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A collection of gospel messages, ministry and prophecy from the Bible

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Hawaii Podcast
Podcast Episode's:
The Coming of the Lord
A Gospel message on the subject of the rapture and the second coming of Christ
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The Rapture of the Church
Dealing with the subject of the Rapture of the Church
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The Reign of 1000 Years
Dealing with the subject of the Millennial Reign of Christ
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The Return of Christ
Dealing with the Second Coming of Christ to the earth
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The Review of the Saints
Dealing with the appearance of believers at the Judgement Seat of Christ
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The Rise of the Antichrist
Dealing with the subject of the rise of the Antichrist during the tribulation period
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The name of Jesus
A Gospel message focusing on the name and person of Jesus Christ
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What is a Christian?
How does a person become a Christian? Or what is the Biblical definition of a Christian?
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The life of Joseph
Ministry on the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis
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The Great Supper
A Gospel message on the parable of the Great Supper
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Good Success
A Gospel message on the subject of good success, in Joshua 1:8
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Choose You This Day
A Gospel message on the subject of Joshua 24:15
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5 reasons to hear the Gospel
A message listing five good reasons why you should listen to the Gospel
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A Gospel message on the subject of salvation
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Christ the Rock
A Gospel message on the subject of Christ as the Rock which was in the wilderness
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A Gospel message on the subject of Ruth the Moabitess
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A Gospel message based on the subject of Onesimus, the run-away slave of Philemon
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Bread from Heaven
A Gospel message on the subject of Christ as the true Bread which came down from heaven
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The Shepherd
A Gospel message on the subject of Christ as the Shepherd
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Four Points in History
A Gospel message on four significant points in history that changed the world
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It is Time to Seek the Lord
A Gospel message based on Hosea 10:12, It is Time to Seek the Lord
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Seven I AM sayings of Christ
A Gospel message based on the seven I AM sayings of Christ in the Gospel of John
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Five Words
A Gospel message on the subject of 1st Corinthians 14, I had rather speak 5 words in my understanding, than 10,000 in an unknown tongue
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Isaiah 53
A Gospel message based on the prophecy of Isaiah 53 on the crucifixion of the Messiah
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Road to Emmaus
A Gospel message based on the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, after the rising again of the Lord Jesus Christ
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A Teacher Ceom from God
A Gospel message based on the encounter of Nicodemus with Jesus Christ in John chapter 3
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He Saved Others
A Gospel message based on the accusation made at Jesus Christ on the cross, He Saved Others.
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So Great Salvation
A Gospel message based on the verse in Hebrews, How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation
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He that hath the Son hath Life
A Gospel message based on John chapter 3, He that believth on the Son hath everlasting Life
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The Reign of Solomon
A Gospel message based on 1st Kings chapter 4, on the reign of Solomon
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Ministry on Deuteronomy chapter 33, on the likeness of the believer to the world and to Christ
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The Rest Christ Offers
A Gospel message based on the rest that Christ offers to those that trust in Him
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The Father`s House
A Gospel message based on three different occasions in which the father`s house is mentioned in the Bible
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He that hath the Son hath Life
A Gospel message based on John chapter 3, He that believth on the Son hath everlasting Life
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Prodigal Son
A Gospel message based on John 6:37 and the prodigal son
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Thy Word is a Lamp
A Gospel message based on the Word of God being a lamp to our feet and a light to our path
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Four Journeys
A Gospel message based on four journeys people make in their lives
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The Word Behold
A Gospel message based on the mentions of the word Behold in the book of Revelation
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Psalm 1
A ministry message on Psalm 1, on the subject of the blessed man
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Psalm 20
A ministry message on Psalm 20, on the subject of trusting in the Lord
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Psalm 45
A ministry message on Psalm 45, on the subject of Christ as the King
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From Death Unto Life
Testimony of salvation by David McIvor
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Moses and the Prophets
Testimony of Chris Perver, and a look at the Messiah`s first advent as viewed from the Old Testament
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Testimony of a Jewish Believer
Testimony of Martin Wensley, a Jewish man who found the Messiah
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I Think Myself Happy
A Gospel message based on Paul`s defence before King Agrippa
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The King
A Gospel message based on the Lord Jesus Christ being King of the Jews
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The Sacrifice of Isaac
A Gospel message based on the sacrifice of Isaac
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God Sent Forth His Son
A Gospel message based on Galatians 4, When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son
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The Passover Lamb
A Gospel message based on the Passover Lamb of Exodus 12
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Testimony of George Ewing
Testimony of salvation of George Ewing
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His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful
A testimony of missionary work in India, followed by a Gospel message concerning the names of Jesus Christ
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The Urgency of Salvation
A Gospel message from Luke 19, based on the story of Zacchaeus
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He is Precious
A Gospel message based on 1st Peter, Unto you who believe He is precious
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The Looks of the Saviour
A Gospel message based on the looks of the Saviour
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The Spirit of the Lord
A Gospel message based on the Lord\'s fulfillment of Isaiah 61
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The Pool of Bethesda
A Gospel message based on John 5 and the story of the man who was healed at the pool of Bethesda
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Looking Unto Jesus
A ministry meeting on the subject of looking unto Jesus
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The Shepherd
Ministry on the subject of Jesus Christ being the Shepherd of the sheep
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The Ethiopian Eunuch
A Gospel message based on the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch, saved through the reading of Isaiah 53
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All That The Father Giveth Me
