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The Gary Hart Throwback Interview
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqdrxV_qCfBFTfPIG4AogdbZaZ6hm3pMyvnsTlewstR846VeYXiqwLvcjC0itUE64-lisUscm26VZxzIXQCZZgmGNpFrmbiKtI8Dh4YikUDQmG0K6fmsBeeQxLqPITZmxxEI2bdKW_JoOI/s1600/GaryHart3.jpg" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="Senator Gary Hart durango hunter s thompson iowa caucus mcgovern 2012 elections" border="0" height="480" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqdrxV_qCfBFTfPIG4AogdbZaZ6hm3pMyvnsTlewstR846VeYXiqwLvcjC0itUE64-lisUscm26VZxzIXQCZZgmGNpFrmbiKtI8Dh4YikUDQmG0K6fmsBeeQxLqPITZmxxEI2bdKW_JoOI/s640/GaryHart3.jpg" title="Sen Gary Hart on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> Former US senator Gary Hart is one of the world's most learned experts on the subject of foreign policy, a legendary political strategist, and a passionate defender of our natural resources.<br /> <br /> Not to mention being an accomplished novelist.<br /> <br /> Why the senator took leave of his traditionally good judgement and agreed to be on our program is a bit of a mystery, but we are very honored that fortune smiled upon us.<br /> <br /> Mr. Hart talks with us about the climate of political discourse, his relationship with Hunter S. Thompson--and his novel, Durango. <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Durango-A-Novel-Gary-Hart/dp/1555916708/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1397920585&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=durango+gary+hart">Available on Amazon</a>.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the complimentary player below, or <a href="http://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/web/x95afb/TGS139SenatorGaryHart2.mp3">click this link right here to do the "Save As" thing and download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 202-Senator Gary Hart" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=sp69a-4e4f90-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

Me & Kip Addotta Vol 1
<table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi3Zc_Uo7WpFVvNOs_pWSkjAC82di_U5XcuiRK7DEXFW3tXU7VJHj950w9QEUdX7uTbIOmb5N-xKOYP4tmWdVAsJiR3pOSFr0ka5BS61E3BsnfxVbZwc9kVY5gwFDlePfbwkBIH9zsP7DMA/s600/MeAndKipAddotta.jpg" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><img alt="kip addotta tom gulley comedian standup" border="0" data-original-height="400" data-original-width="600" height="426" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi3Zc_Uo7WpFVvNOs_pWSkjAC82di_U5XcuiRK7DEXFW3tXU7VJHj950w9QEUdX7uTbIOmb5N-xKOYP4tmWdVAsJiR3pOSFr0ka5BS61E3BsnfxVbZwc9kVY5gwFDlePfbwkBIH9zsP7DMA/w640-h426/MeAndKipAddotta.jpg" title="Me &amp; Kip Addotta Vol 1" width="640" /></a></td></tr><tr><td class="tr-caption" style="text-align: center;"></td></tr></tbody></table><br />Kip Addotta was an incredible standup comedian.<br /><br />He was also a guy who used&nbsp; to call me late at night and insisted that I record all our conversations.<br /><br />Kip passed away in August of 2019, and rather than just let the countless hours of talks wither away on my hard drive, this is the first of MANY volumes of interactions with him.<br /><br />For more, go to Amazon and pick up his autobiography, <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Comedian-Kip-Addotta/dp/0998593249" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Confessions Of A Comedian</a>.<br /><br />Just listen to the episode via the convenient player below--<a href="https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/fxvaz8/TGS269MeAndKipAddottaVol1.mp3" target="_blank">or right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683" target="_blank">OR LISTEN ON APPLE PODCASTS!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /><br /><iframe data-name="pb-iframe-player" height="122" scrolling="no" src="https://www.podbean.com/media/player/fvhtg-f694fd?from=pb6admin&amp;download=1&amp;version=1&amp;auto=0&amp;share=1&amp;download=1&amp;rtl=0&amp;fonts=Helvetica&amp;skin=1&amp;pfauth=&amp;btn-skin=107" style="border: none;" title="TGS 269-Me &amp; Kip Addotta Vol 1" width="100%"></iframe>

The Debra Palardy Interview
<p></p><div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><p></p><div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi5hbgy8abOMGKUBLLUEOh0fvi9kgsR8-Il6tr7JjBAWPzQhVDxZjOpXkynAUa0Nk1jM6c_EboA6sZ_nPFU9xo7Qdrss-LGLQbK57X-TkaJnLX8BSm1YRA4p8rxXWGKnkmlXtoXIiQmM9vY/s1131/DebraCover.png" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0px;"><img border="0" data-original-height="671" data-original-width="1131" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi5hbgy8abOMGKUBLLUEOh0fvi9kgsR8-Il6tr7JjBAWPzQhVDxZjOpXkynAUa0Nk1jM6c_EboA6sZ_nPFU9xo7Qdrss-LGLQbK57X-TkaJnLX8BSm1YRA4p8rxXWGKnkmlXtoXIiQmM9vY/s640/DebraCover.png" width="640" /></a></div>Debra Palardy has written a new book that destroys domestic violence. <p></p> <p>Which is kind of a violent metaphor, but let's face it, domestic violence had it coming.</p> <p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0759693862/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i0" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Sweetie: How Much Should You Give Up To Keep That Relationship, I Can Answer That!</a> is a short, personal book that will engage the reader into examining their situation and making better decisions. Get it today!</p><p>Just listen to the episode via the convenient player below--<a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/gwy8vk/TGS266SteveBluesteinsProstate.mp3" target="_blank">or right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683" target="_blank">OR LISTEN ON APPLE PODCASTS!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a> <br /></p></div><p></p> <iframe data-name="pb-iframe-player" height="122" scrolling="no" src="https://www.podbean.com/media/player/ewbwq-e64b17?from=pb6admin&amp;download=1&amp;version=1&amp;auto=0&amp;share=1&amp;download=1&amp;rtl=0&amp;fonts=Helvetica&amp;skin=1&amp;pfauth=&amp;btn-skin=107" style="border: none;" title="TGS 268-The Debra Palardy Interview" width="100%"></iframe>

The Steve Bluestein's Prostate Interview
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhGwcP5iAiQ-o07UOi2jmBjsZwkum7t8mlCX2evLRalUdYbCP3l0qorbsrSeTFPKOIAR8xb2ykuNOrrMmx0XIWFGoSPsYze73up9E5wsIW0ji5wZIIutlf3NRe0MHwOU0QVD9WVJ0eTrhnQ/s1600/TakeMyProstate.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="407" data-original-width="600" height="434" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhGwcP5iAiQ-o07UOi2jmBjsZwkum7t8mlCX2evLRalUdYbCP3l0qorbsrSeTFPKOIAR8xb2ykuNOrrMmx0XIWFGoSPsYze73up9E5wsIW0ji5wZIIutlf3NRe0MHwOU0QVD9WVJ0eTrhnQ/s640/TakeMyProstate.jpg" width="640" /></a></div> Could Steve Bluestein's prostate be the funniest prostate in the world?<br /> <br /> It's possible. If anyone can take prostate cancer and find all the funny in it, it's Steve.<br /> <br /> Tom was lucky enough to talk to the acclaimed comedian and author about his new book, <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1629334928/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&amp;psc=1" target="_blank">"Take My Prostate...Please!" (now available on Amazon.) </a><br /> <br /> During the conversation, they covered nurses in drag, chic Los Angeles hospital cuisine, and the always side-splitting process of finding out you have prostate cancer, and all the steps necessary to get rid of it. <br /> <br /> Get ready to laugh at someone else's prostate, and get educated about prostate cancer, as Tom talks with comedian and author Steve Bluestein.<br /> <br /> Just listen to the episode via the convenient player below--<a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/gwy8vk/TGS266SteveBluesteinsProstate.mp3" target="_blank">or right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683" target="_blank">OR LISTEN ON APPLE PODCASTS!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe data-name="pb-iframe-player" height="122" scrolling="no" src="https://www.podbean.com/media/player/5kxdu-c6123c?from=yiiadmin&amp;download=1&amp;version=1&amp;skin=1&amp;btn-skin=107&amp;auto=0&amp;share=1&amp;fonts=Helvetica&amp;download=1&amp;rtl=0&amp;pbad=1" style="border: none;" title="TGS 266-The Steve Bluestein's Prostate Interview" width="100%"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red;">You can now watch The Tom Gulley Show--Monday thru Friday at 7pm EST on Facebook Live by going to <a href="https://www.facebook.com/TheTomGulleyShowPodcast/" target="_blank">The Tom Gulley Show Facebook Page</a>. Where we'll take your calls on ANY subject!</span>

Fourth Annual Super Bowl Commercial Review
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4LUiqPR687Dyt1KKQpF-3itDK9xdKwwmw3Ox5AFZ2vkZ06CYWQ2yv0KuctNWeM3WYMKyNUmg_OGMXGmjL7BkQzJx1Zxzok20u7jqcCkFNdbSP7-Zx1nNB0T_MU_1WYJpCDCQU2e5Kg6wh/s1600/_DSC7008.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="454" data-original-width="600" height="484" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4LUiqPR687Dyt1KKQpF-3itDK9xdKwwmw3Ox5AFZ2vkZ06CYWQ2yv0KuctNWeM3WYMKyNUmg_OGMXGmjL7BkQzJx1Zxzok20u7jqcCkFNdbSP7-Zx1nNB0T_MU_1WYJpCDCQU2e5Kg6wh/s640/_DSC7008.jpg" width="640" /></a></div> Yes, it's BACK! Our FOURTH Annual Super Bowl Commercial Review!<br /> <br /> If you saw the commercials and were unsure which ones were great, and which ones were terrible, fear not. We'll remove all the mystery.<br /> <br /> And, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, we're podcasting our daily live show--so the two worlds will collide for the first time ever. Yes, we're crossing the streams.<br /> <br /> So sit back, relax, and bask in the vitriol of Tom's harsh evaluations of TV commercials.<br /> <br /> Just listen to the episode via the convenient player below--or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/qd79wr/TGS264SteveBluestein.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR LISTEN VIA ITUNES--IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe data-link="https://www.podbean.com/media/player/hi2ia-a6d32c?from=yiiadmin&amp;download=1&amp;version=1" data-name="pb-iframe-player" frameborder="0" height="122" scrolling="no" src="https://www.podbean.com/media/player/hi2ia-a6d32c?from=yiiadmin&amp;download=1&amp;version=1" width="100%"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red;">NOTE: You can now watch The Tom Gulley Show AFTER DARK--Monday thru Friday at 7 EST on Facebook Live by going to <a href="https://www.facebook.com/TheTomGulleyShowPodcast/">The Tom Gulley Show Facebook page</a>. Where we'll take your calls on ANY subject!</span>

