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"Gertrude" asked me the other day after a pro-longed set of planks why she wasn't doing any situps yet? She then asked me how long I was training sheing she was working her obliques, lower back, doing planks, etc. She didn't think I understood how many situps had to be done to get a set of six pack abs going. I wasn't embarassed and informed her I knew she had a much greater knowledge of core strength than I, a meer little CSCS, so I asked her which muscles she felt she had adequate strength in that directly influenced her six pack abs. I was really shocked when I got a "huh?" from her!<br />In this podcast I also go over a <strong><em><u>VERY</u></em></strong> important "why" you should do something, I won't tell you what it is because than you won't listen to the podcast ;-) I also debunk the situps being evil rule and cover situps for about "30 seconds" I apologize ahead of time I went way over 30 seconds on it. <br /><a href="http://archive.org/details/SixPackAbsExercisesWhyArentWeDoingCrunchesYet" target="_blank">Here is the podcast, enjoy</a>!

Six Pack Abs V Enters The Media Realm!
We at <a href="http://sixpackabsv.com/" target="_blank">Six Pack Abs V</a>&nbsp;are not taking our mission lightly. Our mission is to ensure we spread the word to as many people as possible regarding all topics relating to core strength. We take a great deal of pride inour research and studies when preparing our content for you.<br />With that being said, we felt moved to enter into different mediums to distribute and share our free core strength based content. Podcasting is our newest endeavour.<br />Here is a link to our first podcast, make sure you sign up to get our newest content as soon as we publish it! Without further delay, <a href="http://archive.org/details/SixPackAbsFirstPodcast" target="_blank">here is our first ever podcast</a><br /><br />To achieving&nbsp;your weight loss and fitness goals,<br /><br />Mr. Health

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