The testimony of John Carson, former Lord Mayor of Belfast
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Fruitful Ephraim
Ministry on the subject on the worldliness of Ephraim, and his fruitfulness after his repentance
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Seven Things Given
A ministry message based on seven things which are given by the Saviour
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This Night Thy Soul
The testimony of Lindsay Jess, followed by a Gospel message on the rich farmer
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How Do I Know I Am Saved?
A Gospel message based on 1st John 5, on the assurance of salvation
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A Gospel message about nothing
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A Gospel message on the subject of our names being written in the Book of Life
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The Shepherd of Psalm 23
A Gospel message on the Lord as the Shepherd of Psalm 23
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Four questions on the Coming of the Lord
Four important questions on the Coming of the Lord
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A Gospel message on the subject of salvation
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Testimony of salvation
A testimony of salvation by Lawrence Russell
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Joseph and his brethren
A Gospel message based on the story of Joseph in Genesis chapter 45
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The life of Abraham
A conversational Bible study on the life of Abraham, from Genesis chapter 12
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Himself alone
A Gospel message on the greatness of Christ, and how He alone was able to pay the price of our sins
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The life of Abraham part 2
A conversational Bible study on the life of Abraham, from Genesis chapter 13
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The life of Abraham - part 3
A conversational Bible study on the life of Abraham, from Genesis chapter 14
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The life of Abraham - part 4
A conversational Bible study on Genesis chapter 15, on the life of Abraham
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For God so loved the world
A Gospel message based on John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton Son
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The life of Abraham - part 5
A conversational Bible study on the life of Abraham in Genesis chapter 16
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What is a Christian?
A gospel message answering the question, what is a Christian?
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The Lost parables
A Gospel message on the parables of the lost sheep, the lost silver and the lost son.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The wonder of God\'s love
A Gospel message on the wonder of God\'s love for you.
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The person of Christ
A Gospel message on the uniqueness of the person of Christ
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Four responses in Sodom
A Gospel message on the four different responses to the Gospel message in sodom and Gomorrah
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The certainty of those things
A message on the certainty of those things most assuredly believed among us, Luke 1:1-4.
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A message on three occasions where water is mentioned in the Gospels
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Come now and let us reason together
A gospel message based on Isaiah 1:18, Come now and let us reason together, said the Lord.
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The significance of Easter
A Gospel message on the significance of Easter.
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Be at peace
A gospel message on the subject of obtaining peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ
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Alive forevermore
A Gospel message on the subject of the death and resurrection of Christ
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The Gospel invitation
A message on the invitation of Christ in the Gospel to come unto Him
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The Saviour of the world
A message on how the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world
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The Door of Salvation
A gospel message on Jesus Christ as the Door of Salvation
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The prodigal son
A gospel message on the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15
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Prepare to meet thy God
A Gospel message on the passage of Amos 4:12, Prepare to meet thy God.
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A Gospel message on the character of Jonah
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Testimony of Philip Montgomery
The Testimony of Philip Montgomery and a Gospel message by Jonathan Knox
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The place called Calvary
A Gospel message on the place called Calvary
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Word pictures of our sin
A Gospel message on three word pictures of our sin in the Bible
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Word pictures of salvation
A Gospel message on four word pictures of salvation in the book of Isaiah
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I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
A Gospel message on John chapter 14:6, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
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Ye must be born again
A gospel message about the new birth and Nicodemus who came to see Jesus by night
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Noah and the Ark
A Gospel message on the story of Noah and the Ark in Genesis 6-9
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Causeless love
A gospel message on the causeless love of Christ and the causeless hatred of men
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The Gospel
A message on what the Gospel means to us
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What think ye of Christ?
A Gospel message on the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Person that Saves
A Gospel message on the Person that Saves, the Pardon for Sin, and His People that are Special
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The Beginning and the End
A Gospel message on the Beginning of Creation and the End of Time
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A Gospel message on three people who received the Lord Jesus
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I come, I give, I stand
A gospel message on the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ into the world
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Galatians 1
A conversational Bible study on Paul's epistle to the Galatians chapter one
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Galatians 1 part 2
A conversational Bible study on Paul's letter to the Galatians chapter 1 part 2
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Important days
A gospel message on important days in the calendar of God
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Galatians 2
A conversational Bible study on Paul's letter to the Galatians, chapter 2
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Galatians 3
A conversational Bible study in Galatians, chapter 3
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Galatians 4
A conversational Bible study on Galatians 4
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Psalm 23
Ministry on the 23rd Psalm
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Galatians 4 part 2
A conversational Bible study on the second part of Galatians chapter 4
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The Gospel from John 3:16
A clear Gospel message on how we came to be sinners and how we can know the forgiveness of sins
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Galatians 5
A conversational Bible study on Galatians chapter 5
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The Uniqueness of Christ
A gospel message on the uniqueness of the Lord Jesus Christ
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Alive Forevermore
A Gospel message on the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ
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Three Words
A Gospel message on three words spoken concerning the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