The Steve Bluestein Interview
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgdZS231rkdVg_wiVe6a45bcS2cmAayZbkIIqkBoL_lXqIqphWkxGe6iltwB_6BSsDwKTmK6sqd_ppA6r3ifvkzMkS-U_fmrIfgCinDlu8UeeINpxJtCtVxTcMURo5mltn6S8x-6kWIJk-a/s1600/Screen+Shot+2018-05-18+at+11.45.29+AM.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="steve bluestein memoir of a nobody comedian the tom gulley show barry manilow donna summer rita moreno frankie avalon frankie valli melissa manchester mac davis author playwright" border="0" data-original-height="434" data-original-width="577" height="480" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgdZS231rkdVg_wiVe6a45bcS2cmAayZbkIIqkBoL_lXqIqphWkxGe6iltwB_6BSsDwKTmK6sqd_ppA6r3ifvkzMkS-U_fmrIfgCinDlu8UeeINpxJtCtVxTcMURo5mltn6S8x-6kWIJk-a/s640/Screen+Shot+2018-05-18+at+11.45.29+AM.png" title="Steve Bluestein on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> You might not know it, but you're in luck. Because comedian <a href="http://stevebluestein.net/" target="_blank">Steve Bluestein</a> has written a book that's going to make you laugh out loud. Constantly.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Memoir-Nobody-Steve-Bluestein/dp/1629332518/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1526659451&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=memoir+of+a+nobody+by+steve+bluestein" target="_blank">Memoir Of A Nobody</a> hilariously chronicles Steve's travels through the world of entertainment. As an opening act for Barry Manilow, Donna Summer, Frankie Avalon, Rita Moreno, Frankie Valli, Melissa Manchester, and Mac Davis (among others.)<br /> <br /> And, as a successful TV writer for <i>The Brady Bunch Variety Hour</i>, <i>The New Candid Camera</i>, and other shows. Plus his unforgettable takes on just the random occurrences in his everyday life.<br /> <br /> Spend some time hearing a master storyteller as we talk about <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Memoir-Nobody-Steve-Bluestein/dp/1629332518/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1526659451&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=memoir+of+a+nobody+by+steve+bluestein" target="_blank">Memoir Of A Nobody</a> with its hysterically funny author, <a href="http://stevebluestein.net/" target="_blank">Steve Bluestein</a>.<br /> <br /> Just listen to the episode via the convenient player below--or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/qd79wr/TGS264SteveBluestein.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR LISTEN VIA ITUNES--IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 264-The Steve Bluestein Interview" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=ggs6v-918426-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red;">NOTE: You can now watch The Tom Gulley Show AFTER DARK--Monday thru Thursday at 7 EST on Facebook Live by going to The Tom Gulley Show Facebook page. Where we'll take your calls on ANY subject!</span>

The Last Days Of Letterman Episode
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEho73lgUdhjvzWzafsKq_f-6IVRe59UQqSV3Xu9gsUyFIIVQiFJWPbI5tQEEg7RCvnQjdcBxO_AQKYM6xmDL3hvLtpIfflJVLW2iFXB3tp4jTfZXR-MuFjVaFuiVdOblMrDqprWg4iReUc8/s1600/LastDaysCover.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="The last days of letterman scott ryan the tom gulley show david letterman dave the late show cbs johnny carson retirement" border="0" data-original-height="407" data-original-width="600" height="434" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEho73lgUdhjvzWzafsKq_f-6IVRe59UQqSV3Xu9gsUyFIIVQiFJWPbI5tQEEg7RCvnQjdcBxO_AQKYM6xmDL3hvLtpIfflJVLW2iFXB3tp4jTfZXR-MuFjVaFuiVdOblMrDqprWg4iReUc8/s640/LastDaysCover.png" title="Last Days Of Letterman on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> The end of The Late Show with David Letterman marked the end of a truly singular achievement in television.<br /> <br /> Certainly, the 33 years of brilliance Dave brought to the screen are a story in itself, but a new book by Scott Ryan--<a href="https://www.fayettevillemafiapress.com/product/last-days-of-letterman-by-scott-ryan/" target="_blank">The Last Days of Letterman</a>--insightfully and meticulously chronicles the perfect and seamless flourish the greatest talk show host of our generation ended his late night career with.<br /> <br /> Listen in as your beloved host, the VERY FIRST Letterman Scholarship winner (yes, that's a thing) and Mr. Ryan go over the book in detail. You'll hear how the author managed to get the firsthand accounts of over 20 Letterman staffers regarding how the big show came to a close.<br /> <br /> It's an episode you're sure to put on your Top 10 List of podcast offerings--<a href="https://www.fayettevillemafiapress.com/product/last-days-of-letterman-by-scott-ryan/" target="_blank">The Last Days of Letterman</a> with Scott Ryan!<br /> <br /> Just listen to the episode via the convenient player below--or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/49zjnf/TGS263LastDaysLetterman.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR LISTEN VIA ITUNES--IT'S FREE!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 263-The Last Days Of Letterman Episode" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=ssp9f-916a86-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red;">NOTE: You can now watch The Tom Gulley Show AFTER DARK--Monday thru Thursday at 7 EST on Facebook Live by going to The Tom Gulley Show Facebook page. Where we'll take your calls on ANY subject!</span>

The Mr. Novak Episode
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj7sW_oqDOWLDhXgm9PreLvF4zUC0AHwCrE_gZBxqtgGjsBbofb4r6ehtESTtSQ7HEFTZscLBXSPXd5hidWU_JOeNz7DHme1GYZJr_-lek10G9mXpmN_GwV4tuPBZfYvCLyOc3Z0CNjHd07/s1600/Screen+Shot+2018-04-03+at+1.19.08+AM.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="mr novak chuck harter an acclaimed television series james franciscus dean jagger e jack neuman marilyn scott peabody award the tom gulley show" border="0" data-original-height="383" data-original-width="600" height="408" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj7sW_oqDOWLDhXgm9PreLvF4zUC0AHwCrE_gZBxqtgGjsBbofb4r6ehtESTtSQ7HEFTZscLBXSPXd5hidWU_JOeNz7DHme1GYZJr_-lek10G9mXpmN_GwV4tuPBZfYvCLyOc3Z0CNjHd07/s640/Screen+Shot+2018-04-03+at+1.19.08+AM.png" title="Author Chuck Harter on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> Author Chuck Harter has done something remarkable. That any teacher would be proud of.<br /> <br /> He's managed to unearth and breathe new life into a show that deserves a place in the spotlight. It's called <i>Mr. Novak</i>--and it aired over 50 years ago. Chronicling the experiences of teachers, students, and parents in an early 60's Los Angeles high school.<br /> <br /> Now, you might be thinking, "Fifty years? What's the big deal about an old TV show?" Well, that kind of thinking would have you missing out on a show that will simply blow you away with its storylines, acting, and motion picture quality cinematography.<br /> <br /> And his book, which you can get at <a href="http://mrnovakbook.com/">MrNovakBook.com</a>, covers this Peabody award-winning TV series with a microscope. Beautifully written, and meticulously researched.<br /> <br /> So, get out your spiral bound notebooks. We're going to class with author Chuck Harter regarding his book, <i>Mr. Novak: An Acclaimed Television Series</i>.<br /> <br /> Just listen to tonight's episode via the convenient player below--or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/md2dv3/TGS262MrNovakBook.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR LISTEN VIA ITUNES--IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 262-The Mr. Novak Episode" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=233gg-8e83c6-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe> <span style="color: red;"><br /></span> <span style="color: red;">NOTE: You can now watch The Tom Gulley Show AFTER DARK--Monday thru Thursday at 7 EST--on Facebook Live by going to The Tom Gulley Show Facebook page. Where we'll take your calls on ANY subject!</span>

MLS Monday Week 2: More Shocks & Crew Fans No Show
