Wine
Part 2 of Matt Jones at KaPow IFF on 10-4 talking about the importance of a good movie poster, Funfacts w/ Henry D. Horse, plus Yachtley Crew at Cordevalle w/ wine barrels and at Sealegs in Huntington Beach.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Open Stream
The journey to KCHUNG Studio for 10-5 broadcast of Inspirado Projecto Radio (including an interview w/ an Uber driver and synchronicities), mixed with audio of Yachtley Crew creating fun Eagles and Michael Jackson acapellas, a word from Jay Aaseng, new riffs, a Funfact from Henry D. Horse, MEAT Clown discoveries and Maria Humphrey's keen reaction!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Tee Times and Movie Posters
Matt Jones talks at KaPow IFF on 10-4-2018, about the importance of dynamic movie posters (Part 1), hanging out with Yachtley Crew & Paul McCartney on the golf course, uke riffs, Fun Facts w/ Henry D. Horse, and an unexpected visit from the TSA!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Cold Super Flowers
KaPow IFF 10-3-2018 coverage of Perspectives Block w/ "Under The Flowers", "Cold" and "Portrait of a Superhero"! A message from John Wayne from Forgotten Tales, hanging w/ Yachtley Crew, Funfacts by Henry D. Horse, synchronicities w/ a Wedding video/Infinite Self audio, MEAT Clown history and wild turkeys on a golf course!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Artistic Superheroes
10-3-2018 KaPow IFF coverage during the Artistic Block Q&As with "Bed Eater" and "Silent Love Stories". Also, a fun message from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast, a Funfact by Henry D. Horse, some words from MEAT Clown, hanging w/ Yachtley Crew, wisdom from Stewart Strauss from Twin Peaks, a promo by Mr. Touretteski, and an interview with a real-life Superhero!!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Nowhere To Hide Couples At KaPow IFF
More KaPow IFF coverage, from 10-2-2018 with Q&As from "Nowhere To Hide"! Also Q&As from 10-3, after the "Families and Couples" block w/ "Family Pipes" and "Good Business Sense"! Behind the scenes w/ Yachtley Crew, an entry from Forgotten Tales Podcast, a word from MEAT Clown, a song about Doctor Who w/ Kelsey Wailes, and a Funfact by Henry D. Horse!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Curious Mysteries of KaPow IFF
Oct 1, 2018 - Filmmaker Q&As at KaPow IFF with Feature "13 Mysteries". Also: "Landlocked", "The Most Splendid Episode" and "Booster Mom" from the Curious Block. Alsoalso: Henry D. horse w/ Funfacts, John Wayne from Forgotten Tales, important wisdom of Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks: The Return, and an imperative PSA from MEAT Clown Button Product Solutions. We also feature a behind-the-scenes moment w/ Pauly Shores during the recent "Batten Down The Hatches" Mini-Tour. http://KaPowIFF.com
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Splendidly Unusual KaPow IFF
On 9-30-2018 at KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival, we conversate with luminaries: A.J. Tedesco and Julian Olariu, present Q&As after Feature film "Ghost Squad", The Unusual Block: "Furco", "Color of the Chameleon", "Before Jelly Fish", "Portal Fuel", and also from the Splendid Block: "4EVR" & "Control C.E."! Also layered in are Fun Facts from Henry D. Horse, a promo from Man Behind The Machine Podcast, a celebrity sighting of Rob Broski from Twin Peaks, and important propaganda from everyone's favourite Sponsor, MEAT Clown Industries!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Family Friendly and Black Pumpkin
KaPow IFF - Sept 29, 2018 - Q&A with Family Friendly Block movies "Planeman", "John Foley: Motivationally Speaking", "Fanman's Basement" and "Brother's Day Out"! in addition to the "Bloody Bobby" and "Black Pumpkin" screenings!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

KaPow Intergalactic Film Fest 2018
KaPow Intergalactic Film Fest First Day, Sept 28th, 2018. Lots Of Unexpected Surprises! A Q&A with the makers of "In This Gray Place", an interview w/ Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick, and all the crazy hubbub after the "Black Pumpkin" premiere! Dave Uchansky Q&A of the Comedy Block w/ "El Exorcista", "Voodoo Vanessa", "Female Friendly", "Down To Earth," "I Think I Need A Drink", "The Box", and "Michael Half-Life" !