John 3:16
A Gospel message on John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Felix Trembled
A Gospel message from Acts 24 on the governor who trembled when Paul spoke with him concerning salvation
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The love of God
A Gospel message on John 3:16 about the love of God
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He that believeth on the Son
A Gospel message on the two groups of people in John 3:36, he that believeth on the Son, and he that believeth not the Son
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The shelter of the Rock
A Gospel message on the Lord Jesus Christ being the shelter to those who trust in Him
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A message on the invitation of the Gospel in Revelation and Luke
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Peace with God
A Gospel message on how to obtain peace with God
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The Lost Sheep
A testimony of salvation followed by a gospel message on the parable of the lost sheep
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The Pool of Siloam
A Gospel message on the blind man of the pool of Siloam
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Four things found in the Scriptures
A Gospel message on four things that were found in the Scriptures
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Four questions that demand an answer
A Gospel message on four questions that demand an answer
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Three Small Words
A Gospel message on three small, yet not insignificant words, mentioned in the Bible
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The Prodigal Son and Running the Race
A Gospel message on the Prodigal Son of Luke 15, followed by a message on Running the Race in Hebrews 12.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message on the story of Mephibosheth in the book of Samuel
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His Own...
A Gospel message on four verses in the Bible that talk about 'his own'. 'His own soul', 'His own Son', 'His own self', and 'His own sheep'.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

When we were yet without strength
A gospel message on Romans 5, how that God showed His great love to us, in that while we were still sinners and having no strength or ability in ourselves to merit heaven, He sent His Son to bear the punishment for our sin.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Two testimonies of salvation
Two testimonies of salvation
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The choice, the challenge, the cry
A Gospel message from Mark's Gospel, on the choice the individual faces concerning the claims of the Messiah, the challenge, and His cry from the cross
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Ministry from the Scriptures on the subject of the tribe of Issachar
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Jonah 2
A look at the character of Jonah, at his running away from God, and also as a picture of the Messiah
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Colour changes
A gospel message on the colours mentioned in Isaiah 1:18
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Be saved
Two gospel messages. The on Ephesians 2, "but God". The second on Romans 10, "be saved".
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Finger of God and CHRIST
Gordon Beck speaks on the references to the Finger of God mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, and Harry Andrews speaks on the person of Christ through an acrostic of His name
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Birth of the Saviour
The prophecy of the birth of the Saviour, the marvel of His birth, and the reason for His birth
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

For You
A Gospel message on 1st Peter, how Christ died for you, how there is an inheritance laid up for you, and how He cares for you
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Three Cheers
A gospel message on three cheers the believer can rejoice in. The cheer of Christ's pardon, the cheer of His presence, and the cheer of His promise.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Newborn Babes and Four Journeys
Gospel messages from 1st Peter on the subject of growing in the things of God, and four journeys that are mentioned in the Scriptures
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The Good Samaritan
A gospel message on the story of the good Samaritan, and how it is a picture of what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for us.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