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiSTZRwI4v-tTv6c6DPX-0A70z_tNwoE-tevwl_bPJIb-jIviqIvklOMSma6q34sK591FpaGXC_x7vt3vtHIT_Jradajm0PfXiWrtAngQClMnZoevGBFSJfOyHj5sM3quYQ3prjV0nGEGm9/s1600/Ed3p03C%252B.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="Major League Soccer Week 2 2018 Columbus Crew attendance LAFC The Tom Gulley Show LA Galaxy Minnesota United NYCFC Chicago Fire Montreal Impact Sporting Kansas City DC United soccer" border="0" data-original-height="400" data-original-width="600" height="426" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiSTZRwI4v-tTv6c6DPX-0A70z_tNwoE-tevwl_bPJIb-jIviqIvklOMSma6q34sK591FpaGXC_x7vt3vtHIT_Jradajm0PfXiWrtAngQClMnZoevGBFSJfOyHj5sM3quYQ3prjV0nGEGm9/s640/Ed3p03C%252B.jpg" title="MLS Monday Week 2" width="640" /></a></div> Week 2 featured blowouts, surprises, another shock win for upstart LAFC, and the usual sparse attendance for one team whose "fans" were REALLY stuck on their hashtag all offseason...<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Columbus vs. Montreal</span></b><br /> Well, well, well. Remember that "#SaveTheCrew" thing that infected every comments section on every soccer-related article on the internet?<br /> <br /> Yeah. Well, that generated a frenzy that brought a whole 11,098 people to the Crew's home opener. And all 11,098 got to see a pretty good 3-2 match. <br /> <br /> Piatti and Edwards had the best goals--both for Montreal--and the Crew got the penalty kicks (two of them) plus a Zardes tap in to remain undefeated. And largely unattended.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6_jJCqQRJGU" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">New England vs. Colorado</span></b><br /> Brad Friedel got his first win as the man in charge as the Revs got a 2-1 home win. <br /> <br /> Ironically, the legendary keeper had his own goalkeeper make a great play, and a great big mistake along the way. Matt Turner saved a penalty, only to make a hash out of a ball in the air that Niki Jackson headed home--all after a Diego Fagundez goal started off the proceedings.<br /> <br /> But, in the end, a 93rd minute free kick goal with a deflection added in made sure Friedel's dressy overcoat didn't go to waste with his first win as an MLS manager.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/l0Wa4dlkj1s" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Real Salt Lake vs. LAFC</span></b><br /> OH MY, LAFC!<br /> THIS is an expansion team? Last week, we asked if Bob Bradley could have something starting in his spanking new side. Well, IN Salt Lake, the spanking was all done by LAFC--even though they were behind in a match for the first time in their short history.<br /> <br /> After going down 1-0 on an 18th minute penalty, LAFC came back with five unanswered goals.<br /> <br /> And answered a lot of critics. Can they keep it up? We'll find out. But for the time being, they're off to a Chicago '98 start for Mr. Bradley.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/B-V4iNumqzI" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span></b> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Chicago vs. Sporting Kansas City</span></b><br /> This one was a barnburner all the way, no pun intended.<br /> <br /> The scoring never stopped and went back and forth as SKC came into Chicago and ruined the Fire's home opener with some uncharacteristic high scoring &amp; lax defense.<br /> <br /> But a win's a win. Even if it is 4-3 on the part of last year's stingiest defense.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/S3jRU-0b7uw" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Houston vs. Vancouver</span></b><br /> Squandered chances? The Dynamo were the poster children for them in a rare loss at home.<br /> <br /> Outshooting Vancouver early &amp; often, Houston fell prey to nemesis Brek Shea in the 50th minute, as the Whitecaps man sprinted half the length of the field to tuck away a goal that broke a 1-1 tie and put the Dynamo down for good.<br /> <br /> Dynamo fans will be irked by the 21-7 advantage in shots they had--and simply hope they return to their one loss at home in 2017 form the next time they play in H-town.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/a57S0Chu4ZQ" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">NY Red Bulls vs. Portland</span></b><br /> Giovanni Savarese didn't have such a great return to New York. Nor is he having such a great start to his MLS coaching career.<br /> <br /> After losing to the Galaxy in LA by a goal, the Timbers went bi-coastal and took on New York Red Bulls. And lost 4-0 in a game that wasn't even that close.<br /> <br /> A 20-12 advantage in shots on the part the Red Bulls didn't help. And neither did anything else, with perhaps the exception of Jake Gleeson's five saves to keep it from becoming extra-ridiculous.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/s20juCG6x5Q" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Orlando vs. Minnesota</span></b><br /> A controversial first goal (offsides?), a controversial second goal via PK (in the box?), and a no-doubt-about-it third goal added up to a 2-1 win for the Loons on the road in Orlando.<br /> <br /> Ethan Finlay bagged a brace for Minnesota, and Orlando had a huge 20-9 shot advantage (but only a 4-3 on target advantage.)<br /> <br /> Three yellows handed out. For time wasting, unsporting behavior, and simulation for the trifecta of "come on, man" cautions. (Minnesota led that, 2-1.)<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UQQ7Iyyy4V8" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Atlanta vs. DC United</span></b><br /> Two of the usual suspects, Martinez and Almiron, contributed as Atlanta United shook off last week's lambasting to look like the team we saw in 2017--with a 3-1 home win over DC.<br /> <br /> Darren Mattocks pulled one back late to help DC avoid the shutout, but with a 6-1 shots on target advantage, Atlanta started with pressure and never let up.<br /> <br /> Julian Gressel played a smart "unsung hero" match to keep things flowing in the return to Atlanta's scoring ways.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/p8AvyW2-SIA" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span></b> <b><span style="font-size: large;">NYCFC vs. LA Galaxy</span></b><br /> Anton Tinnerholm opened things up with a goal--which we mention because a) it's so much fun to say Anton Tinnerholm, and b) it was a positively crushing volley off the underside of the bar.<br /> <br /> David Villa then made it four goals in four home openers while playing for NYCFC. Jonathan Dos Santos put one in for the away side, but no matter. 2-1 to NYCFC is how it ended up.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JglfdLFSLYo" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <br /> The topsy-turvy, parity-filled schedule that is the MLS season continues next week. What perils and glories will Week 3 bring? We'll tell you next time.<br /> <br />

MLS Monday Week 1: This Year Isn't Last Year
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjO2-aAx5ZxPl8at4Up3m8jx1sWtyMGIfW3gHVM5IY5XH3lvyD3RPQNCZeFxrhmDnkMqy6BTuwIpPInSQpUyFMUDOiwUO6xV58rNOZk12rVGBsL0a_T8aw4wk0jR2jr1S571WHIzQmHk6bX/s1600/2000px-MLS_logo.svg.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="400" data-original-width="600" height="426" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjO2-aAx5ZxPl8at4Up3m8jx1sWtyMGIfW3gHVM5IY5XH3lvyD3RPQNCZeFxrhmDnkMqy6BTuwIpPInSQpUyFMUDOiwUO6xV58rNOZk12rVGBsL0a_T8aw4wk0jR2jr1S571WHIzQmHk6bX/s640/2000px-MLS_logo.svg.png" width="640" /></a></div> When last we left you, Toronto had won the 2017 MLS Cup while being heralded as the best MLS side EVER. Seattle were kings of the West. Atlanta was rampaging, although exiting early.<br /> <br /> Well, Week 1 in MLS kinda changed all that.<br /> <br /> Of the ten matches played this past weekend, FIVE could be termed upsets of a sort. So let's get started.<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Toronto vs. Columbus--UPSET</span></b><br /> Over 26,000 packed BMO Field to see their heroes defend their title as the best team ever. <br /> <br /> Things didn't go according to plan.<br /> <br /> Even though TFC had most of the ball, the shots were even, and two late first half goals by the Crew were enough to get a 2-0 victory. Higuain opened his account in the 44th minute, and Gyasi Zardes knocked in another (to try and erase his 100% forgettable 2017 form.)<br /> <br /> The result was perhaps a bit unkind to Toronto. They got 21 crosses in, but the Crew defended well, even though TFC rang the woodwork a few times.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bdIkhT2957s" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Houston vs. Atlanta--UPSET</span></b><br /> The big signings in the offseason were supposed to just make Atlanta United unstoppable this year, after being nearly so during last year's regular season.<br /> <br /> But Houston didn't go 12-1-4 at home by accident in 2017. A win? Sure, a possibility. But the 4-0 thrashing? Eye opening. That's the reason this was an "upset." Atlanta not even getting on the board? Shocking.<br /> <br /> Brad Guzan did his Brad Guzan impersonation by making some good stops and letting in some weak ones. Only time will tell if 2017 was an anomaly for Atlanta, and if Houston can manage to improve on their hapless road record from last year.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ysTiULiwmuM" width="560"></iframe><br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Philadelphia vs. New England</span></b><br /> Only three points separated the Union and the Revs at the end of 2017.<br /> <br /> But each team was pulling a Houston Dynamo last year--with only one road win. (And both playing some really rotten soccer along 2017.)<br /> <br /> Form held as home team Philadelphia rode C.J. Sapong's goal and an assist to a 2-0 win--spoiling Brad Friedel's coaching debut. The most exciting thing going on in New England right now is the Lee Nguyen telenovela.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/quMOgukANlE" width="560"></iframe><br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Orlando vs. DC United</span></b><br /> These two teams were buddies last year--hanging out in the basement of the Eastern Division together.