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew Lobster Rock
Yachtley Crew at Lobster Rock in Redondo Beach, cat congas, Dr Spore the Wizard, and Man Behind The Machine!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew & Celebrities
A deeper investigation into Yachtley Crew and talking w/ celebrities like Pal Stanley...in Reno! Also, a sweet message from Horns & Halos Podcast!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Conjunctioned Yachtley Knots
Hanging w/ Yachtley Crew in Reno and the intriguing surprises contained therein!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Reno w/ Yachtley Crew
A crazy parallel universe Beatles' song (and Bashar's transmissions about it), Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks, roadtrippin with Yachtley Crew to Reno, Funfacts w/ Henry D. Horse, and a funny message from Diego McCloud
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew In Mammoth
Yachtley Crew Adventures Through June Lake.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Reading Future Stories
Twin Peaks' Robert Broski advice, extraterrestrial theorems, robust fiction writing perspectives, decision-makings for black holes and icebergs, the Dolores Cannon film, and the art of predictions.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Satisfied Kaleidoscape
A beautiful message from Martha (of the World-Renouned Podcast, "Martha's Place"), an EP of uke soundscapes, curious puzzlements, bushels of spider monkey mayhem and Jack Nicholson.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Freedom Performances
A great message from Forgotten Tales, some insight while shopping, Alan Watts wisdom, an interview w/ a guy in the laundry room, a conversation w/ Ryan McGonagle and more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Triangle Amplification Device
We get a wonderful message from John Garside of Forgotten Tales, a Fun Fact from Henry D. Horse and an astounding story from Mike Schlie about the baffling history of Earth!?!?
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Connecting Constellations
John Garside from Forgotten Tales impersonates himself, Pagan-related adventures w/ Mike Schlie and an intriguing excercise called a "Constellation".
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

HollyWeiorld History
A sweet message from Martha of "Martha's Place", uncanny stories about the movie business w/ Mike Schlie, and secret codes by Doctor Gonzo.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Spooky Action At a Distance
Great question from Maria Humphreys, the Max Neptune theme song by Luis Narino, thoughts from Mr. Touretteski, my ideas about sarcasm, a great message from John Garside of Forgotten Tales, and subway revelations!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Cosmic Yachtley Peace
An Uber cook, a fun message by Forgotten Tales, Yachtley Crew soundcheck, meeting the masterminds of Cosmic Eye & Peace Frog, some nice folks at Rock & Reilly's, talks outside before the Viper Room show, and after show exhaustion.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Parallel Beatles
"Black Pumpkin" trailer released before 9-29 Double Feature screening at KaPow IFF 12pm, an unreleased Beatles song from a parallel universe, Elle Yeah sends a wonderful message, and a synchronicity-filled conversation w/ John Garside of Forgotten Tales!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Poetic Epitaphographers
Contemplations about epitaphs, curiousities about "Banish-mints", new "Black Pumpkin" trailer, unexpected jam jazz with David Buoy and Pauly Shores backstage after Yachtley Crew, a great promo by Maria Humphreys, a song about a possible gathering, and a very lovely message from Mary from Mary's Place Podcast!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Cosmic Tourguides Too
Our Lost Angles adventure w/ Tara & Reverend Marc after our KCHUNG 1630am broadcast in Chinatown! Maria Humphreys also delivers sage advice, and Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks Season 3 stops by to say hi!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Cosmic TourGuides1
Cosmic Tourguides, Marc & Tara, go on an adventure through LA, after our KCHUNG 1630am show in Chinatown. Forgotten Tales leaves a sentiment about the recent quake, then CEC begs you to help him solve the answer to a burning question.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Your Wish Is Granted
Pre-Yachtley Crew journey through Ventura w/ Philly Ocean and his Mom Brenda, encountering great fortune from Zoltar, a fun message from Mr. Touretteski, and GIANT SQUIDS!!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew & Surprises
Theme song by Forgotten Tales, unexpected grocery store interviews, a wonderful message from Digital Wild West, soundcheck w/ Yachtley Crew and Thomas Gardner Jr,
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Perpetuate Aghast
A message from Forgotten Tales, dreaming big, a promo from Man Behind The Machine and one of the most magical synchronicity moments yet!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Conjure Happy
Discoveries by Maria Humphreys, unique revelations, a song by Thomas Gardner Jr, and Jay Aaseng from Twin Peaks Season 3 shows up!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Craig Spivek Comedy Gems
Weird Al's star, Forgotten Tales, Craig Spivek comedy, Jamie Kennedy and Jack's history of HaHa Cafe.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Absurdity Eyes Reality
"Different Strokes:The Return Part 4", lots of unexpected guests, Neville Goddard wisdom about Imagination, Funfacts by Henry D. Horse, a marvelous song by Daniel Figurelli, a crazy message from Mr. Touretteski, and more! We're also on Inzduhgramm. BAMM!!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Aye Aye Know U8U
Ever heard of the Aye Aye? Big epiphanies, character ideas, riffs, celebrity guests, U8U stories and a wonderful contribution from Forgotten Tales, will rumpapumpum your eardrumdadrumdrums!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew At StillWater 8-25-2018
An interesting thought from Maria Humphreys, some Scientology info, an interview w/ an Uber driver, and lots of backstage antics w/ Yachtley Crew!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Powerful Cankles
Frank Darabont's dog, Uncle Ankle epiphany, Fun Facts about Hollywood from Henry D. Horse, special words from Willy Nelson, inspiring news from Undie's Funded Podcast, and an unexpected appearance by Ice-T.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

U Is In The Mirror
The Hippo named Critt leaves an educational message, we talk about water/Jesus, "The Archivist: Twin Peaks VR Experience news, U8U high fives and more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Infinitum Yabyums
Exciting KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival insight, a new Sit-com, a magic message from The Guru, stories of Mother Nature & Associates, Fun Facts by Henry D. Horse, car wisdom from Forgotten Tales, AND Earth sounds?