To seek and to save
A gospel message on how the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost
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This is a Faithful Saying
A Gospel message on how Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
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The Offer of Salvation
Two gospel messages on God's offer of salvation
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A gospel message on how Calvary is a place of death, a place of declaration, a place of division, a place of deliverance, and a place of decision
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So great salvation
A testimony of salvation followed by a message on God's 'so great salvation'
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Seven Sayings from the Cross
A Gospel message on seven sayings uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, and how they relate to us today
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Words of the Resurrected Christ
A Gospel message on the words of the Lord following His resurrection
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Harden not your hearts
A gospel message from the book of Hebrews on the importance of responding to God's voice
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Come to the waters
A message on the free invitation of the Gospel as recorded in Isaiah 55
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Look unto Me
A gospel message from Isaiah 45:22, Look unto Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Greatest Friend
A short message on the Greatest Friend you could ever know, the Lord Jesus Christ
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The Spirit of the Lord
A gospel message from Luke 4, where the Lord Jesus Christ reads from the scroll of Isaiah.
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The Ark of Salvation
A gospel message from Genesis 6, how the Lord Jesus Christ is our ark of salvation
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The Supremacy of Christ
The supremacy of Christ in Hebrews 2, particularly on the fullness of the divinity of Christ, as well as His perfect humanity, and how both were needed in order for us to be saved.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Testimony of Philip Davidson
The testimony of Philip Davidson, how he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour, as a child of four years old.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Look unto Me and be saved
Two gospel messages, one on the calls of God in Matthew 11:28, "Come unto Me", and a second on Isaiah 45:22, "Look unto Me".
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Three Questions Man Can't Answer
Three questions man cannot answer, and three things God wants us to know.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Garments of Salvation
A Gospel message on clothing in Scripture, how that clothing was needed because of Adam's sin, and what the Lord has done to provide a covering for our sin today.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Lord is My Shepherd
A Gospel message on the Psalms, how the Lord Jesus Christ is My Shepherd in Psalm 23, and My Rock in Psalm 62.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Testimony of Richard Gilliland
Testimony of Richard Gilliland from Castlereagh, how he was saved as a young child of seven, and how the Lord has been working in his life since that time, through children's missions and more.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Assembly of God
The assembly of God, and its relation to the tabernacle in the Old Testament. Outlining the principles concerning the gathering, gift, godliness, government, giving and gospel in the assembly of God's people.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Wisdom's Seven Pillars
Wisdom's seven pillars in relation to God's pattern for the New Testament assembly
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The Love of God
How God's love is universal, unconditional, unmerited, incomparable, individual, unending and immeasurable.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A King is Born
A Gospel message on the question of the wise men in Matthew's Gospel, "Where is He that is born King of the Jews"
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Plan of Salvation
A Gospel message on God's plan of salvation
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The Master is Come and Calleth for Thee
A Gospel message on John 11 and the story of Lazarus, and how the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world and calls for sinners to be saved
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The Good Samaritan
A Gospel message on the Good Samaritan, and how religion and good works cannot take away our sin
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The Testimony of Henry Young
Henry Young spoke on three calls of the Lord, the call to salvation, the call to sanctification, and the call to service. He also told the story how he was saved this very day, forty two years ago
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Pilate's Decision
A Gospel message on Pilate's decision and the advice he received
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A gospel message on the character of Barabbas from John's Gospel, how the Lord Jesus Christ took his place when he was condemned to death
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Seven Questions about the Lord Jesus Christ
Seven questions about the Lord Jesus Christ. Who is He, why did He come, what did he do, why did He do it, where is He now, why is He there, and will He come again
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The Shepherd
Seven questions about the Lord Jesus Christ. Who is He, why did He come, what did he do, why did He do it, where is He now, why is He there, and will He come again
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

How the city of Jerusalem is the centre of God's creation geographically, His salvation spiritually and His plan prophetically
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This Daniel
Ministry on the life of Daniel
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Christ in the Song of Solomon
The person of the Lord Jesus Christ as described in the Song of Solomon 5:10-16
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Wisdom's Seven Pillars 2
Wisdom's Seven Pillars from Proverbs 9 and their relation to New Testament assembly truth
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O Jerusalem
Christ's lament over Jerusalem's unwillingness to come to Him and His desire for us to be saved
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Blind Bartimaeus
How the vision of blind Bartimaeus was greater than that of the sighted people who stood around him
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Passover Lamb and Come Unto Me
How the Lord Jesus Christ is our Passover Lamb, and His invitation for sinners to come unto Him for salvation
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Hands of the Saviour
How the Lord Jesus Christ is our Passover Lamb, and His invitation for sinners to come unto Him for salvation
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Two Trees
How the Lord Jesus Christ is our Passover Lamb, and His invitation for sinners to come unto Him for salvation
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Three Announcements
Three announcements about the person of the Lord Jesus Christ at His birth, crucifixion and resurrection
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Mark The Place Where He Shall Lie
The places in the Scriptures where the Lord Jesus Christ lay
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Unto You Is Born This Day A Saviour
A Gospel message on the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ into the world
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The Disciple That Jesus Loved
Ministry on the references in John's Gospel to the disciple that Jesus loved
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Testimony of Salvation
Testimony of salvation of David Richardson
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Encounters with the Lord
People whose lives were changed through an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ
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The wickedness of man contrasted with the greatness of the Lord at Gethsemane
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My Beloved
The Lord Jesus Christ as the Beloved of the Song of Solomon
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A gospel message on the importance of Time
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Christ as the Rock
Christ as the Rock which followed the the children of Israel in the wilderness
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Thy Sins Be Forgiven
A gospel message on the lame man and how Christ was able to meet His physical and spiritual needs
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Ministry on the characters mentioned in the book of Judges
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Sins Remembered No More
How God chooses not to remember our sins when we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour
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Judges part 2
Ministry on the characters mentioned in the book of Judges
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Testimony of Salvation
A message on the pool of Siloam followed by a testimony of salvation
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Loving and Giving
How a person can give without loving but cannot love without giving
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He That Believeth
A look at the two theives that were crucified with Christ
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The Lamb of God
The Lamb of God in type, promised, portrayed, predicted, and in Person identified, crucified and glorified
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The Gates of Jerusalem
Ministry on the subject of the gates of the city of Jerusalem
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The Patriarchs of Israel
Ministry on the subject of the patriarchs of Israel
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Assembly Truth
Ministry on the book of Corinthians and New Testament Church teaching
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Lost and Found
A gospel message on the lost sheep in Luke 15 and how sinners are lost but can be found by the Saviour
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