<br /> <br /> Yamil Asad scored unassisted in the 34th minute, and DC hung on to...get scored on in the 94th minute to say "bye bye" to three points in a 1-1 tie.<br /> <br /> Good news for Orlando fans is that new signing Jason Meram assisted (along with Jonathan Spector) on Stefano Pinho's goal at the death.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/z40YtO5DwG8" width="560"></iframe><br /> <b><span style="font-size: medium;"><br /></span></b> <b><span style="font-size: large;">FC Dallas vs. Real Salt Lake</span></b><br /> The Hoops' epic collapse last year was the stuff of legend--but under the radar was RSL's coming back from an abysmal start to 2017, finishing just a point behind FCD, and one out of the playoffs.<br /> <br /> Joao Plata scored for RSL in the 25th, and Real Salt Lake spent most of the rest of the game not marking Michael Barrios, who ran rampant for a big chunk of the match.<br /> <br /> In the end, though, it was an own goal that did in Real Salt Lake in the 86th. Just over 16,000 showed up to see FC Dallas, so maybe that's a start to ending that attendance problem.<br /> <br /> And FCD took 18 shots to RSL's 9--without scoring. The only thing more annoying than that for Dallas fans is having to listen to another match by the long-winded, casually-interested, never-one-second-of-silence, "this is our part time job" FCD broadcast team, the very worst in the league.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jann6CNuTQU" width="560"></iframe><br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">San Jose vs. Minnesota</span></b><br /> The Earthquakes finished 10 clear points above the Loons last year. So, no surprise that San Jose took all the points in this one, powered by a brace from Danny Hoesen.<br /> <br /> The 3-0 lead an hour into the match didn't come without some scares, though. Kevin Molino struck goal(d) in the 81st and 85th to make things interesting in what ended up a 3-2 San Jose victory.<br /> <br /> Props to Valeri Qazaishvili, who assisted on both Hoesen's goals. Can't pronounce his name? No problem. He'll let you call him Vako.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8y9jgyF5AVY" width="560"></iframe> <b><span style="font-size: medium;"><br /></span></b> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Seattle vs. LAFC--UPSET</span></b><br /> The newest franchise in MLS, Los Angeles FC, went into the heart of the beast. Their first-ever match that mattered came against perennial power Seattle. IN Seattle.<br /> <br /> What did Bob Bradley's boys do? They came out with a 1-0 win. <br /> <br /> Seattle pounded away at LAFC--with 22 shots. LAFC had 5. With only one on target. The one that counted.<br /> <br /> Diego Rossi got it in the 11th minute--assisted by former Arsenal man Carlos Vela--and LAFC made it stand.<br /> <br /> Remember Bradley's Chicago Fire in '98? Could this be the start of something?<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/iQ-4QYq59Z0" width="560"></iframe> <b><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span></b> <b><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span></b><br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Vancouver vs. Montreal</span></b><br /> <br /> One team was demonstrably better in 2017. Vancouver.<br /> <br /> And they won over the Canadian side from Montreal in a not-that-unexpected, and not-that-entertaining 2-1 win.<br /> <br /> The biggest news was probably that Kei Kamara opened up his Vancouver account in his debut.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QO7yUm0c-Pc" width="560"></iframe> <b><span style="font-size: medium;"><br /></span></b> <b><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span></b><br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">Sporting KC vs. NYCFC--UPSET</span></b><br /> <br /> How can NYCFC beating ANYBODY be called an upset at this point?<br /> <br /> It's not so much that they won. It's that they won AT KC, by far the league's stingiest side in 2017. And one that had only lost once at home last season. And NYCFC got it done by two clear goals.<br /> <br /> Tim Melia got beaten twice--by Moralez and Medina--and David Villa took six shots. <br /> <br /> A reasonable amount of plastic got shown in this one--three yellows and a red. All for the guys from New York.<br /> <br /> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HQ4HjXhO4x4" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span></b> <b><span style="font-size: large;">LA Galaxy vs. Portland Timbers--UPSET</span></b><br /> <br /> 2017, for the Galaxy, was the very definition of "falling on hard times" for one of MLS's most storied franchises.<br /> <br /> The club of Beckham, Gerrard, Keane, Donovan, and more? They finished TWENTY-ONE POINTS behind Portland. <br /> <br /> Hence, upset.<br /> <br /> The Galaxy got two goals within two minutes, as Ola Kamara and Romain Alessandrini tallied in the 32nd and 34th, respectively. <br /> <br /> Most of the stats were even--although Portland had a bit more of the ball. Does this mean that 2018 will be a return to glory for the Galaxy? Will Sigi Schmid be able to work his special voodoo?<br /> <br /> Let's not get crazy. This was Giovanni Savarese's first game at the helm, which might account for a less than Portland performance by Portland.<br /> <br /> That's Week 1. Tune in next week to see what happens as the MLS moves slowly, but inexorably toward December. (With a World Cup in the middle.)<br /> <br />

The Birth Of A Nation Episode
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjsWwD-GyS2LQrV1LzMGIEdJ0w1aF8C-1uLI2IlwtiG7dFbTmtOTc6BxT1uc2Hp1bQp_dKf1gbdVL34kjOpEmV4bv3pzLtQU09KfFmNS8ii2XvWLyKmyvenjjnTvfo8364Pf53u6WayYbaY/s1600/birth-of-a-nation.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="the tom gulley show birth of a nation dw griffith woodrow wilson the white house american cinema film history 1915 civil war wes gehring" border="0" data-original-height="413" data-original-width="600" height="440" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjsWwD-GyS2LQrV1LzMGIEdJ0w1aF8C-1uLI2IlwtiG7dFbTmtOTc6BxT1uc2Hp1bQp_dKf1gbdVL34kjOpEmV4bv3pzLtQU09KfFmNS8ii2XvWLyKmyvenjjnTvfo8364Pf53u6WayYbaY/s640/birth-of-a-nation.jpg" title="TGS Birth Of A Nation Episode" width="640" /></a></div> The very first blockbuster movie in American film history was loaded with technological mastery--and some really cringeworthy racism.<br /> <div> <br /></div> <div> And it's also the first movie ever shown in The White House.</div> <div> <br /></div> <div> Birth Of A Nation, directed by one of the founders of United Artists--D.W. Griffith, is the story of two families. One from the North. And one from the South.</div> <div> <br /></div> <div> But it's also chock full of hard-to-watch scenes of racially offensive and inaccurate depictions of the Civil War.</div> <div> <br /></div> <div> For its time, it was a technological masterpiece of massive scope. Huge battlefield scenes. A plethora of extras.</div> <div> <br /></div> <div> Our guest, Dr. Wes Gehring, will guide us through all the ins and outs of a film that's on one hand historically and technologically significant--while also being really hard to watch without wanting to wince.</div> <div> <br /></div> <div> Here's the movie, for those of you with three hours on your hands.</div> <div> <br /></div> <iframe allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/I3kmVgQHIEY" width="560"></iframe> <br /> <div> <br /> Hear all about it, on this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.</div> <div> <br /></div> <div> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/jxe952/TGS261BirthOfANation.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.</div> <div> <br /></div> <div> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a></div> <div> <br /></div> <iframe title="TGS261-The Birth Of A Nation Episode" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=45syg-87bd4c-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

9 Reasons Josh McDaniels Refusing The Colts Is A-OK