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Cloudbending w/ The Son
We learm about email scam artists, talking to "The Son" during cloudy skies, fun with numerology and the Language of USSU. Plus we get a surprise visit from the TSA.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Responsible For U
Special appearance by Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul, theories about art response-abilities, a song by Lawrence August and CEC, plus more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Accents And Happy Accidents
An extraordinary endorsement from Undies Funded Podcast, a promo from Man Behind The Machine, and a conversation w/ Author James Scott Byrnside and Screenwriter Jaimie-lee Wise about the process of writing! Unexpected nuggets emerge!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Echoing Through Echo Park
This Journey happens after our KCHUNG show, throughout Silverlake, Echo Park and Los Feliz w/ Author James Scott Byrnside and screenwriter Jaimie-lee Wise.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

U Are Mystical Media
Ponderings about last nights Wizard Walk adventure, a lovely message from LL Walton, a promo by Man Behind The Machine, and curiosities of KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Wizard Walking Success
A Wizard Walk through Los Angeles w/ The Wizard of LA, Reverend Marc and Loomy the All-Seeing Eye. We encounter musicians LordCoopa and C4 on the street, artist Tigre Fou, in addition to unexpected revelations!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

YOUnique Visitors
A new mantra to consider, a crazy business venture, a fun sentiment by Spidey Hec, an original sing about Andy Kaufman, a Fun Fact by Henry D. Horse, Joshua Eisenstadt reads Twin Peaks poetry, and a unique interview w/ Pal Stanley from rock band KIZZ on KCHUNG 1630am Radio!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

While Fathoming
A great message from Caleb Durbois, ideas about harmony, cosmic Carl Sagan insight delivered by Man Behind The Machine, an unexpected invention idea and a surprise visit from the TSA!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Backyard Levitation w/ Birds
Shooting Black Pumpkin scenes guerilla-style, "Different Strokes Revival" by Forgotten Tales, unique Andy Kaufman information, eating at Wahlburgers with Ryan McG and Dave Uchansky, warm messages from Mr. Touretteski, and much more are packed into this episode!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

"Unavowed" and Supernaturalized
Emily Morganti from Wadjet Eye Games gave us a copy of "Unavowed" point-and-click videogame to play and review. We do the best we can, without revealing any spoilers! Man Behind The Machine delivers a very special message too! 👁 "Unavowed" is created by Dave and Janet Gilbert, Ben Chandler and Francisco Gonzalez.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Mayor Morrison of Each One Village
A conversation w/ filmmaker Jeff Finn about "Before The End: Searching For Jim Morrison, a fun promo by Man Behind The Machine, great sentiments from Biggie Smalls, a song "Each One Village" by Wishing To Float...and more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Jaunty Halogenic
Dream traveling w/ Robert Moss, a wonderful message from Tim Ereneta, 50 Shades of Grey book club, Robert Broski from Twin Peaks, an interview w/ Joshua Eisenstadt at One Eyed Jacks on NYE, a new riff and much more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Exploration to House of Blues San Diego
Yachtley Crew Adventures and interviews through the fame-ed Gaslamp District of San Diego! Also a sweet message from Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Gaslamp District
Hoofing it through the Gaslamp District in San Diego w/ David Buoy while waiting for Yachtley Crew's 5:30 load-in time at House of Blues.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Good Space Formulas
Deuce Wesley Antics, revelations about you seeing yourself, an Uber interview, ideas about a reality show, wonderful facts about Dengar, a promo from The Wizard of LA, hanging out w/ Yachtley Crew and more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Explorative Etiquette
A crazy series of synchronicities w/ Forgotten Tales, a subway journey back from the Holy Fire, new revelations, David Lynch talks about Ideas, a wonderful promo by Man Behind The Machine, and More!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Holy Fires of California
The McGonagle Family during the "Holy Fires" breaking out in mountains around their home. Thank you Man Behind The Machine for the awesome promo and Maria Humphreys from Strong Body Strong Soul Podcast for the beautiful sentiments.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Visiting Corona
Children wisdom, mountain fires, an interview w/ Kya the artist, an intriguing dream, and more unexpected findings.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Examining WeSelf
KCHUNG Aftershow conversations w/ David Spangler and Sma Litzinger, Bashar wisdom, UFO dream idea, a visit from TSA, and dog sounds!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Precipitating Predictions
A visit from the TSA, Edgar Cayce thoughts, a new friend on the bus, a wonderful promo by Man Behind The Machine, and Today's 1630am KCHUNG show 1-2pmPST on http://kchungradio.org/streaming.html
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Tipping Ourglass
Unique Radiohead postcards, deep cleaning, inspiring sentiments from Crypto Kid, absurd ideas, the secret to never catchimg a cold, Dengar's new business venture, an unexpected visit from the TSA, and more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

You Met James Brown?