I Am The Way
A gospel message on how a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven
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A Faithful Saying
A gospel message on the necessity of being born again
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Unforgettable Days
Two men in the Bible which had very different unforgettable days which changed their lives
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Three answers God gives in the Bible to the question of salvation
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Little Things
Four little things that are mentioned in the Scriptures
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What Think Ye Of Christ?
A Gospel message on the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sins
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

He is Precious
The preciousness of the Lord Jesus Christ in Peter's Epistle
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message about heaven
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Hath Everlasting Life
A Gospel message about everlasting life and how it is obtained according to the Bible
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

That We Might Be Rich
A Gospel message about what Christ has done for us in order that we might have salvation
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Haven of Rest
A Gospel message from Acts 27 on Paul's experience in the ship and our own journey of life
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Garments of the High Priest
Ministry on the garments of the High Priest and their relation to the Gospel and the life of the believer in Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message on the grace of God in bringing salvation to men
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Testimony of salvation of Peter Johnson followed by a Gospel message on Enoch and the days of Noah
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Blind Bartimaeus
A Gospel message on the story of Blind Bartimaeus
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Parables in Luke's Gospel
A Gospel message on the parables of Luke's Gospel
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Lost Sheep
A Gospel message on the parable of the Lost Sheep
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Covering in Christ
A Gospel message on the covering, conveyance, cradle, confirmation and clothing provided by the sacrifice of Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

In The Beginning
Teaching on the six days of creation in Genesis chapter 1
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Testimony of Salvation
Testimony of salvation
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Patriarchs and Peace
A look at the Patriarchs of the nation of Israel in relation to Christ and how we can know the peace of God in our lives
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Psalm 23
A gospel message on the Shepherd of Psalm 23
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Four Opportunities of Salvation
A gospel message on four characters in the New Testament who were faced with the opportunity to be saved
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

An Overview of Galatians
An introduction to the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Galatians
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A gospel message on Zacchaeus the tax collector
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Saul's Conversion
Saul's conversion in the book of Galatians
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Conferences and Controversies
Conferences and Controversies in the early Church
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

No Room
A gospel message on the birth of Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A gospel message on the parable of the great supper
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Birth of the Saviour
A Christmas message on the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Mark the Place
A gospel message on the birth of the Messiah from the book of Ruth
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Bread from Heaven
A gospel message on Jesus Christ as the True Bread which came down from Heaven
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Firsts in Scripture
A gospel message on some first things that are mentioned in the Bible
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Wise man and Foolish man
A gospel message on some first things that are mentioned in the Bible
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Wages of Sin and the Gospel
The wages of sin in contrast to the gift of God, and the Gospel message
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Day of Salvation
How keeping the commandments and living a good life cannot save, but salvation is found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Gift of God
A Gospel message on the gift of God and how it is obtained through faith in Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Greatest Love
A Gospel message on the greatest verse in the Bible
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Ministry on the faithfulness of Onesiphorus mentioned in the book of Timothy
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Three Cheers
A gospel message on three cheers the believer can rejoice in. The cheer of Christ's pardon, the cheer of His presence, and the cheer of His promise.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A gospel message on Naaman the leper, and his need for a cure, his mistakes in seeking a cure, and his trust in the Lord
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Testimonies of Salvation
Marriott Coffey and Sam Jennings tell how the Lord reached and saved them
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Testimony of Salvation
Andy Osborne tells how the Lord reached and saved him
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The love of Christ in the Song of Solomon
The love of Christ as pictured in the Song of Solomon
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The cart before the horse
A Gospel message on the priorities of life
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

An acrostic on the word Saviour
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