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEixgnlNjti1hM13VuTv4ZrF-7_sCWeEktCDtoh8ImoxI56sm6clu0uJ_ionpij1biCmwxisgRR2YcS7KZSgPahPR0vjX5IIY89hvMM9U91_N7lPdBk6sv-oKz2RbV3FpjSD6Nc1MIcFnEZo/s1600/Horseshoe.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="the tom gulley show josh mcdaniels indianapolis colts new england patriots jim irsay andrew luck" border="0" data-original-height="399" data-original-width="600" height="424" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEixgnlNjti1hM13VuTv4ZrF-7_sCWeEktCDtoh8ImoxI56sm6clu0uJ_ionpij1biCmwxisgRR2YcS7KZSgPahPR0vjX5IIY89hvMM9U91_N7lPdBk6sv-oKz2RbV3FpjSD6Nc1MIcFnEZo/s640/Horseshoe.jpg" title="It's OK Josh McDaniels Just Said No" width="640" /></a></div> The Indianapolis Colts announced Josh McDaniels as their new head coach. Even scheduled a press conference.<br /> <br /> Then, as we all know, Josh McDaniels said, "No, thanks."<br /> <br /> Everyone's up in arms. McDaniels is being made out to be a combination of Benedict Arnold and Keyser Soze.<br /> <br /> Oh, but there's a WHOLE BUNCH of reasons it's perfectly fine for McDaniels to have turned down the Colts.<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">1. Until a contract is signed, you ain't got nothin'.</span></b><br /> Did Josh McDaniels actually sign a binding contract with the Colts? Nope. Until that happens, anything can happen.<br /> <br /> Including the Colts pulling their offer.<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">2. The Colts issued a press release, and scheduled a press conference. Did McDaniels?</span></b><br /> The Colts, before they had a signed deal, and a guy in Indianapolis ready to go out to a podium, announced everything.<br /> <br /> Communications 101. Until the deal is sealed, maybe don't announce anything. Enough speculation had gone on in the media that no announcement was necessary until The Great Unveiling.<br /> <br /> With an official signed contract and everything.<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">3. The Colts organization is a dumpster fire.</span></b><br /> Compare the Colts organization to that of the Patriots. Which one is more stable? Which one has a more immediate favorable future?<br /> <br /> WHICH ONE HAS THE MORE STABLE OWNER? You know, one that doesn't get rid of Peyton Manning. Then, question Manning's achievements. That doesn't question Andrew Luck's mental toughness. The same Andrew Luck that played injured--and is now suffering from doing so.<br /> <br /> The Colts announced how many times that Luck would play last season? Oh.<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">4. This happens every day, in every profession, in every place on earth.</span></b><br /> A office supplies salesman in Ames, Iowa gets an offer from a competing firm. He accepts.<br /> <br /> His current boss finds out and sweetens his deal in order not to lose him. He calls up the competing firm and tells them, "I've changed my mind."<br /> <br /> Nobody blinks an eye. It's as common as dirt.<br /> <br /> The owner of the most successful franchise in the last two decades came up with more money, and assurances of a future. That's stability. That's not the unknown.<br /> <br /> McDaniels did what was best for him, in his mind, professionally and personally.<br /> <br /> Like many would.<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">5. The desire to get another Super Bowl after losing one.</span></b><br /> There's a case to be made that if the Patriots win the Super Bowl, it's a lot easier to leave the team, city, and people McDaniels experienced so much success with.<br /> <br /> But that didn't happen. Now, circumstances have changed. Now, there's a bitter taste. One that might also motivate someone to stay and right that "wrong."<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">6. Andrew Luck, his shoulder, and the Colts' fog of misinformation.</span></b><br /> If you're going to a team with a 100% healthy Andrew Luck, that's one thing.<br /> <br /> If you're going to a team with a hasn't-played-in-a-season Andrew Luck, that's entirely another thing.<br /> <br /> Plus, the Colts have been claiming for months upon months that Luck was just about to play. Then, this past weekend, Chris Mortensen of ESPN reports that Luck's shoulder may need MORE surgery.<br /> <br /> That wouldn't change an offensive specialist's mind about going to the Colts? Luck is arguably the biggest draw for going there in the first place.<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">7. Family.</span></b><br /> Josh McDaniels has a family. And, as anyone can attest, family issues are fickle things.<br /> <br /> At the end of the day, the ability to stay--for a guaranteed period of time--in one place, and keep his family in a more stable situation for more money is a powerfully persuasive thing.<br /> <br /> We don't know how or what was expressed or discussed within his family--or when. People have epiphanies. Trials of conscience. Without a signed contract, they're allowed to indulge them.<br /> <br /> In other words, "If I can make a better life and situation for my family, I'm not worried about what anyone thinks."<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">8. Jim Irsay, all by himself.</span></b><br /> When Irsay's dad let him play at being GM? Wow. Among the worst in NFL history.<br /> <br /> He runs Peyton Manning and Bill Polian out of town. The two people responsible for the Colts' huge successes. (How'd Manning do after he left again? Oh. Two Super Bowl appearances with one win, records shattered left and right. Because Irsay wasn't sure he could play anymore. Nice show of belief in the guy that built your franchise back from the ashes. How have the Colts fared since? Oh.)<br /> <br /> And he replaces Polian, Caldwell, and Manning with a rookie GM, a rookie coach, and a rookie QB. All at once.<br /> <br /> His personal life? The pills. <a href="http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/11705479/investigations-reveal-shadow-life-indianapolis-colts-owner-jim-irsay" target="_blank">The woman ESPN reported was Irsay's mistress and drug partner who dies in the home he bought her. The marriage he broke up that started with a Twitter contact.</a> The questioning of Manning's achievements. The questioning of Luck's mental toughness.<br /> <br /> You wanna hitch your wagon to that guy?<br /> <br /> When Robert Kraft pulls you aside, offers you a sweeter deal--and an extended contract--do you think that doesn't come into play? Robert Kraft has his players' back. He has a stable, successful organization.<br /> <br /> The choice between the two isn't even a consideration.<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: large;">9. It doesn't matter that he knew some or all of this before he verbally agreed.</span></b><br /> McDaniels had been doing this thing called "preparing for a Super Bowl" for the last month, including the playoffs. And two weeks solid for the game itself.<br /> <br /> People are allowed to change their minds. Particularly for a better offer.<br /> <br /> In the end, people do what is in their best interest. In this case, McDaniels did.<br /> <br /> And the Colts' response? Well, we didn't want a guy who wasn't "committed." Chris Ballard actually said, "Just because you're the first choice doesn't mean you're the right choice."<br /> <br /> Wow. That's from a GM. "The guy I picked first wasn't the right choice"????<br /> <br /> Sounds like McDaniels made the right move to me. And, now that they've been jilted, sounds like the Colts think so, too.<br /> <br /> <i style="background-position: 0px 0px; border: 0px; color: #333333; font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; transition: all 0s ease; vertical-align: baseline;">Tom Gulley (recipient of the David Letterman Scholarship) is an award-winning writer, broadcaster, and journalist who regularly creates brilliant communications for some of the world's biggest companies. Especially the ones you admire. He's available for writing, creative strategy, digital communications, talk show hosting, voice talent work, and free 24-hour Martinizing.</i>

3rd Annual Super Bowl Commercial Review
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg-b5hfVmtjhbJrS7QA_pLJurQVThi7eqjWvOJd_6Hw44QP8aEW0yrevvNvh3vU1-AlJN5xUTBKtVZANsEqlZkJReTB-ZQzeFyMZfroXBNyR23FpMvuRuXJoGX7KN4rnHh-AGN904jb9ail/s1600/SuperBowlIII.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="the tom gulley show super bowl commercial review third annual patriots eagles advertising TV commercials" border="0" data-original-height="451" data-original-width="600" height="480" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg-b5hfVmtjhbJrS7QA_pLJurQVThi7eqjWvOJd_6Hw44QP8aEW0yrevvNvh3vU1-AlJN5xUTBKtVZANsEqlZkJReTB-ZQzeFyMZfroXBNyR23FpMvuRuXJoGX7KN4rnHh-AGN904jb9ail/s640/SuperBowlIII.jpg" title="TGS Super Bowl Commercial Review III" width="640" /></a></div> Yes, it's back by popular demand. It's The 3rd Annual Tom Gulley Show Super Bowl Commercial Review.<br /> <br /> You'll hear all the concept, vitriol, dislike, glory, hatred, and praise that you've come to expect.<br /> <br /> From the best to the worst, you'll hear Tom rant on about the commercial announcements that beguiled you during the Eagles defeat of the formerly believed to be the greatest of all time Patriots.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/v5tqb7/TGS260SBCommercialsIII.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES! IT'S FREE!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS260-3rd Annual TGS Super Bowl Commercial Review" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=ue6ig-86ca52-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Washington's Immortals Episode: Part Two
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgxmUEQqGahozcxGBj7YaH6gGvfcRTXeEUcdUB-yHrFkTfDO-RCSRx90BIKlavJXJ-7-ll3S-1sImT9teeRiocCJa98tvvOIwZ7weSNDV-a3jwUW02wz33pCRFFSf9fy_hWvGnMwt4UJmdM/s1600/Washingtons-Immortals-Memorial-Sign-640x480.jpeg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="Washington's Immortals Patrick K O'Donnell American Revolutionary War Maryland Delaware regiments camden cowpens american revolutionary museum battle of brooklyn the tom gulley show" border="0" height="480" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgxmUEQqGahozcxGBj7YaH6gGvfcRTXeEUcdUB-yHrFkTfDO-RCSRx90BIKlavJXJ-7-ll3S-1sImT9teeRiocCJa98tvvOIwZ7weSNDV-a3jwUW02wz33pCRFFSf9fy_hWvGnMwt4UJmdM/s640/Washingtons-Immortals-Memorial-Sign-640x480.jpeg" title="Patrick K. O'Donnell on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> We spoke with critically acclaimed military combat author <a href="http://www.patrickkodonnell.com/" target="_blank">Patrick K. O'Donnell</a> upon the release of his best-selling book, Washington's Immortals.<br /> <br /> Now, the paperback version is out, and <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Washingtons-Immortals-Regiment-Changed-Revolution/dp/0802124593" target="_blank">Washington's Immortals is on the Amazon best seller's list in hardback, paperback, and audio</a>.<br /> <br /> On this episode, we'll pick up where we left off with the Maryland and Delaware regiments that saved Washington's Army as they march south--some men traveling over 4,000 miles on foot.<br /> <br /> We'll talk about the food, the conditions, engagements at both Camden and Cowpens--as well as some pretty rudimentary medical procedures.<br /> <br /> And we'll also learn about Patrick Stewart's interest--that's right, Captain Picard himself--in the Immortals and their final resting place as we go even deeper into American Revolutionary War history with the always engaging <a href="http://www.patrickkodonnell.com/" target="_blank">Patrick K. O'Donnell</a>.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/699nhb/TGS259WashingtonsImmortals2.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! It's FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 259-The Washington's Immortals Episode Part Two" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=xp4ey-692efc-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Comedian Arty 84 Interview