The most supernatural trains of thought ever Passenger-ed! A PSA, revelations about frogs and toads, my Mom meeting James Brown, artwork ideas, a clutter supervisor, Braco and memories never before shared! The streaming online visual of 👁nsp👁rado Projecto Rad👁o coming soon!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Last Day In Chicagoland
Visiting our Family Relatives in the cemetary, an idea for a social experiment, airplane sounds, a wise piece of prose, a wonderful message from Dr Dee of BOOM Factor, and airplane sounds!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Howling and Historying
A magical story about a robot from John Garside of Forgotten Tales, Chicago history, games with the kids and a perplexing discussion about Yacht Rock, are all packed into this episode!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Finding Carol Stream
Your host Dr Dee leaves a beautiful message, plus some new insight hatched at The Reunion about Carol Stream!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Walkie Talkie Nostalgia
Blimey Cow Fancast leaves an intriguing message, plus conversations about walkie talkies emerge at The Reunion !
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Veterans and Videogames
Intense conversations continue at The Reunion centering around videogames and Veterans. Also, John Garside from Forgotten Tales reports a synchronicity!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Blasts From The Pasts
A wonderful message from Joshing Around Podcast and the beginning of our Carol Stream Reunion in Pottawattomie Park, St Charles Illinois.
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Ghosts and Coolers
Ghost adventures w/ Mom, a wonderful message from Martha's Place, and an adventure to Target.
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Beers, Parks and Kids
Wonderful sentiments from Fuel Your Soul, playing with Ella in the park, investigating cars and trucks, an adventure through a grocery store and a bizarre story about a neighbour!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

More Time For Play
A series of conversations about growing up and playing with kids!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Chicago Journey
A couple of plane flights to Chicago, an Uber interview, talks w/ the Family and more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Within The Firmament
Wedding guest matchmakers, riffs, epiphanies, sentiments from Forgotten Tales, LuLu Island and We Live On A Planet Podcasts, laughing cats, sidewalk conundrums and more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Children Casting Spells
Maria Humphreys advice, "The Whatever" w/ Dr. Harridan, open call for talent for "The Awards Ceremony", and a new training video for my new company "Retroactive Intros".
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Orange Cat Dreams
Jay Aaseng "The Drunk" from Twin Peaks, new riffs, startling robot news, highlighting "The Dangerous Book For Boys", plus a wonderful message from Celestria, a song about doughnuts, and Man Behind The Machine transmissions!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Opening Your Presence
Readings drom the idea book, revealing titles, characters, theories and concepts! Plus, an extraordinary message from Lulu Island!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Night Terrors and Lemonade
Interviews w/ Uber, Laurel Canyon Love Street Festival, pretzel deliciousness, lime strawberry lemonade cucumber mint beverage, unexpected Viper Room news, Strong Body Strong Soul poscast, Forgotten Tales additions and more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Viking on the Wall
Ray Manzarek stories, exemplary Maria Humphreys insight, Neo-Tech info, Tractor flyers, muse discoveries, Micky Dolenz, gut-busting laughter from Craig Spivek and surprise riffs!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yo Joe!
Strong Body Strong Soul contributions and an in depth discussion w/ John Garside from Forgotten Tales about GI Joe cartoons/comics/action figures!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Elastic Neutron Sloops
We Live on a Planet, Carpool's Talk Show, Undies Funded and Man Behind The Machine all contributed extraordinary bits to this episode! Plus wedding videos, riffs, synchronicities, movie ideas, Edward Gorey and other epiphanies!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Life Happens, Get On The Bus
Andy Kaufman intrigue w/ Stephen Maddox, celebrity guests, cosmic riffs, Jenny's story about the Surf Rodeo Incident, a message from Undies Funded Podcast, Tommy Frost A1 Superspy Theme Song, and much more!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Land Mimes, Inc
Celebrity guests Michael T. Justice and Rocanne, cosmic happenings with Forgotten Tales, serendipity w/ Louis MacGruder, and more cat petting!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Excelsior Giants
Captain Pickard gives good tidings, gratitude amplitude, Alan Abel talks about SINA pranks, new videogame reviews, Golden Boy w/ Phil Donlon, riffs and other unexpected discoveries !