He Was
A gospel message on the things John's Gospel says the Saviour was
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Titles of Christ and Acquaint Now Thyself With Him
A Gospel message on the titles of Christ in the Revelation, followed by a Gospel message from the book of Job
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Person of Christ
Ministry on the Person of Christ from Hebrews 1
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Provision of the Lamb and Acquaint Now Thyself With Him part 2
A Gospel message on Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God, followed by a Gospel message from the book of Job
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Synopsis of the New Testament
Ministry on the Person of Christ through a synopsis of the books of the New Testament
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Four Gardens
A gospel message on the four gardens found in the Scriptures
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Woman of Sychar's Well
A gospel message on the woman of Sychar's Well
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation
A gospel message on the necessity and urgency of salvation
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

For by grace are ye saved
A gospel message on the riches of the goodness, grace and glory of God in providing salvation for you
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Great events in the history of the world
Two gospel messages on great events in the history of the world, and Nicodemus and his realization on who the Lord Jesus Christ is
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Ministry on 1st Thessalonians 1
Ministry on 1st Thessalonians chapter 1
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Ministry on 1st Thessalonians 2
Ministry on 1st Thessalonians chapter 2
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Ministry on 1st Thessalonians 3
Ministry on 1st Thessalonians chapter 3
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Ministry on 1st Thessalonians 4
Ministry on 1st Thessalonians chapter 4
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Ministry on 1st Thessalonians 5
Ministry on 1st Thessalonians chapter 5
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Lord is My Shepherd
A Gospel message on the Shepherd of Psalm 23
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Great Supper
A Gospel message on the the parable of the Great Supper and how it is a picture of God's plan of salvation
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Finding peace with God in a troubled world
A Gospel message on how Jesus Christ has made peace with God for us through His sacrifice for our sin
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message on the greatness of Christ, and how He alone was able to pay the price of our sins
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Disciple That Jesus Loved
A Gospel message on the references in John's Gospel to the disciple that Jesus loved
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Return of Naomi
A Gospel message on the desire of Naomi, the decision of Ruth and the destination of Orpah
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The need of salvation
A message on four men in the New Testament and their responses to their need of salvation
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The wise and foolish builders
A gospel message on the parable of the wise and foolish builders and the importance of making preparation for eternity
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Promise of His Coming and the Gospel
A gospel message on the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Looks of the Saviour
A Gospel message based on the looks of the Saviour
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

No Excuses
A Gospel message on the Great Supper
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Sower
A Gospel message on the parable of the Sower
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Testimony and Saul's Conversion
A testimony of salvation and a Gospel message on Saul's conversion
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Christ in the Four Gospels and Last Messages
A synopsis of the person of Christ in the Four Gospels and the Last Messages of God in the New Testament
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Cross of Christ
A Gospel message on the cross of Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Last Appeal
A Gospel message on the last appeal of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Bible
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Gospel
The Gospel and the assurance of salvation in the death and resurrection of Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Psalm 23
A Gospel message on the Shepherd of Psalm 23
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Gospel
A Gospel message from Acts on Paul's preaching at Mars Hill
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Bringing Many Sons To Glory
A report on mission work in India, and a Gospel message on Christ bringing many sons to glory
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

What Think Ye Of Christ
A Gospel message on what God thought about Christ, what the disciples thought and what people thought about Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Psalm 19
Ministry on Psalm 19, on the different ways God speaks to people
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Fool
A Gospel message on different people who played the fool in the Bible
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Psalm 19 part 2
Ministry on Psalm 19, on the different ways God speaks to people
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Mark The Place Where He Shall Lie
The places in the Scriptures where the Lord Jesus Christ lay
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The crossing of the Jordan and how it is a picture of what Christ has done for us on the cross
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Look and Live
A gospel message on the fiery serpents and how we need to look to Christ for salvation
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Psalm 1
A ministry message on Psalm 1, on the subject of the blessed man
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Psalm 20
A ministry message on Psalm 20, on the subject of trusting in the Lord
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Psalm 45
A ministry message on Psalm 45, on the subject of Christ as the King
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Psalm 116
A ministry message on Psalm 116, on the subject of obtaining help from the Lord
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A gospel message on the meaning of the CROSS in an acrostic form
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

What Think Ye Of Christ
A gospel message on the unfailing and unchanging Christ in a world of failure and change
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message on the greatness of Christ, and how He alone was able to pay the price of our sins
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

For God So Loved The World
A Gospel message on the love of God from John 3:16
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Great Danger, a Great Deliverer and a Great Destiny
A Gospel message on the danger of remaining in our sins, a Great Deliverer who has provided a way of escape from judgment, and a great Destiny for those who will accept Him
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Wages of Sin and the Gift of God
A Gospel message on Romans 6:23 about the wages of sin and the gift of God
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

I Am The Door
How Christ is the Door to Heaven, an open Door in the day of salvation, but closed in a coming day
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