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> </div> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgNtwrSowiECqPNCGixkO1YMt9zW_9EsCh5S4t8uyS8zfeaiII-DVYw7T_0xWMvI78_BP8S1wa05nRjQx8Ii5cgJnUvlv2BNclajKHh3BIDPw2G75sOAOxohgk6RsLgfW3-C5krqPM-hNO3/s1600/Screen+Shot+2017-03-21+at+1.55.17+PM.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="arty 84 the packie arty demattia boston new england patriots boston red sox the tom gulley show standup comedian DJ" border="0" height="408" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgNtwrSowiECqPNCGixkO1YMt9zW_9EsCh5S4t8uyS8zfeaiII-DVYw7T_0xWMvI78_BP8S1wa05nRjQx8Ii5cgJnUvlv2BNclajKHh3BIDPw2G75sOAOxohgk6RsLgfW3-C5krqPM-hNO3/s640/Screen+Shot+2017-03-21+at+1.55.17+PM.png" title="Arty 84 on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> Arty 84 is a lot of things. Comedian, DJ, designer--and sports writer.<br /> <br /> His website--<a href="http://thepackie.com/">ThePackie.com</a>--chronicles all sorts of sports and entertainment. And, it's where he's launching his quest to become a Boston Red Sox beat writer.<br /> <br /> We'll cover standup comedy, the New England Patriots, Major League Soccer, and anything else that comes up--including Tom's studio being interrupted by some electricity salesmen--as we chat with Arty.<br /> <br /> Plus, you can <a href="https://thepackie.com/2016/11/15/the-arty-84-show-2016-11-15-ep-001/" target="_blank">click this link right here to enjoy the HILARIOUS story</a> of Arty's visit to a wedding in Florida.<br /> <br /> Hear from a multi-talented guy on a quest as we talk with Arty 84 (Arty DeMattia) on this Bostonish episode of The Tom Gulley Show.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/znfeb8/TGS258Arty84.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! It's FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 258-The Comedian Arty 84 Interview" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=jew8b-68e561-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Frank Iszak Interview
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> </div> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> </div> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgeN-fiDn1TVF8pmFYyu2Y2YTYSUUQLjE-9RXlOq5TDIHC0lwIg7N_x_dWAW3ywJZhB0rhgdD6jMs82O6SXrF8LEhi1I-b-yE9rYC9nvxA2O6wFQBYyJqxYr-igsFcf5C807wzl87_va2I_/s1600/Screen+Shot+2017-03-10+at+5.53.34+AM.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="Frank Iszak The Tom Gulley Show Freedom Flight Hungary Communist West Germany DC-3 Soviet Escape Cold War Iron Curtain podcast interview" border="0" height="494" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgeN-fiDn1TVF8pmFYyu2Y2YTYSUUQLjE-9RXlOq5TDIHC0lwIg7N_x_dWAW3ywJZhB0rhgdD6jMs82O6SXrF8LEhi1I-b-yE9rYC9nvxA2O6wFQBYyJqxYr-igsFcf5C807wzl87_va2I_/s640/Screen+Shot+2017-03-10+at+5.53.34+AM.png" title="Frank Iszak on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> FREEDOM. Some talk about it, but Frank Iszak and six of his cohorts risked everything for it.<br /> <br /> His book, <i><a href="http://www.freedomflightbook.com/" target="_blank">Freedom Flight</a></i>, brilliantly chronicles an amazingly daring escape from ruthless oppression at the hands of the Soviet-Communist regime behind The Iron Curtain.<br /> <br /> With no weapons, no maps, and no idea if the plane would even have enough fuel to reach West Germany where they would gain their precious freedom, they staged a mid-air takeover of a domestic flight. Failure meant certain death.<br /> <br /> The book also skillfully details the slow, inexorable deprivation of rights--step by step--the led to a Communist state that relied on fear and terror to keep its people subservient to the government.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Freedom-Flight-Account-Greatest-Escape/dp/1630478261" target="_blank">Get in on Amazon TODAY.</a> It's a unique personal account of experiencing--and escaping--the Communist regime behind The Iron Curtain.<br /> <br /> Be with us as we detail a most incredible tale of an escape like no other when we speak with Frank Iszak--author of <a href="http://www.freedomflightbook.com/" target="_blank"><i>Freedom Flight</i></a>--on this very special episode of The Tom Gulley Show.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/b2dcxt/TGS257FrankIszak.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 257-The Frank Iszak Interview" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=2n2hi-688271-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Celebrating Jack Benny Episode
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiODCE3JLPHggRoNLcD2MYpYtbKdnt_85p27WjTIYt7NuYiNWQL4aIv32abzrFMYNwS49PxofXK_uE_IIAmozx7RVYKsyhcAjkGUMbvBtKeWSBoCJX4_5bLUwV-w5uLFkS-A3xpNlUfmNEt/s1600/Screen+Shot+2017-02-25+at+1.30.02+AM.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="the tom gulley show jack benny laura leibowitz international jack benny fan club mary livingstone eddie rochester anderson phil harris don wilson dennis day fred allen nbc radio jello lucky strike mel blanc old time radio" border="0" height="484" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiODCE3JLPHggRoNLcD2MYpYtbKdnt_85p27WjTIYt7NuYiNWQL4aIv32abzrFMYNwS49PxofXK_uE_IIAmozx7RVYKsyhcAjkGUMbvBtKeWSBoCJX4_5bLUwV-w5uLFkS-A3xpNlUfmNEt/s640/Screen+Shot+2017-02-25+at+1.30.02+AM.png" title="Jack Benny on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> Jack Benny was the king of radio.<br /> <br /> So, we talked with Laura Leibowitz of the <a href="http://www.jackbenny.org/" target="_blank">International Jack Benny Fan Club</a>, and queen of all things Benny.<br /> <br /> We'll cover Jack, the cast, the sponsors, the genius of the show's format, the Fred Allen feud, the legends, the lore, the famous moments, and even the Benny family florist in an interview that covers a lot--but really doesn't even scratch the surface of the greatest media personality of the 20th century.<br /> <br /> Sit back in our audio Maxwell as we all pretend we're 39 and celebrate Jack Benny with Laura Leibowitz on this episode that's presented at a price Jack would certainly appreciate. (FREE!)<br /> <br /> And make sure to check out <a href="http://jackbenny.org/">JackBenny.org</a> for more of Jack--along with the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/129145027099446/" target="_blank">International Jack Benny Fan Club Facebook page</a>.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/gu4g5b/TGS256JackBenny.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a> (And we all know Jack would love that.)<br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 256-The Celebrating Jack Benny Episode" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=hddsf-680eca-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Human Trafficking Episode
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjrK7ph0XX-tJLrlCyemFdGZHqJ0qZAFeaNYmDf99lRw4QlZq6uUdH9r-dUzc74n_bRvM8Q97WpLIpicEa5cjYsbWnKlJdbbyb_IwOFenD_i6IcXf-0v7VIuAgxVon5D04S0iaB2ytLUlmJ/s1600/Screen+Shot+2017-02-20+at+10.50.13+PM.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="the tom gulley show jon daggy Paying For It human trafficking ashton kutcher podcast IMPD detective" border="0" height="472" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjrK7ph0XX-tJLrlCyemFdGZHqJ0qZAFeaNYmDf99lRw4QlZq6uUdH9r-dUzc74n_bRvM8Q97WpLIpicEa5cjYsbWnKlJdbbyb_IwOFenD_i6IcXf-0v7VIuAgxVon5D04S0iaB2ytLUlmJ/s640/Screen+Shot+2017-02-20+at+10.50.13+PM.png" title="Human Trafficking on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> Ashton Kutcher testified before the Senate on human trafficking.<br /> <br /> But what would you say if you knew that human trafficking takes place each and every day--most likely in your town--every single day in the USA?<br /> <br /> Human trafficking also includes women trapped into performing sexual services through force, fraud, and coercion into prostitution. Women trapped in a situation where they're forced to work in the sex trades against their will.<br /> <br /> Law enforcement officer <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Paying-Legalization-Decriminalization-Support-Trafficking-ebook/dp/B00HZ471EM/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1487655703&amp;sr=1-3&amp;refinements=p_27%3AJon+A.+Daggy" target="_blank">Jon Daggy</a> has written a book on the subject called <i><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Paying-Legalization-Decriminalization-Support-Trafficking-ebook/dp/B00HZ471EM/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1487655703&amp;sr=1-3&amp;refinements=p_27%3AJon+A.+Daggy" target="_blank">Paying For It</a></i>, which details all the aspects of human trafficking in the sex trade here in the US, in Sweden, Israel, and the rest of the world.<br /> <br /> Find out just how women from all ages and backgrounds are working right now in human trafficking on this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/vrkdax/TGS255HumanTrafficking.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 255-The Human Trafficking Episode" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=vhmtx-67e9d1-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Rock, Power & Politics Episode