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Ubiquitous Serendipity Serendipitous Ubiquity - U8U
USSU = Everything happening all at once everywhere at the same time always = U8U
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Whiddling Sculptures
Talking Animals, Northside Radio, celebrity endorsements, West Side Story, revelations, synchronicities, Andy Kaufman's Exhumation and mind-expanders!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Crescent Grades Included
Lisa McG's "Green Orb" story from Mundee-16th's radio version on KCHUNG 1630am, Neville Goddard, Crypro Kid, Forgotten Tales, some riffs, a reading from "Infinity Diet" by Mike Schlie, connecting Bloody Bobby w/ Black Pumpkin, and a mysterious happening w/ "The Hanged Man"!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Stamp Stenographers
SEW, Mr Tourretteski, Steven Wright, surprising epiphanies, riffs, fun facts with Henry D. Horse, and philosophical theoreticals!
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Weird Al Sherlock Jones & Associates
Frogotten Tales word acrobatics, revelations, Stan Lee comic book announcement, Reshad Radio contributions, Kaleidoscope Jesus theme song by John Garside, and much more!
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Our Cosmos - Podcast Version
We simultaneously recorded on Periscope, on Anchor, and broadcasted from the KCHUNG Studios on 1630am! We talk about dreams, ghost sightings, and read from "Convoluted Universe Book IV"!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Hexopod Geode Heirographiques
Coverage of Yachtley Crew at Surf Rodeo, unexpected dramaticals, seeing through whats there, riffs, Man Behind The Machine, Forgotten Tales, Bow Wow Wow and Richard Brautigan!
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How Many Fingers Are There?
Abraham Hicks wisdom, backstage antics w/ Yachtley Crew, USSU, an Uber Driver interview and more anomalies!
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Hangin W/ Yachtley Crew
Mostly everything you ever wanted to know
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Academe of Madcap Summits
Has the key been found yet? Behind the door, filing cabinets filled with intrigue, delight, sparkling waterfalls and hollering coconuts .
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Wizardry School 3
Mr Touretteski and The Wizard of L.A. talk miraculous magickalities! Plus, a fun message from Forgotten Tales, a song in its process mode and more!
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Your Truth Sets Us Free
Full-blasting AC situations, epiphanies galore, Wordland, a message from Man Behind The Machine, magickal arcades, wandering ponderings.
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Stretching Springs
Next Door Neighbour curiosities, an unexpected riff, bathtub experiment, Kaleidoscopic Jesus and other possible anomalies
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Beacons Burn Brightly
If a wildebeast played a gorgonzola basson at mignight, would a tree hear the music?
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McG Manour Mayhaps
Horns & Halos Podcast messages, Black Pumpkin Edits, before and after Alex Griffin re-shoots, epiphanies-a-plenty, and a windy and unexpected interview w/ @so_cal_kid on the Thought Train Speedway !👁!
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Wizardry School 2
The Wizard of L.A. and Mr. Touretteski gather with me for another cosmic School of Thought!
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Xylem Phloem Plantastics
New market store epiphanies, wonderous theories, riffs, ideas for movies and more!
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Your Personal Story
A riff co-created by Curt and Daniel Figuerelli, a whopper of a story involving creatures and other insights!
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Seahorse Carriage
July 13 Yachtley Crew promo, an art project, improvisation, "Fooled Around and Fell In Love" by Elvin Bishop covered by Yachtley Crew at The Viper Room, a riff and a great message from Cannabis Conundrum Podcast!
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Wizardry School 1
The Wizard of LA, Mr. Touretteski and Curt discuss the merits of creating realities smoothly!
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Greet You Now
Mr Rogers influences us, Madeline Zima queztion, Rochelle Battat sings about "The Greeter", and unraveling other Majestickles Inc.
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You Are The Greeter
A story of The Greeter, riffs, backstage w/Yachtley Crew, contribution from Talking Animals, grocery store epiphanies, singing plants and a delicious meal!
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⚓️🚢Yachtley Spirits🚢⚓️
Mr Rogers Commencement Speech at Dartmouth, behind the scenes with Yachtley Crew and nuggets of absurd wisdom! 👽👁👽👁👽👁
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Yachtley Crew at Viper Room
Roxanne contributes, Soundcheck, some ideas about Laurel Canyon and a riff!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Folk Alligator
A dream about a spaceship, Richard Brautigan poetry, a riff, plus Forgotten Tales and Michael T. Justice contributions !
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Downtown Uptown All Around
New York, clean bills of health, the best version of U, very special messages and a song about a Bluebird.
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Zonkers and Zesties
Horns & Halos July 4th message, a riff, a celebrity sighting, and an idea for a videogame film .
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Day of Independence
Today's July 4 celebration w/ Michaelangelo and The Wizard of L.A. in Grand Park. Contributions by Man Behind The Machine, Mr. Touretteski, and more synchronicities!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Yachtley Crew Private Beach Party
Yachtley Crew plays for a 4th of July beach party in Santa Monica!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Happy UFO Day!
Messages from Pete McHugh and Man Behind The Machine, a look into World UFO day, an Uber driver and some insight from the idea book!
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Hollywood Carcast 1
Curiously surreal content from Hip Hop Radio, Spidey Hec, 7-11 encounters and observations on the way to Best Buy. Compelling?