My Soul, Sin, Saviour and Salvation
A Gospel message on how sin is personal to the individual and how the Lord Jesus Christ is also a personal Saviour
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord
Two verses from the Bible about casting our care upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and the menu of the redeemed
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Way To Heaven
How the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Plot of Men and the Plan of God
How men conspired to crucify the Lord Jesus Christ but how it was in the plan of God to save us from our sins
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Sins Remembered No More / This Man
How God can chose not to remember our sins any more because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Provision in the Gospel / Four Great Things
The greatest tragedy, greatest torture, the greatest triumph and the greatest transport
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The God Who Cannot Lie
Promises in the Bible which have and will come true because they are made by a God who cannot lie
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Tabernacle: The Way of Introduction
Ministry on the Tabernacle and how it speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Tabernacle: The Way of Reconciliation
Ministry on the Tabernacle and how it speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Tabernacle: The Way of Illumination
Ministry on the Tabernacle and how it speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Tabernacle: The Way of Intercession
Ministry on the Tabernacle and how it speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Tabernacle: The Way of Communion
Ministry on the Tabernacle and how it speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Tabernacle: The Way of Salvation
Ministry on the Tabernacle and how it speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Whosoever / Lifted Up
A Gospel message from Romans 10 and John 3
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message on the grace of God in bringing salvation to men
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Four Ingredients in the Gospel
Four ingredients that are found in the message of the Gospel
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Ethiopian Eunuch
The sent servant, the seeking sinner, the suffering Saviour and a saved soul
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

I Am With You Always
How the Lord has promised to always be with us if we have trusted in Him for salvation
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Weighed in the Balance
A gospel message from Daniel and the book of Revelation about being weighed in the balance and found wanting
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

People Who Came To Jesus
People in the New Testament who came to Jesus and found the answer to their needs
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Let This Mind Be In You
Ministry from Philippians on the subject of the true Christian ground
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Baptism of Christ
The baptism of Christ in the Jordan and how it speaks of His sacrifice for sin at Calvary
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Shepherd
How the Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Lost and Found
The parables of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Lost Son
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

For God So Loved The World
A Gospel message on the most well-known verse in the Bible
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Naaman the Leper
A Gospel message on Naaman the Syrian and his leprosy and how it reminds us of our sin
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Testimony of Salvation
Testimony of salvation of David Russell
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Gospel in the story of the redemption of Manasseh
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Blood of Christ
A Gospel message on the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Truth of the Gospel
A Gospel message on the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Perfect Servant
Ministry from the life of the Lord Jesus and the people He ate with and ministered to
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message on the character of Jonah
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Prodigal Son
The prodigal son and how God's salvation is available for all who will repent and believe the Gospel
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Pictures of Salvation
Pictures of salvation in the story of the Exodus
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Four Lepers
A Gospel message on the four leprous men of 2nd Kings
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Far from home, hope and help
A Gospel message on a son far from home, sinners far from hope and a Saviour far from help
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message on Barabbas and how Christ became our substitute
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message on the doomed city of Jericho and the salvation of Rahab
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Places where people met the Lord
A Gospel message on some of the places where people met the Lord
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Name of Jesus / The Church
Gospel messages on the name of Jesus and the Church as the body of Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Name of Jesus in Hebrews 1/5
Ministry on the different mentions of the name of Jesus and their significance in Hebrews
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Name of Jesus in Hebrews 2/5
Ministry on the different mentions of the name of Jesus and their significance in Hebrews
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Name of Jesus in Hebrews 3/5
Ministry on the different mentions of the name of Jesus and their significance in Hebrews
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Name of Jesus in Hebrews 4/5
Ministry on the different mentions of the name of Jesus and their significance in Hebrews
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Name of Jesus in Hebrews 5/5
Ministry on the different mentions of the name of Jesus and their significance in Hebrews
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Jesus of Nazareth
A Gospel message on the mentions of the title of Jesus of Nazareth in Scripture
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Men who marvelled / Promises of the Saviour
Gospel messages on two men who marvelled at the Lord Jesus Christ and promises of the Saviour
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message on Acts 13, about salvation which is preached, purchased, present and personal
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The Master is Come
A Gospel message on the Lord Jesus Christ as the Master, and how He calls for all to be saved
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Christ the Rock
A Gospel message on the pictures of Christ as the Rock of Ages in the Old and New Testaments
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Two Men Divided
A Gospel message on the rich man and Lazarus, and how they were divided in life and in death
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A gospel message on Naaman the leper, and his need for a cure, his mistakes in seeking a cure, and his trust in the Lord
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Gospel and the Cross / Precious Things
A gospel message on Galatians and how salvation is by grace, and from Peter on the precious blood of Christ
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A gospel message on seven scriptures on the subject of salvation
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A gospel message from the book of Ruth and how the Lord Jesus Christ is our Kinsman Redeemer
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