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhGK9uDQrYN0cThvhO-fHlI8xzObMJZpgqMXcvqmnt5Lysp2v1ZSsRv1ha0MW5kZaXyWb3Uu-BKA0GfFFsQlAvBnrqtVjKRplxoTMI8Yf1Q8QEczsWoYc-dus_6OGi7nYYdfFK-l393rfkD/s1600/Screen+Shot+2017-02-04+at+8.52.41+PM.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="The Tom Gulley Show Newseum Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Patty Rhule Jimi Hendrix Bob Dylan Bruce Springsteen Madonna Washington DC Pete Seeger Public Enemy First Amendment Bob Dylan" border="0" height="563" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhGK9uDQrYN0cThvhO-fHlI8xzObMJZpgqMXcvqmnt5Lysp2v1ZSsRv1ha0MW5kZaXyWb3Uu-BKA0GfFFsQlAvBnrqtVjKRplxoTMI8Yf1Q8QEczsWoYc-dus_6OGi7nYYdfFK-l393rfkD/s640/Screen+Shot+2017-02-04+at+8.52.41+PM.png" title="The Newseum on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> </div> Bruce Springsteen's 4-F card. Joni Mitchell's guitar. James Brown's lyrics on hotel stationery. Bob Dylan's harmonica.<br /> <br /> What do they have in common?<br /> <br /> They're all symbols of rock music's relentless freedom of expression that can provoke thought and provide social commentary. And they're all part of an exhibit called <a href="http://www.newseum.org/exhibits/current/louder-than-words-rock-power-and-politics/" target="_blank">Louder Than Words at the Newseum in Washington, DC.</a> In partnership with the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.<br /> <br /> Our guest, <a href="http://www.newseuminstitute.org/experts/?bio=40" target="_blank">Patty Rhule</a>, is the director of exhibit development at the Newseum, and she deftly takes us on an audio journey through amazing rock artifacts, cultural history, the First Amendment, and popular music's ability to speak deeper--and louder--than the spoken word.<br /> <br /> Join us as we explore our right to freedom of expression along with our right to ROCK on this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/4ruk5a/TGS254NewseumRockExhibit.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 254-The Rock, Power &amp; Politics Episode" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=7dyp5-675cca-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Author Christina McDowell Interview
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgDBMGcqFziFmuHIi-rcgzgnTywpl1X4V2E3_xfjIEyxxaSEVID36Ch7pOV4EyUX6xbi-f-GTJD-VKvotuTCg0UhdIcf5DEs9-Tmrk828PgdHrnNL2Dc8wsxVgiXiB63siXKNgsnoHEePc0/s1600/Screen+Shot+2017-01-25+at+7.51.44+PM.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="christina mcdowell christina prousalis tom prousalis the wolf of wall street martin scorsese leonardo dicaprio podcast after perfect simon and schuster" border="0" height="424" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgDBMGcqFziFmuHIi-rcgzgnTywpl1X4V2E3_xfjIEyxxaSEVID36Ch7pOV4EyUX6xbi-f-GTJD-VKvotuTCg0UhdIcf5DEs9-Tmrk828PgdHrnNL2Dc8wsxVgiXiB63siXKNgsnoHEePc0/s640/Screen+Shot+2017-01-25+at+7.51.44+PM.png" title="Christina McDowell on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> The Wolf Of Wall Street wasn't quite the big, bad wolf when it ran into <a href="http://www.christinamcdowell.com/" target="_blank">Christina McDowell</a>.<br /> <br /> The author poignantly, and confrontationally, <a href="http://www.laweekly.com/news/an-open-letter-to-the-makers-of-the-wolf-of-wall-street-and-the-wolf-himself-4255219" target="_blank">called out director Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio in an open letter</a> for glorifying the exploits of Jordan Belfort--and told the shattering tale of how that exploitation and swindling led to the destruction of her family.<br /> <br /> Thanks, in great part, to the actions of her father--a Belfort cohort who also engaged in the behavior. In fact, her father stole her identity and racked up $100,000 in personal debt for his daughter before going to prison.<br /> <br /> She tells the entire story in her brilliant memoir, <i>After Perfect</i>, which you can <a href="https://www.amazon.com/After-Perfect-Daughters-Christina-McDowell/dp/1476785414" target="_blank">find on Amazon</a>, or her website--<a href="http://christinamcdowell.com/">ChristinaMcDowell.com</a>--or wherever fine books are sold.<br /> <br /> Listen to this very skilled author tell a story of betrayal, loss, and ultimately redemption on this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/sx38fa/TGS253ChristinaMcDowell.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 253-The Author Christina McDowell Interview" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=uk69m-670148-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Film Author Wes Gehring Interview
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhThBkrB-yE7OWPPeBg3dTI-MdBtd2-BkqiTzRB3Io2UkAWTssCIdSlJWk4SWCopgaBhbGsOyFMytHqbd9NLaVMRThXrF8THmopt9EFeRm9tVwc9VGZpM1HODi1acWCiI1KmL4L__koqvhN/s1600/Screen+Shot+2017-01-10+at+10.14.38+PM.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="386" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhThBkrB-yE7OWPPeBg3dTI-MdBtd2-BkqiTzRB3Io2UkAWTssCIdSlJWk4SWCopgaBhbGsOyFMytHqbd9NLaVMRThXrF8THmopt9EFeRm9tVwc9VGZpM1HODi1acWCiI1KmL4L__koqvhN/s640/Screen+Shot+2017-01-10+at+10.14.38+PM.png" width="640" /></a></div> Everybody likes to watch movies. A lot of people like to talk about movies. And, certainly, there's a whole burgeoning industry filled with fanboys reviewing--and usually whining--in an esoteric manner about movies.<br /> <br /> But, suffice it to say that in keeping with our program, we didn't get an amateur.<br /> <br /> We were lucky enough to sequester award-winning film historian and author Dr. Wes Gehring, author of the book <a href="http://www.mcfarlandbooks.com/book-2.php?id=978-0-7864-9542-9" target="_blank"><i>Genre-Busting Dark Comedies Of The 1970s</i></a>. And 35 or so other books on film.<br /> <br /> We'll discuss the 12 films the book examines--<i>MASH, Catch-22, Little Big Man, Harold and Maude, Cabaret, Slaughterhouse-Five, Chinatown, Love and Death, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Annie Hall, Being There,</i> and <i>All That Jazz.</i><br /> <br /> Naturally, we recommend that you pick up <a href="http://www.mcfarlandbooks.com/book-2.php?id=978-0-7864-9542-9" target="_blank"><i>Genre-Busting Dark Comedies Of The 1970s</i></a>--and soon. Or, <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Wes-D.-Gehring/e/B001H9RVR8" target="_blank">for a fuller listing of his works, visit Amazon</a>, and behold. You'll thank us profusely after the first read.<br /> <br /> So, sit back and listen to some heavy duty film analysis of a ground-breaking genre with our esteemed guest, Dr. Wes Gehring, on this exciting episode of The Tom Gulley Show.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/744ssk/TGS252WesGehring.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank"><br /></a> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 252-The Film Author Wes Gehring Interview" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=3jeq7-66721e-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Cyberbullying Episode
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhW1YLF6AFOKRy0C6n8HX-9E6dMwzaQIEcFalp733V4HWj1hs2LJRlWJ299B78Zw2K_yW2Z-tBhqGQ16KFcTY3UXctrHNpr42pZncUfQrbk2-FvrK4wJPnqCwRZUNOlICLEBMEX8PZJEEpq/s1600/Fgs1PvDF.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="leeza steindorf cyberbullying cyberharassment bullying harassment connected parent empowered child the tom gulley show the rules of stupid central bucks east ted raymer eshani bhatt zachary jarin" border="0" height="320" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhW1YLF6AFOKRy0C6n8HX-9E6dMwzaQIEcFalp733V4HWj1hs2LJRlWJ299B78Zw2K_yW2Z-tBhqGQ16KFcTY3UXctrHNpr42pZncUfQrbk2-FvrK4wJPnqCwRZUNOlICLEBMEX8PZJEEpq/s320/Fgs1PvDF.png" title="Leeza Steindorf on TGS" width="320" /></a></div> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> </div> Who amongst us, in this digital age, hasn't run across a cyberbully or been cyberharassed online? What's up with those trolls? Well, we went out and found an amazing expert to explain it all. <a href="https://coresuccess.com/" target="_blank">Leeza Steindorf</a>.<br /> <br /> Ms. Steindorf's list of accomplishments are so impressive and so vast, Tom actually ran out of breath just listing the highlights. And her latest book--<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Connected-Parent-Empowered-Child-Responsible/dp/099695290X" target="_blank">Connected Parent, Empowered Child</a>--covers bullying and cyberbullying as well as a host of other topics that can aid parents in ensuring that their children are equipped to take on both the digital and corporeal world.<br /> <br /> Naturally, you'll want to <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Connected-Parent-Empowered-Child-Responsible/dp/099695290X" target="_blank">pick it up on Amazon</a>. <br /> <br /> Then, Tom talks for the first time EVER on TGS about the <a href="http://therulesofstupid.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">huge cyberharassment he received back in 2011</a>. Just as a precursor to a cyberharassment episode (from some harassment THIS YEAR) YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE.<br /> <br /> We won't bully anybody into it, but we highly suggest that you enjoy the wisdom of <a href="https://coresuccess.com/" target="_blank">Leeza Steindorf</a> on this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/hehvyb/TGS251LeezaSteindorf.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 251-The Cyberbullying Episode" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=r9xp3-6537ae-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Anneros Valensi Interview