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David Lynch Book Signing 3
"An Evening With David Lynch" at the Ace Hotel. This punctuates the end of the night after an extraordinary conversation of synchronicities with Roxanne Knouse and Douglas Clarke. Included are: Undies Funded Podcast greetings, words from David Lynch himself, a message from Mr. Touretteski, and a great promo from Jay Aaseng (plays the drunk in the Twin Peaks jail of Season 3).
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Night and Day People
Contributions from Forgotten Tales, Man Behind The Machine, We Live On A Planet Podcast, Jean Shephard's "Night" and "Day" People, a fun riff, and Micky Dolenz!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Gorgeous Ocean Breezes
Yachtley Crew in Marina Del Ray, Agent Cooper, 1966 Batman, Tam's World, Forgotten Tales, yawn puns, and other anomalies
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Your AI Assistant Might Behave
Amazon's Return Policy, great contributions, new riffs, and a startling David Lynch-related find in the idea book!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

David Lynch Book Signing 2
Part 2 of David Lynch's book signing w/ Roxanne Knouse and Douglas Clarke, Awesome Sauce Podcast, John Garside From Forgotten Tales, a marvelous Radiohead song in the subway after the event and a surprise endorsemen from a Twin Peaks actor!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

Baywatching Barnyards
Wonderful Collaborators, idea book readings, a new riff, and insights about old folks homes
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Especially With Campfires
A delightful collaboration betwixt a few unusual suspects, plus a wonderful campfire scent in the Summer night!
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

David Lynch Book Signing 1
David Lynch and Kristine McKenna signed copies of their book, "Room to Dream". This is one part of a three part series of this extraordinary synchronicity-filled event, on the longest day of the year, 6-21-2018, at the ACE Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles! Featuring Douglas Clarke and Roxanne Knouse!
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Yachtley Crew and Pasadena
A journey to tonight's Yachtley Crew Show and pleasant synchronicities found in Pasadena
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Wandering DTLA
After David Lynch's book signing I misplace myself. Then place myself.
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On The Way To See David Lynch
We get to meet an interesting Uber driver on the way to David Lynch’s book signing
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The Annunaki
How the Annunaki wrote our history and Nibiru brought on the Great Flood. This episode was thought to be lost, but somehow survived!
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Black Pumpkin's Last Day
Our 20th day of shooting horror film, "Black Pumpkin". The nature around here is beautiful!
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Uber Religion
We learn about the bible.
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Uber Confessions
Uber driver and passenger on the way to shoot Black Pumpkin
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Iam One With The Force
A great promo by The Wizard Of LA, sounds by Man Behind The Machine, ozonated water and The Force
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Comedy With Craig
We follow Craig to his open mic night and learn a lot of hidden secrets about comedy!
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Curt and Craig Talk Process
Process, copyright and comedy
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The Wizard Walk
The Wizard of LA, Lumie The All-Seeing Eye, The Reverend and I went on a "Wizard Walk" through Los Angeles, playing music and enjoying the crowd. A weird twist ending ensues.
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Mirror Adjustments
When an acorn grows, who hears the sound?
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Heliotope Victory Lap
War Of The Worlds, new discoveries and 160mg of caffeine
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Movement In C Major
See yourself unfolding yourself. Featuring Man Behind The Machine, and ideas never before shared publicly
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Hydrogenated Colloquialisms
We've stumbled upon a buried trove. Featuring "Let's Build A Tree"!
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Boo Yah Chortles
Its like being at the beach drinking beverages with a shiny Farmer Tan.
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Lego Castle of Media
An unexpected song, ponderings about media, curious illusion investigations
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Operatic Stairwell Gypsies
The Management is shapeshifted during a surprise inspection by Apparition Personae.
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Discoverable Tranquility Gateways
Man Behind The Machine, spellcasting from the "Imagination Totem", cat situations, white noise invasions and acrobatic epiphanies !
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Max Neptune and Beach Bears
Stew Strauss Celebrity Endorsement, peculiar riffs, voicemails, and synchronicities with John Garside!
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Featuring Art Wizard Allen Panakal
Allen Panakal is an artist, writer, digital painter, go-getter, a longtime friend, fellow collaborator, and all around great guy. He's a Wizard of Colourcasting, a Sci-Fi Fantasy Factorian, Teacher of USSU, and Imagineer of the upcoming graphic series "Ancient Ones". You can find him touring the Artist Alleys of various conventions across the United States! Check out his art sometime . . . http://allenpanakal.com
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

The Cloud Watchers Know All
Astounding sound concoctions tap dance their paws across a quantum spectrum of notes, spells, and harmonics. Sounds from the old west, resurrected riffs, improvised melodicas, enchanted fantasies, haunting wooshes, and seasonal feelings are explored. Plus, unexpected celebrity appearances?!
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Danny Matthews From Podyssey
Danny Matthews from Podyssey.fm is interviewed about his awesome app, enabling podcasters to see what podcasts their friends are listening to! Also featured, are riffs, a voicemail from "The Red Room" and unexpected surprises!