An overview of Acts 1/3
Ministry on the book of Acts
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Old Testament Pictures
Old Testament pictures of salvation, the cradle of life in the river of death, a conveyance to safety and a righteous standing before God
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An overview of Acts 2/3
Ministry on the book of Acts
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

I Am The Way
A gospel message on how Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

He is Real
A gospel message on the birth of Christ, how He is real, royal, righteous and our Redeemer
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A gospel message on what Christ endured in order to provide redemption for us
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Blood of Christ
A gospel message on what the blood of Christ has obtained for us
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Four new starts
Four people in the Gospels and Acts who contemplated new starts in relation to salvation
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Moses 1/3
A Gospel message on the life of Moses as son of Pharaoh's daughter
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Moses 2/3
A Gospel message on the life of Moses as the shepherd of Jethro's sheep
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Moses 3/3
A Gospel message on the life of Moses as the leader of the children of Israel through the wilderness
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

The Three Rs
A Gospel message on man's ruin, God's remedy and man's responsibility
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

I will give you rest / One Sacrifice
Two Gospel messages on the rest Christ gives from the burden of our sins through His one sacrifice for sins forever
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

A Gospel message on Noah, Lot's wife, the Thief on the cross and the Rich Man and Lazarus
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He is risen
A Gospel message on the resurrection of Christ, and how He is able to save and is precious to those who believe
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Ministry on lesser known Bible characters - Caleb
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Ministry on lesser known Bible characters - Onesiphorus
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Ministry on lesser known Bible characters - Andrew
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Ministry on lesser known Bible characters - Jabez
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Ministry on lesser known Bible characters - Epaphroditus
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A Gospel message on three occasions the word Behold is used in the Bible
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The Prodigal Son
A Gospel message on the parable of the prodigal son
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A Gospel message on the person of Mary the mother of the Lord Jesus
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The Cross
A Gospel message on the cross
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The Philippian Jailor
A Gospel message on the Philippian jailor
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The Time of Thy Visitation
A Gospel message on Christ's entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
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Alive forevermore
A Gospel message on the subject of the death and resurrection of Christ
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The Happiness Hope and Home of the Blessed Man
A Gospel message on Psalm 32, Titus and Revelation
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A Gospel message on considering your latter end
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The Millennial Psalms
Ministry on the Millennial Psalms
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A Gospel message on five alones of Salvation
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Christ in Hebrews
Ministry on the person of Christ in Hebrews 1
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Three Gardens
Three Gardens of Scripture, the Garden of Eden, Gethsemane and the Garden Tomb
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For By Grace
How salvation is by grace through faith and not of works
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The Sight of the Cross
A Gospel message on the Sight of the Cross
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The Church - The Age of Grace
Ministry on the dispensations and the Age of Grace
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The Church Born and Built
Ministry on the dispensations and the Church
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The Church Raptured
Ministry on the rapture of the Church
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Past, Present and Future
What we were in our sins, what we are now in Christ, and the future He has prepared for us
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The Church in Heaven
Ministry on the Church in Heaven
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The Seat of Review
Ministry on the judgment seat of Christ
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Past, present and future
How Christ's sacrifice on the cross deals with our past, our present and our future
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The Forgiveness of Sins
The forgiveness of sins, preached, purchased, present and personal
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The Place of Unloosing
The different times the word Inn is mentioned in the Bible
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Four times the word found is used in relation to salvation
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Psalm 14
Psalm 14 - The fool hath said in his heart
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It Is Finished
A Gospel message about Christ's work on the cross
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The Deaf and Dumb Man
A Gospel message from Mark 7 on the deaf and dumb man that Jesus healed
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It Is Enough
A Gospel message on the story of Joseph
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The Transfiguration
A Gospel message on the transfiguration of Christ
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Three Certainties
A Gospel message on three things we can be sure about from the Bible
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A Gospel message on redemption
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Looks of the Lord
A Gospel message on redemption
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Four Positions In Ephesians
Ministry on the book of Ephesians
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Four I Haves In Philippians
Ministry on the book of Philippians
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Hidden Things In Colossians
Ministry on the book of Colossians
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Four Looks In Timothy
Ministry on the book of Timothy
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Ministry on the book of Timothy
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A Gospel message on names
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A Gospel message on Naaman the Syrian
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Taken Out
A Gospel message on how Christ has taken us out of things
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Four Voices
A Gospel on four voices in the Bible
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The Lost Sheep
A Gospel message on the parable of the Lost Sheep
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Blind Bartimaeus
A Gospel message on Blind Bartimaeus
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Cain and Abel
A Gospel message on Cain and Abel
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1st Corinthians 15 - 1
A ministry message on 1st Corinthians 15
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Glad news
A gospel message on the glad news of the Gospel
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The Word
A gospel message on the Lord Jesus Christ as the Word in John's Gospel
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