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjrhZHD3tOjH9qxVKs0o6BoFPCWDOHq3RtPbNEcbIdXSqtme98yokSH3Qy2Dq5oVW3-uvaVEX2Dud_13r7Ngiuw1TI0QluYSqwNHWq6BDbASpTiIPj3FyZaGh8VGIVLFztFqQ5eEaL5mnKg/s1600/annerosslider.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="anneros valensi where is home twa stewardess autobiography east germany wwii nurse fashion boutique flight attendant the tom gulley show air travel" border="0" height="426" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjrhZHD3tOjH9qxVKs0o6BoFPCWDOHq3RtPbNEcbIdXSqtme98yokSH3Qy2Dq5oVW3-uvaVEX2Dud_13r7Ngiuw1TI0QluYSqwNHWq6BDbASpTiIPj3FyZaGh8VGIVLFztFqQ5eEaL5mnKg/s640/annerosslider.jpg" title="Anneros Valensi on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> Remember the "Mad Men" era when airline flight was hallmarked by the stylish, glamorous, and service-oriented stewardesses?<br /> <br /> Well, you're going back there on this podcast, as we speak with <a href="http://www.annerosv.com/" target="_blank">Anneros Valensi</a>, author of <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Where-Home-Childhood-Germany-during/dp/1458212734" target="_blank">"Where Is Home?"</a>--an absolutely fascinating life story that starts in East Germany and ends with a fashion boutique in New York City. <br /> <br /> You can pick up the book on <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Where-Home-Childhood-Germany-during/dp/1458212734" target="_blank">Amazon</a>, or at Barnes and Noble.<br /> <br /> You'll hear how <a href="http://www.annerosv.com/" target="_blank">Ms. Valensi</a> trained with TWA, then traveled all over the US and Europe. You learn how the stewardesses dressed, lived, were treated by the airlines (including a strict weight requirement), and just what it was like to fly the friendly skies in a time when air travel was a lot more elegant.<br /> <br /> Keep your tray table in its upright, locked position as you enjoy this episode of The Tom Gulley Show.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="https://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/kvjchr/TGS250AnnerosValensi.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on iTunes or your media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES! IT'S FREE!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 250-The Anneros Valensi Podcast" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=zahg3-61b4fe-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Washington's Immortals Episode
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgJLxsrwkYiXsvr12tkYdzdaodtZgNpRQg1km0UhKPS_mq7xfE818j6rE5lhycM_PgpDVjeDDHvytqOyyRs9Aj3tB0lO1lY94iRAPA9PsTMVCd93sj8wozNyGg1R1fvrCWzuYn_rLyBg1S9/s1600/immortals_jacketstory.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="patrick k o'donnell washington's immortals revolutionary war battle of brooklyn maryland regiments delaware mordecai gist peggy chew continental army" border="0" height="480" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgJLxsrwkYiXsvr12tkYdzdaodtZgNpRQg1km0UhKPS_mq7xfE818j6rE5lhycM_PgpDVjeDDHvytqOyyRs9Aj3tB0lO1lY94iRAPA9PsTMVCd93sj8wozNyGg1R1fvrCWzuYn_rLyBg1S9/s640/immortals_jacketstory.jpg" title="Patrick K. O'Donnell on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> Once again, <a href="http://www.patrickkodonnell.com/" target="_blank">Patrick K. O'Donnell</a> raises the bar for untold stories of military history with his latest masterpiece, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Washingtons-Immortals-Regiment-Changed-Revolution/dp/0802124593" target="_blank">Washington's Immortals</a>.<br /> <br /> The book deftly chronicles the incredible story of the Maryland regiments who singlehandedly and without regard to their personal safety gave themselves to save the fledgling Continental Army.<br /> <br /> Not only does the book bring to life the daring accounts and extremely personal stories of the Revolutionary War, like all books from <a href="http://www.patrickkodonnell.com/" target="_blank">Patrick K. O'Donnell</a>, it puts you squarely in that time and place. Conveying an experience that goes beyond the book.<br /> <br /> And, the book seeks the answer to a mystery--Just where in Brooklyn are the bodies of these unsung patriots buried?<br /> <br /> We've said it before and we'll say it again. <a href="http://www.patrickkodonnell.com/" target="_blank">Patrick K. O'Donnell</a> isn't just a brilliant historian and researcher in military history. (Although he his. Amazon has <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Washingtons-Immortals-Regiment-Changed-Revolution/dp/0802124593" target="_blank">Washington's Immortals</a> as their choice for History this month.)<br /> <br /> We believe he's one of the finest American authors practicing today, regardless of subject matter.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="http://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/mzgiy6/TGS248ODonnellImmortals.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR JUST SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 248-The Washington's Immortals Podcast" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=sg7yb-5d3129-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

The Jay Johnson & Mark Lafon & Tom Mcelvain Episode
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgkxo2xAOVTzIi7oIDuEh2ySTcW0Gj_roZNPobUMgekn-m-yLFZU19PUymtYAmHUwiZ2lo580u8rk6BkiinRzvG3G3fGyN76h-kWPUnFMqqVl8bckF_PQPuqu26k2ZDPpGInzKxg2Dna-gu/s1600/WhiskeyGirl.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="the whiskey girl saloon fort worth stockyards jay johnson mark lafon tom mcelvain texas music honky tonk gumball wedding band toothless woman china eyes truth wagon the pitcher song house of the rising son hank williams" border="0" height="480" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgkxo2xAOVTzIi7oIDuEh2ySTcW0Gj_roZNPobUMgekn-m-yLFZU19PUymtYAmHUwiZ2lo580u8rk6BkiinRzvG3G3fGyN76h-kWPUnFMqqVl8bckF_PQPuqu26k2ZDPpGInzKxg2Dna-gu/s640/WhiskeyGirl.jpg" title="Whiskey Girl Saloon on TGS" width="640" /></a></div> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/WhiskeyGirlSaloon" target="_blank">The Whiskey Girl Saloon</a> is the show's very favorite place in Fort Worth, Texas.<br /> <br /> And, in March of 2015, we were there for an incredible night of music, madness, and revelry that's become the gold standard at <a href="https://www.facebook.com/WhiskeyGirlSaloon" target="_blank">The Whiskey Girl</a>.<br /> <br /> On this episode, you'll hear interviews with <a href="https://www.facebook.com/JayJohnsonMusicDotCom" target="_blank">Jay Johnson</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/mark.lafon.7" target="_blank">Mark Lafon</a>, and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/tom.mcelvain" target="_blank">Tom McELvain</a>. And, there's a Randy Brown sighting, talk of leopard print, and the world's two greatest bartendresses--Leah and Chelsea--will take The Lightning Round questions. Tom also shares the heart-warming story of peeing next to Ray Wylie Hubbard.<br /> <br /> Plus, you'll get to hear live performances from Mssrs. Johnson, Lafon, and McELvain--along with The Dirty Pesos themselves.<br /> <br /> Tom will also talk about the show's merchandise, Andre Gurode, and the B-Queen of Skinemax Late Night herself--<a href="http://www.rebeccalove.com/" target="_blank">Rebecca Love</a>--talks about Tom in the shower. Along with much more stuff.<br /> <br /> Hear the authentic sounds of a 100% true blue, red-blooded Texas honky-tonk party palace as we bring you <a href="https://www.facebook.com/JayJohnsonMusicDotCom" target="_blank">Jay Johnson</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/mark.lafon.7" target="_blank">Mark Lafon</a>, and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/tom.mcelvain" target="_blank">Tom McELvain</a> with The Dirty Pesos from <a href="https://www.facebook.com/WhiskeyGirlSaloon" target="_blank">The Whiskey Girl Saloon</a> in the Fort Worth Stockyards.<br /> <br /> Just listen via the convenient player below, or <a href="http://thetomgulleyshow.podbean.com/mf/play/s98dhw/TGS247WhiskeyGirl.mp3" target="_blank">right click this link and do the "Save As" thing to download the podcast</a> for enjoyment on your iPod or media player of choice.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-gulley-show-podcast!/id545197683?mt=2" target="_blank">OR JUST SUBSCRIBE VIA ITUNES!!! IT'S FREE!!!</a><br /> <br /> <iframe title="TGS 247-The Jay Johnson &amp; Mark Lafon &amp; Tom McELvain Podcast" allowtransparency="true" height="150" width="100%" style="border: none; min-width: min(100%, 430px);height:150px;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/player-v2/?i=q9u5z-593aa2-pb&from=pb6admin&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Arial&skin=1&font-color=auto&logo_link=episode_page&btn-skin=7" loading="lazy"></iframe>

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