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Integral Capillary Cities
We hear Abraham wisdom, more riffs, accidental ideas, news, and other oddities of intrigue!
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Yachtley Crew At StillWater
Our journey to Dana Point for tonight’s Yachtley Crew Party at StillWater
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Yachtley Crew at The Viper Room
A journey to and through The Viper Room show with Yachtley Crew
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Episode 83
The igloo has landed
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Metropolitician Subway Giants
We hear an interview with a time traveler, a bus journey to audition for a diabetes commercial, some riffs and epiphanies!
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The Chimichanga Cooking Show!
The first ever cooking show of Inspirado Projecto. Riffs, surrealism and other happenings become familiarized in real-time.
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Formations of Morphies
Riffs, new startling information, seeing the brighter aide, pitching Inspirado Projecto to radio stations, and a review of point-and-click videogame, "Unforeseen Incidents"!
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Character Driven Musics
A famous song is shared, a Forgotten Tale is revealed, some shapeshifters float past in a Thought Cloud, and riffs sprout like a Miracle Grow Redwood Forest .
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Weaving Yarn Paintings
More uke riffs than ever before! CEC explores vision quests, John Garside from Forgotten Tales, and another selection from the Original Incarnation of Inspirado Projecto!
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KCHUNG Radio Journey
Forgotten Tales, riding on the subway, inside KCHUNG Studios and synchronicities.
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The Creative Farces
Yachtley Crew at Cronies, surprise interviews and some fun Black Pumpkin behind the scenes
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Startled Zeitgeist Gems
An adventure for white shorts, riffs, voicemails, cb soundwaves, and Rob Browski from Twin Peaks.
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As Coins Flip We Redefine
Man Behind The Machine, a series of riffs, unexpected voicemail messages, heaps of coffe and life doodlings are investigated with fervent magnificence.
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Melodic Surreality Circuits
A guest appearance by Robert Paterson, a series of riffs, answering machine messages, Forgotten Tales, and imagination.
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Ergo Saturae Diem
Neville Goddard, celebrity guests, riffs, interviews with John and Liam, a Fun Fact, and antennae bleepbloops.
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Kaleidoscopic Vibrances
Conversations about a rave experience, Man Behind The Machine sound collage, sudden epiphanies, a song written by Lawrence August, Jack Kerouac stops by, and much more!
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Bloody Bobby Behind-The-Scenes
Interviews with Chris LeKooreman, David Uchansky and Vie LeKooreman. Man Behind The Machine, Forgotten Tales and a riff are also featured
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Reggae and Synchronicities
We enciunter a reggae band, and a series of mind exploding synchronicities!
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Mountaineers of Los Angeles
We climb a mountain, eat delicious vegan meals and interview a lover of synchronicity.
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Angel of The Arts
Some of The Getty, an Uber interview, startling surprises and more artistic fun with beer!
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Getty Adventure
Celebrity guests, Yachtley Crew news, and a trip to the Getty
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Operation Tone Up Challenge
Hanging out with Lawrence August and doing camera work at "The 2018 Operation Tone Up National Fittest School Challenge" in Hermosa Beach. We also hear interviews with the kids, teachers, parents and the Founder of Operation Tone Up himself, Tony Lamka. (Lawrence narrates the beginning of a song you'll hear at the end)
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Where Do You Wander
Interview with Lawrence August and unexpected surprises!
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Robot Bigfoot and Associates
George Takei arrives unexpectedly, philosophicals are examined and a heartwarming story about reuniting with fellow "Blues Brothers" Orphan, Jeff Cahill, after 32 years.
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You Dream Your Dreamer
Featuring a sound collage by Man Behind The Machine, improvised uke riffs, an article about friendship, health benefits and celebrity endorsements!
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Bob Pagani and Zach Schonfeld
Man Behind The Machine, apartment sounds, and an interview with Zach Schonfeld from NY Magazine about Andy Kaufman's friend, Bob Pagani. Check out "Bob Is Sleeping" on Periscope sometime!
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Sculpting Volcano Ashes
As per usual considerations, we encounter even more curious hunches.
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Enlivened Involvement
OS D'Vil appears, sidewalk conflicts, enriching riffs and the Celebrity Afterlife Report are revealed
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Doorways To Goblin Books
Lits of stuff happening here with a cosmic soup.
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Yachtley Berry Show
Yachtley Crew At Strawberry Festival and some surprises! Man Behind The Machine featured!
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Charismatic Boathouse
Newly formed perspectives and minor key changes are to be expected
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Igniting Spaces
Yachtley Crew bts and Uber interviews . Also epiphanies.
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Decision Mastications
Yachtley Crew shenanigans are prominent.
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Integrating Vernacular Spectaculars
More than meets the eye on this one. Hugo’s is visited.
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Galaxor and Winged Hellions
Somewhere among the pudding swamps and jellybean mountains, we emerge into the heart of frequencies.
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Harrowing Functionalities
Andy Kaufman guest stars. Diagonal hints of wonderous jive talkies upend accordingly.
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Andy Kaufman Faked Death
May 16th, the date Andy Kaufman faked his death. Jeff Finn from “Before The End” documystery.
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the Goods
National Lampoon and Podcasting revelations
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Culinary Deviants
MAD Magazine, Colonel Sanders, music, and more!
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Dynamite Mindzone
Fresh discoveries enhance an extra layer of wonderment within this paradigm.
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Jeepers Aplenty
Near death experiences, strange guests and new epiphanies abound!
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Herme Tickally
If you ever needed another reason to go out of your mind, this is it.
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Fortunate Jaunt
New surprises around every turn, some of which, are legal
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Value Systemathematical
More conversations with Uber drivers, spontaneous riffs, Yachtley Crew stuff and revelations abound!
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Collage Comp
Lots of varietals .
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Crumpet Sociality
A series of epiphanies make their way to the podcast sphere
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Premiere Perrenials
A vast array of riffs, celebrity guests, bus ditties, and surprises emerge on this rollicking rambunctious episodical
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Freakily Fantaso
Before today's radio show on KCHUNG 1630am and after the show with surprises and epiphanies
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New epiphanies and further surprises emerge gracefully
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Cinco De Yachto
Today Yachtley Crew Plays a 50th Birthday Party. This is the happenings concerning it!
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May The Fourth Be With You
New Horizontals emerging on the way to The Viper Room for Yachtley Crew
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Hellraiser Anonymous
Some observations and a very special message
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Yachtley Adventure
On the way to The Rose and at The Rose
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Hodger Podger
Things are getting crazy when Bruce Springsteen and Tony Danza show up
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Carl Sagan Breakfast
Sagan reveals a big science surprise
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Peanut Butter Synchronicity
Synchronicity involving a miraculous peanut butter incident!
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About To Teach Improv
This Buscast episode happens on the way to Glendale. Will CEC make it to improv class in time?
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Yachtley Crew Before Charity
Hijinx with Yachtley Crew leading up to the charity.
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Denver to Home
On the way back to LA w/ Yachtley Crew
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Yachtley Crew House
These drafts from Yachtley Crew are finally uploaded
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Denver 1
A memory in time with Yachtley Crew in Denver
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Ride To Airport
Revelations emerge
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Yachtley Crew In Denver 2
Fun memories of touring with Yachtley Crew in Denver for the first time
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Mobile Podcast
On our way to the Denver Show
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Laundry Curiosity
This is a dramatic episode with a cliffhanger ending
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Laundry Quarters
A journey to the market for quarters
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Kaufman Song
Andy Kaufman surprises David Letterman with a last-minute song
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Cold Shopping
Another episode where I take the at-home viewer on a trip to the store...
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Ozonator Materials
Inspirado Projecto encounters an unexpected circumstance while searching for ozonator materials!
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Depositing Black Pumpkin
A scribble check creates an unknown journey of revelations
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Showercast 1 - Definitions
Tom Brokaw surprises us as an unexpected guest on this show about “definitions”
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Leavitt House - Buscast
CEC rides the bus to the Black Pumpkin set, to help build the scene for tonight’s scene at the Leavitt House
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Skatecast 2
Grocery shopping while podcasting while skating
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Skatecast 1
My first podcast while skateboarding
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Making A Song 1
The process of making a song is revealed from start to finish.
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Windy Street Riffings
While walking along, inspirado struck me with a song.
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Inspirado Projecto Aftershow
4-16-2018 This is a podcast that happened after today’s radio show
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Inspirado Projecto Prequel
4-16-2018 This is the first time ever, broadcasting an Inspirado Projecto podcast before the radio show on the same day. Tune in 1st & 3rd Mun-dees of each month, 1-2pm PST On KCHUNGradio.org
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Black Pumpkin Buscast
4-15-2018 This is another Buscast episode. We talk about Black Pumpkin and last night’s Yachtley Crew Show at Bombay Bar & Grill
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Yachtley Crew At Bombay
4-14-2018 Live from Bombay Bar & Grill In Ventura, CA. With a sound check!
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Buscast - Littering
Friday 13th, 2018 episode on the bus to Black Pumpkin
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Creating Diablo’s Den
4-11-2018 We create the famously haunted Diablo’s Den in Shaeda’s backyard for “Black Pumpkin”
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Buscast Episode 2
4-10-2018 Inspirado Projecto . CEC ponders the latest synchronicities during filming horror film “Black Pumpkin”.
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The Canyon In Santa Clarita
A podcast recorded before the Yachtley Crew Show at The Canyon In Santa Clarita
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Yachtley Crew At The Rose
CEC launches his first Inspirado Projecto “Buscast” on his way to load-in for Yachtley Crew At The Rose in Pasadena 3-29-2018
Listen: podcast - audio/x-m4a

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